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Historically, ecomorphological inferences regarding theropod (i.e. ‘predatory’) dinosaurs were guided by an assumption that they were singularly hypercarnivorous. A recent plethora of maniraptoran discoveries has produced evidence challenging this notion. Here, we report on a new species of maniraptoran theropod, Nothronychus graffami sp. nov. Relative completeness of this specimen permits a phylogenetic reassessment of Therizinosauria—the theropod clade exhibiting the most substantial anatomical evidence of herbivory. In the most comprehensive phylogenetic study of the clade conducted to date, we recover Therizinosauria as the basalmost maniraptoran lineage. Using concentrated changes tests, we present evidence for correlated character evolution among herbivorous and hypercarnivorous taxa and propose ecomorphological indicators for future interpretations of diet among maniraptoran clades. Maximum parsimony optimizations of character evolution within our study indicate an ancestral origin for dietary plasticity and facultative herbivory (omnivory) within the clade. These findings suggest that hypercarnivory in paravian dinosaurs is a secondarily derived dietary specialization and provide a potential mechanism for the invasion of novel morpho- and ecospace early in coelurosaurian evolution—the loss of obligate carnivory and origin of dietary opportunism.  相似文献   

The fossil record is our primary window onto the diversification of ancient life, but there are widespread concerns that sampling biases may distort observed palaeodiversity counts. Such concerns have been reinforced by numerous studies that found correlations between measures of sampling intensity and observed diversity. However, correlation does not necessarily mean that sampling controls observed diversity: an alternative view is that both sampling and diversity may be driven by some common factor (e.g. variation in continental flooding driven by sea level). The latter is known as the ‘common cause’ hypothesis. Here, we present quantitative analyses of the relationships between dinosaur diversity, sampling of the dinosaur fossil record, and changes in continental flooding and sea level, providing new insights into terrestrial common cause. Although raw data show significant correlations between continental flooding/sea level and both observed diversity and sampling, these correlations do not survive detrending or removal of short-term autocorrelation. By contrast, the strong correlation between diversity and sampling is robust to various data transformations. Correlations between continental flooding/sea level and taxic diversity/sampling result from a shared upward trend in all data series, and short-term changes in continental flooding/sea level and diversity/sampling do not correlate. The hypothesis that global dinosaur diversity is tied to sea-level fluctuations is poorly supported, and terrestrial common cause is unsubstantiated as currently conceived. Instead, we consider variation in sampling to be the preferred null hypothesis for short-term diversity variation in the Mesozoic terrestrial realm.  相似文献   

The Water Framework Directive (WFD) of the European Union requires all member countries to provide information on the level of confidence and precision of results in their river monitoring programmes to assess the ecological status class of river sites. As part of the European Union project STAR, the overall effects of sampling variation for a wide range of commonly used metrics and sampling methods were assessed. Replicate samples were taken in each of two seasons at 2–6 sites of varying ecological status class within each of 18 stream types spread over 12 countries, using both the STAR-AQEM method and a national sampling method or, where unavailable, the RIVPACS sampling protocol. The sampling precision of a combination of sampling method and metric was estimated by expressing the replicate sampling variance as a percentage Psamp of the total variance in metric values with a stream type; low values of Psamp indicate high precision. Most metrics had percentage sampling variances less than 20% for all or most stream types and methods. Most national methods including RIVPACS had sampling precisions at least as good as those for the STAR-AQEM method as used in their country at the same sites; the main exceptions were the national methods used in Latvia and Sweden. The national methods used in the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Poland and the RIVPACS method used in the UK and Austria all had percentage sampling variances of less than 10% for the majority of metrics assessed. In contrast, none of the metrics had percentage sampling variances less than 10% when based on either the Italian (IBE) method, which used bank-side sorting, or the Latvian national method which identifies only a limited set of taxa. Psamp was lowest on average for the two stream types sampled in the Czech Republic using either the PERLA national method or the STAR-AQEM method. Averaged over all stream types and methods, the three Saprobic-based metrics had the lowest average percentage sampling variances (3–6%) amongst the 26 metrics assessed. These estimates of sampling standard deviation can be used to help assess the uncertainty in single or multi-metric systems for estimating site ecological status using the general STAR Bioassessment Guidance Software (STARBUGS) developed within the STAR project.  相似文献   

