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Regulation of Ca(2+)/H(+) antiporters may be an important function in determining the duration and amplitude of cytosolic Ca(2+) oscillations. Previously the Arabidopsis Ca(2+)/H(+) transporter, CAX1 (cation exchanger 1), was identified by its ability to suppress yeast mutants defective in vacuolar Ca(2+) transport. Recently, a 36-amino acid N-terminal regulatory region on CAX1 has been identified that inhibits CAX1-mediated Ca(2+)/H(+) antiport. Here we show that a synthetic peptide designed against the CAX1 36 amino acids inhibited Ca(2+)/H(+) transport mediated by an N-terminal-truncated CAX1 but did not inhibit Ca(2+) transport by other Ca(2+)/H(+) antiporters. Ca(2+)/H(+) antiport activity measured from vacuolar-enriched membranes of Arabidopsis root was also inhibited by the CAX1 peptide. Through analyzing CAX chimeric constructs the region of interaction of the N-terminal regulatory region was mapped to include 7 amino acids (residues 56-62) within CAX1. The CAX1 N-terminal regulatory region was shown to physically interact with this 7-amino acid region by yeast two-hybrid analysis. Mutagenesis of amino acids within the N-terminal regulatory region implicated several residues as being essential for regulation. These findings describe a unique mode of antiporter autoinhibition and demonstrate the first detailed mechanisms for the regulation of a Ca(2+)/H(+) antiporter from any organism.  相似文献   

Ca(2+) levels in plants, fungi, and bacteria are controlled in part by H(+)/Ca(2+) exchangers; however, the relationship between primary sequence and biological activity of these transporters has not been reported. The Arabidopsis H(+)/cation exchangers, CAX1 and CAX2, were identified by their ability to suppress yeast mutants defective in vacuolar Ca(2+) transport. CAX1 has a much higher capacity for Ca(2+) transport than CAX2. An Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of CAX1, CAX3, is 77% identical (93% similar) and, when expressed in yeast, localized to the vacuole but did not suppress yeast mutants defective in vacuolar Ca(2+) transport. Chimeric constructs and site-directed mutagenesis showed that CAX3 could suppress yeast vacuolar Ca(2+) transport mutants if a nine-amino acid region of CAX1 was inserted into CAX3 (CAX3-9). Biochemical analysis in yeast showed CAX3-9 had 36% of the H(+)/Ca(2+) exchange activity as compared with CAX1; however, CAX3-9 and CAX1 appear to differ in their transport of other ions. Exchanging the nine-amino acid region of CAX1 into CAX2 doubled yeast vacuolar Ca(2+) transport but did not appear to alter the transport of other ions. This nine-amino acid region is highly variable among the plant CAX-like transporters. These findings suggest that this region is involved in CAX-mediated Ca(2+) specificity.  相似文献   

Kim KM  Park YH  Kim CK  Hirschi K  Sohn JK 《Plant cell reports》2005,23(10-11):678-682
The gene of the Arabidopsis thaliana H+/Ca2+ transporter, CAX1 (cation exchanger 1) was introduced into Japonica cultivars of rice (Ilpumbyeo) by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, and a large number of transgenic plants were produced. The neomycin phosphotransferase II (NPTII) gene was used as a selectable marker. The activity of neomycin phosphotransferase could be successfully detected in transgenic rice callus. The introduction of the CAX1 gene was also proven by PCR using CAX1-specific oligonucleotide primers in regenerated plants. Stable integration and expression of the CAX1 gene in T0 plants and T1 progeny were confirmed by DNA hybridization, Northern blot analysis, and luminescent analysis.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis Ca(2+)/H(+) antiporters cation exchanger (CAX) 1 and 2 utilise an electrochemical gradient to transport Ca(2+) into the vacuole to help mediate Ca(2+) homeostasis. Previous whole plant studies indicate that activity of Ca(2+)/H(+) antiporters is regulated by pH. However, the pH regulation of individual Ca(2+)/H(+) antiporters has not been examined. To determine whether CAX1 and CAX2 activity is affected by pH, Ca(2+)/H(+) antiport activity was measured in vacuolar membrane vesicles isolated from yeast heterologously expressing either transporter. Ca(2+) transport by CAX1 and CAX2 was regulated by cytosolic pH and each transporter had a distinct cytosolic pH profile. Screening of CAX1/CAX2 chimeras identified an amino acid domain within CAX2 that altered the pH-dependent Ca(2+) transport profile so that it was almost identical to the pH profile of CAX1. Results from mutagenesis of a specific His residue within this domain suggests a role for this residue in pH regulation.  相似文献   

