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Five isolates from marine fish (W3T, WM, W1S, S2 and S3) and three isolates misclassified as Photobacterium phosphoreum, originating from spoiled modified atmosphere packed stored cod (NCIMB 13482 and NCIMB 13483) and the intestine of skate (NCIMB 192), were subjected to a polyphasic taxonomic study. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that the isolates were members of the genus Photobacterium. Sequence analysis using the gapA, gyrB, pyrH, recA and rpoA loci showed that these isolates formed a distinct branch in the genus Photobacterium, and were most closely related to Photobacterium aquimaris, Photobacterium kishitanii, Photobacterium phosphoreum and Photobacterium iliopiscarium. The luxA gene was present in isolates W3T, WM, W1S, S2 and S3 but not in NCIMB 13482, NCIMB 13483 and NCIMB 192. AFLP and (GTG)5-PCR fingerprinting indicated that the eight isolates represented at least five distinct genotypes. DNA–DNA hybridizations revealed 89% relatedness between isolate W3T and NCIMB 192, and values below 70% with the type strains of the phylogenetically closest species, P. iliopiscarium LMG 19543T, P. kishitanii LMG 23890T, P. aquimaris LMG 26951T and P. phosphoreum LMG4233T. The strains of this new taxon could also be distinguished from the latter species by phenotypic characteristics. Therefore, we propose to classify this new taxon as Photobacterium piscicola sp. nov., with W3T (=NCCB 100098T = LMG 27681T) as the type strain.  相似文献   

Three strains, H01100409BT, H01100413B, and H27100402HT, were isolated from several internal organs of diseased redbanded seabream (Pagrus auriga) reared in Andalusia (Southern Spain). All strains were studied by phenotypic, including chemotaxonomy, and genomic characteristics. Phylogenetic analysis based on concatenated sequences of six housekeeping genes (gyrB, ftsZ, topA, mreB, gapA, and 16S rRNA) supported the inclusion of the strains within the clade Phosphoreum of the genus Photobacterium, and two of the strains (H27100402HT and H01100409BT) formed a tight group separated from the closest species P. aquimaris. Genomic analyses, including average nucleotide identity (ANIb and ANIm) and DNA–DNA hybridization (DDH), clearly separated strains H27100402HT and H01100409BT from the other species within the clade Phosphoreum with values below the thresholds for species delineation. The chemotaxonomic features (including FAME analysis and MALDI-TOF-MS) of H27100402HT and H01100409BT strains confirmed their differentiation from the related taxa. The results demonstrated that strain H01100413B was classified as P. aquimaris and the strains H27100402HT and H01100409BT represented a new species each in the genus Photobacterium, for which we propose the names Photobacterium malacitanum sp. nov., type strain H27100402HT (=CECT 9190T = LMG 29992T), and Photobacterium andalusiense sp. nov., type strain H01100409BT (=CECT 9192T = LMG 29994T).  相似文献   

The novel, cream colored, Gram-staining-negative, rod-shaped, motile bacteria, designated strains AK15T and AK18, were isolated from sediment samples collected from Palk Bay, India. Both strains were positive for arginine dihydrolase, lysine decarboxylase, oxidase, nitrate reduction and methyl red test. The major fatty acids were C16:0, C18:1 ω7c, C16:1 ω7c and/or C16:1 ω6c and/or iso-C15:0 2-OH (summed feature 3). Polar lipids content of strains AK15T and AK18 were found to bephosphatidylethanolamine (PE), two unidentified phospholipids (PL1 and PL2) and three unidentified lipids (L1-L3). The 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis indicated strains AK15T and AK18 as the members of the genus Photobacterium and closely related to the type strain Photobacterium jeanii with pair-wise sequence similarity of 96.7%. DNA–DNA hybridization between strain AK15T and AK18 showed a relatedness of 87%. Based on data from the current polyphasic study, strains AK15T and AK18 are proposed as novel species of the genus Photobacterium, for which the name Photobacterium marinum sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of Photobacterium marinum is AK15T (=MTCC 11066T = DSM 25368T).  相似文献   

