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蛋白质组学在感染性疾病研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蛋白质组学在人类疾病研究中的应用 ,主要是通过比较分析正常组织细胞与异常组织细胞、同一疾病在不同的发展时期细胞内整体蛋白质的表达差异 ,对差异表达的蛋白质进行鉴定、定量、表征 ,寻找与疾病相关的新的标志物 ,为人类疾病研究提供新的手段和依据 ,蛋白质组学在感染性疾病研究中的应用就是其中的一个方面。1 .蛋白质组学在感染性疾病研究中的应用蛋白质组学在人类感染性疾病研究中的应用主要是对引起感染性疾病的致病源的整体蛋白质进行研究 ,同时结合血清学 ,对其进行分析 ,鉴定出与疾病相关的新的标志物 ,为感染性疾病的诊断、治疗…  相似文献   

非酒精性脂肪性肝病蛋白质组学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
非酒精性脂肪性肝病(nonalcoholic fatty liver disease,NAFLD)是一种常见慢性肝脏疾病,其发病率呈逐年上升趋势,但发病机制尚未明确,诊疗手段仍不完善.蛋白质组学(proteomics)的出现使NAFLD研究有了进一步的发展,相关研究已达21个.目前,蛋白质组学技术可以研究疾病相关的分子改变,从而寻找新的生物标志物和治疗靶标.在此,对蛋白质组学在NAFLD诊断及分期、发病机制和其他相关领域研究进展作一个较为全面的综述.首先,对研究中遇到的研究对象、样本种类、实验方法和标志物特征选择进行经验性总结.其次,除了介绍如何运用蛋白质组学研究病因、危险因素和重要分子在NAFLD发病机制中的作用,还介绍NAFLD发病机制的亚细胞蛋白质组学、修饰蛋白质组学以及蛋白质组学与转录组学相结合的研究实例.此外,对差异蛋白质的分析策略和价值作了重点阐述,收集到一些有望成为NAFLD治疗靶标的候选分子.最后,结合新技术展望研究新空间,以期能够有助于推动蛋白质组学在寻找新的疾病标志物、探索疾病分子机制和治疗靶标中开辟新的途径.  相似文献   

蛋白质组学在肝病研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蛋白质组学已被广泛应用于疾病相关研究. 综述了最近几年来蛋白质组学在肝脏疾病研究中特别是肝脏肿瘤、肝硬化、毒/药物肝损伤等方面的进展, 其研究结果将对生物标记物和药靶的寻找, 以及致病机理的阐述具有重要意义.  相似文献   

蛋白质组学是在基因组学基础上发展起来的新兴学科, 其基本技术包括样品制备、蛋白质分离和蛋白质鉴定分析, 其中的核心技术是双向凝胶电泳技术(2-Dimensional Electrophoresis, 2-DE)和质谱技术(Mass Spectrometry, MS)。近年来, 蛋白质组学技术已应用于结核分枝杆菌的研究领域。应用蛋白质组学技术分离、鉴定、检测结核分枝杆菌致病株的全菌蛋白及分泌蛋白, 分析其蛋白组成, 可深入解析结核分枝杆菌的致病机理和耐药机制。通过对结核分枝杆菌致病株抗原的分析, 为研制预防结核病的新型疫苗拓展了空间。通过对结核分枝杆菌临床分离株的蛋白组成分析还发现了一些有意义的结核病早期诊断标志物。蛋白质组学技术还应用于寻找新的药物靶标, 在研制和筛选新的抗结核药物等方面展示了一些有价值的研究成果, 为更好地开展结核病的预防、早期诊断及治疗打下了基础。  相似文献   

病毒感染蛋白质组学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙金福  涂长春 《微生物学通报》2008,35(12):1950-1954
病毒的侵入会导致宿主细胞蛋白表达模式的改变,这种改变将影响宿主细胞的正常生理功能并决定病毒的致病进程和结果.因此,病毒感染蛋白质组学研究有助于揭示病毒与宿主的相互作用机制和病毒的分子致病机制,以及寻找病毒早期感染的分子标记、建立早期诊断方法、评价治疗效果和预后.本文介绍了病毒感染蛋白质组学研究技术、病毒诱导宿主细胞蛋白质组改变和病毒感染宿主血清差异蛋白质组等方面的研究进展.  相似文献   

