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Single-molecule manipulation techniques have provided unprecedented insights into the structure, function, interactions, and mechanical properties of biological macromolecules. Recently, the single-molecule toolbox has been expanded by techniques that enable measurements of rotation and torque, such as the optical torque wrench (OTW) and several different implementations of magnetic (torque) tweezers. Although systematic analyses of the position and force precision of single-molecule techniques have attracted considerable attention, their angle and torque precision have been treated in much less detail. Here, we propose Allan deviation as a tool to systematically quantitate angle and torque precision in single-molecule measurements. We apply the Allan variance method to experimental data from our implementations of (electro)magnetic torque tweezers and an OTW and find that both approaches can achieve a torque precision better than 1 pN · nm. The OTW, capable of measuring torque on (sub)millisecond timescales, provides the best torque precision for measurement times?10 s, after which drift becomes a limiting factor. For longer measurement times, magnetic torque tweezers with their superior stability provide the best torque precision. Use of the Allan deviation enables critical assessments of the torque precision as a function of measurement time across different measurement modalities and provides a tool to optimize measurement protocols for a given instrument and application.  相似文献   

Single-molecule fluorescence microscopy is a powerful tool for observing biomolecular interactions with high spatial and temporal resolution. Detecting fluorescent signals from individual labeled proteins above high levels of background fluorescence remains challenging, however. For this reason, the concentrations of labeled proteins in in vitro assays are often kept low compared to their in vivo concentrations. Here, we present a new fluorescence imaging technique by which single fluorescent molecules can be observed in real time at high, physiologically relevant concentrations. The technique requires a protein and its macromolecular substrate to be labeled each with a different fluorophore. Making use of short-distance energy-transfer mechanisms, only the fluorescence from those proteins that bind to their substrate is activated. This approach is demonstrated by labeling a DNA substrate with an intercalating stain, exciting the stain, and using energy transfer from the stain to activate the fluorescence of only those labeled DNA-binding proteins bound to the DNA. Such an experimental design allowed us to observe the sequence-independent interaction of Cy5-labeled interferon-inducible protein 16 with DNA and the sliding via one-dimensional diffusion of Cy5-labeled adenovirus protease on DNA in the presence of a background of hundreds of nanomolar Cy5 fluorophore.  相似文献   

Fluorescence from a single DNA molecule passing through a laser beam is proportional to the size (contour length) of the molecule, and molecules of different sizes can be counted with equal efficiencies. Single-molecule fluorescence can thus determine the average length of the molecules in a sample and hence the frequency of double-strand breaks induced by various treatments. Ionizing radiation-induced frank double-strand breaks can thus be quantified by single-molecule sizing. Moreover, multiple classes of clustered damages involving damaged bases and abasic sites, alone or in combination with frank single-strand breaks, can be quantified by converting them to double-strand breaks by chemical or enzymatic treatments. For a given size range of DNA molecules, single-molecule sizing is as or more sensitive than gel electrophoresis, and requires several orders-of-magnitude less DNA to determine damage levels.  相似文献   

Recent breakthroughs in fluorescence microscopy have pushed spatial resolution well beyond the classical limit imposed by diffraction. As a result, the field of nanoscopy has emerged, and diffraction-unlimited resolution is becoming increasingly common in biomedical imaging applications. In this review, we recap the principles behind STED nanoscopy that allow imaging beyond the diffraction limit, and highlight both historical and recent advances made in the field of neuroscience as a result of this technology.  相似文献   

