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对嵩草属27种(亚种)植物秆的解剖学研究证明,嵩草属植物秆的解剖学性状具有系统学意义.在该属中,秆的横切面外形为三角形、圆三角形、圆形或扁圆形.在横切面上分为2个区域;外部区域包括绿色组织、外韧维管束和气腔,内部区域为薄壁组织或其碎裂形成空腔.秆表皮的横切面观和表面观均与叶的下表皮相似.以上特征与莎草科其它类群植物秆的解剖特征一致,不支持将嵩草属和其近缘属另立为嵩草科.同时,秆的解剖学特征可以做为某些在外部形态上难于区分的种之间的分类依据.  相似文献   

中国赖草属植物的分类、分布的初步研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
智丽  滕中华 《植物研究》2005,25(1):22-25
确认了中国区域有赖草属植物20种, 2变种,划分为3个组,即多穗组、少穗组和单穗组,其中,多穗组为新组。编制了新的分种检索表,报道了种的地理分布,推测了中国赖草属植物的分布中心。  相似文献   

蝇子草属(Silene)是由林奈(Linnaeus)1737年建立。与剪秋罗属(Lychnis)近缘。主要区别是:前一属花柱3,后一属花柱5。 勒宁(Roehling)1812年将剪秋罗属中蒴果果爿2裂的类群分离,建立了一个新属名女娄菜属—Melandrium。记载有3个种。一些晚期的学者如Fries,E.(1842)、Braun,A.(1843)、Rohrbach,P.(1865,1869)、Pax,F.(1889)等承认了这种划分,并且根据子房无隔膜,蒴果基部1室的特性将属的范围进一步扩大,包含  相似文献   

中国赖草属新植物   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
柴达木赖草 新种 图1 Leymus pseudoracemosus Yen et J.L.Yang,sp.nov. Species nova affinis L.racemoso(Lam.)Tzvel.,sed rachidibus denseincano-pubescentibus,lemmatibus albo-villosis,paleis super ad carinam breviterciliatis differt.  相似文献   

中国千斤拔属植物的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
韦裕宗   《广西植物》1991,11(3):193-207
本文叙述了千斤拔属名的拉丁学名的变换和研究情况,并研究该属植物国产种的分类、地理分布及其特点。进而对该属植物的习性和苞片、花序、花和叶等诸器官演化趋势作初步探讨,并对该属6个类群之间可能的演化关系、属的起源、分布中心和迁移路线等问题提出初设想。  相似文献   

假橐吾属, 中国菊科植物一新属   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
多年生草本,根状茎粗短,有多数纤维状根,茎基部有残存的叶柄。叶互生、纸质,基生叶在花期宿存,具长叶柄,长圆状心形或宽卵状心形,楔状下延成具翅的叶柄,基部扩大,半抱茎,但绝无叶鞘;中部茎叶与下部叶同形,较小,具短叶柄,叶柄具翅,自中部向基部逐渐扩大,基部具叶状卵形抱茎的叶耳。头状花序盘状,在茎端排列成总状;花序梗有2枚小  相似文献   

多年生草本,具有乳汁。根状茎短,匍匐,生少数等粗的细根。叶长线状椭圆形,顶端  相似文献   

黄嘴白鹭的繁殖生物学   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
尹祚华  雷富民 《动物学报》2002,48(6):824-827
The Chinese egret is a globally endangered species. This paper describes the breeding behavior of the Chinese egret (Egretta eulophotes) on Xingrentuo Islet, Changhai County, Liaoning Province between April and August 2001. 150 breeding pairs were found at this site, and 60 more pairs were found on nearby Yuanbaotuo Islet, the largest breeding colony in China. Chinese egret arrived at the islet from mid April and departed from late August. Their nests were built in the branches of low trees and fleabanes. 2~6 light greenish blue eggs were layed in each clutch. 40 eggs averaged 45 56(±2 05)mm×33 57(±0 74)mm in size,and 26 46±1 88)g in weight. The hatching period was 21~23 days.  相似文献   

余伟  黄璐琦 《植物研究》1995,15(2):199-205
本文报道了中国马兜铃属12种植物的染色体数目和核型分析,发现并确定了x=8为本属染色体基数之一。本属染色体的共同特征是:小型;以中部(m),近中部(sm)着丝点染色体为主;核型类型为1A,2A,3A,1B,2B;随体一般处在染色体的长臂上。  相似文献   

