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Book reviewed in this article:
B ateson , P.P.G (ed.). 1991. The Development and Integration of Behaviour. Essays in honour of Robert Hinde.
B rucker , J.W., G osler , A.G. & H eryet , A.R. (eds). 1992. Birds of Oxfordshire.
D ubs , B. 1992. Birds of Southwestern Brazil. Catalogue and guide to the birds of the Pantanal of Mato Grosso and its border areas.
J onsson , L. & T ysse , T. 1992. Lommar.
L undberg , A. & R.V. A latalo . 1992. The Pied Flycatcher.
M arzluff , J.M. & B alda , R.P. 1992. The Pinyon Jay: behavioral ecology of a colonial and cooperative corvid.
N ason , A. 1992. Discovering Birds: an introduction to the birds of Nigeria.
P armelee , D.F. 1992. Antarctic Birds: ecological and behavioral approaches.
P ower , D.M. (ed.) 1991. Current Ornithology.
S imms , E. 1992. British Larks, Pipits & Wagtails.  相似文献   

Also Received     
Books Reviewed in this article: Barker , R.D. & Vestjens , W.J.M. 1991. The Food of Australian Birds. Beatty , J. 1992. Sula: the seabird hunters of Lewis. Bruun , B., Delin , H. & Svensson , L. 1992. Birds of Britain and Europe. Cowell . S. Adatia , R. & Gibson . B. 1992. Who's Who in the Environment—England. Dimentman , C., Bromley . H.J. & Por , F.D. 1992. Lake Hula: reconstruction of the fauna and hydrobiology of a lost lake. Eagle , R. 1991. Seton Gordon, the Life and Times of a Highland Gentleman. Ford . E. 1992. Falconry: art and practice. Foschi , U.F. & Gellini , S. 1992. Avifauna e Ambiente in Provincia di Fork le comunita di uccelli come indicatori ecologici. Guest , J.P. Elphick , D., Hunter . J.S.A. & Norman . D. 1992. The Breeding Bird Atlas of Cheshire and Wirral. Hayes , L.B. & Hayes , M.L. 1987. Raising Game Birds. Hayes , L. B. 1992. The Chinese Painted Quail, ‘the Button Quail’: their breeding and care Hollands , D. 1991. Birds of the Night, Owls, Frogmouths and Nightjars of Australia. Ironmonger . J. 1992. The Good Zoo Guide. Kiew , R. (ed.) 1991. the State of Nature Conservation in Malaysia. La Bastille , A. 1990. Mama Poc: an ecologist's account of the extinction of a species. Lambert , M. 1992. Birds by Colour. Layton . L. 1991. Songbirds in Singapore: the growth of a pastime. Liversidge , R. 1991. The Birds around Us. Love , J.A. 1989. Eagles. Mellanby , K. 1992. The DDT Story. Pp. 112. Farnham: British Crop Protection Council. Newman , K., Johnston -Stewart , N. & Medland , B. 1992. Birds of Malawi. A supplement to Newman's Birds of Southern Africa. Ogilvie , M. 1992. The Birds of Islay: including when and where to find them. Orr , O.H. 1992. Saving American Birds: T. Gilbert Pearson and the founding movement of the Audubon Society. Ortiz Crespo , F., Greenfield , P.J. & Matheus , J.C. 1990. Aves del Ecuador Continente y Archipielago de Galápagos/Birds of Ecuador Paine , J.R. & World Conservation Monitoring Centre. 1991. IUCN Directory of Protected Areas in Oceania. Petersen , M.R., Weir , D.N. & Dick , M.H. 1991. Birds of Kilbuck and Ahklun Mountain Region, Alaska. Riddle , G. 1991. Seasons with the Kestrel. Simpson , M.B., Jr. 1992. Birds of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Stallcup , R. 1990. Ocean Birds of the Nearshore Pacific. Strange , I.J. 1992. A Field Guide to the Wildlife of the Falkland Islands and South Georgia. Trollope , J. 1992. Seed-eating Birds, Their Care and Breeding: finches and allied species—doves, quail and hemipodes. Village , A. 1992. Falcons.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Eisner, N., & D. W. Richter, eds. (1992): Rhythmogenesis in neurons and networks (Rhythmogenese in Neuronen und Netzwerken). Thompson, R. F. (1990): Das Gehirn. Von den Nervenzellen zur Verhaltenssteuerung (The brain). Reichert, H. (1992): Introduction to neurobiology (Neurobiologie. Rowell, C. H. F. (1992): Locust neurobiology: a bibliography, 1871–1991 (Neurobiologie der Wanderheuschrecke: Eine Bibliographie). Green, B. G., J. R. Mason, & M. R. Kare, eds. (1990): Chemical senses; Vol. 2: Irritation (Chemische Sinne Bd. 2: Irritierende Reize). Webster, D. B., R. R. Fay & A. N. Popper, eds. (1992): The evolutionary biology