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Zabaluev  I. A. 《Entomological Review》2021,101(9):1317-1334
Entomological Review - Anthonomus (s. str.) alni Kojima et Morimoto, 1994 and A. (s. str.) takahashii Kojima et Morimoto, 1994 are recorded for the first time for Russia. Anthonomus (Anthomorphus)...  相似文献   

A unique mode of mitochondrial DNA inheritance, designated doubly-uniparental inheritance (DUI), occurs in three bivalve subclasses (Pteriomorpha: Mytiloida, Palaeoheterodonta: Unionoida, Heterodonta: Veneroida), indicating that DUI may be a widespread phenomenon among bivalves. In mytiloids, breakdown of this pattern of inheritance (gender-switching) is observed in natural populations and in a phylogenetic context. In contrast, gender-switching has not occurred during the evolutionary history of unionoids. Here we present sequences for the male (M) and female (F) mitotypes from an additional 8 species of Unionoida. Consistent with previous observations, the M and F mitotypes of all species form reciprocally monophyletic clades supporting the hypothesis of taxon-specific rates of gender-switching. Coinciding with the absence of gender-switching is an ≈185 codon extension of the cytochrome c oxidase II (MTCO2) locus in the male genome. The extension is present in all 12 unionoid species examined, including a representative of the family Margaritiferidae, indicating that this protein-coding polymorphism originated ≥ 200 MYBP. Although the extension is well conserved in length among 11 of the 12 species, one taxon has a significantly shortened extension. Lastly, examination of the rates and patterns of substitution indicate that the extension is evolving under relaxed purging selection, a pattern inconsistent with the conserved nature of MTCO2 or any cytochrome c oxidase locus.[Reviewing Editor: Dr. J. William Ballard]  相似文献   

Zotin  A. A.  Ieshko  E. P. 《Biology Bulletin》2021,48(3):306-312
Biology Bulletin - Individual linear growth was studied in 23 specimens of the freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera by measuring successive annual growth rings on the shell surface....  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Marine Biology - The pattern and time frame of sea sculpin adaptation to the freshwater lifestyle are shown. The major factors that drive this process are the forced invasion in...  相似文献   

The family Margaritiferidae is a small but widely distributed group within the Unionoida, or freshwater mussels, whose taxonomy and systematics has been the subject of numerous publications. Despite several efforts, there is no consensus on which characters reliably diagnose this family. Herein, we present the results of a phylogenetic analysis of the most comprehensive data set for Margaritiferidae in terms of taxa and phylogenetic markers assembled to date, including eleven out of the twelve margaritiferid species currently considered valid. In addition, we review the fossil record of the family and attempt to integrate fossil and DNA sequence data to provide a diagnosis of Margaritiferidae, identify its origin and biogeographic patterns, and determine the systematic relationships of its constituent species and their taxonomic affinities. We assembled a molecular data set comprised of five markers: COI, 16S, 28S, 18S and histone 3 for a total of 59 specimens representing eleven species of Margaritifera. Our results indicate that the family Margaritiferidae is a monophyletic group comprised of the single genus Margaritifera, which includes the following 12 species: M. dahurica, M. margaritifera, M. monodonta, M. middendorffi, M. laevis, M. marrianae, M. hembeli, M. falcata, M. laosensis, M. auricularia and M. marocana plus the unstudied M. homsensis. Estimates of divergence times using fossil calibrations or mean substitution rates produced dramatically different results. Divergence estimates based on the fossil calibrations were 10 times higher than those obtained applying the mean substitution rates. The current distribution of the family implies dispersal across marine or brackish waters by their host fish, leaving a fossil record on four continents that dates to the Mesozoic. Margaritiferidae appear to be derived from putative ancestor in the Silesunionidae, with a likely origin in Asia. We suggest that Margaritiferidae had spread along the Tethys margins and crossed the Atlantic already in the Late Triassic or Early Jurassic. Further dispersal events, in the Late Cretaceous or Eocene, may be linked to salinity‐depleted coastal waters or freshwater layering.  相似文献   

Two hundred and seventy-four species of vascular plants have been registered in the dumps of the Luzanovskii open-pit coal-mining station. Among them, there are 244 herb species (including 47 annual and biennial plants), 29 wood species (trees and shrubs), and 1 semiarborescent species. Nine site types have been discovered. Two stages of succession are revealed. The viability of plants at different stages is observed. The species are arranged according to Yurtsev’s plant activity degrees. Anemochorous and autochorous plants dominate in the dissemination process. An annotated list of the species under study is provided.  相似文献   

Entomological Review - Ten flea species were collected in 2012–2017 from 6 species of carnivores in Primorsky Territory and Sakhalin Province of Russia. The most complete collections of fleas...  相似文献   

A new fossil larch species, Laricioxylon blokhinae, showing the wood anatomy of modern Larix olgensis A. Henry and L. leptolepis (Siebold et Succ.) Gord. is described. The taxonomic and structural diversity of larch species is reviewed, based on fossil wood remains from the Pliocene of southern Primorye.  相似文献   

Features of preimaginal and imaginal feeding of calliphoridae of the Far Eastern region of Russia are considered, ecological complexes and trophic groupings are distinguished, and their species composition is indicated. Aspects of calliphoridae’ synantropism are discussed.  相似文献   

