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The applicability of stem cells from the human endometrium and fallopian tube for regeneration is a fascinating area of research because of the role of these cells in dynamic tissue remodelling and their cyclical regenerative property during the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. Nevertheless, studies on the identity of biomarkers of these stem cells are limited and need to be extended. The present study has aimed at exploring the tissue-specific biomarkers of stem cells derived from the human endometrium and fallopian tube compared with those from bone marrow. Cells were isolated from human endometrium and fallopian tubes and characterized for biomarkers, including CD34, CD133, CD117, CD90, CD105, CD73, nestin, CD29, CD44, CD31, CD54, CD166, CD106, CD49d, CD45, ABCG2, SSEA4, OCT4, SOX2, CD140b and CD146, by flowcytometry. Both endometrium and fallopian tube sources exhibited positivity over a wide range of markers, as did bone marrow. In particular, they exhibited pluripotency, perivascular and mesenchymal stem cell markers and cell adhesion molecules, thereby suggesting their relevance in tissue repair and regeneration. Overall, the results of this study provide evidence for the presence of stem cells in the human endometrium and fallopian tube, which could thus represent additional stem cell sources for regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

Tyrosine kinase receptor erythropoietin-producing hepatocellular receptor A2 (EphA2) and its predominant ligand EphrinA1 have been studied extensively for their roles of mediating cell adhesion in epithelial cells. However, EphA2 signaling in human fallopian tube epithelial cells is poorly understood. In this study, primary cultured fallopian tube epithelial cells were used as a model treated with EphrinA1-Fc or IgG-Fc (control), to explore the role of EphA2 signal and its network involved in the regulation of cell adhesion of tubal epithelia cells. The activation of EphA2 and focal adhesion kinase (FAK) was evaluated by western blotting assay in the cultured fallopian tube epithelia cells, of which the cell adhesion activity was determined by MTT assay. A significantly negative correlation was found between phosphorylated-EphA2 (Pho-EphA2) and phosphorylated-FAK (Pho-FAK) after exposure to EphrinA1-Fc (P = 0.000; r = -0.848). EphrinA1-Fc increased Pho-EphA2 and reduced Pho-FAK in seconds, with the apex level of Pho-EphA2 and the nadir level of Pho-FAK detected at the same time (10 min). Cell adhesion of the cultured cells supplemented with EphrinA1-Fc appeared to be weaker than that of the controls at the later time points of the treatment (from 30 to 120 min) (P < 0.05). Taken together, the EphrinA1 addition directly induces an elevated Pho-EphA2 accompanied by a decreased Pho-FAK in human fallopian tube epithelia cells. Furthermore, activation of EphA2 participates in the regulation of fallopian tube cell adhesion via FAK dephosphorylation.  相似文献   

Localization and expression of steroid sulfatase in human fallopian tubes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Localization of steroid sulfatase, a membrane-bound microsomal enzyme, in human fallopian tubes was immunohistochemically investigated, and expression of RNA was confirmed by competitive RT-PCR. Human fallopian tubes were obtained from 10 patients in follicular and early luteal phases during gynecological laparotomy. An anti-human rabbit polyclonal antibody was prepared against sulfatase protein purified from human placenta. Total RNA was isolated from epithelium of fallopian tubes. A heterologous RNA competitor was designed, and competitive RT-PCR was carried out. Steroid sulfatase was localized to the cytoplasm of epithelial cells. With respect to the positive staining of cells, the number of positive secretory cells was higher than that of ciliated cells. A significantly higher number of positive cells was found in tissue obtained from the early luteal phase than that found in tissue from the follicular phase. An abundant expression of sulfatase mRNA in early luteal phase was also observed. This study demonstrates, for the first time, that steroid sulfatase is localized to human epithelial cells and that steroid sulfatase staining and mRNA expression changes with the menstrual cycle. These results suggest that sulfatase in the fallopian tube may be involved in controlling the local steroid environment, which appears to regulate aspects of the physiological reproductive function of the fallopian tube.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Primary adenocarcinoma of the fallopian tube is rare and not diagnosed until at an advanced stage. We present a case of carcinoma in situ of the fallopian tube in which cytologic examination obtained by hydrotubation facilitated the diagnosis. CASE: A 55-year-old woman presented to Yamaguchi Red Cross Hospital for uterine cancer screening. Endometrial brush cytology revealed adenocarcinoma cells, but endometrial curettage showed no abnormal findings. We performed hydrotubation, collecting abdominal fluid by culdocentesis for cytology. The smear test showed adenocarcinoma with cells similar to those obtained by endometrial brush cytology. Laparotomy showed no abnormalities in the abdominal cavity, and pelvic washing cytology was negative. Based on the positive cytology found by hydrotubation, we performed a hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. Postsurgical histology revealed adenocarcinoma in situ of the fallopian tube. CONCLUSION: The present case suggests that cytologic examination obtained by hydrotubation may be useful in diagnosing early tubal cancer.  相似文献   

