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Ca(2+) regulation of the Ca(2+) binding mitochondrial carriers for aspartate/glutamate (AGCs) is provided by their N-terminal extensions, which face the intermembrane space. The two mammalian AGCs, aralar and citrin, are members of the malate-aspartate NADH shuttle. We report that their N-terminal extensions contain up to four pairs of EF-hand motifs plus a single vestigial EF-hand, and have no known homolog. Aralar and citrin contain one fully canonical EF-hand pair and aralar two additional half-pairs, in which a single EF-hand is predicted to bind Ca(2+). Shuttle activity in brain or skeletal muscle mitochondria, which contain aralar as the major AGC, is activated by Ca(2+) with S(0.5) values of 280-350 nm; higher than those obtained in liver mitochondria (100-150 nm) that contain citrin as the major AGC. We have used aralar- and citrin-deficient mice to study the role of the two isoforms in heart, which expresses both AGCs. The S(0.5) for Ca(2+) activation of the shuttle in heart mitochondria is about 300 nm, and it remains essentially unchanged in citrin-deficient mice, although it undergoes a drastic reduction to about 100 nm in aralar-deficient mice. Therefore, aralar and citrin, when expressed as single isoforms in heart, confer differences in Ca(2+) activation of shuttle activity, probably associated with their structural differences. In addition, the results reveal that the two AGCs fully account for shuttle activity in mouse heart mitochondria and that no other glutamate transporter can replace the AGCs in this pathway.  相似文献   

The present report describes the expression profiles of different tissues and developmental changes of mouse aspartate/glutamate carrier (AGC) genes, Slc25a13 and Slc25a12, and an ornithine transporter gene, Ornt1, in relation to urea cycle enzyme genes, carbamoylphosphate synthetase I (CPS) and argininosuccinate synthetase (ASS). Slc25a13 encodes citrin, recently found to be deficient in adult-onset type II citrullinemia and to function as AGC together with its isoform and product of Slc25a12, aralar1. Citrin was broadly distributed, but mainly in the liver, kidney and heart. Aralar1 was expressed in diaphragm, skeletal muscle, heart, brain and kidney, but not in the liver. These distribution profiles are different from the restricted of Ornt1, ASS and CPS. Citrin, ASS, CPS and Ornt1 showed similar patterns of developmental changes in the liver and small intestine, where they play a role in urea and arginine synthesis. Dietary, hormonal and physical manipulations caused varied changes of CPS, ASS and Ornt1 in the liver, but the change of citrin was not so marked as that of the others. Analysis using RT-PCR and restriction enzyme digestion revealed that the ornithine transporter most expressed is Ornt1, although Ornt2 is detectable at a minute level. All these results suggest that citrin as AGC plays a role in urea synthesis as well as many fundamental metabolic pathways in the liver, and shares metabolic functions with aralar1 in other tissues, and that Ornt1 is an important component in urea synthesis in the liver and in arginine synthesis in the small intestine during the neonatal period.  相似文献   

Mice that lack a maternally transmitted antigen (Mta) on the cell surface share a distinctive type of mitochondrial DNA. This is evident from restriction analyses of mitochondrial DNAs from 25 strains of mice whose antigenic state is known. One hundred sixty-eight cleavage sites have been mapped in the mitochondrial DNA of Mta- mice. Detailed maps for the 8 other types of mitochondrial DNA detected in the survey have also been prepared. The Mta- mice are estimated to differ from those expressing the antigen by 108 to 141 base substitutions at widely scattered points in the mitochondrial genome.  相似文献   

