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High nodulating (HN) selections of the cultivars ICC 4948 and ICC 5003 had the highest nodule number and nodule dry mass followed by low nodulating (LN) selections of the same cultivar. Both non-nodulating (NN) selections of cv. ICC 4993 and ICC 4918 did not show any nodule. Using N-difference method the HN selection of cv. 1CC 4948 was able to meet 73 % of its demand of N through biological fixation of N2 [P(fix)], while 27 % of N demand was met by uptake from the soil, whereas its LN selection was able to meet only 54 % of its demand of N through biological fixation of N2. Similarly in cv. ICC 5003 HN and LN selections the P(fix) was 76 and 64 %, respectively. Fast chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence transient data analysis showed that performance index PI(abs) was 62.0 in cv. ICC 4948 HN selection and 44.5 in its respective LN selections. Corresponding values for cv. ICC 5003 were 32.4 and 28.4. In NN selections of ICC 4993 and ICC 4918 it was 12.6 and 30.7, respectively. Structure function index of the plants SFI(abs) and driving force for photosynthesis (DF) were highest in the HN selections followed by LN selections and lowest in the NN selections. The total uptake of N by chickpea plants was significantly and positively correlated with the density of reaction centres ABS/CS0, TR0/CS0, and DI0/CSM, whereas total N uptake by chickpea seeds was significantly positively correlated with N and TR0/CS0. The percentage of P(fix) was highly significantly positively correlated with N, the so-called turnover number which indicates how many times QA has been reduced in the time span from 0 to tFmax and TR0/CS0. Fast Chl a fluorescence measurement can be used as a model system to assess the N fixation ability in chickpea.  相似文献   

Two chickpea cultivars PBG-1 and PDG-3 along with a wild species Cicer judaicum were investigated to compare the activities of their antioxidant enzymes in mature seeds and roots, as well as shoots and cotyledons of seedlings germinated under dark and continuous illumination of 40 μmol m−2 s−1 photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). Seedling biomass of C. judaicum was lower as compared to cultivars of PBG-1 and PDG-3 both under dark and light conditions. Light reduced the biomass of seedlings. Activities of glutathione reductase (GR) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) were higher in shoots and roots of C. judaicum compared to the cultivars PBG-1 and PDG-3. In mature seeds, the activities of GR and APX were higher in the cultivated genotypes whereas catalase (CAT) and peroxidase were higher in C. judaicum. Under illumination, a general upregulation of CAT in both shoots and cotyledons and of GR in shoots was observed in all the three genotypes. However, superoxide dismutase (SOD) increased in C. judaicum and APX in PBG-1 and PDG-3. The differences in antioxidant enzyme system between wild and cultivated genotypes possibly contribute to better tolerance of wild Cicer species against abiotic and biotic stresses.  相似文献   

 Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) ranks third in the world, and first in the Mediterranean basin, for production among pulses. Despite its importance as a crop and considerable research effort, traditional breeding methods have so far been unable to produce cultivars with a large impact on chickpea production. Interspecific hybridization is known to improve yield in many crops. Therefore, an attempt was made to increase the seed yield in chickpea through the introgression of genes from wild relatives at the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), Syria, from 1987 to 1995. Four crosses, ILC 482 (C. arietinum)×ILWC 179 (C. echinospermum) and ILC 482×ILWC 124 (C. reticulatum) and their reciprocals, were made. Pedigree selection was used to advance the material. Heterosis was recorded visually in F1s, and single plant measurements for seed yield were recorded in F2 populations. Promising and uniform progenies were bulked in the F5 generation. Out of 96 F6 lines, 22 were selected on the basis of seed yield and other agronomic characters, and evaluated in a replicated trial for seed yield and 14 agronomical, morphological and quality characters. A high level of heterosis was observed in F1s. Several F2 plants produced two to three times more seed yield than the best plant from the cultigen. Nine F7 lines out-yielded the cultigen parent by up to 39%. Over 2 years, 12 lines had a higher yield than the cultigen parent. These lines were not only high yielding but also free of any known undesirable traits from the wild species, such as spreading growth habit, pod dehiscence, and non-uniform maturity. Quality traits, such as seed shape, type, colour, weight, and testa texture, protein content, cooking time and an organoleptic test of a Middle East dish, Homos Bi-Tehineh, were also similar to the cultigen parent. Both C. echinospermum and C. reticulatum contributed towards the increased yield. Received: 11 July 1996 / Accepted: 15 November 1996  相似文献   