Tateoka , Tuguo . (U. Montréal, Montréal, Canada.) A biosystematic study of Tridens (Gramineae) . Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(7): 565–573. Illus. 1961.—The genus Tridens has been studied from cytological, morphological, anatomical and histological points of view. Species of Tridens can be divided into 2 groups according to the characters of caryopses, stigmas, lemmas, paleas and general habit. In accordance with the morphological disparities, the 2 groups have different appearances of the anatomy of leaf margins and midribs and also of the bicellular microhairs on the epidermis of the leaf blade. Further, the 2 groups have different basic chromosome numbers, x=8 and x=10, and some distinction in karyotype. Somatic chromosomes of 8 species have been examined. The evidence given by the combined studies indicates that Tridens should be regarded as a mixture of 2 phylogenetically distant groups. Based on this conclusion, the 5 species representing one of the 2 groups (T. pilosus, T. avenaceus, T. grandiflorus, T. nealleyi and T. pulchellus) are transferred to the genus Erioneuron which is hereby revived. Nomenclatural changes are made for the species of the revived genus.  相似文献   

Using the classical tribe Festuceae as a frame of reference, 135 grass genera have been examined in an effort to determine natural generic relationships which often have been obscured by parallel and convergent evolution. Studies of embryo and leaf structure, ligules, lodicules, and lemmas have greatly enlarged, verified, and nearly completed existing evidence that the classical concept of the Festuceae is highly artificial and that the tribe contains many genera which are only remotely related. A more nearly phylogenetic system is achieved when more than two-thirds of these genera are distributed among 4 major groups, which may be worthy of subfamily rank: 55 genera are retained in the festucoid group, 46 are moved to the eragrostoid, 2 to the bambusoid, 13 to the arundoid, and 8 to a recently designated group labelled the centothecoid. Three genera remain unplaced; and material was unavailable or insufficient to make accurate determinations for 8 genera.  相似文献   

白鱀豚甲状腺及甲状旁腺的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文是8头白鱀豚(Lipotes vexillifer)的甲状腺及甲状旁腺的初步研究结果。白鱀豚甲状腺的解剖学和组织学结构与其它海豚相似。其甲状腺滤泡呈圆形或椭圆形,滤泡胶质嗜酸性,滤泡平均直径为106.4微米,滤泡上皮平均高为9.4微米,滤泡旁细胞平均直径为11.0微米。甲状旁腺分布在甲状腺的腹侧面或前、后方,其上皮细胞被结缔组织分隔成团索状。文中并讨论了白鱀豚甲状腺的一些组织形态变化。    相似文献   

本文阐述了作者1982—1987年选育碗莲新品种的试验方法和研究结果。通过实生苗选种和杂交育种,1982—1983年获得碗莲F_1代种子,分别在次年将其直接栽植于钵、碗中,从中选育出12个花型新颖、花色艳丽、适宜家庭种植的优良碗莲新品种。几年的试验证明:实生种苗具有方法简便,有利于发展推广的特点。  相似文献   

Pennisetum sect. Pennisetum includes two reproductively isolated species. Pennisetum purpureum Schumach. is a tetraploid (2n = 28) perennial species which occurs throughout the wet tropics of the world. Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke is a diploid (2n = 14) annual species, native to the semi-arid tropics of Africa and India, and contains three morphologically diverse subspecies. Subspecies americanum includes the wide array of cultivated pearl millets. Subspecies monodii from the Sahel of West Africa is identified as the wild progenitor of pearl millet. Subspecies stenostachyum is morphologically intermediate between subsp. americanum and monodii and includes the mimetic weeds often associated with the cultivation of pearl millet.  相似文献   

菰属系统与演化研究—全草化学成分   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
潘福生  何树兰 《植物研究》1993,13(4):399-403
本文首次报导了菰属Zizania L.及其有关属,共5属7种的全草化学成分。分别采用直流氩等离子火焰光谱发射仪测定了全草22种常,微量元素;重铬酸钾-硫酸消化法测定了全草的粗蛋白质及全氮;干灰化法测定了全草的灰分;酸-洗涤剂法测定了全草的粗。作者认为菰属的在水稻族中独立成菰亚族,其中所含的4种都是独立存在的;菰属的经济价值较高,尤其菰Z.latifolia的综合利用价值更是该属中最高的一种,值得推  相似文献   

聚类分析树状图上Alternarla与其相似属Ulocladium、Stemphylium的种明确地分为三个表观群。36个OTU's,23个链格孢属的种,进一步形成四个清晰的亚表观群,恰与椐分生孢子喙的特征而划分的组,即无喙组、假喙组、真喙组和锥状真喙组相吻合。本试验系统中,相似属间、种间和种内的相似性值是在具体试验条件下确定的。其意义在于通过对大量有用分类信息的综合比较分析,以相似性值的形式,为不同等级单位分类地位的确定提供相应定量化的标准,从而能够比较全面地评价一个分类单位.根据研究结果,建议将Alternariamali Roberts作为细链格孢的一个分化型,即Alternarin tenuis C.G.Nees f.sp.,mali。  相似文献   

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