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13C/12C and D/H stable isotope fractionation during aerobic degradation was determined for Pseudomonas putida strain mt-2, Pseudomonas putida strain F1, Ralstonia pickettii strain PKO1, and Pseudomonas putida strain NCIB 9816 grown with toluene, xylenes, and naphthalene. Different types of initial reactions used by the respective bacterial strains could be linked with certain extents of stable isotope fractionation during substrate degradation.  相似文献   

Stable Carbon Isotope Fractionation by Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Biogeochemical transformations occurring in the anoxic zones of stratified sedimentary microbial communities can profoundly influence the isotopic and organic signatures preserved in the fossil record. Accordingly, we have determined carbon isotope discrimination that is associated with both heterotrophic and lithotrophic growth of pure cultures of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB). For heterotrophic-growth experiments, substrate consumption was monitored to completion. Sealed vessels containing SRB cultures were harvested at different time intervals, and δ13C values were determined for gaseous CO2, organic substrates, and products such as biomass. For three of the four SRB, carbon isotope effects between the substrates, acetate or lactate and CO2, and the cell biomass were small, ranging from 0 to 2‰. However, for Desulfotomaculum acetoxidans, the carbon incorporated into biomass was isotopically heavier than the available substrates by 8 to 9‰. SRB grown lithoautotrophically consumed less than 3% of the available CO2 and exhibited substantial discrimination (calculated as isotope fractionation factors [α]), as follows: for Desulfobacterium autotrophicum, α values ranged from 1.0100 to 1.0123; for Desulfobacter hydrogenophilus, the α value was 0.0138, and for Desulfotomaculum acetoxidans, the α value was 1.0310. Mixotrophic growth of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans on acetate and CO2 resulted in biomass with a δ13C composition intermediate to that of the substrates. The extent of fractionation depended on which enzymatic pathways were used, the direction in which the pathways operated, and the growth rate, but fractionation was not dependent on the growth phase. To the extent that environmental conditions affect the availability of organic substrates (e.g., acetate) and reducing power (e.g., H2), ecological forces can also influence carbon isotope discrimination by SRB.  相似文献   

In natural environments methane is usually produced by aceticlastic and hydrogenotrophic methanogenic archaea. However, some methanogens can use C1 compounds such as methanol as the substrate. To determine the contributions of individual substrates to methane production, the stable-isotope values of the substrates and the released methane are often used. Additional information can be obtained by using selective inhibitors (e.g., methyl fluoride, a selective inhibitor of acetoclastic methanogenesis). We studied stable carbon isotope fractionation during the conversion of methanol to methane in Methanosarcina acetivorans, Methanosarcina barkeri, and Methanolobus zinderi and generally found large fractionation factors (−83‰ to −72‰). We further tested whether methyl fluoride impairs methylotrophic methanogenesis. Our experiments showed that even though a slight inhibition occurred, the carbon isotope fractionation was not affected. Therefore, the production of isotopically light methane observed in the presence of methyl fluoride may be due to the strong fractionation by methylotrophic methanogens and not only by hydrogenotrophic methanogens as previously assumed.  相似文献   

Stable isotope fractionation was studied during the degradation of m-xylene, o-xylene, m-cresol, and p-cresol with two pure cultures of sulfate-reducing bacteria. Degradation of all four compounds is initiated by a fumarate addition reaction by a glycyl radical enzyme, analogous to the well-studied benzylsuccinate synthase reaction in toluene degradation. The extent of stable carbon isotope fractionation caused by these radical-type reactions was between enrichment factors () of −1.5 and −3.9‰, which is in the same order of magnitude as data provided before for anaerobic toluene degradation. Based on our results, an analysis of isotope fractionation should be applicable for the evaluation of in situ bioremediation of all contaminants degraded by glycyl radical enzyme mechanisms that are smaller than 14 carbon atoms. In order to compare carbon isotope fractionations upon the degradation of various substrates whose numbers of carbon atoms differ, intrinsic (intrinsic) were calculated. A comparison of intrinsic at the single carbon atoms of the molecule where the benzylsuccinate synthase reaction took place with compound-specific elucidated that both varied on average to the same extent. Despite variations during the degradation of different substrates, the range of found for glycyl radical reactions was reasonably narrow to propose that rough estimates of biodegradation in situ might be given by using an average if no fractionation factor is available for single compounds.  相似文献   

Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), an octane enhancer and a fuel oxygenate in reformulated gasoline, has received increasing public attention after it was detected as a major contaminant of water resources. Although several techniques have been developed to remediate MTBE-contaminated sites, the fate of MTBE is mainly dependent upon natural degradation processes. Compound-specific stable isotope analysis has been proposed as a tool to distinguish the loss of MTBE due to biodegradation from other physical processes. Although MTBE is highly recalcitrant, anaerobic degradation has been demonstrated under different anoxic conditions and may be an important process. To accurately assess in situ MTBE degradation through carbon isotope analysis, carbon isotope fractionation during MTBE degradation by different cultures under different electron-accepting conditions needs to be investigated. In this study, carbon isotope fractionation during MTBE degradation under sulfate-reducing and methanogenic conditions was studied in anaerobic cultures enriched from two different sediments. Significant enrichment of 13C in residual MTBE during anaerobic biotransformation was observed under both sulfate-reducing and methanogenic conditions. The isotopic enrichment factors () estimated for each enrichment were almost identical (−13.4 to −14.6; r2 = 0.89 to 0.99). A value of −14.4 ± 0.7 was obtained from regression analysis (r2 = 0.97, n = 55, 95% confidence interval), when all data from our MTBE-transforming anaerobic cultures were combined. The similar magnitude of carbon isotope fractionation in all enrichments regardless of culture or electron-accepting condition suggests that the terminal electron-accepting process may not significantly affect carbon isotope fractionation during anaerobic MTBE degradation.  相似文献   

Methanosarcina barkeri was cultured on methanol, H2-CO2, and acetate, and the 13C/12C ratios of the substrates and the methane produced from them were determined. The discrimination against 13C in methane relative to substrate decreased in the order methanol > CO2 > acetate. The isotopic fractionation for methane derived from acetate was only one-third of that observed with methanol as the substrate. The data presented indicate that the last enzyme of methanogenesis, methylreductase, is not the primary site of isotopic discrimination during methanogenesis from methanol or CO2. These results also support biogeochemical interpretations that gas produced in environments in which acetate is the primary methane precursor will have higher 13C/12C ratios than those from environments where other substrates predominate.  相似文献   

The δ PDB13C values have been determined for the cellular constituents and metabolic intermediates of autotrophically grown Chromatium vinosum. The isotopic composition of the HCO3- in the medium and the carbon isotopic composition of the bacterial cells change with the growth of the culture. The δ PDB13C value of the HCO3- in the media changes from an initial value of −6.6‰ to +8.1‰ after 10 days of bacterial growth and the δ PDB13C value of the bacterial cells change from −37.5‰ to −29.2‰ in the same period. The amount of carbon isotope fractionation during the synthesis of hexoses by the photoassimilation of CO2 has a range of −15.5‰ at time zero to −22.0‰ after 10 days. This range of fractionation compares to the range of carbon isotope fractionation for the synthesis of sugars from CO2 by ribulose 1,5-diphosphate carboxylase and the Calvin cycle.  相似文献   

Lemna gibba L. B3 was grown under heterotrophic, photoheterotrophic, and autotrophic conditions in water having a variety of hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions. The slopes of the linear regression lines between the isotopic composition of water and leaf cellulose indicated that under the three growth conditions about 40, 70, and 100% of oxygens and carbon-bound hydrogens of cellulose exchanged with those of water prior to cellulose formation. Using the equations of the linear relationships, we estimated the overall fractionation factors between water and the exchanged oxygen and carbon bound-hydrogen of cellulose. At least two very different isotope effects must determine the hydrogen isotopic composition of Lemna cellulose. One reflects the photosynthetic reduction of NADP, while the second reflects exchange reactions that occur subsequent to NADP reduction. Oxygen isotopic composition of cellulose apparently is determined by a single type of exchange reaction with water. Under different growth conditions, variations in metabolic fluxes affect the hydrogen isotopic composition of cellulose by influencing the extent to which the two isotope effects mentioned above are recorded. The oxygen isotopic composition of cellulose is not affected by such changes in growth conditions.  相似文献   

