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Understanding breeding phenology and success can elucidate population dynamics, which is especially important for species in need of conservation. We describe the factors affecting the breeding biology of American Oystercatchers (Haematopus palliatus frazari) at El Rancho Island, a critical site that contains ~ 7% of the total estimated population, on the coast of Sinaloa, Mexico. We monitored 192 nests over four years (2016–2019). The breeding season lasted from March to June and mean laying dates differed among years, with the mean laying date in 2019 an average of 20 days earlier than in 2016. Clutch sizes decreased as the breeding season progressed. Both breeding success and productivity differed among years, with the lowest values in 2016 (30% hatching success and 0.6 chicks/nest) and the highest in 2019 (66% hatching success and 1.2 chicks/nest). Hatching success was affected by year, laying date, type of habitat, and distance to the high tide line. American Oystercatchers that laid eggs earlier in the season, used mixed marsh and dune habitat, and with nests relatively close to the waterline (< 50 m) had greater breeding success. Overall, however, the breeding success of American Oystercatchers was low and influenced by a combination of several intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Management measures may be required to increase breeding success and ensure the conservation of this subspecies.  相似文献   

The breeding success of endangered colonial nesting species is important for their conservation. Many species of Gyps vultures form large breeding colonies that are the foci of conservation efforts. The Cape Vulture is a globally threatened species that is endemic to southern Africa and has seen a major reduction in its population size (≥ 50% over 48 years). There is evidence that breeding colonies are prone to desertion as a result of human disturbance. Factors that influence the occupancy and breeding success of individual nest‐sites is not fully understood for any African vulture species. We investigated cliff characteristics and neighbour requirements of the Msikaba Cape Vulture colony, a major breeding colony in the southern node of the population in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, together with their nest‐site occupation and breeding success over 13 years. In total, 1767 breeding attempts were recorded. Nest‐sites that had a higher elevation, smaller ledge depth, greater total productivity and were surrounded by conspecifics were more likely to be occupied, although the amount of overhang above the nest was not an important predictor of occupancy. In accordance with occupation, nest‐sites with a smaller ledge depth had higher breeding success; however, nests with a greater overhang were also more successful and height of the nest‐site was not an important predictor of breeding success. The breeding success of a nest‐site in a given year was positively influenced by the number of direct nest neighbours, and nests in the middle of high‐density areas had greater breeding success. This suggests that maintaining a high nest density may be an important consideration if declines of reproducing adults continue. Breeding success declined over the study period, highlighting the effects of a temporal variation or observer bias. Our results identified optimal nest‐site locations (ledge depths of 1 m, at a height of 180 m) and their effects on breeding success. This information can be used for planning reintroduction efforts of the endangered Cape Vulture and for their ongoing conservation.  相似文献   

Methods commonly used to estimate the number of nests and size of the breeding population at colonies of Least Terns (Sternula antillarum) and other waterbirds include walk‐through counts of nests (ground‐nest counts) and counts of incubating adults from the colony perimeter (incubating‐adult counts). The bias and variance of different methods and the comparability of repeated surveys versus once‐annual censuses are poorly understood. Our objectives were to assess (1) the potential bias and variation of the more rapid incubating‐adult counts compared to the time‐intensive, and presumably more accurate, ground‐nest counts, and (2) how accurately a once‐annual census captured peak nesting abundance. We studied nine Least Tern colonies at Cape Lookout National Seashore (CALO), North Carolina, from April to August 2010–2012. We analyzed observer and survey method agreement with concordance correlation coefficients (ρc). We deployed time‐lapse cameras at 156 nests and used repeated‐measures logistic regression to determine if the proportion of time spent incubating varied with colony, time of day, or time of season. We found substantial agreement in abundance estimates of Least Tern nests and incubating adults between observers and survey methods, and among different times of day and seasons (all comparisons ρc > 0.97). Least Terns incubated eggs 94% of the time on average during daylight hours, irrespective of colony, nesting stage, or month. Although the nesting peak at CALO occurred during the recommended census period for Least Terns, abundance estimates for surveys conducted at different times during that period varied by as much as 39%. We recommend conducting incubating‐adult counts to estimate nest and breeding population abundance of Least Terns or other waterbirds when vegetation or dunes do not obstruct views of nesting colonies. In addition, given the variation in abundance estimates for surveys conducted at different times during the recommended survey period, incubating‐adult counts should be performed at least twice during the census period, with the maximum count reported as peak nest abundance.  相似文献   

