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The allospecific T cell recognition of the I-Ek molecule was assessed by using eight A. TH anti-A. TL proliferative T cell clones, all of which expressed the Thy-1-2+, Lyt-1+, Lyt-2-, Ia-, and p94,180+ cell surface phenotype. The use of panels of stimulating cells from homozygous of F1 hybrid strains indicated each T cell clone exhibited specificity for distinct alloactivating determinants including: i) a private E beta k-controlled determinant expressed in cis- or trans-complementing E beta kE alpha strains; ii) an apparently nonpolymorphic E alpha determinant resembling the serologic specificity Ia.7, i.e., present in all strains carrying E alpha and E beta expressor alleles; and iii) a series of conformational I-E determinants, the expression of which required a precisely defined combinatorial association of E beta plus E alpha chains. Two clones were found to be reactivated by cis- but not trans-complementing E beta k E alpha k strains, and another recognized an allodeterminant shared by the I-Ab molecule. Various I-Ek-reactive monoclonal antibodies (mAb) directed to epitopes presumably expressed on either E alpha (epitope clusters I and II) or E beta (epitope cluster III) chains inhibited the proliferative responses of seven clones recognizing private E beta k or unique E beta E alpha conformational activating determinants. By contrast, the restimulation of the clone directed to a nonpolymorphic E alpha determinant was selectively blocked by anti-Ia.7 mAb defining epitopes on the E alpha chains but not by those directed to the E beta chain. On the basis of these data, it was concluded that the recognition sites of most anti-I-Ek proliferative T cells were expressed on the E beta chain or the E beta plus E alpha interaction products, and that a minority of such alloreactive T cells could be activated through recognition of the E alpha chain per se.  相似文献   

It has become increasingly clear that only antibodies recognizing conformation-dependent epitopes of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) have a demyelinating potential in the animal model of multiple sclerosis, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). Nevertheless, for the induction of EAE, most studies to date have used MOG peptides or bacterially expressed MOG, neither of which contain the tertiary structure of the native antigen. Non-refolded recombinant human MOG does not induce EAE in DA rats. Therefore, we refolded this protein in order to assess the influence of MOG conformation on its pathogenicity in DA rats. DA rats immunized with refolded human MOG developed severe acute EAE. As expected, rats immunized with the refolded protein had a higher amount of conformational MOG antibodies present in serum. But in addition, a striking effect of MOG refolding on the generation of T-cell responses was found. Indeed, T-cell responses against the encephalitogenic MOG 91-108 epitope were greatly enhanced after refolding. Therefore, we conclude that refolding of MOG increases its pathogenicity both by generating conformation-dependent MOG antibodies and by enhancing its processing or/and presentation on MHC molecules. These data are important in regard to investigations of the pathogenic potential of many (auto)antigens.  相似文献   

Rabbit antibodies to heat-killed whole cells of Streptococcus agalactiae serotype Ia were used to establish an antigen map using Triton X-100 sonicates of homologous cells and crossed immunoelectrophoresis. A total of 11 antigens were identified but the density of immunoprecipitates was varied and only seven could be reliably detected, one of which dominated the immunoprecipitate pattern by its intensity. The antigens were partially characterized by immunological, chemical and cell-location methods. Five of the antigens contained carbohydrate and two of those were sensitive to trypsin and probably represent cell-wall compounds. Of the three most prominent antigens, one was surface located and represented the type and shared type antigens (Iabc), one was a cell-wall carbohydrate and very sensitive to periodate, and one was a protein/carbohydrate complex which was heat-labile and trypsin sensitive. Group B epitopes were detected in three immunoprecipitates. Cross-reactions between type Ia and other serotypes and streptococci were recorded.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas' disease, is an important cause of heart disease in Latin America. The parasite is transmitted mucosally, with both intra- and extracellular life stages in the human host. Cruzipain, the major cysteinyl proteinase of T. cruzi, has been shown to be antigenic in both humans and mice during infection with the parasite. We extend these observations, showing here that multiple murine immune subsets of potential importance for vaccine-induced protection can be induced by cruzipain. Cruzipain-specific serum IgG responses were induced during chronic infection with T. cruzi. In addition, T. cruzi mucosal infection stimulated the development of cruzipain-specific secretory IgA detectable in fecal extracts from infected mice. Cruzipain-specific type 1 cytokine responses characterized by the production of IFN-gamma but not IL-4 were also detectable during murine infection. Furthermore, immunization of mice with a DNA vaccine encoding cruzipain was shown to stimulate cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses capable of recognizing and lysing T. cruzi-infected cells. The induction of serum antibody, mucosal IgA, Th1 cytokine and CTL responses by cruzipain in mice supports the use of this parasite protein for further efforts in T. cruzi vaccine development.  相似文献   