Compound-specific isotope analysis has the potential to distinguish physical from biological attenuation processes in the subsurface. In this study, carbon and hydrogen isotopic fractionation effects during biodegradation of benzene under anaerobic conditions with different terminal-electron-accepting processes are reported for the first time. Different enrichment factors () for carbon (range of −1.9 to −3.6‰) and hydrogen (range of −29 to −79‰) fractionation were observed during biodegradation of benzene under nitrate-reducing, sulfate-reducing, and methanogenic conditions. These differences are not related to differences in initial biomass or in rates of biodegradation. Carbon isotopic enrichment factors for anaerobic benzene biodegradation in this study are comparable to those previously published for aerobic benzene biodegradation. In contrast, hydrogen enrichment factors determined for anaerobic benzene biodegradation are significantly larger than those previously published for benzene biodegradation under aerobic conditions. A fundamental difference in the previously proposed initial step of aerobic versus proposed anaerobic biodegradation pathways may account for these differences in hydrogen isotopic fractionation. Potentially, C-H bond breakage in the initial step of the anaerobic benzene biodegradation pathway may account for the large fractionation observed compared to that in aerobic benzene biodegradation. Despite some differences in reported enrichment factors between cultures with different terminal-electron-accepting processes, carbon and hydrogen isotope analysis has the potential to provide direct evidence of anaerobic biodegradation of benzene in the field.  相似文献   

Isotope effects, studied with precision isotope ratio mass spectrometry, have been used to locate critical steps in the H metabolism of plants. By manipulating the growth conditions of versatile microalgae, the discrimination of H isotopes between water in the growth medium and the organically bonded H in carbohydrates from these microalgae was −100 to −120‰ and was regulated by both the light and the dark reactions of photosynthesis. Photosynthetic electron transport discriminated against the heavy isotope of H and formed a pool of reductant available for biosynthesis that was enriched in the light isotope. Growth in red or white light activated phosphoglyceric acid reduction and H isotope discrimination, when H was fixed into organic matter. An additional fractionation of −30 to −60‰ occurred during the biosynthesis of proteins and lipids and was associated with glycolysis. This fractionation paralleled the isotope effect seen in carbohydrate metabolism, indicating that H metabolism in photosynthesis was coupled with that in dark biosynthetic reactions via the pool of reductant, probably NADPH.  相似文献   

The strain Burkholderia cepacia G4 aerobically mineralized trichloroethene (TCE) to CO2 over a time period of ~20 h. Three biodegradation experiments were conducted with different bacterial optical densities at 540 nm (OD540s) in order to test whether isotope fractionation was consistent. The resulting TCE degradation was 93, 83.8, and 57.2% (i.e., 7.0, 16.2, and 42.8% TCE remaining) at OD540s of 2.0, 1.1, and 0.6, respectively. ODs also correlated linearly with zero-order degradation rates (1.99, 1.11, and 0.64 μmol h−1). While initial nonequilibrium mass losses of TCE produced only minor carbon isotope shifts (expressed in per mille δ13CVPDB), they were 57.2, 39.6, and 17.0‰ between the initial and final TCE levels for the three experiments, in decreasing order of their OD540s. Despite these strong isotope shifts, we found a largely uniform isotope fractionation. The latter is expressed with a Rayleigh enrichment factor, , and was −18.2 when all experiments were grouped to a common point of 42.8% TCE remaining. Although, decreases of to −20.7 were observed near complete degradation, our enrichment factors were significantly more negative than those reported for anaerobic dehalogenation of TCE. This indicates typical isotope fractionation for specific enzymatic mechanisms that can help to differentiate between degradation pathways.  相似文献   