尿液是重要的疾病标志物来源. 本文介绍了当前尿蛋白质组学的研究进展和尿液中疾病标志物研究的主要问题, 并对未来的发展进行了展望. 由于实际的临床问题通常是对症状相似的多种疾病进行鉴别诊断, 仅仅比较某一种疾病组和健康人对照组的尿蛋白质组差异不足以找到具有诊断能力的标志物. 另外, 尿蛋白质组在个体间和同一个体的不同生理条件下的变化也为疾病标志物的寻找带来了困难. 本文提出, 进行正常人群个体间和不同生理条件下尿蛋白质变化范围的研究可以为鉴定疾病标志物提供参考标准, 从而帮助研究者发现由疾病、而不是生理学差异引起的蛋白的变化. 比较蛋白在血浆和尿液中丰度的变化可以揭示肾脏的生理学功能和发现疾病标志物. 最后提出, 建立一个数据共享平台, 收集和整合已有的疾病标志物研发成果, 将大大推动尿蛋白质组研究的发展.  相似文献   

随着蛋白质组学的发展和每年有大量环境污染物进入土壤环境中,污染胁迫模式动物的相关生物标志物受到日益关注。蚯蚓,作为土壤中最大的无脊椎动物,是研究和评价土壤生态污染良好的模式动物。研究蚯蚓的蛋白质组学,对于寻找环境生态污染相关生物标志物和阐明生态毒理学机制有着十分重要的现实意义。目前已知的污染胁迫下蚯蚓蛋白质组学研究,提供了几个特定污染物胁迫蚯蚓的蛋白表达谱。这些蛋白涉及许多生物学过程,例如信号传导、糖酵解、能量代谢、分子伴侣和转录调节,提示了相关污染物可能的生态毒理学机制,有望成为潜在的生物标志物,用于有毒污染物的监测,但其特异性需要进一步试验的验证。对蚯蚓受污染胁迫的蛋白质组表达谱及潜在生物标志物进行简要综述。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎(coronavirus disease 2019,COVID-19)是一种由严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2,SARS-CoV-2)引发的传染病。此种病毒传染性强、传播速度快,对全球人民的身体健康和生命安全造成严重威胁。蛋白质组学技术以其高通量、高灵敏度的特点,在疾病生物标志物的发现、分子机制研究及治疗靶点研究中扮演着重要角色,并被广泛应用于COVID-19的研究中。本文介绍了SARS-CoV-2的基因组结构及病毒感染过程,总结了目前常用的基于质谱的蛋白质组学研究技术,重点综述了蛋白质组学技术在COVID-19生物标志物的发现、分子机制研究和药物治疗靶标研究中的应用进展,最后展望了蛋白质组学的未来发展方向,以期能够有助于推动蛋白质组学技术在COVID-19精准诊断和治疗中的发展。  相似文献   

朱文秀  蔡雁  邢宁宁 《生物磁学》2013,(36):7194-7196
蛋白质组学的兴起能快速筛选并鉴定疾病的特异性生物标志物,有助于研究妊娠期高血压疾病的病因、发生机制,通过特异性生物标志物进行早期诊断,从而改善母儿结局,降低母儿严重发病率和死亡率。本文综述近年来与妊娠期高血压疾病相关的蛋白质研究及其在妊娠期高血压疾病患者血液、脑脊液、尿液、羊水、滋养细胞中差异蛋白质谱的分析,为进一步研究提供思路。  相似文献   

蛋白质组学及其在肿瘤研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要介绍了蛋白质组学的概念、研究方法及其在肿瘤研究中的应用.蛋白质组学研究直接定位于蛋白质水平,从整体、动态、定量的角度去研究基因的功能,是后基因组计划的一个重要组成部分.恶性肿瘤是一种多基因参与的复杂疾病,从蛋白质整体水平上研究恶性肿瘤将有助于进一步揭示恶性肿瘤的发病机制,发现恶肿瘤特异性的标志物及其药物治疗的靶标.  相似文献   

病毒蛋白质组学是蛋白质组学研究技术在病毒学领域的应用,其研究方法主要是基于质谱鉴定的电泳分离或色谱分离技术。病毒蛋白质组学的研究可以补充基因组注释、纯化单一的病毒成分、研究病毒与其宿主细胞蛋白的相互作用、识别病毒作用的靶位点、鉴定病毒感染的致病因子及病毒的进化关系、识别病毒的免疫源性蛋白。病毒蛋白质组的研究有助于对病毒致病性的了解,加速新的诊断方法及治疗药物的研制,增强对病毒的生物防御。由于一些技术及主观因素的影响,病毒蛋白质组的研究是很有限的,这是一个亟待重视并增强的领域。  相似文献   

Proteomics in biomarker discovery and drug development   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Proteomics is a research field aiming to characterize molecular and cellular dynamics in protein expression and function on a global level. The introduction of proteomics has been greatly broadening our view and accelerating our path in various medical researches. The most significant advantage of proteomics is its ability to examine a whole proteome or sub-proteome in a single experiment so that the protein alterations corresponding to a pathological or biochemical condition at a given time can be considered in an integrated way. Proteomic technology has been extensively used to tackle a wide variety of medical subjects including biomarker discovery and drug development. By complement with other new technique advances in genomics and bioinformatics, proteomics has a great potential to make considerable contribution to biomarker identification and to revolutionize drug development process. This article provides a brief overview of the proteomic technologies and their application in biomarker discovery and drug development.  相似文献   

