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A previous study on the ammonitellas of Agoniatites vanuxemi (Hall, 1879) from the Middle Devonian Cherry Valley Limestone of New York State, USA, showed remarkable preservation of the internal morphology. In this paper, the ammonitellas of another ammonoid, a member of the Tornoceratidae, from the Cherry Valley Limestone are studied. The tornoceratids come from a weathered friable shale layer. The ammonitellas examined are from juvenile specimens, many of which appear to be loose in the matrix. Specimens were studied in median cross section using a Scanning Electron Microscope. Shell walls and septa appear as more heavily etched grooves surrounded by large blocks of calcite. Membrane-like structures are associated with several embryonic septa in one specimen. In one specimen, a primary varix marks the end of the ammonitella. The first two septa join the shell wall of the initial chamber at its dorsalmost point. The first septum (= proseptum) is asymmetrically concave adapically and attaches to the dorsal wall of the initial chamber, which extends into the first chamber. The second septum attaches at the end of this extension. The third septum attaches to the dorsal wall of the ammonitella coil. This arrangement differs from that in Agoniatites, where all three septa join the dorsal wall of the ammonitella at a single point. This difference cannot be easily explained by the tighter coiling of the ammonitella of the tornorceratids because they are not closely related to the agoniatites. In addition, although the tornoceratid ammonitella is similar to that of the agoniatids in many ways, it is half the size.  相似文献   

何汉兴 《菌物学报》2013,32(Z1):20-44
综述了中国大陆腐霉属的研究进展,内容包括腐霉属菌物的发生、分布、分类鉴定、致病性、所致植物病害防治及腐霉的利用等方面.至今,中国已报道的腐霉属菌物有64个种,其中有13个种作为世界新种进行了描述,这13个新种分别为:顶生腐霉Pythium acrogynum,孤雌腐霉P.amasculinum,百色腐霉P.baisense,北方腐霉P.boreale,短枝腐霉P.breve,壁合腐霉P.connatum,镰雄腐霉P.falciforme,贵阳腐霉P.guiyangense,广西腐霉P.guangxiense,下雄腐霉P.hypoandrum,昆明腐霉P.kummingense,南宁腐霉尸nanningense和中国腐霉P.sinensis.瓜果腐霉Pythium aphanidermatum为优势种,在全国普遍引起多种植物严重的猝倒病和根、茎、叶、果腐烂病.其中,大多数腐霉种对植物具有致病性,44个种寄生植物,1个种:紫菜腐霉P.porphyrae寄生红藻和紫菜,2个种:卡地腐霉P.carolinianum 和贵阳腐霉P.guiyangense寄生蚊子幼虫,2个种:努氏腐霉P.nunn和寡雄腐霉P.oligandrum 是真菌的重寄生菌.相比之下,台湾报道的腐霉种有48种(其中新种1个:四季腐霉P.sukuiense),海南报道的腐霉种有28种.对中国大陆腐霉属的研究前景也进行了讨论.  相似文献   

In the clastic Genesee Group of the Catskill delta, lateral changes of the fauna are believed to reflect onshore-offshore physicochemical gradients. A shoreward increase of infauna is interpreted as adaptation to increased environmental stress. Free immobile taxa were concentrated offshore, while vagile forms, presumably able to cope with shifting substrata, are dominant nearshore. A shorewards replacement of brachiopods by bivalves reflects the eurytopy and infaunal habits of the bivalves.
In Gencsee time, progradation was first rapid, then slow. The sequence is reversed in the superjacent Sonyea Group and the accompanying reversal of faunal patterns is strong evidence of faunal control by the rate of progradation. This indicates the hazardous nature of attempts to trace 'community evolutioneditor' using only a few studies from each period.  相似文献   

Marine benthic communities in the Upper Devonian of New York   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four distinctive benthic communities occur in the mid-shelf deltaic deposits of the Upper Devonian Sonyea Group: the Bellerophon Community, dominated by herbivorous gastropods and deposit-feeding bivalves; the Prodrtctella Community, dominated by brachiopods with adaptations for life on muddy substrata; the Cypricardella Community, dominated by bivalves and brachiopods with a variety of adaptations; and the Rhipidomella Community, dominated by brachiopods adapted for life on sandy substrata. The geographic and stratigraphic occurrence of the communities suggest that their distribution was controlled by two principal sets of environmental variables: (1) onshore to offshore gradients in salinity, dissolved oxygen concentrations, and sedimentary substrata, and (2) rate of delta progradation. A change in the rate of delta build-out during mid-Sonyea time led to a dramatic change in onshore to offshore community patterns. The change suggests that great care must be used in constructing generalized community models for longer intervals of Paleozoic time.  相似文献   

