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In an attempt to demonstrate a negative feedback of rat placental lactogen (rPL) on prolactin secretion, pregnant rats were hysterectomized and injected intraperitoneally with placental extracts. Hysterectomy alone prolonged the incidence of nocturnal prolactin surges and injection of placental extracts did not alter this response. However, the absence of rPL in the serum following the injections indicated a primary reason why no inhibition was seen. Only when rPL was given intravenously was there detectable amounts found in the blood. The slow disappearance of rPL from the circulation following hysterectomy in Day 11 pregnant rats suggests that the lack of rPL in the blood following ip injection of placental extracts is not due to rapid clearance of rPL from blood. The failure to show a negative feedback of rPL on prolactin in vivo may be due primarily to the lack of appearance of rPL in the circulation following an ip injection of placental extracts.  相似文献   

Super-active forms of placental lactogen and prolactin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Both placental lactogen and prolactin can be converted into super-active forms. These super-active hormones, in combination with insulin and hydrocortisone, stimulate accumulation of α-lactalbumin and increase RNA synthesis in explants from mouse mammary glands to an extent greater than the maximal level obtained with the native hormones. Also, they are able to stimulate RNA synthesis by suspensions of mammary epithelial cells which have lost the ability to respond to native lactogen and prolactin.  相似文献   

Previous investigations have clearly demonstrated that estradiol maintains corpus luteum function. However, it is unknown whether estradiol can restimulate progesterone synthesis and/or growth of corpora lutea that have already undergone luteolysis. The present study was designed to determine 1) whether estradiol can reactivate the steroidogenic capacity and/or growth of corpora lutea that are deprived of luteotropic support, 2) whether estradiol affects progesterone metabolism, and 3) whether the action of estradiol is related to levels of rat placental lactogen in the peripheral circulation. Rats were hypophysectomized and hysterectomized on Day 12 of pregnancy and were treated between Days 12 and 15 with either estradiol (100 micrograms/day) or 1-cm testosterone implants. Both treatments are known to maintain luteal concentrations of estradiol at physiological levels. In vivo treatment with either estradiol or testosterone prevented the drop in progesterone production and maintained the concentration of serum progesterone at levels found in intact pregnant rats. This action was not due to an alteration in the rate of metabolism of progesterone to 20 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone, since peripheral serum levels and in vitro production of 20 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone were unaffected by estradiol. When testosterone treatment was started 24 and 48 h after hypophysectomy and hysterectomy, at a time when progesterone production had been markedly reduced and luteal growth had ceased, a restimulation of both progesterone synthesis and luteal growth was observed. However, in all cases the ability of estradiol to stimulate progesterone was finite, and corpora lutea ceased to respond by Day 17, coincident with the time that rat placental lactogen became undetectable in the circulation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Incubation of placental tissue from Day 11 pregnant rats for increasing periods of time resulted in proportionately more rat placental lactogen (rPL) release. The amount of placental tissue incubated correlated directly with the amount of rPL released into the medium. When placentas were coincubated with anterior pituitaries from ovariectomized rats, prolactin release was significantly inhibited. When media from incubations which had contained varying numbers of Day 11 placentas for 24 h were added to vials containing anterior pituitaries, prolactin release was inhibited, proportionate to the amount of rPL in the media. Media from incubations of Day 9 placentas, which contained very little rPL, had no effect on prolactin release. When medium containing anterior pituitary tissue was incubated for 24 h, pituitaries removed, and the medium incubated with placental tissue for an additional 24 h, there was no difference in prolactin levels compared to incubation medium not containing placental tissue. Addition of a trypsin inhibitor to the medium containing placental tissue did not augment the amount of prolactin remaining after a 24-h incubation. Thus it would appear that the placenta does not release a substance into the medium that destroys prolactin. This suggests that secretions from the placenta, presumably rPL, can exert a negative feedback on prolactin secretion at the level of the anterior pituitary.  相似文献   

Complexes between insulin, prolactin or placental lactogen and cyanogen bromide-activated Sepharose release hormone-like materials when treated with bovine serum albumin (BSA) (1). These materials have enhanced biological activities, and are, presumably, N1N2-disubstituted guanidines in which the hormones and BSA are the substituents. The present studies show that ammonium bicarbonate can substitute for BSA in the generation of the super-active hormones. Super-activity of the released, guanidinated hormones, therefore, can be manifested in the absence of the BSA substituent. The key derivatized amino acid residues have not yet been identified, but it appears that guanidination of lysine is either unnecessary or insufficient. Several operational considerations which are important for the demonstration of these enhanced activities are discussed.  相似文献   

Ovariectomy and ovariectomy plus hysterectomy on day 18 of pregnancy increased gamma-glutamyltransferase activity in the mammary gland. The withdrawal of progesterone and the subsequent release of prolactin are responsible for the rise in enzyme activity. Rat placental lactogen in the absence of prolactin and progesterone is able to induce gamma-glutamyltransferase activity.  相似文献   

