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Re-examination of the type and newly collected material of Episthmium bursicola (Creplin, 1837) revealed the presence of a uroproct. The species is redescribed and transferred to the genus Uroproctepisthmium as U. bursicola n. comb. E. proximum Travassos, 1922 is also transferred to Uroproctepisthmium as U. proximum n. comb. The generic diagnosis of Uroproctepisthmium is redefined and Episthmium is tentatively retained as a synonym of Echinochasmus, following Odhner (1910), until a thorough revision of its constituent species is made.  相似文献   

Chabaudacuaria n. g. is erected, as monotypic, for C. multispinosa (Pérez Vigueras, 1938) n. comb. (Spirurida: Acuariidae) [syns Cheilospirura multispinosa Pérez Vigueras, 1938; Acuaria multispinosa (Pérez Vigueras, 1938) Yamaguti, 1961]. This species, a parasite of various ardeid birds, is redescribed by means of light and scanning electron microscopy based on material from great blue herons Ardea herodias L. and yellow-crowned night herons Nyctanassa violacea (L.) in Florida, USA. Chabaudacuaria n. g. resembles Acuaria Bremser, 1811, Cheilospirura Diesing, 1861, Skrjabinocerca Schikhobalova, 1930 and Xenocordon Mawson, 1982 in its straight cordons which do not anastomose. However, it can be distinguished from them by the didelphic-prodelphic uterus and the absence of caudal alae in the males. In the pattern of its cordons (consisting of a row of plates and a longitudinal ridge) and the absence of an area rugosa, the new genus is similar to Chevreuxia Seurat, 1918, Syncuaria Gil??bert, 1927, Aviculariella Wehr, 1931, Skrjabinocara Kurashvili, 1940, Decorataria Sobolev, 1949 and Desportesius Chabaud & Campana, 1949, which are characterised by anastomosing cordons. The didelphic-prodelphic female reproductive system of Chabaudacuaria is intermediate between the didelphic-amphidelphic uterus of Chevreuxia and the monodelphic-prodelphic uterus of Syncuaria, Aviculariella, Skrjabinocara, Desportesius and Decorataria. Therefore, the straight and non-anastomosing cordons are considered to be autapomorphic for Chabaudacuaria.  相似文献   

Morphogenetic events during the division of the marine spirotrichous ciliate, Apokeronopsis crassa (Claparède & Lachmann 1858) n. comb. were investigated. Compared with members of the well-known genera Thigmokeronopsis, Uroleptopsis, and Pseudokeronopsis, A. crassa has one row of buccal cirri, high number of transverse cirri, clearly separated midventral rows, lacks thigmotactic cirri and a gap in adoral zone, its undulating membranes (UMs) anlage forms one cirrus and marginal rows and dorsal kineties form apokinetally during division. All these characteristics indicate that this organism represents a new taxon at the generic level, and hence a new genus is suggested, Apokeronopsis n. g. It is defined as thus: Pseudokeronopsidae with Pseudokeronopsis-like bicorona of frontal cirri and one marginal row on each side; one row of two or more buccal cirri in ordinary position; two midventral rows distinctly separated, hence of cirri that are not in a typical zig-zag pattern; high number of transverse cirri, caudal cirri absent, and frontoterminal cirri present; thigmotactic cirri absent, many macronuclear nodules fuse into many masses as well as marginal and dorsal kineties form apokinetally during morphogenesis. At the same time, the genus ThigmokeronopsisWicklow, 1981 is redefined, and one new combination, Apokeronopsis antarctica (Petz, 1995) n. comb. is proposed. The morphogenetic events of A. crassa are characterized as follows: (1) In the proter, the adoral zone of membranelles and UMs are completely renewed by the oral primordium. The UM anlage is formed apokinetally on the dorsal wall of the buccal cavity and is hence clearly separated from the frontoventral-transverse (FVT) cirral anlagen in the proter. (2) Frontoventral-transverse cirral anlagen are generated de novo in the outermost region of the cortex to the right of the old UMs. (3) A row of buccal cirri arises from FVT cirral streak I. (4) The marginal rows and dorsal kineties originate de novo in both dividers; no caudal cirri are formed. (5) The last FVT-streak contributes two frontoterminal cirri. (6) The many macronuclear nodules fuse into many masses (about 50 segments) during division, unlike a singular or branched mass as described in other urostylids.  相似文献   

