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Structural data are presented on the protamine gene cluster (PGC) of human, mouse, rat, and bull. By restriction mapping we demonstrate that the organization of the protamine cluster is conserved throughout all four species, i.e., the genes are situated in a head to tail arrangement in the order: protamine l-protamine 2-transition protein 2. Further, we established the nucleotide sequence of the entire human PGC (25 kb in total) and the 3′ portion of the rat protamine cluster (PRM2 and TNP2 genes and intergenic region). In addition, a 1 kb fragment of the bovine and murine protamine cluster, situated between PRM2 and TNP2, was sequenced. This fragment is conserved regarding sequence, position, and orientation in all species examined, and was classified as likely coding region by gene recognition program GRAIL. Using the rat fragment as a probe in RNA blots, we detected a testis-specific signal of about 0.5 kb. Finally, we demonstrate a high density of Alu elements, both full and fragmented copies, in the human PGC and discuss their localization with respect to evolutionary and functional aspects. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have isolated a cDNA that encodes a novel member of the Y-box binding protein family, termed as RYB-a (Rat Y-box Binding protein-a). RYB-a is a 31 kDa protein that contains a conserved cold-shock domain and an amino acid alignment similar to those of charge zipper proteins. Expression of RYB-a mRNA was highly abundant in the skeletal muscle, spleen, and fetal liver. The expression is very low in new-born and adult livers, suggesting its expression is under developmental regulation. In addition, the expression of RYB-a mRNA was induced in the liver during regeneration and by stimulation of quiescent fibroblast cells with serum. Induction in the fibroblasts was inhibited by treating the cell with a specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor, genistein or by detachment of cell-adhesion. Since both treatments are known to inhibit G1 cells to enter S phase, RYB-a gene is thought to be a member of growth-inducible genes.  相似文献   

To understand the role of chromatin structure in the expression of the mouse protamine 1, protamine 2, and transition protein 2 genes during spermatogenesis, we have examined the genomic organization of this cluster of ``haploid-specific' genes. As seen in the human genome, protamine 2, transition protein 2, and approximately 2.8 kb of a CpG island, hereafter called CpG island-dTP2, were clustered in a small region. Methylation analyses of this region have demonstrated that i) unlike most other tissue-specific genes, the protamine 1, protamine 2, and transition protein 2 genes were located in a large methylated domain in round spermatids, the cell type where they are transcribed, ii) the protamine 1 gene was only partially methylated in somatic cells and in testes from 7-day-old mice, and iii) the approximately 2 kb upstream and downstream of the CpG island-dTP2 were only partially methylated in somatic tissues. DNase I analysis revealed the presence of at least five strong DNase I hypersensitive sites over the CpG island-dTP2 in somatic tissues, but not in germ cells, and sequence analysis indicated that the CpG island-dTP2 is homologous to a CpG island located approximately 10.6 kb downstream of the human transition protein 2 gene. Although the nature of a CpG island-dTP2 and the function of a CpG island-dTP2-containing somatic tissue-specific DNase I hypersensitive sites in close proximity to the germ cell-specific gene cluster are unclear, the ``open' chromatin structure of the CpG island-dTP2 may be responsible for the partial methylation pattern of the flanking sequences including the transition protein 2 gene in somatic tissues. Received: 6 September 1996 / Accepted: 14 January 1997  相似文献   

Spef1, a conserved novel testis protein found in mouse sperm flagella   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chan SW  Fowler KJ  Choo KH  Kalitsis P 《Gene》2005,353(2):189-199
We describe the cloning and characterisation of Spef1, a novel testis-specific gene. Spef1 has evolutionary orthologues in a wide range of species including mammals, other vertebrates, Drosophila, and protozoans with motile cilia or flagella. A second homologue of the gene, Spef2, is also present in several species, suggesting that these genes form part of a novel gene family. The Spef1 protein has two conserved domains, one of which is more strongly conserved in both homologues of the gene. Expression analysis of Spef1 in mice shows that it is expressed predominantly in adult testis, suggesting a role in spermatogenesis. Using an antibody generated to recombinant Spef1, we demonstrate a specific pattern of Spef1 localisation in the seminiferous epithelium of adult mouse testis. Further immunohistochemical analysis using electron microscopy shows Spef1 to be present in the tails of developing and epididymal sperm, internal to the fibrous sheath and around the outer dense fibres of the sperm flagellum.  相似文献   