High mobility group 2 protein (Hmgb2) is a member of the HMGB protein family, which includes the ubiquitous Hmgb1 and the embryo-specific Hmgb3. The three proteins are more than 80% identical at the amino acid level and their biochemical properties are indistinguishable. Hmgb1 is an abundant component of all mammalian nuclei and acts as an architectural factor that bends DNA and promotes protein assembly on specific DNA targets. Cells that lack Hmgb1 can survive, although mutant mice die shortly after birth. As Hmgb2 is present in all cultured cells and is abundant in thymus, the preferred source for HMGB proteins, it was considered a ubiquitous variant of Hmgb1. We show that in adult mice Hmgb2 is restricted mainly to lymphoid organs and testes, although it is widely expressed during embryogenesis. Mice that lack Hmgb2 are viable. However, male Hmgb2(-/-) mice have reduced fertility, that correlates with Sertoli and germ cell degeneration in seminiferous tubules and immotile spermatozoa. Significantly, Hmgb2 is expressed at very high levels in primary spermatocytes, while it is barely detectable in spermatogonia and elongated spermatids. This peculiar pattern of expression and the phenotype of mutants indicate that Hmgb2 has a specialised role in germ cell differentiation.  相似文献   

The malate-aspartate NADH shuttle in mammalian cells requires the activity of the mitochondrial aspartate-glutamate carrier (AGC). Recently, we identified in man two AGC isoforms, aralar1 and citrin, which are regulated by calcium on the external face of the inner mitochondrial membrane. We have now identified Agc1p as the yeast counterpart of the human AGC. The corresponding gene was overexpressed in bacteria and yeast mitochondria, and the protein was reconstituted in liposomes where it was identified as an aspartate-glutamate transporter from its transport properties. Furthermore, yeast cells lacking Agc1p were unable to grow on acetate and oleic acid, and had reduced levels of valine, ornithine and citrulline; in contrast they grew on ethanol. Expression of the human AGC isoforms can replace the function of Agc1p. However, unlike its human orthologues, yeast Agc1p catalyses both aspartate-glutamate exchange and substrate uniport activities. We conclude that Agc1p performs two metabolic roles in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. On the one hand, it functions as a uniporter to supply the mitochondria with glutamate for nitrogen metabolism and ornithine synthesis. On the other, the Agc1p, as an aspartate-glutamate exchanger, plays a role within the malate-aspartate NADH shuttle which is critical for the growth of yeast on acetate and fatty acids as carbon sources. These results provide strong evidence of the existence of a malate-aspartate NADH shuttle in yeast.  相似文献   

淋巴细胞功能相关抗原(LFA-1)属于黏附分子家族,在细胞相互作用中发挥重要作用。通过观察LFA-1基因敲除小鼠的胶原诱导关节炎(CIA)发病率、放射线学及组织学变化,探讨LFA-1分子在CIA发病中的作用。实验采用100μg的二型胶原(CII)加弗氏完全佐剂充分混合,在LFA-1基因敲除小鼠及正常对照组小鼠尾根部皮内注射,21天后重复免疫一次,随后进行发病率、放射线学及组织学分析。研究结果显示,CII免疫后,正常对照组小鼠平均发病率为57%,临床可见明显的放射线及组织学的异常变化。而LFA-1基因敲除小鼠无发病,放射线及组织学检查亦无明显异常改变。上述结果提示LFA-1在胶原诱导的关节炎发病中起重要作用。  相似文献   

We have recently reported the presence and a potential proinflammatory role of IL-18 in the synovium of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. To obtain direct evidence that IL-18 plays an influential role in articular inflammation, we investigated the development of collagen-induced arthritis in a strain of mice lacking IL-18 (IL-18(-/-)) of DBA/1 background. IL-18(-/-) mice developed markedly reduced incidence of arthritis compared with heterozygous or wild-type mice. Of the IL-18(-/-) mice that developed arthritis, the severity of the disease was significantly reduced compared with the intact mice. This was accompanied by reduced articular inflammation and destruction evident on histology. IL-18(-/-) mice also had significantly reduced Ag-specific proliferation and proinflammatory cytokine (IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, IL-6, and IL-12) production by spleen and lymph node cells in response to bovine type II collagen (CII) in vitro compared with wild-type mice, paralleled in vivo by a significant reduction in serum anti-CII IgG2a Ab level. Treatment with rIL-18 completely reversed the disease of the IL-18(-/-) mice to that of the wild-type mice. These data directly demonstrate a pivotal role of IL-18 in the development of inflammatory arthritis and suggest that antagonists to IL-18 may have therapeutic potential in rheumatic diseases.  相似文献   

