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The following results were obtained using tissue slices excisedfrom cold-stored Jerusalem artichoke tuber. 1. Increase in protein content of the tissue was small duringthe washing (i.e. "aging"), and great in the growth phase, particularlyin washed tissue. 2. RNA content of tissue increased during the growth periodsimilarly in non-growing tissue (in water) and actively growingtissue (in 2,4-D plus KIN). 3. Both RNA and DNA increased during the washing, the increasebeing greater in RNA than in DNA. This RNA increase was enhancedby gibberellic acid. 4. 2-Thiouracil, 8-azaguanine, puromycin, and mitomycin C givenat the washing inhibited the subsequent growth. The effect ofthese inhibitors was not significant when they were given inthe growth period. 5. Mitomycin C reduced the basophilia of nuclei and made themswell, as did deoxyribonuclease. 6. The effect of inhibitors of nucleic acid metabolism was reversedto some extent by gibberellic acid and by kinetin. 7. Chloramphenicol inhibited the growth strongly if given inthe growing period, but not so strongly if given during thewashing. 8. An autoradiographic study using 3H-cytidine suggested thatRNA is synthesized in nucleus during the period of washing andis transferred to cytoplasm via nucleolus. It is conjectured that the RNA synthesized during the agingis responsible for the expansion growth to be caused later byauxin or auxin plus kinetin. (Received September 4, 1965; ) 相似文献
瓜类刺盘孢诱导物对新疆甜瓜抗病相关酶活性的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
李冠 《Acta Botanica Sinica》1993,(4)
近年来,应用病毒、细菌、真菌以及病原菌体及其代谢物作为诱导因子,已在多种作物上获得对病害的整体免疫,有些已开始在田间应用。我们也曾应用人工诱导免疫的方法使新疆甜瓜获得对瓜类疫霉病的抗性,但有关植物人工诱导免疫机理的研究,目前国外报道不多,国内尚未见报道。本文以瓜类刺盘孢(Colletotrichum langenarium)培养滤液和菌丝细胞壁作为诱导物,研究了免疫植株相关酶的活性以及可溶性蛋白的变化,探讨了人工诱导免疫的机理。 相似文献
The internal salt content and distribution in photosynthetictissues as well as the effect of NaCl on photosynthetic carbonfixation enzymes was investigated in two seagrass species fromthe Red Sea. Concentrations of both Na+ and Cl were lower in the chloroplast-richepidermis than in underlying cell layers in Halophila stipulacea.In Halodule uninervis, the concentration of Na+ was lower inthe epidermis than in the underlying cells, while K+ was evenlydistributed between cell layers. The epidermal concentrationsof Na+ were estimated to be 0.17 and 0.10 M for Halophila stipulaceaand Halodule uninervis, respectively, which were about to the average leaf concentrations. Epidermal Cl concentrationof Halophila stipulacea was estimated to be 0.08 M, a valueonly about of the overall leaf concentration. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPcase) extracted from leavesof these seagrasses showed increased activity at 0.050.3M NaCl in vitro. Ribulose-l, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPcase)activity, on the other hand, was inhibited by NaCl at all testedconcentrations. At epidermal NaCl concentrations, PEPcase activitywas thus stimulated while RuBPcase was inhibited. The reducedRuBPcase activity at such concentrations compared to salt-freeconditions was still sufficient to account for observed photosyntheticrates. We conclude that these seagrasses have adapted to a saline environmentboth by maintaining relatively low ion concentrations in theepidermis where photosynthesis occurs and by having carbon-fixingenzymes capable of functioning in the presence of salt. 相似文献
Changes in lipid contents during infection process in the non-infectedtissue adjacent to the infected region of diseased sweet potatoroots with black rot were examined in comparison with cut controltissue. Incorporation of 2 14C-acetate and 32P-phosphate intolipid fraction was also investigated. Although there was nosignificant change in lipid ester groups in both tissues, increasein phospholipids was found in diseased tissue. Sterol isolatedfrom fresh material was identified with ß-sitosterol.Chromatographic patterns of non-phospholipid fraction of diseasedtissue suggested that some metabolic alteration of this fractionmight occur in response to infection.