In ground nesting upland birds, reproductive activities contribute to elevated predation risk, so females presumably use multiple strategies to ensure nest success. Identification of drivers reducing predation risk has primarily focused on evaluating vegetative conditions at nest sites, but behavioral decisions manifested through movements during incubation may be additional drivers of nest survival. However, our understanding of how movements during incubation impact nest survival is limited for most ground nesting birds. Using GPS data collected from female Eastern Wild Turkeys (n = 206), we evaluated nest survival as it relates to movement behaviors during incubation, including recess frequency, distance traveled during recesses, and habitat selection during recess movements. We identified 9,361 movements off nests and 6,529 recess events based on approximately 62,065 hr of incubation data, and estimated mean nest attentiveness of 84.0%. The numbers of recesses taken daily were variable across females (range: 1?7). Nest survival modeling indicated that increased cumulative distance moved during recesses each day was the primary driver of positive daily nest survival. Our results suggest behavioral decisions are influencing trade‐offs between nest survival and adult female survival during incubation to reduce predation risk, specifically through adjustments to distances traveled during recesses.  相似文献   

Incubation is an energetically costly parental task of breeding birds. Incubating parents respond to environmental variation and nest‐site features to adjust the balance between the time spent incubating (i.e. nest attentiveness) and foraging to supply their own needs. Non‐natural nesting substrates such as human buildings impose new environmental contexts that may affect time allocation of incubating birds but this topic remains little studied. Here, we tested whether nesting substrate type (buildings vs. trees) affects the temperature inside the incubation chamber (hereafter ‘nest temperature’) in the Pale‐breasted Thrush Turdus leucomelas, either during ‘day’ (with incubation recesses) or ‘night’ periods (representing uninterrupted female presence at the nest). We also tested whether nesting substrate type affects the incubation time budget using air temperature and the day of the incubation cycle as covariates. Nest temperature, when controlled for microhabitat temperature, was higher at night and in nests in buildings but did not differ between daytime and night for nests in buildings, indicating that buildings partially compensate for incubation recesses by females with regard to nest temperature stability. Females from nests placed in buildings exhibited lower nest attentiveness (the overall percentage of time spent incubating) and had longer bouts off the nest. Higher air temperatures were significantly correlated with shorter bouts on the nest and longer bouts off the nest, but without affecting nest attentiveness. We suggest that the longer bouts off the nest taken by females of nests in buildings is a consequence of higher nest temperatures promoted by man‐made structures around these nests. Use of buildings as nesting substrate may therefore increase parental fitness due to a relaxed incubation budget, and potentially drive the evolution of incubation behaviour in certain urban bird populations.  相似文献   

We studied Ovenbird Seiurus aurocapilla and Golden‐winged Warbler Vermivora chrysoptera populations in northern Minnesota, USA, to test two common assumptions in studies of songbird nest success: (1) that the condition of an empty nest on or near its expected fledge date is an indicator of nest fate; and (2) that the presence of a fledgling or family group within a territory confirms a successful nest in that territory. We monitored the condition of nests and used radiotelemetry to monitor juveniles through the expected fledging date and early post‐fledging period. Of nests that contained nestlings 1–2 days before the expected fledge date, fates were misidentified using nest condition alone for 9.5% of Ovenbird nests, but those misidentifications were made in both directions (succeeded or failed), yielding only a small bias in estimated nest success. However, 20% of Golden‐winged Warbler nests were misidentified as successful using nest condition during the final visit interval, biasing the nest success estimate upward by 21–28% depending on the treatment of uncertain nest fates. Fledgling Ovenbirds from 58% of nests travelled beyond their natal territory within 24 h, rising to 98% after 5 days, and those fledglings travelled up to 390 m from nests within 10 days of fledging. Fledgling Golden‐winged Warblers from 13% of nests travelled beyond their natal territory within 24 h, rising to 85% after 5 days, and those fledglings travelled up to 510 m from nests within 10 days of fledging. We conclude that nest condition and fledgling presence can be misleading indicators of nest fate, probably commonly biasing nest success estimates upward, and we recommend that these assumptions should be tested in additional species.  相似文献   

