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The community structure of trophically transmitted intestinal helminths of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar post‐smolts was highly variable among four fjords in Norway. There were no severely pathogenic parasite species. Post‐smolts from the southernmost Trondheimsfjord had a higher diversity of freshwater parasite species compared to the three northern fjords (Tanafjord, Altafjord and Malangen). In contrast, the highest diversity and proportion of marine species was found in the three northern fjords. Post‐smolts were generally more infected with marine parasites in the outer rather than inner parts of all of the fjords. The prevalence of the acanthocephalan Echinorynchus gadi (range: 13–42%) and marine trematodes (range: 14–47%) was higher in post‐smolts in outer zones of the northern fjords than in fish from Trondheimsfjord (0 and 6%, respectively). The within‐fjord variability and north‐south geographical gradient in parasite infection patterns reflected differences in marine feeding of the post‐smolts on potential intermediate hosts such as amphipods ( E. gadi ) and fish larvae (trematodes), which were higher in the northern fjords (range: 27–28 and 67–85%, respectively) than in Trondheimsfjord (5 and 19%, respectively). High intensities of marine parasites suggest that some post‐smolts from northern fjords may have a prolonged fjord‐feeding compared to those from Trondheimsfjord. Parasites of both freshwater and marine origin appear to be suitable as bio‐indicators of feeding and migratory pattern of Atlantic salmon post‐smolts and preadults during their seaward migration.  相似文献   

Stomach content analyses were conducted on Atlantic salmon Salmo salar post‐smolt (average size, 119–154 mm fork length, L F) caught in eight large Norwegian fjord systems along a north–south geographical axis during 1998–2001. In general, post‐smolts from southern Norway showed low feeding intensity in the fjords, whereas extensive feeding was observed in fjords in the northern and middle parts of Norway. The marine diet mainly included different crustaceans and in particular marine pelagic fish larvae (sand-eels Ammodytes spp., herring Clupea harengus and gadoids), but with a substantial spatial and annual variation in prey diversity and feeding intensity. Insects were most frequently taken in the estuary, although fishes often made a large contribution in mass. In contrast, fishes, and to some extent various crustaceans (particularly Hyperiidae, Gammaridae, Euphausiacea and Copepoda) dominated the diet in the middle and outer parts of the fjords, where post‐smolts also fed more extensively than in the inner part. The results indicate that extensive feeding immediately after sea entrance may be more common for post‐smolts in the northern and middle parts of Norway, than in the southern fjords. The observed differences in post‐smolt feeding may be due to spatial and temporal differences in prey availability within and between the different types of fjord systems, and this might influence post‐smolt growth and survival.  相似文献   

Direct day and night underwater observations of juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar during summer and autumn showed a duality in response to temperature between 7 and 11° C for young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) Atlantic salmon. They were predominantly diurnal in early summer and nocturnal in late summer although water temperatures were similar. Post‐YOY Atlantic salmon did not show a strong response to temperature as they were mostly nocturnal during the study period. It is suggested that the difference in activity patterns between YOY and post‐YOY Atlantic salmon can be explained by size‐dependent trade‐off between growth and predation risk.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts (n = 181) from two rivers were surgically implanted with acoustic transmitters and released to determine migration route, residency time and survival in a 50 km long estuarine fjord located on the south coast of Newfoundland, Canada. Data obtained from automated receivers placed throughout the Bay d'Espoir fjord indicated that migrating smolts used different routes to reach the outer areas of the fjord. The duration of time that smolts spent in the immediate estuary zone also differed between the two localities (7 and 17 days) although the total time smolts were resident in the fjord was similar and extensive (40 days). Many smolts were resident for periods of 4-8 weeks moving back and forth in the outer part of the fjord where maximum water depths range from 300 to 700 m. Survival in the estuary zone was greater for smolts with prolonged residency in estuarine habitat. Overall smolt survival to the fjord exit was moderately high (54-85%), indicating that the initial phase of migration did not coincide with a period of unusually high mortality.  相似文献   

Seaward migrating subyearling chinook salmon avoid overhead cover   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Approximately three‐quarters of migrating autumn (fall) chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha smolts avoided a covered channel and selected an uncovered channel when presented with a choice in an experimental flume. Rejection of overhead cover occurred prior to, but was rare post‐channel entrance. Smolts may selectively reject riparian cover as an adaptive behavioural response to minimize predation risk and enhance rates of migration. The findings have implications for fish bypass design and riparian habitat and culvert restoration.  相似文献   