Polymorphism of B chromosome morphotypes in the natural populations of the Korean field mouse Apodemus peninsulae (n = 367) has been studied in five regions of the Russian Far East: Magadan and Amur regions, the Jewish Autonomous region, Khabarovsk and Primorskii regions. Six groups of B chromosome morphotypes have been described on the size and morphological parameters. On the basis of their combinations 78 cell clones have been revealed, 23 of which are found in the animals with a stable karyotype and 76--in mosaics. The mosaics have also more diverse and unique combinations of B chromosome morphotypes. No differences between the geographic and local populations of mice on the studied characteristics have been found. Homogeneous structure of DNA in the B chromosomes of this species at the territory of the Russian Far East, as shown previously, allowed us to combine the numerical and dimensional data for each clone by introduction conditional "mass quantity" of B chromosomes (mB index). The leading role of natural selection in production of "critical" mass of supernumerary chromosomes in individuals with a stable karyotype and the weakening of its role in mosaics has been suggested.  相似文献   

The insect fauna of the Russian Far East comprises 634 families from 31 orders. The estimated species number is 31500. The largest orders are Hymenoptera (76 families, 9000 estimated species), Diptera (120 families, 8000 estimated species), Coleoptera (114 families, 5500 estimated species), and Lepidoptera (81 families, 5000 estimated species). The fractions of the main insect orders in the fauna of the Russian Far East correspond to those in the Holarctic temperate zone. The high biodiversity of insects in the Russian Far East results from the position of this region extending across several climatic zones. There are four levels of diversity both for the families and for the species, corresponding to the tundra, taiga, the transitional area between taiga and broadleaved forests, and the broadleaved forest zone. The number of insect families increases by 3 times while that of species increases by 20 times from the tundra to the broadleaved forests. Differentiation of the insect fauna of the Russian Far East results from the recent climatic situation (the influence of the Pacific monsoon) and the geologic history (broadleaved forest refugia resulting from the absence of complete ice cover during Pleistocenic glaciation in the south of the Russian Far East); it reflects deep faunistic connections of the eastern Palaearctic with the Nearctic and Oriental Regions. The mountain areas in the North Pacific are the refugia of the Mesozoic and Tertiary insect faunas. The Pacific may have substantially reduced the Cenozoic aridization in the northern hemisphere, which was one of the important factors of formation of the recent biota in the Palaearctic and Nearctic regions.  相似文献   

A literature review and the results of re-examination of collections of the earthworm Eisenia nordenskioldi are presented. Peculiarities of the geographic and habitat distribution, as well the ecology of the diploid subspecies E. n. pallida, originally described as a non-pigmented form of E. nordenskioldi, are analyzed. E. n. pallida inhabits mainly the south of Siberia and the Russian Far East, penetrating as far northwards as the forest-tundra zone along the valleys of large rivers. It is the most abundant in the low-mountain belt in dark coniferous forests, being the dominant form of Lumbricidae there, but it is quite rare above the timberline. The range of E. n. nordenskioldi, which can be found together with E. n. pallida in the south of the territories studied, is much wider, extending further to the north and including some Arctic islands. In addition, E. n. nordenskioldi is known from the eastern parts of European Russia. Both subspecies show high levels of resistance to unfavorable abiotic factors. Differences in the latitudinal and altitudinal distribution patterns of both subspecies of E. nordenskioldi are determined by their different morpho-ecological forms.  相似文献   

Fourteen genera (Ardilea Graham, Glyphognathus Graham, Rhicnocoelia Graham, Eulonchetron Graham, Habritys Thomson, Heteroprymna Graham, Janssoniella Kerrich, Lyubana Bou?ek, Muscidifurax Girault et Sanders, Nazgulia Hedqvist, Notoglyptus Masi, Oxysychus Delucchi, Platygerrhus Thomson, and Stenetra Masi) and 81 species are recorded for the first time for the fauna of Russia; in addition, 13 species are new to the fauna of the Russian Far East.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Plectrocnemia Stephens, Plectrocnemia levanidovae, sp. n., from Sakhalin Island and the southern Kuril Islands, and Plectrocnemia martynovae, sp. n., from southern Primorye, are described and illustrated. The new species belong to the P. tortosa Group and are the sister species of P. tortosa Banks, from China, and P. appensata Mey, from Vietnam.  相似文献   

For the first time in the south of the Russian Far East in the Late Pleistocene cave deposits, fragments of the giant flying squirrel of the genus Petaurista were discovered. Petaurista tetyukhensis n. sp. is described based on a fragment of the upper jaw with two teeth and five isolated teeth from two cave locations. The main differences between the new species and living forms as well as other fossil species of the genus Petaurista are the absence of vertical groove on the lingual wall between the protocone and hypocone on M2, the absence of the anterior cross loph on the upper P4-M3, and the absence of mesoconids on lower, as a result of which the hypoflexid is not w-shaped. It is suggested that the Sikhote-Alin refugium allowed individual species to survive there during long unfavourable period of time and was the centre of speciation.  相似文献   

通过饲养获得赤褐玛绢金龟Maladera renardi (Ballion, 1871) 幼虫,详细描述了3龄幼虫的形态特征。文中列出了俄罗斯远东地区3种玛绢金龟属幼虫的分种检索表。  相似文献   

Four species of pearl mussels inhabit the Amur River basin: Dahurinaia prozarovae Bog. et Star. in: Bog et al., 2003; D. dahurica (Midd, 1850); D. ussuriensis Bog., Proz. et Star., 2003; and D. tiunovae Bog. et Star., 1988. The name of Dahurinaia transbaicalica Klishko, 2008 is shown to be a synonym for D. ussuriensis. The finding of D. sujfunensis Moskv., 1973 in the Upper Amur basin turned out to be questionable.  相似文献   

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