Abstract: Recent technological innovations allow remote monitoring of avian nest temperature that minimizes disturbance and expense without altering clutch sizes. However, the efficacy of such techniques has not been determined for ground-nesting birds. We compared the efficacy of 2 techniques, iButton® data loggers (Maxim/Dallas Semiconductor Corp., Sunnyvale, CA) and custom-built thermocouples, to measure nest temperature of piping plovers (Charadrius melodus) relative to nest attendance at Cape Cod National Seashore, Massachusetts, USA. Neither technique affected hatching success (U = 389.5, P = 0.874) or rates of predation of nests containing devices (P = 0.894). We estimated nest attendance successfully with thermocouples in nests as long as air and surface temperatures were <29° Cand 43° C, respectively. Although iButtons could not be used to determine duration of on-bouts and off-bouts of incubating piping plovers, they were effective at determining when nests were abandoned or predated. We recommend the use of thermocouples for studying nest attendance of ground-nesting birds, in general, and of threatened and endangered species, in particular, where disturbance should be minimized and altering clutch sizes is not feasible.  相似文献   

Incubating common eiders (Somateria mollissima) insulate their nests with down to maintain desirable heat and humidity for their eggs. Eiderdown has been collected by Icelandic farmers for centuries, and down is replaced by hay during collection. This study determined whether down collecting affected the female eiders or their hatching success. We compared the following variables between down and hay nests: incubation temperature in the nest, incubation constancy, recess frequency, recess duration, egg rotation and hatching success of the clutch. Temperature data loggers recorded nest temperatures from 3 June to 9 July 2006 in nests insulated with down (n = 12) and hay (n = 12). The mean incubation temperatures, 31.5 and 30.7°C, in down and hay nests, or the maximum and minimum temperatures, did not differ between nest types where hatching succeeded. Cooling rates in down, on average 0.34°C/min and hay nests 0.44°C/min, were similar during incubation recesses. Females left their nests 0–4 times every 24 h regardless of nest type, for a mean duration of 45 and 47.5 min in down and hay nests, respectively. The mean frequency of egg rotation, 13.9 and 15.3 times every 24 h, was similar between down and hay nests, respectively. Hatching success adjusted for clutch size was similar, 0.60 and 0.67 in down and hay nests. These findings indicate that nest down is not a critical factor for the incubating eider. Because of high effect sizes for cooling rate and hatching success, we hesitate to conclude that absolutely no effects exist. However, we conclude that delaying down collection until just before eggs hatch will minimize any possible effect of down collection on females.  相似文献   

Biparental incubation is a form of cooperation between parents, but it is not conflict‐free because parents trade off incubation against other activities (e.g. self‐maintenance, mating opportunities). How parents resolve such conflict and achieve cooperation remains unknown. To understand better the potential for conflict, cooperation and the constraints on incubation behaviour, investigation of the parents' behaviour, both during incubation and when they are off incubation‐duty, is necessary. Using a combination of automated incubation‐monitoring and radiotelemetry we simultaneously investigated the behaviours of both parents in the biparentally incubating Semipalmated Sandpiper Calidris pusilla, a shorebird breeding under continuous daylight in the high Arctic. Here, we describe the off‐nest behaviour of 32 off‐duty parents from 17 nests. Off‐duty parents roamed on average 224 m from their nest, implying that direct communication with the incubating partner is unlikely. On average, off‐duty parents spent only 59% of their time feeding. Off‐nest distance and behaviour (like previously reported incubation behaviour) differed between the sexes, and varied with time and weather. Males roamed less far from the nest and spent less time feeding than did females. At night, parents stayed closer to the nest and tended to spend less time feeding than during the day. Further exploratory analyses revealed that the time spent feeding increased over the incubation period, and that at night, but not during the day, off‐duty parents spent more time feeding under relatively windy conditions. Hence, under energetically stressful conditions, parents may be forced to feed more. Our results suggest that parents are likely to conflict over the favourable feeding times, i.e. over when to incubate (within a day or incubation period). Our study also indicates that Semipalmated Sandpiper parents do not continuously keep track of each other to optimize incubation scheduling and, hence, that the off‐duty parent's decision to remain closer to the nest drives the length of incubation bouts.  相似文献   

