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Basic research on pluripotent stem cells is designed to enhance understanding of embryogenesis, whereas applied research is designed to develop novel therapies and prevent diseases. Attainment of these goals has been enhanced by the establishment of embryonic stem cell lines, the technological development of genomic reprogramming to generate induced-pluripotent stem cells, and improvements in vitro techniques to manipulate stem cells. This review summarizes the techniques required to generate neural cells from pluripotent stem cells. In particular, this review describes current research applications of a simple neural differentiation method, the neural stem sphere method, which we developed.  相似文献   

This paper described that neural stem cells (hsNSCs) were isolated and expanded rapidly from human fetal striatum in adherent culture. The population was serum- and growth factor-dependent and expressed neural stem cell markers. They were capable of multi-differentiation into neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. When plated in the dopaminergic neuron inducing medium, human striatum neural stem cells could differentiate into tyrosine hydroxylase positive neurons. hsNSCs were morphologically homogeneous and possessed high proliferation ability. The population doubled every 44.28h and until now it has divided for more than 82 generations in vitro. Normal human diploid karyotype was unchanged throughout the in vitro culture period. Together, this study has exploited a method for continuous and rapid expansion of human neural stem cells as pure population, which maintained the capacity to generate almost fifty percent neurons. The availability of such cells may hold great interest for basic and applied neuroscience.  相似文献   

Wound healing is a complex process requiring communication for the precise co-ordination of different cell types. The role of extracellular communication through growth factors in the wound healing process has been extensively documented, but the role of direct intercellular communication via gap junctions has scarcely been investigated. We have examined the dynamics of gap junction protein (Connexins 26, 30, 31.1 and 43) expression in the murine epidermis and dermis during wound healing, and we show that connexin expression is extremely plastic between 6 hours and 12 days post-wounding. The immediate response (6 h) to wounding is to downregulate all connexins in the epidermis, but thereafter the expression profile of each connexin changes dramatically. Here, we correlate the changing patterns of connexin expression with key events in the wound healing process.  相似文献   

Transition of arterial smooth muscle cells from the contractile to the synthetic phenotype in vivo is associated with up-regulation of the gap-junctional protein, connexin43 (Cx43). However, the role of increased Cx43 expression in relation to the characteristic features of the synthetic phenotype – altered growth, differentiation or synthetic activity – has not previously been defined. In the present study, growth was induced in cultured human aortic smooth muscle cells by treatment with thrombin and with PDGF-bb; growth arrest was induced by serum deprivation and contact inhibition. Alterations in Cx43 expression and gap-junctional communication were analyzed in relation to expression of markers for contractile differentiation and extracellular matrix synthesis. Treatment with thrombin, but not PDGF-bb, led to up-regulation of Cx43 gap junctions, increased synthetic activity yet also enhanced contractile differentiation. Inhibition of growth by deprivation of serum growth factors in sub-confluent cultures had no effect on Cx43 expression or contractile differentiation. Growth arrest by contact inhibition led to progressive reduction in Cx43 expression, in parallel with progressive increase in expression of differentiation markers but no alteration in synthetic activity. Of a range of stimuli examined, only thrombin had the combined effect of increasing Cx43 gap-junction communication, growth and synthesis, yet it also enhanced contractile differentiation. Down-regulation of Cx43 and improved contractile differentiation occurred only when growth arrest was induced through the contact–inhibition pathway, though, in this instance, synthesis remained undiminished. We conclude that Cx43 levels, though having common correlates, are not exclusively linked to the cell phenotype or the state of growth.  相似文献   

Neural stem cells, which are clonogenic cells with multilineage differentiation properties from regions of the fetal brain, cortex and hippocampus, are currently considered as powerful candidates for cell replacement therapy in neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson's disease. A key issue is whether stem cells can survive, migrate and differentiate following transplantation into the adult CNS. Here, enhanced green fluorescent protein plasmid electroporation-transfected neural stem cells from the fetal cortex were grafted into the striatum of a rat model of Parkinson's disease. We found most of the grafted cells could survive in the adult parkinsonian rat brain and migrated towards damaged areas, while they moved randomly in the normal brain. Several grafted cells differentiated into neurons.  相似文献   