Antibody responses to T-dependent and T-"independent" antigens were studied in disease-susceptible (BALB/c and C57BL/10) and disease-resistant (A/J) mice infected with Leishmania donovani chagasi. Disease-susceptible mice but not disease-resistant mice showed a transient decrease in PFC responses to TNP on a T-dependent carrier (BGG) during the period of 4-8 weeks after infection. Infected disease-susceptible animals also showed increased responses to TNP on a type II T-independent carrier (Ficoll), which persisted until at least 14 weeks after infection. The increased responses were associated with a significant increase in anti-TNP antibody of the IgG2b subclass. When T-enriched spleen cells from infected mice and B-enriched spleen cells from uninfected mice were transferred to irradiated recipients immunized with TNP-Ficoll, increased anti-TNP PFC were observed over numbers seen in irradiated recipients which received both B and T cells from uninfected mice. Increased responses to TNP-Ficoll were also induced by prior administration of soluble leishmania extract in CFA. Infected mice immunized with TNP-LPS, a T-independent type I antigen, also had increased anti-TNP antibody responses, but had normal anti-LPS antibody responses. The elevated antibody production which occurred in response to the T-"independent" antigens could not be attributed to the relatively low polyclonal response which occurred in both disease-resistant and disease-susceptible mice infected with L. donovani chagasi. The observations are consistent with leishmania induced, transient alterations in some T-cell functions including response to haptens on T-dependent carriers, and a lack of down regulation of T-"independent" responses. Subtle lesions in immunoregulation may be important correlates of successful protozoal infection and may be responsible for some of the immunologic manifestations of the disease.  相似文献   

Ontogeny of human Ia antigens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Indirect immunofluorescence (IIP) staining of tissues from human fetuses (ages ranging from 8 to 32 weeks of intrauterine life) with monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) to monomorphic determinants of Ia antigens and HLA-A,B,C antigens has shown that both types of antigens are already detectable in tissues of 8-week-old fetuses. Ia antigens and HLA-A,B,C antigens reach their almost-complete tissue distribution after 32 and 24 weeks of intrauterine life, respectively. The structure of Ia antigens synthesized by fetal thymus cells is similar to that of B-lymphoid cell-derived Ia antigens. Ia antigen-bearing thymic fetal cells can stimulate allogeneic lymphocytes in mixed lymphocyte reactions (MLRs). These reactions are blocked by monoclonal antibodies to monomorphic determinants of human Ia antigens and of HLA-A,B, antigens.  相似文献   

The secondary cytotoxic responses to the male-specific antigen (H-Y) in mice showH-2 restriction so that the cytotoxic female cell must share the K- and/or D-end antigen with the male target cells. The association with the K and/or D end varies with differentH-2 haplotypes,e.g., H-2 b cytotoxic cells require the H-2Db antigen(s) on the target cells, while cytotoxic cells fromH-2 b/H-2 d F1 mice sensitized toH-2 d male cells kill only male targets having H-2Kd antigen(s). This association of H-Y with appropriate K/D antigens seems to be needed also in the induction of the cytotoxic response. Of the independent haplotypes, onlyH-2 b strains are capable of making secondary anti-H-Y responses and this trait seems to be dominant,i.e., the F1 strains with oneH-2 b parent are able to produce anti-H-Y cytotoxic cells against both theH-2 b parent and the nonresponder parent. The mating of the two nonresponder strains may produce F1 mice which are responders, thus suggestingIr gene complementation. Mapping data indicates that at least one of these complementary genes is located in theI-C region fork/s complementation.  相似文献   

