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From leaves and root bark of Pandaca ochrascens ten alkaloids were isolated: apparicine, akuammicine, dehydro-19,20 condylocarpine, akuammidine, epi-16 dehydro-14,15 vincamine, ibogaine, iboluteine, ibogaline and also two new alkaloids, epi-19 ibogaine or (19R) 19-hydroxyibogaine and epi-19 iboxygaline or (19R) 19-hydroxyibogaline. The absolute configuration at C19 of these new alkaloids and other alkaloids hydroxylated on 19 of the Iboga type is discussed.  相似文献   

Résumé Les auteurs ont étudié la biréfringence du mucus du côlon chez le rat, le cobaye et le lapin, au moyen des colorations métachromatiques au bleu de toluidine et aux acridines. Ils démontrent une biréfringence positive du mucus extracellulaire. Les granulations des mastocytes, dans le même matériel, sont anisotropes. L'anisotropie du mucus et des granulations des mastocytes est présente après fixation-coloration simultanée au bleu Alcian et au vert Alcian. La biréfringence du mucus extracellulaire reste également positive avec les phtalocyanines. En microscopie électronique, les auteurs démontrent, à l'aide du bleu Alcian, une structure filamenteuse parallèle du mucus s'échappant de la cellule. Un aspect hétérogène des granulations des mastocytes est aussi mis en évidence par cette méthode. Ils discutent l'aspect de la réaction métachromatique en fonction de l'anisotropie d'une structure.
Ultrastructure of mucus in goblet cells and of granules of mastocytes in colonAnisotropy, metachromasia and electron microscopy
Summary The authors have investigated the birefringence of the colic mucus in the guinea pig, the rat and the rabbit before and after of metachromatical staining with toluidine blue and with acridines. They demonstrate a positive birefringence of the extracellular mucus. The granulations of the mast cells in the same animals are anisotropic. The anisotropy can be seen in the mucus and in the granulations of the mast cells after a combined fixation and staining with a mixture of glutaraldehyde and Alcian blue or Alcian green. The birefringence of the extracellular mucus also remains positive with these phtalocyanin dyes. Using the electron microscope, the authors demonstrate, by means of Alcian blue, a filamentous structure with a parallel orientation in the mucus while it flows out of the cells. The same method allows the vizualisation of a heterogenous aspect in the granulations of the mast cells. They discuss the theoretical aspects of the metachromatical reaction in relation with the anisotropy of a structure.

Nous remercions vivement le Prof. G. Romhányi de l'Université de Pecs (Hongrie) d'avoir bien voulu examiner nos préparations et de nous avoir conseillé dans l'élaboration de ce travail.Nous remercions sincèrement le Dr. J. E. Scott du Canadian Red Cross Memorial Hospital, Taplow, Maidenhead, Berks (Angleterre) d'avoir examiné nos courbes spectrophotométriques du bleu Alcian-héparine et de nous avoir donné son avis.Ce travail a été partiellement réalisé grâce au crédit no 3. 141. 69 du Fonds National Suisse pour le Développement de la Recherche Scientifique.  相似文献   

Trois nouveaux ravageurs invasifs ont été observés au cours de cette dernière décennie dans les peuplements d’eucalyptus de la région du Gharb au Maroc. Un premier gallicole, Leptocybe invasa Fisher & La Salle 2004 (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), a été repéré dès 2002, tandis que son parasitoïde Megastigmus sp. (Chalcidoidea: Torymidae) a été identifié en 2009. Les deux autres ravageurs, Ctenarytaina eucalypti (Maskell 1890) et Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore 1964 (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), ont été découverts respectivement en 2008 et 2009. Quelques paramètres bio-écologiques relatifs au développement de L. invasa ont été mesurés au laboratoire et sur le terrain, tandis que le taux d’infestation de jeunes eucalyptus a été suivi pendant trois années successives. Les stratégies de lutte envisagées contre ces nouveaux ravageurs sont discutées.  相似文献   