Depositional environments of the Onondaga Limestone from central to southeastern New York are found to be normal, subtidal marine, due to the absence of characteristic supratidal or intertidal sedimentary features and the presence of a typical, diverse, marine level-bottom community framework. Post-mortem transport has not been extensive, as evidenced by low articulation ratios, lack of abraded valves, and complete ontogenetic gradations within species, which precludes large scale winnowing. Sedimentation rates appear to have been greatest in eastern New York where the Onondaga Limestone reaches a thickness almost three times that of the strata in central New York. Shaly beds in the central area represent periods of cessation of carbonate deposition rather than an influx of clastic material. Deposition terminated with the onset of deeper water characterized by a westerly advance of terrigenous sedimentation (the Marceilus Shale of the Hamilton Group). Nine brachiopod communities can be recognized in the Onondaga Limestone. There is a strong correlation between sediment-substrate and community type, reflecting the sedimentologic control of brachiopod community distribution. Sandy facies, cherty limestones and coral biostromes and bioherms are associated with inner-neritic deposition in Edgecliff time; argillaceous lime muds and lime sands are characteristic of mid-neritic deposition in Nedrow to Moorehouse time; and highly argillaceous lime muds are associated with outer-nerittc deposition in Seneca time.  相似文献   

Wolosz. T. H. 1992 07 15: Turbulence-controlled succession in Middle Devonian reefs of eastern New York State.
The Edgecliff Member ol the Middle Devonian Onondaga Formation contains numerous reefs comprised of two distinct facies. The Phaceloid Colonial Rugosan Facies consists of thickets and mounds, while the Favositid/Crinoidal Sand facies occurs as flank beds surrounding rugosan mounds and as low shield-shaped banks interbedded with thickets of the colonial rugosan facics. Three of these reefs - the North Coxsackie. Albrights and Roberts Hill reefs - have been studied in order to determine the factors that controlled their development and their preserved paleocommunity succession. Both the Roberts Hill and Albrights reefs display well-developed rugosan mounds with an internal succession of rugosan genera. The North Coxsackie reef is a crinoidal sand bank with rugosan thickets and a back-reef satellite mound. Based on the lithology of the underlying limestone in which the reefs are rooted, the North Coxsackie reef is considered to have grown in a shallow-water environment, landwards of the two other reefs. Successional sequences or partial sequences are common to the three reefs, and are found to be reversible - a response attributed to changes in sea-level. As a result, the successions preserved in these reefs are interpreted as having been controlled by degree ol water turbulence.  相似文献   

Auer  Martin T.  Storey  Michelle L.  Effler  Steven W.  Auer  Nancy A.  Sze  Philip 《Hydrobiologia》1990,200(1):603-617
The transparency of polluted, hypereutrophic Onondaga Lake, New York, USA has improved substantially in the late 1980's as a result of reductions in phytoplankton biomass, in the absence of significant reductions in external phosphorus loading. Much of this improvement has been due to the occurrence of clearing events, e.g. sudden and dramatic increases in transparency. Field measurements, laboratory experiments, and modelling analyses were utilized to identify processes regulating phytoplankton standing crop during the spring to fall interval of 1987. Changes in the zooplankton community documented over the past decade support the conclusion that increased zooplankton grazing has contributed to improvements in transparency. Herbivores now represent a greater fraction of the zooplankton population and more efficient cladocerans are present in greater numbers. Biomanipulation practices, e.g. reestablishment of piscivorous species, designed to reduce the abundance of planktivorous fish species in Onondaga Lake, may serve to reduce pressure on the grazing community and thus result in further improvements in transparency.  相似文献   

White mould, caused by the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, is one of the most destructive diseases of beans globally. In New York State, USA, white mould causes substantial losses in soybean, snap, dry and succulent baby lima beans, which are grown successively in intensive crop rotations. Management strategies for white mould in these crops are reliant upon the prophylactic use of fungicides. No complementary information on the genetic structure of the populations of S. sclerotiorum in New York State, USA is available. Twenty isolates of S. sclerotiorum were collected from symptomatic bean plants within each of 10 fields across New York State, USA in 2014. Eight microsatellite (SSR) markers were used to characterise the genotypic diversity of the hyphal‐tipped isolates. Twenty‐four multilocus genotypes (MLGs) were detected within the population but one MLG was most prevalent. Although STRUCTURE analysis identified two subpopulations, these subpopulations were not associated with geographic location, suggesting no spatial structure to the population. In addition, the pathogen populations were predominantly clonal, with some evidence of infrequent outcrossing. These findings may assist in understanding the durability of management strategies for white mould and support the selection of representative isolates for host resistance screening for pathogen populations in the sampling area.  相似文献   