Junfeng Zhang 《ZooKeys》2012,(238):57-76
A pair of fly impressions is described as a new species of a new genus, Orientisargus illecebrosus gen. et sp. n., referred to a new family Orientisargidae fam. n. within Archisargoidea of Brachycera, Diptera. The systematic position of Orientisargidae is discussed. Daohugosargus gen. n. is proposed for Sharasargus eximius KY Zhang et al., 2008. Uranorhagionidae is a junior synonym for Archisargidae. Meanwhile, Mostovskisarginae is a junior synonym for Uranorhagionidae. Mostovskisargus JF Zhang, 2010 and Strenorhagio KY Zhang et al., 2010 are synonymized with Uranorhagio KY Zhang et al., 2010. Uranorhagio includes three species: Uranorhagio asymmetricus (KY Zhang et al., 2010), comb. n., Uranorhagio daohugouensis KY Zhang et al., 2010 and Uranorhagio deviatus (KY Zhang et al., 2010), comb. n. Strenorhagio grimaldi KY Zhang et al., 2010 is synonymous with Uranorhagio deviatus. Mostovskisargus portentosus JF Zhang, 2010, Mostovskisargus signatus JF Zhang, 2010 and Strenorhagio conjugovenius KY Zhang et al., 2010 are synonymous with Uranorhagio asymmetricus. Brevisolva KY Zhang et al., 2010 is a junior synonym for Mesosolva Hong, 1983. A new specific name, Mesosolva zhangae nom. n., is proposed for Brevisolva daohugouensis KY Zhang et al., 2010. Mesosolva jurassica KY Zhang et al., 2010 should be synonymized under Mostovskisargus sinensis KY Zhang et al., 2010. Sinallomyia nom. n. is proposed for Allomyia Ren, 1998. The systematic positions for Helempis eucalla Ren, 1998, Helempis yixianensis Ren, 1998, Pauromyia oresbia Ren, 1998 and Sinallomyia ruderalis (Ren, 1998) are reassessed. These taxa belong to Archisargidae rather than to Tabanidae, Rhagionidae and Protempididae, respectively.  相似文献   

Triloculotrema japanicae n. g., n. sp. (Monogenea: Monocotylidae: Merizocotylinae) is described. The parasite inhabits the olfactory sacs of the Japanese topeshark Hemitriakis japanica (Carcharhiniformes: Triakidae), and possesses a distinctive haptor with only three loculi. Some comments are made on the evolution of monocotylid monogeneans.  相似文献   

Cacatuocotyle paranaensis n. sp. (Dactylogyridae, Ancyrocephalinae) is described from the gills of the characid fishes Characidium lanei Travassos and C. pterostictum Gomes collected from two streams on the coast of the State of Paraná, Brazil. Cacatuocotyle n. g. is proposed for species possessing a single cephalic lobe (terminal), one pair of head organs, a convex haptor with thickened muscular anterior margins, one anchor-bar complex (ventral), seven pairs of ventral hooks (one pair associated with the anchor shafts; one central pair anterior to the bar; five submarginal bilateral pairs) and a sinistral vaginal aperture.  相似文献   

A new genus of trypanorhynch cestodes is described from the brownbanded bambooshark, Chiloscyllium punctatum Müller & Henle (Hemiscylliidae) from off Nickol Bay, Western Australia. Poecilorhynchus perplexus n. g., n. sp. is placed in the Eutetrarhynchidae Guiart, 1927 because it is characterised by an elongate, acraspedote scolex with two oval bothria, the absence of bothrial pits, elongate bulbs, the presence of gland-cells within the bulbs and prebulbar organs, retractor muscles inserting at the base of each bulb and an acraspedote strobila. It can be distinguished from all other genera in this family by its possession of a poeciloacanthous typical armature, with a chainette composed of two longitudinal files of uncinate hooks on the external tentacular surface.  相似文献   

