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Heliconema minnanensis n. sp. is described from the Chiloscyllium plagiosum south of the Minnan-Taiwan Bank Fishing Ground, Taiwan Strait. It is characterized by having the following combination of features. There are no longitudinal ridges in the posterior part of the body; the male has 4 pairs of precloacal papillae and 6-7 pairs of postcloacal papillae. The right spicule averages 0.2 mm long (1.1% of body length), and the left spicule averages 1.2 mm long (5.6% of body length), making an average spicule ratio of 1:5.2. The female has a vulva located on the left side of a thick membrane and 56-65% of the body length from the anterior end. Raphidascaris trichiuri (Yin and Zhang, 1983) comb. n., known previously from males only, is transferred from Cloeoascaris and redescribed, including material of both sexes from Muraenesox cinereus from the type locality.  相似文献   

Durettechina beveridgei n. g., n. sp. (Nematoda: Seuratidae) is described from Antechinus flavipes (Dasyuridae) from Victoria and New South Wales. A single female from A. bellus from the Northern Territory may also be D. beveridgei. This new genus is compared with other genera of the Echinonematinae, to which it has been assigned. The genus has a unique body armature and most closely resembles Chabaudechina, in the armature of the cephalic bulb, but has four rather than five rows of hooks, and Linstowinema, in having body hooks on the cuticle of the anterior region, but has 18–22 hooks in each row rather than 14–16. The hooks of Durettechina are also smaller and have a less complex root morphology than those of Linstowinema. Durettechina resembles Seurechina and Chabaudechina in having caudal alae into which papillae extend, but differs from both these genera in the number and arrangement of the caudal papillae, as well as in the body armature. Durettechina, is most different from Bainechina, which has neither hooks on a cephalic bulb nor body hooks on the anterior region nor caudal alae.  相似文献   

Summary A new mermithid nematode, Thaumamermis cosgrovei n. gen., n. sp. (Mermithidae: Nematoda) was found parasitizing two terrestrial isopods (Isopoda: Oniscoidea) in California. The hosts, Armadillidium vulgare (Latr.) (a pillbug) and Porcellio scaber (Latr.) (a sowbug) represent the first cases of isopods attacked by mermithid nematodes. The genus Thaumamermis can be distinguished from all previously described mermithids by the extremely dimorphic spicules, one being short and broad and the other long and filiform. It has been discovered that the nematodes are infected with an iridiovirus which commonly destroys the isopod hosts. ac]19800917  相似文献   

Rhabditis (Oscheius) pheropsophi n. sp., associated with cadavers of the bombardier beetle, Pheropsophus aequinoctialis, is described from material collected in Brazil. Mean body length of the female is 1,217 μm, of the male 872 μm, and of the dauer juvenile 568 μm. The female has six lips with one papilla on each lateral lip and two on each sublateral lip; stoma wall thickened dorsally, metarhabdions with warts, excretory pore near base of esophagus, tail long (c = 8), and phasmids prominent, protruding on scanning electron microscope preparations. The male has 10 pairs of bursal ribs, with the terminal pair considerably smaller than the others; spicules fused distally two-thirds of their length. The new species can be distinguished from other members of the Dolichura-group by its fused spicules.  相似文献   

A new species of planorbid mollusc, Plesiophysa dolichomastix (Greek dolichos = long, mastix = flagellum), collected from Lagoa da Pedra, municipality of Santa Rosa, state of Goiás, Brazil (15 degrees 01'S, 47 degrees 13'W) is described. It is indistinguishable by the shell characters from the five congeneric species described so far: P. striata (Orbigny, 1841), P. granulata ("Shuttleworth" Sowerby, 1873), P. guadeloupensis ("Fischer" Mazé, 1883), P. ornata (Haas, 1938) and P. hubendicki Richards & Ferguson, 1962. It differs from the anatomically studied species in the following characters: about 50 ovotestis diverticula, against 12 in granulata, 100 in ornata, unstated in hubendicki; and length of flagella - about as long as the penial complex -, against about 1/3 to 1/6 in the other three.  相似文献   