Since pacification 30 years ago, the Barí of northwest Venezuela have aggregated in villages and have begun to produce cattle and some crops for sale in regional markets. This research analyzes satellite imagery to compare patterns of land use among Barí settlements that differ in their population size, cattle holdings, and distance to nearest marketplace. These comparisons indicate that settlement history mediates the effect of population pressure and herd sizes on land use. Moreover, intensification of land use is associated with greater deforestation and a more heterogeneous landscape, but less biodiversity in woody species.  相似文献   

The microtubule cytoskeleton is assembled from a finite pool of α,β-tubulin, the size of which is controlled by an autoregulation mechanism. Cells also tightly regulate the architecture and dynamic behavior of microtubule arrays. Here, we discuss progress in our understanding of how tubulin autoregulation is achieved and highlight work showing that tubulin, in its unassembled state, is relevant for regulating the formation and organization of microtubules. Emerging evidence suggests that tubulin regulates microtubule-associated proteins and kinesin motors that are critical for microtubule nucleation, dynamics, and function. These relationships create feedback loops that connect the tubulin assembly cycle to the organization and dynamics of microtubule networks. We term this concept the ‘tubulin economy’, which emphasizes the idea that tubulin is a resource that can be deployed for the immediate purpose of creating polymers, or alternatively as a signaling molecule that has more far-reaching consequences for the organization of microtubule arrays.  相似文献   

“Anilioidea” is a likely paraphyletic assemblage of pipe snakes that includes extant Aniliidae from equatorial South America, Uropeltoidea from South and Southeast Asia, and a fossil record that consists primarily of isolated precloacal vertebrae ranging from the earliest Late Cretaceous and includes geographic distributions in North America, South America, Europe, and Africa. Articulated precloacal vertebrae from the middle Eocene Bridger Formation of Wyoming, attributed to Borealilysia nov. gen., represent an unambiguous North American aniliid record and prompts a reconsideration of described pipe snakes and their resultant biogeographic histories. On the basis of vertebral apomorphies, the vast majority of reported fossils cannot be assigned to “Anilioidea”. Instead, most records represent stem taxa and macrostomatans erroneously assigned to anilioids on the basis of generalized features associated with fossoriality. A revised fossil record demonstrates that the only extralimital distributions of fossil “anilioids” consist of the North American aniliid record, and there is no unambiguous fossil record of Old World taxa. The occurrence of aniliids in the mid-high latitudes of the late early Eocene of North America is consistent with histories of northward shifts in equatorial ecosystems during the early Paleogene Greenhouse.  相似文献   

A recent report described a novel mechanism of action for an anti-proprotein convertase subtilisin-kexin type 9 (PCSK9) monoclonal antibody (LY3015014, or LY), wherein the antibody has improved potency and duration of action due to the PCSK9 epitope for LY binding. Unlike other antibodies, proteolysis of PCSK9 can occur when LY is bound to PCSK9. We hypothesized that this allowance of PCSK9 cleavage potentially improves LY efficiency through two pathways, namely lack of accumulation of intact PCSK9 and reduced clearance of LY. A quantitative modeling approach is necessary to further understand this novel mechanism of action. We developed a mechanism-based model to characterize the relationship between antibody pharmacokinetics, PCSK9 and LDL cholesterol levels in animals, and used the model to better understand the underlying drivers for the improved efficiency of LY. Simulations suggested that the allowance of cleavage of PCSK9 resulting in a lack of accumulation of intact PCSK9 is the major driver of the improved potency and durability of LY. The modeling reveals that this novel ‘proteolysis-permitting’ mechanism of LY is a means by which an efficient antibody can be developed with a total antibody dosing rate that is lower than the target production rate. We expect this engineering approach may be applicable to other targets and that the mathematical models presented herein will be useful in evaluating similar approaches.  相似文献   



Guatemala is a multiethnic and multilingual country located in Central America. The main population groups separate ‘Ladinos’ (mixed Native American-African-Spanish), and Native indigenous people of Maya descent. Among the present-day Guatemalan Maya, there are more than 20 different ethnic groups separated by different languages and cultures. Genetic variation of these communities still remains largely unexplored. The principal aim of this study is to explore the genetic variability of the Maya and ‘Ladinos’ from Guatemala by means of uniparental and ancestry informative markers (AIMs).