The fine specificity of receptor for the Fc portion of IgG (FcγR) expressed on T-cell hybrids secreting soluble FcγR (sFcγR) which suppresses antibody production, was investigated. FcγR was found to bind IgG from mouse, human, and rabbit species. It reacted with mouse IgG1 and IgG2a but not IgG2b, and human IgG1 and IgG3 but not IgG4. Mouse IgG and their subclasses bound more avidly to FcγR than human and rabbit IgG. FcγR of T-cell hybrids was sensitive to pronase and resistant to trypsin. In kinetics experiments, the behavior of FcγR on the membrane of T-cell hybrids was analyzed and compared to that of I-region-coded antigens expressed on these hybrids. Upon incubation at 37 °C in balanced salt solution (BSS), T-cell hybrids released FcγR into the medium. The reexpression of FcγR, after pronase cleavage or shedding, was complete within 3 hr of incubation in culture medium and required protein synthesis. I-A-coded antigens, present on these hybrids, disappeared simultaneously with FcγR upon incubation of cells at 37 °C in BSS. Within 3 hr of incubation in culture medium, although the reexpression of Fc°R was complete, no Ia antigens could be detected. They were reexpressed later, as tested after 19 hr of culture. During a single growth cycle, the expression of FcγR was maximal during log phase.  相似文献   

By indirect immunofluorescence and microcytotoxicity it was demonstrated that different populations of murine macrophages bear different amounts of Ia antigens on their membranes. At least three subpopulations could be distinguished: those that lack Ia antigens and predominate in peritoneal exudate; cells bearing I-A antigens that are the majority of splenic macrophages and a minor population in the peritoneum; and cells bearing I-C antigens that are a minor population in both spleen and peritoneum. Internal radioisotope labeling studies confirmed that the I region molecules are synthesized by the macrophages. It is suggested that these different macrophage subpopulations may play distinct roles in the immune response.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of murine Ia antigens   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The isolation and characterization of Ia antigens from both lymphoid and nonlymphoid cells was attempted by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of radiolabeled, NP-40 solubilized, and anti-Ia precipitated lysates. The profiles obtained indicate that membrane proteins with a molecular weight of approximately 30,000 can be isolated from peripheral B but not from peripheral T cells. Ia antigens cannot be immunoprecipitated from cortisone-resistant thymocytes, total thymocytes, allogeneically activated T cells, Con A stimulated T cells, and anti-Ig immunoadsorbent purified T cells. Ia antigens seem to comprise only 1%–2% of labeled splenic intracellular and membrane-associated proteins. They differ from H-2 antigens and immunoglobulin H and L chains with respect to size and serological reactivity. Ia antigens cannot be found to be secreted from lymph node cells or splenocytes into the extracellular incubation media. Tissue distribution studies indicate that Ia antigens are present on macrophages, fetal liver cells, epidermal cells, and bone marrow cells. They have not been found on such tumor cells as myelomas, teratomas, and lymphocytic leukemias.  相似文献   

Summary ESb, a spontaneous high metastatic variant of the chemically induced T lymphoma Eb, was found previously to express a tumor-associated transplantation antigen (TATA) that was different from that of the parental line. Syngeneic tumor-specific cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) were able to recognize the different TATAs of Eb and ESb in vitro and could therefore be used for routine typing. The object of this study was to investigate tumor antigen expression on a clonal level and to compare the in vitro data with the in vivo behavior of the same cell lines.Our CTL typing analysis of cloned tumor lines revealed that the two populations, Eb and ESb, are distinct and relatively homogeneous with regard to their TATA expression. Furthermore, all ESb clones formed rosettes with antibody-coated erythrocytes, while none of the parental type Eb clones showed this characteristic. The sensitivity to tumor-specific CTL lysis varied with time of tumor cell culture in vitro in a clone-dependent manner.Variability was also noted in vivo in tumor growth and metastatic spread. Of over 50 ESb clones tested, the majority were highly metastatic while a minority were significantly lower in metastatic capacity. High and low metastatic ESb clones could not be distinguished by their expression of TATAs and of Fc receptors. There was also a considerable individual variability in the hosts, although they were genetically identical. This variability was most probably due to differences in the immune status of the animals.  相似文献   

