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Based on a detailed sequence of the distal Down syndrome critical region (DSCR), we predicted and molecularly cloned a novel gene, designated DSCR5. We determined the sequences of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) that almost matched the predicted cDNA sequence of DSCR5. Northern blot analysis showed that DSCR5 is expressed in several tissues including the liver, skeletal muscle, heart, pancreas and testis. To determine the 5'-end of DSCR5, the oligo-capping method was employed. Combining the EST sequence data and that from the oligo-capping experiments, we obtained the full-length cDNA sequence of DSCR5. DSCR5 had at least four types of alternatively spliced variants. According to the number of exons, they could be classified into two subtypes: DSCR5alpha and DSCR5beta. DSCR5alpha includes three splice variant subtypes, DSCR5alpha1, alpha2 and alpha3, which each has different first non-coding exon. In addition, the most abundantly isolated form, DSCR5alpha1, shows microheterogeneity of the mRNA start site. Comparison of the sequences between the predicted cDNA and the molecularly cloned cDNA revealed that the computer programs had limited validity to correctly predict the terminal exons. Thus, molecular cloning should always be required to complement the inadequacy of the computer predictions.  相似文献   

Summary A patient with the phenotype of trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) was found to have a normal karyotype in blood lymphocytes and fibroblasts. Assessment of the chromosome 21 markers SOD1, CBS, ETS2, D21S11, and BCEI showed partial trisomy by duplication of a chromosome segment carrying the SOD1, CBS, and ETS2 loci and flanked by the BCEI and D21S11 loci, which are not duplicated. This submicroscopic duplication at the interface of 21q21 and 21q22.1 reduces to about 2000–3000kb the critical segment the trisomy of which is responsible for the phenotype of trisomy 21.  相似文献   

We describe a 17-month-old infant with clinical features of Down syndrome and a normal karyotype by standard chromosomal analysis, her two uncles aged 28 and 30 years, respectively, with reduced intelligence and unusual appearance but not apparent Down syndrome, and a severely retarded 6-year-old girl with dysmorphy and epilepsy from the same family. Cytogenetic studies of patients and normal intervening relatives had been carried out at different institutions with normal results. Fluorescence in situ hybridization using whole chromosome painting and unique-copy probes (cosmids) and high-resolution banding revealed a familial subtelomeric translocation of chromosomes 18 and 21, resulting in partial trisomy 21 in the infant and her two uncles, and partial monosomy 21 in the 6-year-old girl. Cytogenetic breakpoints were located in bands 18q23 and 21q22.1, respectively. The molecular breakpoint on chromosome 21 was located between D21S211 (proximal) and D21S1283 (distal) and thus maps within the Down syndrome critical region. Received: 11 November 1996 / Accepted: 29 April 1997  相似文献   

Down syndrome (DS) is a major cause of mental retardation and heart disease. Although it is usually caused by the presence of an extra chromosome 21, a subset of the diagnostic features may be caused by the presence of only band 21q22. We now present evidence that significantly narrows the chromosomal region responsible for several of the phenotypic features of DS. We report a molecular and cytogenetic analysis of a three-generation family containing four individuals with clinical DS as manifested by the characteristic facial appearance, endocardial cushion defect, mental retardation, and probably dermatoglyphic changes. Autoradiograms of quantitative Southern blots of DNAs from two affected sisters, their carrier father, and a normal control were analyzed after hybridization with two to six unique DNA sequences regionally mapped on chromosome 21. These include cDNA probes for the genes for CuZn-superoxide dismutase (SOD1) mapping in 21q22.1 and for the amyloid precursor protein (APP) mapping in 21q11.2-21.05, in addition to six probes for single-copy sequences: D21S46 in 21q11.2-21.05, D21S47 and SF57 in 21q22.1-22.3, and D21S39, D21S42, and D21S43 in 21q22.3. All sequences located in 21q22.3 were present in three copies in the affected individuals, whereas those located proximal to this region were present in only two copies. In the carrier father, all DNA sequences were present in only two copies. Cytogenetic analysis of affected individuals employing R and G banding of prometaphase preparations combined with in situ hybridization revealed a translocation of the region from very distal 21q22.1 to 21qter to chromosome 4q. Except for a possible phenotypic contribution from the deletion of chromosome band 4q35, these data provide a molecular definition of the minimal region of chromosome 21 which, when duplicated, generates the facial features, heart defect, a component of the mental retardation, and probably several of the dermatoglyphic changes of DS. This region may include parts of bands 21q22.2 and 21q22.3, but it must exclude the genes S0D1 and APP and most of band 21q22.1, specifically the region defined by S0D1, SF57 and D21S47.  相似文献   