Steroidogenesis in the placenta has been studied widely, but little is known about steroid metabolism in ectopic pregnancy. Previous studies have indicated that trophoblast invasion and placentation in the uterus and the fallopian tube may be controlled by similar mechanisms. As far as 17β-estradiol (E2) production is concerned, it has been well demonstrated that its biosynthesis in the placenta involves the action of P450 aromatase (P450arom) and 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (17HSD1). The purpose of this study was to characterize the expression pattern of P450arom and 17HSD1 at the fetal–maternal interface, particularly in various trophoblast cells, in tubal pregnancy. Using in situ hybridization, P450arom mRNA was localized in syncytiotrophoblast (ST) cells, which are mainly responsible for hormone production during pregnancy, whereas no signal was detected in villous cytotrophoblast (VCT), column CT and extravillous CT (EVCT) cells. Immunohistochemical assays revealed that 17HSD1 is present in ST cells, a large portion of EVCT cells and 20% of column CT cells. On the other hand, no expression of 17HSD1 was detected in VCT cells. In addition, 17HSD1 was found in epithelial cells of the fallopian tube. Interestingly, the expression level of 17HSD1 in fallopian tube epithelium during tubal pregnancy was significantly higher than that during normal cycle. Our data provide the first evidence that normal and tubal pregnancies possess identical expression of P450arom and 17HSD1 in ST cells and therefore, similar E2 production in the placenta. Further, the association of 17HSD1 with EVCT cells indicates that 17HSD1 perhaps play a role in trophoblast invasion. Finally, increased expression of 17HSD1 in epithelial cells of fallopian tube may lead to a local E2 supply sufficient for the maintenance of tubal pregnancy.  相似文献   

Estrogen receptors (ERs) are members of the nuclear receptor superfamily and are involved in regulation of fallopian tube functions (i.e., enhancement of protein secretion, formation of tubal fluid, and regulation of gamete transport). However, the ER subtype-mediated mechanisms underlying these processes have not been completely clarified. Recently, we identified ERbeta expression and localization in rat fallopian tubes, suggesting a potential biological function of ERbeta related to calcium-dependent ciliated beating. Here we provide for the first time insight into the less studied ERalpha isoforms, which mediate estrogen-dependent production and secretion of IGFs in vivo. First, Western blot studies revealed that three ERalpha isoforms were expressed in mouse fallopian tubes. Subsequent immunohistochemical analysis showed that ERalpha was detected in all cell types, whereas ERbeta was mainly localized in ciliated epithelial cells. Second, ERalpha isoform levels were dramatically downregulated in mouse fallopian tubes by treatment with E(2) or PPT, an ERalpha agonist, in a time-dependent manner. Third, the presence of ICI 182,780, an ER antagonist, blocked the E(2)- or PPT-induced downregulation of tubal ERalpha isoform expression in mice. However, alteration of ERalpha immunoreactivity following ICI 182,780 treatment was only detected in epithelial cells of the ampullary region. Fourth, changes in ERalpha isoform expression were found to be coupled to multiple E(2) effects on tubal growth, protein synthesis, and secretion in mouse fallopian tube tissues and fluid. In particular, E(2) exhibited positive regulation of IGF-I and IGF-II protein levels. Finally, using growth hormone receptor (GHR) gene-disrupted mice, we showed that regulation by E(2) of IGF production was independent of GH-induced GHR signaling in mouse fallopian tubes in vivo. These data, together with previous studies from our laboratory, suggest that the long-term effects of estrogen agonist promote IGF synthesis and secretion in mouse tubal epithelial cells and fallopian tube fluid via stimulation of ERalpha.  相似文献   