Ecological and statistical analyses of the Late Frasnian (Late Devonian) fauna of the Java Group of New York reveals the presence of three benthic marine communities. Using sedimentological and stratigraphic criteria, the Java Group may be divided into five physical-environmental zones: nearshore marine, platform, prodelta, open shelf, and slope and basin. The Ambocoelia- Cariniferella, Tylothyris-Schizophoria . and C yrtospirifer-Douvillina Communities inhabited open shelf, outer platform - prodelta, and inner platform - nearshore habitats. respectively. Java species gradient curves overlap each other continuously, and species optima replace each other in a regular fashion along the onshore-offshore environmental gradient. No evidence for competitive exclusion between species or sharp habitat discontinuities (ecotones) is seen for Java ecosystems. The same three-fold division of communities, in equivalent habitats, can be seen in central Appalachian marine environments located approximately 500 km away along the ancient shoreline. The distribution of communities in this region appears to be directly related to the position and relative size of fluviodeltaic systems along the 500 km of ancient coastline. Palacoecology. communities, Braschiopoda. palaegeography. Devonian. Frasnian, Appalachians, New. York .  相似文献   

New York has 22 documented species of tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae). Over half of these species are considered rare, at risk, or potentially extirpated from the state. These rare species specialize on three sandy habitat types under threat from human disturbance: beaches, pine barrens, and riparian cobble bars. In 2005, we began a status assessment of eight of New York’s rarest tiger beetles, examining museum records, searching the literature, and conducting over 130 field surveys of historical and new locations. Significant findings included (1) no detections of four of the eight taxa; (2) no vehicle-free beach habitat suitable for reintroducing Cicindela dorsalis dorsalis; (3) C. hirticollis at only 4 of 26 historical locations; (4) C. patruela patruela at only one site statewide; and (5) C. ancocisconensis at only 3 of 28 de novo survey sites. Additional species that might be declining deserve our attention, as do some threats to tiger beetle habitats, like lack of beach wilderness, fire suppression in pine barrens, and river damming. Rarity in tiger beetles is a result of varying ecologies, which suggest different conservation strategies. Future inventory and documentation of tiger beetle occurrences need to take into account the metapopulation structure and imperfect detectability of these rare insects.  相似文献   

Hedgerows as habitat corridors for forest herbs in central New York, USA   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
1 Samples from 32 hedgerows ( c.  6 m wide, with full-grown trees) in central New York included 39 forest herb taxa, comprising nearly 70% of the forest herb taxa found in adjacent forest samples.
2 We sampled three types of hedgerow. Two types were attached to forest: remnant hedgerows ( n  = 14), and regenerated hedgerows ( n  =  11 ) that had grown up spontaneously between open fields in the last 50 years. There were no significant differences between remnant and regenerated hedgerows in the richness or abundance of forest herbs, presumably indicating colonization of regenerated hedgerows. Such colonization implies that hedgerows serve a corridor function.
3 The species composition of forest herbs in hedgerows attached to forest stands showed a strong affinity with that of the adjacent stand, both for remnant and regenerated hedgerows.
4 There was a distance effect within hedgerows. Richness of forest herbs and similarity of composition to forest declined with distance along the hedgerow from forest, implying colonization from the adjacent attached stand.
5 The third type of hedgerow sampled, isolated remnants ( n  = 7), was not lower in richness or abundance of forest herbs than hedgerows attached to forest.  相似文献   

A new genus of lycopods from the Devonian of New York State   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Drepanophycus colophyllus Grierson & Banks is transferred to llaskinsia Grierson & Banks on the basis of the morphology of its leaves and its anatomical structure. Slender, dichotomizing axes bear helically arranged leaves that are falcate, petiolate, simple, lanceolate and entire. A solid cylinder of metaxylem is surrounded by ridges of protoxylem. Pitting on tracheid walls is annular, helical, reticulate, scalariform to circular-bordered. This lycopod extends from early Givetian into early Frasnian time in the Catskill strata of eastern New York State. The effect of cleavage of fossiliferous rock on patterns observed on the exposed fossils and the bearing of recent research on the fossil history of lycopods are discussed.  相似文献   