By combining molecular and cytogenetic techniques, we demonstrated the feasibility and desirability of a comprehensive approach to analysis of nondisjunction for chromosome 21. We analyzed the parental origin and stage of meiotic errors resulting in trisomy 21 in each of five families by successfully using cytogenetic heteromorphisms and DNA polymorphisms. The 16 DNA fragments used to detect polymorphisms spanned the length of the long arm and detected recombinational events on nondisjoined chromosomes in both maternal meiosis I and maternal meiosis II errors. The meiotic stage at which errors occurred was determined by sandwiching the centromere between cytogenetic heteromorphisms on 21p and an informative haplotype constructed using two polymorphic DNA probes that map to 21q just below the centromere. This study illustrates the necessity of combining cytogenetic polymorphisms on 21p with DNA polymorphisms spanning 21q to determine (1) the source and stage of meiotic errors that lead to trisomy 21 and (2) whether an association exists between nondisjunction and meiotic recombination.  相似文献   

This report deals with a reciprocal t(10;21) translocation which is observed in three generations of a family. Included are examples of the balanced translocation, adjacent-2 segregation producing three patients with trisomy of the distal long arm of chromosome 21 and the Down syndrome, and 3-1 disjunction producing trisomy of the proximal segment of chromosome 21 in a mildly mentally retarded boy without phenotypic features of the Down syndrome. These data provide evidence that the Down phenotype is attributable to trisomy of the distal long arm of chromosome 21.  相似文献   

We have isolated a highly polymorphic sequence from the Down syndrome critical region on human chromosome 21. This is a particularly useful marker because it lies adjacent to the locus D21S55, which is most closely associated with the major defects on Down syndrome. Other than this marker, few other variable sequences are known in this region (including other restriction fragment length polymorphisms or CA repeats) and therefore D21S1448 will be extremely helpful not only for people studying the inheritance of portions of chromosome 21 with respect to Down syndrome, but also for those carrying out linkage analysis of the chromosome.  相似文献   

Members of a large Irish pedigree exhibiting early-onset autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP) were typed for the rhesus blood group and nine DNA markers on chromosome 1. Close linkage between the ADRP locus and any of the marker loci was excluded using two-point analysis. With use of the sex-averaged maps of Dracopoli et al. and Donis-Keller et al. and a strategy of rolling multipoint analyses, support was gained for the exclusion of ADRP from a 224-cM region of the chromosome, including almost the entire short arm. The disease locus was significantly excluded from within at least 50 cM of the rhesus locus and, as a loose linkage between these two genes has been suggested by other studies, this result may support the possibility of genetic heterogeneity within the autosomal dominant subgroup of retinitis pigmentosa.  相似文献   

Down syndrome (DS), trisomy of human chromosome 21, is the most common genetic cause of intellectual disability. With an incidence in some countries as high as one in approximately 700 live births, and a complex, extensive and variably severe phenotype, Down syndrome is a significant medical and social challenge. In recent years, there has been a rapid increase in information on the functions of the genes of human chromosome 21, as well as in techniques and resources for their analysis. A recent workshop brought together experts on the molecular biology of Down syndrome and chromosome 21 with interested researchers in other fields to discuss advances and potentials for generating gene-phenotype correlations. An additional goal of the workshop was to work towards identification of targets for therapeutics that will correct features of DS. A knowledge-based approach to therapeutics also requires the correlation of chromosome 21 gene function with phenotypic features.  相似文献   