We report on a fiber laser-based stimulated emission-depletion microscope providing down to ∼20 nm resolution in raw data images as well as 15–19 nm diameter probing areas in fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Stimulated emission depletion pulses of nanosecond duration and 775 nm wavelength are used to silence two fluorophores simultaneously, ensuring offset-free colocalization analysis. The versatility of this superresolution method is exemplified by revealing the octameric arrangement of Xenopus nuclear pore complexes and by quantifying the diffusion of labeled lipid molecules in artificial and living cell membranes.Since its first demonstration in (live) cell imaging (1), stimulated emission depletion (STED) fluorescence microscopy has been realized in many variants. Particularly, the key phenomenon employed in this method, namely switching fluorophores transiently off by stimulated emission, has been accomplished with laser pulses varying from picoseconds to nanoseconds in duration, and from kHz to MHz in repetition rate. Because continuous-wave beams are suitable as well (2), STED microscopy has been implemented with rather different laser systems, ranging from model-locked femtosecond to continuous-wave laser diodes (3,4). Although it underscores the versatility of STED to modulate the fluorescence capability of a fluorophore, this wide range of options may confuse adopters when balancing simplicity, applicability, and resolution gain. The situation is exacerbated when implementing pairs of excitation and STED beams for dual-color colocalization studies (5,6).Here we report on a simple arrangement providing dual-color STED nanoscopy (Fig. 1) and molecular diffusion quantification down to ∼20 nm in (living) cells. The presented dual-channel STED microscope utilizes a single fiber laser providing a 20-MHz train of 775 nm wavelength pulses of 1.2-ns duration. This compact laser source enables STED on fluorophores emitting in the orange to red range. Specifically, we applied this laser on the orange dyes Atto590 and Atto594 (excitation: 595 nm; detection: 620 ± 20 nm), and the red dyes KK114 and Abberior Star635P (excitation: 640 nm; detection: 670 ± 20 nm). Although the spectra of the dyes are partially overlapping, the individual color channels can be separated without data processing (see Fig. S1 and Fig. S2 in the Supporting Material). Both channels are recorded simultaneously within 50 ns, using temporally interleaved pulsed excitation in combination with time-gated detection (5,7,8).Open in a separate windowFigure 1Fluorescence nanoscopy of protein complexes with a compact near-infrared nanosecond-pulsed STED microscope. (A) STED reveals immunolabeled subunits in amphibian NPC; raw data smoothed with a Gaussian filter extending over 14 nm in FWHM. The diameter of the octameric gp210 ring is established as ∼160 nm. Scale bar, 500 nm. (B) Individual NPC image showing eight antibody-labeled gp210 homodimers as 20–40 nm sized units and a 80 nm-sized localization of the subunits in the central channel.Because in STED microscopy, the STED doughnuts firmly determine the position of the fluorescently active molecules, the use of a single doughnut for both fluorophores guarantees that the two color channels are almost perfectly coaligned. The use of the doughnut even counteracts misalignments of the confocal excitation and detection channels (Fig. 2, and see Fig. S3), making STED microscopy particularly powerful for colocalization measurements.Open in a separate windowFigure 2Determination of the colocalization accuracy. Xenopus A6 cells, labeled with an antiserum against multiple NUP subunits in the central NPC channel and two secondary antibodies decorated with the fluorophores Abberior STAR635P and Atto594 were imaged by STED microscopy. (A) Upon overlaying both channels, a high degree of colocalization is directly visible. Scale bar, 200 nm. (B) Quantification of the colocalization by cross correlation of much larger images (see Fig. S3). The correlation is maximal for zero displacement of the images, proving colocalization. (C) Confocal image of monocolored fluorescent beads taken with improperly coaligned excitation beams (left). Improper coalignment spoils the colocalization accuracy in confocal imaging; the two channels should be perfectly coaligned, but they show a false offset as indicated by the color difference. The offset is quantified by the cross correlation of the two channels (right). (D) The STED image of the same beads (left) not only shows 10-fold improved resolution over the confocal image in panel C, but also improved colocalization, again quantified by cross correlation (right). Thus, by predetermining the position of emission, the STED doughnut counteracts errors induced by imperfect coalignment of the two confocal color channels (for details, see Fig. S3). Scale bars = 100 nm.The cross section for stimulated emission is lower at 775 nm as compared to that found at somewhat shorter wavelengths (5), yet STED pulse energies of ∼7 nJ in the focus are sufficient to yield a resolution of ∼30 nm and ∼20 nm in the orange and red channels, respectively (see Fig. S4). In addition, due to the lower peak intensity, the 1.2 ns pulses are likely to induce less nonlinear absorption and hence less photostress as compared to their more commonly used <0.2 ns counterparts (8,9). On the other hand, the pulses are only 2–4 times shorter than the typical lifetime of the excited state, which lessens their STED efficiency. This slight reduction is neutralized here by detecting photons emitted ∼1 ns after excitation (5,7,8).The potential of this straightforward implementation of STED microscopy is evident when imaging immunolabeled nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) of cultured Xenopus cells. Contrary to the confocal recording, STED microscopy reveals subunits of this protein complex, specifically the typical eightfold symmetry of its peripheral transmembrane protein gp210, along with a set of proteins in the central pore channel (Fig. 1, and see Fig. S5 and Fig. S6). Unlike in stochastic superresolution imaging of gp210 (10), the color channels are inherently coaligned and simultaneously recorded simply by executing a single scan. Apart from a weak smoothing and background subtraction applied to enhance image contrast, the images are raw.Because fluorescence off-switching by STED is an instant process, STED microscopy can be employed to study fast spatial translocations, such as the diffusion of molecules on the nanoscale (3). To benchmark the performance of our setup, we analyzed the diffusion of a fluorescent glycerophospholipid analog (11) by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) in membranes of living mammalian PtK2-cells (Fig. 3). STED allowed us to reduce the diameter of the probed area from the 250 nm-sized diffraction limit down to 19 nm (FWHM), representing σ = 8 nm in standard deviation of a Gaussian fit. The attained subdiffraction area is 2.5 times smaller as compared to what has been reported in living cells to date (4). In model membranes, the smallest diameter was 15 nm (σ = 6.4 nm).Open in a separate windowFigure 3Nanoscale molecular diffusion analyzed by STED FCS. (A) For moderate and larger STED beam power PSTED, the resolution scales inversely with its square-root, attaining 15 nm in FWHM of the distribution of fluorescence emission in space, describing the measurement area. Note the relatively small threshold power PS = 1.4 mW, which implies that a large resolution gain is already attained for PSTED < 100 mW. (Inset) The resolution was determined by measuring the transit time of a fluorescent phospholipid-analog (DSPE-PEG-KK114) in a lipid model membrane through the detection area by FCS. (B) In living mammalian Ptk2-cells, the transit time of the lipid analog scales linearly with the detection area, revealing a diffusion constant Dlat = 0.33 μm2/s, and showing that this lipid analog diffuses largely freely in the plasma membrane down to <20 nm scales.In both measurements, the molecular transit time depends linearly on the probed area, indicating that the labeled lipid molecules diffuse essentially freely down to spatial scales of 20 nm. Accordingly, the anomaly exponent α was close to 1 with values of α > 0.85, showing only minor deviations from free diffusion (see Fig. S7). Because the diameter is inversely proportional to the square-root of the STED beam power, the resolution can be adapted to a particular application need (Fig. 3, A and B).In summary, our arrangement provides up-to-date STED microscopy resolution in offset-free colocalization recordings. The ready-to-use near-infrared laser pulses keep undesired single and multiphoton absorption low and leave the visible spectrum amenable for further studies.  相似文献   