Several studies have suggested a greater role for olfactory cues in avian social interactions than previously recognized, but few have explicitly investigated the effect of odor on parental behavior. We present results from a preliminary study in which we applied hetero‐ and conspecific preen gland secretions, which are known to contain volatile compounds, to the nests and eggs of incubating female dark‐eyed juncos Junco hyemalis. The responses to these two conditions were compared to the responses of females whose nests were treated with their own preen oil as a control condition, and to females whose nests were treated with the vehicle only. We found that females significantly reduced incubation bout length, a form of parental care, in response to alien secretions, more so if they came from a heterospecific than a conspecific. Females did not reduce incubation bout length in response to their own preen oil or to a vehicle‐only control. These results suggest that odors in the nest may influence avian parental care. However, the behavioral change was only temporary and had no effect on later hatching success. In our study population, brood parasitism by brown‐headed cowbirds is common, but resulting nest abandonment is rare; juncos are frequently able to successfully breed even with cowbird nestlings in their nests. Thus, we suggest that more extreme behavioral responses to alien odor, such as nest abandonment or egg ejection, may not be adaptive and should not be expected.  相似文献   

Clutches of ground‐nesting farmland birds are often destroyed by farming operations, resulting in insufficient reproductive success and subsequently declining populations. The aim of this study was to investigate whether volunteer nest protection can enhance nest success of ground‐nesting birds. The study compared nest success of protected and unprotected Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus nests over 2 years on arable farms in the Netherlands. Because of different crop management, nest success of ground‐breeding birds might differ between organic and conventional arable farms. The effectiveness of volunteer nest protection was therefore investigated on both farm types. Although nest protection significantly reduced nest loss due to farming operations, there were no significant differences in total clutch survival of protected and unprotected nests. However, sample sizes of unprotected nests, and protected nests on organic farms, were relatively small, which may have reduced statistical power. There were indications that protected nests were predated or deserted more often. We recommend exploring different ways to improve the effectiveness of volunteer nest protection through a further reduction of nest loss due to farming operations and predation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Avian brood parasites usually remove or puncture host eggs. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the function of these behaviors. Removing or puncturing host eggs may enhance the efficiency of incubation of cowbird eggs (incubation‐efficiency hypothesis) or reduce competition for food between cowbird and host chicks in parasitized nests (competition‐reduction hypothesis) and, in nonparasitized nests, may force hosts to renest and provide cowbirds with new opportunities for parasitism when nests are too advanced to be parasitized (nest‐predation hypothesis). Puncturing eggs may also allow cowbirds to assess the development of host eggs and use this information to decide whether to parasitize a nest (test‐incubation hypothesis). From 1999 to 2002, we tested these hypotheses using a population of Creamy‐bellied Thrushes (Turdus amaurochalinus) in Argentina that was heavily parasitized by Shiny Cowbirds (Molothrus bonariensis). We found that 56 of 94 Creamy‐bellied Thrush nests (60%) found during nest building or egg laying were parasitized by Shiny Cowbirds, and the mean number of cowbird eggs per parasitized nest was 1.6 ± 0.1 (N= 54 nests). At least one thrush egg was punctured in 71% (40/56) of parasitized nests, and 42% (16/38) of nonparasitized nests. We found that cowbird hatching success did not differ among nests where zero, one, or two thrush eggs were punctured and that the proportion of egg punctures associated with parasitism decreased as incubation progressed. Thus, our results do not support the incubation‐efficiency, nest‐predation, or test‐incubation hypotheses. However, the survival of cowbird chicks in our study was negatively associated with the number of thrush chicks. Thus, our results support the competition‐reduction hypothesis, with Shiny Cowbirds reducing competition between their young and host chicks by puncturing host eggs in parasitized nests.  相似文献   