Although homo- or heterodimerization are common mechanisms for activation of cytokine receptors, cross-talk between two distinct receptors in this superfamily has been never shown. Here we show a physiologically relevant example indicating that such an interaction does occurs, thus raising the hypothesis that heterodimerization between distinct cytokine receptors may be a novel mechanism contributing to the diversity of cytokine signaling. These findings were documented using both surface plasmon resonance and gel filtration experiments and show that ovine placental lactogen (PL) heterodimerizes the extracellular domains (ECDs) of ruminant growth hormone receptor (GHR) and prolactin receptor (PRLR). We also show that PL or PL analogues that exhibit little or no activity in cells transfected with PRLRs and no activity in cells transfected with ovine GHRs exhibit largely enhanced activity in cells cotransfected with both PRLRs and GHRs. Furthermore, chimeric receptors consisting of cytosolic and transmembrane part of ovine GHR or ovine PRLR and ECDs of human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor (GM-CSFR) alpha or beta were constructed. Upon transfection into Chinese hamster ovary cells along with reporter luciferase gene and stimulation by GM-CSF, a significant increase in luciferase activity occurred when GM-CSFR-alpha-PRLR and GM-CSFR-beta-GHR or GM-CSFR-alpha-GHR and GM-CSRR-beta-PRLR were cotransfected. In conclusion, we show that ovine PL is capable of functional heterodimerization of GHR and PRLR and that when their cytosolic parts, coupled to the ECD of GM-CSF receptors, are heterodimerized by GM-CSF, they are capable of transducing biological signal.  相似文献   

In pseudopregnancy of the rat prolactin (PRL) is released in the form of twice daily surges (nocturnal and diurnal surges). An attempt was made to examine the effects of urethane anesthesia on PRL surges during pseudopregnancy of the rat. In a preliminary study, using the continuous blood sampling method, the nocturnal PRL surge was completely blocked when urethane (1.0g/kg BW) was administered at 0:00 hr. Urethane (1.0g/kg BW) was injected at 0:00 or 12:00 hr, and serum and pituitary PRL concentrations were measured at 6:00 or 18:00 hr, respectively, to study the effects of urethane on nocturnal or diurnal PRL surges. There were no serum PRL surges during either the nocturnal or diurnal periods following urethane injection. The experiment examining pituitary PRL concentration at 6:00 or 18:00 hr confirmed that urethane (1.0g/kg) anesthesia suppressed the release of PRL surge from the pituitary.  相似文献   

Effect of estrogen and placental lactogen on lactogenesis in pregnant rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The removal of the corpora lutea or ovariectomy on Day 18 of pregnancy induced a rise in serum prolactin 24 h after surgery with a rapid decline to control values 4 h after the surge, only in the ovariectomized group. When hysterectomy was performed in addition to luteectomy or ovariectomy a similar rise in prolactin was obtained. Lactose synthetase activity in mammary tissue was significantly higher in the luteectomized and luteectohysterectomized rats when compared with ovariectomized, ovariohysterectomized rats and the sham-operated group. Estrogen treatment 12 h after ovariectomy increased serum prolactin and lactose synthetase activity to values similar to those measured in luteectomized rats, but this increase was significantly greater when compared with the ovariectomized-nontreated group. Treatment with Tamoxifen did not decrease serum prolactin in the luteectomized rats but lactose synthetase was reduced to values similar to that obtained in ovariectomized rats. Treatment with 2 bromo-alpha-ergocryptine-mesylate (CB-154) prevented the rise in serum prolactin in the ovariectomized, luteectomized and luteectohysterectomized groups, but lactose synthetase activity was lowered to control values (sham-operated rats) only in the luteectohysterectomized rats. According to these findings, rat placental lactogen in the absence of prolactin and progesterone induces lactose synthesis. Estrogen facilitates prolactin but not placental lactogen action on lactose synthetase activity.  相似文献   

The structure of the ternary complex between ovine placental lactogen (oPL) and the extracellular domain (ECD) of the rat prolactin receptor (rPRLR) reveals that two rPRLR ECDs bind to opposite sides of oPL with pseudo two-fold symmetry. The two oPL receptor binding sites differ significantly in their topography and electrostatic character. These binding interfaces also involve different hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic packing patterns compared to the structurally related human growth hormone (hGH)-receptor complexes. Additionally, the receptor-receptor interactions are different from those of the hGH-receptor complex. The conformational adaptability of prolactin and growth hormone receptors is evidenced by the changes in local conformations of the receptor binding loops and more global changes induced by shifts in the angular relationships between the N- and C-terminal domains, which allow the receptor to bind to the two topographically distinct sites of oPL.  相似文献   

The authors show that the ovine prolactine promote induction of N. acetyl lactosamine synthetase in tissue culture of mammary glands of pregnant mice. A crude extract of human placenta has also a lactogenic activity as tested by the same method, but in this case the blank values are very high for large concentration of crude extract. The molecular forms of HCS are tested: the slow band has a lactogenic activity, the intermediate band has no activity and the rapid band seems to be inhibitory.  相似文献   

Sera and placentas from pregnant dwarf mice contain a placental lactogen. This placental lactogen has immunological and electrophoretic properties similar to those of placental lactogen from normal mice.  相似文献   

