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Stemphylium leaf blight caused by Stemphylium vesicarium and onion thrips (Thrips tabaci) are two common causes of leaf damage in onion production. Onion thrips is known to interact synergistically with pathogens to exacerbate plant disease. However, the potential relationship between onion thrips and Stemphylium leaf blight is unknown. In a series of controlled laboratory and field trials, the relationship between thrips feeding and movement on the development and severity of Stemphylium leaf blight were examined. In laboratory assays, onions (“Avalon” and “Ailsa Craig”) with varying levels of thrips feeding damage were inoculated with S. vesicarium. Pathogen colonisation and leaf dieback were measured after 2 weeks. In pathogen transfer assays, thrips were exposed to S. vesicarium conidia, transferred to onion and leaf disease development was monitored. In field trials, insecticide use was examined as a potential indirect means to reduce Stemphylium leaf blight disease and pathogen colonisation by reducing thrips damage. Results from laboratory trials revealed that a reduction in thrips feeding decreased S. vesicarium colonisation of onion leaves by 2.3–2.9 times, and decreased leaf dieback by 40–50%. Additionally, onion thrips were capable of transferring S. vesicarium conidia to onion plants (albeit at a low frequency of 2–14% of plants inoculated). In field trials, the symptoms and colonisation of Stemphylium leaf blight were reduced by 27 and 17%, respectively with the use of insecticide to control thrips. These results suggest that onion thrips may play a significant role in the development of Stemphylium leaf blight, and thrips control may reduce disease in commercial onion fields.  相似文献   

During 2011–2012, an extensive leaf spot disease caused by Stemphylium lycopersici was observed on vegetable crops including, tomato, eggplant, pepper and lettuce in major vegetable-growing regions of Malaysia. Four isolates of S. lycopersici obtained from each vegetable crop were used to determine cultural and physiological characteristics. The variations were found in colony colour (pale to light grey or light as well as the brown), texture (cottony or mycelium flat), shape (regular with concentric growth rings or irregular) and pigmentation (yellow or deep red) of the cultures. The optimum temperature for the conidial germination and mean radial growth of the isolates was 25?°C, and the radial growth of the isolates was maximal on V-8 juice agar followed by potato carrot agar. The maximum sporulation of S. lycopersici isolates was observed on V-8 juice agar media under 12/12 h light/darkness photoperiod at 25?°C.  相似文献   

The present investigation aimed to isolate the causative agents of onion purple blotch and Stemphylium blight diseases and evaluate the efficacy of certain plant extracts against the two identified pathogens, in vitro and under greenhouse condition. Fourteen isolates of S. vesicarium and two isolates of Alternaria porri were tested for pathogenicity. The results indicated that all isolates were able to produce the symptoms of Stemphylium blight and onion purple blotch diseases with different degrees of severity ranging from 10.42 to 81.25%. A. porri No. 6022 caused the highest disease severity (81.25%), while S. vesicarium No. 6003 was the best one out of the tested 14 isolates (37.5%). Antifungal activity of some aqueous plant extracts (Azadirachta indica, Cydonia oblonga, Datura stramonium, Eucalyptus globulus, Foeniculum vulgare, Ocimum basilicum, Rosmarinus officinalis and Salix mucronata) was assayed in vitro by dry weight technique. The data indicated that there were significant differences between these extracts in their effect on fungal growth of A. porri and S. vesicarium and the best were A. indica and D. stramonium. Under greenhouse conditions, application of the aqueous extract of A. indica either before or after 48?h A. porri inoculation produced the highest reduction in disease severity comprising 70 and 74.7%, respectively. On the other hand, the highest percentage of disease reduction before and after 48?h S. vesicarium inoculation was produced by Ridomil gold plus reached to 84.4 and 95.8% respectively, followed by the aqueous extract of A. indica (74.1 and 89.7, respectively). According to our results, it can be concluded that plant extracts of A. indica and D. stramonium can be used for the biocontrol of purple blotch and Stemphylium blight diseases instead of fungicides to minimise the risks and hazards of using toxic fungicides.  相似文献   


Three antagonists: Pseudomonas fluorescens (Pf1), Bacillus subtilis and Trichoderma viride, were tested alone and in combination for suppression of onion leaf blight (Alternaria palandui) disease under glasshouse and field conditions. The average mean of disease reduction was 24.81% for single strains and 42.44% for mixtures. In addition to disease suppression, treatment with a mixture of antagonists promoted plant growth in terms of increased plant height and ultimately bulb yield. Though seed treatment of either single strain or strain mixtures alone could reduce the disease, subsequent application to root, leaves or soil further reduced the disease and enhanced the plant growth. The mixture consisting of Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf1 plus Bacillus subtilis plus Trichoderma viride was the most effective in reducing the disease and in promoting plant growth and bulb yield in greenhouse and field tests.  相似文献   