Ca2+ levels in plants are controlled in part by H+/Ca2+ exchangers. Structure/function analysis of the Arabidopsis H+/cation exchanger, CAX1, revealed that a nine amino acid region (87–95) is involved in CAX1-mediated Ca2+ specificity. CAX3 is 77% identical (93% similar) to CAX1, and when expressed in yeast, localizes to the vacuole but does not suppress yeast mutants defective in vacuolar Ca2+ transport. Transgenic tobacco plants expressing CAX3 containing the 9 amino acid Ca2+ domain (Cad) from CAX1 (CAX3-9) displayed altered stress sensitivities similar to CAX1-expressing plants, whereas CAX3-9-expressing plants did not have any altered stress sensitivities. A single leucine-to-isoleucine change at position 87 (CAX3-I) within the Cad of CAX3 allows this protein to weakly transport Ca2+ in yeast (less than 10% of CAX1). Site-directed mutagenesis of the leucine in the CAX3 Cad demonstrated that no amino acid change tested could confer more activity than CAX3-I. Transport studies in yeast demonstrated that the first three amino acids of the CAX1 Cad could confer twice the Ca2+ transport capability compared to CAX3-I. The entire Cad of CAX3 (87–95) inserted into CAX1 abolishes CAX1-mediated Ca2+ transport. However, single, double, or triple amino acid replacements within the native CAX1 Cad did not block CAX1 mediated Ca2+ transport. Together these findings suggest that other domains within CAX1 and CAX3 influence Ca2+ transport. This study has implications for the ability to engineer CAX-mediated transport in plants by manipulating Cad residues.  相似文献   

The regulation of ions within cells is an indispensable component of growth and adaptation. The plant SOS2 protein kinase and its associated Ca(2+) sensor, SOS3, have been demonstrated to modulate the plasma membrane H(+)/Na(+) antiporter SOS1; however, how these regulators modulate Ca(2+) levels within cells is poorly understood. Here we demonstrate that SOS2 regulates the vacuolar H(+)/Ca(2+) antiporter CAX1. Using a yeast growth assay, co-expression of SOS2 specifically activated CAX1, whereas SOS3 did not. CAX1-like chimeric transporters were activated by SOS2 if the chimeric proteins contained the N terminus of CAX1. Vacuolar membranes from CAX1-expressing cells were made to be H(+)/Ca(2+)-competent by the addition of SOS2 protein in a dose-dependent manner. Using a yeast two-hybrid assay, SOS2 interacted with the N terminus of CAX1. In each of these yeast assays, the activation of CAX1 by SOS2 was SOS3-independent. In planta, the high level of expression of a deregulated version of CAX1 caused salt sensitivity. These findings suggest multiple functions for SOS2 and provide a mechanistic link between Ca(2+) and Na(+) homeostasis in plants.  相似文献   

Cheng NH  Liu JZ  Nelson RS  Hirschi KD 《FEBS letters》2004,559(1-3):99-106
Precise regulation of calcium transporters is essential for modulating the Ca2+ signaling network that is involved in the growth and adaptation of all organisms. The Arabidopsis H+/Ca2+ antiporter, CAX1, is a high capacity and low affinity Ca2+ transporter and several CAX1-like transporters are found in Arabidopsis. When heterologously expressed in yeast, CAX1 is unable to suppress the Ca2+ hypersensitivity of yeast vacuolar Ca2+ transporter mutants due to an N-terminal autoinhibition mechanism that prevents Ca2+ transport. Using a yeast screen, we have identified CAX nteracting Protein 4 (CXIP4) that activated full-length CAX1, but not full-length CAX2, CAX3 or CAX4. CXIP4 encodes a novel plant protein with no bacterial, fungal, animal, or mammalian homologs. Expression of a GFP-CXIP4 fusion in yeast and plant cells suggests that CXIP4 is targeted predominantly to the nucleus. Using a yeast growth assay, CXIP4 activated a chimeric CAX construct that contained specific portions of the N-terminus of CAX1. Together with other recent studies, these results suggest that CAX1 is regulated by several signaling molecules that converge on the N-terminus of CAX1 to regulate H+/Ca2+ antiport.  相似文献   