Placental lactogen and prolactin stimulate the rate of RNA synthesis by nuclei isolated from mammary epithelial cells. The effect is tissue specific. It is suggested that these protein hormones may perform some of their functions within the mammary cell.  相似文献   

M Fayez  H H Ahmed  S K Quadri 《Life sciences》1985,37(20):1877-1880
A single iv injection of 15 or 30 but not 7.5 mg/kg BW of an antiviral drug, amantadine, significantly (P less than 0.05) decreased plasma prolactin (PRL) concentrations in male rats. This effect was dose-dependent, with the highest dose producing a longer-lasting decrease in plasma PRL. The amantadine-induced decrease was unaffected by a simultaneous injection of 5-hydroxytryptophan (30 mg/kg BW) but was completely blocked by a simultaneous injection of haloperidol (0.05 mg/kg BW). It is concluded that this novel effect of amantadine on PRL is produced by an interaction with the dopaminergic system.  相似文献   

Ovine placental lactogen, (oPL), ovine growth hormone, (oGH), and ovine prolactin, (oPRL) are present in high concentrations in the fetal circulation late in gestation. To determine if these hormones stimulate the activity of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), an enzyme widely implicated in the control of cellular growth, rat fetuses were injected in utero with 100 μg of oPL, oGH, oPRL, rat growth hormone (rGH) or rat prolactin (rPRL) and ODC activity in the livers, hearts, and brains of the fetuses was measured 2, 4, and 6 hours after injection. OPL stimulated fetal liver ODC activity by 282 ± 45% (mean ± SEM) as compared to litter mates injected with buffer alone but oGH, oPRL, rGH and rPRL had no effect on fetal liver ODC activity. However, in neonatal rats 24–48 hours old all five hormones significantly increased liver ODC activity. ODC activities in the hearts and brains of the fetuses and neonates were unaffected by any of the five hormones. In other experiments 50 μg of oPL significantly stimulated fetal liver ODC activity while 250 μg of oGH were without effect. However 25 μg of oGH significantly stimulated liver ODC activity in rat pups 1–2 days after birth. These results suggest that oPL, by its stimulation of ODC activity, has somatotropic effects in the fetus and that rat liver ODC activity becomes responsive to growth hormone and prolactin in the perinatal period.  相似文献   

The role of the limbic forebrain structures in controlling twice daily surges of prolactin (PRL) induced by cervical stimulation was investigated after acute or chronic deafferentation of the limbic forebrain afferents to the hypothalamus in rats. The preoptic area-roof section (POA-RS), which interrupted the rostral limbic afferents at the dorsal level of the anterior commissure, induced pseudopregnancy (PSP) and initiated the same nocturnal PRL surges as those initiated by the cervical stimulation. Diurnal PRL surges, however, did not occur following this procedure. The nocturnal PRL surge by POA-RS also occurred in ovariectomized rats. Deafferentation between the diagonal band of Broca and the medial preoptic area (F2-cut) initiated PSP in 37 % of the rats and induced an apparent but small nocturnal PRL surge. The rats with POA-RS or F2-cut showed restoration of their regular estrous cyclicities. Cervical stimulation after POA-RS did not affect the initiation of nocturnal PRL surge induced by POA-RS alone. POA-RS after cervical stimulation also did not affect the initiation of nocturnal PRL surge induced by cervical stimulation, though a diurnal PRL surge was initiated in these rats. The cut made just before the diagonal band of Broca after cervical stimulation did not inhibit the occurrence of either surge. Nocturnal and diurnal PRL surges were manifested after cervical stimulation in the rats with chronic POA-RS or F2-cut and their vaginal cyclicities were resumed. These results suggest that the limbic forebrain structures are not indispensable for the initiation of nocturnal PRL surges induced by cervical stimulation but may modify the hypothalamic mechanism(s) initiating a nocturnal PRL surge through the rostral part of the hypothalamus.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is an important modulator involved in immune regulation. Here, we describe conditions under which NO-donors induce apoptosis on Nb2 lymphoma cells, as evidenced by decreased cell viability and increased hypodiploid DNA content determined by flow cytometry. In addition, DNA fragmentation typical of apoptosis was shown by agarose gel electrophoresis. This apoptosis was accompanied by a significant increase of caspase-3-like enzymatic activity. Both ovine prolactin (oPRL) and ovine placental lactogen (oPL) exerted a protective effect on the NO-donor-induced apoptosis. Furthermore, dexamethasone (Dex)-induced cell death was also associated with caspase-3-like activity and oPL had the same potency as oPRL in its protective effect on Dex-induced apoptosis of Nb2 cells.  相似文献   

Decline in fertility of high-producing dairy cattle has become a global challenge to the dairy industry. Because of low heritability and complexity, it is difficult to find genetic markers for fertility traits in cattle. Here, we report the use of an in vitro fertilization (IVF) system and candidate gene approach to test genetic associations of a single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in bovine placental lactogen (bPL), and its interactions with SNPs in the prolactin receptor (PRLR) and growth hormone receptor genes with fertility traits in an IVF system. The associations suggest a possible involvement of genetic interactions between bPL and PRLR in the fertilization and embryonic development processes, and the potential for application in a marker-assisted selection program.  相似文献   

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