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The PAH1-encoded phosphatidate (PA) phosphatase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a pivotal enzyme that produces diacylglycerol for the synthesis of triacylglycerol (TAG) and simultaneously controls the level of PA used for phospholipid synthesis. Quantitative lipid analysis showed that the pah1Δ mutation caused a reduction in TAG mass and an elevation in the mass of phospholipids and free fatty acids, changes that were more pronounced in the stationary phase. The levels of unsaturated fatty acids in the pah1Δ mutant were unaltered, although the ratio of palmitoleic acid to oleic acid was increased with a similar change in the fatty acid composition of phospholipids. The pah1Δ mutant exhibited classic hallmarks of apoptosis in stationary phase and a marked reduction in the quantity of cytoplasmic lipid droplets. Cells lacking PA phosphatase were sensitive to exogenous fatty acids in the order of toxicity palmitoleic acid > oleic acid > palmitic acid. In contrast, the growth of wild type cells was not inhibited by fatty acid supplementation. In addition, wild type cells supplemented with palmitoleic acid exhibited an induction in PA phosphatase activity and an increase in TAG synthesis. Deletion of the DGK1-encoded diacylglycerol kinase, which counteracts PA phosphatase in controlling PA content, suppressed the defect in lipid droplet formation in the pah1Δ mutant. However, the sensitivity of the pah1Δ mutant to palmitoleic acid was not rescued by the dgk1Δ mutation. Overall, these findings indicate a key role of PA phosphatase in TAG synthesis for protection against fatty acid-induced toxicity.  相似文献   

Phosphatidate (PA) phosphatase, the enzyme that catalyzes the penultimate step in triacylglycerol synthesis, is a cytosolic enzyme that must associate with the membrane where its substrate PA resides. Fluorescence spectroscopy was used to measure the interaction of yeast PAH1-encoded PA phosphatase with model liposome membranes. PA phosphatase contains five tryptophan residues and exhibited inherit fluorescence that increased upon interaction with phosphatidylcholine liposomes. The interaction was enhanced by inclusion of other phospholipids and especially the substrate PA. Interaction was dependent on both the concentration of phosphatidylcholine-PA liposomes as well as the surface concentration of PA in liposomes. Mg(2+) ions, which were required for catalysis, did not affect PA phosphatase interaction with phosphatidylcholine-PA liposomes. PA phosphatase was a substrate for protein kinase A, protein kinase C, and casein kinase II, and these phosphorylations decreased PA phosphatase interaction with phosphatidylcholine-PA liposome membranes.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae PAH1-encoded Mg2+-dependent phosphatidate phosphatase (PAP1, 3-sn-phosphatidate phosphohydrolase, EC catalyzes the dephosphorylation of phosphatidate to yield diacylglycerol and Pi. This enzyme plays a major role in the synthesis of triacylglycerols and phospholipids in S. cerevisiae. PAP1 contains the DXDX(T/V) catalytic motif (DIDGT at residues 398-402) that is shared by the mammalian fat-regulating protein lipin 1 and the superfamily of haloacid dehalogenase-like proteins. The yeast enzyme also contains a conserved glycine residue (Gly80) that is essential for the fat-regulating function of lipin 1 in a mouse model. In this study, we examined the roles of the putative catalytic motif and the conserved glycine for PAP1 activity by a mutational analysis. The PAP1 activities of the D398E and D400E mutant enzymes were reduced by >99.9%, and the activity of the G80R mutant enzyme was reduced by 98%. The mutant PAH1 alleles whose products lacked PAP1 activity were nonfunctional in vivo and failed to complement the pah1Delta mutant phenotypes of temperature sensitivity, respiratory deficiency, nuclear/endoplasmic reticulum membrane expansion, derepression of INO1 expression, and alterations in lipid composition. These results demonstrated that the PAP1 activity of the PAH1 gene product is essential for its roles in lipid metabolism and cell physiology.  相似文献   