The study provides a taxonomic characterization of three bacterial strains isolated from high-oxygen modified-atmosphere packaged beef from Germany. The strains of the novel species shared identical 16S rRNA gene sequence to the closely related type strain of Dellaglioa algida. However, the in-silico DNA-DNA hybridization (DDH) values indicate that they belong to a different genomic species. The in silico DDH estimate value between TMW 2.2523T and the type strain of Dellaglioa algida DSM 15638T was only 63.2 %. The whole genome average nucleotide identity blast (ANIb) value of 95.1 % between TMW 2.2523T and the closely related type strain of D. algida was within the recommended threshold value of 95–96 % for bacterial species delineation. Additionally, the phylogenomic analyses based on multi locus sequence alignment (MLSA) showed that strain TMW 2.2523T and additional strains TMW 2.2444 and TMW 2.2533 formed a monophyletic group separate from D. algida strains. Furthermore, tyrosine decarboxylase activity could be attributed to strains of the new proposed species. The results of this polyphasic approach support the affiliation of these strains to a novel species within the genus Dellaglioa for which we propose the name Dellaglioa carnosa sp. nov. The designated respective type strain is TMW 2.2523T (DSM 114968T = LMG 32819T).  相似文献   

Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) associated with gaseous spoilage of modified-atmosphere-packaged, raw, tomato-marinated broiler meat strips were identified on the basis of a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) (ribotyping) database containing DNAs coding for 16S and 23S rRNAs (rDNAs). A mixed LAB population dominated by a Leuconostoc species resembling Leuconostoc gelidum caused the spoilage of the product. Lactobacillus sakei, Lactobacillus curvatus, and a gram-positive rod phenotypically similar to heterofermentative Lactobacillus species were the other main organisms detected. An increase in pH together with the extreme bulging of packages suggested a rare LAB spoilage type called "protein swell." This spoilage is characterized by excessive production of gas due to amino acid decarboxylation, and the rise in pH is attributed to the subsequent deamination of amino acids. Protein swell has not previously been associated with any kind of meat product. A polyphasic approach, including classical phenotyping, whole-cell protein electrophoresis, 16 and 23S rDNA RFLP, 16S rDNA sequence analysis, and DNA-DNA reassociation analysis, was used for the identification of the dominant Leuconostoc species. In addition to the RFLP analysis, phenotyping, whole-cell protein analysis, and 16S rDNA sequence homology indicated that L. gelidum was most similar to the spoilage-associated species. The two spoilage strains studied possessed 98.8 and 99.0% 16S rDNA sequence homology with the L. gelidum type strain. DNA-DNA reassociation, however, clearly distinguished the two species. The same strains showed only 22 and 34% hybridization with the L. gelidum type strain. These results warrant a separate species status, and we propose the name Leuconostoc gasicomitatum sp. nov. for this spoilage-associated Leuconostoc species.  相似文献   

The phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of fourteen human clinical Achromobacter strains representing four genogroups which were delineated by sequence analysis of nusA, eno, rpoB, gltB, lepA, nuoL and nrdA loci, demonstrated that they represent four novel Achromobacter species. The present study also characterized and provided two additional reference strains for Achromobacter ruhlandii and Achromobacter marplatensis, species for which, thus far, only single strains are publicly available, and further validated the use of 2.1% concatenated nusA, eno, rpoB, gltB, lepA, nuoL and nrdA sequence divergence as a threshold value for species delineation in this genus. Finally, although most Achromobacter species can be distinguished by biochemical characteristics, the present study also highlighted considerable phenotypic intraspecies variability and demonstrated that the type strains may be phenotypically poor representatives of the species. We propose to classify the fourteen human clinical strains as Achromobacter mucicolens sp. nov. (with strain LMG 26685T [=CCUG 61961T] as the type strain), Achromobacter animicus sp. nov. (with strain LMG 26690T [=CCUG 61966T] as the type strain), Achromobacter spiritinus sp. nov. (with strain LMG 26692T [=CCUG 61968T] as the type strain), and Achromobacter pulmonis sp. nov. (with strain LMG 26696T [=CCUG 61972T] as the type strain).  相似文献   

Two gram-negative, catalase- and oxidase-positive, bacillus-shaped bacterial strains were isolated from the semen of two rams. 16S rRNA gene sequencing demonstrated that both isolates represented a distinct subline within the family Pasteurellaceae with <95% sequence similarity to any recognized member of this family. Sequencing of rpoB and infB genes confirmed this finding with the semen isolates representing a new sub-line within the family Pasteurellaceae. The main cell fatty acids of strain DICM-00342T were C14:0, C16:0, C18:1ω7c and summed feature 3 (C16:1ω7c/iso-C15:0 2OH). Ubiquinone Q-8 was the major quinone and 1,3-diaminopropane was the predominat polyamine. Major polar lipids were phosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylethanolamine. The new genus can be phenotypically distinguished from currently described genera of this family based on physiological traits and a combination of signature amino acids in the RpoB protein sequence. On the basis of these results we describe a new genus and species for which we propose the name of Seminibacterium arietis gen. nov., sp. nov. (DICM11-00342T = CCUG 61707T = CECT 8033T).  相似文献   

