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Question: What is the influence of hydrological regime, soils and management on the plant community composition and species richness of Skealoghan turlough (groundwater dependent calcareous wetland). Location: Skealoghan turlough, County Mayo, Ireland. Methods: Percentage cover of vascular plants and bryophytes were recorded, and data on hydrological regimes, soils and management were collected. Data were analysed using multivariate statistical techniques. Results: A total of 69 species of vascular plants and mosses were recorded. Cluster analysis grouped the samples into two separate communities, the Cirsio‐Molinietum and the Ranunculo‐Potentilletum anserinae plant communities. The plant community composition and species richness followed a main gradient down into the turlough basin, but also varied with microtopography, resulting in a mosaic of vegetation types. Conclusions: The biodiversity and conservation value of the site is linked to the heterogeneity in its physical environment in which hydrology, soils and grazing management all play critical roles. 相似文献
气象要素及土壤理化性质对不同土地利用方式下冬夏岩溶作用的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为揭示岩溶作用对不同人类活动强度土地利用方式、季节变化的响应,在重庆青木关岩溶槽谷区选取地质背景相同的6种典型土地利用方式(旱地,水田,退耕林,荒草地,杉竹混交林,竹林),利用标准溶蚀试片法得到各样点冬、夏两季单位面积溶蚀数据。并用自动气象站降水、气温,各样点土壤水、土壤CO2、土壤有机质、土壤pH、土壤容重、土壤孔隙度等数据对溶蚀结果进行分析。结果是:(1),夏季各样点壤中平均溶蚀量为冬季的3.87倍,且最大溶蚀量从夏季-80cm处上升为冬季-20—-50cm处;(2),受人类活动影响强度大的旱地、水田溶蚀量大于人类活动强度逐渐削弱的退耕林、旱地,而受人类活动影响最小的山竹混交林、竹林溶蚀量最小。且在人类活动强度较大的夏季三者之间差值较大。分析认为:水分、热量与溶蚀的季节变动存较好正相关关系,是影响溶蚀的最基础因素;土壤CO2在降水量大的夏季才能更好地促进溶蚀;土壤有机质与土壤pH反相关,二者协同影响溶蚀,在有机质含量高、pH偏低的表层对溶蚀影响大,其它层位影响较小;土壤容重、土壤孔隙度反映的土壤质地对溶蚀的影响是双向的,偏黏土持水性好而渗透性差,可促进降水少的冬季的溶蚀,如荒草地;砂土则渗透性好而持水性差,对降水多的夏季溶蚀有利,如旱地。另外,农业活动中用到的农家肥、化肥含NO-3、SO2-4,也会促进溶蚀。研究成果可为更科学准确地评估岩溶碳汇效应提供参考。 相似文献
造纸废水灌溉黄河三角洲重度退化滨海盐碱湿地对土壤化学性质的影响 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
造纸废水含有大量有机营养物质,可以用来恢复退化湿地。研究了处理后的造纸废水灌溉重度退化滨海盐碱湿地对土壤pH值、水溶性总盐、Na+、Cl-以及营养成分的影响。结果表明:灌溉后土壤pH值略有升高,没有加重土壤碱化;土壤水溶性总盐、Na+、Cl-分别比对照降低9.61%37.05%、3.16%21.66%、5.38%28.44%,且上层土壤降低率高于中下层土壤;土壤有机质、碱解氮、速效磷含量显著提高,增加率分别比对照高13.68%31.45%、30.01%101.2%、1.08%18.28%;速效钾含量没有显著提高。和正常芦苇湿地比较可知:灌溉后重度退化滨海盐碱湿地土壤化学性质得到改善,达到芦苇生长条件,可以进行芦苇湿地的恢复与重建。 相似文献
Solodic soils within a semi-arid poplar box (Eucalyptus populnea) woodland at Wycanna, in southern Queensland, have been subjected to impacts from sheep and cattle grazing for at least 100 years. The micromorphology of the surface of two soils, a gradational texture profile (Gn 3.13, Paleustalf) and a duplex profile (Db 1.23, Paleustalf) showed that compaction had occurred. Recovery of the soil surfaces following removal of animal grazing was measured in terms of porosity, presence of illuvial layers, surface soil strength, some chemical properties and water infiltration rates. The grazing impact was greatest on the Gn 3.13 soil and visual signs of the grazing impact were still evident 16 years following sheep removal. Reduced soil organic matter and increased surface soil hardness as a result of grazing, rather than surface crusting or changes in water infiltration rates are suggested as the mechanisms controlling the observed increases in woody plant populations in these semi-arid woodlands. 相似文献
岩溶植被修复是国家重大战略需求,为揭示封育年限对岩溶植被组成和土壤肥力修复的影响,该研究以空间代替时间的方法,选择不同封育年限的草丛(封育5 a)、灌丛(15 a)、灌乔林(25 a)、次顶极乔林(35 a)和顶极乔林(55 a)作为研究对象,调查分析不同封育年限岩溶植被组成和土壤肥力的特征及其修复机制。结果表明:研究样地(18 000 m ^2)共有维管植物175种,隶属74科139属,不同封育年限群落科属种组成明显不同,以封育5 a的最低(6科19属20种),封育35 a的最高(48科74属88种)。随着封育期延长,乔木生活型比例显著增加,灌木为先增后减,草本急剧减少,藤本先增后减。随着进展演替,群落不同层次的优势种替代规律不同,草本层为阳性杂草→阳性禾草→中生性或阴生性蕨类植物的有序性替代;灌木层为灌木种类被乔木幼苗幼树所替代;而乔木层却表现为常绿种类占优势到常绿与落叶树种共优势的结构性替代。封育初期群落物种组成简单,多样性较低,土壤有机质、全氮、有效氮含量较低,进入中期(25 a),多样性升高,土壤养分含量也增高,进入后期(55 a),多样性降低,土壤养分含量也相应下降,但维持在较高水平,表现出较强的协同修复效应。冗余分析(RDA)表明,群落物种组成在封育初期受土壤容重(SBD)、毛管孔隙度(CP)、全钾(TK)、速效钾(AK)、速效磷(AP)的显著影响,而在中后期则受土壤有机质(SOM)、水分含量(MC)、非毛管孔隙度(NCP)、全氮(TN)、有效氮(AN)以及碳氮磷化学计量比的显著影响。 相似文献