The present study investigated, for the first time, a non‐invasive technique for monitoring cortisol levels in fishes that had been implanted with electronic transmitters. This technique involved the measurement of cortisol released into the water by individual fish. Carp Cyprinus carpio and roach Rutilus rutilus that had been tagged with miniature dummy acoustic transmitters responded to the surgical implantation of the tags with an immediate (1 to 4 h) increase in cortisol concentrations in the water. These amounts of cortisol were higher than in 'handled only' and 'handled and anaesthetized' groups. Estimated cortisol release rates for both species correlated well with the direct measurements in the water. In both species, water cortisol concentration and cortisol release rates returned to pre‐stress levels within 12 h of tag‐insertion, and remained low for the remainder of the experiment. The calculation of cortisol release rates highlighted a difference of a factor of about four between peak release rates in carp and roach. There was no evident long‐term cortisol stress response to the presence of a tag in the body cavity in either species.  相似文献   

The movements of 24 hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts, with miniature acoustic transmitters (pingers) implanted surgically, were determined after release in the coastal waters of Passamaquoddy Bay (mean tide range 6 m), New Brunswick, Canada, to describe the first stages of seaward migration. Automated pinger detection at fixed sites, and pinger location and tracking by boat were used. Post-smolts left the release area rapidly, and the majority moved to open waters of the bay within several tidal cycles. Initially, post-smolts moved with a seaward orientation on ebb tides and held positions on flood tides. Their movements into open waters were diurnal, and the timing corresponded with the state of the tide during which they moved through a narrow channel. Post-smolts moved preferentially through this passageway with the aid of the tidal stream. Successful movements out through the channel occurred during ebb tides and any movements back in were during flood tides. Ground speed of fish moving through the channel was 4·2 body lengths s−1 and faster than the tidal stream velocities in the channel. The relative velocity of fish swimming through the channel was 2 body lengths s−1. Post-smolt movement was indicative of active, directed swimming with a reliance on ebb-tide transport for migration through a coastal area with strong tidal currents. Some post-smolts moved seaward directly with no apparent period of acclimation for the transfer to the marine environment, whereas others delayed their departure. These differences in behaviour were probably related to asynchrony in smolting when fish were released.  相似文献   

We monitored the movement of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) smolts with acoustic transmitters from freshwater, through the freshwater/estuary ecotone, through the estuary, and to ocean entry to determine residence time and habitat use in Humboldt Bay, California. Tagged fish were monitored with a fixed receiver network and mobile tracking conducted from a boat. Coho salmon observed during the two-year study resided in Humboldt Bay beginning at least as early as late April and resided through the beginning of July. Coho salmon smolts spent more time in the freshwater/estuary ecotone compared to the lower estuary and spent an average of 10–12 days migrating to Humboldt Bay. Coho salmon smolts resided in Humboldt Bay, a marine embayment, for an average of 15–22 days prior to leaving the bay for the open ocean. Coho salmon smolts, as observed from mobile tracking, used deep channels and channel margins more often than floating eelgrass mats, pilings, and docks. In addition, tagged fish were more often detected in the central portions of Humboldt Bay characterized by deep channels with narrow intertidal margins. There were fewer detections in other portions of the bay characterized by shallow channels with large intertidal mudflats and eelgrass meadows. Relatively short transmitter life (70 days) precluded determining the latest date of coho salmon smolt residency in Humboldt Bay. In addition, tag size limited use to the largest emigrating smolts and may not represent the behaviors of the smaller-sized smolts which were more abundant.  相似文献   

Analysis of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar scales from the River Dee in Wales between 1937 and 2002 revealed a marked increase in the proportion of 1 + year smolts from c . 5% in the period to 1949, to almost 40% in the decade to 2002. Due to regulation flows post‐1964 over the period of change the Dee became colder during the period April to October, indicating that factors other than climate change are likely to be involved.  相似文献   

