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张绍良  米家鑫  侯湖平  杨永均 《生态学报》2018,38(15):5611-5619
最近连续三届世界生态恢复大会都将矿山生态系统列为大会交流的主题之一。为了解矿山生态修复的最新进展,本文采用文献分析方法和统计分析法,全面对比了这三届大会的论文和报告,包括参会国家、主要机构、热点矿区、修复要素、矿山类型、修复技术等。在此基础上,归纳了新开发的生态修复技术,包括植被恢复、土壤修复和景观恢复等新技术;总结了当前的研究热点,主要有复垦的土壤和修复的植物之间相互作用的机理、矿山生态修复的监测新技术、本土物种保持、污染土壤修复新技术、应对全球气候变化的矿山生态修复新思维和矿山生态系统服务价值等;介绍了会议提出的新观点,如自然恢复和人工恢复选择的新标准、矿山生态恢复力新理论、新型矿山生态系统及其设计等。最后对未来研究趋势进行了预测。  相似文献   

Global ecological impacts of invasive species in aquatic ecosystems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The introduction of invasive species, which often differ functionally from the components of the recipient community, generates ecological impacts that propagate along the food web. This review aims to determine how consistent the impacts of aquatic invasions are across taxa and habitats. To that end, we present a global meta‐analysis from 151 publications (733 cases), covering a wide range of invaders (primary producers, filter collectors, omnivores and predators), resident aquatic community components (macrophytes, phytoplankton, zooplankton, benthic invertebrates and fish) and habitats (rivers, lakes and estuaries). Our synthesis suggests a strong negative influence of invasive species on the abundance of aquatic communities, particularly macrophytes, zooplankton and fish. In contrast, there was no general evidence for a decrease in species diversity in invaded habitats, suggesting a time lag between rapid abundance changes and local extinctions. Invaded habitats showed increased water turbidity, nitrogen and organic matter concentration, which are related to the capacity of invaders to transform habitats and increase eutrophication. The expansion of invasive macrophytes caused the largest decrease in fish abundance, the filtering activity of filter collectors depleted planktonic communities, omnivores (including both facultative and obligate herbivores) were responsible for the greatest decline in macrophyte abundance, and benthic invertebrates were most negatively affected by the introduction of new predators. These impacts were relatively consistent across habitats and experimental approaches. Based on our results, we propose a framework of positive and negative links between invasive species at four trophic positions and the five different components of recipient communities. This framework incorporates both direct biotic interactions (predation, competition, grazing) and indirect changes to the water physicochemical conditions mediated by invaders (habitat alteration). Considering the strong trophic links that characterize aquatic ecosystems, this framework is relevant to anticipate the far‐reaching consequences of biological invasions on the structure and functionality of aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

赵廷阳  夏成琪  索鑫浩  曹世雄 《生态学报》2021,41(12):4757-4764
生态系统服务价值评估是全球生态学和经济学研究的热点领域,然而,多数学者在开展生态系统服务价值估算时忽略了生态系统在提供服务时所需要的成本或者仅仅计算了部分成本;生态系统服务净价值评估方法虽然对生态系统服务价值评估方法进行了改进,但没有考虑生态修复项目实施前和实施后土地景观变化引起净价值的变化,获得的结果只能反映土地利用的静态效益,不能反映生态修复项目引起土地变更的成本-收益动态变化。因此,构建基于生态系统服务和投入产出相结合的生态修复项目成本-效益动态评估新方法,是生态修复研究领域的重要科学问题。为了弥补这一领域的不足,该研究构建了生态工程成本-效益动态评估新方法,并以三北防护林、天然林保护、退耕还林工程为研究案例,验证了这一评估方法。结果表明,与项目实施前相比,三北防护林、天然林保护、退耕还林工程每年增加的净收益分别为 461.7×109、2930.5×109、530.1×109 元,收益率分别为29.3%、328.9%、77.0%。六种典型生态修复措施中退耕地种植经济林、荒地种植经济林和天然植被恢复能够在每个省产生净收益,荒地造林、飞播造林和退耕还林的实施会在部分地区产生损耗。依据成本-效益动态评估方法核算的结果可以帮助政府部门选择最佳土地利用和保护措施,最大限度地提高生态修复项目的生态经济效益。由于不同地区社会经济条件和资源禀赋存在较大差异,尊重区域差异因地制宜的生态修复非常必要。  相似文献   