Antibodies specific for the 80-amino acid hypothetical protein encoded by the in-frame, 3'-extension of a human ubiquitin gene were produced in rabbits by immunization with a 14-residue synthetic peptide. When used to probe HeLa cell extracts for the non-ubiquitin product of this natural fusion gene, the antipeptide sera detected a protein with an apparent molecular weight of 16,000 Da by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. An immunoreactive protein of identical mobility was detected in organisms ranging from Acanthamoeba to man, indicating that the extension protein, like ubiquitin, is highly conserved. The immunoreactive protein was isolated from calf thymus, and direct sequencing revealed the first 16 amino acids to be identical to those predicted from the extension portion of the human cDNA. Thus, ubiquitin was no longer present at the amino terminus. The purified bovine extension protein failed to react with a ubiquitin-specific antibody indicating the absence of isopeptide-linked ubiquitin as well. Moreover, by denaturing gel permeation chromatography the extension has a molecular weight of 10,000 Da, a value that corresponds more closely to the size of the extension alone (9,000 Da) than to the intact fusion protein (17,500 Da). The extension protein, which was found in both cytoplasmic and nuclear fractions of HeLa cells, persisted at high levels when protein synthesis was blocked with cycloheximide or puromycin. These results show that the 80-residue extension protein is the stable, processed product of the ubiquitin fusion gene.  相似文献   

The rth3 ( roothairless 3 ) mutant is specifically affected in root hair elongation. We report here the cloning of the rth3 gene via a PCR-based strategy (amplification of insertion mutagenized sites) and demonstrate that it encodes a COBRA-like protein that displays all the structural features of a glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor. Genes of the COBRA family are involved in various types of cell expansion and cell wall biosynthesis. The rth3 gene belongs to a monocot-specific clade of the COBRA gene family comprising two maize and two rice genes. While the rice ( Oryza sativa ) gene OsBC1L1 appears to be orthologous to rth3 based on sequence similarity (86% identity at the protein level) and maize/rice synteny, the maize ( Zea mays L.) rth3-like gene does not appear to be a functional homolog of rth3 based on their distinct expression profiles. Massively parallel signature sequencing analysis detected rth3 expression in all analyzed tissues, but at relatively low levels, with the most abundant expression in primary roots where the root hair phenotype is manifested. In situ hybridization experiments confine rth3 expression to root hair-forming epidermal cells and lateral root primordia. Remarkably, in replicated field trials involving near-isogenic lines, the rth3 mutant conferred significant losses in grain yield.  相似文献   

The leucine zipper-, EF-hand-containing transmembrane protein 1 (LETM1) has recently been cloned in an attempt to identify genes deleted in Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (WHS), a microdeletion syndrome characterized by severe growth and mental retardation, hypotonia, seizures, and typical facial dysmorphic features. LETM1 is deleted in almost all patients with the full phenotype and has recently been suggested as an excellent candidate gene for the seizures in WHS patients. We have shown that LETM1 is evolutionarily conserved throughout the eukaryotic kingdom and exhibits homology to MDM38, a putative yeast protein involved in mitochondrial morphology. Using LETM1-EGFP fusion constructs and an anti-rat LetM1 polyclonal antibody we have demonstrated that LETM1 is located in the mitochondria. The present study presents information about a possible function for LETM1 and suggests that at least some (neuromuscular) features of WHS may be caused by mitochondrial dysfunction.  相似文献   