Early detection and diagnosis of cancer can allow timely medical intervention, which greatly improves chances of survival and enhances quality of life. Biomarkers play an important role in assisting clinicians and health care providers in cancer diagnosis and treatment follow‐up. In spite of years of research and the discovery of thousands of candidate cancer biomarkers, only a few have transitioned to routine usage in the clinic. This review highlights advances in proteomics technologies that have enabled high rates of discovery of candidate cancer biomarkers and evaluates integration with other omics technologies to improve their progress through to validation and clinical translation. Furthermore, it gauges the role of metabolomics technology in cancer biomarker research and assesses it as a complementary tool in aiding cancer biomarker discovery and validation.  相似文献   

The third International Conference of the Hellenic Proteomics Society, From Proteomics Research to Clinical Practice, took place in Nafplio (Greece), from 30 March to 1 April 2009. This year the conference was dedicated to the application of proteomics in clinical practice. Many scientists from different European counties participated in the conference, which made this event unique in the field of proteomics for the southeastern region of Europe. Extensive presentations and discussions covered nearly every aspect of the modern point of view regarding the application of proteomics in various diseases, the quantitative peptidomics and proteomics approaches, and the advances of methodologies for biomarker discovery and validation.  相似文献   

An enormous amount of research effort has been devoted to biomarker discovery and validation. With the completion of the human genome, proteomics is now playing an increasing role in this search for new and better biomarkers. Here, what leads to successful biomarker development is reviewed and how these features may be applied in the context of proteomic biomarker research is considered. The “fit‐for‐purpose” approach to biomarker development suggests that untargeted proteomic approaches may be better suited for early stages of biomarker discovery, while targeted approaches are preferred for validation and implementation. A systematic screening of published biomarker articles using MS‐based proteomics reveals that while both targeted and untargeted technologies are used in proteomic biomarker development, most researchers do not combine these approaches. i) The reasons for this discrepancy, (ii) how proteomic technologies can overcome technical challenges that seem to limit their translation into the clinic, and (iii) how MS can improve, complement, or replace existing clinically important assays in the future are discussed.  相似文献   

New technologies in mass spectrometry are beginning to mature and show unique advantages for the identification and quantitation of proteins. In recent years, one of the significant goals of clinical proteomics has been to identify biomarkers that can be used for clinical diagnosis. As technology has progressed, the list of potential biomarkers has grown. However, the verification and validation of these potential biomarkers is increasingly challenging and require high-throughput quantitative assays, targeting specific candidates. Targeted proteomics bridges the gap between biomarker discovery and the development of clinically applicable biomarker assays.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry‐based proteomics has been extensively used to map bacterial proteomes, which has led to a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying bacterial infection and bacteria–host interactions. Quantitative proteomics using selected or parallel reaction monitoring is considered one of the most sensitive and specific quantitative MS‐based approaches and has significantly advanced proteome studies of pathogenic bacteria. Here, recent applications of targeted proteomics for bacteria identification, biomarker discovery, and the characterization of bacterial virulence and antimicrobial resistance are reviewed among others. Results of such studies are expected to further contribute to improve the fight against the most common human pathogenic bacteria.  相似文献   

Prion diseases are a heterogeneous class of fatal neurodegenerative disorders associated with misfolding of host cellular prion protein (PrPC) into a pathological isoform, termed PrPSc. Prion diseases affect various mammals, including humans, and effective treatments are not available. Prion diseases are distinguished from other protein misfolding disorders – such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease – in that they are infectious. Prion diseases occur sporadically without any known exposure to infected material, and hereditary cases resulting from rare mutations in the prion protein have also been documented. The mechanistic underpinnings of prion and other neurodegenerative disorders remain poorly understood. Various proteomics techniques have been instrumental in early PrPSc detection, biomarker discovery, elucidation of PrPSc structure and mapping of biochemical pathways affected by pathogenesis. Moving forward, proteomics approaches will likely become more integrated into the clinical and research settings for the rapid diagnosis and characterization of prion pathogenesis.  相似文献   

蛋白质组学是在蛋白质水平定量、动态、整体地研究生物体的一门学科。双向电泳技术、质谱技术和生物信息学是蛋白质组学的三大支撑技术。近年来,蛋白质组学技术从整体水平出发,在更贴近生命本质的层次上去发现和理解并应用于许多疾病的早期预警、诊断和治疗。我们对蛋白质组学在心血管疾病、肝病、胰腺疾病和自身免疫性疾病等研究中的应用做了简单阐述,揭示了蛋白质组学技术在许多重大疾病研究方面具有十分诱人的发展前景。  相似文献   

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