The islands of Bahía Santa María‐La Reforma, Sinaloa, Mexico, host the largest breeding population of the western race of American Oystercatchers (Haematopus palliatus frazari). This resident shorebird has a small breeding range restricted to northwestern Mexico and, although listed as endangered, little is known about their breeding biology. We estimated the number of pairs on the El Rancho and Melendres islands, the detection rate of pairs in different habitats, and the relationship between habitat length and number of pairs during three breeding seasons (2016–2018). In 2016 and 2017, the number of pairs peaked in mid‐April (97 and 95 pairs, respectively) at El Rancho, and in early May and early April (50 and 42 pairs, respectively) at Melendres. In 2018, both islands had the maximum number of pairs during mid‐May, with 109 pairs at El Rancho and 42 at Melendres. Detectability of breeding pairs in plots with sandy beach and dune habitats was higher (86–100%) than in those with mangrove habitat (22%). Detectability was associated with habitat type and should be considered in estimating the population size of this subspecies. We estimated that ~ 11% of the total frazari American Oystercatcher population breeds on these two small islands. The density of breeding pairs varied between habitats (range = 0–13 pairs/km). We also found a positive relationship between the number of pairs and plot length, suggesting that habitat availability might be a limiting factor for populations of American Oystercatchers in Mexico.  相似文献   

Ground-nesting species are vulnerable to a wide range of predators and often experience very high levels of nest predation. Strategies to reduce nest vulnerability can include concealing nests in vegetation and/or nesting in locations in which nests and eggs are camouflaged and less easy for predators to locate. These strategies could have important implications for the distribution of ground-nesting species and the success rates of nests in areas with differing vegetation structure. However, the factors influencing the success of nest concealment and camouflage strategies in ground-nesting species are complex. Here we explore the effects of local vegetation structure and extent of nest concealment on nest predation rates in a range of ground-nesting, sympatric wader species with differing nest concealment strategies (open-nest species: Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus, Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria and Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus; concealed-nest species: Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa, Redshank Tringa totanus and Snipe Gallinago gallinago) in south Iceland, in landscapes that comprise substantial variability in vegetation structure at a range of scales. We monitored 469 nests of these six wader species in 2015 and 2016 and ~40% of these nests were predated. Nest predation rates were similar for open-nest and concealed-nest species and did not vary with vegetation structure in the surrounding landscape, but nest-concealing species were ~10% more likely to have nests predated when they were poorly concealed, and the frequency of poorly concealed nests was higher in colder conditions at the start of the breeding season. For concealed-nest species, the reduced capacity to hide nests in colder conditions is likely to reflect low rates of vegetation growth in such conditions. The ongoing trend for warmer springs at subarctic latitudes could result in more rapid vegetation growth, with consequent increases in the success rates of early nests of concealed-nest species. Temperature-related effects on nest concealment from predators could thus be an important mechanism through which climate change affecting vegetation could have population-level impacts on breeding birds at higher latitudes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Nest predation is the primary cause of nest failure for Greater Sage‐Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus), but the identity of their nest predators is often uncertain. Confirming the identity of these predators may be useful in enhancing management strategies designed to increase nest success. From 2002 to 2005, we monitored 87 Greater Sage‐Grouse nests (camera, N= 55; no camera, N= 32) in northeastern Nevada and south‐central Idaho and identified predators at 17 nests, with Common Ravens (Corvus corax) preying on eggs at 10 nests and American badgers (Taxidea taxis) at seven. Rodents were frequently observed at grouse nests, but did not prey on grouse eggs. Because sign left by ravens and badgers was often indistinguishable following nest predation, identifying nest predators based on egg removal, the presence of egg shells, or other sign was not possible. Most predation occurred when females were on nests. Active nest defense by grouse was rare and always unsuccessful. Continuous video monitoring of Sage‐Grouse nests permitted unambiguous identification of nest predators. Additional monitoring studies could help improve our understanding of the causes of Sage‐Grouse nest failure in the face of land‐use changes in the Intermountain West.  相似文献   