Twenty two strains of Rhodopirellula were isolated from the epiphytic community of several marine macroalgae and separated into two groups, designated as group B and group C. In this study, we characterized these groups as two novel species belonging to the genus Rhodopirellula.  相似文献   

Five strains of gram negative bacteria, isolated from soybean (LPPA 221T, 222 and 223) and weeds (LPPA 816 and 1442), were analyzed by a polyphasic approach. The isolates showed variation in their phenotypic traits and were placed in the Pseudomonas fluorescens lineage, based on 16S rRNA gene sequence phylogeny, as a single but well separated cluster. MLSA analysis based on gyrB and rpoD sequences clustered the strains in a single branch in the Pseudomonas syringae group, and revealed P. viridiflava as closest relative. DNA–DNA hybridizations showed medium levels of DNA–DNA relatedness with the type strain of P. viridiflava (50%) and lower levels (<32%) with other type strains of the P. syringae group, supporting classification within a novel species of the genus Pseudomonas. The strains can be distinguished from species of the P. syringae group by the fatty acid C17:0 cyclo that is present in a low amount (2.5%) and from P. viridiflava by their inability to assimilate d-tartrate and d-sorbitol, and by the formation of red colonies on TTC medium. For this new species, the name Pseudomonas asturiensis sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is LPPA 221T (=LMG 26898T = CECT 8095T).  相似文献   

Three strains recovered from mussels (F26), sewage (SW28-13T) and pork meat (F41T) were characterized as Arcobacter. They did not appear to resemble any known species on the basis of their 16S rDNA-RFLP patterns and the rpoB gene analyses. However, strains F26 and SW28-13T appeared to be the same species. The 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity of strains SW28-13T and F41T to the type strains of all other Arcobacter species ranged from 94.1% to 99.6% and 93.4% to 98.8%, respectively. Phenotypic characteristics and the DNA–DNA hybridization (DDH) results showed that they belonged to 2 new Arcobacter species. A multilocus phylogenetic analysis (MLPA) with the concatenated sequences of 5 housekeeping genes (gyrA, atpA, rpoB, gyrB and hsp60) was used for the first time in the genus, showing concordance with the 16S rRNA gene phylogenetic analysis and DDH results. The MALDI-TOF mass spectra also discriminated these strains as two new species. The names proposed for them are Arcobacter cloacae with the type strain SW28-13T (=CECT 7834T = LMG 26153T) and Arcobacter suis with the type strain F41T (=CECT 7833T = LMG 26152T).  相似文献   

Two newly isolated halotolerant obligately methylotrophic bacteria (strains C2T and SK12T) with the serine pathway of C1 assimilation are described. The isolates are strictly aerobic, Gram negative, asporogenous, non-motile rods, forming rosettes, multiplying by binary fission. Mesophilic and neutrophilic, accumulate intracellularly compatible solute ectoine and poly-β-hydroxybutyrate. The novel strains are able to grow at 0 up to 16% NaCl (w/v), optimally at 3–5% NaCl. The major cellular fatty acids are C18:1ω7c and C19:0cyc and the prevailing quinone is Q-10. The predominant phospholipids are phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidyldimethylethanolamine and phosphatidylethanolamine. Assimilate NH4+ by glutamate dehydrogenase and via the glutamate cycle (glutamine synthetase and glutamate synthase). The DNA G + C contents of strains C2T and SK12T are 60.9 and 60.5 mol% (Tm), respectively. 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity between the two new isolates are 99% but below 94% with other members of the Alphaproteobacteria thus indicating that they can be assigned to a novel genus Methyloligella. Rather low level of DNA–DNA relatedness (53%) between the strains C2T and SK12T indicates that they represent two separate species of the new genus, for which the names Methyloligella halotolerans gen. nov., sp. nov. and Methyloligella solikamskensis sp. nov. are proposed. The type strain of Methyloligella halotolerans is C2T (=VKM B-2706T = CCUG 61687T = DSM 25045T) and the type strain of Methyloligella solikamskensis is SK12T (=VKM B-2707T = CCUG 61697T = DSM 25212T).  相似文献   