解脲支原体对兔输卵管黏膜上皮细胞致病性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨解脲支原体(UU)对兔输卵管黏膜上皮细胞的粘附及其致病性。方法:采用雌性大白兔作为实验对象,用UU感染兔输卵管黏膜上皮细胞,经光学和电子显微镜观察UU对其粘附性和致病性。结果:UU感染后,兔输卵管管腔有较多渗出物,呈淡红染匀质状,黏膜层的上皮细胞轻度肿胀,黏膜下层有炎症细胞(以淋巴细胞为主)呈灶性浸润;在电镜下,UU粘附于输卵管黏膜上皮细胞上,同时上皮细胞游离面的纤毛互相粘连、倒状,纤毛细胞核膜欠完整.胞核染色质呈凝块状.胞浆内可见大量大小不等的空泡,无纤毛细胞顶面参差不齐,可见伪足样突出.微绒毛减少.胞浆内近细胞顶部有少量分泌颗粒和空泡变性,细胞间可见相嵌连接。结论:UU到达兔输卵管后可粘附于输卵管黏膜上皮细胞上并导致损伤。  相似文献   

The anterior pituitary-derived hormone prolactin (PRL) signals through the PRL receptor (PRLR) and is important for female reproductive function in mammals. In contrast to the extensive studies of PRLR expression and regulation in human and mouse ovary and uterus, the mechanisms controlling the regulation of PRLR isoform expression in the fallopian tube are poorly understood. Because dynamic interaction of hormonal signaling in gonadal tissue and the pituitary or in gonadal tissues themselves in mammals suggests endocrine or paracrine regulation of PRLR expression, we questioned whether differential regulation of PRLR isoforms by PRL ovarian-derived estrogen (E(2)) and progesterone (P(4)) exists in the fallopian tube and pituitary of prepubertal female mice. Western blot analysis showed distinct molecular separation of PRLR isoforms in mouse and human fallopian tubes, and cellular localization was found in mouse and human tubal epithelia but not in mouse tubal smooth muscle cells. These data support the concept of an isoform- and cell type-specific expression of PRLR in human and mouse fallopian tubes. Moreover, expression of the long form of PRLR decreased after PRL treatment and increased after blockage of endogenous PRL secretion by bromocriptine (an inhibitor of PRL secretion) in a time-dependent manner in mouse fallopian tube. The opposite regulation was observed in the pituitary. Treatment with exogenous E(2) or P(4) led to changes in PRLR expression in the fallopian tube similar to those of PRL treatment. However, E(2) and P(4) did not affect PRLR expression in the pituitary. Estrogen had no effect on the long form of PRLR expression, whereas P(4) regulated the long form of PRLR in the fallopian tube, as did PRL. Taken together, the data from our comparative study provide evidence that PRLR can be regulated by an interplay of two different mechanisms, PRL or ovarian steroid hormones independently or in combination in a tissue-specific manner. Furthermore, we found that ovarian steroid hormones selectively suppress the expression of PRLR isoforms in mouse fallopian tubes. These findings may contribute to our understanding of the mechanisms controlling PRLR isoform expression in the fallopian tube (in addition to ovary and uterus), with implications for female reproduction.  相似文献   

γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system and exerts its actions via ionotropic (GABAA and GABAC) and metabotropic (GABAB) receptors. The GABAB receptor is a dimer composed of R1 and R2 components. In addition to their location on neurons, GABA and functional GABAB receptors also have been detected in some peripheral tissues. In the present study, we combined immunohistochemistry, immunoblot and tension recording to determine if the human fallopian tube express glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65/67), two isoforms for synthesis of GABA and functional GABAB receptors. Immunoblots showed that the human fallopian tube tissue contained GABABR1 protein which was localized in the epithelial cells and smooth muscle cells by immunohistochemistry. In addition, epithelial cells also expressed GAD65/67. Tension recording found that both GABA and baclofen, a GABAB receptor agonist increased the spontaneous activity of human fallopian tube. The expressions of GABABR and GAD65/67 were significantly upregulated in the ectopic pregnancy group than in the intrauterine pregnancy group. We conclude that the human fallopian tube is capable of synthesizing GABA and expresses functionally active GABAB receptors. An upregulation of GABA synthesis and corresponding GABAB receptors may involve in ectopic pregnancy.  相似文献   

The mortality of high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) accounts for 70% to 80% of all ovarian cancer deaths and overall mortality rate has not declined in the last decade. Recently, many studies have demonstrated that HGSOC originates from the fallopian tubes. The extracellular matrix (ECM) is present in all tissues, its remodeling and interaction with cells are crucial for regulating cell proliferation, migration, and differentiation. In this paper, we used label-free nonlinear optical microscopy to image tissues of the fallopian tube and ovary. Combining a set of image processing algorithms, we monitored the remodeling of ECM in the fallopian tube and ovary during the invasion of primary serous fallopian tube tumor into the ovary in microscopic dimension. With this approach, we can obtain physiological information of HGSOC at the early stage, which provided useful data for auxiliary clinical diagnosis.  相似文献   