Barley stripe mosaic virus contains seven genes, one of which specifies a 17-kD cysteine-rich protein, gamma b, that is known to affect virulence. To further characterize the role of gamma b in pathogenesis, we mutagenized sequences encoding amino acids within two clusters of cysteine and histidine residues in the cysteine-rich domain and a group of basic amino acids located between the clusters and determined the effects of these mutations on the symptom phenotype in barley. Three single amino acid substitutions in cluster 1 and two amino acid exchanges in the basic region caused bleached symptoms associated with pronounced elevations in accumulation of gamma b protein. In contrast, three single amino acid substitutions in cluster 2 and a mutation in the basic motif resulted in attenuated ("null") symptoms typical of those produced when the gamma b gene is deleted. Tissue infected with these "null" mutants accumulated slightly elevated amounts of the gamma b protein but significantly lower levels of coat protein and the putative movement protein beta b. Genetic complementation tests revealed that cluster 1 mutations are dominant over the wild-type gamma b gene, whereas those in cluster 2 are recessive. These results highlight the pivotal role of gamma b in pathogenesis and suggest that the two cysteine-rich clusters are functionally distinct and that they affect different aspects of disease development.  相似文献   

We describe the sequence and characterization of the Bacillus subtilis flhF gene. flhF encodes a basic polypeptide of 41 kDa that contains a putative GTP-binding motif. The sequence of FlhF reveals a structural relationship to two Escherichia coli proteins, Ffh and FtsY, as well as to other members of the SRP54 family, in a domain presumed to bind GTP. flhF is located in a large operon consisting of chemotaxis and flagellar genes. Cells deficient in flhF are nonmotile. Through the use of anti-flagellar antibodies we have established that flhF is a flagellar (fla) gene. Thus, flhF is a unique flagellar gene in that it encodes a GTP-binding protein with similarities to members of the SRP54 family of proteins. These data suggest that flagellar biosynthesis in B. subtilis requires GTP.  相似文献   

Mashimo J  Shibanuma M  Satoh H  Chida K  Nose K 《Gene》2000,249(1-2):99-103
The hic-5 gene encodes a focal adhesion protein that has striking similarity to paxillin. Genomic clones of the mouse hic-5 gene were isolated, and included 10 exons that covered the whole mouse mRNA sequence. Comparison of the sequence with those in the expressed sequence tag database suggested that the hic-5 gene contained an extra exon (named exon 1') located about 1kb upstream of exon 1, and mouse cells seemed to express two alternatively spliced forms of mRNA. All the exon-intron boundaries followed the GT/AG rule. Physical mapping and fluorescent in situ hybridization analysis indicated that the hic-5 gene is located on mouse chromosome 7, 60. 0cM from the centromere.  相似文献   

Nance J  Minniti AN  Sadler C  Ward S 《Genetics》1999,152(1):209-220
During spermiogenesis, Caenorhabditis elegans spermatids activate and mature into crawling spermatozoa without synthesizing new proteins. Mutations in the spe-12 gene block spermatid activation, rendering normally self-fertile hermaphrodites sterile. Mutant males, however, are fertile. Surprisingly, when mutant hermaphrodites mate with a male, their self-spermatids activate and form functional spermatozoa, presumably due to contact with male seminal fluid. Here we show that, in addition to its essential role in normal activation of hermaphrodite-derived spermatids, SPE-12 also plays a supplementary but nonessential role in mating-induced activation. We have identified the spe-12 gene, which encodes a novel protein containing a single transmembrane domain. spe-12 mRNA is expressed in the sperm-producing germ line and the protein localizes to the spermatid cell surface. We propose that SPE-12 functions downstream of both hermaphrodite- and male-derived activation signals in a spermatid signaling pathway that initiates spermiogenesis.  相似文献   

The anteroposterior and dorsoventral axes of the Drosophila embryo are established during oogenesis through the activities of Gurken (Grk), a Tgfalpha-like protein, and the Epidermal growth factor receptor (Egfr). spn-F mutant females produce ventralized eggs similar to the phenotype produced by mutations in the grk-Egfr pathway. We found that the ventralization of the eggshell in spn-F mutants is due to defects in the localization and translation of grk mRNA during mid-oogenesis. Analysis of the microtubule network revealed defects in the organization of the microtubules around the oocyte nucleus. In addition, spn-F mutants have defective bristles. We cloned spn-F and found that it encodes a novel coiled-coil protein that localizes to the minus end of microtubules in the oocyte, and this localization requires the microtubule network and a Dynein heavy chain gene. We also show that Spn-F interacts directly with the Dynein light chain Ddlc-1. Our results show that we have identified a novel protein that affects oocyte axis determination and the organization of microtubules during Drosophila oogenesis.  相似文献   

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