Despite concerns about their population status, information about the habitat preferences, population size, and vital statistics of Wilson's Plovers (Charadrius wilsonia) is currently lacking. We compared habitat characteristics of nest sites and unused sites and examined factors affecting nest success on a barrier island in North Carolina in 2010 and 2011. We monitored 83 nests with cameras and added heart‐rate monitors in artificial eggs to 36 of these nests for a concurrent study of the effects of jet overflights; predator exclosures were placed around 17 of the nests with cameras. Wilson's Plovers used interdune areas, flats, and isolated dunelets on flats more than expected based on availability, and nests were located closer to dense vegetation than unused sites. Nests in interdune areas had higher daily survival rates than nests on flats, but distance to dense vegetation did not affect nest survival. Nests without cameras, heart‐rate monitors, or exclosures had a 35% predicted probability of hatching at least one egg. Exclosed nests had higher daily survival rates than nests without exclosures, but daily survival rates were lower for nests with cameras or heart‐rate monitors and for nests initiated later in the season. Daily survival rates also declined as nests aged. The predicted probability of fledging was 74%, resulting in a reproductive output of 0.78 fledglings/pair. Apparent annual adult survival was 77%, and the apparent annual survival rate for birds banded as chicks was 42%. Additional research is needed throughout the range of Wilson's Plovers to determine if populations are stable or decreasing, and to predict the productivity rates needed to maintain current populations. However, our results suggest that in our study area, predator removal and protection of sparsely vegetated overwash habitats will likely have the greatest impact on reproductive output.  相似文献   

Different forms of outdoor recreation have different spatiotemporal activity patterns that may have interactive or cumulative effects on wildlife through human disturbance, physical habitat change, or both. In western North America, shrub‐steppe habitats near urban areas are popular sites for motorized recreation and nonmotorized recreation and can provide important habitat for protected species, including golden eagles. Our objective was to determine whether recreation use (i.e., number of recreationists) or recreation features (e.g., trails or campsites) predicted golden eagle territory occupancy, egg‐laying, or the probability a breeding attempt resulted in ≥1 offspring (nest survival). We monitored egg‐laying, hatching and fledging success, eagle behavior, and recreation activity within 23 eagle territories near Boise, Idaho, USA. Territories with more off‐road vehicle (ORV) use were less likely to be occupied than territories with less ORV use (β = ?1.6, 85% CI: ?2.8 to ?0.8). At occupied territories, early season pedestrian use (β = ?1.6, 85% CI: ?3.8 to ?0.2) and other nonmotorized use (β = ?3.6, 85% CI: ?10.7 to ?0.3) reduced the probability of egg‐laying. At territories where eagles laid eggs, short, interval‐specific peaks in ORV use were associated with decreased nest survival (β = ?0.5, 85% CI: ?0.8 to ?0.2). Pedestrians, who often arrived near eagle nests via motorized vehicles, were associated with reduced nest attendance (β = ?11.9, 85% CI: ?19.2 to ?4.5), an important predictor of nest survival. Multiple forms of recreation may have cumulative effects on local populations by reducing occupancy at otherwise suitable territories, decreasing breeding attempts, and causing nesting failure. Seasonal no‐stopping zones for motorized vehicles may be an alternative to trail closures for managing disturbance. This study demonstrates the importance of considering human disturbance across different parts of the annual cycle, particularly where multiple forms of recreation have varying spatiotemporal use patterns that create human–wildlife interactions.  相似文献   

