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Katja Geissler  Axel Gzik   《Aquatic Botany》2008,89(3):283-291
The effects of flooding and drought on the post-flooding survival and germinability of seeds in the soil were investigated for three endangered river corridor angiosperms Cnidium dubium (Schkuhr) Thell., Gratiola officinalis L. and Juncus atratus Krocker. Freshly matured seeds were placed in small nylon bags and were buried in pots filled with soil collected from a wetland along the Lower Havel River. The pots were subjected to different winter/spring flooding treatments (30, 60, 120, and 180 days) and to drought for up to 3 years. Every year in spring, after drawdown, the seeds were exhumed, counted and tested for germination. Seed mortality of flooded seeds was low, except for C. dubium. Flooding did not affect germination of seeds of J. atratus. Flooding of seeds of C. dubium and G. officinalis had inconsistent, but no beneficial effects on germination of either. The year of harvest and the interannual variability of weather are found to be the main factors affecting germinability of C. dubium and G. officinalis in the course of the three consecutive years.The experiment showed that the capacity of the flooded seed bank to maintain germination ability and viability for extended periods of time could be directly related to the flooding duration of natural habitats of the three species. The three species are resilient to variable flooding. Seeds appeared desiccation tolerant, and single flooding events do not deplete their seed bank.  相似文献   

为了解薏苡(Coix lachryma-jobi)糠壳的化学成分,利用多种柱色谱技术对其乙醇提取物乙酸乙酯萃取部位进行分离,经波谱数据分析鉴定了15个化合物,分别为香豆酸(1)、香豆酸甲酯(2)、2-羟乙基-香豆酸酯(3)、咖啡酸甲酯(4)、阿魏酸甲酯(5)、(E)-3-(4-甲氧基苯基)丙烯酸(6)、2,3-二羟基-...  相似文献   

Maia Akhalkatsi  Rainer Lsch 《Flora》2005,200(6):493-501
The annual garden spice legume Trigonella coerulea was subjected to controlled drought conditions to investigate the influence of resource limitation on flowering, seed production and germination. Limitations in water availability significantly reduced plant height and the number of fruits produced. However, treatments had no significant effect on seed set within the fruit. Fruit number per plant, rather than seed number per fruit was affected by resource limitation. Plants growing under water deficiency had higher flower abortion rates. Simultaneously, the size and germination rate of the seeds were decreased. In terms of reproductive success T. coerulea was not able to adapt reproduction to water shortage. Increase in moisture had no significant effect on seed quantity and quality when compared to the control.  相似文献   

We used a double germination phenology or “move-along” experiment (sensu Baskin and Baskin, 2003) to characterize seed dormancy in two medicinal woodland herbs, Collinsonia canadensis L. (Lamiaceae) and Dioscorea villosa L. (Dioscoreaceae). Imbibed seeds of both species were moved through the following two sequences of simulated thermoperiods: (a) 30/15 °C→20/10 °C→15/6 °C→5 °C→15/6 °C→20/10 °C→30/15 °C, and (b) 5 °C→15/6 °C→20/10 °C→30/15 °C→20/10 °C→15/6 °C→5 °C. In each sequence, seeds of both species germinated to high rates (>85%) at cool temperatures (15/6 and 20/10 °C) only if seeds were previously exposed to cold temperatures (5 °C). Seeds kept at four control thermoperiods (5, 15/6, 20/10, 30/15 °C) for 30 d showed little or no germination. Seeds of both species, therefore, have physiological dormancy that is broken by 12 weeks of cold (5 °C) stratification. Morphological studies indicated that embryos of C. canadensis have “investing” embryos at maturity (morphological dormancy absent), whereas embryos of D. villosa are undeveloped at maturity (morphological dormancy present). Because warm temperatures are required for embryo growth and cold stratification breaks physiological dormancy, D. villosa seeds have non-deep simple morphophysiological dormancy (MPD). Neither species afterripened in a 6-month dry storage treatment. Cold stratification treatments of 4 and 8 weeks alleviated dormancy in both species but C. canadensis seeds germinated at slower speeds and lower rates compared to seeds given 12 weeks of cold stratification. In their natural habitat, both species disperse seeds in mid- to late autumn and germinate in the spring after cold winter temperatures alleviate endogenous dormancy.  相似文献   