Community ecology and ecosystem ecology provide two perspectives on complex ecological systems that have largely complementary strengths and weaknesses. Merging the two perspectives is necessary both to ensure continued scientific progress and to provide society with the scientific means to face growing environmental challenges. Recent research on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning has contributed to this goal in several ways. By addressing a new question of high relevance for both science and society, by challenging existing paradigms, by tightly linking theory and experiments, by building scientific consensus beyond differences in opinion, by integrating fragmented disciplines and research fields, by connecting itself to other disciplines and management issues, it has helped transform ecology not only in content, but also in form. Creating a genuine evolutionary ecosystem ecology that links the evolution of species traits at the individual level, the dynamics of species interactions, and the overall functioning of ecosystems would give new impetus to this much-needed process of unification across ecological disciplines. Recent community evolution models are a promising step in that direction.  相似文献   

王吉鹏  吴艳宏 《生态学报》2016,36(5):1204-1214
磷(P)的生物有效性对山地生态系统的发育和稳定至关重要。由于大气CO_2浓度升高和N沉降增加,生态系统C、N和P的化学计量比失衡,P的生物有效性受到更多关注。近年来山地系统中P的研究不断深入,2004—2013年间ISI Web of Knowledge中相关研究论文几乎是此前近百年的3倍。总结了山地生态系统中P的生物有效性的特点及其对植物物种多样性和初级生产力的影响。山地生态系统P的生物有效性因垂直高差和地形梯度空间变异明显,快速物质运移和生物过程是控制山地生态系统P的生物有效性的关键因素。P的生物有效性可以影响山地生态系统物种多样性和初级生产力,其对初级生产力的限制存在于全球范围内的山地生态系统。当P的生物有效性发生改变时,山地生态系统的结构越复杂,其植物物种多样性和初级生产力的响应可能会越平缓。全球变化的重要驱动因子(如增温和N沉降增加)可以直接或间接地改变山地生态系统P的生物有效性,因此需要在山地生态系统中加强长期监测和养分控制实验,并结合新型P分析技术,以期认识山地生态系统P的生物有效性的现状、变化趋势和对生态系统的影响,从而为适应全球变化背景下山地生态系统养分状况的改变提供依据。  相似文献   

退化森林生态系统评价指标体系研究进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
徐欢  李美丽  梁海斌  李宗善  伍星 《生态学报》2018,38(24):9034-9042
森林是陆地生态系统的主要组成部分,而森林退化是全球面临的主要环境问题之一,准确评价退化森林生态系统是进行森林生态系统恢复与重建的重要前提,建立合理的评价指标体系目前已成为生态学研究的热点问题。在研究国内外提出的关于退化森林生态系统评价理论的基础上,综述了森林退化的定义、特征和一般过程,梳理了退化森林生态系统评价指标筛选的一般原则和指标体系构建的主要方法,分析比较了不同学者所提出的主要评价指标。并在此基础上,重新筛选、构建了一套退化森林生态系统评价指标体系,即从生态系统的组成结构、功能和生境这3个方面选取了32个能够较全面反映退化生态系统主要特征的评价指标,以期为构建我国区域尺度上的退化森林生态系统评价指标体系提供参考,为退化森林生态系统的恢复和重建提供科学依据。总结分析了退化森林生态系统评价指标体系在构建过程中产生的一些问题和不足,提出了今后开展研究和探索应该深入的方向,以提高评价指标体系的科学性、准确性和合理性。  相似文献   