Seasonal distribution of adult Atlantic sturgeon was examined using pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs) and ultrasonic transmitters deployed in the Saint John River, New Brunswick, Canada. Seven MK10 PSATs programmed for release in June 2012 and seven MiniPAT PSATs programmed for release in February and April 2013 were deployed in August 2011 and 2012, respectively. Eleven of 14 PSATs surfaced and transmitted depth and temperature data archived for the duration of their deployment (121–302 days). Among these eleven PSATs, five were recovered and 15-sec archival data was downloaded. Following exit from the Saint John River in the fall, tagged fish occupied a mean monthly depth of 76.3–81.6 m at temperatures as low as 4.9˚C throughout the winter before returning to shallower areas in the spring. The majority of ultrasonic detections occurred in the Bay of Fundy, but fish were detected as far as Riviere Saint-Jean, Quebec, approximately 1500 km from the Bay of Fundy (representing long-distance migratory rates of up to 44 km/day). All PSATs were first detected in the Bay of Fundy. Tags that released in February and April were found 5–21 km offshore of the Saint John Harbour, while tags that released in June were first detected in near shore areas throughout the Bay of Fundy. The substrate at winter tag release locations (estimated from backward numerical particle-tracking experiments) consisted primarily of moraines and postglacial mud substrate with low backscatter strength, indicative of soft or smooth seabed. Based on the proximity of winter tag release locations, the consistent depths observed between fish, and previous research, it is suspected that a winter aggregation exists in the Bay of Fundy. This study expands the understanding of the marine distribution and range of Atlantic sturgeon on the east coast of Canada.  相似文献   

Hatchery‐reared Atlantic salmon Salmo salar ( n  = 25) and wild anadromous brown trout (sea trout) Salmo trutta ( n  = 15) smolts were tagged with coded acoustic transmitters and released at the mouth of the River Eira on the west coast of Norway. Data logging receivers recorded the fish during their outward migration at 9, 32, 48 and 77 km from the release site. Seventeen Atlantic salmon (68%) and eight sea trout (53%) were recorded after release. Mean migratory speeds between different receiver sites ranged from 0·49 to 1·82 body lengths (total length) per second (bl s−1) for Atlantic salmon and 0·11–2·60 bl s−1 for sea trout. Atlantic salmon were recorded 9, 48 and 77 km from the river mouth on average 28, 65 and 83 h after release, respectively. Sea trout were recorded 9 km from the release site 438 h after release. Only four (23%) sea trout were detected in the outer part of the fjord system, while the rest of the fish seemed to stay in the inner fjord system. The Atlantic salmon stayed for a longer time in the inner part than in the outer parts of the fjord system, but distinct from sea trout, migrated through the whole fjord system into the ocean.  相似文献   

Discriminant function analysis was used to distinguish morphologically between samples of parr, smolts and adult Atlantic salmon Salmo salar from several hatchery and river systems in Ireland. The effect of habitat shift was investigated in Atlantic salmon parr. Parr grown from the eyed‐egg stage with a non‐sibling group in a hatchery environment, came to resemble the mean body shape of their host hatchery Atlantic salmon stock more closely than that of a full sibling group grown at their natal hatchery. Wild Atlantic salmon smolts differed in shape from hatchery‐reared smolts. This difference was less pronounced, but still statistically significant when wild adults were compared with hatchery‐reared adults captured in the coastal drift‐net fishery after a year spent at sea. Rearing conditions had a significant impact on the production and growth of fish body shape. This in turn may have affected adaptability and survivorship of ranched Atlantic salmon in the marine environment.  相似文献   

Gale  W. L.  Hill  M. S.  & Zydlewski  G. B. 《Journal of fish biology》2004,65(S1):328-329
In many parts of the world release of hatchery‐reared smolts has long been used to mitigate for the deleterious effects of habitat loss and overfishing on salmonid populations. Of increasing concern is whether this may cause harm by spreading non‐native stocks and potentially releasing incompetent smolts. The objective of this study was to determine if smolt physiology and behavior of juveniles produced from a recently founded native broodstock differ from their wild (naturally‐reared) counterparts. In the fall of 2002 and 2003 juvenile wild steelhead were captured, PIT tagged, and returned ( n  = 1360 in 2002 and n  = 2708 in 2003) to Abernathy Creek. In winter of 2003 and 2004 hatchery‐reared fish were PIT tagged and later released ( n  = 1100 in 2003 and n  = 1400 in 2004) into Abernathy Creek. Gill biopsies were collected from wild and hatchery fish throughout the rearing and out‐migration season. The timing and speed of outmigration was assessed using two stationary PIT tag antennas (92–97% efficient). Hatchery migrants in 2003 were larger, had significantly lower gill Na+, K+‐ATPase activities, and migrated slower than wild fish. Results from the 2004 migratory season will also be presented. This study shows that hatchery rearing can result in smolts which are physiologically and behaviourally different from genetically similar wild fish. Whether these differences are critical enough to affect the rate of adult returns will be determined in future years.  相似文献   