Nonlinear models were used to estimate first emergence and peak abundance dates for Aphthona lacertosa Rosenhauer and A. nigriscutis Foudras, two flea beetles introduced to control leafy spurge, Euphorbia esula L., in North America. For model development, 26 field sites were sampled for flea beetle abundance at weekly intervals for eight weeks in three western Minnesota counties in 2000, 2001, and 2002. A three-parameter Weibull function, fit to observed cumulative probability distributions, were used to predict accumulated degree-days (ADD) to first emergence. Bias testing indicated the Weibull function provided a useful estimate of first emergence for A. lacertosa (304 ADD, lower developmental threshold 7.5 °C), but failed to produce a useful estimate for A. nigriscutis. A third-order polynomial was used to approximate seasonal abundance and predict peak abundance for each species. Estimated ADD to peak abundance of A. lacertosa was 594 ± 24 (DD > 7.5 °C) and 670 ± 15 (DD > 9.3 °C) for A. nigriscutis. Models were validated with additional data sets from Minnesota, Montana, and North Dakota. Estimated date of peak emergence provided useful predictions of peak emergence for Minnesota and North Dakota, but failed to predict peak emergence in Montana. We speculate that variation in climate and environmental conditions between Midwestern states and Montana were responsible for differing emergence patterns. We conclude that phenology models should be developed regionally to provide useful predictions of peak emergence for land managers. Maps were developed for Minnesota to spatially display predicted dates of peak abundance for A. lacertosa and A. nigriscutis.  相似文献   

The performance of seeds and seedlings in relation to the age of the mother plant was studied in Carex secalina. Seeds of this sedge can differ substantially in size. We planted 100 C. secalina individuals from three populations in a common garden and followed them for four years. We found that mean seed mass varied with plant age, but the pattern of variation was population-specific, with only one population showing significant reduction in seed mass with age. Similarly, germination frequency changed with age differently in different populations. The relationship between the age of the mother plant and the height of emerged seedlings did not differ between populations. In spite of the fact that plant size and mean seed mass exhibited similar patterns of variation within populations, there was no correlation between these two variables at the level of individuals. This means that the size of C. secalina tufts does not determine how big the seeds will be. Moreover, there was no relationship between mean seed mass and the height of seedlings. Presumably, factors intrinsic to each plant determine the production of either small or large seeds in a population-specific way.  相似文献   

为探究印度梨形孢(Piriformospora indica)对铁皮石斛(Dendrobium officinale)种子萌发和原球茎生长的影响,在铁皮石斛种子离体培养和原球茎生长阶段分别接种印度梨形孢,对其形态发育特征和生理特性进行研究.结果表明,接种印度梨形孢的铁皮石斛种子的起始萌发时间提前,接种印度梨形孢的铁皮石...  相似文献   

More wasps of Encarsia formosa Gahan (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) were found on fertilized poinsettias, Euphorbia pulcherrima (Willd.) (Euphorbiaceae), than on non-fertilized plants. Parasitization of Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) by E. formosa was higher on plants treated with calcium nitrate than with ammonium nitrate or on control plants. In a no-choice test, host feeding by E. formosa was higher when hosts were on fertilized plants than when hosts were on control plants. The nitrogen content of whitefly pupae reared on plants treated with ammonium nitrate was higher than those on calcium nitrate-treated plants.Variability in the parasitization of B. argentifolii by E. formosa appears to be due to host plant-mediated differences in the whiteflies. E. formosa may be influenced by the nutritional suitability of the host, which influences whether wasps continue to oviposit, feed, or disperse.  相似文献   

