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为了获得更为理想的皮肤创口修复敷料,在海藻酸钠(SA)和聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)水凝胶的基础上复合人发角蛋白(KTN),制得KTN/SA/PAM水凝胶皮肤敷料.用电子万能测试机、扫描电子显微镜等对其进行表征,结果显示,KTN/SA/PAM水凝胶皮肤敷料拉伸强度为42.41 kPa,弹性模量11.19 kPa,接近人体皮肤组...  相似文献   

目的:在支架材料上引入具有控释行为的微球,旨在通过微球包裹生长因子,通过生长因子的缓慢释放从而促进种子细胞的生长分化。方法:本实验通过在海藻酸钠水凝胶中负载具有控释功能的壳聚糖微球,并通过在微球中包栽溶茵酶从而达到控制壳聚糖降解速率的功效。实验研究了不同搅拌速度下壳聚糖微球的形貌及粒径大小,通过扫描电镜对壳聚糖微球及复合支架的形貌进行了观察,通过紫外光吸收法测试了微球的载药量及包封率,并研究了壳聚糖微球在体外的降解行为等。结果:制备的壳聚糖微球表面较光滑,溶菌酶的包封率在25.78%41.89%之间,载药量在15.20%-24.44%之间。包封溶茵酶的微胶囊在降解9天后壳聚糖分子量下降了70.40%,载荷微球的复合凝胶孔洞增多,孔洞大小均匀。结论:此复合材料有望作为栽荷软骨相关生长因子的支架模型,从而解决软骨组织工程中种子细胞匮乏的问题。  相似文献   

目的:在支架材料上引入具有控释行为的微球,旨在通过微球包裹生长因子,通过生长因子的缓慢释放从而促进种子细胞的生长分化。方法:本实验通过在海藻酸钠水凝胶中负载具有控释功能的壳聚糖微球,并通过在微球中包载溶菌酶从而达到控制壳聚糖降解速率的功效。实验研究了不同搅拌速度下壳聚糖微球的形貌及粒径大小,通过扫描电镜对壳聚糖微球及复合支架的形貌进行了观察,通过紫外光吸收法测试了微球的载药量及包封率,并研究了壳聚糖微球在体外的降解行为等。结果:制备的壳聚糖微球表面较光滑,溶菌酶的包封率在25.78%-41.89%之间,载药量在15.20%-24.44%之间。包封溶菌酶的微胶囊在降解9天后壳聚糖分子量下降了70.40%,载荷微球的复合凝胶孔洞增多,孔洞大小均匀。结论:此复合材料有望作为载荷软骨相关生长因子的支架模型,从而解决软骨组织工程中种子细胞匮乏的问题。  相似文献   

海藻酸钠明胶协同固定化的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:研究不同因素对固定化微胶囊的影响以及不同物质向微胶囊扩散的规律。方法:采用海藻酸钠与明胶协同固定化制备微胶囊,考察了海藻酸钠、明胶浓度等因子对微胶囊直径与机械强度的影响,以及牛血清蛋白与葡萄糖向微胶囊扩散的状况,并利用非稳态传递模型计算了这两种物质在微胶囊中的有效扩散系数。结果:随着海藻酸钠质量浓度的升高,微胶囊的直径与机械强度逐渐增大。制备的最优条件是CaCl2浓度为10%,滴定速度为180滴/min,最优浸泡时间为30min。在此条件下,葡萄糖与牛血清蛋白的有效扩散系数分别为4.63×10-5cm2/min、1.01×10-7cm2/min。结论:海藻酸钠明胶协同固定化制备的微胶囊作为一种生物载体,非常适合细胞或酶的固定化。  相似文献   