In plants and fungi, vacuolar transporters help remove potentially toxic cations from the cytosol. Metal/H(+) antiporters are involved in metal sequestration into the vacuole. However, the specific transport properties and the ability to manipulate these transporters to alter substrate specificity are poorly understood. The Arabidopsis thaliana cation exchangers, CAX1 and CAX2, can both transport Ca(2+) into the vacuole. There are 11 CAX-like transporters in Arabidopsis; however, CAX2 was the only characterized CAX transporter capable of vacuolar Mn(2+) transport when expressed in yeast. To determine the domains within CAX2 that mediate Mn(2+) specificity, six CAX2 mutants were constructed that contained different regions of the CAX1 transporter. One class displayed no alterations in Mn(2+) or Ca(2+) transport, the second class showed a reduction in Ca(2+) transport and no measurable Mn(2+) transport, and the third mutant, which contained a 10-amino acid domain from CAX1 (CAX2-C), showed no reduction in Ca(2+) transport and a complete loss of Mn(2+) transport. The subdomain analysis of CAX2-C identified a 3-amino acid region that is responsible for Mn(2+) specificity of CAX2. This study provides evidence for the feasibility of altering substrate specificity in a metal/H(+) antiporter, an important family of transporters found in a variety of organisms.  相似文献   

Characterization of CAX4, an Arabidopsis H(+)/cation antiporter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The regulation of intracellular Ca(2+) levels is achieved in part by high-capacity vacuolar Ca(2+)/H(+) antiporters. An N-terminal regulatory region (NRR) on the Arabidopsis Ca(2+)/H(+) antiporter CAX1 (cation exchanger 1) has been shown previously to regulate Ca(2+) transport by a mechanism of N-terminal auto-inhibition. Here, we examine the regulation of other CAX transporters, both within Arabidopsis and from another plant, mung bean (Vigna radiata), to ascertain if this mechanism is commonly used among Ca(2+)/H(+) antiporters. Biochemical analysis of mung bean VCAX1 expressed in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) showed that N-terminal truncated VCAX1 had approximately 70% greater antiport activity compared with full-length VCAX1. A synthetic peptide corresponding to the NRR of CAX1, which can strongly inhibit Ca(2+) transport by CAX1, could not dramatically inhibit Ca(2+) transport by truncated VCAX1. The N terminus of Arabidopsis CAX3 was also shown to contain an NRR. Additions of either the CAX3 or VCAX1 regulatory regions to the N terminus of an N-terminal truncated CAX1 failed to inhibit CAX1 activity. When fused to N-terminal truncated CAX1, both the CAX3 and VCAX1 regulatory regions could only auto-inhibit CAX1 after mutagenesis of specific amino acids within this NRR region. These findings demonstrate that N-terminal regulation is present in other plant CAX transporters, and suggest distinct regulatory features among these transporters.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana AtMTP1 belongs to the cation diffusion facilitator family and is localized on the vacuolar membrane. We investigated the enzymatic kinetics of AtMTP1 by a heterologous expression system in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which lacked genes for vacuolar membrane zinc transporters ZRC1 and COT1. The yeast mutant expressing AtMTP1 heterologously was tolerant to 10 mm ZnCl(2). Active transport of zinc into vacuoles of living yeast cells expressing AtMTP1 was confirmed by the fluorescent zinc indicator FuraZin-1. Zinc transport was quantitatively analyzed by using vacuolar membrane vesicles prepared from AtMTP1-expressing yeast cells and radioisotope (65)Zn(2+). Active zinc uptake depended on a pH gradient generated by endogenous vacuolar H(+)-ATPase. The activity was inhibited by bafilomycin A(1), an inhibitor of the H(+)-ATPase. The K(m) for Zn(2+) and V(max) of AtMTP1 were determined to be 0.30 microm and 1.22 nmol/min/mg, respectively. We prepared a mutant AtMTP1 that lacked the major part (32 residues from 185 to 216) of a long histidine-rich hydrophilic loop in the central part of AtMTP1. Yeast cells expressing the mutant became hyperresistant to high concentrations of Zn(2+) and resistant to Co(2+). The K(m) and V(max) values were increased 2-11-fold. These results indicate that AtMTP1 functions as a Zn(2+)/H(+) antiporter in vacuoles and that a histidine-rich region is not essential for zinc transport. We propose that a histidine-rich loop functions as a buffering pocket of Zn(2+) and a sensor of the zinc level at the cytoplasmic surface. This loop may be involved in the maintenance of the level of cytoplasmic Zn(2+).  相似文献   