Bartolius pierrei n. g., n. sp. (Digenea: Gymnophallidae) is described from metacercariae and naturally and cultivated obtained adults from southern Argentina. The second intermediate host is Darina solenoides (King) (Bivalvia: Mactridae) and the definitive host is Larus dominicanus Lichtenstein (Aves: Laridae). The diagnostic characters are as follows: Body small, oval. Oral sucker without lateral projections, twice size of ventral sucker (except in young metacercariae). Caeca short (in adults), without dorsal diverticula. Ventral sucker in posterior third of body. Ventral pit absent. Seminal vesicle bipartite. Ovary post-testicular. Vitelline glands paired, compact, close to ventral sucker. Uterus in fore- and hindbody. Genital atrium tubular. Genital pore inconspicuous, close to anterior margin of ventral sucker. Excretory vesicle Y-shaped with very short stem. Excretory formula: 2[(2+2)+(2+2)]=16. Bartolius is distinguished from other genera of the Gymnophallidae by the post-testicular position of the ovary.  相似文献   

Clestobothrium neglectum (Lönnberg, 1893) n. comb. is redescribed from specimens previously deposited in The Natural History Museum, London, UK by Dr David I. Gibson obtained from the intestine of the tadpole fish Raniceps raninus (Gadidae) collected from off the western coast of Sweden, near Kristineberg. C. neglectum resembles C. crassiceps (Rudolphi, 1819), the type- and only species currently recognised in the genus, but differs in having fine spiniform-like structures that are likely microtriches covering the posterior fourth of the scolex and all proglottids, a highly folded tegument forming numerous longitudinal ridges on both the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the proglottids giving them a scalloped appearance, a somewhat smaller egg (68 × 35 vs 75 × 40 μm), a U-shaped rather than H-shaped ovary and more testes (70–85 vs 40–50 per proglottid). C. neglectum is also compared to two species with similar scoleces that were previously assigned to Clestobothrium, Bothriocephalus acheilognathi Yamaguti, 1934 and B. kivuensis Baer &; Fain, 1958 (considered to be synonymous with B. acheilognathi by Pool, 1987). This is the first report of a species of Clestobothrium Lühe, 1899 (Bothriocephalidae) from a gadid fish.  相似文献   

Pomphorhynchus laevis is believed on ecological evidence to exist as three strains in the British Isles. However, the strains have never been shown to be capable of being distinguished using morphological characters. A morphological comparison was made between a sample of P. laevis from Salmo trutta in L. Feeagh in the west of Ireland and a sample from Leuciscus cephalus in R. Culm in the south of England. The length and width of the trunk, neck, bulb, proboscis and hooks were measured. The number of hooks per row, the number of rows and the positions of the stoutest and longest hooks were also recorded. A Principal Components Analysis based on the morphological measurements confirmed the separation of the two populations and showed that two characters successfully identified the populations: the position of the stoutest hook and the ratio of numbers of anterior to posterior hooks.  相似文献   

Flavobacterium arborescens (Frankland and Frankland) Bergey et al. IFO 3750 (ATCC 4358) is a Gram-positive, coryneform bacterium and the only available reference strain of the species. The cell wall peptidoglycan of the organism possesses alanine, glycine, lysine, glutamic acid plus 3-hydroxyglutamic acid, and homoserine at a ratio of 1:3:1:1:1, and a possible peptidoglycan structure is the B1 type described by Schleifer and Kandler. Cell wall sugars are galactose, mannose, and 6-deoxy-l-talose, but not rhamnose. Major menaquinones are unsaturated MK-11 and MK-12. These findings and other taxonomic properties suggest that F. arborescens should be reclassified in the genusMicrobacterium (Orla-Jensen) Collins et al., asMicrobacterium arborescens comb. nov., nom. rev.  相似文献   

From the Buschmann-Klippe-Formation, mainly considered as Late Precambrian in age until now, the ArchaeocyathaBuschmannia roeringi, n. gen., n. sp. is described. Based on this discovery, an Early Cambrian age for the Nama-group is assumed.  相似文献   