Energetics and Mechanics of Human Walking at Oscillating Speeds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seven subjects walked on a programmable treadmill both at constant(3.5 ± 0.0 and 5.0 ± 0.0 km/hr) and oscillatingspeeds (±0.5, ±1.0, ±1.5, ±2.0 kmhr–1), set to sinusoidally change between the two limitsin 3 sec. In each condition oxygen consumption measurementswere taken. The same experimental protocols were replicatedon a walkway by asking subjects to adapt their stride frequencyto an audio signal corresponding to the sinusoidal stride frequencychanges measured on the treadmill. Differently from what expected,only the ±2.0 km hr–1 oscillation resulted to bemetabolically different from the constant speed walking, bothfor the treadmill and the walkway conditions. The time courseof the mechanical energy of the body centre of mass could revealthat a strategy devoted to benefit from the usual energy fluctuationsoccurring at "constant speed," is likely to be used to copewith speed varying sequences. From the energy curve observedat constant speed, it is possible to derive an energeticallyequivalent curve by cumulating acceleration portions, and decelerationones, of a group of strides as to produce a single accelerationand a single deceleration phase, as it is observed in oscillatingspeed walking. Being aware of the bias introduced by using anon-inertial frame (the treadmill protocol), we are replicatingthe experiments with a laser beam projected on a wide radiuscircular path at oscillating speeds, that the subjects haveto follow. The preliminary data seem to confirm the invarianceof the metabolic requirements in oscillatory walking up to ±1.5km hr–1.  相似文献   