Anesthetics are in routine use, yet the mechanisms underlying their function are incompletely understood. Studies in vitro demonstrate that both GABA(A) and NMDA receptors are modulated by anesthetics, but whole animal models have not supported the role of these receptors as sole effectors of general anesthesia. Findings in C. elegans and in children reveal that defects in mitochondrial complex I can cause hypersensitivity to volatile anesthetics. Here, we tested a knockout (KO) mouse with reduced complex I function due to inactivation of the Ndufs4 gene, which encodes one of the subunits of complex I. We tested these KO mice with two volatile and two non-volatile anesthetics. KO and wild-type (WT) mice were anesthetized with isoflurane, halothane, propofol or ketamine at post-natal (PN) days 23 to 27, and tested for loss of response to tail clamp (isoflurane and halothane) or loss of righting reflex (propofol and ketamine). KO mice were 2.5 - to 3-fold more sensitive to isoflurane and halothane than WT mice. KO mice were 2-fold more sensitive to propofol but resistant to ketamine. These changes in anesthetic sensitivity are the largest recorded in a mammal.  相似文献   

Chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation requires their attachment to the collagen type II-rich matrix of developing bone. This interaction is mediated by integrins and their cytoplasmic effectors, such as the integrin-linked kinase (ILK). To elucidate the molecular mechanisms whereby integrins control these processes, we have specifically inactivated the ILK gene in growth plate chondrocytes using the Cre-lox methodology. Mice carrying an ILK allele flanked by loxP sites (ILK-fl) were crossed to transgenic mice expressing the Cre recombinase under the control of the collagen type II promoter. Inactivation of both copies of the ILK-fl allele lead to a chondrodysplasia characterized by a disorganized growth plate and to dwarfism. Expression of chondrocyte differentiation markers such as collagen type II, collagen type X, Indian hedgehog and the PTH-PTHrP receptor was normal in ILK-deficient growth plates. In contrast, chondrocyte proliferation, assessed by BrdU or proliferating cell nuclear antigen labeling, was markedly reduced in the mutant growth plates. Cell-based assays showed that integrin-mediated adhesion of primary cultures of chondrocytes from mutant animals to collagen type II was impaired. ILK inactivation in chondrocytes resulted in reduced cyclin D1 expression, and this most likely explains the defect in chondrocyte proliferation observed when ILK is inactivated in growth plate cells.  相似文献   

We examined the in vivo role of membrane-bound prostaglandin E synthase (mPGES)-1, a terminal enzyme in the PGE2-biosynthetic pathway, using mPGES-1 knockout (KO) mice. Comparison of PGES activity in the membrane fraction of tissues from mPGES-1 KO and wild-type (WT) mice indicated that mPGES-1 accounted for the majority of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-inducible PGES in WT mice. LPS-stimulated production of PGE2, but not other PGs, was impaired markedly in mPGES-1-null macrophages, although a low level of cyclooxygenase-2-dependent PGE2 production still remained. Pain nociception, as assessed by the acetic acid writhing response, was reduced significantly in KO mice relative to WT mice. This phenotype was particularly evident when these mice were primed with LPS, where the stretching behavior and the peritoneal PGE2 level of KO mice were far less than those of WT mice. Formation of inflammatory granulation tissue and attendant angiogenesis in the dorsum induced by subcutaneous implantation of a cotton thread were reduced significantly in KO mice compared with WT mice. Moreover, collagen antibody-induced arthritis, a model for human rheumatoid arthritis, was milder in KO mice than in WT mice. Collectively, our present results provide unequivocal evidence that mPGES-1 contributes to the formation of PGE2 involved in pain hypersensitivity and inflammation.  相似文献   