沙蒿大粒象的生物学特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
沙蒿大粒象Adosomus sp.,是近几年在我国宁夏、内蒙古、陕西等地沙蒿灌木林中大面积发生的一种钻蛀性害虫。在宁夏盐池,该虫1年1代,以成虫和老熟幼虫在沙蒿根部越冬。越冬成虫始见于4月中下旬,终见于6月中旬;越冬老熟幼虫5月中旬开始化蛹,成虫始见于6月下旬,终见于8月上旬。成虫产卵于沙蒿根茎部至地下2cm之间,外被一层1~2mm厚的沙壳。幼虫主要分布在地下根部12cm以内,主要钻蛀沙蒿根部,在根部作蛹室化蛹;成虫取食沙蒿叶片作为营养补充。  相似文献   

壳聚糖经果糖修饰以改善其水溶性,再经半胱氨酸修饰得到巯基化果糖-壳聚糖。海藻酸钠与巯基化果糖-壳聚糖混合溶液经氯化钙及硫酸钠双重交联制得复合水凝胶珠。溶胀试验结果表明:该凝胶珠在pH值6.8及7.4时的溶胀率分别是pH值1.2时的7倍和10倍左右。牛血清白蛋白(BSA)包载试验结果表明:BSA重量为凝胶珠质量的20%时,包载率可达94%以上,随着巯基化果糖-壳聚糖在凝胶珠中比例增加,BSA包载率上升。BSA释放试验表明:pH值1.2时BSA的释放率很低,只有6%~10%的BSA从凝胶珠中释放出来,随后累积释放量基本不变;pH值6.8和pH值7.4时BSA的释放率迅速提高,因此这种复合水凝胶珠可作为一种潜在的口服蛋白类药物载体。  相似文献   

沙蒿与油蒿灌丛的防风阻沙作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沙蒿与油蒿广泛分布于我国沙漠地区,是沙地植被的重要建群种和优势种。在腾格里沙漠南缘半流动沙地,实测了两种典型固沙植物沙蒿与油蒿的防风阻沙作用,从灌丛空间构型对比分析了其防风阻沙机制。结果表明,沙蒿与油蒿灌丛均具有明显的降低风速作用,但油蒿灌丛较沙蒿灌丛具有更显著的防风作用,而且对灌丛后不同位置、近地面不同高度层风速的降低程度明显不同。在灌丛后6倍株高范围内,沙蒿灌丛对50cm高度风速降低程度显著大于20cm,而油蒿灌丛对近地面20cm高度层风速降低程度显著大于50cm。在相同风速下,油蒿灌丛后20cm高度平均风速是沙蒿灌丛的1/2,而50cm高度平均风速与沙蒿灌丛相近。同时,沙蒿灌丛阻沙作用弱,而油蒿灌丛具有明显的阻沙作用,单株积沙体积达到45.2±16.1dm3,积沙重量达到72.1±25.7kg,油蒿灌丛积沙量大小与灌丛结构间存在显著的正相关。研究表明,紧密型结构的油蒿灌丛是较松散型结构沙蒿灌丛更为理想的防风固沙植物,其灌丛分枝数多、分枝角度小、生物量大且多分布在近地面层是具有显著防风阻沙作用的根本原因,该结论可为干旱区防风固沙植被建设物种选择提供依据。  相似文献   

木质素是自然界中储量仅次于纤维素的木质纤维素资源,也是唯一的天然芳香族聚合物,其衍生的高值化产品可以应用于多个领域。木质素的高效高值高质生产是木质纤维素生物炼制的关键所在,但木质素大分子结构复杂多变、反应的活性差、官能团冗杂,制备出性能稳定的高分子材料有一定的难度。随着木质素改性的研究越来越深入,木质素复合水凝胶的应用也受到了极大的关注。本文从木质素的基本结构组成与反应特性出发,简要概括了木质素复合水凝胶的制备方法;具体介绍了木质素复合水凝胶的应用现状,包括生物传感器、控制释放材料、环境响应材料、吸附材料、电极材料以及其他材料的应用;综述了木质素复合水凝胶的最新研究与应用进展,并对木质素制备复合水凝胶的发展前景进行了评述。  相似文献   