Analyses of uniparental genetic markers indicate that Maya have a dominant Native American ancestry (mitochondrial DNA [mtDNA]: 100%; Y-chromosome: 94%). ‘Ladino’, however, show a clear gender-bias as indicated by the large European ancestry observed in the Y-chromosome (75%) compared to the mtDNA (0%). Autosomal polymorphisms (AIMs) also mirror this marked gender-bias: (i) Native American ancestry: 92% for the Maya vs. 55% for the ‘Ladino’, and (ii) European ancestry: 8% for the Maya vs. 41% for the ‘Ladino’. In addition, the impact of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade on the present-day Guatemalan population is very low (and only occurs in the ‘Ladino’; mtDNA: 9%; AIMs: 4%), in part mirroring the fact that Guatemala has a predominant orientation to the Pacific Ocean instead of a Caribbean one. Sequencing of entire Guatemalan mitogenomes has led to improved Native American phylogeny via the addition of new haplogroups that are mainly observed in Mesoamerica and/or the North of South America.


The data reveal the existence of a fluid gene flow in the Mesoamerican area and a predominant unidirectional flow towards South America, most likely occurring during the Pre-Classic (1800 BC-200 AD) and the Classic (200–1000 AD) Eras of the Mesoamerican chronology, coinciding with development of the most distinctive and advanced Mesoamerican civilization, the Maya. Phylogenetic features of mtDNA data also suggest a demographic scenario that is compatible with moderate local endogamy and isolation in the Maya combined with episodes of gene exchange between ethnic groups, suggesting an ethno-genesis in the Guatemalan Maya that is recent and supported on a cultural rather than a biological basis.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1339-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Trilobites are an abundant group of Palaeozoic marine euarthropods that appear abruptly in the fossil record c. 521 million years ago. Quantifying the development of morphological variation (or ‘disparity’) through time in fossil groups like trilobites is critical in understanding evolutionary radiations such as the Cambrian ‘explosion’. Here, I use geometric morphometrics to quantify ‘cumulative disparity’ in functionally-important structures within the trilobite cephalon across their initial radiation during Cambrian Series 2. Overall cephalic disparity increased rapidly and attained a maximum within several million years. This pattern is dominated by the cephalic outline (in particular the genal spines), reflecting rapid, convergent expansion to the extremes of morphospace in a few early families. In contrast, removing the outline and focusing on structures such as the glabella and eye ridges (associated with feeding and vision, respectively) showed a more gradual increase in disparity, closer in line with taxonomic diversity and supporting the hypothesis of a relatively accurate trilobite fossil record. These contrasting patterns suggest that disparity in different structures was constrained in different ways, with extrinsic (ecological) factors probably having the major impact on overall disparity. It also implies that patterns of disparity in isolated substructures cannot necessarily be taken individually as representative of overall morphologies.  相似文献   

Meyen’s “Basic features of gymnosperm systematics and phylogeny as evidenced by the fossil record” departs from the usual Botanical Review article that provides the botanical community with a synthesis of the state of knowledge and understanding of an individual segment of botany, i.e., an interpretation of progress in a specialty for the nonspecialist. Instead, this article appears intended to challenge paleobotanists to reconsider traditional views of the interrelationships of the various gymnospermous groups and the concepts on which they were based. A classification scheme is presented which divides gymnosperms into the Ginkgoopsida, Cycadopsida and Pinopsida. These classes are based on Meyen’s analysis of the structural variation in gymnosperms and his interpretation of homologies of various organs. Too often, however, key plants are reconstructed from parts known only in association and relationships are tied to assumptions of homology that have yet to be documented. The result has value in providing a succinct summary of gymnospermous structure and variation in the different groups. It is also commendable in its attempt to explain and use concepts and terminology designed especially for gymnosperms. This critique shows that in many cases there are alternative interpretations that also fit the evidence.  相似文献   