Mammalian pancreatic β-cells play a pivotal role in development and glucose homeostasis through the production and secretion of insulin. Functional failure or decrease in β-cell number leads to type 2 diabetes (T2D). Despite the physiological importance of β-cells, the viability of β-cells is often challenged mainly due to its poor ability to adapt to their changing microenvironment. One of the factors that negatively affect β-cell viability is high concentration of free fatty acids (FFAs) such as palmitate. In this work, we demonstrated that Yes-associated protein (Yap1) is activated when β-cells are treated with palmitate. Our loss- and gain-of-function analyses using rodent insulinoma cell lines revealed that Yap1 suppresses palmitate-induced apoptosis in β-cells without regulating their proliferation. We also found that upon palmitate treatment, re-arrangement of F-actin mediates Yap1 activation. Palmitate treatment increases expression of one of the Yap1 target genes, connective tissue growth factor (CTGF). Our gain-offunction analysis with CTGF suggests CTGF may be the downstream factor of Yap1 in the protective mechanism against FFA-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

GTP binding proteins of the Sec4/Ypt/rab family regulate distinct vesicular traffic events in eukaryotic cells. We have cloned GDI1, an essential homolog of bovine rab GDI (GDP dissociation inhibitor) from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Analogous to the bovine protein, purified Gdi1p slows the dissociation of GDP from Sec4p and releases the GDP-bound form from yeast membranes. Depletion of Gdi1p in vivo leads to loss of the soluble pool of Sec4p and inhibition of protein transport at multiple stages of the secretory pathway. Complementation analysis indicates that GDI1 is allelic to sec19-1. These results establish that Gdi1p plays an essential function in membrane traffic and are consistent with a role for Gdi1p in the recycling of proteins of the Sec4/Ypt/rab family from their target membranes back to their vesicular pools.  相似文献   

Maspin (Mp) is a member of the serpin family with inhibitory functions against cell migration, metastasis and angiogenesis. To identify its role in embryonic development in vivo, we generated maspin knockout mice by gene targeting. In this study, we showed that homozygous loss of maspin expression was lethal at the peri-implantation stage. Maspin was specifically expressed in the visceral endoderm after implantation; deletion of maspin interfered with the formation of the endodermal cell layer, thereby disrupting the morphogenesis of the epiblast. In vitro, the ICM of the Mp(-/-) blastocysts failed to grow out appropriately. Data from embryoid body formation studies indicated that the Mp(-/-) EBs had a disorganized, endodermal cell mass and lacked a basement membrane layer. We showed that the embryonic ectoderm lineage was lost in the Mp(-/-) EBs, compared with that of the Mp(+/+) EBs. Re-expression of maspin partially rescued the defects observed in the Mp(-/-) EBs, as evidenced by the appearance of ectoderm cells and a layer of endoderm cells surrounding the ectoderm. In addition, a maspin antibody specifically blocked normal EB formation, indicating that maspin controls the process through a cell surface event. Furthermore, we showed that maspin directly increased endodermal cell adhesion to laminin matrix but not to fibronectin. Mp(+/-) endodermal cells grew significantly slower than Mp(+/+) endodermal cells on laminin substrate. We conclude that deletion of maspin affects VE function by reducing cell proliferation and adhesion, thereby controlling early embryonic development.  相似文献   

Survivin was initially described as an inhibitor of apoptosis and attracted growing attention as one of the most tumor-specific genes in the human genome and a promising target for cancer therapy. Lately, it has been shown that survivin is a multifunctional protein that takes part in several crucial cell processes. At first, it was supposed that survivin functions only as a homodimer, but now data indicate that many processes require monomeric survivin. Moreover, recent studies reveal a special mechanism regulating the balance between monomeric and dimeric forms of the protein. In this paper we studied the mutant form of survivin that was unable to dimerize and investigated its role in apoptosis. We showed that survivin monomer interacts with Smac/DIABLO and X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP) both in vitro and in vivo. Due to this feature, it protects cells from caspase-dependent apoptosis even more efficiently than the wild-type survivin. We also identified that mutant monomeric survivin prevents apoptosis-inducing factor release from the mitochondrial intermembrane space, protecting human fibrosarcoma HT1080 cells from caspase-independent apoptosis. On the other hand, our results indicate that only wild-type survivin, but not the monomer mutant form, enhances tubulin stability in cells. These findings suggest that survivin partly performs its functions as a monomer and partly as a dimer. The mechanism of dimer-monomer balance regulation may also work as a "switcher" between survivin functions and thereby explain remarkable functional diversities of this protein.  相似文献   