Opening of the forest canopy may result in higher fitness of understory plants due to increased light intensity on the forest soil and increased nutrient availability. Especially, tuberous orchids may profit from increased light as photosynthetic assimilation products and nutrients are accumulated in their belowground storage organs. We investigated the effects of coppicing on demographic structure and fruit and seed set in 15 populations of the tuberous, perennial orchid Orchis mascula, seven of which were located in undisturbed, shaded woodland and eight in recently coppiced woodland. Coppicing resulted in a massive increase in flowering and in increased fruit set. On average, 42.9% of all individuals consisted of flowering plants in coppiced woodland, whereas in undisturbed woodland only 20.8% of all individuals flowered. The percentage fruit set varied between 20% and 55% in coppiced woodland and was strongly related to population size (measured as the number of flowering individuals). Mean fruit weight and fruit size were also significantly higher in populations located in coppiced woodland than in undisturbed woodland, whereas the proportion of viable seeds was not related to woodland type. Given that O. mascula is dependent on seed set to fill space with new individuals, these results suggest that the long-term survival of this species strongly depends on frequent opening of the canopy.  相似文献   

为探索贵州石笔木(Tutcheria kweichowensis Chang et Y.K.Li)的种子特性及种苗繁育规律,对种子的生物学特征和贮藏方式对种子萌发的影响及幼苗年生长规律进行了研究。结果表明,贵州石笔木种子的千粒重、生活力、含水量分别为0.92 kg、66.17%、11.75%,吸水率最高可达15.62%。长期贮藏适宜采用低温湿沙层积方式,短期催芽适宜在25℃、相对湿度80%的湿沙层积贮藏40 d左右,种子萌发率可达80%以上。幼苗出土后1年的生长节律表现为"慢-快-慢",5-9月为生长盛期,这一时期的苗高、地径的生长量分别占全年的65.48%、42.02%。根据幼苗的生长特性,采取阶段性育苗措施,适时加强田间管理和水、肥定向供给,对提高苗木质量和生产效益具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The non-native, invasive haplotype of Phragmites australis is rapidly invading tidal and non-tidal wetlands across North America. Phragmites has the potential to spread by seeds and rhizomes. Seed viability and dormancy differences were quantified among 18 patches of non-native Phragmites in subestuarine wetlands in developed (i.e., suburbanized) vs. forested watersheds of the Chesapeake Bay. We used tetrazolium and germination assays to assess seed viability and compared germination percentages and rate of germination among fresh seeds, cold–moist treated seeds, and warm–dry treated seeds to evaluate seed dormancy. Seed viability was <1% in most patches but a few patches produced abundant viable seeds (5–21%). Seed viability, however, did not differ significantly between wetlands in forested vs. developed watersheds. Contrary to studies of Phragmites seed dormancy in European populations, some Phragmites seeds were dormant at maturity; cold–moist treated seeds germinated faster and to higher percentages than fresh seeds or warm–dry treated seeds.  相似文献   

Crinipellis perniciosa has been classified into at least four known biotypes associated with members of unrelated plant families. In this study, genetic variability is shown for 27 C (Cacao), 4 S (Solanum), and 7 L biotype (Liana) isolates of C. perniciosa collected from different regions of Brazil and South America. The objective was to investigate the genetic variability of the pathogen in the cacao-producing region of Bahia, Brazil, and elsewhere, through microsatellite analysis, and attempt to identify possible correlations between host specificity and electrophoretic karyotypes. The PCR-banding patterns were found to vary both within and between the different biotypes, and a correlation was established between the PCR-banding patterns and the chromosomal-banding patterns of each isolate. Microsatellite and chromosomal patterns among all of the L and S biotype isolates were distinctly different from the C biotypes analysed. A higher degree of genetic and chromosomal variability was found among C biotype isolates from the Amazon in comparison with C biotype isolates from Bahia, which seems to be comprised of only two main genotypes. This finding has important implications to the current cacao-breeding programme in Brazil.  相似文献   

为明确鸡冠花(Celosia cristata)种子对短期高温的耐受性,种子经短期高温处理30 min,采用纸上发芽法测定种子活力及早期幼苗生理指标。结果表明,60℃下,鸡冠花种子的相对发芽率、发芽势、相对发芽指数分别为101.68%、70%、101.41%,而相对伤害率仅为-1.41%,其早期幼苗根系长度与侧根数、根系活力、叶绿素含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性与丙二醛(MDA)含量与对照的差异不显著(P0.05),而过氧化物酶(POD)与过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性显著高于对照(P0.05)。温度再升高,种子活力逐渐降低,早期幼苗CAT活性、根系活力与叶绿素含量均迅速降低。这说明鸡冠花种子可耐受的短期极限高温为60℃,且CAT对高温较SOD与POD敏感,可作为评价植物对短期高温反应的一个指标。  相似文献   

