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In this work, we use an in-vitro mechanical test to explore the resistance of biaxially stretched vena cava tissue against deep perforation and a methodology which integrates experimental and numerical modeling to identify constitutive fracture properties of the vena cava. Six sheep vena cava were harvested just after killing, and cyclic uniaxial tension tests in longitudinal and circumferential directions and biaxial deep penetration tests were performed. After that, we use a nonlinear finite element model to simulate in vitro penetration of the cava tissue in order to fit the fracture properties under penetration of the vena cava by defining a cohesive fracture zone. An iterative process was developed in order to fit the fracture properties of the vena cava using the previously obtained experimental results. The proposed solutions were obtained with fracture energy of 0.22 or 0.33 N/mm. In comparison with the experimental data, the simulation using \(\delta _{0}=0.01\,\hbox {mm}\), \(\delta _{r}=0.35\,\hbox {mm}\), and \(K=220\, \hbox {N}/\hbox {mm}^{3}\) parameters (\(F_{\hbox {max}}=0.92\)) is in good agreement with results from penetration experiments of cava tissue. It is noticeable that the parameter estimation process of the fracture behavior is more accurate than the estimation process of the elastic behavior for the toe region of the curve.  相似文献   

In human voice production (phonation), linear small-amplitude vocal fold oscillation occurs only under restricted conditions. Physiologically, phonation more often involves large-amplitude oscillation associated with tissue stresses and strains beyond their linear viscoelastic limits, particularly in the lamina propria extracellular matrix (ECM). This study reports some preliminary measurements of tissue deformation and failure response of the vocal fold ECM under large-strain shear The primary goal was to formulate and test a novel constitutive model for vocal fold tissue failure, based on a standard-linear cohesive-zone (SL-CZ) approach. Tissue specimens of the sheep vocal fold mucosa were subjected to torsional deformation in vitro, at constant strain rates corresponding to twist rates of 0.01, 0.1, and 1.0 rad/s. The vocal fold ECM demonstrated nonlinear stress-strain and rate-dependent failure response with a failure strain as low as 0.40 rad. A finite-element implementation of the SL-CZ model was capable of capturing the rate dependence in these preliminary data, demonstrating the model's potential for describing tissue failure. Further studies with additional tissue specimens and model improvements are needed to better understand vocal fold tissue failure.  相似文献   



Eccrine carcinoma is a quite rare malignant tumor that typically arises from a normal sweat gland and that features a rather high recurrence rate subsequent to simple excision. Given its rather poor response to adjuvant therapy, wide excision of the lesion with tumor-free margins may offer a reasonable chance for long-term control of this neoplasm.

Case presentation

Herein, we report on an unusual case of perianal eccrine carcinoma, initially presenting as a perianal abscess.


Even though eccrine carcinomas would appear to be rare, when dealing with recurrent skin tumors or recurrent perianal fistulas, the possibility of eccrine carcinoma should be considered by consulting clinicians.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the effects of modelling choices for the brain–skull interface (layers of tissues between the brain and skull that determine boundary conditions for the brain) and the constitutive model of brain parenchyma on the brain responses under violent impact as predicted using computational biomechanics model. We used the head/brain model from Total HUman Model for Safety (THUMS)—extensively validated finite element model of the human body that has been applied in numerous injury biomechanics studies. The computations were conducted using a well-established nonlinear explicit dynamics finite element code LS-DYNA. We employed four approaches for modelling the brain–skull interface and four constitutive models for the brain tissue in the numerical simulations of the experiments on post-mortem human subjects exposed to violent impacts reported in the literature. The brain–skull interface models included direct representation of the brain meninges and cerebrospinal fluid, outer brain surface rigidly attached to the skull, frictionless sliding contact between the brain and skull, and a layer of spring-type cohesive elements between the brain and skull. We considered Ogden hyperviscoelastic, Mooney–Rivlin hyperviscoelastic, neo–Hookean hyperviscoelastic and linear viscoelastic constitutive models of the brain tissue. Our study indicates that the predicted deformations within the brain and related brain injury criteria are strongly affected by both the approach of modelling the brain–skull interface and the constitutive model of the brain parenchyma tissues. The results suggest that accurate prediction of deformations within the brain and risk of brain injury due to violent impact using computational biomechanics models may require representation of the meninges and subarachnoidal space with cerebrospinal fluid in the model and application of hyperviscoelastic (preferably Ogden-type) constitutive model for the brain tissue.  相似文献   

