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Chronic progression of two T cell-mediated central nervous system (CNS) demyelinating models of multiple sclerosis, relapsing EAE (R-EAE) and Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus-induced demyelinating disease (TMEV-IDD) is dependent on the activation of T cells to endogenous myelin epitopes (epitope spreading). Using transfer of carboxyfluorescein succinyl ester (CFSE)-labeled T-cell receptor (TCR)-transgenic T cells and mixed bone marrow chimeras, we show that activation of naive proteolipid protein (PLP)139-151-specific T cells in SJL mice undergoing PLP178-191-induced R-EAE or TMEV-IDD occurs directly in the CNS and not in the cervical lymph nodes or other peripheral lymphoid organs. Examination of the antigen-presentation capacity of antigen-presenting cell (APC) populations purified from the CNS of mice with PLP178-191-induced R-EAE shows that only F4/80-CD11c+CD45hi dendritic cells (DCs) efficiently present endogenous antigen to activate naive PLP139-151-specific T cells in vitro. In contrast, DCs as well as F4/80+CD45hi macrophages and F4/80+CD45lo microglia activate a PLP139-151-specific helper T cell line. The data suggest that naive T cells enter the inflamed CNS and are activated by local APCs, possibly DCs, to initiate epitope spreading.  相似文献   

The paradigm for pathogenic autoimmunity is the generation of high-titre, affinity-matured autoantibodies to a restricted family of autoantigens, in the appropriate genetic context. Genetic determinants of autoimmunity are largely found within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and the 'genotype to serotype to phenotype' concept is supported in a number of autoimmune diseases, where both genotype and serotype are well established. The serotype is autoantigen-driven, with evidence of epitope spreading as the disease evolves from asymptomatic to pathogenic autoimmunity. In rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis, where the autoantigens are poorly characterised, the use of an array in animal models may produce a hint of what happens in human disease. A more complete picture will be obtained from animals transgenic for human MHC, immunised with known human autoantigens.  相似文献   

The sequential emergence of specific T lymphocyte-mediated immune reactivity directed against multiple distinct myelin epitopes (epitope spreading) has been associated with clinical relapses in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an animal model of multiple sclerosis (MS). Based on this association, an appealing and plausible model for immune-mediated progression of the advancing clinical course in MS and EAE has been proposed in which epitope spreading is the cause of clinical relapses in T cell-mediated CNS inflammatory diseases. However, the observed association between epitope spreading and disease progression is not universal, and absolute requirements for epitope spreading in progressive EAE have not been tested in the absence of multiple T cell specificities, because most prior studies have been conducted in immunocompetent mouse strains that possessed broad TCR repertoires. Consequently, the precise nature of a causal relationship between epitope spreading and disease progression remains uncertain. To determine whether relapsing or progressive EAE can occur in the absence of epitope spreading, we evaluated the course of disease in mice which possessed only a single myelin-specific TCR. These mice (transgenic/SCID +/+) exhibited a progressive and sometimes remitting/relapsing disease course in the absence of immune reactivity to multiple, spreading myelin epitopes. The results provide direct experimental evidence relevant to discussions on the mechanisms of disease progression in MS and EAE.  相似文献   



Anti-citrullinated protein/peptide antibodies (ACPAs) are highly specific to rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients and are thought to have a close relationship with the pathogenesis of arthritis. Several proteins, including fibrinogen, vimentin, and alpha-enolase, were reported as ACPA-target antigens, and their importance in RA pathogenesis was widely proposed. We identified citrullinated immunoglobulin binding protein (citBiP) as another ACPA target in RA patients and examined its pro-inflammatory role in arthritis.


We measured the levels of anti-citBiP, anti-BiP, and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (CCP) antibodies in the serum of RA patients (n = 100), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients (n = 60), and healthy controls (n = 30) using ELISA and immunoblotting. Epitope mapping was performed using 27 citBiP-derived peptides. In the mouse study, after DBA/1J mice were immunized with BiP or citBiP, serum titers of ACPAs were measured by ELISA and immunohistochemistry. The development of collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) was observed in BiP- or citBiP-pre-immunized mice.