We investigated the binding interaction between the bacteriophage λ-repressor CI and its target DNA using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. Large stepwise changes in the intensity of the red fluorescent protein fused to CI were observed as it associated with and dissociated from individually labeled single-molecule DNA targets. The stochastic association and dissociation were characterized by Poisson statistics. Dark and bright intervals were measured for thousands of individual events. The exponential distribution of the intervals allowed direct determination of the association and dissociation rate constants (ka and kd, respectively). We resolved in detail how ka and kd varied as a function of three control parameters: the DNA length L, the CI dimer concentration, and the binding affinity. Our results show that although interactions with nonoperator DNA sequences are observable, CI binding to the operator site is not dependent on the length of flanking nonoperator DNA.  相似文献   

Rho termination factor is an essential hexameric helicase responsible for terminating 20-50% of all mRNA synthesis in Escherichia coli. We used single-molecule force spectroscopy to investigate Rho-RNA binding interactions at the Rho utilization site of the λtR1 terminator. Our results are consistent with Rho complexes adopting two states: one that binds 57 ± 2 nt of RNA across all six of the Rho primary binding sites, and another that binds 85 ± 2 nt at the six primary sites plus a single secondary site situated at the center of the hexamer. The single-molecule data serve to establish that Rho translocates 5′ → 3′ toward RNA polymerase (RNAP) by a tethered-tracking mechanism, looping out the intervening RNA between the Rho utilization site and RNAP. These findings lead to a general model for Rho binding and translocation and establish a novel experimental approach that should facilitate additional single-molecule studies of RNA-binding proteins.  相似文献   

Switching and signaling at the telomere   总被引:75,自引:0,他引:75  
Blackburn EH 《Cell》2001,106(6):661-673
This review describes the structure of telomeres, the protective DNA-protein complexes at eukaryotic chromosomal ends, and several molecular mechanisms involved in telomere functions. Also discussed are cellular responses to compromising the functions of telomeres and of telomerase, which synthesizes telomeric DNA.  相似文献   

The repair of double-stranded DNA breaks by homologous recombination is essential for maintaining genome integrity. Much of what we know about this DNA repair pathway in eukaryotes has been gleaned from genetics, in vivo experiments with GFP-tagged proteins and traditional biochemical experiments with purified proteins. However, many questions have remained inaccessible to these experimental approaches. Recent technological advances have made it possible to directly visualize the behaviors of individual DNA and protein molecules in vitro, and it is now becoming feasible to apply these technology-driven approaches to complex biochemical systems, such as those involved in the repair of damaged DNA. This report summarizes the use of total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy to probe fundamental aspects of protein-DNA interactions at the single-molecule level, and specific emphasis is placed on our efforts to develop new methods and techniques for studying DNA repair. Using these new approaches we are investigating the DNA-binding behavior of human Rad51 and we have recently demonstrated that this protein can slide on dsDNA via a one-dimensional random walk mechanism driven solely by thermal fluctuations of the surrounding solvent. Here, we highlight some possible implications of this recent finding, and we also briefly discuss the potential benefits of future single-molecule studies in the study of protein-DNA interactions and DNA repair.  相似文献   