Reported mechanical properties of orbital connective tissue and fat have been too sparse to model strain–stress relationships underlying biomechanical interactions in strabismus. We performed rheological tests to develop a multi-mode upper convected Maxwell (UCM) model of these tissues under shear loading. From 20 fresh bovine orbits, 30 samples of connective tissue were taken from rectus pulley regions and 30 samples of fatty tissues from the posterior orbit. Additional samples were defatted to determine connective tissue weight proportion, which was verified histologically. Mechanical testing in shear employed a triborheometer to perform: strain sweeps at 0.5–2.0 Hz; shear stress relaxation with 1% strain; viscometry at 0.01−0.5 s−1 strain rate; and shear oscillation at 1% strain. Average connective tissue weight proportion was 98% for predominantly connective tissue and 76% for fatty tissue. Connective tissue specimens reached a long-term relaxation modulus of 668 Pa after 1,500 s, while corresponding values for fatty tissue specimens were 290 Pa and 1,100 s. Shear stress magnitude for connective tissue exceeded that of fatty tissue by five-fold. Based on these data, we developed a multi-mode UCM model with variable viscosities and time constants, and a damped hyperelastic response that accurately described measured properties of both connective and fatty tissues. Model parameters differed significantly between the two tissues. Viscoelastic properties of predominantly connective orbital tissues under shear loading differ markedly from properties of orbital fat, but both are accurately reflected using UCM models. These viscoelastic models will facilitate realistic global modeling of EOM behavior in binocular alignment and strabismus.  相似文献   

A response to Chalidis et al: Carpal tunnel syndrome due to an atypical deep soft tissue leiomyoma: The risk of misdiagnosis and mismanagement. World J Surg Oncol 2007, 5:92.  相似文献   

Bone is a very dynamic tissue capable of modiA,fing its composition, microstructure, and overall geometry in response to the changing biomechanical needs. Streaming potential has been hypothesized as a mechanotransduction mechanism that may allow osteocytes to sense their biomechanical environment. A correct understanding of the mechanism for streaming potential will illuminate our understanding of bone remodeling, such as the remodeling associated with exercise hypertrophy, disuse atrophy, and the bone remodeling arounid implants. In the current research, a numerical model based on the finite element discretization is proposed to simulate the fluid flows through the complicated hierarchical flow system and to calculate the concomitant stress generated potential (SGP) as a result of applied mechanical loading. The lacunae-canaliculi and the matrix microporosity are modeled together as discrete one-dimensional flow channels superposed in a biphasic poroelastic matrix. The cusplike electric potential distribution surrounding the Haversian canal that was experimentallv observed and reported in the literature earlier was successfully reproduced by the current numerical calculation.  相似文献   

Sudden death resulting from ventricular fibrillation (VF) caused by a nonpenetrating chest wall impact, known as commotio cordis (CC), is the second leading cause of death among young athletes. To date, seven young athletes wearing chest protectors have died from CC. The purpose of this study was to determine whether a relationship exists between mechanical properties of chest protectors and occurrence of VF, previously determined by Weinstock et al., using an established swine model. A servo-hydraulic material tester was used to determine properties of the chest protectors, including displacement, permanent deformation, stiffness, and area of pressure distribution. These properties were then compared with the occurrence of VF. We found that a decreased proportion of hits resulting in VF was significantly associated (R2 = 0.59, p = 0.001) with an increase in the area of pressure distribution. These findings are a limited, but crucial, first step in understanding the prevention of this complex and perplexing phenomenon.  相似文献   