The serum levels of anti-BiP and anti-citBiP antibodies were significantly increased in RA patients, although only anti-BiP antibodies were slightly increased in SLE patients. Interestingly, anti-citBiP antibody levels were higher than anti-BiP antibody levels in 72% of RA patients, whereas no significant increase in anti-citBiP antibody levels was detected in SLE patients and healthy controls. The serum levels of anti-CCP antibodies were correlated with those of anti-citBiP antibodies in RA patients (R2 = 0.41). Several citrulline residues of citBiP were determined to be major epitopes of anti-citBiP antibodies, one of which showed cross-reactivity with CCP. Immunization of DBA/1J mice with citBiP induced several kinds of ACPAs, including anti-CCP and anti-citrullinated fibrinogen antibodies. Pre-immunization with citBiP exacerbated CIA, and anti-CCP antibody levels were increased in citBiP-pre-immunized CIA mice.


CitBiP is a newly described ACPA target that may play a pro-inflammatory role in arthritis.  相似文献   

A morphological transformation involving loss of adhesion between myelin lamellae and formation of myelin vesicles has been described as a mechanism for demyelination in multiple sclerosis and marmoset experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE). Although protein interactions are involved in maintaining normal myelin structure, we describe here how lipids contribute to myelin stability and how lipid changes in EAE, including increases in lipid polyunsaturation and negatively charged phosphatidylserine (PS), promote demyelination. Three physico-chemical techniques were used to identify these changes: (1) Langmuir monolayer isotherms indicated that EAE white matter lipids were significantly more "expanded" (fluid) than controls. (2) NMR spectroscopy indicated that EAE myelin lipids were more polyunsaturated than controls. (3) High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with an evaporative light scattering detector indicated increased PS in EAE compared to controls, while sphingomyelin (SM), sulfatides and phosphatidylcholine (PC) were decreased. We present a physical model considering electrostatic, van der Waals and undulation forces to quantify the effect of these changes on myelin adhesion at the extracellular interface. Taken together, the isotherm, NMR, HPLC and modeling results support a mechanism for autoimmune demyelination whereby the composition of myelin lipids is altered in a manner that increases myelin fluidity, decreases myelin adhesion, increases membrane curvature, and promotes vesiculation.  相似文献   

Several autoantibodies found in RA are directed to epitopes in citrullinated proteins. One of them is anti modified citrullinated vimentin (Anti-MCV). We tested the value a newly developed ELISA for the detection of antibodies against a genetically modified citrullinated vimentin (anti-MCV) in comparison with an anti-CCP based ELISA system for the diagnosis of RA. Thirty-five patients with RA (mean age; 42.6 +/- 10.87 years, mean disease duration; 9.37 +/- 3.98 years) were enrolled in this study. Twenty -five ankylosing spondylitis (mean age; 35.88 +/- 6.64 years, mean disease duration; 10.25 +/- 4.61 years), and 19 healthy subjects (mean age; 40.26 +/- 5.11 years) served as controls. Anti-CCP antibodies and Anti-MCV antibodies were measured using ELISA. In all RA patients, mean anti- CCP level was 69.07 +/- 90.43 U/ml and anti-MCV level was 665.77 +/- 1040.19 U/ml. In patients with AS, the mean anti-CCP level was 10.7 +/- 5.22 U/ml and anti-MCV level was 40.54 +/- 20.15 U/ml. In healthy controls, the mean anti-CCP level was 11.11 +/- 7.65 U/ml, anti-MCV level was 23.12 +/- 12.04 U/ml. In patients with active RA, the mean serum anti-CCP level was 100.54 +/- 98.07 U/ml and anti-MCV level was 998.74 +/- 1154.93 U/ml. In patients with inactive RA, the mean serum anti-CCP level was 8.77 +/- 1.55 U/ml and anti-MCV level was 27.59 +/- 23.10 U/ml. According to these results; In patients with RA, the mean serum anti-MCV and anti-CCP levels were significantly high compared to patients with AS and healthy controls (p=0.002, p=0.001, p=0.002, p=0.001 respectively). The mean serum anti-MCV and anti- CCP levels were significantly higher in active patients with RA than in inactive patients with RA patients (p=0.001 and p=0.001 respectively). In inactive patients with RA, the mean serum anti-MCV and anti-CCP levels were similar in patients with AS and patients (p=0.484, p=0.308, p=0.09 and p=0.222 respectively). The mean serum anti-MCV levels were correlated with DAS 28 (r=0.531, p=0.001), VAS score (r=0.332, p=0.01), ESR (r=0.458, p=0.001), serum CRP levels (r=0.568, p=0.01), serum RF levels (r=0.529, p=0.001), swollen joints number (r=0.525, p=0.001) and tender joints number (r=0.638, p=0.001). As a result; measurement of serum anti-MCV levels is useful for diagnosis of RA and combined use of anti-MCV and RF may be more useful prognostic factor than either method alone, RF and anti-CCP.  相似文献   