of hearing (Evolutionsbiologie des Gehörs). Carpenter, G. A., & S. Grossberg, eds. (1992): Neural networks for vision and image processing (Neurale Netzwerke für Sehen und Bildwahrnehmung). Barlow, H., C. Blakemore, & M. Weston-Smith, eds. (1990): Images and understanding (Bilder und Verstehen). Mellor, D. H., ed. (1990): Ways of communicating (Formen der Verständigung). Dusenbery, D. B. (1992): Sensory ecology. How organisms acquire and respond to information (Sinnesökologie. Heinrich, B. (1993): Hot-blooded insects. Strategies and mechanisms of thermoregulation (Heißblütige Insekten. Strategien und Mechanismen der Thermoregulation). Krebs, J. R., & N. B. Davies, eds. (1991): Behavioural ecology; an evolutionary approach (Verhaltensökologie; ein evolutionärer Ansatz). Maynard Smith, J. (1992): Evolutionsgenetik (Evolutionary genetics. Oxford University Press, 1989. Stearns, S. C. (1992): The evolution of life histories (Evolution von Lebensabläufen). Gottlieb, G. (1992): Individual development and evolution. Archer, J. (1992): Ethology and human development (Ethologie und Entwicklungspsychologie). Sudhaus, W., & K. Rehfeld (1992): Einführung in die Phylogenetik und Systematik (Phylogenetics and systematics — an introductory textbook). Schmidt-Kittler, N., & K. Vogel, eds. (1991): Constructional morphology and evolution (Konstruktionsmorphologie und Evolution). Vogel, K. (1991): Konstruktionsmorphologie — Ein Schlüssel zum Verständnis der biologischen Evolution (Constructional morphology - a key to understanding biological evolution). Barth, F. G. (1992): “Technische” Perfektion in der belebten Natur (“Technical” perfection in living nature). del Hoyo, J., A. Elliott, & J. Sargatal, eds. (1992): Handbook of the birds of the world. Lebreton, J.-D., & Ph. M. North, eds. (1993): Marked individuals in the study of bird population (Individuelle Kennzeichnung von Vögeln für Populationsstudien). Bibby, C. J., N. D. Burgess, & D. A. Hill (1992): Bird census techniques (Methoden der Vogelzählung). The Observer 3.0, a software package for behavioural observations.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In Schleswig-Holstein kultivierte man Feuchtwiesen zu Wirtschaftsgrünland (1446 km2). Entsprechend änderte sich die Situation ausgewählter 12 Wiesenvögel (in Paaren).a) nahezu verschollene Arten in Niederungen: Wachtelkönig und Kampfläufer (lang zurückliegende Brutnachweise).b) sehr stark abnehmend bei geringer Habitatweite: Bekassine — 1970 10 000–15 000, 1992 1500.c) (sehr) stark abnehmend, jedoch schwächt die größere Habitatweite den landesbezogenen Rückgang ab, so durch Zunahme von Kiebitz und Uferschnepfe auf Eindeichungsflächen: Kiebitz (63 % von 1970), Uferschnepfe 1970 1500–2000, 1992 1250; Kampfläufer (brütende ) 1992 150; Feldlerche (20 % von 1975); Schafstelze 1950 15 000–20 000, 1992 2100; Braunkehlchen 1950 10 000–15 000, 1992 2200.d) Rückgangstendenz in Niederungen gefährdet nicht die Landesbestände (1992): Austernfischer: >15 300; Rotschenkel: >6000; Wiesenpieper: 10 000–13 000.e) offene Situation: Großer Brachvogel — 1985 260–310.
The decline of wet-meadow birds in Schleswig-Holstein/Germany from 1950 to 1992
In Schleswig-Holstein, most wet meadows have been transformed into cultivated grassland (1446 km2). The populations of 12 selected bird species have changed correspondingly: Corncrake and Ruff now are almost extinct in the lowlands; the Snipe drastically declined (from 13 000 pairs in 1970 to 1500 pairs in 1992). Due to a broader habitat choice and an increase in embanked areas a decline is less noticeable at least for the whole country in Lapwing (in 1992 63 % of 1970), Black-tailed Godwit (in 1970 1500–2000, in 1992 1250 pairs), Ruff (150 breeding females), Skylark (in 1992 20 % of 1975), Blue-headed Wagtail (in 1950 18 000, in 1992 2100 pairs), Whinchat (in 1950 13 000, in 1992 2200 pairs). Species for which the decline in lowlands does not seriously affect the total of Schleswig-Holstein are Oystercatcher >15 300, Redshank >6000, Meadowpipit 10 000–13 000 (all figures for 1992). In the Curlew the situation is not fully known (in 1985 260–310 pairs).