Plant calcium (Ca(2+)) gradients, millimolar levels in the vacuole and micromolar levels in the cytoplasm, are regulated in part by high-capacity vacuolar cation/H(+) exchangers (CAXs). Several CAX transporters, including CAX1, appear to contain an approximately 40-amino acid N-terminal regulatory region (NRR) that modulates transport through N-terminal autoinhibition. Deletion of the NRR from several CAXs (sCAX) enhances function in plant and yeast expression assays; however, to date, there are no functional assays for CAX3 (or sCAX3), which is 77% identical and 91% similar in sequence to CAX1. In this report, we create a series of truncations in the CAX3 NRR and demonstrate activation of CAX3 in both yeast and plants by truncating a large portion (up to 90 amino acids) of the NRR. Experiments with endomembrane-enriched vesicles isolated from yeast expressing activated CAX3 demonstrate that the gene encodes Ca(2+)/H(+) exchange with properties distinct from those of CAX1. The phenotypes produced by activated CAX3-expressing in transgenic tobacco lines are also distinct from those produced by sCAX1-expressing plants. These studies demonstrate shared and unique aspects of CAX1 and CAX3 transport and regulation.  相似文献   

Synaptic vesicles, isolated from a sheep brain cortex, accumulate Ca(2+) in a manner that depends on the pH and pCa values. In the presence of 100 microM CaCl(2), most of the Ca(2+) taken up by the vesicles was vanadate-inhibited (86%) at pH 7.4, whereas at pH 8.5, part of the Ca(2+) accumulated (36%) was DeltapH-dependent (bafilomycin and CCCP inhibited) and part was insensitive to those drugs (31%). We also observed that both vanadate-sensitive and bafilomycin-sensitive Ca(2+) accumulations were completely released by the Ca(2+) ionophore, ionomycin, and that these processes work with high (K(0.5)=0.6 microM) and low (K(0.5)=217 microM) affinity for Ca(2+), respectively. The DeltapH-dependent Ca(2+) transport appears to be largely operative at Ca(2+) concentrations (>100 microM) which completely inhibited the vanadate-sensitive Ca(2+) uptake. These Ca(2+) effects on the Ca(2+) accumulation were well correlated with those observed on the vanadate-inhibited Ca(2+)-ATPase and bafilomycin-inhibited H(+)-ATPase, respectively. The Ca(2+)-ATPase activity reached a maximum at about 25 microM (pH 7.4) and sharply declined at higher Ca(2+) concentrations. In contrast, Ca(2+) had a significant stimulatory effect on the H(+)-ATPase between 250 and 500 microM Ca(2+) concentration. Furthermore, we found that DeltapH-sensitive Ca(2+) transport was associated with proton release from the vesicles. About 21% of the maximal proton gradient was dissipated by addition of 607.7 microM CaCl(2) to the reaction medium and, if CaCl(2) was present before the proton accumulation, lower pH gradients were reached. Both vanadate-inhibited and bafilomycin-inhibited systems transported Ca(2+) into the same vesicle pool of our preparation, suggesting that they belong to the same cellular compartment. These results indicate that synaptic vesicles of the sheep brain cortex contain two distinct mechanisms of Ca(2+) transport: a high Ca(2+) affinity, proton gradient-independent Ca(2+) pump that has an optimal activity at pH 7.4, and a low Ca(2+) affinity, proton gradient-dependent Ca(2+)/H(+) antiport that works maximally at pH 8.5.  相似文献   