Summary If in vitro culture is to be used for evaluating the salt tolerance of tomato hybrids and segregant populations in a breeding programme, it is previously necessary to get quick and reliable traits. In this work, growth and physiological responses to salinity of two interspecific hybrids between the cultivated tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) and its wild salt-tolerant species L pennellii are compared to those of their parents. The leaf callus of the first subculture was grown on media amended with 0, 35, 70, 105, 140, 175 and 210 mM NaCl for 40 days. Relative fresh weight growth of callus in response to increased salinity in the culture medium was much greater in L pennellii than in the tomato cultivars, and greater in the hybrids than in the wild species. Moreover, the different salt tolerance degree of hybrids was related to that of female parents. At high salt levels, only Cl accumulation was higher in L pennellii than in tomato cultivars, whereas in the hybrids both Cl, and Na+ accumulation were higher than in their parents. Proline increased with salinity in the callus of all genotypes; these increases were much higher in the tomato cultivars than in L pennellii, and the hybrids showed a similar response to that of the wild species. Salt-treated callus of the tomato cultivars showed significant increases in valine, isoleucine and leucine contents compared to control callus tissue. In contrast, these amino acids in callus tissues of the wild species and hybrids showed a tendency to decrease with increasing salinity.  相似文献   

Cyclitols were prepared from corresponding allylic hydroperoxides, synthesized by photooxygenation of the appropriate cyclic alkenes. These hydroperoxides were then separately treated with a catalytic amount of OsO4. Synthesized dl-cyclopentane-1,2,3-triol 9 (A), dl-cyclohexane-1,2,3-triol 12 (B), and dl-cycloheptane-1,2,3-triol 15 (C) were used in the investigation of plant stress. Antioxidants, lipid peroxidation, and water status of chickpea species exposed to synthetic cyclitols under water deficit were examined. Cyclitol derivatives significantly decreased leaf water potential, lipid peroxidation and H2O2 levels of wild and cultivated species under water deficit. Cyclitol treatments affected antioxidant enzyme activities differently in both species under water deficit. The highest SOD activity was found in A10-treated Cicer arietinum (cultivar) and C10-treated Cicer reticulatum (wild type) under water deficit. CAT activity increased in C. arietinum exposed to A cyclitols, while it increased slightly and then decreased in cyclitol-treated C. reticulatum under stress conditions. AP and GR activities were significantly increased in C. arietinum under water deficit. AP activity increased in C derivatives-treated C. arietinum, while it remained unchanged in C. reticulatum on day 1 of water deficit. GR activity was increased in A derivaties-treated C. arietinum and C derivatives-treated C. reticulatum on day 1 of water deficit and decreased with severity of stress (except for B10-treated C. arietinum). The level of AsA in C treatments and GSH in A treatments increased in C. arietinum on day 1 of water deficit, while in C. reticulatum, AsA and GSH levels decreased under stress conditions. We conclude that exogenous synthetic cyclitol derivatives are biologically active and noncytotoxic, resulting in higher antioxidant activities and lower water potential, thus increasing the water deficit tolerance of chickpea under water deficit, especially of cultivated chickpea. We also propose that synthetic cyclitol derivatives can reduce reactive oxygen species and membrane damage and are beneficial for stress adaptation.  相似文献   