Summary A three generation family with Stickler syndrome is reported. Affected patients exhibited myopia with frequent retinal detachment or glaucoma. Most of them had characteristic facial dysmorphism, the Pierre-Robin sequence being observed in four individuals. Neonatal radiological signs of the Weissenbacher-Zweymüller syndrome were also noticed but early arthopathy was not reported in adults. Restriction fragment length polymorphism studies with the type II collagen gene (COL2A1) showed a recombination event between the disease locus and COL2A1, thus excluding collagen type II as the candidate gene. Although the calculation of the likelihood of genetic heterogeneity versus homogeneity based on 10 families was not statistically significant, we suggest that a second locus is probably involved in this highly variable syndrome.  相似文献   

A case of r(21) with stigmata of atypical Down syndrome   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary A case of r(21) with stigmata of atypical Down syndrome is presented. Karyotype of the proposita was determined as 45,XX,-21/46,XX,-21, +r(21)/47,XX,-21,+r(21),+(21). Most ring chromosomes showed double-sized ring chromosomes, which were trisomic for 21p11-21q22.3 and monosomic for 21q22.3-qter. SOD-1 activity revealed only slight elevation. The mechanism of ring formation is discussed.  相似文献   

Van der Woude syndrome (VWS) is an autosomal dominant disorder associated with one or more of the following features: clefting of the primary or secondary palate, hypodontia or lower lip pits. It has been estimated to account for 2% of all cases of cleft lip and palate. VWS is one of the rare disorders in which clefting of the primary and secondary palate may be seen to segregate as components associated with the same gene. Because of its autosomal dominant inheritance, VWS is readily accessable to linkage analysis as a preliminary step in the identification of the molecular abnormality underlying the clefting effect in the primary and secondary palate. A reported linkage between REN and VWS has promoted us to use pHRnX3.6 (REN) and several markers surrounding REN for a linkage analysis in a large Swiss family. In a second step, linkage analysis was performed to study restriction fragment length polymorphisms for the candidate gene TGFB2 and other loci recently mapped to the candidate region 1q32–1q41. Evidence for linkage ( = 0.00, lod score = 3.01) between REN and VWS could be confirmed in this pedigree. TGFB2 demonstrated recombination with the disease locus and is unlikely to be causative in VWS. The results of a multipoint linkage analysis showed that VWS was flanked by D1S65 and TGFB2 at a maximum location score of 20.3.  相似文献   

Down syndrome (DS), also known as Trisomy 21, is the most common chromosome aneuploidy in live-born children and displays a complicated symptom. To date, several kinds of mouse models have been generated to understand the molecular pathology of DS, yet the gene dosage effects and gene(s)-phenotype(s) correlation are not well understood. In this study, we established a novel method to generate a partial trisomy mice using the mouse ES cells that harbor a single copy of human artificial chromosome (HAC), into which a small human DNA segment containing human chromosome 21 genes cloned in a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) was recombined. The produced mice were found to maintain the HAC carrying human genes as a mini-chromosome, hence termed as a Trans-Mini-Chromosomal (TMC) mouse, and HAC was transmitted for more than twenty generations independent from endogenous mouse chromosomes. The three human transgenes including cystathionine β-synthase, U2 auxiliary factor and crystalline alpha A were expressed in several mouse tissues with various expression levels relative to mouse endogenous genes. The novel system is applicable to any of human and/or mouse BAC clones. Thus, the TMC mouse carrying a HAC with a limited number of genes would provide a novel tool for studying gene dosage effects involved in the DS molecular pathogenesis and the gene(s)-phenotype(s) correlation.  相似文献   

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