This survey was completed in December 1993 and includes products not covered in the luminometer survey (Jan 1992: Stanley PE, J Biolumin Chemilumin 1992; 7:77–108 and 7:157–69), kits and reagent survey (Nov 1992: Stanley PE, J Biolumin Chemilumin 1993; 8:51–63), update 1 (June 1993, luminometers, kits and reagents, Stanley PE, J Biolumin Chemilumin 1993; 8:237–40). Technical details are provided together with company address and contact information.  相似文献   

This survey was compiled in February 1994 and includes products not covered in the luminometer survey (Jan 1992: Stanley PE, J Biolumin Chemilumin 1992; 7:77–108 and 7:157–69), kits and reagent survey (Nov 1992: Stanley PE, J Biolumin Chemilumin 1993; 8:51–63), update 1 (June 1993 luminometers, kits and reagents, Stanley PE, J Biolumin Chemilumin 1993; 8:237–40) and update 2 (Dec 1993: luminometers, kits and reagents, Stanley PE, J Biolumin Chemilumin 1994; 9:51–3). Technical details are provided together with company addresses and contact information.  相似文献   

This survey update was compiled in June 1993 and includes products not covered in the luminometer survey (Jan 1992; Stanley, PE. J Biolumin Chemilumin 1992; 7:77–108 and 7:157–69) and kit and reagent survey (Nov 1992; Stanley, PE. J Biolumin Chemilumin 1993; 8:51–63). Some products are new whilst for others details have only recently become available to the author. Technical details are provided together with company address and contact information.  相似文献   