Summary Studies on the genetics of leaf blight caused byAlternaria triticina using generation mean analysis revealed that additive components played a major role, but that dominance components also contributed significantly in controlling the variability for leaf blight resistance in wheat crosses. Furthermore, the additive x additive type of epistasis was predominant in the first three crosses, whereas in the fourth cross additive x dominance (j) and dominance x dominance (1) components of epistasis were most significant. Because of this it may be desirable to follow a simple recurrent selection scheme for higher tolerance, to isolate resistant plants from the segregating populations derived from crosses of parents of diverse origin following the pedigree method of breeding. CPAN-1887 was very tolerant to leaf blight in the present study and should be utilized in hybridization programs to develop leaf-blight-resistant varieties.  相似文献   

Gibberellin stabilizes microtubules in onion leaf sheath cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
T. Mita  H. Shibaoka 《Protoplasma》1984,119(1-2):100-109
Summary Colchicine and cremart (O-ethyl O-(3-methyl-6-nitrophenyl) N-sec-butylphosphorothioamidate) disrupt microtubules in leaf sheath cells of onion plants (Allium cepa L. cv. Senshu-Chuko) and cause cell swelling to make the basal parts of the plants bulbous. Gibberellin A3(GA3) protects microtubules from disruption by colchicine and cremart and suppresses the swelling caused by them. GA3 also protects microtubules from disruption by low temperature.  相似文献   

麻风树叶枯病菌的鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者于2009年在贵州麻风树栽培基地栽培的麻风树上发现一种叶部新病害,定名为麻风树叶枯病。该病主要危害植株叶片,叶片受害后初期产生椭圆形或不规则病斑,后期病斑连成片,常引起叶片过早脱落。从贵州罗甸麻风树栽培基地采集了16个叶枯病标样,经分离培养获得13个真菌分离物。通过致病性测定,证明菌株PE06为麻风树叶枯病的病原菌。通过形态学观察及其rDNA-ITS序列分析,将贵州麻风树叶枯病的病原菌鉴定为小孢拟盘多毛孢菌Pestalotiopsis microspora,这也是首次在麻风树叶片上发现由该病菌引起的病害。  相似文献   

一种新发生的油桐叶枯病病原真菌   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报道了中国广西田林县油桐主产区一种新的叶片真菌病害,定名为油桐叶枯病。该病主要为害叶片,病菌侵染后叶片呈现灰褐色病斑,后期扩至整个叶片,引起过早脱落,影响油桐产量。从采集的带病标本中分离到16个纯培养物,隶属5个分类单元。依据柯赫法则和致病性测定,证明只有菌株VT-04为油桐叶枯病的病原物。在病斑组织中观察不到有性或无性繁殖结构,而该病原菌在诱导培养(含无菌松针的水琼脂+近紫外照射)条件下可产生子实体。比较培养性状、产孢结构特征并结合分析核糖体rDNA基因转录间隔区(ITS)和RNA聚合酶次大亚基基因(RPB2)序列和系统发育关系,将该病原菌鉴定为葡萄座腔菌科Botryosphaeriaceae中的一种无性型菌物,即小新壳梭孢Neofusicoccum parvum。这是首次在油桐叶片上发现由该病菌引起的病害。  相似文献   

The Pseudomonas fluorescens isolate Pfl was found to inhibit the growth of pathogen Alternaria palandui, in vitro. In the present study, foliar application of a talc-based formulation of Pfl significantly reduced the incidence of leaf blight of onion, caused by A. palandui. Induction of defense-related proteins viz., chitinase, beta-1,3 glucanase, peroxidase (PO) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) by application of Pfl, was studied against A. palandui infection in resistant (IHR 56) and susceptible (MDUI) onion cultivars. Chitinase in both cultivars, with or without challenge-inoculation of A. palandui revealed changes in the isoform pattern. The Native-PAGE of PO showed induction of PO2 isoform in both the cultivars, in response to inoculation of pathogen. Isoform analysis of PPO also exhibited induction in the Pfl-treated plants challenged with pathogen. Similarly, the activity of beta-1,3-glucanase was greatly induced in Pfl-treated plants, challenged with pathogen as compared to controls. Thus, the P. fluorescens-treated plants showed significant increase in the levels of the defense enzymes, in comparison to the plants challenged with the pathogen.  相似文献   

Calonectria (= Cylindrocladium), an internationally recognised fungal ascomycete genus, causes significant diseases on numerous crops of forestry, horticultural and agricultural interest. Eucalyptus, an economically important multipurpose plantation forestry species, is severely threatened by Calonectria leaf blight (CLB) disease in Brazil, Australia, China, Indonesia, Vietnam and India. The disease causes serious mortality in the nurseries/plantations and yield losses due to defoliation. Since the first report of Calonectria in 1867, efforts have been made for the identification and characterisation of this vastly diverse hypocrealean genus. Currently, the genus Calonectria harbours 131 species grouped within 11 species complexes, and broadly categorised into the Prolate and Sphaero-Naviculate groups. Globally, 35 Calonectria species distributed in seven species complexes cause CLB of Eucalyptus, out of which 29 belong to the Prolate group and five to the Sphaero-Naviculate group. Likewise, 28 Calonectria species distributed in eight species complexes have been reported in association with infected Eucalyptus tissues and plantation soil, however, their pathogenicity remains to be determined. Given the importance of CLB of Eucalyptus, this review compiles its global impact, shifts in taxonomy and nomenclature of Calonectria, pathogenesis mechanism, defence response of Eucalyptus upon infection and disease management. This study identifies and provides direction to crucial areas of future research on CLB which is severely impacting Eucalyptus plantations globally.  相似文献   