A swollen fallopian tube was found in a 34 years old woman operated for acute abdominal pain. During this operation the fallopian tube together with the appendix were removed. The histological examination identified appendicitis and a lipoma of the fallopian tube.  相似文献   

目的:探讨实时三维超声造影对输卵管伞端通畅性及功能的评价效果。方法:选取我院2019年6月到2021年6月收治的120例因不孕症自愿接受RT 3D-HyCoSy检查的患者作为研究对象,对所有患者分别应用静态三维与实时三维超声造影,并以腹腔镜下美兰通染液检查作为金标准,记录与分析相关指标。结果:120例患者共240条输卵管,美兰通染液检查诊断发现输卵管通畅58条,阻塞/粘连182条,实时三维超声造影检查发现通畅51条,阻塞/粘连189条,静态三维通畅44条,阻塞/粘连196条,实时三维超声造影与静态三维联合通畅56条,阻塞/粘连184条。实时三维超声造影与静态三维联合诊断组、实时三维超声造影组这两组的准确度、特异度、灵敏度、阳性预测值、阴性预测值均高于静态三维组(P<0.001);120名患者通过临床综合诊断发现,35例一侧输卵管阻塞患者,64例双侧输卵管阻塞患者,21例双侧输卵管通畅患者,不同输卵管通畅性三组患者推注压力、VAS评分、造影剂注入量、造影剂返流量对比差异显著(P<0.05)、通畅与阻塞患者造影剂通过输卵管间质部时间及造影剂通过输卵管伞端时间对比差异显著(P<0.05)。结论:对于不孕症患者应用RT 3D-HyCoSy,经检查输卵管伞端粘连和通畅性,进而诊断输卵管通畅性,为不孕症的诊断与治疗提供一定的参考意见。此外,应用实时三维超声造影与静态三维超声能提升输卵管伞端通畅性诊断率,值得临床应用推广。  相似文献   

The object of this research was to report a draft proteome of human fallopian tube (hFT) comprises 5416 identified proteins, which could be considered as a physiological reference to complement Human Proteome Draft. The proteomic raw data and metadata were stored in an integrated proteome resources centre iProX (IPX00034300). This hFT proteome contains many hFT markers newly identified by mass spectrum. This hFT proteome comprises 660 high-, 3605 medium- and 1181 low-abundant proteins. Ribosome, cytoskeleton, vesicle and protein folding associated proteins showed obvious tendency to be higher abundance in hFT. The extraordinary high coverage of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)-associated proteins were identified in this hFT proteome, which highly supported that hFT should contain a plenty of MSCs.  相似文献   



The physiological regulation of ciliary beat frequency (CBF) within the fallopian tube is important for controlling the transport of gametes and the fertilized ovum. Progesterone influences gamete transport in the fallopian tube of several mammalian species. In fallopian tubes isolated from cows, treatment with 20 micromolar progesterone caused a rapid reduction of the tubal CBF. The aims of this study were to establish methodology for studying fallopian tube CBF in the mouse, as it is an important model species, and to investigate if progesterone rapidly affects the CBF of mice at nM concentrations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the usefulness of endometrial aspiration cytology for assessing malignant cells of extrauterine origin. STUDY DESIGN: Endometrial cytology was performed on 224 patients with primary ovarian cancer, 10 with fallopian tube cancer and 45 with peritoneal tumors. RESULTS: Of 224 patients with ovarian cancer, 53 (23.7%) had positive endometrial cytology. Positive rates were: stage I, 4.3%; stage II, 25.0%; stage III, 39.7%; stage IV, 34.5%. Histologic positive rates were: serous, 28.7%; mucinous, 11.4%; clear cell, 23.1%; endometrioid and unclassifiable adenocarcinomas, 28.0%. Of 5 patients with ovarian cancer, 2 were asymptomatic, but aspiration cytology was positive. Of 10 patients with fallopian tube cancer, 9 (90.0%) had positive endometrial cytology. The positive rate on endometrial cytology was 56.7% in stomach cancer, 60.0% in breast cancer and 20.0% in colon cancer. Of 1,209 women with stomach cancer, 30 (2.4%) displayed ovarian metastasis. Of these, 7 (23.3%) had Krukenberg's tumor; endometrial cytology was positive in 1 (14.3%). In 7 of 17 patients with positive endometrial cytology, clinical diagnosis was made before stomach cancer therapy. CONCLUSION: Endometrial aspiration cytology is useful for identifying nongynecologic malignant cells, diagnosing ovarian and fallopian tube cancers, and determining peritoneal dissemination and metastasis originating from gastrointestinal and breast cancers.  相似文献   