Abstract Parobia husbandi gen. n., sp. n. is described from material collected from the subelytra of the southern eucalyptus leaf beetle, Chrysophtharta agricola (Chapuis), in Tasmania, Australia. Parobia gen. n. is distinguished from other podapolipid genera adult males and females with four pairs of legs and no setae on genua I−IV and femora III−IV, adult females with setae v1 and sc2 < 20 µm, and at least two pairs of coxal setae peg-like, adult males with dorso-terminal genitalia, dorsal shields C-D-E fused, and physogastric larval females with plates C and D entire. A series of morphological plesiomorphies and biological apomorphies link Parobia gen. n. with Chrysomelobia Regenfuss, the most basal genus of Podapolipidae.  相似文献   

Strzeleckia major n. g., n. sp. and S. minor n. sp. are described from the dusky antechinus Antechinus swainsonii (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae) from the Kosciusko National Park in southern New South Wales, Australia. The two species were found together in the same individual host animals but occupy different sites in the intestine. The new genus is placed within the Hasstilesiidae, where it differs from the only other genus, Hasstilesia, by being more elongate and in having larger suckers, tandem testes, the ovary between rather than opposite the testes, and in having the caeca not reaching the posterior end of the body. It is suggested that the life-cycles of these species are similar to those of other hasstilesiids. Pupillid snails may act as sole intermediate hosts.  相似文献   

A new species of tetraphyllidean eucestode inhabiting Urobatis tumbesensis from inshore waters of southeastern Ecuador shares 3 synapomorphies with Rhinebothroides spp.: apical bothridial suckers poorly differentiated from the marginal loculi, internal seminal vesicles, and insertion of the vas deferens dorsally closer to the poral than the aporal end of the cirrus sac. The new species differs from Rhinebothroides spp. by lacking medial bothridial septa and loculi and having symmetrical ovarian arms, and possesses an apparent autapomorphic trait by having the vas deferens tapering to a narrow tube before entering the cirrus sac, extending posteriorly to the posterior end of the cirrus sac where it expands into an external seminal vesicle running ventral to the cirrus sac anteriorly to anterior to the vagina. In Rhinebothroides spp., the vas deferens is expanded into an external seminal vesicle near the insertion into the cirrus sac As the sister group of Rhinebothroides, we propose a new genus to accommodate the new species. Phylogenetic evaluation of phyllobothriids recently assigned to Anthocephalum shows that they represent a paraphyletic assemblage of species of varying degrees of relatedness to Rhinebothroides spp. and the new species. Uncovering the relationships of the new species and the various species assigned to Anthocephalum permitted reevaluation of character transformations used in previous phylogenetic analysis of Rhinebothroides. Transformation series for 3 characters, previously based on functional outgroup comparisons, changed and a new character, length of cirrus sac, was added. The new phylogenetic analysis differs from the previous hypothesis only in placing R. scorzai as the sister species of R. circularisi + R. venezuelae + R. moralarai rather than of R. freitasi + R. glandularis + R. mclennanae. The occurrence of the sister species of Rhinebothroides in a Pacific Ocean stingray adds additional support to the hypothesis of Pacific origins of South American freshwater stingrays.  相似文献   

Tasmanomysis oculata n.g. n.sp. belonging to the Tribe Mysini is described from the coastal waters of southern Tasmania. This new genus superficially resembles the monospecific genus Arthromysis Colosi,1924 known only from the Straits of Magellan. The form of the pleopods in the male together with the segmentation of the thoracic legs and shape of the telson clearly distinguish the two genera.  相似文献   

Panagrellus ceylonensis n. sp. is described from rubber latex in Ceylon. Its long, slender spicules are curved ventrally with a dorsal deflection at two-thirds of their length. The manubrium is thick and hooked, and the shaft is not widened at the shoulder. The terminal bifurcations are wide, with the dorsal one considerably longer and thicker than the ventral. The main ventral element is continuous with the terminal sheath with the ventral bifurcation arising within it.  相似文献   