目的:考察PVA/葡聚糖/羧甲基纤维素钠复合水凝胶外用膜剂的制备方法,并与纯PVA水凝胶贴膜进行对比,考察本膜剂在物理性能和药物体系的体外释放行为上所具备的优越性。方法:利用冷冻-解冻物理交联方法制备水凝胶装载胰岛素模型药物的外用膜剂,通过万能拉力机和差示扫描量热法考察膜剂的物理性能,利用高效液色谱法考察该膜剂的体外释放行为。结果:PVA复合水凝胶外用贴膜相较于纯PVA水凝胶贴膜的韧性减小、刚性增加,体外释放变好。结论:通过将具有材料友好性的PVA和多糖葡聚糖、羧甲基纤维素钠合并使用制备胰岛素复合水凝胶贴膜,既能保证贴膜具有良好的物理性能,又具有较好地释放行为,优于目前文献报道的纯PVA水凝胶贴膜性能,有望继续研究优化性能。  相似文献   

细杆沙蒿挥发油及其驱蚊作用研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对细杆沙蒿挥发油进行了分析,共鉴定出11个成分。驱蚊试验表明其在8小时内的效果达803%。  相似文献   

A series of pH-sensitive composite hydrogel beads composed of chitosan-g-poly (acrylic acid)/attapulgite/sodium alginate (CTS-g-PAA/APT/SA) was prepared as drug delivery matrices crosslinked by Ca2+ owing to the ionic gelation of SA. The structure and surface morphology of the composite hydrogel beads were characterized by FTIR and SEM, respectively. pH-sensitivity of these composite hydrogels beads and the release behaviors of drug from them were investigated. The results showed that the composite hydrogel beads had good pH-sensitivity. The cumulative release ratios of diclofenac sodium (DS) from the composite hydrogel beads were 3.76% in pH 2.1 solution and 100% in pH 6.8 solutions within 24 h, respectively. However, the cumulative release ratio of DS in pH 7.4 solution reached 100% within 2 h. The DS cumulative release ratio reduced with increasing APT content from 0 to 50 wt%. The drug release was swelling-controlled at pH 6.8.  相似文献   

Polysaccharide guar gum (GG) was cross-linked in an alkaline solution with polyethylene glycol diglycidyl ether (PEGDGE) to create a new hydrogel. The GG hydrogel was examined by FT-IR spectroscopy, AFM analysis and SEM analysis. The water uptake of the GG hydrogel was measured at different pHs, and rheological studies were performed to verify the thixotropic nature of the material. Rheological studies revealed the pseudoplastic behaviour of the GG hydrogel and its thixotropic nature. AFM analysis on a sample which was subjected to shear stress showed the presence of nanoparticles in the hydrogel. When the sample was left to settle, the gel surface returned to its original homogenous morphology. The thixotropic and injectable nature of the GG hydrogel suggest its possible use in biomedical applications.  相似文献   

Novel superabsorbent hydrogels were manufactured using chemically modified cashew gum (CGMA) and acrylamide (AAm) as reactants. The route for the synthesis was feasible due to the incorporation of glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) into structure of cashew gum (CG) to form the cashew gum-methacrylated (CGMA), in an appropriate mixture water-DMSO, as solvent, and using TEMED as catalyst. Thereafter, the CGMA was copolymerized with AAm yielding (CGMA-co-AAm) hydrogels. The main characteristics of raw and the modified materials are reported in this paper. 13C NMR, 1H NMR and FTIR spectroscopies confirmed the incorporation of vinyl groups, from GMA, into CG structure. By the spectrophotometry analyses, it was found that, ca. 82% of GMA was incorporated to the CG after 24 h of reaction. The cross-linking of CGMA or co-polymerization of CGMA with acrylamide leads to a hydrogel formation. Their gelation was characterized by FT-IR analysis. Alkaline hydrolysis at 40 °C for 3 and 4.5 h increased the water uptake (WU) capacity. Hydrolyzed CGMA-co-AAm hydrogels present higher values of WU (up to 1500) and may be classified as water superabsorbent material. Applications in agriculture, as soil conditioner, and in biomedical field, as biomaterial (scaffold) are being investigated.  相似文献   