The cylindrical chaperonin GroEL and its lid-shaped cofactor GroES of Escherichia coli have an essential role in assisting protein folding by transiently encapsulating non-native substrate in an ATP-regulated mechanism. It remains controversial whether the chaperonin system functions solely as an infinite dilution chamber, preventing off-pathway aggregation, or actively enhances folding kinetics by modulating the folding energy landscape. Here we developed single-molecule approaches to distinguish between passive and active chaperonin mechanisms. Using low protein concentrations (100 pM) to exclude aggregation, we measured the spontaneous and GroEL/ES-assisted folding of double-mutant maltose binding protein (DM-MBP) by single-pair fluorescence resonance energy transfer and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. We find that GroEL/ES accelerates folding of DM-MBP up to 8-fold over the spontaneous folding rate. Accelerated folding is achieved by encapsulation of folding intermediate in the GroEL/ES cage, independent of repetitive cycles of protein binding and release from GroEL. Moreover, photoinduced electron transfer experiments provided direct physical evidence that the confining environment of the chaperonin restricts polypeptide chain dynamics. This effect is mediated by the net-negatively charged wall of the GroEL/ES cavity, as shown using the GroEL mutant EL(KKK2) in which the net-negative charge is removed. EL(KKK2)/ES functions as a passive cage in which folding occurs at the slow spontaneous rate. Taken together our findings suggest that protein encapsulation can accelerate folding by entropically destabilizing folding intermediates, in strong support of an active chaperonin mechanism in the folding of some proteins. Accelerated folding is biologically significant as it adjusts folding rates relative to the speed of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

F1-ATPase is the water-soluble part of ATP synthase and is an ATP-driven rotary molecular motor that rotates the rotary shaft against the surrounding stator ring, hydrolyzing ATP. Although the mechanochemical coupling mechanism of F1-ATPase has been well studied, the molecular details of individual reaction steps remain unclear. In this study, we conducted a single-molecule rotation assay of F1 from thermophilic bacteria under various pressures from 0.1 to 140 MPa. Even at 140 MPa, F1 actively rotated with regular 120° steps in a counterclockwise direction, showing high conformational stability and retention of native properties. Rotational torque was also not affected. However, high hydrostatic pressure induced a distinct intervening pause at the ATP-binding angles during continuous rotation. The pause was observed under both ATP-limiting and ATP-saturating conditions, suggesting that F1 has two pressure-sensitive reactions, one of which is evidently ATP binding. The rotation assay using a mutant F1(βE190D) suggested that the other pressure-sensitive reaction occurs at the same angle at which ATP binding occurs. The activation volumes were determined from the pressure dependence of the rate constants to be +100 Å3 and +88 Å3 for ATP binding and the other pressure-sensitive reaction, respectively. These results are discussed in relation to recent single-molecule studies of F1 and pressure-induced protein unfolding.  相似文献   