Because surface Ig and Ia antigens cap independently, A.TH anti-A.TL serum combined with the indirect immunfluorescence technique could be used to test defined murine cell populations ofH-2 k haplotype for the presence of Ia antigens. Mitogen induced T- and B-cell derived blast cells, purified by velocity sedimentation at 1g, were tested for the expression of Iak antigens and then used both as stimulator cells and as target cells, in primary and secondary in vitro cytotoxic allograft responses. Fibroblasts, cortisone-resistant thymocytes, and nylon column purified splenic T cells were also included in these tests. Ia antigens were detected on 100% of LPS-induced blast cells, on 20%–30% of ConA-induced blast cells (100%Θ Thy-1 or antigen positive), but only to 5%–10% on PHA-blasts (100% Thy-1 antigen positive). Fibroblasts and nylon column purified splenic T cells were essentially Ia negative. Ia-positive allogeneic stimulator cells induced a far stronger in vitro cytotoxic T-cell response compared to Ia-negative stimulator cells; that is, there was a positive correlation between the expression of Ia antigens on the stimulator cells and the magnitude of cytotoxicity induced. This correlation was restricted to primary allograft responses. Ia antigens could not be detected as a target for killing in the cytotoxic effector phase, using both different target cells as well as the approach of “PHA dependent lysis” for detecting cytotoxic T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The increasingly deeper understanding of how the immune system recognizes and destroys tumors promises to enable the development of new approaches for gene therapy and immunotherapy. However, a treatment that induces safe and potentially beneficial antitumor responses is expected to require stepwise refinements. As part of this challenge, assays are needed to measure specific antitumor immune responses in patients. This becomes problematic because most tumors express unknown tumor antigens and it is often difficult to obtain sufficient amounts of viable tumor material for in vitro assays. Recently it was demonstrated that RNA derived from tumor cells stimulated T cells in an antigen-specific manner. These studies have formed the basis for the development of dendritic cell vaccines that express tumor antigens following translation of tumor RNA. Therefore, it occurred to us that antigen-presenting cells transfected with total tumor RNA might also be valuable in monitoring the antitumor responses induced in patients who participate in clinical trials. To test this hypothesis, we developed a model in which Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)–transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines were used as a source of RNA. Since this RNA encodes for known EBV antigens, it was possible to determine whether the expected responses were observed. Our results show for the first time that T cells primed to APC transfected with RNA isolated from EBV-infected lymphocytes exhibited a fine specificity that enabled them to recognize individual EBV antigens.This work was supported by a Developmental Research Grant from the Derald H. Ruttenberg Cancer Center, Mount Sinai School of Medicine.  相似文献   

Two antisera to Ia antigens, products of the H-2 complex I-Cd and I-JkEk subregions, respectively, have been obtained by immunisation of the F1 hybrids of recombinant strains of mice. These antisera are shown to display the 50 per cent cytotoxic effect in vitro in the presence of complement upon lymphocyte populations immune to the H-2 complex antigens and enriched for specific suppressor T cells (SSC) by fractionation on the monolayer of target cells. The specificity of anti-Ia cytotoxins is shown by the cross antibody absorption with T- and B-cells of mice originated from the recombinant H-2 haplotypes and bearing either particular I-Cd, I-Jk and I-Ek antigens, or their combinations. Anti-I-Cd cytotoxins are found to react with both B and T cells at a different rate, and the anti-I-JkEk serum contains two antibody types directed to I-Ek and I-Jk products, respectively, the latter being able to react preferently with T cells. Although both antisera do inactivate the in vitro SSC function in the presence of complement at a similar degree, the inactivating action of the anti-I-Cd serum, but not that of the anti-I-JkEk serum, occurs without complement. SSC are established to bear both Ia-antigens, I-J and I-C on the same cell, as demonstrated by the cross antibody absorption and variation of the H-2 origin of SSC. These two markers are suggested to function differently in the SSC immune to the H-2 antigens and the I-C antigen expression on the SSC surface is presumed to be required for their interaction with the inhibited responder T cells proliferating in MLC.  相似文献   