A new nippostrongyline, Suttonema delta n. g., n. sp., is described from the intestine of Oxymycterus rufus (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae) from Argentina, in a host from which trichostrongylid nematodes were hitherto unknown. The new genus is very similar to Stilestrongylus Freitas, Lent & Almeida, 1937 and Malvinema Digiani, Sutton & Durette-Desset, 2003, both parasites of Neotropical sigmodontines, in the features of the caudal bursa (with a pattern of type 1-4, asymmetrical with hypertophied right lobe) and the presence of cephalic structures resembling cuticular cordons. The larval synlophe is also identical to that of Stilestrongylus freitasi Durette-Desset, 1968. The new genus is differentiated by an adult synlophe with few ridges (9-12 at mid-body) of two different types: small, rounded ridges without cuticular support on the dorsal side, and pointed ridges of unequal size on the ventral side and in lateral fields. It is also characterised by the presence of comaretes on the left ventral and ventral fields of the synlophe.  相似文献   

The nematode Drilomermis leioderma n. gen., n. sp. (Merrnithidae) is described from larvae of Cybister fimbriolatus (Say) (Dytiscidae: Coleoptera) in Louisiana. Diagnostic characters of the genus Drilomermis are: medium-sized nematodes with the cuticle appearing smooth (lacking cross fibers) under the light microscope, six cephalic papillae, without mouth papillae, six hypodermal cords at midbody, 2 extremely long spicules (longer than 10 times body width at anus) which are separate and parallel (not twisted), an S-shaped vagina, medium-sized amphids located near head papillae, and postparasitic juvenile with a tail appendage. D. leioderma possesses a ventrally displaced mouth, very long vagina, and male genital papillae arranged in 3 double rows in the vicinity of the cloacal opening. Even when containing multiple parasites, about 40% of the hosts sulwived emergence of the memithids and lived several more days. In nature, some of these hosts may be able to continue their development, which is unusual since most mermithid-parasitized hosts die soon after the nematode emerges.  相似文献   

A new species of aseptate gregarine, Sphinctocystis phyllodoces gen. n., sp. n., from the gut of a polychaete Phyllodoce citrina Malmgren, 1865 from White Sea is described. The electron and light microscopic data on trophozoits are presented. Taxonomy of the described species is discussed. Certain ultrastructural characters are included in generic and specific diagnoses. Order Eugregarinida Leger, 1900; suborder Aseptata Chakravarty, 1960; family Lecudinidae Kamm, 1922. GENUS: Sphinctocystis gen. n. TYPE SPECIES: Sphinctocystis phyllodoces sp. n. DIAGNOSIS: Characters of the family. Free trophozoits elongated, often with several annular constrictions. Anterior end asymmetric, without hooks, not separated from the body, with small apical papilla encircled by smooth area. Epicyte "classical", without additional axial formations at the tops of folds; epicytic folds high, monomorphic in cross sections, finger-shaped, with parallel sidewalls. In the gut of polychaetes. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS: The new genus differs from Lecudina by having asymmetric anterior end, developed smooth area around the apical papilla, and monomorphic epicytic folds looking finger-shaped in cross sections. It also differs from Lankesteria by the absence of additional axial formations at the tops of the epicytic folds. It differs from both named genera by presence of annular constrictions on the trophozoit body. Sphinctocystis phyllodoces sp. n. DIAGNOSIS: Characters of the genus. Free trophozoits elongated, large, up to 617 x x 77 um. The average height of epicytic folds 976 nm, thickness 194 nm; there are 6-8 apical filaments and rippled dense structures per fold. Nucleus spherical (ellipsoid after fixation), 24-52 microm along longest axis, localised in anterior third of the body, carries several karyosomes of various size; 25-30 nm thick fibrils (possible fragments of nucleolonema) may be present in karyolymph. Other stages unknown. TYPE SERIES: Microscope preparation with 7 trophozoits, Karacci's haematoxylin stained, is kept in the Zoological museum of the Moscow State University (collection number: Z-1). TYPE HOST: Phyllodoce citrina Malmgren, 1865 (Polychaeta: Phyllodocidae). LOCALISATION: Mid-gut. TYPE LOCALITY: White Sea Biological Station of the Moscow State University, Yeremeyevsky Rapid, Velikaya Salma Strait, Kandalaksha Bay, White Sea.  相似文献   