The oxytrichid ciliate Architricha indica nov. gen., nov. sp., isolated from the river Yamuna, Delhi, shows a new combination of characters. It possesses a flexible body, 18 frontal-ventral-transverse (FVT) cirri, 3 right and 2 left marginal cirral rows, 6 dorsal bristle rows and 3 caudal cirri (CC). The FVT cirri arise from 6 primordia, which utilize 6 parental cirri in their origin as is typical of Oxytricha species. Multiple marginal rows (MMR) develop through 5 independent marginal primordia arising "within-row", 1 in each parental marginal row. All the 5 marginal rows are thus morphogenetically active. Such a mode of formation of MMR has not been recorded among oxytrichids and has necessitated separation of A. indica at the generic level. Histriculus, on the other hand, has well-known characteristics, viz. rigid body, confluent marginal rows and absence of CC. The morphogenesis of Histriculus histrio has been described by Berger and Foissner [1997. Cladistic relationships and generic characterization of oxytrichid hypotrichs (Protozoa, Ciliophora). Arch. Protistenkd. 148, 125-155]. Reinvestigation of very early stages of development revealed that (i) the FVT cirral primordia utilize kinetosomes from 5 parental FVT cirri, (ii) the primordium II of the proter is of a composite origin: kinetosomes from the oral primordium merge with the primordium II that originates from the buccal cirrus II/2 and (iii) the FVT primordia V and VI for the 2 daughter cells arise sequentially from the parental cirrus V/4. Thus, the genus Histriculus exhibits a new combination of characters with respect to the origin of FVT cirri, an additional pattern to be added to the known 6 patterns of FVT development in oxytrichids [Berger and Foissner, 1997; Berger, H., 1999. Monograph of the Oxytrichidae (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London].  相似文献   

The genus Lecithochirium is briefly discussed and a provisional key to species groups is presented. The following species are described, figured and/or recorded from regions of the southern Indian Ocean: Lecithochirium genypteri from Xiphiurus capensis, Cape Province; L. magnus from Gymnothorax woodwardi and G. javanicus, Western Australia; L. parafusiforme n. sp. from G. flavimarginatus, Natal (type-host and locality) and G. woodwardi, Western Australia; L. macrorchis from G. woodwardi; Leithochirium sp. (ghanense-group?) from Platycephalus bassensis, South Australia; L. kawakawa from Euthynnus affinis and Chrysoblephus anglicus, Natal; Lecithochirium sp. (synodi-group?) from Saurida undosquamis, Natal; L. gymnapisti n. sp. from Gymnapistes marmoratus, Western Australia; L. jaffense from Trachichthodes gerrardi, South Australia and Blennioclinus brachycephalus, Cape Province; Lecithochirium sp. (group unknown) from Alectis ciliaris, Natal.  相似文献   

Summary Four new species of hystrignathid nematodes are described from the midgut caeca of Passalus unicornus (Coleoptera: Passalidae) from St. Lucia, West Indies. Artigasia horridospina n.sp. is differentiated from A. dispar van Waerebeke, 1973 by virtue of fewer rows of spines in the oesophageal region and in possessing lateral alae, and from A. insignia Travassos & Kloss, 1958 in the extent of the oesophageal spiens and in having the lateral alae commence more anteriorly. The first annule is also much shallower than that of A. insignia. Longior semialata n.sp. is differentiated from L. longicollis Travassos & Kloss, 1958 on body length, b ratio, egg size and the starting point of the lateral alae. Mentecle magnifica n.sp. differs from M. parvus Travassos & Kloss, 1958 in having the spines of the oesophageal region extending much further down the body and in having ridged eggs. It is also longer and relatively thinner. Paraxyo ensicrinatus n.sp. differs from P. monodelpho Travassos & Kloss, 1958 in having a proportionately longer tail. The spines in the oesophageal region also extend considerably further posteriorly than in P. monodelpho.Two types of male associated with the above nematodes are described and illustrated, but not assigned to females. Pulchrocephala? pulchrocephala Travassos, 1925 is redescribed from the gut of the mole-cricket Scapteriscus vicinus.Scanning electron micrographs of four of the described species are given and briefly discussed. ac]19801024  相似文献   

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