To study immunological responses in chronic filarial infections, a model utilizing inbred Lewis rats infected with Brugia pahangi was developed. Microfilaria were found in the bloodstream of over 90% of the rats by 16 weeks of infection. Using in vitro lymphocyte blastogenesis, cell-mediated immune responses of blood, splenic, and mesenteric node lymphocytes were followed during 1.5 years of infection. Lymphocyte responses to antigen prepared from infective stage filarial larvae were detectable in the early weeks of infection, whereas responses to microfilarial antigen only developed late as microfilaremia waned. Lymphocyte responses to antigen from adult filaria vacillated during the infection. With the mitogens, phytohemagglutinin, pokeweed mitogen, and bacterial lipopolysaccharide, periods of B and T-cell hyporesponsiveness were demonstrable. Between 16 and 36 weeks of infection node lymphocytes from many rats were unresponsive to all mitogens and antigens. The model of B. pahangi in inbred rats offers advantages for immunological studies of filarial infections.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood lymphocytes from chimpanzees infected for 3 months to more than 3 years with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) had normal T-cell proliferative responses after stimulation with a variety of recall antigens and mitogens, indicating that HIV infection does not cause detectable immunological impairment in chimpanzees. This finding contrasts with that obtained in HIV-infected humans, who often have impaired T-cell reactivity. Peripheral blood lymphocytes from most HIV-infected chimpanzees that were studied also had strong proliferative responses to purified HIV as well as to HIV envelope glycoproteins isolated from the virus, to recombinant HIV envelope glycoproteins gp120 and gp41, and to HIV gag protein p24. The HIV-specific T-cell responses in HIV-infected chimpanzees may contribute to prevention of the development of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in this species.  相似文献   

During past decades, many attempts have been made to induce or enhance tumour-specific T-cell immunity in cancer patients by vaccination. However, it has become apparent that in a large number of cases the naturally occurring tumour-specific T-cell repertoire is of low affinity and therefore inefficient in mediating tumour rejection. Because of the potential therapeutic value of high affinity TCRs with tumour/lineage specificities, we set out to develop a number of new technologies that can be used to create improved tumour-specific T-cell immunity. These strategies entail: (i) the efficient expansion of low affinity T cells specific for self antigens through the use of variant peptides with improved TCR-binding characteristics; (ii) a retroviral library-based technology to improve the affinity of (self-specific) T-cell receptors in vitro, and (iii) proof of principle for the feasibility of TCR gene transfer as a means to generate T-cell populations with a desired antigen-specificity in vivo. Collectively this toolbox should allow us to create improved T-cell receptors for human tumour antigens, which can subsequently be used to impose tumour-reactivity on to peripheral T cells.  相似文献   

The dormancy (DosR) regulon of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is expressed in vitro during hypoxia and low-dose nitric oxide stimulation. Tubercle bacilli are thought to encounter these conditions in humans during latent infection. In this study, immune responses were evaluated to 25 most strongly induced DosR-regulon-encoded proteins, referred to as latency antigens. Proliferation assays were performed using M. tuberculosis-specific T-cell lines and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from tuberculosis (TB) patients, tuberculin skin test positive (TST+) individuals and uninfected controls. All 25 latency antigens were able to induce production of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) by T-cell lines. Eighteen latency antigens were also recognized by PBMC of M. tuberculosis-infected individuals, which indicates expression of the DosR-regulon during natural infection. Differential analysis showed that TST+ individuals recognized more latency antigens and with a stronger cumulative IFN-gamma response than TB patients, while the opposite profile was found for culture filtrate protein-10. In particular Rv1733c, Rv2029c, Rv2627c and Rv2628 induced strong IFN-gamma responses in TST+ individuals, with 61%, 61%, 52% and 35% responders, respectively. In conclusion, several new M. tuberculosis antigens were identified within the DosR-regulon. Particularly strong IFN-gamma responses to latency antigens were observed in latently infected individuals, suggesting that immune responses against these antigens may contribute to controlling latent M. tuberculosis infection.  相似文献   

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