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Summary Two new cases of an unusual chromosome 1y variant, 16p+, in non-related normal carriers are reported.  相似文献   

In wild mouse populations of Siberia, animals with a new variant of chromosome 1 were found. The total length of this chromosome was 1.3 times as great as the normal homologue. The G-banding technique revealed two additional insertions Is(HSR; 1C5)1Icg and Is(HSR; 1E3)2Icg located between bands 1C5 and 1D, and 1E3 and 1E4, resp. The C-banding of both the insertions was positive and lighter than that of the centromeric heterochromatin. The size of each insertion was approximately 15% of new variant of chromosome 1. No meiotic disturbances were found in heterozygous male mice. Chromosome 1 with insertions has been introduced into the laboratory mouse stock.  相似文献   

A 46,XX,r(16) "de novo" karyotype is reported in a 4 7/12-year-old girl. In spite of the mild cranio-facial dysmorphism without visceral malformations in r(16) patients, the proband's phenotype is similar to the other four previous case reports. This could support the hypothesis of a specific "r(16) syndrome".  相似文献   

Familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FALS) affects 5%-10% of cases of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and is inherited as an autosomal dominant condition with incomplete penetrance. One-fifth of these cases of FALS are associated with mutations in copper/zinc-dependent superoxide dismutase (SOD1), but the gene defect in the remaining 80% of familial cases is, as yet, unknown. We have carried out a preliminary genome screen, using a U.K. resource of families lacking SOD1 mutations, to identify other potential disease loci and have identified a putative locus on chromosome 16q12.1-q12.2. The region associated with disease was further refined in the major family that contributed to this result and was localized to D16S409-D16S3032, a 14.74-cM genetic interval that corresponds to a physical distance of 6.6 Mb, which coincides with a region independently identified by two further research groups in the United States and the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

Hereditary cylindromatosis (HC; MIM 132700) is an autosomal dominant condition characterized by benign skin appendage tumors most commonly on the scalp and face. Previously, the HC gene (CYLD1) was linked to chromosome 16q12–13, and tumors showed loss of heterozygosity (LOH), suggesting that CYLD1 is a tumor suppressor gene. Here we report a new multi-generation cylindromatosis family whose condition maps to that region, with 7/13 tumors showing LOH on 16q. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

We present a new model of the three-dimensional structure of chromosomes. With DNA and protein staining it could be shown by high-resolution scanning electron microscopy that metaphase chromosomes are mainly composed of DNA packed in "chromomeres" (coiled solenoides) and a dynamic matrix formed of parallel protein fibers. In the centromeric region, the chromomeres are less densely packed, giving insight into the matrix fibers. We postulate that chromosome condensation is achieved by the binding of solenoids to matrix fibers which have contact sites to one another and move antiparallel to each other. As condensation progresses, loops of solenoids accumulate to form additional chromomeres, causing chromosomes to become successively shorter and thicker as more chromomeres are formed. For sterical reasons, a tension vertical to the axial direction forces the chromatids apart. The model can simply explain the enormous variety of chromosome morphology in plant and animal systems by varying only a few cytological parameters. Primary and secondary constrictions and deletions are defined as regions devoid of chromomeres. Even in the highly condensed metaphase, all genes would be easily accessible.  相似文献   

Previous work in this laboratory has identified electrophoretic variant forms of arylsulfatase A in leucocyte plus platelets. During a study to replicate and extend these findings, a new seven-band variant of arylsulfatase A has been identified. Purified platelets gave a clearer, more distinct electrophoretic banding pattern than the leucocyte and platelet preparations.  相似文献   

Summary Ring chromosome 16 was found in a 33-year-old woman with mental, motor, and growth defects. Apart from a low percentage of monosomy 16 cell lines, the patient appears to have virtually all of the normal chromosome 16 genetic material at the microscopic level. Her impressive problems highlight the limitation of our ability to detect small deletions and the profound importance of the integrity of chromosome 16 in normal human development.  相似文献   

Hereditary spastic paraplegia is a genetically and phenotypically heterogeneous disorder. Both pure and complicated forms have been described, with autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, and X-linked inheritance. Various loci (SPG1-SPG6) associated with this disorder have been mapped. Here, we report linkage analysis of a large consanguineous family affected with autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia with age at onset of 25-42 years. Linkage analysis of this family excluded all previously described spastic paraplegia loci. A genomewide linkage analysis showed evidence of linkage to chromosome 16q24.3, with markers D16S413 (maximum LOD score 3.37 at recombination fraction [theta] of .00) and D16S303 (maximum LOD score 3.74 at straight theta=.00). Multipoint analysis localized the disease gene in the most telomeric region, with a LOD score of 4.2. These data indicate the presence of a new locus linked to pure recessive spastic paraplegia, on chromosome 16q24.3, within a candidate region of 6 cM.  相似文献   

Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a heart-muscle disease characterized by ventricular dilatation and impaired heart contraction and is heterogeneous both clinically and genetically. To date, 12 candidate disease loci have been described for autosomal dominant DCM. We report the identification of a new locus on chromosome 6q12-16 in a French family with 9 individuals affected by the pure form of autosomal dominant DCM. This locus was found by using a genomewide search after exclusion of all reported disease loci and genes for DCM. The maximum pairwise LOD score was 3.52 at recombination fraction 0.0 for markers D6S1644 and D6S1694. Haplotype construction delineated a region of 16.4 cM between markers D6S1627 and D6S1716. This locus does not overlap with two other disease loci that have been described in nonpure forms of DCM and have been mapped on 6q23-24 and 6q23. The phospholamban, malic enzyme 1-soluble, and laminin-alpha4 genes were excluded as candidate genes, using single-strand conformation polymorphism or linkage analysis.  相似文献   

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