Résumé Dans le cadre d’une recherche écologique sur les Aphides du Pêcher soutenue par le Comité Lutte Biologique de la DGRST, en vue d’explorer les modalités d’application à cette culture du concept de la Lutte intégrée, une première étude a présenté l’analyse de la dynamique des populations des pucerons les plus nuisibles et montré l’importance de certains ennemis naturels (Leclant & Remaudière, 1970). L’objet du présent article est de dégager les principaux éléments du complexe biologique intervenant dans la régulation des populations et de préciser les rapports existant entre quelques-uns d’entre eux. Les recherches ont été accomplies de 1968 à 1970 dans plusieurs vergers vergers de Pêcher de la région de Valence (Dr?me) et plus particulièrement au domaine de Gotheron (Saint-Marcel-lès-Valence).
Summary Samples consisting of about 20 infested twigs of 6 to 8 leaves have been collected periodically and kept alive during a period of 10 days. At this time, most of the predators have achieved their growth and the parasites have mummified their hosts; then they are isolated until hatching. Syrphids play a predominant role in the regulation of the aphid population.Epistrophe balteata andSyrphus vitripennis are the most frequent of the six species obtained. 35% of the Syrphids is destroyed by parasites; however their action at the highth of the orchards is not affected because their number appears to depend on the immigrants. Spiders have a significative impact at the end of the winter when fundatrix larvae hatch. Coccinellids (Col.), Chamaemyiids (Dipt.) and other predators and parasites are not very important factors of regulation. Aphids parasitized by fungi (Entomophthora aphidis andplanchoniana) are found more or less frequently according to the climatic conditions of the year. An epizootic situation occurred in June 1968 which determined a quicker decline of the populations ofMyzus persicae. Cultural practices affect the relative importance of the various natural enemies: in orchards with high weeds the action of Coccinellids may be preponderant.

Communication présentée à la 2e réunion du groupe de travail PBI ?Biological Control of Aphids?, Paris, 16–18 septembre 1970.  相似文献   

Germ cell tumours of the testis represent a model of curable disease, even in advanced stages. Cisplatinbased combination chemotherapy followed by surgical removal of residual metastatic disease has dramatically improved the prognosis of these patients, as about 90% of them are currently cured. The standard cytotoxic drugs used in first-line treatment are bleomycin, etoposide and cisplatin (the so-called BEP regimen). Treatment strategy is based on assessment of risk factors. Three cycles are generally used in patients with advanced pure seminoma or good-risk metastatic non-seminomatous tumours. Four cycles are required in patients with intermediate-or poor-risk metastatic non-seminomatous tumours, while two cycles of BEP constitute a safe and effective treatment option in early-stage tumours but with a high-risk of metastatic spread defined by a high percentage of embryonal carcinoma and/or the presence of vascular invasion. Cure rates as high as 90% are achieved provided risk factor strategies are accurately applied and standard treatment modalities are respected. All protocol violations can decrease the expected efficacy or induce unnecessary toxicity.  相似文献   