This study was performed to determine a sampling strategy to quantify the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance on veal calf farms, based on the variation in antimicrobial resistance within and between calves on five farms. Faecal samples from 50 healthy calves (10 calves/farm) were collected. From each individual sample and one pooled faecal sample per farm, 90 selected Escherichia coli isolates were tested for their resistance against 25 mg/L amoxicillin, 25 mg/L tetracycline, 0.5 mg/L cefotaxime, 0.125 mg/L ciprofloxacin and 8/152 mg/L trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (tmp/s) by replica plating. From each faecal sample another 10 selected E. coli isolates were tested for their resistance by broth microdilution as a reference. Logistic regression analysis was performed to compare the odds of testing an isolate resistant between both test methods (replica plating vs. broth microdilution) and to evaluate the effect of pooling faecal samples. Bootstrap analysis was used to investigate the precision of the estimated prevalence of resistance to each antimicrobial obtained by several simulated sampling strategies. Replica plating showed similar odds of E. coli isolates tested resistant compared to broth microdilution, except for ciprofloxacin (OR 0.29, p≤0.05). Pooled samples showed in general lower odds of an isolate being resistant compared to individual samples, although these differences were not significant. Bootstrap analysis showed that within each antimicrobial the various compositions of a pooled sample provided consistent estimates for the mean proportion of resistant isolates. Sampling strategies should be based on the variation in resistance among isolates within faecal samples and between faecal samples, which may vary by antimicrobial. In our study, the optimal sampling strategy from the perspective of precision of the estimated levels of resistance and practicality consists of a pooled faecal sample from 20 individual animals, of which 90 isolates are tested for their susceptibility by replica plating.  相似文献   

Recent work has shown that much of the missing heritability of complex traits can be resolved by estimates of heritability explained by all genotyped SNPs. However, it is currently unknown how much heritability is missing due to poor tagging or additional causal variants at known GWAS loci. Here, we use variance components to quantify the heritability explained by all SNPs at known GWAS loci in nine diseases from WTCCC1 and WTCCC2. After accounting for expectation, we observed all SNPs at known GWAS loci to explain more heritability than GWAS-associated SNPs on average (). For some diseases, this increase was individually significant: for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) () and for Crohn''s Disease (CD) (); all analyses of autoimmune diseases excluded the well-studied MHC region. Additionally, we found that GWAS loci from other related traits also explained significant heritability. The union of all autoimmune disease loci explained more MS heritability than known MS SNPs () and more CD heritability than known CD SNPs (), with an analogous increase for all autoimmune diseases analyzed. We also observed significant increases in an analysis of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) samples typed on ImmunoChip, with more heritability from all SNPs at GWAS loci () and more heritability from all autoimmune disease loci () compared to known RA SNPs (including those identified in this cohort). Our methods adjust for LD between SNPs, which can bias standard estimates of heritability from SNPs even if all causal variants are typed. By comparing adjusted estimates, we hypothesize that the genome-wide distribution of causal variants is enriched for low-frequency alleles, but that causal variants at known GWAS loci are skewed towards common alleles. These findings have important ramifications for fine-mapping study design and our understanding of complex disease architecture.  相似文献   

When an agonist activates a population of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), it elicits a signaling pathway that culminates in the response of the cell or tissue. This process can be analyzed at the level of a single receptor, a population of receptors, or a downstream response. Here we describe how to analyze the downstream response to obtain an estimate of the agonist affinity constant for the active state of single receptors. Receptors behave as quantal switches that alternate between active and inactive states (Figure 1). The active state interacts with specific G proteins or other signaling partners. In the absence of ligands, the inactive state predominates. The binding of agonist increases the probability that the receptor will switch into the active state because its affinity constant for the active state (K(b)) is much greater than that for the inactive state (K(a)). The summation of the random outputs of all of the receptors in the population yields a constant level of receptor activation in time. The reciprocal of the concentration of agonist eliciting half-maximal receptor activation is equivalent to the observed affinity constant (K(obs)), and the fraction of agonist-receptor complexes in the active state is defined as efficacy (ε) (Figure 2). Methods for analyzing the downstream responses of GPCRs have been developed that enable the estimation of the K(obs) and relative efficacy of an agonist. In this report, we show how to modify this analysis to estimate the agonist K(b) value relative to that of another agonist. For assays that exhibit constitutive activity, we show how to estimate K(b) in absolute units of M(-1). Our method of analyzing agonist concentration-response curves consists of global nonlinear regression using the operational model. We describe a procedure using the software application, Prism (GraphPad Software, Inc., San Diego, CA). The analysis yields an estimate of the product of K(obs) and a parameter proportional to efficacy (τ). The estimate of τK(obs) of one agonist, divided by that of another, is a relative measure of K(b) (RA(i)). For any receptor exhibiting constitutive activity, it is possible to estimate a parameter proportional to the efficacy of the free receptor complex (τ(sys)). In this case, the K(b) value of an agonist is equivalent to τK(obs)/τ(sys). Our method is useful for determining the selectivity of an agonist for receptor subtypes and for quantifying agonist-receptor signaling through different G proteins.  相似文献   