The estrogen-related receptor alpha (ERRalpha) is an orphan member of the superfamily of nuclear hormone receptors expressed in tissues that preferentially metabolize fatty acids. Despite the molecular characterization of ERRalpha and identification of target genes, determination of its physiological function has been hampered by the lack of a natural ligand. To further understand the in vivo function of ERRalpha, we generated and analyzed Estrra-null (ERRalpha-/-) mutant mice. Here we show that ERRalpha-/- mice are viable, fertile and display no gross anatomical alterations, with the exception of reduced body weight and peripheral fat deposits. No significant changes in food consumption and energy expenditure or serum biochemistry parameters were observed in the mutant animals. However, the mutant animals are resistant to a high-fat diet-induced obesity. Importantly, DNA microarray analysis of gene expression in adipose tissue demonstrates altered regulation of several enzymes involved in lipid, eicosanoid, and steroid synthesis, suggesting that the loss of ERRalpha might interfere with other nuclear receptor signaling pathways. In addition, the microarray study shows alteration in the expression of genes regulating adipogenesis as well as energy metabolism. In agreement with these findings, metabolic studies showed reduced lipogenesis in adipose tissues. This study suggests that ERRalpha functions as a metabolic regulator and that the ERRalpha-/- mice provide a novel model for the investigation of metabolic regulation by nuclear receptors.  相似文献   

Sialic acids are acidic monosaccharides that bind to the sugar chains of glycoconjugates and change their conformation, intermolecular interactions, and/or half-life. Thus, sialidases are believed to modulate the function of sialoglycoconjugates by desialylation. We previously reported that the membrane-associated mammalian sialidase NEU3, which preferentially acts on gangliosides, is involved in cell differentiation, motility, and tumorigenesis. The NEU3 gene expression is aberrantly elevated in several human cancers, including colon, renal, prostate, and ovarian cancers. The small interfering RNA-mediated knock-down of NEU3 in cancer cell lines, but not in normal cell-derived primary cultures, downregulates EGFR signaling and induces apoptosis. Here, to investigate the physiological role of NEU3 in tumorigenesis, we established Neu3-deficient mice and then subjected them to carcinogen-induced tumorigenesis, using a sporadic and a colitis-associated colon cancer models. The Neu3-deficient mice showed no conspicuous accumulation of gangliosides in the brain or colon mucosa, or overt abnormalities in their growth, development, behavior, or fertility. In dimethylhydrazine-induced colon carcinogenesis, there were no differences in the incidence or growth of tumors between the Neu3-deficient and wild-type mice. On the other hand, the Neu3-deficient mice were less susceptible than wild-type mice to the colitis-associated colon carcinogenesis induced by azoxymethane and dextran sodium sulfate. These results suggest that NEU3 plays an important role in inflammation-dependent tumor development.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial very-long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (VLCAD) deficiency is associated with severe hypoglycemia, cardiac dysfunction, and sudden death in neonates and children. Sudden death is common, but the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. We report on a mouse model of VLCAD deficiency with a phenotype induced by the stresses of fasting and cold, which includes hypoglycemia, hypothermia, and severe bradycardia. The administration of glucose did not rescue the mice under stress conditions, but rewarming alone consistently led to heart rate recovery. Brown adipose tissue (BAT) from the VLCAD-/- mice showed elevated levels of the uncoupling protein isoforms and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha. Biochemical assessment of the VLCAD(/- mice BAT showed increased oxygen consumption, attributed to uncoupled respiration in the absence of stress. ADP-stimulated respiration was 23.05 (SD 4.17) and 68.24 (SD 6.3) nmol O2.min(-1).mg mitochondrial protein(-1) for VLCAD+/+ and VLCAD-/- mice, respectively (P < 0.001), and carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone-stimulated respiration was 35.9 (SD 3.6) and 49.3 (SD 9) nmol O2.min(-1).mg mitochondrial protein(-1) for VLCAD+/+ and VLCAD-/- mice, respectively (P < 0.20), but these rates were insufficient to protect them in the cold. We conclude that disturbed mitochondrial bioenergetics in BAT is a critical contributing factor for the cold sensitivity in VLCAD deficiency. Our observations provide insights into the possible mechanisms of stress-induced death in human newborns with abnormal fat metabolism and elucidate targeting of specific substrates for particular metabolic needs.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent anion channels (VDACs), also known as mitochondrial porins, are small channel proteins involved in the translocation of metabolites across the mitochondrial outer membrane. A single channel-forming protein is found in yeast, whereas higher eukaryotes express multiple VDACs, with humans and mice each harboring three distinct channels (VDAC1-3) encoded by separate genes. To begin to assess the functions of each of the three isoforms, the VDAC3 gene was inactivated by targeted disruption in embryonic stem cells. Here we show that mice lacking VDAC3 are healthy, but males are infertile. Although there are normal sperm numbers, the sperm exhibit markedly reduced motility. Structural defects were found in two-thirds of epididymal axonemes, with the most common abnormality being loss of a single microtubule doublet at a conserved position within the axoneme. In testicular sperm, the defect was only rarely observed, suggesting that instability of a normally formed axoneme occurs with sperm maturation. In contrast, tracheal epithelial cilia showed no structural abnormalities. In addition, skeletal muscle mitochondria were abnormally shaped, and activities of the respiratory chain complexes were reduced. These results demonstrate that axonemal defects may be caused by associated nonaxonemal components such as mitochondrial channels and illustrate that normal mitochondrial function is required for stability of the axoneme.  相似文献   