Antibodies to citrullinated proteins (anti-cyclic-citrullinated peptide [anti-CCP] antibodies) are highly specific for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and precede the onset of disease symptoms, indicating a pathogenetic role for these antibodies in RA. We recently showed that distinct genetic risk factors are associated with either anti-CCP-positive disease or anti-CCP-negative disease. These data are important as they indicate that distinct pathogenic mechanisms are underlying anti-CCP-positive disease or anti-CCP-negative disease. Likewise, these observations raise the question of whether anti-CCP-positive RA and anti-CCP-negative RA are clinically different disease entities. We therefore investigated whether RA patients with anti-CCP antibodies have a different clinical presentation and disease course compared with patients without these autoantibodies. In a cohort of 454 incident patients with RA, 228 patients were anti-CCP-positive and 226 patients were anti-CCP-negative. The early symptoms, tender and swollen joint count, and C-reactive protein level at inclusion, as well as the swollen joint count and radiological destruction during 4 years of follow-up, were compared for the two groups. There were no differences in morning stiffness, type, location and distribution of early symptoms, patients' rated disease activity and C-reactive protein at inclusion between RA patients with and without anti-CCP antibodies. The mean tender and swollen joint count for the different joints at inclusion was similar. At follow-up, patients with anti-CCP antibodies had more swollen joints and more severe radiological destruction. Nevertheless, the distribution of affected joints, for swelling, bone erosions and joint space narrowing, was similar. In conclusion, the phenotype of RA patients with or without anti-CCP antibodies is similar with respect to clinical presentation but differs with respect to disease course.  相似文献   

IntroductionWe have previously identified endogenously citrullinated peptides derived from fibrinogen in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) synovial tissues. In this study, we have investigated the auto-antigenicity of four of those citrullinated peptides, and explored their feasibility to target anti-citrullinated protein/peptide antibodies (ACPA).MethodsThe autoantigenic potential of the fibrinogen peptides was investigated by screening 927 serum samples from the Epidemiological Investigation of RA (EIRA) cohort on a peptide microarray based on the ImmunoCAP ISAC® system. In order to assay for ACPA blocking, two independent pools of purified ACPA were incubated with the respective targeting peptide prior to binding to cyclic citrullinated peptide (CCP)2 using the CCPlus® ELISA kit.ResultsTwo peptides derived from the fibrinogen α chain, Arg573Cit (563-583) and Arg591Cit (580-600), referred to as Cit573 and Cit591, and two peptides from the fibrinogen β chain, Arg72Cit (62-81) and Arg74Cit (62-81) (Cit72 and Cit74), displayed 65 %, 15 %, 35 %, and 53 % of immune reactivity among CCP2-positive RA sera, respectively. In CCP2-negative RA sera, a positive reactivity was detected in 5 % (Cit573), 6 % (Cit591), 8 % (Cit72), and 4 % (Cit74). In the competition assay, Cit573 and Cit591 peptides reduced ACPA binding to CCP2 by a maximum of 84 % and 63 % respectively. An additive effect was observed when these peptides were combined. In contrast, Cit74 and Cit72 were less effective. Cyclization of the peptide structure containing Cit573 significantly increased the blocking efficiency.ConclusionsHere we demonstrate extensive autoantibody reactivity against in vivo citrullinated fibrinogen epitopes, and further show the potential use of these peptides for antagonizing ACPA.  相似文献   