Résumé L'ultrastructure des cellules de Leydig et des cellules de Sertoli du testicule du Canard Pékin a été étudiée au cours de la phase printanière du cycle sexuel, soit de janvier à juillet. Parallèlement on a effectué chez les mêemes animaux la recherche histochimique de la 5-3 -hydroxystéroïdedeshydrogénase (5-3 -HSDH) ainsi que le dosage, par chromatographie en phase gazeuse des stéroïdes androgènes dans le plasma veineux périphérique et dans le testicule.Les cellules de Leydig du Canard possèdent les organites cytoplasmiques spécifiques des cellules stéroïdogènes (reticulum lisse, mitochondries à crêtes tubulaires) ainsi que d'autres structures souvent rencontrées dans ce type cellulaire (microfilaments, vacuoles, granules denses). Les cellules de Sertoli contiennent un reticulum agranulaire moins développé que celui des cellules de Leydig et, très rarement, des mitochondries à crêtes tubulaires. Ces divers organites cytoplasmiques subissent un cycle saisonnier. La différenciation du reticulum lisse et des crêtes mitochondriales tubulaires commence en janvier et atteint son optimum en mars. Leur régression s'amorce en avril; d'abord accompagnée de structures dégénératives transitoires; elle conduit à la dispartion totale de ces organites en mait. Aucun indice de nécrose n'est observé dans ces cellules. Histochimiquement, une activité 5-3 -HSDH est présente dans les cellules de Leydig et, à un degré moindre, dans les tubes séminifères. Son intensité varie au cours du cycle.La confrontation de l'étude morphologique avec les résultats des dosages hormonaux montre qu'il existe une bonne corrélation entre le développement puis la régression du reticulum lisse et des crêtes tubulaires des mitochondries ainsi que des critères histochimiques de la 5-3 -HSDH d'une part et l'évolution de la testostérone plasmatique et testiculaire d'autre part. De plus on observe une augmentation du rapport testostérone/4-androstènedione testiculaire parallèlement au développement des organites cytoplasmiques. Ces organites semblent donc bien impliqués dans la synthèse et la sécrétion de la testostérone chez le Canard.
Ultrastructure of Leydig and Sertoli cells in the testicular cycle of the Pekin duckBiochemical and cytoenzymological correlations
Summary Leydig and Sertoli cells of the testis of the Pekin duck were studied ultrastructurally during the spring phase of the sexual cycle, from January to July. Simultaneously, in the same animals, 5-3 -hydroxysteroiddehydrogenase (5-3 -HSDH) activity was ascertained histochemically and androgenic steroids of the plasma and testes were assayed by gas-liquid chromatography.The Leydig cells of the duck possess cytoplasmic organelles specific to steroidogenic cells (smooth reticulum, tubular mitochondria) as well as other structures often found in this cell type (microfilaments, vacuoles, denses bodies). The Sertoli cells contain an agranular reticulum that is less developed than that of the Leydig cells, and rarely show mitochondria with tubular cristae. These various cytoplasmic organelles undergo a seasonal cycle. The differentiation of the smooth reticulum and the mitochondrial tubular cristae begins in January and reaches a maximum in March. They begin to regress in April, at first with transitory degenerative structures, and then by total disappearance of these organelles by May. No indication of necrosis is observed in the cells. Histochemically 5-3 -HSDH activity is present in the Leydig cells, and to a slightly lesser degree in the seminiferous tubules. The intensity varies during the cycle.The comparison of the results of the morphological study with the hormone assays shows that a good correlation exists with the development and regression of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and tubular cristae in the mitochondria, as well as the histochemical criteria of the 5-3 -HSDH on one hand, and the levels of plasma and testicular testosterone on the other hand. In addition there is an increase in the ratio of testicular testosterone to 4-androstenedione which parallels the development of the cytoplasmic organelles. These organelles thus seem to be implicated in the synthesis and secretion of testosterone in the duck.
Nous tenons à remercier très vivement Mme G. Collenot qui nous a initiées aux techniques d'histoenzymologie et nous a très gentiment permis de faire cette partie de nos recherches dans son laboratoire. Nous remerçions également M. Claude Pennarun, photographe, pour son excellente collaboration.  相似文献   