Microalgae are ideal phototrophs for many commercial products. Our previous research has leveraged biodiversity concepts to evaluate the effects of competition on dynamics and coexistence of different microalgal species. The originality of the review lies in the envisioning of these state‐of‐the‐art techniques to study a novel issue of how algal species modulate the whole‐cell metabolism and gene expression to yield biomass beyond current limits. Competition is crucial in driving the activity, structure and composition of algal communities which are of central importance to aquatic environment productivity. However, fundamental gaps remain in understanding how algal species compete for light and nitrogen by regulating whole‐cell metabolisms. Moreover, it is unclear how this competitive potential is modulated in algal populations to achieve high biomass production. Despite the principles and applications of competition having been tested theoretically and empirically in many studies, there is still considerable debate and paradoxical observations regarding the key mechanisms that underlie competition for limited nutrients. One reason for the uncertainty is the difficulty in making direct comparisons between species with differing functional traits. Moreover, the lack of available reference genomes for many algal species presents a further hindrance in understanding competitive trait dynamics. The review seeks to improve our understanding of these fundamental problems, which have direct implications in aiding the production of renewable fuels and chemicals via photosynthetic biology. The review also envisions a whole set of omics analysis in the future that would shed light on the poorly defined functions of competition in microalgae.  相似文献   

Application of phosphorus at 40, 60, 80 and 100 kg P2O5 ha–1 in the presence of a uniform dressing of nitrogen (N) and potash (K2O) each applied at 20 and 24 kg ha–1 to chickpea (CM-88) grown in sandy loam soil in a replicated field experiment improved the nodulation response of the crop, increased its grain yield (ka ha–1) by 18, 59, 40 and 14 percent, biomass yield (ka ha–1) by 32, 32, 54 and 14 percent, biomass N (kg ha–1) by 31, 48, 49, 19 percent, and biomass P (kg ha–1) by 26, 40, 41 and 11 percent, respectively. The effect of phosphorus on the nitrogenase activity of the excised roots of chickpea was, however, inconsistent.  相似文献   

In recent years, as a consequence of climatic changes, the leafminer Liriomyza cicerina had emerged as a serious pest in chickpea crops causing considerable damage in Tunisia. Thus, the search of control methods is necessary. The aim of this research was to monitor and identify the naturally occurring parasitoids of the chickpea leafminer Liriomyza cicerina in insecticide-free chickpea-growing areas located in North-Western Tunisia. Chickpea leaves with mines were weekly sampled from Beja and Kef sites during 2016 and 2017 and kept to observe and count emerging leafminer and parasitoid adults in the laboratory. Results revealed that L. cicerina parasitoids complex species included three hymenopteran parasitoids namely Opius monilicornis (Fisher, 1962) (Braconidae); Diglyphus isaea (Walker, 1838) (Eulophidae) and Diaulinopsis arenaria (Erdös, 1951) (Eulophidae). These parasitoids were identified and recorded for the first time in Tunisia on L. cicerina with parasitism rate varied between 13% and 52.5%. The most common species was O. monilicornis. The correlation between infestation rate on chickpea plants and number of emerged three parasitoids was calculated revealing high significant and positive correlations. The diversity index (H′) was also calculated. The three parasitoids were found in two sites Beja and Kef; while the diversity differed during the developmental stage of chickpea crops.  相似文献   

Summary Triploid hybrids of Lolium multiflorum (4x) x L. perenne (2x) behaved cytologically as autotriploids but the segregation of isozyme variants did not always agree with the expected trisomic ratios. The overall effect of these deviations from expectation was a greater proportion than expected of diploid progeny from the cross L. multiflorum (2x) x triploid hybrid which did not include any of the L. perenne alleles at the three marker isozyme loci. The possible mechanisms for these aberrant segregation ratios are discussed together with the advantages of the crossing scheme to accelerate the recovery of the genotype of the recurrent parent in a backcrossing programme to transfer characters from one species to another.  相似文献   