This work represents a culmination of research on oxygen transport to muscle tissue, which takes into account oxygen transport due to convection, diffusion, and the kinetics of simultaneous reactions between oxygen and hemoglobin and myoglobin. The effect of adding hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers (HBOCs) to the plasma layer of blood in a single capillary surrounded by muscle tissue based on the geometry of the Krogh tissue cylinder is examined for a range of HBOC oxygen affinity, HBOC concentration, capillary inlet oxygen tension (pO(2)), and hematocrit. The full capillary length of the hamster retractor muscle was modeled under resting (V(max) = 1.57 x 10(-4) mLO(2) mL(-1) s(-1), cell velocity (v(c)) = 0.015 cm/s) and working (V(max) = 1.57 x 10(-3) mLO(2) mL(-1) s(-1), v(c) = 0.075 cm/s) conditions. Two spacings between the red blood cell (RBC) and the capillary wall were examined, corresponding to a capillary with and without an endothelial surface layer. Simulations led to the following conclusions, which lend physiological insight into oxygen transport to muscle tissue in the presence of HBOCs: (1) The reaction kinetics between oxygen and myoglobin in the tissue region, oxygen and HBOCs in the plasma, and oxygen and RBCs in the capillary lumen should not be neglected. (2) Simulation results yielded new insight into possible mechanisms of oxygen transport in the presence of HBOCs. (3) HBOCs may act as a source or sink for oxygen in the capillary and may compete with RBCs for oxygen. (4) HBOCs return oxygen delivery to muscle tissue to normal for varying degrees of hypoxia (inlet capillary pO(2) < 30 mmHg) and anemia (hematocrit < 46%) for the hamster model.  相似文献   

Realistic computer simulation of neurosurgical procedures requires incorporation of the mechanical properties of brain tissue in the mathematical model. Possible applications of computer simulation of neurosurgery include non-rigid registration, virtual reality training and operation planning systems and robotic devices to perform minimally invasive brain surgery. A number of constitutive models of brain tissue, both single-phase and bi-phasic, have been proposed in recent years. The major deficiency of most of them, however, is the fact that they were identified using experimental data obtained in vitro and there is no certainty whether they can be applied in the realistic in vivo setting. In this paper we attempt to show that previously proposed by us hyper-viscoelastic constitutive model of brain tissue can be applied to simulating surgical procedures. An in vivo indentation experiment is described. The force-displacement curve for the loading speed typical for surgical procedures is concave upward containing no linear portion from which a meaningful elastic modulus might be determined. In order to properly analyse experimental data, a three-dimensional, non-linear finite element model of the brain was developed. Magnetic resonance imaging techniques were used to obtain geometric information needed for the model. The shape of the force-displacement curve obtained using the numerical solution was very similar to the experimental one. The predicted forces were about 31% lower than those recorded during the experiment. Having in mind that the coefficients in the model had been identified based on experimental data obtained in vitro, and large variability of mechanical properties of biological tissues, such agreement can be considered as very good. By appropriately increasing material parameters describing instantaneous stiffness of the tissue one is able, without changing the structure of the model, to reproduce experimental curve almost perfectly. Numerical studies showed also that the linear, viscoelastic model of brain tissue is not appropriate for the modelling brain tissue deformation even for moderate strains.  相似文献   