AimTo determine the differential effect of the treatment periods on the survival of patients with stage IV serous papillary peritoneal carcinoma (SPPC), fallopian tube cancers, and epithelial ovarian cancers (EOC).MethodsThis was an exploratory, population-based observational study of all patients with stage IV SPPC, fallopian tube cancers, and EOC collected from the SEER Research Data 1973–2017. The study period was divided into three time-periods: platinum combinations before the taxane era (1990–1995), platinum plus taxane chemotherapy era (1996–2013), and bevacizumab era (2014–2017).ResultsA total of 9828 patients were eligible for analyses: SPPC (3898 patients; 39.7%), fallopian tube cancers (1290 patients; 13.1%) and EOC (4640 patients, 47.2%). In the 1990–1995 era, the 3-year cause-specific survival was 40% for SPPC, 53% for fallopian tube cancers, and 40% for POC. In the following era 1993–2013, the 3-year cause-specific survival increased to 55% for SPPC, 74% for fallopian tube cancers, and 45% for POC. The last era 2014–2017 showed a 3-year cause-specific survival of 64%, 67%, and 45% for patients with SPPC, fallopian tube cancers, and POC, respectively. The differences in cause-specific survival were statistically significant for patients with SPPC (p=0.004). Multivariable analysis showed that the treatment eras and age at diagnosis were associated with cause-specific survival.ConclusionThe results of this study are hypothesis-generating and cannot be considered conclusive given the inherent limitations of registry analysis. Subgroup analyses of the phase III randomized controlled trials, by tumor subset (EOC, fallopian tube cancer, and SPPC) would shed more light on the differential effects of novel therapies.  相似文献   

Human feeder layers for human embryonic stem cells   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
Human embryonic stem (hES) cells hold great promise for future use in various research areas, such as human developmental biology and cell-based therapies. Traditionally, these cells have been cultured on mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) feeder layers, which permit continuous growth in an undifferentiated stage. To use these unique cells in human therapy, an animal-free culture system must be used, which will prevent exposure to mouse retroviruses. Animal-free culture systems for hES cells enjoy three major advantages in the basic culture conditions: 1). the ability to grow these cells under serum-free conditions, 2). maintenance of the cells in an undifferentiated state on Matrigel matrix with 100% MEF-conditioned medium, and 3). the use of either human embryonic fibroblasts or adult fallopian tube epithelial cells as feeder layers. In the present study, we describe an additional animal-free culture system for hES cells, based on a feeder layer derived from foreskin and a serum-free medium. In this culture condition, hES cells maintain all embryonic stem cell features (i.e., pluripotency, immortality, unlimited undifferentiated proliferation capability, and maintenance of normal karyotypes) after prolonged culture of 70 passages (>250 doublings). The major advantage of foreskin feeders is their ability to be continuously cultured for more than 42 passages, thus enabling proper analysis for foreign agents, genetic modification such as antibiotic resistance, and reduction of the enormous workload involved in the continuous preparation of new feeder lines.  相似文献   

目的:调查与分析四维子宫输卵管超声造影假阳性与假阴性的原因。方法:选择2015年6月到2019年8月在本院妇产科临床初步诊断为输卵管不孕症患者125例,所有患者都给予X线子宫输卵管碘油造影(Hysterosalp ingography,HSG)与四维子宫输卵管超声造影,记录诊断效果、不良反应,判断假阳性与假阴性的发生原因。结果:在125例患者中,HSG诊断输卵管通畅33例,通而不畅72例,阻塞20例;四维超声造影诊断为输卵管通畅33例,通而不畅74例,阻塞18例。将HSG检查作为金标准,四维超声造影检查输卵管阻塞准确率93.6%,Kappa值=0.929(P<0.05),出现假阳性与假阴性共8例。四维超声造影检查期间发生的阴道少量出血、造影剂过敏、恶心呕吐、腹痛等不良反应发生率为2.4%,显著低于HSG检查的13.6%(P<0.05)。单因素分析结果显示合并糖尿病、产次、初潮年龄、孕次与四维子宫输卵管超声造影的假阳性与假阴性显著相关(P<0.05);多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示合并糖尿病、产次、初潮年龄为导致四维子宫输卵管超声造影假阳性与假阴性的主要原因(P<0.05)。结论:四维子宫输卵管超声造影可实时动态观察输卵管通畅情况,应用安全性也比较好,但是也存在假阳性与假阴性情况,合并糖尿病、产次、初潮年龄为导致四维子宫输卵管超声造影假阳性与假阴性的主要原因。  相似文献   

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