探究聚(N-异丙基丙烯酰胺)[poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)]基互穿网络(interpenetrating polymer network)温敏水凝胶(记作:IPNT)作为噬菌体内溶素Lys84递送载体的可行性,及载药水凝胶作为抗菌材料的应用潜力。以海藻酸钠和N-异丙基丙烯酰胺为原材料,通过自由基聚合的方法制备互穿网络温敏水凝胶,采用干态浸泡法负载金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)噬菌体内溶素Lys84获得载药水凝胶(IPNT-Lys84)。通过红外光谱仪、扫描电子显微镜(scanning electron microscopy,SEM)、差示扫描量热仪(differential scanning calorimetry,DSC)对水凝胶载药前后的物理性能进行表征,并研究水凝胶溶胀、退溶胀以及内溶素Lys84释放情况、在不同温度及不同浓度药液浸泡的抗菌性能。结果表明,IPNT-Lys84水凝胶孔洞均匀,低临界溶解温度(lower critical solution temperature,LCST)为32°C;水凝胶平衡溶胀度为30 g/g,退溶胀时失水率为88%;在37°C时内溶素释放率在6 h内达到70%以上;IPNT-Lys84水凝胶杀菌率达99.9%以上。研究表明,采用IPNT递送内溶素Lys84具有可行性,IPNT-Lys84水凝胶有望成为针对多重耐药金黄色葡萄球菌的有效抗菌材料。  相似文献   

Polymerization of 20% neutralized acrylic acid (Na form), AA, in presence of Karaya gum, KG, or tamarind seed gum, TG, at AA/gum weight ratio of 1/1 and 2/1 results in PAA/KG1, PAA/KG2, PAA/TG1 and PAA/TG2 adducts, respectively (where the suffix 1 or 2 stands for AA/gum ratios of 1/1 or 2/1). Infra red spectra of adducts are examined. Aqueous pastes of adducts, native gums and GG are of non-Newtonian thixotropic flow within a shear rate range of 4–40 s−1. Adduct pastes (7.5% w/v) are of higher apparent viscosities (η) than their native gums or GG, and pastes of TG adducts are of higher η than KG adducts. Except for PAA/TG2 adduct, the power law does not correlate well to the other pastes. Preliminary trials showed that adducts are excellent thickeners for reactive and acid printing on wool, silk and nylon 6. Prints by adducts are of higher color strength than those by native gums or GG. GG paste was completely destroyed after storing for 7 days, whereas η of pastes of adducts and native gums were noticeably decreased upon storing.  相似文献   

Chitin is a natural biopolymer have been used for several biomedical applications due to its biodegradability and biocompatibility. By using the calcium solvent system, chitin regenerated hydrogel (RG) was prepared by using -chitin. And also, the swelling hydrogel (SG) was prepared by using β-chitin with water. Then, both RG and SG were mixed with gelatin and N-acetyl-d-(+)-glucosamine (GlcNAc) at 120 °C for 2 h. The chitin/gelatin membranes with GlcNAc were also prepared by using RG and SG with GlcNAc. The prepared chitin/gelatin membranes with or without GlcNAc were characterized by mechanical, swelling, enzymatic degradation, thermal and growth of NIH/3T3 fibroblast cell studies. The stress and elongation of chitin/gelatin membrane with GlcNAc prepared from RG was showed higher than the chitin/gelatin membranes without GlcNAc. But, the chitin/gelatin membranes prepared from SG with GlcNAc was showed higher stress and elongation than the chitin/gelatin membranes without GlcNAc. It is due to the crosslinking effect of GlcNAc. The chitin/gelatin membranes prepared from SG showed higher swelling than the chitin/gelatin membranes prepared from RG. In contrast, the chitin/gelatin membranes prepared from RG showed higher degradation than the chitin/gelatin membranes prepared from SG. And also, these chitin/gelatin membranes are showing good growth of NIH/3T3 fibroblast cell. So these novel chitin/gelatin membranes are useful for tissue engineering applications.  相似文献   