The exact mechanisms leading to CNS inflammation and myelin destruction in multiple sclerosis and in its animal model, experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) remain equivocal. In both multiple sclerosis and EAE, complement activation is thought to play a pivotal role by recruiting inflammatory cells, increasing myelin phagocytosis by macrophages, and exerting direct cytotoxic effects through the deposition of the membrane attack complex on oligodendrocytes. Despite this assumption, attempts to evaluate complement's contribution to autoimmune demyelination in vivo have been limited by the lack of nontoxic and/or nonimmunogenic complement inhibitors. In this report, we used mice deficient in either C3 or factor B to clarify the role of the complement system in an Ab-independent model of EAE. Both types of complement-deficient mice presented with a markedly reduced disease severity. Although induction of EAE led to inflammatory changes in the meninges and perivascular spaces of both wild-type and complement-deficient animals, in both C3(-/-) and factor B(-/-) mice there was little infiltration of the parenchyma by macrophages and T cells. In addition, compared with their wild-type littermates, the CNS of both C3(-/-) and factor B(-/-) mice induced for EAE are protected from demyelination. These results suggest that complement might be a target for the therapeutic treatment of inflammatory demyelinating diseases of the CNS.  相似文献   

Autoimmune gastritis in humans is a chronic inflammatory disease of the stomach accompanied by specific destruction of gastric parietal and zymogenic cells resulting in pernicious anemia. Human gastritis can be accurately reproduced in mice and is characterised by autoantibodies to the alpha- and beta-subunits of the gastric H/K ATPase (the enzyme responsible for gastric acid secretion) and cellular destruction of parietal and zymogenic cells within the gastric gland. Studies with these mouse models have given us our current concepts of the immunopathogenesis of the gastritis. Mouse models have shown that a T cell response is generated to the alpha- and beta-subunits of the H/K ATPase and that an immune response to the beta-subunit seems to be required for disease initiation. Using these models, we have defined key events associated with a damaging autoimmune response to the gastric H/K ATPase. The mechanisms associated with the cellular destruction associated with autoimmune gastritis are not know, but may involve signaling through death inducing pathways such as the Fas/FasL and TNF/TNFR pathways. This knowledge should permit us to develop strategies to prevent and treat the gastritis.  相似文献   

Evidence continues to accumulate supporting the hypothesis that tissue damage during an immune response can lead to the priming of self-reactive T and/or B lymphocytes, regardless of the specificity of the initial insult. This review will focus primarily on epitope spreading at the T-cell level. Understanding the cellular and molecular basis of epitope spreading in various chronic immune-mediated human diseases and their animal models is crucial to understanding the pathogenesis of these diseases and to the ultimate goal of designing antigen-specific treatments.  相似文献   

Understanding autoimmune diabetes: insights from mouse models.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Type 1 or insulin-dependent diabetes is an autoimmune disease that causes the selective destruction of insulin-secreting beta cells in the pancreatic islets. Although this is a polygenic disease, with at least 20 genes implicated, the dominant susceptibility locus maps to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), both in humans and in rodent models. However, in spite of progress on several fronts, the molecular pathology of autoimmune diabetes remains incompletely defined. Major areas of research include environmental trigger factors, the identification and role of beta-cell antigens in inducing and maintaining the autoimmune response, and the nature of the pathogenic and protective lymphocytes involved. In this review, we will focus on these areas to highlight recent advances in understanding the pathogenesis of autoimmune diabetes, drawing extensively on insights gained by studying the non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory central nervous system (CNS) disorder characterized by T cell mediated demyelination. In MS, prolonged T cell survival and increased T cell proliferation have been linked to disease relapse and progression. Recently, the autophagy related gene 5 (Atg5) has been shown to modulate T cell survival. In this study, we examined the expression of Atg5 using both a mouse model of autoimmune demyelination as well as blood and brain tissues from MS cases. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis of RNA isolated from blood samples of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) mice revealed a strong correlation between Atg5 expression and clinical disability. Analysis of protein extracted from these cells confirmed both upregulation and post-translational modification of Atg5 the latter of which was positively correlated with EAE severity. Analysis of RNA extracted from T cells isolated by negative selection, indicated that Atg5 expression was significantly elevated in individuals with active relapsing-remitting MS compared to non-diseased controls. Brain tissue sections from relapsing-remitting MS cases examined by immunofluorescent histochemistry suggested that encephalitogenic T cells are a source of Atg5 expression in MS brain samples. Together these data suggest that increased T cell expression of Atg5 may contribute to inflammatory demyelination in MS.  相似文献   