以高原湿地纳帕海沼泽化草甸为研究对象, 采用稀释培养结合形态鉴定比较分析0—20 cm、20—40 cm土层的土壤真菌多样性及群落结构组成, 以及土壤理化性质对土壤真菌多样性及群落结构组成的影响。结果表明: 0—20 cm和20—40 cm土层中的真菌数量、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H')、均匀度指数(JSW)和丰富度指数(DMA)均表现为0—20 cm土层> 20—40 cm土层; 分别分离得到土壤真菌12属和10属, 其中木霉属、青霉属、腐霉属、曲霉属同为沼泽化草甸两个土层的优势类群, 表现出较高的相似性, 同时20—40 cm未发现枝孢菌属和壳囊孢属, 又表现出一定的差异性。经RDA冗余分析, 土壤有机质、全氮、速效钾、速效磷、pH、容重和自然含水率可能是影响沼泽化草甸土壤真菌群落结构组成的主要因子。 相似文献
生物炭对岩溶区石灰土性质及作物生长的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以玉米(迪卡008)和大豆(开鲜9号)为供试材料,通过野外盆栽实验,设置5个处理,每个处理蔗渣生物炭材料分别以土壤质量百分比0(CK)、0.5%(T1)、1%(T2)、2%(T3)、5%(T4)添加,研究蔗渣生物炭对岩溶区石灰土性质及农作物生长的影响。结果表明:生物炭对石灰土p H和碱解氮均无显著影响,土壤容重显著降低,提高了土壤有机碳、全氮、速效磷和速效钾的含量;与对照相比,玉米组和大豆组T2、T3、T4处理的土壤有机碳含量分别显著增加了53.01%、96.77%、237.03%和32.66%、107.84%、256.46%,速效磷分别显著增加了32.26%、34.78%、85.37%和34.85%、35.60%、81.71%,速效钾分别显著增加了41.93%、82.49%、155.15%和69.77%、116.58%、206.91%;T3、T4处理土壤全氮分别显著增加了5.68%、25.57%和9.04%、19.77%,T3、T4处理玉米棒干重分别显著增加了11.51%、16.41%;T1、T2、T3、T4处理大豆豆荚干重分别显著增加了11.07%、11.24%、35.14%、24.89%。可见,蔗渣生物炭作为土壤改良剂,在一定程度上改善了石灰土的养分状况,促进了玉米和大豆生长。 相似文献
Question: Can GIS and GPS technology be used to quantify the hydrological regime of different plant communities on turloughs (groundwater dependent calcareous wetlands)? Location: Skealoghan turlough, County Mayo, Ireland. Methods: Plant communities were mapped and digitised with GIS software and a digital elevation model of the site was constructed from differential GPS data. Together with records of water level fluctuations on the site from May 2001 to May 2004, these data were used to calculate hydrological variables for each plant community. Hierarchical cluster analysis was used to identify groups of plant communities with similar hydrological regimes. Results: 15 plant communities were mapped at Skea loghan, with the Cirsio‐Molinietum and Ranunculo‐Potentilletum anserinae being the dominant phytosociological associations. Skealoghan is subject to large temporal and spatial variation in its hydrological regime and fluctuations in water level are intrinsically linked to rainfall. The spatial variation in flooding can be linked to the vegetation zones. Conclusions: GIS and DGPS technology can be used to quantify the hydrological regime of different plant communities on turloughs. Since the hydrological regime is a major environmental factor controlling the vegetation composition of the site, the maintenance of natural flooding regimes is a vital component for the conservation and management of the diverse vegetation mosaic at Skealoghan turlough. 相似文献
穴蚁蛉幼虫期的食物量对各虫态历期的影响研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
穴蚁蛉在自然条件下1年发生1代,本实验证明,不同的饲食频率可影响幼虫的发育历期,在每天饲给1头米蛾成虫的情况下,1年可发生3代。1个世代可以在全历期都处于长日照和没有低温的条件下完成,其发育可以不需要光周期变化诱发,15日饲食1次的穴蚁蛉,3龄 虫 相似文献
The influence of soil depth on plant species response to grazing within a semi-arid savanna 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Grassland patches within a semi-arid savanna were evaluated over 45-years for (1) local temporal dynamics of basal area for five dominant grass species within long-term heavily grazed and ungrazed treatments, (2) the influence of soil depth (resource availability) on vegetation dynamics, and (3) the applicability of community-level grazing response groups over fine-scale patterns of soil heterogeneity. Temporal patterns in species composition and basal area were dependent upon soil depth. In the heavy grazed treatment, Hilaria belangeri dominated deep soils while Erioneuron pilosum and Bouteloua trifida were restricted to shallow