Birds exhibit a wide diversity of breeding strategies. During incubation or chick‐rearing, parental care can be either uniparental, by either the male or the female, or biparental. Understanding the selective pressures that drive these different strategies represents an exciting challenge for ecologists. In this context, assigning the type of parental care at the nest (e.g. biparental or uniparental incubation strategy) is often a prerequisite to answering questions in evolutionary ecology. The aim of this study was to produce a standardized method unequivocally to assign an incubation strategy to any Sanderling Calidris alba nest found in the field by monitoring nest temperature profiles. Using drops of >3 °C in nest temperature (recorded with thermistors) to distinguish incubation and recess periods, we showed that the number of recesses and the total duration of these recesses from 09:00 to 17:00 h UTC allowed us reliably (99.1% after 24 h and 100% when monitoring the nest for at least 4 days) to assign the incubation strategy at the nest for 21 breeding adults (14 nests). Monitoring nest temperature for at least 24 h is an effective method to assign an incubation strategy without having to re‐visit nests, thereby saving time in the field and minimizing both disturbance and related increase in predation risk of clutches. Given the advantages of our method, we suggest that it should be used more widely in studies that aim to document incubation strategies and patterns in regions where ambient temperatures are at least 3 °C below the median nest temperature.  相似文献   

Between 2004 and 2007, we studied density, habitat features and breeding parameters of the osprey (Pandion haliaetus) population in Boa Vista Island (Cape Verde). A total of 79 nest structures were identified, 37 of which were occupied for at least 1 year during the study period. The osprey population ranged between 14 and 18 pairs, and the mean density and distance between neighbouring occupied nests were 2.58 pairs per 100 km2 and 3089 m, respectively. Occupied nests were found to be significantly further from the coastline and roads than unoccupied nests, but the distances from villages were similar. The majority (81.1%) of the 37 occupied nests were easily accessible to humans. Mean clutch size was 2.59, average productivity was 0.76 young/active nest, and breeding success was 58.8% [Correction added on 13 May 2013, after first online publication: the average productivity was changed from 0.72 to 0.76]. Density in Boa Vista was higher than that in other sedentary island populations in the Western Palearctic, whereas the productivity was the lowest of this region. Clutch size did not vary among Western Palearctic populations, but the differences observed in productivity were likely influenced by local factors that in Boa Vista are attributed to nest depredation by the brown‐necked raven (Corvus ruficollis) and to direct human persecution.  相似文献   

The decision of females to nest communally has important consequences for reproductive success. While often associated with reduced energetic expenditure, conspecific aggregations also expose females and offspring to conspecific aggression, exploitation, and infanticide. Intrasexual competition pressures are expected to favor the evolution of conditional strategies, which could be based on simple decision rules (i.e., availability of nesting sites and synchronicity with conspecifics) or on a focal individual's condition or status (i.e., body size). Oviparous reptiles that reproduce seasonally and provide limited to no postnatal care provide ideal systems for disentangling social factors that influence different female reproductive tactics from those present in offspring‐rearing environments. In this study, we investigated whether nesting strategies in a West Indian rock iguana, Cyclura nubila caymanensis, vary conditionally with reproductive timing or body size, and evaluated consequences for nesting success. Nesting surveys were conducted on Little Cayman, Cayman Islands, British West Indies for four consecutive years. Use of high‐density nesting sites was increasingly favored up to seasonal nesting activity peaks, after which nesting was generally restricted to low‐density nesting areas. Although larger females were not more likely than smaller females to nest in high‐density areas, larger females nested earlier and gained access to priority oviposition sites. Smaller females constructed nests later in the season, apparently foregoing investment in extended nest defense. Late‐season nests were also constructed at shallower depths and exhibited shorter incubation periods. While nest depth and incubation length had significant effects on reproductive outcomes, so did local nest densities. Higher densities were associated with significant declines in hatching success, with up to 20% of egg‐filled nests experiencing later intrusion by a conspecific. Despite these risks, nests in high‐density areas were significantly more successful than elsewhere due to the benefits of greater chamber depths and longer incubation times. These results imply that communal nest sites convey honest signals of habitat quality, but that gaining and defending priority oviposition sites requires competitive ability.  相似文献   

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