Adult bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can differentiate into several types of mesenchymal cells, including osteocytes, chondrocytes, and adipocytes, but can also differentiate into non-mesenchymal cells, such as neural cells, under appropriate experimental conditions. Until now, many protocols for inducing neuro-differentiation in MSCs in vitro have been reported. But due to the differences in MSCs' isolation and culture conditions, the results of previous studies lacked consistency and comparability. In this study, we induced differentiation into neural phenotype in the same MSCs population by three different treatments: beta-mercaptoethanol, serum-free medium and co-cultivation with fetal mouse brain astrocytes. In all of the three treatments, MSCs could express neural markers such as NeuN or GFAP, associating with remarkable morphological modifications. But these treatments led to neural phenotype in a non-identical manner. In serum-free medium, MSCs mainly differentiated into neuron-like cells, expressing neuronal marker NeuN, and BME can promote this process. Differently, after co-culturing with astrocytes, MSCs leaned to differentiate into GFAP(+) cells. These data confirmed that MSCs can exhibit plastic neuro-differentiational potential in vitro, depending on the protocols of inducement.  相似文献   

Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC), that have been reported to be present in bone marrow, adipose tissues, dermis, muscles, and peripheral blood, have the potential to differentiate along different lineages including those forming bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, and neuron. Therefore, hMSC are attractive candidates for cell and gene therapy. The optimal conditions for hMSC expansion require medium supplemented with fetal bovine serum (FBS). Some forms of cell therapy will involve multiple doses, raising a concern over immunological reactions caused by medium-derived FBS proteins. In this study, we cultured human adipose stromal cells (hADSC) and bone marrow stroma cells (HBMSC) in human serum (HS) during their isolation and expansion, and demonstrated that they maintain their proliferative capacity and ability for multilineage differentiation and promote engraftment of peripheral blood-derived CD34(+) cells mobilized from bone marrow in NOD/SCID mice. Our results indicate that hADSC and hBMSC cultured in HS can be used for clinical trials of cell and gene therapies, including promotion of engraftment after allogeneic HSC transplantation.  相似文献   

锂在现代精神病学中使用超过65年,其构成了双相情感障碍(BD)长期治疗的基础。锂的许多生物学特性已经被证实,包括抗病毒、血液系统和神经系统保护作用。本文系统综述了锂对造血干细胞(HSCs)、神经干细胞(NSCs)以及诱导多能干细胞(iPSCs)作用影响的研究进展及其目前已证实的分子机制。自20世纪70年代以来,锂对保持HSCs和生长因子高水平的作用已被报道。锂可以改善HSCs的归巢能力、形成菌落的能力和自我更新的能力。关于锂对神经发生影响的研究表明,锂可促进海马齿状回的干细胞增殖,并导致施旺氏细胞有丝分裂活性增强。锂被证实与神经保护和神经营养作用相关,具体作用反映在锂可改善突触的可塑性,促进细胞存活,抑制细胞凋亡等。在临床研究中发现,锂离子的治疗可增加大脑灰质的成分,尤其作用在额叶、海马和杏仁核等位置。锂对干细胞的作用涉及多条介质和信号通路,其中最重要的介质和信号通路被认为是糖原合成酶激酶-3(GSK-3)和Wnt/β-catenin通路,另外包括调节cAMP、蛋白激酶B、磷脂酰肌醇3-激酶(pi3k)和肌醇单磷酸酶(IMP)水平的信号通路等也与锂作用有紧密的联系。锂在现阶段被利用于治疗BD和降低痴呆症患病风险的临床实验中,并对神经退行性疾病发挥有益作用。除此之外,为了研究的发病机制和锂离子在其中的作用机制,从BD患者中获得的iPSCs也被广泛应用。  相似文献   