Recent developments in molecular and cellular immunology have led to the formulation of refined models that describe how tolerance to self-antigens is broken and autoimmunity develops. This knowledge can now be used to develop alternative approaches to conventional immunosuppression for the treatment of autoimmune demyelinating disorders. The ideal therapy would reverse established disease or prevent further progression by selectively eliminating the aggressive effector molecules or cells while leaving the immune system virtually intact. Indeed, several groups are engaged in preliminary or advanced clinical studies of promising specific immunotherapies for multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune conditions. Current data suggest that the immune response that results in organ-specific autoimmunity is highly complex and redundant in humans. This suggests that antigen-specific approaches may be less successful than broader immunotherapeutic strategies for treating multiple sclerosis and related diseases.  相似文献   

The role of molecular mimicry in the development of some autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, the Julian-Barré syndrome, the antiphospholipid syndrome, multiple sclerosis, is reviewed. The data on the presence in bacteria and viruses antigenic determinants similar to those in human tissues are presented. The phenomenon of epitope mimicry is considered in the light of the latest research in the field of IgE autoreactivity, which may take part in the pathogenesis of allergic diseases.  相似文献   

Much experimental and clinical evidence has been accumulated indicating the complexity of regulatory processes associated with autoimmune demyelination. Even slight disbalance of immunoregulatory circuits may result in the loss of proper control of self antigen specific immune reaction. Here, we discuss the immunoregulatory potential of several immune (dendritic cells and regulatory T cells), as well as non-immune cell populations (mesenchymal stem cells and astrocytes) with regard to their possible role in autoimmune demyelination.  相似文献   

To explore the role of the lymphokine, IFN-gamma, in the development of autoimmune-mediated insulin-dependent diabetes, we examined the effects of systemically administered IFN-gamma on the clinical features and pancreatic immunohistology of CBA mice made diabetic with multiple low doses of the pancreatic islet beta-cell toxin, streptozotocin. Mice given streptozotocin and IFN-gamma were significantly more hyperglycemic than those given streptozotocin alone and had significantly decreased body weight. Mice given IFN-gamma alone did not differ in glycemia or weight from vehicle-injected mice. On day 11, Ia proteins were detected on islet cells from mice given streptozotocin and their expression was potentiated by IFN-gamma; they could not be detected on islet cells from mice given IFN-gamma alone or vehicle. H-2K protein expression was increased on islet cells from mice given streptozotocin and was potentiated by IFN-gamma. IFN-gamma alone also increased H-2K protein expression on islet cells compared with vehicle-treated mice. These findings show that IFN-gamma enhances the severity of diabetes in mice given multiple-low doses of streptozotocin, in association with enhanced expression of Ia and H-2K proteins on islet cells. They indicate an important role for IFN-gamma in amplifying the autoimmune process leading to beta-cell destruction in diabetes. The ability of IFN-gamma to worsen autoimmune disease has implications for its use in man.  相似文献   

Role of interleukin 1 and interleukin 2 in rat and mouse arthritis models   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The production of interleukin 1 (IL 1) and interleukin 2 (IL 2) by macrophages and lymphocytes from three animal models commonly used for rheumatoid arthritis, viz. adjuvant-induced and type II collagen-induced rat arthritis, and MRL/1 murine arthritis was studied. Although the peritoneal macrophages from adjuvant-arthritic rats in culture produced increased amounts of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and lower levels of IL 1 than the control group, cells from collagen-arthritic rats released normal levels of PGE2, but increased amounts of IL 1. After activation with lipopolysaccharides, the IL 1 production by macrophages from all groups was comparable. Addition of indomethacin did not significantly change the IL 1 production in any of these groups. In the absence of any exogenous mitogen, IL 2 production by the lymphocytes of adjuvant-arthritic rats was low, but could be restored to the normal levels when phytohemagglutinin A (PHA) or concanavalin A (Con A) was added. The lymphocytes from collagen-arthritic rats were capable of producing IL 2 without the need of any T cell mitogen. The lymphocytes from MRL/1 mice seemed to lack the functionality in terms of IL 2 production. The macrophagic IL 1 production in these animals was normal. Our data suggest that the type II collagen arthritis model may closely resemble human rheumatoid arthritis in which IL 1 and IL 2 production by the mononuclear cells is significantly enhanced.  相似文献   

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