The link between similarity in amino acid sequence for ammonia monooxygenase (AMO) and isotopic discrimination for ammonia oxidation ( l AMO ) was investigated in g -subdivision ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. The isotope effects for ammonia oxidation in pure cultures of the nitrifying strains Nitrosomonas marina , Nitrosomonas C-113a, Nitrosospira tenuis , Nitrosomonas europaea , and Nitrosomonas eutropha ranged from 14.2 to 38.2. The differences in isotope effects could not be readily explained by differential rates of ammonia oxidation, transport of NH 4 + , or accumulation of NH 2 OH or N 2 O among the strains. The major similarities and differences observed in l AMO are, however, paralleled by similarities and differences in amino acid sequences for the f -subunit of AMO (AmoA). Robust differences in l AMO among nitrifying bacteria may be expected to influence the stable isotopic signatures of nitrous oxide (N 2 O) produced in various environments.  相似文献   

Sulfate-reducing microbes utilize sulfate as an electron acceptor and produce sulfide that is depleted in heavy isotopes of sulfur relative to sulfate. Thus, the distribution of sulfur isotopes in sediments can trace microbial sulfate reduction (MSR), and it also has the potential to reflect the physiology of sulfate-reducing microbes. This study investigates the relationship between the availability of iron and reduced nitrogen and the magnitude of S-isotope fractionation during MSR by a marine sulfate-reducing bacterium, DMSS-1, a Desulfovibrio species, isolated from salt marsh in Cape Cod, MA. Submicromolar levels of iron increase sulfur isotope fractionation by about 50% relative to iron-replete cultures of DMSS-1. Iron-limited cultures also exhibit decreased cytochrome c-to-total protein ratios and cell-specific sulfate reduction rates (csSRR), implying changes in the electron transport chain that couples carbon and sulfur metabolisms. When DMSS-1 fixes nitrogen in ammonium-deficient medium, it also produces larger fractionation, but it occurs at faster csSRRs than in the ammonium-replete control cultures. The energy and reducing power required for nitrogen fixation may be responsible for the reverse trend between S-isotope fractionation and csSRR in this case. Iron deficiency and nitrogen fixation by sulfate-reducing microbes may lead to the large observed S-isotope effects in some euxinic basins and various anoxic sediments.  相似文献   

Laboratory-grown strains of chemoautotrophic Thiomicrospira sp. strain L-12 and Thiobacillus neapolitanus produced cell carbon that was 24.6 to 25.1 ppt (24.6 to 25.1 mg/g) lower in 13C isotope abundance than the ambient source of carbon dioxide and bicarbonate. This degree of 13C isotope depletion was comparable to that found in organic material produced in deep-sea hydrothermal-vent communities.  相似文献   

We grew 11 basidiomycetes in axenic culture to characterize their physiological capacities to fractionate stable C isotopes. Generally, δ13C values of the fungal biomass were (i) enriched in 13C relative to the growth medium, (ii) variable among the isolates, and (iii) dependent on the growth rate and growth stage of the fungi. We found a multiphasic dynamic of fractionation for Cryptoporus volvatus and Marasmius androsaceus during various growth stages. The first phase, P1, corresponded to the exponential growth stage and was characterized by an increasing enrichment in 13C content of the fungal biomass relative to the growth medium ranging between 4.6 and 6.9‰. The second phase, P2, exhibited a continual depletion in 13C of the fungal biomass, with the δ13C values of the fungal biomass asymptotically returning to the δ13C value of the growth medium at inoculation. The expression of the various fractionation phases was dependent on the amount of low-concentration micronutrients and growth factors added to the growth medium. The onset of P2 occurred at reduced concentrations of these elements. All of the sugars in the growth medium (sucrose, maltose, and glucose) were utilized for growth, indicating that the observed fractionation was not an artifact derived from the preferential use of 13C-rich maltose, which was found at low concentrations in the growth medium. In this study, we establish a framework with which to explore the impact of physiological fractionations by fungal interfaces on natural distributions of stable C isotopes.  相似文献   