A stem cell has three important features. Firstly, the ability of self‐renewal: making identical copies of itself. Secondly, multipotency, generating all the major cell lineages of the host tissue (in the case of embryonic stem cells—pluripotency). Thirdly, the ability to generate/regenerate tissues. Thus, the study of stem cells will help unravel the complexity of tissue development and organisation, and will also have important clinical applications. Neural stem cells (NSCs) are present during embryonic development and in certain regions of the adult central nervous system (CNS). Mobilizing adult NSCs to promote repair of injured or diseased CNS is a promising approach. Since NSCs may give rise to brain tumor, they represent in vitro models for anti‐cancer drug screening. To facilitate the use of NSCs in clinical scenarios, we need to explore the biology of these cells in greater details. One clear goal is to be able to definitively identify and purify NSCs. The neurosphere‐forming assay is robust and reflects the behavior of NSCs. Clonal analysis where single cells give rise to neurospheres need to be used to follow the self‐renewal and multipotency characteristics of NSCs. Neurosphere formation in combination with other markers of NSC behavior such as active Notch signaling represents the state of the art to follow these cells. Many issues connected with NSC biology need to be explored to provide a platform for clinical applications. Important future directions that are highlighted in this review are; identification of markers for NSCs, the use of NSCs in high‐throughput screens and the modelling of the central nervous development. There is no doubt that the study of NSCs is crucial if we are to tackle the diseases of the CNS such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. J. Cell. Biochem. 106: 1–6, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Neural stem cells (NSCs) can be cultured in two modes of suspension and monolayer in vitro. The cultured cells are different in both the ability to proliferate and heterogeneity. In order to find the appropriate methods for large-scale expansion of NSCs, we systematically compared the NSCs cultured in suspension with those cultured in monolayer. The forebrain tissue was removed from embryonic day 14 (E14) mice, then the tissue was dissociated into single-cell suspension by Accutase and mechanical trituration. The cells were cultured in both suspension and monolayer. The NSCs cultured in suspension and in monolayer were compared on viability, ability to proliferate and heterogeneity by fluorescent dyes, immunofluorescence and flow cytometry on DIV21 (21 days in vitro), DIV56 and DIV112, respectively. The results indicated that the NSCs cultured in both suspension and monolayer represented good viability in long-term cultures. But they displayed a distinct ability to proliferate in long-term cultures. The NSCs cultured in monolayer preceded those cultured in suspension on the ability to proliferate on DIV21 and DIV56, but no obvious difference on DIV112. The NSCs population cultured in suspension displayed more nestin-positive cells than those in monolayer during the whole process of culture. The NSCs population cultured in monolayer, however, displayed more βIII tubulin-positive cells than those in suspension in the same period. The suspension culture mode excels the monolayer culture mode for large-scale expansion of NSCs.  相似文献   

Non-human primate (NHP) embryonic stem (ES) cells show unlimited proliferative capacities and a great potential to generate multiple cell lineages. These properties make them an ideal resource both for investigating early developmental processes and for assessing their therapeutic potential in numerous models of degenerative diseases. They share the same markers and the same properties with human ES cells, and thus provide an invaluable transitional model that can be used to address the safety issues related to the clinical use of human ES cells. Here, we review the available information on the derivation and the specific features of monkey ES cells. We comment on the capacity of primate ES cells to differentiate into neural lineages and the current protocols to generate self-renewing neural stem cells. We also highlight the signalling pathways involved in the maintenance of these neural cell types. Finally, we discuss the potential of monkey ES cells for neuronal differentiation.  相似文献   

本研究探讨体外诱导鸡胚胎生殖细胞(EGCs)分化为神经干细胞(NSCs)的可能性.EGCs经类胚体(EB)阶段,以维生素A酸(RA)等进行诱导,在NSCs选择性培养基中筛培养扩增7 d,观察形态变化;采用RT-PCR法检测nestin基因表达及免疫细胞化学法检测nestin等NSCs特异性标志物,并对其扩增及分化能力进行观察.结果显示:EGCs经初级诱导,NSCs选择性培养基筛选培养7 d后,形成大量神经球样结构,可扩增传代;绝大部分神经球样结构呈nestin抗原阳性,表达nestin基因,且可分化为神经上皮样及少突胶质细胞.研究结果表明:RA等诱导的EGCs,经选择性培养基筛选培养可获得NSCs,有望为眼部神经变性疾病的治疗提供新的技术参考.  相似文献   

近年来多能干细胞(PSCs)的体外培养与分化技术发展迅速,并广泛应用于再生医学和发育生物学等领域。PSCs能够在体外神经诱导的条件下分化为类神经管模型,这为探索体内早期神经发育与中枢神经系统发育疾病的形成机制提供了全新的实验平台。本文总结了近年来应用小鼠和人PSCs建立体外类神经管模型的研究进展,其中体外模型主要包括在不同培养体系下诱导获得的二维(2D)与三维(3D)类神经管模型,并针对早期类神经管模型在神经系统发育性疾病机制研究中的前景和挑战作进一步探讨,同时为疾病预防和治疗提供新的思路。  相似文献   