Aim Climate, topography and soils drive many patterns of plant distribution and abundance across landscapes, but current plant communities may also reflect a legacy of past disturbance such as agricultural land use. To assess the relative influences of environmental conditions and disturbance history on vegetation, it is important to understand how these forces interact. This study relates the geographical distribution of land uses to variation in topography and soils; evaluates the consequences of land‐use decisions for current forests; and examines the effects of agricultural land use on the chemical properties of forest soils. Location Tompkins County occupies 1250 km2 in central New York's Finger Lakes region. Like much of eastern North America, this area underwent forest clearance for agriculture during the 1800s and widespread field abandonment and forest recovery during the 1900s. The current landscape consists of a patchwork of forests that were never cleared, forests that developed on old fields and active agricultural lands. Methods We investigated relationships among topography, soils and land‐use decisions by gathering information about land‐use history, slope, aspect, elevation, soil lime content, soil drainage and accessibility in a geographic information system (GIS). To assess the effects of agriculture on forest soil chemistry, we measured pH, organic matter content and extractable nutrient concentrations in field‐collected soil samples from 47 post‐agricultural and uncleared forests. Results Steeper slopes, less accessible lands and lower‐lime soils tended to remain forested, and farmers were more likely to abandon fields that were steeper, farther from roads, lower in lime and more poorly drained. Slope had by far the greatest impact on patterns of clearance and abandonment, and accessibility had a surprisingly strong influence on the distribution of land uses. The effects of other factors varied more, depending for example on location within the county. Current forest types differed accordingly in topography and soil attributes, particularly slope, but they also showed much overlap. Post‐agricultural and uncleared forest soils had similar chemical properties. Forests on lands abandoned from agriculture 80–100 years before had slightly higher pH and nutrient concentrations than adjacent, uncleared forests, but these changes were small compared to environmental variation across the county. Main conclusions Despite differential use of lands according to their topography and soils, the substantial influence of accessibility and the relatively small scale of land‐use decisions allowed for broad similarity among forest types. Thus, the topography and soil differences created by land‐use decisions probably contribute little to landscape‐level patterns of diversity. Subtle changes in forest soil chemistry left from past agriculture may nevertheless affect plant distribution and abundance at finer scales.  相似文献   

Recent studies in Hawaii have contributed much to the understanding of the ecology and evolution of Hawaiian corals and are forcing a reevaluation of our basic concepts concerning the zoogeography, ecology, taxonomy and population biology of these important reef-forming organisms. Geographic isolation rather than physical adversity of the environment seems largely to have determined the number of coral species that are found in Hawaii, but the physical environment controls growth of Hawaiian species with increasing latitude along the archipelago. Annual broadcast spawning has recently been shown to be the dominant mode of sexual reproduction, rather than brooding of larvae on a lunar cycle as previously believed. Asexual reproduction through colony fragmentation or by production of asexually produced larvae is now known to result in extensive representation of a single genotype in some coral populations.  相似文献   

Johnson  D. L.  Hager  J.  Hunt  A.  Griffith  D. A.  Blount  S.  Ellsworth  S.  Hintz  J.  Lucci  R.  Mittiga  A.  Prokhorova  D.  Tidd  L.  Millones  M. M.  Vincent  M. 《中国科学:生命科学英文版》2005,48(1):92-99

A program of house dust sample collection and analysis has begun in Syracuse, New York, USA, in order to determine the feasibility of a geography-based exposure assessment for urban metals. The sampling program, and the protocols it employs, is described for two different types of wipe media, Ghost Wipes and Whatman Filters. Preliminary results show that strong spatial patterns of floor dust loading (mg dust per square foot) can be observed for data aggregated at a spatial scale of about 1600 m (∼2.5 km2). Floor dust metal concentrations were similar to those found in other urban environments, with some regional variation. The median floor dust Pb concentration was ∼108 mg · kg−1 for this initial data set of ∼264 sampled residential locations, and varied from 50 to 1100 mg Pb · kg−1.


A program of house dust sample collection and analysis has begun in Syracuse,New York, USA, in order to determine the feasibility of a geography-based exposure assessment for urban metals. The sampling program, and the protocols it employs, is described for two different types of wipe media, Ghost Wipes and Whatman Filters. Preliminary results show that strong spatial patterns of floor dust loading (mg dust per square foot) can be observed for data aggregated at a spatial scale of about 1600 m (~2.5 kin2). Floor dust metal concentrations were similar to those found in other urban environments, with some regional variation. The median floor dust Pb concentration was ~108 mg· kg-1 for this initial data set of ~264 sampled residential locations, and varied from 50 to 1100 mg Pb · kg-1.  相似文献   

A program of house dust sample collection and analysis has begun in Syracuse, New York, USA, in order to determine the feasibility of a geography-based exposure assessment for urban metals. The sampling program, and the protocols it employs, is described for two different types of wipe media, Ghost Wipes and Whatman Filters. Preliminary results show that strong spatial patterns of floor dust loading (mg dust per square foot) can be observed for data aggregated at a spatial scale of about 1600 m (~2.5 km2). Floor dust metal concentrations were similar to those found in other urban environments, with some regional variation. The median floor dust Pb concentration was ~108 mg · kg?1 for this initial data set of ~264 sampled residential locations, and varied from 50 to 1100 mg Pb · kg?1.  相似文献   

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