The axon initial segment (AIS) is a specialized domain essential for neuronal function, the formation of which begins with localization of an ankyrin-G (AnkG) scaffold. However, the mechanism directing and maintaining AnkG localization is largely unknown. In this study, we demonstrate that in vivo knockdown of microtubule cross-linking factor 1 (MTCL1) in cerebellar Purkinje cells causes loss of axonal polarity coupled with AnkG mislocalization. MTCL1 lacking MT-stabilizing activity failed to restore these defects, and stable MT bundles spanning the AIS were disorganized in knockdown cells. Interestingly, during early postnatal development, colocalization of MTCL1 with these stable MT bundles was observed prominently in the axon hillock and proximal axon. These results indicate that MTCL1-mediated formation of stable MT bundles is crucial for maintenance of AnkG localization. We also demonstrate that Mtcl1 gene disruption results in abnormal motor coordination with Purkinje cell degeneration, and provide evidence suggesting possible involvement of MTCL1 dysfunction in the pathogenesis of spinocerebellar ataxia.  相似文献   

Recent mass mortality outbreaks around the world in Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas, have seriously affected the aquaculture economy. Although the causes for these mortality outbreaks appear complex, infectious agents are involved. Two pathogens are associated with mass mortality outbreaks, the virus ostreid herpesvirus 1 (OsHV-1) and the bacterium Vibrio aestuarianus. Here we describe the interactions between these 2 pathogens and autophagy, a conserved intracellular pathway playing a key role in innate immunity. We show for the first time that autophagy pathway is present and functional in Pacific oysters and plays an important role to protect animals from infections. This study contributes to better understand the innate immune system of Pacific oysters.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), a heterotrimeric serine/threonine-specific protein phosphatase, comprises a catalytic C subunit and two distinct regulatory subunits, A and B. The RCN1 gene encodes one of three A regulatory subunits in Arabidopsis thaliana. A T-DNA insertion mutation at this locus impairs root curling, seedling organ elongation and apical hypocotyl hook formation. We have used in vivo and in vitro assays to gauge the impact of the rcn1 mutation on PP2A activity in seedlings. PP2A activity is decreased in extracts from rcn1 mutant seedlings, and this decrease is not due to a reduction in catalytic subunit expression. Roots of mutant seedlings exhibit increased sensitivity to the phosphatase inhibitors okadaic acid and cantharidin in organ elongation assays. Shoots of dark-grown, but not light-grown seedlings also show increased inhibitor sensitivity. Furthermore, cantharidin treatment of wild-type seedlings mimics the rcn1 defect in root curling, root waving and hypocotyl hook formation assays. In roots of wild-type seedlings, RCN1 mRNA is expressed at high levels in root tips, and accumulates to lower levels in the pericycle and lateral root primordia. In shoots, RCN1 is expressed in the apical hook and the basal, rapidly elongating cells in etiolated hypocotyls, and in the shoot meristem and leaf primordia of light-grown seedlings. Our results show that the wild-type RCN1-encoded A subunit functions as a positive regulator of the PP2A holoenzyme, increasing activity towards substrates involved in organ elongation and differential cell elongation responses such as root curling.  相似文献   

TFIIH plays an essential role in RNA polymerase I transcription   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