Mice lacking natriuretic peptide receptor-A (NPRA) develop progressive cardiac hypertrophy and congestive heart failure. However, the mechanisms responsible for cardiac hypertrophic growth in the absence of NPRA signaling are not yet known. We sought to determine the activation of nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) in Npr1 (coding for NPRA) gene-knockout (Npr1-/-) mice exhibiting cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis. NF-kappaB binding activity was 4-fold greater in the nuclear extract of Npr1-/- mutant mice hearts as compared with wild-type (Npr1+/+) mice hearts. In parallel, inhibitory kappaB kinase-beta activity and IkappaB-alpha protein phosphorylation were also increased 3- and 4-fold, respectively, in hypertrophied hearts of mutant mice. cGMP levels were significantly reduced 5-fold in plasma and 10-fold in ventricular tissues of mutant mice hearts relative to wild-type controls. The present findings provide direct evidence that ablation of NPRA/cGMP signaling activates NF-kappaB binding activity associated with hypertrophic growth of mutant mice hearts.  相似文献   

Nectin-2 is a cell adhesion molecule encoded by a member of the poliovirus receptor gene family. This family consists of human, monkey, rat, and murine genes that are members of the immunoglobulin gene superfamily. Nectin-2 is a component of cell-cell adherens junctions and interacts with l-afadin, an F-actin-binding protein. Disruption of both alleles of the murine nectin-2 gene resulted in morphologically aberrant spermatozoa with defects in nuclear and cytoskeletal morphology and mitochondrial localization. Homozygous null males are sterile, while homozygous null females, as well as heterozygous males and females, are fertile. The production by nectin-2(-/-) mice of normal numbers of spermatozoa containing wild-type levels of DNA suggests that Nectin-2 functions at a late stage of germ cell development. Consistent with such a role, Nectin-2 is expressed in the testes only during the later stages of spermatogenesis. The structural defects observed in spermatozoa of nectin-2(-/-) mice suggest a role for this protein in organization and reorganization of the cytoskeleton during spermiogenesis.  相似文献   

Polo-like kinases in yeast, flies, and mammals regulate key events in mitosis. Such events include spindle formation at G2/M, the anaphase-promoting complex (APC) at the exit from mitosis, the cleavage structure at cytokinesis, and DNA damage checkpoints in G2/M. Polo-like kinases are distinguished by two C-terminal polo box (pb) motifs, which localize the enzymes to mitotic structures. We previously identified Sak, a novel polo-like kinase found in Drosophila and mammals. Here, we demonstrate that the Sak kinase has a functional pb domain that localizes the enzyme to the nucleolus during G2, to the centrosomes in G2/M, and to the cleavage furrow during cytokinesis. To study the role of Sak in embryo development, we generated a Sak null allele, the first polo-like kinase to be mutated in mice. Sak(-/-) embryos arrested after gastrulation at E7.5, with a marked increase in mitotic and apoptotic cells. Sak(-/-) embryos displayed cells in late anaphase or telophase that continued to express cyclin B1 and phosphorylated histone H3. Our results suggest that Sak is required for the APC-dependent destruction of cyclin B1 and for exit from mitosis in the postgastrulation embryo.  相似文献   