soils. In the ungrazed treatment, removal of grazing resulted in successional changes that were significantly different across soil depths. After 45 years without grazing, Eriochloa sericea was most abundant on deep soils while Bouteloua curtipendula was more abundant on intermediate and shallow soils. Community-level functional groups that are based on grazing were not appropriate when multiple pattern-driving variables were considered across multiple scales indicating that functional groups should only be applied to certain processes at specific scales. Within the ungrazed treatments, variable soil depths have resulted in a shifting mosaic in time and space where early- and late-successional species co-exist continuously but spatially separated within the community. In the heavily grazed treatment, species are somewhat spatially arranged by soil depths, but much of the inherent heterogeneity is eliminated and species composition is dominated by the three grazing-resistant short-grasses. Broad scale successional changes may appear linear and predictable while at finer scales, the same changes may be described as non-linear and dependent upon soil depth resulting in thresholds that are partially explained by weather patterns, seed bank limitations and competitive inhibitions. 相似文献
生物结皮影响下沙漠土壤表面凝结水的形成与变化特征 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
在水资源匮乏的沙漠生境,凝结水是植物、生物结皮、无脊椎和脊椎小动物的重要水分来源之一.采用微渗计法对比研究3种生物结皮类型(藻结皮、地衣结皮和苔藓结皮)和自然裸沙对地表凝结水量及凝结水蒸散过程的影响.微渗计的规格为内径6 cm,高3.5 cm的PVC管.研究结果表明:不同类型地表的总凝结水量之间存在极显著的差异(P < 0.01),总凝结水量随生物结皮发育水平呈显著增加的趋势,依次为:裸沙 < 藻结皮 < 地衣结皮 < 苔藓结皮,即生物结皮的存在有利于沙漠地表凝结水的形成.不同类型地表凝结水量的日均值有所差异.对于同一地表类型,凝结水量的最大值为最小值的数倍.黎明时,苔藓结皮的凝结水量最大,而裸沙的凝结水量最小,地衣结皮和藻结皮居中.凝结现象自20:00~22:00,次日8:00~9:00结束.大多数日出后凝结现象仍继续发生.不同类型地表的凝结及蒸散过程经历2个阶段:日出前凝结水量呈缓慢增加的趋势,日出后随温度的升高凝结水量快速减少,其中以苔藓结皮凝结水量下降最为迅速.凝结水量主要受温度、大气湿度、凝结面类型、气象条件和生境等方面因素的影响. 相似文献
R.N. Kirkwood K. Moller W.C. Smith K.R. Lapwood D.J. Garrick 《Animal reproduction science》1985,9(2):163-171
A study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of using an oral progestagen for synchronisation of parturition in the sow. Multiparous Landrace X Large White sows were fed 20 mg allyl trenbolone daily from day 110 to 115 of gestation then 15 mg on day 116 (Group R; N = 12); untreated sows of similar background served as controls (Group C; N = 9). Blood samples, taken at 8-h intervals from day 110 of gestation to onset of parturition, then every 4 h until parturition was complete, were assayed for plasma levels of progesterone, unconjugated oestrone, cortisol and prolactin. Duration of farrowing, incidence of stillbirths and individual piglet birth weights were recorded. Five Group R sows farrowed during the period of progestagen administration, while for the remaining 7, the mean interval from last progestagen treatment to emergence of first piglet was 31.6 ±5.5 h. Gestation length, duration of parturition, and mean interval between successive births all were longer in Group R than in Group C (116.5 ± 0.34 compared with 115.0 ± 0.52 days, P < 0.01; 9.73 ± 1.98 compared with 3.08 ± 0.70 h, P < 0.01; and 53.4 ± 10.2 compared with 16.2 ± 2.4 min., P < 0.01, respectively). No significant treatment differences were apparent for litter size at birth, proportion stillborn or piglet birth weights. Profile analysis showed that plasma progesterone levels in Group R were lower (P < 0.05) during the 30 h prefarrowing, suggesting a longer mean interval between functional luteolysis and parturition in these animals. In both Groups plasma levels of unconjugated oestrone rose in the prefarrowing period, the levels being higher (P < 0.05) in Group R Peak oestrone levels occurred at the commencement