Commotio cordis, mechanical induction of heart rhythm disturbances, including sudden cardiac death, in the absence of corresponding structural damage, has been reported with increasing frequency in young individuals participating in sporting activities. Recently, the electrophysiological changes during c. cordis have been attributed to mechano-electric feedback, and particularly, to the recruitment of stretch-activated ion channels. The underlying mechanisms, however, by which a mechanical impact results in ventricular fibrillation, remain unknown. This study employs a 3D realistic model of rabbit ventricular geometry and fiber orientation to elucidate the electrophysiological mechanisms involved in arrhythmia induction following acute mechanical stimulation of the heart. Impact effects are modeled through stretch-activated ion channel activation in a 3D region of the ventricles representing the impact profile. Both cation-nonselective and potassium-selective stretch-activated ion channels are recruited upon mechanical impact. The impact is administered at various coupling intervals following pacing at the apex. To aid in the interpretation of results, the effect of mechanical stimulation on single cell action potentials is also examined. The results demonstrate that the region of impact is characterized by different types of cellular responses, including generation of a new action potential, shortening, or lengthening of action potential duration. The impact induces sustained reentry only when (1) a new activation is elicited by mechanical stimulation (caused by activation of cation-nonselective stretch-activated ion channels), and (2) upon return to the original region of impact, this activation does not encounter an extension of action potential duration (prevented by activation of potassium-selective stretch-activated ion channels).  相似文献   

In this paper, the viscoelastic mechanical properties of vaginal tissue are investigated. Using previous results of the authors on the mechanical properties of biological soft tissues and newly experimental data from uniaxial tension tests, a new model for the viscoelastic mechanical properties of the human vaginal tissue is proposed. The structural model seems to be sufficiently accurate to guarantee its application to prediction of reliable stress distributions, and is suitable for finite element computations. The obtained results may be helpful in the design of surgical procedures with autologous tissue or prostheses.  相似文献   

Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology - Isolated post-capillary pulmonary hypertension (Ipc-PH) occurs due to left heart failure, which contributes to 1 out of every 9 deaths in the United...  相似文献   

Microarchitectural finite element models have become a key tool in the analysis of trabecular bone. Robust, accurate, and validated constitutive models would enhance confidence in predictive applications of these models and in their usefulness as accurate assays of tissue properties. Human trabecular bone specimens from the femoral neck (n = 3), greater trochanter (n = 6), and lumbar vertebra (n = 1) of eight different donors were scanned by μ-CT and converted to voxel-based finite element models. Unconfined uniaxial compression and shear loading were simulated for each of three different constitutive models: a principal strain-based model, Drucker–Lode, and Drucker–Prager. The latter was applied with both infinitesimal and finite kinematics. Apparent yield strains exhibited minimal dependence on the constitutive model, differing by at most 16.1%, with the kinematic formulation being influential in compression loading. At the tissue level, the quantities and locations of yielded tissue were insensitive to the constitutive model, with the exception of the Drucker–Lode model, suggesting that correlation of microdamage with computational models does not improve the ability to discriminate between constitutive laws. Taken together, it is unlikely that a tissue constitutive model can be fully validated from apparent-level experiments alone, as the calculations are too insensitive to identify differences in the outcomes. Rather, any asymmetric criterion with a valid yield surface will likely be suitable for most trabecular bone models.  相似文献   

The non-linear mechanical behaviour of porcine brain tissue in large shear deformations is determined. An improved method for rotational shear experiments is used, producing an approximately homogeneous strain field and leading to an enhanced accuracy. Results from oscillatory shear experiments with a strain amplitude of 0.01 and frequencies ranging from 0.04 to 16 Hz are given. The immediate loss of structural integrity, due to large deformations, influencing the mechanical behaviour of brain tissue, at the time scale of loading, is investigated. No significant immediate mechanical damage is observed for these shear deformations up to strains of 0.45. Moreover, the material behaviour during complex loading histories (loading-unloading) is investigated. Stress relaxation experiments for strains up to 0.2 and constant strain rate experiments for shear rates from 0.01 to 1 s(-1) and strains up to 0.15 are presented. A new differential viscoelastic model is used to describe the mechanical response of brain tissue. The model is formulated in terms of a large strain viscoelastic framework and considers non-linear viscous deformations in combination with non-linear elastic behaviour. This constitutive model is readily applicable in three-dimensional head models in order to predict the mechanical response of the intra-cranial contents due to an impact.  相似文献   

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