Three cryoprotectants [dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO), propylene glycol (PG) and glycerol], two diluents (sucrose‐ and saline‐based), two sperm collection times, two freezing rates and three times between thaw and activation (0, 30 and 60 min) were tested in order to develop a protocol for the cryopreservation of sperm of haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus and Atlantic cod Gadus morhua . The faster freezing rate resulted in extremely low post‐thaw motility in comparison to the slower freezing rate, which was successful for sperm from both gadids. In both cases, the use of PG resulted in significantly higher post‐thaw sperm motility‐recovery indices than with DMSO or glycerol, which did not differ significantly from one another. Diluent had no effect on post‐thaw sperm motility for Atlantic cod or haddock. Sperm collected at the end of the spawning season tended to have reduced post‐thaw motility compared to that collected 2 weeks after the start of spawning. A 30 min delay between thaw and activation of haddock and Atlantic cod sperm resulted in a significant decrease in sperm motility. When PG was used as cryoprotectant, sperm motility continued to decrease between 30 and 60 min post‐thaw. With DMSO or glycerol as cryoprotectant, motilities were already very low after 30 min post‐thaw and did not decrease any further after 60 min. Cryoprotectant, diluent and time between thaw and activation had no effect on mean or maximum sperm swimming speeds for either Atlantic cod or haddock sperm. Fertilization success for haddock eggs, like sperm motility, was higher with PG‐frozen sperm than DMSO‐ or glycerol‐frozen sperm. These results constitute the first reported successful cryopreservation of haddock sperm and improve on previous methods used to cryopreserve sperm from Atlantic cod.  相似文献   

Goldfish Carassius auratus embryos were subjected to artificial ultraviolet‐B (UVB) radiation (280–320 nm) at various times during development to evaluate the effects on production of anatomically normal larvae. The UVB radiation used in these experiments included a higher proportion of shorter wavelengths compared to the natural spectrum. The development of embryos exposed to UVB for 2 or 4 h at 26 h post‐fertilization was severely impaired whereas similar exposures at 50 or 74 h post‐fertilization had no effect. A 2 h exposure to UVB commencing at 2 h post‐fertilization did not adversely affect embryonic development whereas a 4 h exposure to a lower dose did. At 50 h post‐fertilization, when embryos were normally resistant to UVB, denial of access to visible light and UVA before, during and after exposure to UVB caused impairment of development. Analysis of DNA fragment length after incubation with an endonuclease suggested that UVB damage at 50 h was caused by formation of pyrimidine dimers. This study demonstrated that the sensitivity of goldfish embryos to UVB varied during development and that resistance to UVB in later developmental stages included a photorepair mechanism.  相似文献   

Varricchio  E.  Rubino  T.  Paino  S.  Di Lascio  T.  Paciello  O.  & Langella  M. 《Journal of fish biology》2004,65(S1):335-335
Many recent reports suggest that the calpastatin/calpain system plays a role in cellular growth and differentiation. Defects of the calpastatin/calpain system have been linked to cellular dysfunctions, apoptosis, myocardial infarct, and dystrophies. The calpastatin/calpain system has also been implicated in post‐mortem tenderization of skeletal muscle through degradation of key myofibrillar and associated proteins, a process of key importance to meat quality. In the present study we investigate the presence and activity of the calpastatin/calpain system in trout muscle samples, collected at 0, 3, 18 and 28 h post‐mortem, by immunohistochemistry method. Calpastatin is a specific endogenous enzyme of cytosol, modulating the ubiquitous calpains. Calpastatin was found in samples obtained in vivo and immediately post‐mortem, but its concentration declined rapidly in samples obtained 3, 18 and 28 h post‐mortem. The ubiquitous m e m‐calpains, which are localized on Z line proteins and activated by intracellular Ca2+ increase, showed a rapid decline within 3 h post‐mortem. By contrast p94 calpain, which is specific to skeletal muscle, showed a slow decrease post‐mortem which was independent of intracellular Ca2+ increase. Our results suggest that the mechanism of activation and activity of the calpastatin/calpain system in trout is similar to that described in mammals.  相似文献   

1. The feeding methods and intensity of predation by larvae of the damselfly Erythromma najas on leaf‐mining larvae of the chironomid Glyptotendipes gripekoveni were examined in artificial habitats differing in complexity. The experiments assessed the influence of chemical stimuli from the predator, light and the concentration of suspended food on the feeding activity of G. gripekoveni inside and outside of the mine.
2.  Erythromma najas preyed upon G. gripekoveni as the latter grazed outside mines. The intensity of this predation decreased significantly at night in a habitat offering alternative prey.
3. When the food concentration for the chironomid was high, it significantly reduced both filtering activity and activity outside mines in response to the kairomone produced by E. najas . Feeding activity did not change when food was scarce.
4. The induced reduction in filter‐feeding and deposit‐feeding activity probably reduced predator success by reducing the probability of long‐distance detection of a mine and location of the chironomid's hole.
5. The predator can detect and catch mining prey in either the light (visually) or dark (mechanically). This may explain the lack of diel periodicity in the chemically induced differences in prey activity.
6. Reduced feeding activity of mining larvae in the chemically simulated presence of a larval damselfly can be explained as an induced antipredator behaviour, illustrating the trade‐off between feeding demands and predation risk in a poorly known link of the littoral foodweb.  相似文献   