Chitin and chitosan are novel biomaterials. The novel chitosan/gelatin membranes were prepared using the suspension of chitosan hydrogel mixed with gelatin. The prepared chitosan/gelatin membranes were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), mechanical, swelling, and thermal studies. The morphology of these chitosan/gelatin membranes was found to be very smooth and homogeneous. The XRD studies showed that the chitosan/gelatin membranes have good compatibility and interaction between the chitosan and gelatin. The stress and elongation of chitosan/gelatin membranes on wet condition showed excellent when the mixture ratio of gelatin was 0.50. The prepared chitosan/gelatin membranes showed good swelling, mechanical and thermal properties. Cell adhesion studies were also carried out using human MG-63 osteoblast-like cells. The cells incubated with chitosan/gelatin membranes for 24 h were capable of forming cell adhesion. Thus the prepared chitosan/gelatin membranes are bioactive and are suitable for cell adhesion suggesting that these membranes can be used for tissue-engineering applications. Therefore, these novel chitosan/gelatin membranes are useful for biomedical applications.  相似文献   

Novel carboxymethyl guar gum (CMG)-chemically modified multiwalled carbon nanotube (MCNT) hybrid hydrogels were synthesized at different MCNT levels as potential device for sustained trans-dermal release of diclofenac sodium. Spectroscopy together with morphology, thermogravimetry, and rheological studies proved relatively strong CMG-MCNT interaction at 0.5 and 1 wt% levels of MCNT whereas de-wetting was increased with higher MCNT concentration. Drug encapsulation tendency increased with addition of MCNT; maximum entrapment was noticed at 1 wt% MCNT level. Hydrogels containing 0.5, 1 and 3 wt% MCNT exhibited slower trans-dermal release than neat CMG due to slightly higher gel viscosity and more drug entrapment. Slowest but steady release was obtained from 1 wt% MCNT loaded hydrogel due to highest viscous resistance among all other hybrid nanocomposites.  相似文献   

Immunoprotection of pancreatic islets for successful allo- or xenotransplantation without chronic immunosuppression is an attractive, but still elusive, approach for curing type 1 diabetes. It was recently shown that, even in the absence of fibrotic overgrowth, other factors, mainly insufficient nutrition to the core of the islets, represent a major barrier for long-term survival of intraperitoneal microencapsulated islet grafts. The use of dispersed cells might contribute to solve this problem due to the conceivably easier nutritional support to the cells. In the present study, purified bovine islets, prepared by collagenase digestion and density gradient purification, and dispersed bovine islet cells, obtained by trypsin and DNAsi (viability > 90%), were entrapped into either 2% (w/v) sodium alginate (commonly used for encapsulation purposes) or (dispersed islet cells only) macroporous gelatin microcarriers (CulthiSpher-S, commonly used for the production of biologicals by animal cells). Insulin release studies in response to glucose were performed within 1 week and after 1 month from preparation of the varying systems and showed no capability of dispersed bovine islet cells within sodium alginate microcapsules to sense glucose concentration changes. On the contrary, bovine islet cells entrapped in CulthiSpher-S microcarriers showed maintained capacity of increasing insulin secretion upon enhanced glucose concentration challenge. In this case, insulin release was approximately 60% of that from intact bovine islets within sodium alginate microcapsules. MTT and hematoxylineosin staining of islet cell-containing microcarriers showed the presence of viable and metabolically active cells throughout the study period. This encouraging functional data prompted us to test whether the microcarriers could be immunoisolated for potential use in transplantation. The microcarriers were embedded within 3% sodium alginate, which was then covered with a poly-L-lysine layer and a final outer alginate layer. Maintained insulin secretion function of this system was observed, which raises the possibility of using microencapsulated CulthiSpher-S microcarriers, containing dispersed pancreatic islet cells, in experimental transplantation studies.  相似文献   

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