Many studies and discussions have been made on the problem of when the earliest human beings appeared in Japan. In general, hominid fossils in the latest Pleistocene are not preserved except for coralline limestone sequence in Ryukyu islands, but earlier Paleolithic tools were excavated from volcanic ash soil with a 14C age of about 30,000–35,000 yr. BP or younger at several archeological sites in almost all Japan. Recent studies, however, show a need for revision and refinement of these ages because calibration techniques have progressed from conventional to calendar ages and high-resolution oxygen isotope chronology has given a global standard sequence. Aïra-Tn tephra (AT), the most important time-marker of the Paleolithic age in Japan, was formerly dated at 21,000–22,000 yr 14C BP by conventional radiocarbon methods but was dated again at ca. 24,500 yr 14C BP by accelerated mass spectrometry radiocarbon methods. However, it has been further calibrated to a high-resolution calendar age of 30,000 cal yr. by varve chronology of lake sediments of Suigetsu of central Japan, well matched with combined date between oxygen isotope dates based and calibration from AMS radiocarbon dates. As the earliest Paleolithic tools in south Kanto are found in volcanic ash soil significantly below AT ash and above Sambe-Ikeda ash (SI, ca.46 ka), just above the oxygen isotopic stage 3.3, they are estimated to be dated slightly older than 40 ka. Palaeo-environment at that time is estimated mild to cool climate and relatively low sea level after the oxygen isotope stage 3.3. Sill land bridges between Japan islands and continents have not been formed at major straits. We have not yet obtained useful data for calibration older than ca. 45 ka. Also, correlation of oxygen isotopic fluctuation with the terrestrial sequences is incomplete in Stage 3.  相似文献   

The structures of three new 11-monomethoxy pentacyclic oxindole alkaloids have been elucidated by chemical correlations with reserpinine: caboxine-A was assigned to the allo C19-méthyl α series: 3S, 4R, 7S, 19S; isocaboxine-A and B to the epi-allo C19-methyl α series and have, respectively, the following configurations 3R, 4S, 7S, 19S and 3R, 4S, 7R, 19S.  相似文献   

This paper explains a brief history of research on Quaternary terrestrial mammals in Japan and fossil occurrence of taxa at major localities of each time period at first. Based on these data, then, the changing history of Quaternary terrestrial mammals in Japan is reviewed, especially on such points as (1) importance of strait in western Japan as coming over route, (2) changing history of Plio-Pleistocene terrestrial mammals in Japan, (3) two faunas during the Late Pleistocene, (4) dates of extinctions of large mammals near the end of the Late Pleistocene. Formation process of Quaternary terrestrial mammal fauna in Japan must have been affected by condition of land connection with Asian continent at seaway west to Japan and changing history of climate and vegetation in East Asia, and it should be considered by different time period, e.g. before and after ca. 1.7 Ma. The time period after 1.7 Ma is one affected by glacial sea level fluctuations. Although a new fauna came over from the west to Japan when sea level was low, this time period is basically the age of insularization, and it is presumed that the fauna was becoming endemic during this time period. During the late Late Pleistocene, there were two faunas existed in Japan, e.g. one with Palaeoloxodon naumanni having come over from the west and another with Mammuthus primigenius having come over from the north. The former dwelled mainly in deciduous broad-leaved forest and mixed forest with conifers in temperate climate, while the latter dwelled in steppe and coniferous forest in subboreal climate. Both faunas changed their ranges to north and south repeatedly as climate changed, and the extinction of large mammals of the fauna with Palaeoloxodon naumanni occurred at the same time of the beginning of the LGM (ca. 25–16 ka). On the other hand, large mammals of the fauna with Mammuthus primigenius became extinct or moved to north as climate became warm quickly after the LGM. Thus, it is suggested that the extinction of large mammals at the late Late Pleistocene occurred by “two pulses.” The extinction process of large mammals in Japan seems likely that they went extinct finally near the end of the Pleistocene going through the reduction of habitat and fragmentation of populations caused by the repeated temperature change during the late Late Pleistocene, rather than a single drastic event.  相似文献   

Three new indolinic alkaloids have been isolated from the root bark of Strychnos variabilis: strychnopivotine, unusual because the C17 atom of the curane skeleton is lacking, 16-hydroxyisoretulinal and rosibiline, a derivative of N-desacetylretuline. Their structures were deduced from spectral data and that of rosibiline was confirmed chemically.  相似文献   

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