Not all boundaries, whether stratigraphical or geographical, are marked by species-level changes in community composition. For example, paleodata for some sites do not show readily discernible glacial-interglacial contrasts. Rather, the proportional abundances of species can vary subtly between glacials and interglacials. This paper presents a simple quantitative measure of assemblage turnover (assemblage turnover index, ATI) that uses changes in species'' proportional abundances to identify intervals of community change. A second, functionally-related index (conditioned-on-boundary index, CoBI) identifies species contributions to the total assemblage turnover. With these measures we examine benthonic foraminiferal assemblages to assess glacial/interglacial contrasts at abyssal depths. Our results indicate that these measures, ATI and CoBI, have potential as sequence stratigraphic tools in abyssal depth deposits. Many peaks in the set of values of ATI coincide with terminations at the end of glaciations and delineate peak-bounded ATI intervals (PATIs) separated by boundaries that approximate to glacial terminations and to transgressions at neritic depths. These measures, however, can be used to evaluate the assemblage turnover and composition at any defined ecological or paleoecological boundary. The section used is from Ocean Drilling Program (OPD) Hole 994C, drilled on the Blake Ridge, offshore SE USA.  相似文献   

In a stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscope the region in which fluorescence markers can emit spontaneously shrinks with continued STED beam action after a singular excitation event. This fact has been recently used to substantially improve the effective spatial resolution in STED nanoscopy using time-gated detection, pulsed excitation and continuous wave (CW) STED beams. We present a theoretical framework and experimental data that characterize the time evolution of the effective point-spread-function of a STED microscope and illustrate the physical basis, the benefits, and the limitations of time-gated detection both for CW and pulsed STED lasers. While gating hardly improves the effective resolution in the all-pulsed modality, in the CW-STED modality gating strongly suppresses low spatial frequencies in the image. Gated CW-STED nanoscopy is in essence limited (only) by the reduction of the signal that is associated with gating. Time-gated detection also reduces/suppresses the influence of local variations of the fluorescence lifetime on STED microscopy resolution.  相似文献   

F1-ATPase is the water-soluble part of ATP synthase and is an ATP-driven rotary molecular motor that rotates the rotary shaft against the surrounding stator ring, hydrolyzing ATP. Although the mechanochemical coupling mechanism of F1-ATPase has been well studied, the molecular details of individual reaction steps remain unclear. In this study, we conducted a single-molecule rotation assay of F1 from thermophilic bacteria under various pressures from 0.1 to 140 MPa. Even at 140 MPa, F1 actively rotated with regular 120° steps in a counterclockwise direction, showing high conformational stability and retention of native properties. Rotational torque was also not affected. However, high hydrostatic pressure induced a distinct intervening pause at the ATP-binding angles during continuous rotation. The pause was observed under both ATP-limiting and ATP-saturating conditions, suggesting that F1 has two pressure-sensitive reactions, one of which is evidently ATP binding. The rotation assay using a mutant F1(βE190D) suggested that the other pressure-sensitive reaction occurs at the same angle at which ATP binding occurs. The activation volumes were determined from the pressure dependence of the rate constants to be +100 Å3 and +88 Å3 for ATP binding and the other pressure-sensitive reaction, respectively. These results are discussed in relation to recent single-molecule studies of F1 and pressure-induced protein unfolding.  相似文献   

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