Steinernema scapterisci n. sp., isolated in Uruguay from the mole cricket Scapteriscus vicinus, can be distinguished from other members in the genus by the presence of prominent cheilorhabdions, an elliptically shaped structure associated with the excretory duct, and a double-flapped epitygma in the first-generation female. The spicules of the male are pointed, tapering smoothly to a small terminus, and the shaft (calomus) is long, bearing a sheath. The gubernaculum has a long, upward-bent anterior part. The ratio of head to excretory pore divided by tail length of the third-stage juvenile is greater for S. scapterisci n. sp. than for S. carpocapsae. Steinernema scapterisci n. sp. did not hybridize with S. carpocapsae strain Breton. In laboratory tests, S. scapterisci n. sp. killed 10% or less of non-orthopteran insects, including the wax moth larva, a universal host for other species of Steinernema.  相似文献   

On the basis of the revision of the type material of Anoplostrongylus delicatus Schwartz, 1927, and new specimens collected from Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana (Saussure, 1860) in 4 arid localities from Mexico, we describe a new genus (Tadaridanema n. gen.), to which A. delicatus is transferred (as Tadaridanema delicatus (Schwartz, 1927) n. gen., n. comb.). This new genus differs from all other genera included in Anoplostrongylinae by having ray 2 larger than ray 3. In addition, T. delicatus can be differentiated from the type species of Anoplostrongylus (Anoplostrongylus paradoxus (Travassos, 1918)) because it possess vestibular branches equal in length, cephalic inflation divided into 2 regions, and synlophe with many small ridges at the midbody level, whereas in T. delicatus, vestibular branches are equal in size, cephalic inflation is simple in structure, and the synlophe has only 2 well-developed dorsal cuticular ridges.  相似文献   

Antarctylus humus n. gen., n. sp. from peat soil in the subantarctic is proposed. It can be distinguished from the most closely related genus Helicotylenchus by the arrangement of the esophageal glands, the broadly rounded lip region, and the tapering pointed tail in the female.  相似文献   

Pholeohedra overstreeti n. g., n. sp. (Digenea: Haploporidae) is described from Girella zebra (Kyphosidae) in South Australia. The new genus is compared with all genera of Haploporidae sensu lato (including Atractotrematidae, Megasolenidae and Waretrematidae) and has a unique bell-shaped concavity at its posterior end. The genus otherwise resembles Hapladena in the arrangement of the testis, vitellarium and gut but also resembles Megasolena, Metamegasolena and Vitellibaculum except in having a single testis. This is the first haploporid reported from kyphosid fishes in Australia.  相似文献   

Dolichodorus aestuarius n. sp. from an estuarine habitat near Cedar Key, Florida is described. This nematode has a stylet range of 62-76 μm in females and 60-72 μm in males. The stylet is shorter than those of all described species except D. brevistilus. The probable host plant is Juncus roemerianus.  相似文献   

An opecoelid digenean, Dactylomyza gibsoni n. g., n. sp. is described and figured from Schuettea woodwardi (Waite), a monodactylid from off the coast of Western Australia. The new genus conforms to the concept of the opecoelid subfamily Opecoelinae. The resemblance of the new genus to three other opecoelid genera, Pseudopecoeloides Yamaguti, 1940, Opecoeloides Odhner, 1928 and Poracanthium Dollfus, 1948, is discussed. Dactylomyza n. g. is distinguished from these morphologically similar worms on the basis of its median genital pore, ventral sucker appendages, uroproct and the absence of an accessory sucker. Pseudopecoeloides equesi Manter, 1947 is transferred to the new genus as Dactylomyza equesi (Manter, 1947) n. comb.  相似文献   

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