Ten Gram-strain-negative, facultatively anaerobic, moderately halophilic bacterial strains, designated AL184T, IB560, IB563, IC202, IC317, MA421, ML277, ML318, ML328A and ML331, were isolated from water ponds of five salterns located in Spain. The cells were motile, curved rods and oxidase and catalase positive. All of them grew optimally at 37 °C, at pH 7.2–7.4 and in the presence of 7.5% (w/v) NaCl. Based on phylogenetic analyses of the 16S rRNA, the isolates were most closely related to Salinivibrio sharmensis BAGT (99.6–98.2% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity) and Salinivibrio costicola subsp. costicola ATCC 35508T (99.0–98.1%). According to the MLSA analyses based on four (gyrB, recA, rpoA and rpoD) and eight (ftsZ, gapA, gyrB, mreB, pyrH, recA, rpoA and topA) concatenated gene sequences, the most closely relatives were S. siamensis JCM 14472T (96.8–95.4% and 94.9–94.7%, respectively) and S. sharmensis DSM 18182T (94.0–92.6% and 92.9–92.7%, respectively). In silico DNA–DNA hybridization (GGDC) and average nucleotide identity (ANI) showed values of 23.3–44.8% and 80.2–91.8%, respectively with the related species demonstrating that the ten isolates constituted a single novel species of the genus Salinivibrio. Its pangenome and core genome consist of 6041 and 1230 genes, respectively. The phylogeny based on the concatenated orthologous core genes revealed that the ten strains form a coherent phylogroup well separated from the rest of the species of the genus Salinivibrio. The major cellular fatty acids of strain AL184T were C16:0 and C18:1. The DNA G + C content range was 51.9–52.5 mol% (Tm) and 50.2–50.9 mol% (genome). Based on the phylogenetic-phylogenomic, phenotypic and chemotaxonomic data, the ten isolates represent a novel species of the genus Salinivibrio, for which the name Salinivibrio kushneri sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is AL184T (= CECT 9177T = LMG 29817T).  相似文献   

Novel orange-pigmented, Gram-negative, rod-shaped, non-motile bacteria, designated strains NIO-S3T and NIO-S4, were isolated from a water sample collected from Cochin back waters, Thanneermukkom and Arookutty, Kerala, India. Both strains were positive for oxidase and catalase activities, and hydrolyzed gelatin and Tween 40. The predominant fatty acids were iso-C15:0, anteiso-C15:0, iso-C17:0 3OH, C16:1ω7c/C16:1ω6c (summed feature 3) and iso-C17:1ω9c/C16:0 10-methyl (summed feature 9), whereas MK-7 was the major respiratory quinone, and phosphatidylethanolamine, two unidentified phospholipids and one unidentified lipid were the only polar lipids. The DNA G+C content of the two strains was 43.7 and 43.6 mol%, respectively. The 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis indicated that they were members of the genus Algoriphagus and closely related to Algoriphagus olei CC-Hsuan-617T, Algoriphagus aquatilis A8-7T, Algoriphagus aquaeductus LMG 24398T and Algoriphagus mannitolivorans DSM 15301T, with pairwise sequence similarities of 96.8, 96.6, 96.2 and 96.2%, respectively. DNA–DNA hybridization between strains NIO-S3T and NIO-S4 showed a relatedness of 89%. Based on data from the current polyphasic study, the strains are proposed as a novel species of the genus Algoriphagus, for which the name Algoriphagus shivajiensis sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of A. shivajiensis is NIO-S3T (=JCM 17885T = MTCC 11066T).  相似文献   

Mycoplasmas isolated from the throats of lions were shown to belong to three serotypes, all of which were serologically distinct from the previously recognized Mycoplasma and Acholeplasma spp. Eight mycoplasma colonies were cloned, including one from a leopard (strain LP), and were examined in detail for morphology, growth, and biochemical characteristics. The strains had the following properties: guanine-plus-cytosine contents of 37 mol% (strain LXT [T = type strain]), 28 mol% (strain LL2T), and 27 mol% (strain 3L2T) and a requirement for sterol. Strain 3L2T metabolized glucose, which was not metabolized by strains LXT and LL2T. Arginine and urea were not hydrolyzed. Strain LX (= NCTC 11724) is the type strain of a new species, Mycoplasma simbae; strain LL2 (= NCTC 11725) is the type strain of a second new species, Mycoplasma leopharyngis; and strain 3L2 (= NCTC 11726) is the type strain of a third new species, Mycoplasma leocaptivus.  相似文献   

Five Mycoplasma strains from wild Caprinae were analyzed: four from Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) which died at the Berlin Zoo between 1993 and 1994, one from a Rocky Mountain goat collected in the USA prior to 1987. These five strains represented a population different from the populations belonging to the ‘Mycoplasma mycoides cluster’ as tested using multi locus sequence typing, Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry analysis and DNA–DNA hybridization. Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene (rrs), genomic sequence based in silico as well as laboratory DNA–DNA hybridization, and the analysis of phenotypic traits in particular their exceptionally rapid growth all confirmed that they do not belong to any Mycoplasma species described to date. We therefore suggest these strains represent a novel species, for which we propose the name Mycoplasma feriruminatoris sp. nov. The type strain is G5847T (= DSM 26019T = NCTC 1362T).  相似文献   

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