The extensive input of chemical insecticides for pest control is considered as a serious risk to the environment, and the ecological disturbance of chemical insecticides has both positive and negative effects on complex agro-ecosystems. This paper proposed an indicator based on ecological two-sidedness theory and Shannon entropy, which is intended for analyzing informational complexity in a decision network of the chemical insecticide pollution management. The results indicated that the order of the value of RCC/CP index (where the RCC/CP index matrix WCC/CP is defined as the index optimization matrix of comprehensive cost divided by the index optimization matrix of comprehensive profit) for three insect pest-controlling strategies in scallion fields was “applying frequency vibration lamps and environment-friendly insecticides 8 times” (0.8714) < “applying trap devices and environment-friendly insecticides 9 times” (0.8858) < “applying common insecticides 15 times” (0.9077). The treatment “applying frequency vibration lamps and environment-friendly insecticides 8 times” was recognized as the optimal strategy for chemical insecticide pollution management in scallion fields in Shanghai, China. The results demonstrate that our proposed ecological indicator might arouse the interest of policy makers and eco-environmentalists who seek to minimize the use of chemicals, and the farmers who hope to optimize pest-controlling strategies in practice.  相似文献   

生态能质(eco-exergy)在水生生态系统建模和评价中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生态能质(eco-exergy)是指系统从给定状态达到热力学平衡状态所做的功,可以度量生态系统的复杂生物化学组分及生态结构。系统具有的能质越大,有序化程度越高,稳定性也越强。生态能质和比生态能质(specific eco-exergy)指标能够评价水生生态系统健康状况,对水生生态系统演替阶段具有指示作用。本文阐述了生态能质的定义、生态学意义以及生态能质值和权重因子fi值的计算方法。对生态能质作为功能函数在水生生态系统结构动力学模型(structural dynamic models,SDMs)中以及作为生态指标在生态系统健康评价、生态恢复研究中的实际应用进行了总结。最后探讨了生态能质指标的局限性以及未来的发展。此外,文中建议将eco-exergy和specific eco-exergy统一翻译为生态能质和比生态能质。  相似文献   

陈蝶  卫伟  陈利顶 《生态学杂志》2017,28(2):689-698
梯田是在大面积多山地形和较高人口密度条件下产生的山区土地高效利用方式,广泛分布于世界各地,并且在不同的地理气候条件下产生了不同的类型,具有重要的生态价值和文化价值.梯田作为陡坡耕作区古老的土壤保持措施,有利于农业集约化,一般而言,梯田建设的目的是为了保持水土,减少产流产沙,改善立地环境,便于农业生产.在当前社会经济发展的背景下,大面积的梯田遭到荒废,不仅浪费了土地资源,还易导致严重的土壤侵蚀、坡面坍塌和土地退化.本文综述全球不同地理区域和自然环境条件下梯田的起源、发展以及分布特征,主要选择亚洲、欧洲、美洲和非洲四大重点区域进行系统介绍,并针对每一大洲内的典型国家做了案例剖析.在此基础上,深入探讨梯田建设、利用和荒废过程与气候变化、国家政策、人口变迁等因素的关系,最后针对目前梯田区存在的水资源紧张和梯田荒废退化两个严重问题,提出了尚需开展的研究工作,以期为梯田的可持续利用与管理提供参考依据.  相似文献   

Aim To use patterns of nestedness in the indigenous and non‐indigenous biotas of the Southern Ocean islands to determine the influence of dispersal ability on biogeographical patterns, and the importance of accounting for variation in dispersal ability in their subsequent interpretation, especially in the context of the Insulantarctic and multi‐regional hypotheses proposed to explain the biogeography of these islands. Location Southern Ocean islands. Methods Nestedness was determined using a new metric, d1 (a modification of discrepancy), for the indigenous and introduced seabirds, land birds, insects and vascular plants of 26 Southern Ocean islands. To assess the possible confounding effects of spatial autocorrelation on the results, islands were assigned to 11 major island groups and each group was treated as a single island in a following analysis. In addition, nestedness of the six Southern Ocean islands comprising the South Pacific Province (New Zealand islands) was analysed. All analyses were conducted for species and genera, for each of the taxa on its own, and for the complete data sets. Results Statistically significant nestedness was found in all of the taxa examined, with nestedness declining in the order seabirds > land birds > vascular plants > insects for the indigenous species. Vagility had a marked influence on nestedness and the biogeographical patterns shown by the indigenous species. This influence was borne out by additional analyses of marine taxa and small‐sized terrestrial species, both of which were more nested than the most nested group examined here, the seabirds. Assemblages of non‐indigenous species also showed nestedness, and nestedness was generally more pronounced than in the indigenous species. Surprisingly, vagility had a significant effect on nestedness in these assemblages too. Main conclusions Nestedness analyses provide a quantitative means of comparing biogeographical patterns for groups differing in vagility. These comparisons revealed that vagility has a considerable influence on biogeographical patterns and should be taken into account in analyses. Here, investigations of more vagile taxa support hypotheses for a single origin of the Southern Ocean island biota (the Insulantarctica scenario), whilst those of less mobile taxa support the more commonly held, multi‐regional hypothesis. All biogeographical analyses across the Southern Ocean (and elsewhere) will be influenced by the effects of dispersal ability, with composite analyses dominated by sedentary groups likely to favour multi‐regional scenarios, and those dominated by mobile groups favouring single origins. Mechanisms underlying nestedness in the region range from nested physiological tolerances in more mobile groups to colonization ability and patterns of speciation in less vagile taxa. Considerable nestedness in the non‐indigenous assemblages is largely a consequence of the fact that many of these species are European weedy species.  相似文献   