The mechanisms that regulate the maintenance of stem cell self-renewal versus differentiation are complex and remain mostly unknown. Understanding neurogenesis and neural cell differentiation presents a unique challenge for the treatment of nervous system disorders. To gain more insight into molecular mechanisms of the differentiation of neural cells, we combined the advantage of porcine fetal neural stem cells (NSCs) in vitro differentiation model and proteomic analysis. Using 2-DE followed by MS, we profiled constituent proteins of NSCs and their differentiated progenies at first and then indicated protein species that were significantly up- or down-regulated during the differentiation. The largest identified group of constituent proteins was related to RNA and protein metabolism and processing, including chaperones, and the second largest consisted of proteins involved in cell organization (cytoskeleton and annexins). Differentiation of neural cells was found to be accompanied by changes in the expression of proteins involved in DNA and RNA binding, mRNA processing and transport, stress responses, iron storage, and redox regulation. Additional immunoblot analysis verified the induction of alpha-B crystallin and heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins (hnRNPs) A1 and A2/B1. Furthermore, immunocytochemistry demonstrated specific localization of alpha-B crystallin in the cytoplasm or nucleus of glial cells and confirmed cellular expression patterns of hnRNPs A1 and A2/B1. These findings represent a significant step towards understanding neural cell differentiation and identification of the regulatory proteins associated with this process.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are promising candidates for bone regeneration therapies due to their plasticity and easiness of sourcing. MSC-based treatments are generally considered a safe procedure, however, the long-term results obtained up to now are far from satisfactory. The main causes of these therapeutic limitations are inefficient homing, engraftment, and osteogenic differentiation. Many studies have proposed modifications to improve MSC engraftment and osteogenic differentiation of the transplanted cells. Several strategies are aimed to improve cell resistance to the hostile microenvironment found in the recipient tissue and increase cell survival after transplantation. These strategies could range from a simple modification of the culture conditions, known as cell-preconditioning, to the genetic modification of the cells to avoid cellular senescence. Many efforts have also been done in order to enhance the osteogenic potential of the transplanted cells and induce bone formation, mainly by the use of bioactive or biomimetic scaffolds, although alternative approaches will also be discussed. This review aims to summarize several of the most recent approaches, providing an up-to-date view of the main developments in MSC-based regenerative techniques.  相似文献   

Amniotic epithelial cells (AECs) were reported to show a neuroprotective effect on neurons, but there was no direct evidence for a functional relationship between neural stem cells (NSCs) and AECs. The aim of this study was to determine whether AECs could stimulate differentiation and expand neurogenesis of NSCs, and whether the roles were due to a diffusible factor or required direct cell-cell contact. AECs were isolated from rat amnion on E14-16 and NSCs were isolated from neocortical tissue. The growth and differentiation of NSCs were compared under different conditions. The results showed that NSCs cultured with FGF-2 proliferated and formed floating neurospheres while those grown in B27 without FGF-2 failed to thrive. Those grown either with AEC conditioned medium or in transwells showed significantly improved survival. Moreover, the neural differentiation and length of neurite were greater in exogenous FGF groups when NSCs were allowed direct contact with AECs. Western blotting, immunocytochemistry and RT-PCR indicated that rat AECs could secrete NT-3 and BDNF. Furthermore, the presence of FGF-2 enhanced the function of AECs. These findings identified that AECs may be regarded as a critical component of NSCs niche and suggested that direct cell-to-cell contact may provide additional and independent support. Such information would circumvent the need for AECs-NSCs co-culture and could potentially facilitate the production of neurons for future clinical applications.  相似文献   

目的探讨神经干细胞(NSCs)移植对创伤性脑损伤(TBI)模型大鼠感觉运动功能的恢复作用及其对损伤脑组织中突触素(SYP)表达的影响。方法体外培养大鼠胚胎皮质NSCs;采用Feeney法制备TBI模型,于造模后72h,移植组采用PKH26荧光示踪剂标记的NSCs直接移植于脑损伤区,对照组以等量生理盐水代替NSCs;分别于移植后不同时间点,采用Gridwalk和Latency试验检测TBI大鼠的感觉运动功能;荧光显微镜下计数移植细胞的存活数量;采用免疫印迹和RT-PCR技术检测脑损伤区及周围组织中SYP的表达。结果 NSCs移植大鼠前、后肢功能分别在移植后第2w和4w恢复至手术前水平,而直到第8w,对照组大鼠后肢功能和通过平板移动时间与NSCs移植组和基线比较仍有显著性差异(P〈0.05)。移植的NSCs随移植时间延长存活数量减少,移植后第4w和8w的存活数分别为6.3%±1.0%和4.1%±0.9%。在移植后的8w期间,移植组脑损伤区及周围组织中SYP的表达均明显高于对照组(P〈0.05)。结论移植的NSCs在TBI脑内能够存活,并明显改善了TBI大鼠对侧肢体的感觉运动功能;NSCs移植促进了脑损伤区及周围组织中SYP的表达,这可能是NSCs移植促进功能恢复的机理之一。  相似文献   

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