1This paper constitutes Part 40 of Phytopathological Chemistryof Sweet Potato with Black Rot. 相似文献
Batches of potato plants in pots were placed in the field for limited periods among plants infected with potato virus Y and leaf roll virus. Some of the potted plants were surrounded by sticky boards which prevented apterous aphids from reaching them. Almost as many plants within the boards as without became infected, indicating that most of the spread of virus was by winged aphids.
Apterae were probably responsible for spreading the viruses throughout a hill after one or more stems were infected. They may carry infection to neighbouring plants, but most of these will have been infected already by alatae.
The number of plants contracting infection was unaffected by watering. 相似文献
Apterae were probably responsible for spreading the viruses throughout a hill after one or more stems were infected. They may carry infection to neighbouring plants, but most of these will have been infected already by alatae.
The number of plants contracting infection was unaffected by watering. 相似文献
分别用含100和200 ppm SO_2(不致引起可见伤害)的两种亚硫酸溶液,连续40天,每天一次定量喷射大猪屎青(Crotalaria assamica Benth.)后,抗坏血酸氧化酶、多酚氧化酶和过氧化物酶均比对照有较高的酶活性。再用250、275和300 ppm的SO_2(可引起可见伤害浓度)浸泡30秒,以比较其出现可见伤害程度,结果发现,其伤害程度均依次比对照的为重,这一结果表明,经低浓度SO_2喷射过的大猪屎青已有了潜在的伤害,因此认为,大猪屎青对SO_2的反应中,不可见伤害或隐藏伤害是存在的,同时还认为,大猪屎青受到低于可见伤害浓度的SO_2污染后,酶活性的增高(或降低)是不可见伤害或隐藏伤害的标志。 相似文献
在自动控制的遮雨棚中,用盆栽法研究了不同水分条件下春小麦(Triticum aestivum)根系耗碳过程及与籽粒产量的关系。设高(W)、中(M)、低(S)3个水分处理,试验品种为`陇春8139-2'(L)和`定西24'(D)。在开花期及之前,根系的日生物量碳、日呼吸耗碳和日分泌耗碳量占根系日总耗碳量的比例平均为26%、58%和16%。在成熟期,W、M处理的根日生物量碳的下降(负值)在两品种之间没有显著差异,而在S处理中,D品种根生物量碳日下降幅度显著高于L品种,日呼吸耗碳量和日分泌耗碳量也最低,致使其根日生物量碳下降超过根总耗碳量的100倍,而根日呼吸耗碳量和日分泌耗碳量分别是根日总耗碳量的7.89倍和3.75倍,与其它处理/品种形成了鲜明对比。以根系日呼吸和日分泌耗碳之和占日光合固碳量的百分比来看,L品种在W、M和S处理中分别为53%、52%和83%,D品种分别为58%、49%和55%。两个品种根系碳消耗比例最低的是M处理,S处理的D品种远低于L品种。两品种产量水平接近,湿润条件下,L品种产量略高于D品种。籽粒产量与平均产量之比(Y/Ym)L品种在3个处理中分别为1.34, 1.14和0.53;D品种分别为1.04, 1.06和0.90。干旱条件下D品种保持了良好的产量稳定性。对D品种而言,中、重度干旱条件下光合固碳的相对稳定和根系耗碳量的降低是植物既能提高水分利用效率又能保持较高籽粒产量的主要原因。 相似文献
生长在不同季节的菠萝叶膜脂脂肪酸的配比存在着明显差异;随着大气温度的下降,18:1含量显著减少,18:2和18:3含量增加。不同品种均表现出一致的变化趋势。致害低温破坏了膜脂,使较不抗寒品种的16:0含量增加,18:2和18:3含量减少;较抗寒品种这种变化则较不显著。适当低温锻炼能改变膜脂脂肪酸的代谢过程,16:0和18:1含量减少,18:3含量增加。当处于更低温度时,除了16:0和18:1继续减少外,有一部分18:2也脱饱和而转变为18:3。因之明显地增加了膜脂中18:3的含量和脂肪酸的不饱和度,从而有利于抗寒性的提高。而品种间的抗寒性差异亦是在此低温期间表现出来。 相似文献