LAT2 (system L amino acid transporter 2) is composed of the subunits Slc7a8/Lat2 and Slc3a2/4F2hc. This transporter is highly expressed along the basolateral membranes of absorptive epithelia in kidney and small intestine, but is also abundant in the brain. Lat2 is an energy-independent exchanger of neutral amino acids, and was shown to transport thyroid hormones. We report in the present paper that targeted inactivation of Slc7a8 leads to increased urinary loss of small neutral amino acids. Development and growth of Slc7a8(-/-) mice appears normal, suggesting functional compensation of neutral amino acid transport by alternative transporters in kidney, intestine and placenta. Movement co-ordination is slightly impaired in mutant mice, although cerebellar development and structure remained inconspicuous. Circulating thyroid hormones, thyrotropin and thyroid hormone-responsive genes remained unchanged in Slc7a8(-/-) mice, possibly because of functional compensation by the thyroid hormone transporter Mct8 (monocarboxylate transporter 8), which is co-expressed in many cell types. The reason for the mild neurological phenotype remains unresolved.  相似文献   

The ability of phospholipids to act as determinants of membrane protein structure and function is probably best exemplified by cardiolipin (CL), the signature phospholipid of mitochondria. Early efforts to reconstitute individual respiratory complexes and members of the mitochondrial carrier family, most notably the ADP/ATP carrier (AAC), often demonstrated the importance of CL. Over the past decade, the significance of CL in the organization of components of the electron transport chain into higher order assemblies, termed respiratory supercomplexes, has been established. Another protein required for oxidative phosphorylation, AAC, has received comparatively little attention likely stemming from the fact that AACs were thought to function in isolation as either homodimers or monomers. Recently however, AACs have been demonstrated to interact with the respiratory supercomplex, other members of the mitochondrial carrier family, and the TIM23 translocon. Interestingly, many if not all of these interactions depend on CL. As the paradigm for the mitochondrial carrier family, these discoveries with AAC suggest that other members of this large group of important proteins may be more gregarious than anticipated. Moreover, it is proposed that AAC and perhaps additional members of the mitochondrial carrier family might represent downstream targets of pathological states involving alterations in CL.  相似文献   

Osteoporosis is a condition of excessive and uncoupled bone turnover, in which osteoclastic resorption exceeds osteoblastic bone formation, resulting in an overall net bone loss, bone fragility, and morbidity. Although numerous treatments have been developed to inhibit bone loss by blocking osteoclastic bone resorption, understanding of the mechanisms behind bone loss is incomplete. The purinergic signaling system is emerging to be a pivotal regulator of bone homeostasis, and extracellular ADP has previously been shown to be a powerful osteolytic agent in vitro. We report here that deletion of the P2Y(13) receptor, a G protein-coupled receptor for extracellular ADP, leads to a 40% reduction in trabecular bone mass, 50% reduction in osteoblast and osteoclast numbers in vivo, as well as activity in vitro, and an overall 50% reduction in the rate of bone remodeling in mice in vivo. Down-regulation of RhoA/ROCK I signaling and a reduced ratio of receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand/osteoprotegerin observed in osteoblasts from P2Y(13)R(-/-) mice might explain this bone phenotype. Furthermore, because one of the main causes of osteoporosis in older women is lack of estrogen, we examined the effect of ovariectomy of the P2Y(13)R(-/-) mice and found them to be protected from ovariectomy-induced bone loss by up to 65%. These data confirm a role of purinergic ADP signaling in the skeleton, whereby deletion of the P2Y(13) receptor leads to reduced bone turnover rates, which provide a protective advantage in conditions of accelerated bone turnover such as oestrogen deficiency-induced osteoporosis.  相似文献   

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