The migration pattern of Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.) post-smolts in the Baltic Sea was investigated based on tag recoveries of Carlin-tagged wild and hatchery-reared smolts released in the Simojoki river in 1972–2005. Exact date of sea entry was known only for the wild smolts. Tag recoveries of wild salmon in the estuary within 10 km from the river mouth were received on average 3.5 days (±2.0 SD) after release. Time required for emigration from the estuary was dependent on the sea surface temperature (SST) off the river ( R 2 = 0.625, P = 0.004), being shorter in years with warmer than colder sea temperatures. Outside the estuary, the wild and hatchery-reared post-smolts migrated southwards along the eastern coast of the northern Gulf of Bothnia, the tag recoveries coinciding with the warm thermal zone in the SST occurring along the coastal area. After arriving in the southern Gulf of Bothnia in late summer the post-smolts mostly migrated near the western coast, reaching the Baltic main basin in late autumn. The relationships between the marine conditions and migration patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

Departure decisions of songbirds at ecological barriers they encounter en route can strongly influence time, energy and survival costs of migration. To date, most field studies of departure decisions and their correlates have used indirect methods and followed migrants at a single stopover site, with limited information on what happens to individuals after they depart from the site. We used an automated radiotelemetry array extending 350 km from southwest Nova Scotia to southern Maine to study the migratory and stopover movements of Northern Waterthrushes Parkesia noveboracensis, Red‐eyed Vireos Vireo olivaceus and Yellow‐rumped Warblers Setophaga coronata in relation to fuel load and weather at the northeastern edge of the Gulf of Maine. From the 105 radio‐transmitters we deployed in southwest Nova Scotia, we recorded 42 landscape‐scale stopover flights and 47 migratory flights by 75 individuals. Of the migratory flights, 57% were orientated southwest, a trajectory that, if held, would require individuals to complete a 350–440 km overwater flight. The remaining 43% of migratory flights were orientated northwest, away from the Gulf of Maine, and 15 individuals were confirmed to have detoured around all or a portion of the barrier, as evidenced by their being re‐detected over the Bay of Fundy and/or along the coast of Maine between 4 h and 15 days later. Across all individuals, initial fat score had a positive effect on departure probability, especially for individuals that made stopover flights. Among weather variables, tailwind assistance was the best predictor of migratory departures but did not appear to be the main factor determining whether individuals orientated towards or away from the Gulf of Maine. Weather had little effect on departure decisions of individuals that made stopover flights. These differences in the correlates of migratory departures and stopover flights would probably not have been distinguishable had our study been restricted to a local scale. Therefore, our findings highlight the importance of expanding the scale at which departure decisions and the ecology of stopover in general are studied.  相似文献   

The parasite fauna of Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus commerson from 10 sites across northern Australia and one site in Indonesia, was examined to evaluate the degree of movement and subsequent stock structure of the fish. Kupang fish (Indonesia) had very few Terranova spp., Grillotia branchi , Otobothrium cysticum or Pterobothrium sp. compared to Australian fish, indicating that no Australian fish enter the Kupang fishery. Univariate and discriminant function analysis of four 'temporary' parasite species, the copepod Pseudocycnoides armatus and the monogeneans Gotocotyla bivaginalis , Pricea multae and Pseudothoracocotyla ovalis , demonstrated little similarity between areas of northern Australia, indicating minimal short‐term exchange between neighbouring groups of S. commerson . Analyses of five 'permanent' parasite species, the larval helminths G. branchi , O. cysticum , Pterobothrium sp., Callitetrarhynchus gracilis and Paranybelinia balli , also revealed large differences between areas thus indicating long‐term separation. There are at least six parasitological stocks across northern Australia: Fog Bay/Bathurst Island, Cape Wessel, Groote/Sir Edward Pellew, Mornington Island, Weipa, and the Torres Strait. The occurrence of a few irregular fish in the samples suggested that up to 5% of fish moved between stocks during their lifetime. The similarity of within‐school variability to that between schools showed that the fish do not form long‐term school associations.  相似文献   

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