Before Writing, Volume 1: From Counting to Cuneiform . Denise Schmandt-Besserat. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1992. 288 pp.
Before Writing, Volume 2: A Catalog of Near Eastern Tokens . Denise Schmandt-Besserat. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1992. 452 pp.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Bakker, T. C. M., & K. Kortmulder, eds. (1990): Essays in honour of Piet Sevenster (Festschrift für Piet Sevenster). Bateson, P., ed. (1991): The development and integration of behaviour: Essays in honour of Robert Hinde (Verhaltensentwicklung. Baerends, G., C. Beer, & A. Manning, eds. (1976): Function and evolution in behaviour: Essays in honour of Professor Niko Tinbergen (Verhaltensanpassung. van der Dennen, J., & V. Falger, eds. (1990): Sociobiology and conflict. Evolutionary perspectives on competition, cooperation, violence and warfare (Soziobiologie und Konflikt. Vogel, C. (1989): Vom Töten zum Mord; das wirklich Böse in der Evolutionsgeschichte (From killing to murder; the real evil in evolution). Harcourt, A. H., & F. B. M. de Waal, eds. (1992): Coalitions and alliances in humans and other animals (Bündnisse bei Menschen und anderen Tieren). Barnett, S. A. (1988): Biology and freedom. An essay on the implications of human ethology (Biologie und Freiheit. Mayr, E. (1991): One long argument. Charles Darwin and the genesis of modern evolutionary thought (Eine einzige lange Beweisführung. Harwood, J. (1993): Styles of scientific thought. The German genetics community 1900–1933 (Denkweisen der Wissenschaft. Deichmann, U. (1992): Biologen unter Hitler (Biologists in Germany, 1933–1945). Elgar, M. A., & B. J. Crespi, eds. (1992): Cannibalism. Ecology and evolution among diverse taxa (Kannibalismus. Foelix, R. F. (1992): Biologie der Spinnen (Biology of spiders. Moritz, R. F. A., & E. E. Southwick (1992): Bees as superorganisms. Baras, E. (1992): Étude des stratégies d'occupation du temps et de l'espace chez le barbeau fluviatile, Barbus barbus (L.). Lundberg, A., & R. V. Alatalo (1992): The pied flycatcher (Der Trauerschnäpper). Gaston, A. J. (1992): The ancient murrelet: a natural history in the Queen Charlotte Islands (Naturgeschichte der Silberalken auf den Queen Charlotte-Inseln). Epple, W. (1993): Schleiereulen (Barn owls). Schassburger, R. M. (1993): Vocal communication in the timber wolf, Canis lupus, Linnaeus. Haller, H. (1992): Zur Ökologie des Luchses Lynx lynx im Verlauf seiner Wiederansiedlung in den Walliser Alpen (Ecology of the lynx during its re-introduction in the Valais, Swiss Alps). Clutton-Brock, T. H., & S. D. Albon (1989): Red deer in the highlands (Rothirsche im Hochland). König, A. (1992): Untersuchungen zum Scanning-Verhalten beim Weißbüschelaffen (Callithrix jacchus Erxleben 1777) (Scanning behaviour in marmosets). Ceska, V., H.-U. Hoffmann, & K.-H. Winkelsträter, eds. (1992): Lemuren im Zoo. Kummer, H. (1992): Weiße Affen am Roten Meer. Das soziale Leben der Wüstenpaviane (White monkeys at the Red Sea. Französische Ausgabe (1993): Vies de singes. M?urs et structures sociales des babouins hamadryas. Traduction autorisée par O. Mannoni; Ed. Estes, R. (1991): The behavior guide to African mammals (Feldführer zum Verhalten afrikanischer Säugetiere).  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Freshwater Biology》1993,30(3):487-488
Book reviewed in this articles:
The Rivers Handbook: Hydrological and Ecological Principles , Volume 1. Edited by P eter C alow & G eoffrey E. P etts (1992).
Lake Geomorphology. By B.V. T imms (1992).  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
P ractical D iagnosis of V iral I nfections (1992). Edited by G.J. Galasso, R.J. Whitley and T.C. Merigan.
M anual of C linical V irology (1992). By D.L. Wiedbrauk and S.L.G. Johnston.
C andidiasis : P athogenesis , D iagnosis and T reatment (2nd E dition ) (1993). Edited by G.P. Bodey.
F ungal D iseases of the L ung (2nd E dition ) (1993). Edited by G.A. Sarosi and S.F. Davies.
P robiotics : T he S cientific B asis (1992). Edited by R. Fuller.
T he S ulfate -R educing B acteria : C ontemporary P erspectives (1993). Edited by J.M. Odom and R. Singleton Jr.
D iagnosis of H uman V iruses by P olymerase C hain R eaction T echnology (1992). Edited by Y. Becker and G. Durai.
T he E cology of A quatic H yphomycetes (1992). Edited by F. Barlocher.  相似文献   

目的:分析成都地区1992年时非肥胖中年居民脉压(PP)、脉压指数(PPI)对该人群15年后(2007年)肥胖发生的预测价值。方法:本研究纳入1992年时年龄处于45~60岁且BMI正常者1017人,依据PP(PP≤60mmHg及PP>60mmHg)及PP(I PPI≤0.450及PPI>0.450)分为PP/PPI正常组及增高组,分析两组人群在15年后(2007年)BMI分布特征及肥胖的患病情况。结果:①1992年PP/PPI增高人群2007年时BMI皆高于PP/PPI正常人群,t检验示BMI组间差异有统计学意义。2007年肥胖患病率亦呈类似BMI的特点,亦为PP/PPI增高组高于PP/PPI正常组,经x2检验,肥胖患病率的组间差异有统计学意义。②根据该队列人群1992年的PP增高与否计算2007年的肥胖患病率的相对危险度(RR)为4.109,P值为0.000,95%可信区间为2.874~8.847;1992年PPI与2007年肥胖患病的RR为4.998,P值为0.000,95%可信区间为2.876~8.687。③使用logistic回归模型分析1992年基线PP/PPI对2007年肥胖患病的影响,在调整了SBP、WC、BMI、HR、TG后,PP、PPI的相对危险度仍为1.040及1.044。其各自相应95%CI分别为1.017~1.065、1.025~1.063。结论:脉压、脉压指数的异常与肥胖的发生关系密切,脉压、脉压指数可以预测肥胖的发生。  相似文献   