Transient increases in cytosolic free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]cyt) are essential for plant responses to a variety of environmental stimuli, including low temperature. Subsequent reestablishment of [Ca2+]cyt to resting levels by Ca2+ pumps and antiporters is required for the correct transduction of the signal [corrected]. C-repeat binding factor/dehydration responsive element binding factor 1 (Ca2+/H+) antiporters is required for the correct transduction of the signal. We have isolated a cDNA from Arabidopsis that corresponds to a new cold-inducible gene, rare cold inducible4 (RCI4), which was identical to calcium exchanger 1 (CAX1), a gene that encodes a vacuolar Ca2+/H+ antiporter involved in the regulation of intracellular Ca2+ levels. The expression of CAX1 was induced in response to low temperature through an abscisic acid-independent pathway. To determine the function of CAX1 in Arabidopsis stress tolerance, we identified two T-DNA insertion mutants, cax1-3 and cax1-4, that display reduced tonoplast Ca2+/H+ antiport activity. The mutants showed no significant differences with respect to the wild type when analyzed for dehydration, high-salt, chilling, or constitutive freezing tolerance. However, they exhibited increased freezing tolerance after cold acclimation, demonstrating that CAX1 plays an important role in this adaptive response. This phenotype correlates with the enhanced expression of CBF/DREB1 genes and their corresponding targets in response to low temperature. Our results indicate that CAX1 ensures the accurate development of the cold-acclimation response in Arabidopsis by controlling the induction of CBF/DREB1 and downstream genes.  相似文献   

Phytoremediation is a cost-effective and minimally invasive technology to cleanse soils contaminated with heavy metals. However, few plant species are suitable for phytoremediation of metals such as cadmium (Cd). Genetic engineering offers a powerful tool to generate plants that can hyperaccumulate Cd. An Arabidopsis CAX1 mutant (CAXcd), which confers enhanced Cd transport in yeast, was ectopically expressed in petunia to evaluate whether the CAXcd expression would enhance Cd tolerance and accumulation in planta. The CAXcd-expressing petunia plants showed significantly greater Cd tolerance and accumulation than the controls. After being treated with either 50 or 100 μM CdCl2 for 6 weeks, the CAXcd-expressing plants showed more vigorous growth compared with controls, and the transgenic plants accumulated significantly more Cd (up to 2.5-fold) than controls. Moreover, the accumulation of Cd did not affect the development and morphology of the CAXcd-expressing petunia plants until the flowering and ultimately the maturing of seeds. Therefore, petunia has the potential to serve as a model species for developing herbaceous, ornamental plants for phytoremediation.  相似文献   

The leucine zipper, EF hand–containing transmembrane protein 1 (Letm1) gene encodes a mitochondrial inner membrane protein, whose depletion severely perturbs mitochondrial Ca2+ and K+ homeostasis. Here we expressed, purified, and reconstituted human Letm1 protein in liposomes. Using Ca2+ fluorophore and 45Ca2+-based assays, we demonstrate directly that Letm1 is a Ca2+ transporter, with apparent affinities of cations in the sequence of Ca2+ ≈ Mn2+ > Gd3+ ≈ La3+ > Sr2+ >> Ba2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+. Kinetic analysis yields a Letm1 turnover rate of 2 Ca2+/s and a Km of ∼25 µM. Further experiments show that Letm1 mediates electroneutral 1 Ca2+/2 H+ antiport. Letm1 is insensitive to ruthenium red, an inhibitor of the mitochondrial calcium uniporter, and CGP-37157, an inhibitor of the mitochondrial Na+/Ca2+ exchanger. Functional properties of Letm1 described here are remarkably similar to those of the H+-dependent Ca2+ transport mechanism identified in intact mitochondria.  相似文献   