The essential oil composition of 68 individual plants of Juniperus phoenicea from Portugal was investigated by GC, GC-MS and 13C NMR. -Pinene, β-phellandrene, -terpinyl acetate and myrcene were found to be the main constituents. Botanical and chemical data as well as phytogeographical distribution indicate J. phoenicea var. turbinata as the unique subspecies occurring in Portugal. Nevertheless, this taxon exhibits chemical polymorphism. The results of the oil compositions were processed by hierarchical clustering and principal component analysis allowing to establish three groups of essential oils differentiated by the content of -pinene, β-phellandrene and -terpinyl acetate.  相似文献   

Three wetlands from the Upper South East of South Australia were chosen to investigate how a past history of drought (dry since 2002, 2004 and 2005) and salinity (2800 to >20,000 mg L−1) influenced the response of the seed bank to two water regimes (drained and flooded) and four salinities (500, 1000, 3000 and 5000 mg L−1). The maximum number of germinants (1270 ± 850 m−2) and species richness (7 ± 2.4) was greatest under the fresher drained treatment compared with the flooded more saline treatment under which there was no germination at one site. There were significant interactions between water regime and wetland previous history for two wetlands, but not the third which was the most saline and had experienced the longest drought. This indicated that the previous drought and salinity conditions experienced by a wetland affected seedling emergence but in the two less impacted wetlands the imposition of fresher drained conditions mitigated against these impacts. This suggests that if drought conditions continued with repeated exposure to elevated salinities the number of seeds and the species diversity of the seed banks would continue to decline.  相似文献   

城市污泥对作物种子发芽及幼苗生长影响的初步研究   总被引:45,自引:4,他引:45  
不同类型污泥及其堆肥对通菜、菜心种子发芽和幼苗生长影响的研究表明 ,深圳生污泥、佛山生污泥和广州生污泥及其堆肥对通菜种子的发芽率有明显的影响 ,前者仅为73% ,其余的在 85%左右 ,均低于对照处理 ( 93% ) .而它们对菜心种子的发芽率 ,除了深圳生污泥有抑制作用外 ( 75% ) ,其余均表现为促进作用 ( 90 % ) ,均高于对照处理 ( 85% ) .它们对于两种作物幼苗的生长则均表现为不同程度的抑制作用甚至是损害作用 .污泥及其堆肥中抑制作物种子发芽和幼苗生长的物质主要是有机酸和醛类等有机物 .生污泥经过消化作用或适当的堆沤作用可降解这些有机物 ,从而减弱或消除这种抑制作用 .因此 ,生污泥经过消化作用或适当的堆沤作用后用于农业生产更为安全 .但对刚施用污泥或污泥堆肥的耕地最好不要直接播种 .  相似文献   

为了解黄秋葵(Abelmoschusesculentus)对干旱胁迫的应答机制,采用PEG-6000溶液模拟干旱胁迫,对‘纤指’和‘红秋葵’品种的种子萌发和幼苗的生理特性进行研究。结果表明,两品种的种子吸水率、发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数、活力指数、简易活力指数,幼苗下胚轴长、根长、苗鲜重和苗干重均随PEG-6000浓度的增加呈下降的趋势,旱害率则不断增加。PEG-6000浓度为20%时,两品种的种子均未能发芽。幼苗的SOD、POD和CAT活性和可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖、游离脯氨酸、丙二醛含量随PEG-6000浓度的增加而增加,且均PEG-6000浓度为15%时最高。因此,干旱胁迫会抑制黄秋葵种子的萌发,提高细胞内含物的含量,同时引发其抗氧化系统的响应。  相似文献   