of, and had declined to low levels by the completion of, farrowing. Cortisol levels exhibited a pattern similar to that of oestrone, although peak levels at parturition were lower in Group R (P < 0.01). Plasma prolactin levels in the 24 h prepartum rose faster and reached higher levels (P < 0.05) in Group C than Group R, but the difference was no longer apparent subsequent to first piglet emergence. It is concluded that the use of this progestagen to delay parturition upset the synchronisation of endocrine events at farrowing, resulting in an increased duration of parturition. 相似文献
动物对草地的采食和践踏直接影响着土壤的理化特性。以大丰麋鹿保护区半散养麋鹿为研究对象,分析了不同麋鹿干扰强度下土壤含水率、容重、全盐量、有机质、全氮、全磷和全钾的差异,探讨麋鹿放养对土壤理化性质的影响。结果表明:(1)随着麋鹿干扰强度的增加,土壤含水量和有机质呈现下降的趋势;土壤盐分、容重和氮、磷、钾全量呈现上升的趋势。(2)麋鹿放养对土壤理化指标的影响显著,重度干扰样地与对照样地之间差异性达到极显著水平(P<0.01)。(3)土壤氮、磷、钾全量,在重度干扰区域达到最大值,分别为1.56 g/kg、0.95 g/kg和13.43 g/kg,全氮量的增长幅度最大。(4)在麋鹿活动最为频繁的重度干扰区域,土壤盐分含量达到9.26 g/kg,土壤盐碱化,这是导致栖息地退化的主要原因。麋鹿干扰强度增加最终导致土壤盐渍化加重,栖息地生境明显退化,严重区域向光裸地的演化。 相似文献
Biomaterials that prevent nonspecific protein adsorption and cell adhesion are of high relevance for diverse applications in tissue engineering and diagnostics. One of the most widely applied materials for this purpose is Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG). We have investigated how micrometer line topography and substrate elasticity act upon the antiadhesive properties of PEG-based hydrogels. In our studies we apply bulk hydrogel cross-linked from star-shaped poly(ethylene oxide-stat-propylene oxide) macromonomers. Substrate surfaces were topographically patterned via replica molding. Additionally, the mechanical properties were altered by variations in the cross-linking density. Surface patterns with dimensions in the range of the cells' own size, namely 10 μm wide grooves, induced significant cell adhesion and spreading on the Acr-sP(EO-stat-PO) hydrogels. In contrast, there was only little adhesion to smaller and larger pattern sizes and no adhesion at all on the smooth substrates, regardless the rigidity of the gel. The effect of varied substrate stiffness on cell behavior was only manifest in combination with topography. Softer substrates with line patterns lead to significantly higher cell adhesion and spreading than stiff substrates. We conclude that the physical and mechanical surface characteristics can eliminate the nonadhesive properties of PEG-based hydrogels to a large extent. This has to be taken into account when designing surfaces for biomedical application such as scaffolds for tissue engineering which rely on the inertness of PEG. 相似文献
《Fungal Ecology》2022
Wood-pastures are threatened anthropogenic biotopes that provide habitat for an extensive group of species. Here we studied the effect of management, grazing intensity, time since abandonment, historical land-use intensity, soil properties and stand conditions on communities of saprotrophic fungi in wood-pastures in Central Finland. We found that the proportion of broadleaved trees and soil pH are the major drivers in the communities of saprotrophic fungi in these boreal wood-pastures. In addition, tree species richness, soil moisture, historical land-use intensity and time since abandonment affected the communities of saprotrophic fungi. Current management or grazing intensity did not have a clear effect on saprotrophic fungal species richness, although dung-inhabiting fungal species richness was highest at intermediate to high grazing intensity. Obviously, there were many more dung-inhabiting fungal species on grazed than on abandoned sites. Our study highlights the conservation value of wood-pastures as hotspots of saprotrophic fungi. 相似文献