Distribution of rhizobial species is affected by geographical isolation and selected by leguminous hosts, however, little is known about the molecular evolution of rhizobia nodulating the same legume in different eco-environments. In present study, the microevolution of Bradyrhizobium associated with the leguminous grass Kummerowia grown in exurban areas and cultivated in urban areas in China was investigated. Total 14 genospecies, including seven new groups, were identified based on a concatenated sequence analysis of taxonomic markers (SMc00019, truA and thrA) for 94 representative strains. Results demonstrated that lower levels of nucleotide diversity were found in the strains isolated from urban areas compared with those isolated from exurban areas, based on the evolutional analyses of three housekeeping genes (atpD, glnII and recA), two symbiosis-related genes (nodC and nifH), and the taxonomic markers. Moreover, compared with urban areas, gene exchange and recombination occurred more frequently among the genospecies isolated from exurban areas, regardless of the geographical distribution. Finally, the evolutionary lineage of Bradyrhizobium strains isolated from urban areas was independent of that of the strains isolated from exurban areas. In summary, the evolutionary history of Kummerowia bradyrhizobia may have been gradually segregated to different evolutionary lineages, irrespective of distinct biogeography.  相似文献   

Abstract Symbiotic experiments in the glasshouse demonstrated that two species of sulla, Hedysarum coronarium and Hedysarum flexuosum , grown in Morocco were mutually incompatible in their requirements for effectively nitrogen-fixing strains of rhizobia: nitrogen-fixing Rhizobium strains isolated from H. coronarium nodulated H. flexuosum but did not fix nitrogen, conversely strains from H. flexuosum were ineffective for H. coronarium . The agronic implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The geographical origin of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) remains debated. While a first hypothesis suggests the center of origin to be West Africa, where the endemic sister species C. mucosospermus thrives, a second hypothesis suggests northeastern Africa where the white‐fleshed Sudanese Kordophan melon is cultivated. In this study, we infer biogeographical and haplotype genealogy for C. lanatus, C. mucosospermus, C. amarus, and C. colocynthis using noncoding cpDNA sequences (trnT‐trnL and ndhF‐rpl32 regions) from a global collection of 135 accessions. In total, we identified 38 haplotypes in C. lanatus, C. mucosospermus, C. amarus, and C. colocynthis; of these, 21 were found in Africa and 17 appear endemic to the continent. The least diverse species was C. mucosospermus (5 haplotypes) and the most diverse was C. colocynthis (16 haplotypes). Some haplotypes of C. mucosospermus were nearly exclusive to West Africa, and C. lanatus and C. mucosospermus shared haplotypes that were distinct from those of both C. amarus and C. colocynthis. The results support previous findings that revealed C. mucosospermus to be the closest relative to C. lanatus (including subsp. cordophanus). West Africa, as a center of endemism of C. mucosospermus, is an area of interest in the search of the origin of C. lanatus. This calls for further historical and phylogeographical investigations and wider collection of samples in West and northeastern Africa.  相似文献   

内生固氮菌对甘蔗伸长期光合生理特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用联合生物固氮是有效降低甘蔗生产成本的途径之一.在温室无氮栽培条件下,将内生固氮菌株A01分别接种到6个不同基因型甘蔗(GT24、GT9、YC84/153、GT18、CP65/357和F172)中,在甘蔗伸长期测定+1叶片的叶绿素含量(叶绿素a、叶绿素b)、光合作用参数净光合速率(Pn)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)、气孔...  相似文献   

Three isolates of Frankia from nodules of Casuarina sens, strict. (JCT287. JCT295 and 20607) were compared in their abilities to nodulate and fix N, when associated with four species of Casuarina ( C. cunninghamiana Miq., C. equisetifolia Forst., C obesa Miq. and C. glauca Sieb. ex Spreng) growing in a N-deficient soil.
All three Frankia isolates nodulated each of the four species of Casuarina . At 27 weeks after inoculation, growth (dry weight) of inoculated plants was 3.6 to 5.0 times greater than that of uninoculated plants. There were no significant differences in plant dry weight, the N concentration of shoots or roots, or the amount of N, fixed per plant among the Frankia isolates for each of the species of Casuarina studied. The infectivity and effectiveness in N, fixation of Frankia strain JCT287 with C. cunninghamiana was similar when two different defined media were used for culture of the inoculum.  相似文献   