The natural stable isotope values of different plants have been used to trace the fate of organic carbon that enters estuarine ecosystems. Experiments were designed to determine the magnitude of (delta) (sup13)C changes of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) derived from tidal marsh vegetation that occurred during bacterial decomposition. Bacteria were grown on DOC leached from estuarine Spartina alterniflora and Typhus angustifolia plants. In four experiments, 25 to 80% of the initial carbon (2.6 to 9.1 mM organic C) was converted to bacterial biomass and CO(inf2). Mass balance calculations showed good recovery of total C and (sup13)C at the end of these experiments (100% (plusmn) 14% total C; (plusmn) 1(permil) (delta) (sup13)C). The (delta) (sup13)C values of DOC, bacterial biomass, and respired CO(inf2) changed only slightly in the four experiments by average values of -0.6, +1.4, and +0.5(permil), respectively. These changes are small relative to the range of (delta) (sup13)C values represented by different organic carbon sources to estuaries. Thus, microbial (delta) (sup13)C values determined in the field helped to identify the source of the carbon assimilated by bacteria.  相似文献   

The isotope enrichment factors () in Methanosaeta concilii and in a lake sediment, where acetate was consumed only by Methanosaeta spp., were clearly less negative than the usually observed for Methanosarcina spp. The fraction of methane produced from acetate in the sediment, as determined by using stable isotope signatures, was 10 to 15% lower when the appropriate of Methanosaeta spp. was used.  相似文献   

环境条件对植物稳定碳同位素组成的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
植物稳定碳同位素技术是近年兴起的一项快速、可靠的技术。利用稳定碳同位素技术可以揭示碳同化的过程的许多方面的信息。1 3C和1 2 C同位素效应 ,使它们在进行碳循环时发生稳定碳同位素的分馏。植物光合作用过程中CO2 经气孔扩散分差和RUBPCase及PEPCase羧化分馏是造成植物稳定碳同位素比率 (R =1 3C/ 1 2 C)不同于源CO2 中碳同位素比率的主要原因。遗传因素和环境因子同时决定植物碳同位素组成。植物稳定碳同位素技术同时还是古气候重建和预测未来环境变化的理论基础。本文综述了光照、温度、水分、二氧化碳、矿质营养、盐分和大气污染物等环境因素对植物稳定碳同位素组成影响方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

Photosynthetic Fractionation of the Stable Isotopes of Oxygen and Carbon   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
Isotope discrimination during photosynthetic exchange of O2 and CO2 was measured using enzyme, thylakoid, and whole cell preparations. Evolved oxygen from isolated spinach thylakoids was isotopically identical (within analytical error) to its source water. Similar results were obtained with Anacystis nidulans Richter and Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin cultures purged with helium. For consumptive reactions, discrimination ([delta], where 1 + [delta]/1000 equals the isotope effect, k16/k18 or k12/k13) was determined by analysis of residual substrate (O2 or CO2). The [delta] for the Mehler reaction, mediated by ferredoxin or methylviologen, was 15.3[per mille (thousand) sign]. Oxygen isotope discrimination during oxygenation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) catalyzed by RuBP carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) was 21.3[per mille (thousand) sign] and independent of enzyme source, unlike carbon isotope discrimination: 30.3[per mille (thousand) sign] for spinach enzyme and 19.6 to 23[per mille (thousand) sign] for Rhodospirillum rubrum and A. nidulans enzymes, depending on reaction conditions. The [delta] for O2 consumption catalyzed by glycolate oxidase was 22.7[per mille (thousand) sign]. The expected overall [delta] for photorespiration is about 21.7[per mille (thousand) sign]. Consistent with this, when Asparagus sprengeri Regel mesophyll cells approached the compensation point within a sealed vessel, the [delta]18O of dissolved O2 came to a steady-state value of about 21.5[per mille (thousand) sign] relative to the source water. The results provide improved estimates of discrimination factors in several reactions prominent in the global O cycle and indicate that photorespiration plays a significant part in determining the isotopic composition of atmospheric oxygen.  相似文献   

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