Although phosphate concentrations have been reduced, the rivers Meuse and Rhine are still polluted with sulphate, which most
probably affects vegetation development in newly created riverine wetlands. The influence of flooding with river water rich
in sulphate was tested on three soil types from floodplains of the river Meuse using flow-through and batch experiments. Soils
were selected for contrasting concentrations of iron and organic matter and originated from a floating fen (iron-poor, organic),
an alder carr (iron-rich, organic) and a clay pit (iron-rich, low in organic matter). Flooding induced mobilisation of phosphate.
Sulphate only enhanced this effect in the alder carr soil, where sulphide and phosphate competed for binding to iron. Only
in the floating fen soil did the addition of sulphate result in the formation of free sulphide, which reduced the growth of
Glyceria maxima, serving as a phytometer. In addition, the floating soil started to sink, due to falling methane concentrations. In the different
soil types methane production was hampered by the presence of more favourable electron acceptors such as sulphate in the water
and Fe(III) in the soil. It was concluded that the effects of inundation with sulphate-polluted water strongly depend on the
soil type: under iron-poor circumstances, free sulphide may accumulate, leading to phytotoxicity, while in soils rich in iron,
sulphide toxicity is prevented, but phosphate availability may be increased. In addition, shortage of easily degradable organic
matter can limit the formation of potential toxicants such as ammonium, iron and sulphide. Results are discussed in terms
of their implications for nature management. 相似文献
Development of nitrogen mineralisation gradients through surface soil depth and their influence on surface soil pH 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Following mixing of the surface soil to about 7.5 cm depth in the field, soil layers (0–2.5, 2.5–5, 5–10 and 10–15 cm) were separately incubated in the laboratory to determine the rate of development of net N mineralisation gradients through surface soil depth under fallow, wheat and subterranean clover plots. Gradients in net N mineralisation were compared with those observed in the field, and their contribution to the observed pH changes was investigated.Heterotrophic activity, and thus net N mineralisation, decreased only slightly with depth immediately after soil mixing. This pattern persisted over time in soil layers sampled from fallow plots. In contrast, within 1 growing season after soil mixing, heterotrophic activity and net N mineralisation decreased significantly with depth in soil sampled from wheat and clover plots. In 0–15 cm soil sampled from under senescing plants, 32–38% of CO2-C produced and net N mineralised originated from the surface 2.5 cm, while 52–56% originated from the surface 5 cm of soil. This resulted from an increase of pH and organic substrate concentration within the surface 2.5 cm of soil following plant residue return. Limitations of the in situ measurement of net N mineralisation in fallow soil was identified.Laboratory incubation studies showed that since most net N mineralisation occurred within the surface 2.5 cm of soil under senescing plants, nitrification and acidification were also concentrated at this depth. Despite this, compared to fallow soil, high potential acidification rates of 0–2.5 cm soil under senescing plants were not realised in the field due to the exposure to prolonged dry periods and moist-dry cycles. As a consequence, in the field the large magnitude of surface soil pH gradient which resulted from the return of alkaline plant residues was maintained over summer and autumn. 相似文献