Angiosperms do not synthesize chlorophyll in the dark. Here we show that leaf primordia in onion bulbs are green, though they developing in dark conditions. We present results that show plastids in green primordia are chloroplasts, and that they contain chlorophyll as well as embryos in seeds of certain angiosperms.  相似文献   

银杏叶枯病的田间药剂防治试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用 4种药剂和 2种药剂组合防治银杏叶枯病的田间试验。示范结果表明 :扑海因 +甲基托布津 ,敌力脱防效最好 ;与其它的参试药剂相比 ,其防效有显著差异。从始病期 (4月中下旬 )开始 ,每隔 1 5 d左右 ,用 2 5 %敌力脱 2 0 0 0倍液 ,5 0 %扑海因 1 0 0 0倍液 + 70 %甲基托布津 1 0 0 0倍液 (按 1∶ 1的体积比混合 )交替喷药 1次 ,特别是在 6月 1 0日和 7月 30日左右的发病高峰前必须重点施药 ,防治效果就可达到 85 %以上 ,有效控制叶枯病的发生。研究结果还表明 ,喷药的时间不同 ,防治效果不同 ;用药时能加强病害综合防治的其它措施 ,防治效果也会有显著的提高。  相似文献   

Perfect states of Stemphylium   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
E G Simmons 《Mycologia》1969,60(1):1-26

2013年在内蒙古赤峰市喀喇沁旗发现桔梗匍柄霉叶斑病,该病害在2014-2017年均再次发生。采用单孢分离法在病叶上得到病原菌,于PCA培养基上培养后,在光学显微镜下观察记录病原菌形态学特征。同时将病原菌的rDNA ITS、gpd和EF-1α的PCR产物测序后做BLAST分析。结果表明该菌与桔梗匍柄霉Stemphylium platycodontis基本一致。这是国内桔梗匍柄霉叶斑病的首次详细报道。  相似文献   

Trichoderma atroviride SG3403 showed high biocontrol activity against southern corn leaf blight (SCLB; pathogen: Cochliobolus heterostrophus). T. atroviride SG3403 could cause death of C. heterostrophus race O hypha on plates. Spraying T. atroviride SG3403 conidia suspension over maize seedling leaves protected the corn from SCLB infection. Biocontrol effect lasted for 30 days in the field. Trichoderma strain was able to induce resistance response in corn leaves against pathogen infection. In corn leaves treated with T. atroviride SG3403, the enzyme activities of phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) reached the highest at 24 h, enzyme activity of catalase (CAT) reached the highest at 36 h after inoculation of pathogen C. heterostrophus race O. RNA expression levels of Pal, Sod and Cat (which synthesis enzyme PAL, SOD and CAT) were also upregulated and corresponded to the enzyme activity at the same time point. Enzyme activities and corresponding genes expression induced by Trichoderma SG3403 was more obvious than that induced by pathogen only, which implies that T. atroviride SG3403 induced corn defense gene expression against pathogen infection. Thus, induced resistance mechanism was possibly involved in the biocontrol of SCLB by T. atroviride SG3403.  相似文献   

Summary The symptoms of leaf blight of bajra (Pennisetum typhoides Stapf.) from India, its cause which has been identified asCurvularia penniseti (Mitra)Boedijn var.poonensis n. var. together with the morphology and host range of the fungus etc. have been given.Part of the work submitted by ShriP. L. Patil for M. Sc. (Agric.), University of Poona, under the guidance of Dr.N. B. Kulkarni.The authors express their sincere thanks to Prof.M. Sulaiman for providing necessary facilities for this work.  相似文献   

Trapping of ascospores and conidia of Microcyclus ulei among young trees of Hevea brasiliensis in Trinidad from May 1973 to May 1975 snowed that ascospores occurred throughout the year whilst conidia were present only during the wet season. Peak ascospore concentrations occurred in August and November during the wet season, the latter peak being more marked and the former coinciding with the period of maximum conidium liberation. In dry weather the number of ascospores increased during the night to a maximum at 06.00 h, and decreased to a low level during the day. On rainy days heavy ascospore discharge also occurred during the day. Ascospore concentration decreased significantly after dawn on sunny days whilst on overcast days the concentration remained high most of the day. Conidium production was highest around 10.00 h and decreased towards the evening to a low level during the night, reaching a minimum at 07.00 h.  相似文献   

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