Ulrich Demmer 《Ethnos》2015,80(1):91-116
This paper explores an understanding of the person in terms of practical reason. Based on my fieldwork among the Jenu Kurumba and on ethnographic data on four other communities, I analyse how these five communities conceptualise the ethical person. To understand these concepts, I consult studies of an anthropology of ethics concerned with practical reason. Additionally I draw on Charles Taylor's concept of the ‘agent plus’ and Alasdair MacIntyre's notion of the ‘practical reasoner’. I argue that both Neo-Aristotelian notions are fundamentally important for understanding the concepts of the ethical person among the five cultural formations investigated in this paper.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s patients suffer from circadian dysregulation. The aim of this study was to examine the evolution of balance control and gait at different times of the day (11:00, 14:00, 18:00) in order to identify whether Alzheimer’s patients were more likely to fall at certain periods of the day. Spatio-temporal parameters of centre of foot pressure displacements were measured with a force platform and spatio-temporal parameters of walking were evaluated with a gait analysis device. The results highlighted that balance control was worse in the evening and the afternoon than in the morning. Furthermore, the walking speed was faster and support duration, swing duration and cycle duration were shorter in the evening than in the morning and afternoon. The combined analysis of balance control and gait parameters revealed that balance control and walking are concomitantly altered in the evening which increases the fall risk in the evening, in comparison with the morning, for Alzheimer’s patients.  相似文献   

Understanding the patterns of species richness and their environmental drivers, remains a central theme in ecological research and especially in the continental scales where many conservation decisions are made. Here, we analyzed the patterns of species richness from amphibians, reptiles and mammals at the EU level. We used two different data sources for each taxon: expert-drawn species range maps, and presence/absence atlases. As environmental drivers, we considered climate and land cover. Land cover is increasingly the focus of research, but there still is no consensus on how to classify land cover to distinct habitat classes, so we analyzed the CORINE land cover data with three different levels of thematic resolution (resolution of classification scheme ˗ less to more detailed). We found that the two types of species richness data explored in this study yielded different richness maps. Although, we expected expert-drawn range based estimates of species richness to exceed those from atlas data (due to the assumption that species are present in all locations throughout their region), we found that in many cases the opposite is true (the extreme case is the reptiles where more than half of the atlas based estimates were greater than the expert-drawn range based estimates). Also, we detected contrasting information on the richness drivers of biodiversity patterns depending on the dataset used. For atlas based richness estimates, landscape attributes played more important role than climate while for expert-drawn range based richness estimates climatic variables were more important (for the ectothermic amphibians and reptiles). Finally we found that the thematic resolution of the land cover classification scheme, also played a role in quantifying the effect of land cover diversity, with more detailed thematic resolution increasing the relative contribution of landscape attributes in predicting species richness.  相似文献   

The National Academy of Science’s 1956 study on the Biological Effects of Atomic Radiation (BEAR) was designed to provide an objective analysis to assess conflicting statements by leading geneticists and by officials in the Atomic Energy Commission. Largely because of its status as a detached, non-governmental evaluation by eminent scientists, no studies have had a broader impact on the development of biological thinking in regard to nuclear policies. This paper demonstrates that despite the first BEAR study’s reputation as an objective and independent study, it was the product of careful negotiation between Academy scientists, the Atomic Energy Commission, and Britain’s Medical Research Council. This paper also reveals the fragility of the consensus that produced the Academy’s report, the range of political uses of the report, and the subsequent disaffection of the scientists who took part in it.  相似文献   

Discovered by the nineteenth century collector Alfred Nicholson Leeds, the first object to be described (1898) as a fossil reptile egg is a unique find from the Oxford Clay near Peterborough. It also comes from one of a very small number of Jurassic localities worldwide that can claim to have yielded a fossil egg. Given its historical and contemporary significance, this object is reassessed in the light of increased understanding of such objects. Data from scanning electron microscopy, computerised tomography, synchrotron imaging, X-ray diffraction and petrographic thin sectioning prove inconclusive. However, the presence of apparent external openings resembling angusticanaliculate pores – a pore type common only to certain types of dinosaur eggshell – in both size and sparseness of distribution prevents its summary dismissal as not being a dinosaurian egg.  相似文献   

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