The introduction of organisms within the native range of wild conspecifics is a widespread phenomenon and locally modifies patterns in intraspecific diversity. However, our knowledge of the resulting ecological effects, as opposed to those caused by invasion‐induced changes in interspecific diversity, is still limited. Here, we investigated the ecological effects of native and non‐native invaders across levels of biological organisations and recipient organisms using the global and long history introductions of salmonids. Our meta‐analysis demonstrated that the global effects of native species introductions exceeded those induced by non‐native invaders. The impacts of native invaders were primarily manifested at the individual level on wild conspecifics, but remained largely unexplored on other native organisms and at the community and ecosystem levels. Overlooked and poorly appreciated, quantifying the impacts of native invaders has important implications because human‐assisted introductions of domesticated organisms are ubiquitous and likely to proliferate in the future.  相似文献   

While the ecological impacts of invasive species have been demonstrated for many taxonomic groups, the potential effects of behavioural variation among nonnative individuals (i.e. personality) on these impacts have been largely overlooked. This is despite the fact that recent studies have demonstrated that, by nature, the three first stages of biological invasions (i.e. transport, establishment and spread) can lead to personalitybiased populations. Freshwater ecosystems provide a unique oppor tunity to investigate this issue, notably because the ecological impacts of nonnative species have been extensively documented and because animal personality has been widely studied using freshwater model species. Here, we aim at developing some per spectives on the potential effects of animal personality on the ecological impacts of freshwater nonnative species across levels of biological organizations. At the individual level, personality types have been demonstrated to affect the physiolo gy, metabolism, life history traits and fitness of individuals. We used these effects to discuss how they could subsequently impact invaded popula tions and, in turn, recipient communities. We also discussed how these might translate into changes in the structure of food webs and the functioning of invaded ecosystems. Finally we discussed how these perspectives could interact with the management of invasive species .  相似文献   

Biological invasions cause ecological and economic impacts across the globe. However, it is unclear whether there are strong patterns in terms of their major effects, how the vulnerability of different ecosystems varies and which ecosystem services are at greatest risk. We present a global meta-analysis of 199 articles reporting 1041 field studies that in total describe the impacts of 135 alien plant taxa on resident species, communities and ecosystems. Across studies, alien plants had a significant effect in 11 of 24 different types of impact assessed. The magnitude and direction of the impact varied both within and between different types of impact. On average, abundance and diversity of the resident species decreased in invaded sites, whereas primary production and several ecosystem processes were enhanced. While alien N-fixing species had greater impacts on N-cycling variables, they did not consistently affect other impact types. The magnitude of the impacts was not significantly different between island and mainland ecosystems. Overall, alien species impacts are heterogeneous and not unidirectional even within particular impact types. Our analysis also reveals that by the time changes in nutrient cycling are detected, major impacts on plant species and communities are likely to have already occurred.  相似文献   