Joel B. Hagen,An Entangled Bank: The Origins of ecosystem Ecology (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1992); Gregg Mitman,The State of Nature: Ecology, Community, and American Social Thought, 1900–1950 (Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1992).  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Bodson, L., & R. Libois, eds. (1992) : Contributions à l'histoire de la domestication (Zur Geschichte der Domestikation). Porzig, E., & H. H. Sambraus (1991) : Nahrungsverhalten landwirtschaftlicher Nutztiere (Feeding behaviour in farm animals). Lynch, J. J., G. N. Hinch & D. B. Adams (1992) : The behaviour of sheep. Biological principles and implications for production (Das Verhalten von Schafen. Grundlagen und Folgerungen für die Nutztierhaltung). Blendinger, W. (1988) : Psychologie und Verhaltensweisen des Pferdes (Psychology and behaviour of horses). Pirkelmann , H., ed. (1991): Pferdehaltung. Verhalten, Arbeitswirtschaft, Ställe, Fütterung und Krankheiten (Horses. Behaviour, care, diseases). Fraser , A. F. (1992): The behaviour of the horse (Das Verhalten des Pferdes). Bradshaw , J. W. S. (1992): The behaviour of the domestic cat (Das Verhalten der Hauskatze). Miller , B. J., & S. H. Anderson (1993): Ethology of the endangered black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) (Verhalten des bedrohten Schwarzfußfrettchens). Kirkwood , J. K., & K. Stathatos (1992): Biology, rearing and care of young primates (Biologie, Aufzucht und Pflege junger Primaten). Hinde , R. A., & J. Groebel , eds. (1991): Cooperation and prosocial behavior (Kooperation und prosoziales Verhalten). Gove, D. (1991): A water snake's year (Ein Jahr im Leben einer Wassernatter).  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Free radical research》1993,18(3):183-189
Mutation Research DNAging Genetic Instability and Aging

Cardiovascular Toxicology Second edition, edited by Daniel Acosta, Jr. Raven Press, New York, USA. $124, 1992

Dietary Fats: Determinants of Preference, Selection and Consumption Edited by D.J. Mela Elsevier Applied Science, 1992, ix + 192 pages Price $75.00 ISBN 1-85166-865-9

Determination of Vitamin E: Tocopherols and Tocotrienols by Claude Bourgeois Elsevier Applied Science, 1992, vi + 162 pages Price $75.00 ISBN 1-85166-7547

Biochemistry of Food Proteins Edited by B.J.F. Hudson Elsevier Applied Science, 1992, x + 419 pages Price $110.00 ISBN 1-85166-768-7

Lipid-soluble Antioxidants: Biochemistry and Clinical Applications Edited by A.S.H. Ong and L. Packer Birkhauser Verlag, 1992, xii + 640 pages Price SFR 168.00 (approx $76) ISBN 3-7643-2667-0 (Basel) ISBN 0-8176-2667-0 (Boston)  相似文献   

The susceptibility to selected chemotherapeutic agents was determined in 100 strains of Staphylococcus aureus methicillin-resistant (MRSA) isolated from clinical materials in 1991-1992 (50 strains) and in 1997 (50 strains). Two methods were used for the determination: disc method and antibiotic dilution in agar. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined for vancomycin, teicoplanin, furazolidone, nitrofurantoin, ofloxacin, gentamicin, netilmicin and trimethoprim. The concentrations of the chemotherapeutics in the substrate ranged from 0.125 to 512 mg/l. The obtained results served for drawing of the following conclusions: all studied MRSA strains isolated in 1991-1992 and in 1997 were sensitive to glycopeptide antibiotics: vancomycin and teicoplanin, to nitrofurans: nitrofurantoin and furazolidone, and to fusidic acid. MRSA strains isolated in 1991-1992 were sensitive to ofloxacin, but in 1997 about 80% of the strains were resistant to that antibiotic, and this resistance was noted in S. aureus strains with homogeneous resistance to methicillin. Increasing frequency of resistance to mupirocin was found, in 1991-1992 4% of the strains were resistant, and in 1997 the resistance of MRSA to that antibiotic was found in 12%. No changes occurred in the sensitivity of staphylococci to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (cotrimoxazole). About 94% of strains in 1991-1992 and 1997 were sensitive to that drug. The sensitivity to cotrimoxazole is connected with one of its components (trimethoprim), with 94% of MRSA strains sensitive to it.  相似文献   