In the present study, we explored the involvement of interleukin-6 (IL-6) in neutrophilia under inflammatory conditions. The neutrophil count in the peripheral blood was high in arthritic monkeys, and anti-IL-6 receptor antibody reduced neutrophil counts to normal levels. IL-6 injection into normal monkeys significantly increased neutrophil counts in the blood 3h after injection. The expression of cluster of differentiation (CD) 162 on circulating neutrophils was reduced by IL-6 injection. IL-6 treatment in vitro did not affect CD162 expression on neutrophils from human blood. In IL-6-treated monkeys, IL-8 and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) levels in plasma were clearly elevated. IL-8 and GM-CSF treatment in vitro reduced cell-surface CD162 expression on human neutrophils, and moreover, increased soluble CD162 expression in the cell supernatant. The addition of IL-6 into human whole peripheral blood induced IL-8 production and reduced CD162 expression on neutrophils. Furthermore, IL-8 and GM-CSF augmented mRNA expression of a disintegrin and metalloprotease like domain 10 (ADAM10) in neutrophils. Knock-down of ADAM10 by siRNA in neutrophil-like HL-60 cells partially reversed the expression of CD162 reduced by GM-CSF and IL-8 on HL-60 cells. In conclusion, IL-6 induced neutrophilia and reduced CD162 expression on neutrophils in inflammation.  相似文献   

Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) has been implicated in liver damage in animal models and chronic hepatitis C infection; however, the underlying mechanism is not clear. Here we examined the role of STAT1, a key signaling molecule for IFN-gamma, in a model of murine hepatitis induced by the injection of LPS/D-galactosamine and in human hepatoma Hep3B cells. STAT1 is rapidly activated and highly induced after injection of LPS/D-galactosamine. Both overexpression of STAT1 and hepatocellular damage are located in the same pericentral region. Disruption of the STAT1 gene abolishes LPS/D-galactosamine-induced liver injury. Studies from IFN-gamma-deficient mice indicate that IFN-gamma is the major cytokine responsible for activation and hyperexpression of STAT1 in LPS/D-galactosamine-induced hepatitis. Hep3B cells overexpressing dominant negative STAT1 are resistant to IFN-gamma and IFN-gamma + TNF-alpha-induced cell death, whereas Hep3B cells overexpressing wild-type STAT1 are more susceptible to cell death. Taken together, these findings suggest that STAT1 plays an essential role in LPS/D-galactosamine-induced liver apoptosis and injury.  相似文献   

Sfp1 plays a key role in yeast ribosome biogenesis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

The N-terminal 1-225 amino acids (aa) of the type 1 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP(3)R1) function as a suppressor/coupling domain. In this study we used IP(3)R-deficient B-lymphocytes to investigate the effects of modifications in this domain on IP(3) binding and Ca(2+)-release activity. Although the N-terminal 1-225 aa of IP(3)R3 had the same role as in IP(3)R1, the suppression of IP(3) binding for IP(3)R1 was lost when the suppressor/coupling domains were exchanged between the two isoforms. Resulting chimeric receptors showed a higher sensitivity to IP(3)-induced activation (IICR). Deletion of 11 aa in IP(3)R1 ([Delta76-86]-IP(3)R1) or replacing aa 76-86 of the IP(3)R1 in the suppressor/coupling domain by 13 aa of IP(3)R3 ([75-87 T3]-IP(3)R1) also resulted in increased IP(3) binding and sensitivity of IICR. These residues constitute the only part of the suppressor/coupling domain that is strikingly different between the two isoforms. Expression of [Delta76-86]-IP(3)R1 and of [75-87 T3]-IP(3)R1 increased the propensity of cells to undergo staurosporine-induced apoptosis, but had no effect on the Ca(2+) content in the endoplasmic reticulum. In the cell model used, our observations suggest that the sensitivity of the Ca(2+)-release activity of IP(3)R1 to IP(3) influences the sensitivity of the cells to apoptotic stimuli and that the suppressor/coupling domain may have an anti-apoptotic function by attenuating the sensitivity of IICR.  相似文献   

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