Spreading disease: integro-differential equations old and new   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We investigate an integro-differential equation for a disease spread by the dispersal of infectious individuals and compare this to Mollison's [Adv. Appl. Probab. 4 (1972) 233; D. Mollison, The rate of spatial propagation of simple epidemics, in: Proc. 6th Berkeley Symp. on Math. Statist. and Prob., vol. 3, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1972, p. 579; J. R. Statist. Soc. B 39 (3) (1977) 283] model of a disease spread by non-local contacts. For symmetric kernels with moment generating functions, spreading infectives leads to faster traveling waves for low rates of transmission, but to slower traveling waves for high rates of transmission. We approximate the shape of the traveling waves for the two models using both piecewise linearization and a regular-perturbation scheme.  相似文献   

As defaunation spreads through the world, there is an urgent need for restoring ecological interactions, thus assuring ecosystem processes. Here, we define the new concept of credit of ecological interactions, as the number of interactions that can be restored in a focal area by species colonization or reintroduction. We also define rewiring time, as the time span until all the links that build the credit of ecological interactions of a focal area have become functional again. We expect that the credit will be gradually cashed following refaunation in rates that are proportional to (1) the abundance of the reintroduced species (that is expected to increase in time since release), (2) the abundance of the local species that interact with them, and (3) the traits of reintroduced species. We illustrated this approach using a theoretical model and an empirical case study where the credit of ecological interactions was estimated. This new conceptual framework is useful for setting reintroduction priorities and for evaluating the success of conservation initiatives that aim to restore ecosystem services.  相似文献   

The ecology of seed dispersal by vertebrates has been investigated extensively over recent decades, yet only limited research has been conducted on how suites of invasive plants and frugivorous birds interact. In this review, we examine how plant fruit traits (morphology, colour and display, nutritional quality, accessibility and phenology), avian traits (fruit handling techniques, gut passage time and effect, bird movements and social behaviour and dietary composition) and landscape structure (fruit neighbourhood, habitat loss and fragmentation and perch tree effects) affect frugivory and seed dispersal in invasive plants. This functional approach could be used to develop generic models of seed dispersal distributions for suites of invasive plant species and improve management efficiencies. Four broad research approaches are described that could direct management of bird‐dispersed invasive plants at the landscape scale, by manipulating dispersal. First, research is needed to quantify the effect of biological control agents on dispersal, particularly how changes in fruit production and/or quality affect fruit choice by frugivores, dispersal distributions of seed and post‐dispersal processes. Second, we explore how seed dispersal could be directed, such as by manipulating perch structures and/or vegetation density to attract frugivorous birds after they have been foraging on invasive plant fruits. Third, the major sources of seed spread could be identified and removed (i.e. targeting core or satellite infestations, particular habitats and creating barrier zones). Fourth, alternative food resources could be provided for frugivores, to replace fruits of invasive plants, and their use quantified.  相似文献   

Despite impressive efforts at clearing stands of invasive Australian Acacia species in South Africa, insufficient attention has been given to understanding the role of seed banks in the invasiveness and long-term persistence of populations. We review information on seeds of these species, considering seed production, seed rain, and the dynamics of seeds in three layers: leaf litter, and upper and lower seed banks in the soil. Many factors affect the accumulation and susceptibility to destruction of seed banks and thus the opportunities for intervention to reduce seed numbers for each of these components. Reduction of seed banks is crucial for the overall success of the multi-million dollar management initiatives against these species. Classical biological control of buds, flower and young pods has reduced the seed production of many Australian acacias in South Africa. Fire can be applied to reduce seed numbers in the leaf litter and upper seed bank in some cases, although there are serious problems associated with high fire intensities in dense acacia stands. Other options, e.g. soil inversion and solarisation, exist to exercise limited reduction of seed numbers in some situations. There is little prospect of meaningful reduction of seed numbers in the lower seed bank. Preventing the accumulation of seed banks by limiting seed production through biological control is by far the most effective means, and in almost all cases the only practical means, of reducing seed numbers. This must be an integral part of management strategies. Several invasive Australian acacias are already under effective biological control, and further work to identify additional potential agents for all the currently invasive species and potentially invasive alien species is the top priority for improving the efficiency of management programmes.  相似文献   

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