本文记述了曼盲蝽属MansonielaPoppius,1915的7个新种:环曼盲蝽M.annulatasp.nov.;脊曼盲蝽M.cristatasp.nov.;狭长曼盲蝽M.elongatasp.nov.;黄翅曼盲蝽M.flavasp.nov.;胡桃曼盲蝽M.juglandissp.nov.;瑰环曼盲蝽M.rosaceasp.nov.;赤环曼盲蝽M.rubidasp.nov.。提出3个新组合:M.cinnamomi(ZhengetLiu,1992),comb.nov.;M.sasafri(ZhengetLiu,1992),comb.nov.;M.wangi(ZhengetLi,1992),comb.nov.,均由PachypeltisSignoret属移入本属,模式标本存放于南开大学生物系昆虫标本室  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Margulis, L., & R. Fester, eds. (1991): Symbiosis as a source of evolutionary innovation. Schwemmler, W. J. (1991): Symbiogenese als Motor der Evolution. Birkhead, T. R., & A. P. Møller (1992): Sperm competition in birds; evolutionary causes and consequences (Spermienkonkurrenz bei Vögeln; Evolutionäre Ursachen und Konsequenzen). Marzluff, J. M., & R. P. Balda (1992): The pinyon jay; behavioral ecology of a colonial and cooperative corvid (Der Nacktschnabelhäher. Burger, J., & M. Gochfeld (1991): The common tern: its breeding biology and social behavior (Die Flußseeschwalbe. Burger, J., & M. Gochfeld (1990): The black skimmer; social dynamics of a colonial species (Der amerikanische Scherenschnabel). Ratcliffe, D. (1990): Bird life of mountain and upland (Vogelleben im Hochland und Gebirge). Ueckermann, E. (1992): Das Sikawild. Vorkommen, Naturgeschichte und Bejagung (Sika deer. Norton, B. (1991): The African elephant — last days of Eden (Der afrikanische Elefant — in Gefahr). Kingdon, J. (1990): Arabian mammals — a natural history (Säugetiere Arabiens — eine Naturgeschichte). Redford, K. H., & J. F. Eisenberg (1992): Mammals of the Neotropics.  相似文献   

Normalized difference vegetation index data from the polar-orbiting National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration meteorological satellites from 1982 to 1999 show significant variations in photosynthetic activity and growing season length at latitudes above 35°N. Two distinct periods of increasing plant growth are apparent: 1982–1991 and 1992–1999, separated by a reduction from 1991 to 1992 associated with global cooling resulting from the volcanic eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in June 1991. The average May to September normalized difference vegetation index from 45°N to 75°N increased by 9% from 1982 to 1991, decreased by 5% from 1991 to 1992, and increased by 8% from 1992 to 1999. Variations in the normalized difference vegetation index were associated with variations in the start of the growing season of –5.6, +3.9, and –1.7 days respectively, for the three time periods. Our results support surface temperature increases within the same period at higher northern latitudes where temperature limits plant growth. Received: 25 October 2000 / Revised: 20 August 2001 / Accepted: 22 August 2001  相似文献   

M Carrier  R Cartier  L C Pelletier 《CMAJ》1994,150(9):1443-1448
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the demand for organs for transplantation and to recommend a reorganization of transplantation services in Quebec. DESIGN: Retrospective study. SETTING: Province of Quebec, 1988 to 1992. PATIENTS: All patients on waiting lists for organ transplantation and patients who received transplants registered in national data banks. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The actual annual demand for organ transplantation and the rate of transplantations performed. RESULTS: The rates of heart transplantation were lower than the actual annual demand, which resulted in many patients dying while awaiting transplantation. The actual annual demand for heart transplantation decreased during the last 5 years from 10.9 per million people in 1987 to 6.7 in 1992. The rates of heart transplantation in Quebec were higher than the Canadian average. The actual demand for lung transplantation was only 2.9 per million people on average in 1992. Demand for liver transplantation increased annually, reaching 8.6 per million in 1992. The rate of transplantation increased likewise but remained insufficient. The demand for kidney transplantation reached 27.2 per million people in 1992, and the transplantation rate was 17.8. CONCLUSIONS: Taking into account the actual demand for and supply of organ transplantation, to insure high-quality service and to control costs associated with organ transplantation, we recommend that the present system in Quebec be reorganized so that transplantations are performed in 12 centres: 7 for kidney transplantation, 2 for hearts, 2 for livers and 1 for lungs.  相似文献   

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