为破除油楠(Sindora glabra Merr.ex de Wit)种子的物理休眠,研究不同处理方法对油楠种子萌发特性的影响。结果表明,所有处理方法对油楠成熟和过熟种子萌发均产生显著影响。40℃热水和50 mgL~(-1)萘乙酸有利于成熟种子的萌发,发芽率超过55%,较对照显著提高约10%,而其他方法处理的成熟种子发芽率为4.0%~46.0%,低于对照。采用98%浓硫酸浸泡25 min最有利于过熟种子的萌发,其发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数分别较对照显著提高90%、76%和7以上,且发芽时间显著缩短了9 d,对过熟种子处理的其他方法均能不同程度地促进萌发。因此,对于成熟种子,推荐采用低温热水浸泡或弱腐蚀性的化学处理;而对于过熟种子,宜采用浓硫酸浸泡25 min的处理。  相似文献   

Schütz  Wolfgang  Rave  Gerhard 《Plant Ecology》1999,144(2):215-230
The germination responses of 32 temperate Carex species were tested in light and darkness at five constant temperatures and under one fluctuating temperature regime, before and after cold-wet stratification. Using a linear logistic regression model, the probability of germination tested across all species was found to be significantly higher after stratification, in light and at the fluctuating temperature. In addition, the probability increased with temperature. Stratification increased germination in 28 species and had very little or no effect on four species. There was almost no germination in darkness prior to stratification, and the germination in light was considerably higher in all but two species compared with that in darkness. Thus, it can be concluded that the Carex species tested have broadly similar germination response patterns. The fact that Carices can be released from high levels of primary dormancy by low-temperature stratification implies that they are spring germinators. A light requirement after stratification in the major fraction of seeds and the capability of almost all investigated sedges to respond to fluctuating temperatures make it likely that persistent seed banks are formed. Additionally, sedges generally seem to have a high temperature requirement for germination which prevents them from emerging at the very beginning of the growing season. Regeneration by seed is probably largely restricted to gaps resulting from late spring disturbances where buried seeds have an opportunity to germinate and grow. Differences in germination were apparent between species occupying different habitats. Overall germination was significantly higher in wetland species than in dry-site species, probably owing to the greater capability of wetland species to respond to fluctuating temperatures. Differences in germination between forest and open-site species can be attributed to the higher capability of forest sedges to respond to low temperatures and temperature fluctuations. The influence of seed weight on germination was not significant in the 18 species adapted to wet, open habitats. There was, however, a tendency for the germination percentages to be low for large-seeded Carices. The interpretation of habitat differences is difficult due to a positive correlation between seed weight and dry habitats.  相似文献   

Clonal variability in exponential growth rate and production of secondary metabolites was determined from clonal isolates of Alexandrium tamarense originating from a single geographical population from the east coast of Scotland. To assess variability in the selected phenotypic characteristics over a wide spectrum, 10 clones were chosen for experimentation from 67 clonal isolates pre-screened for their lytic capacity in a standardized bioassay with the cryptophyte Rhodomonas salina. Specific growth rates (μ) of the 10 clonal isolates ranged from 0.28 to 0.46 d−1 and were significantly different among clones. Cell content (fmol cell−1) and composition (mol%) of paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs), analyzed by liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (LC–FD), varied widely among these isolates, with total PST quotas ranging from 20 to 89 fmol cell−1. Except for strain 3, the toxins C1/C2, neosaxitoxin (NEO), saxitoxin (STX), and gonyautoxins-1 and -4 (GTX1/GTX4), were consistently the most relatively abundant, with lesser amounts of GTX2/GTX3 evident among all isolates. Only clone 3 contained >20 mol% of toxin B1, with C1/C2, GTX2/GTX3 and NEO in almost equimolar ratios.Eight of the 10 clones caused cell lysis of both R. salina and the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina, as quantified from the dose–response curves from short-term (24 h) co-incubation bioassays. For two clones, no significant mortality even at high Alexandrium cell concentrations (ca. 104 mL−1) was observed. Allelochemical activity expressed as EC50 values, defined as the Alexandrium cell concentration causing lysis of 50% of target cells, varied by about an order of magnitude and was significantly different among clones. No correlation was observed between growth rate und allelochemical potency (as EC50) indicating that at least under non-limiting growth conditions no obvious growth reducing costs are associated with the production of allelochemically active secondary metabolites.  相似文献   

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