Nitrogen is often a limiting factor to net primary productivity (NPP) and other processes in terrestrial ecosystems. In most temperate freshwater ecosystems, when nitrogen becomes limiting to NPP, populations of N-fixing cyanobacteria experience a competitive advantage, and begin to grow and fix nitrogen until the next most limiting resource is encountered; typically phosphorus or light. Why is it that N-fixing plants do not generally function to overcome N limitation in terrestrial ecosystems in the same way that cyanobacteria function in aquatic ecosystems? To address this question in a particular ecosystem, one must first know whether the flora includes a potential set of nitrogen fixers. I suggest that the presence or absence of N-fixing plant symbioses is foremost an evolutionary consideration, determined to a large extent by constraints on the geographical radiation of woody members of the family Fabaceae. Ecological factors such as competition, nutrient deficiencies, grazing and fire are useful to explain the success of N-fixing plants only when considered against the geographical distribution of potential N-fixers.  相似文献   

Production of grain legumes is severely reduced in salt-affected soils because their ability to form and maintain nitrogen-fixing nodules is impaired by both salinity and sodicity (alkalinity). Genotypes of chickpea, Cicer arietinum, with high nodulation capacity under stress were identified by field screening in a sodic soil in India and subsequently evaluated quantitatively for nitrogen fixation in a glasshouse study in a saline but neutral soil in the UK. In the field, pH 8.9 was the critical upper limit for most genotypes studied but genotypes with high nodulation outperformed all others at pH 9.0-9.2. The threshold limit of soil salinity for shoot growth was at ECe 3 dS m(-1), except for the high-nodulation selection for which it was ECe 6. Nodulation was reduced in all genotypes at salinities above 3 dS m(-1) but to a lesser extent in the high-nodulation selection, which proved inherently superior under both non-saline and stress conditions. Nitrogen fixation was also much more tolerant of salinity in this selection than in the other genotypes studied. The results show that chickpea genotypes tolerant of salt-affected soil have better nodulation and support higher rates of symbiotic nitrogen fixation than sensitive genotypes.  相似文献   

食用菌栽培种类野生种质的评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国是食用菌野生种质资源丰富的国家,目前已查明自然分布可栽培野生种类93种,分布于担子菌的33个属。我国人工栽培种类近70种(变种),不同规模栽培有50种,商业规模栽培33种,分布于5目,12科,18属。与绿色植物的自养型光合作用合成有机物质相反,食用菌将植物光合作用合成的有机物分解,以体壁吸收方式摄取营养建造自身。这种生理特点的不同,导致其种质资源评价要求的不同。由于子实体形态相对于绿色植物简单,且易受环境条件的影响,常常导致以形态特征为主要依据进行分类鉴定陷入困境。另一方面,形态相似的多个可栽培近缘种在侧耳(Pleurotus)、木耳(Auricularia)、蜜环菌(Armillaria)等中广泛存在,完全靠形态特征进行分类鉴定就更加困难。因此,在食用菌可栽培种类野生种质评价中,ITS测序等成为获得菌种生物学种的常用鉴定技术。菌种的分离培养中常受到菌落形态相似真菌的污染,RAPD、ISSR或ITS测序等常用来进行菌种符合性鉴定。食用菌孢子传播的特点,使其分布地理区域广泛,地理区域的隔离产生种内的个体或群体间的差异,形成种群的多样性,常用拮抗反应进行营养亲和群(个体、菌株)的鉴定。不同区域气候和生态条件下的个体,长期的进化和对环境条件适应性的形成,导致可栽培利用的特点不同。栽培性状要通过栽培试验进行评价。栽培性状主要包括菌丝长速、温度反应、结实性、丰产性、抗性、商品形态和耐贮运性等。为了充分利用远缘优势,对于具可利用栽培性状的种质还需要与栽培菌株间的遗传距离分析,通常用生物化学和分子生物学方法进行。  相似文献   

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