Transformants of Arabidopsis thaliana can be generated without using tissue culture techniques by cutting primary and secondary inflorescence shoots at their bases and inoculating the wound sites with Agrobacterium tumefaciens suspensions. After three successive inoculations, treated plants are grown to maturity, harvested and the progeny screened for transformants on a selective medium. We have investigated the reproducibility and the overall efficiency of this simple in planta transformation procedure. In addition, we determined the T-DNA copy number and inheritance in the transformants and examined whether transformed progeny recovered from the same Agrobacterium-treated plant represent one or several independent transformation events. Our results indicate that in planta transformation is very reproducible and yields stably transformed seeds in 7–8 weeks. Since it does not employ tissue culture, the in planta procedure may be particularly valuable for transformation of A. thaliana ecotypes and mutants recalcitrant to in vitro regeneration. The transformation frequency was variable and was not affected by lower growth temperature, shorter photoperiod or transformation vector. The majority of treated plants gave rise to only one transformant, but up to nine siblings were obtained from a single parental plant. Molecular analysis suggested that some of the siblings originated from a single transformed cell, while others were descended from multiple, independently transformed germ-line cells. More than 90% of the transformed progeny exhibited Mendelian segregation patterns of NPTII and GUS reporter genes. Of those, 60% contained one functional insert, 16% had two T-DNA inserts and 15% segregated for T-DNA inserts at more than two unlinked loci. The remaining transformants displayed non-Mendelian segregation ratios with a very high proportion of sensitive plants among the progeny. The small numbers of transformants recovered from individual T1 plants and the fact that none of the T2 progeny were homozygous for a specific T-DNA insert suggest that transformation occurs late in floral development.  相似文献   

Cloning and characterization of a novel Mg(2+)/H(+) exchanger.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
Cellular functions require adequate homeostasis of several divalent metal cations, including Mg(2+) and Zn(2+). Mg(2+), the most abundant free divalent cytoplasmic cation, is essential for many enzymatic reactions, while Zn(2+) is a structural constituent of various enzymes. Multicellular organisms have to balance not only the intake of Mg(2+) and Zn(2+), but also the distribution of these ions to various organs. To date, genes encoding Mg(2+) transport proteins have not been cloned from any multicellular organism. We report here the cloning and characterization of an Arabidopsis thaliana transporter, designated AtMHX, which is localized in the vacuolar membrane and functions as an electrogenic exchanger of protons with Mg(2+) and Zn(2+) ions. Functional homologs of AtMHX have not been cloned from any organism. Ectopic overexpression of AtMHX in transgenic tobacco plants render them sensitive to growth on media containing elevated levels of Mg(2+) or Zn(2+), but does not affect the total amounts of these minerals in shoots of the transgenic plants. AtMHX mRNA is mainly found at the vascular cylinder, and a large proportion of the mRNA is localized in close association with the xylem tracheary elements. This localization suggests that AtMHX may control the partitioning of Mg(2+) and Zn(2+) between the various plant organs.  相似文献   

In plants, cytosolic Ca2+ levels are tightly regulated, and changes in cytosolic Ca2+ have been implicated in converting numerous signals into adapted responses. Vacuolar ion transporters are thought to be key mediators of cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations. In an attempt to interpret the role of vacuolar Ca2+ transport in plant processes, we have expressed the yeast vacuolar Ca2+/H+ antiporter, VCX1, in Arabidopsis and tobacco. This transporter localizes to the plant vacuolar membrane. VCX1-expressing Arabidopsis plants displayed increased sensitivity to sodium and other ions. These ion sensitivities could be suppressed by addition of calcium to the media. VCX1-expressing plants demonstrated increased tonoplast-enriched Ca2+/H+ antiport activity as well as increased Ca2+ accumulation. These results suggest that VCX1 expression in Arabidopsis could be a valuable tool with which to experimentally dissect the role of Ca2+ transport around the plant vacuole.  相似文献   

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