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中国叶肢介科的成员以个体大,生长线粗凸,其上有一排圆瘤,最后几条生长线在后背缘微微反弯曲,生长带宽而平,发育有大网状或线脊状装饰为特征。其个体之大,是叶肢介动物群中的佼佼者。该科原包括4属:Sinoestheria Chang,1957,Ganestheria Bi and Xie,1982,Stanleyviella Chen and Shen,1982及Sentestheria Wang,1981。通过对分类依据及构造特征的厘定,认为Sentestheria应划归于Nestoriidae。新建立2个属:Wanestheria(安徽叶肢介)及Brazilestheria(巴西叶肢介)。该科的地质历程较短,分布于晚侏罗世(Kimmeridgian)至晚白垩世(Coniacian-Santonian)。目前只见于中国、非洲及巴西。本文讨论该科与其它古似渔乡叶肢介类的关系。根据保存十分完好的Ganestheria的标本,对该属具有加厚的脊状背缘及背缘刺的特征做重要补充。  相似文献   

光镜、电镜下观察了天南星科天南星族下斑龙芋属2 个种及近缘属13 个种植物的叶表皮形态特征。实验结果显示, 4 属植物的叶表皮组成及其形态特征较相似, 属间不存在明显差异, 但某些特征在种间存在差异, 可作为种的鉴别特征。叶表皮特征支持将单籽犁头尖和昆明犁头尖两个种合并为一个种。15 个种的气孔器均具有2 个副卫细胞, Stebbins and Khush 认为这是气孔器类型中较具2 个以上副卫细胞更进化的一种类型, 而天南星科大多数族的气孔器都具有2 个以上的副卫细胞, 这也证明了天南星族是天南星科较进化的族。  相似文献   

研究了云南省昆明市西山和丽江市玉龙雪山的粉叶小檗(Berberis pruinosa Franch.)叶、花瓣和果实特征的变异式样.粉叶小檗幼叶背面具明显的白色粉霜,而成熟叶,尤其是秋冬季的老叶,叶片背面的白色粉霜几乎完全脱落,并呈灰绿色.虽然粉叶小檗花瓣先端存在缺裂和全缘两种变异式样,但是这些变异式样在居群内是连续的...  相似文献   

Abstract. Crustaceans in the class Branchiopoda exhibit a wide range of breeding systems, including dioecy (gonochorism), androdioecy, parthenogenesis, cyclic parthenogenesis, and hermaphroditism. The largest subgroup of the Branchiopods, the Diplostraca, is reported to encompass all five of these breeding systems. However, many of these reports are based primarily on simple observations of sex ratios in natural populations. Herein we report the beginnings of a more rigorous approach to breeding system determination in the Diplostraca, starting with the family Limnadiidae. We combine measurements of sex ratio, offspring rearings, and behavior to identify three breeding systems within the Limnadiidae: dioecy, androdioecy, and selfing hermaphroditism. To date, no instances of parthenogenetic reproduction have been identified in this family. Comparisons of breeding system determination via simple population sex ratios with our more controlled studies show that simple sex ratios can be useful when these sex ratios are ∼50% males (=dioecy) or 5–30% males (androdioecy). However, population sex ratios of 0–5% males or 35–45% males necessitate further investigation because estimates in these ranges cannot distinguish selfing hermaphroditism from androdioecy or androdioecy from dioecy, respectively. We conclude by noting that the genetic sex-determining system outlined for one of these limnadiid species, Eulimnadia texana , provides a parsimonious framework to describe the evolution of the three breeding systems observed within the Limnadiidae.  相似文献   

Thirteen polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized from the clam shrimp Eulimnadia texana. In analyses of 20–50 individuals from two populations the number of alleles ranged from two to seven with observed heterozygosity ranging between 0.00 and 0.37. The low values for heterozygosity were not unexpected for a group characterized by its unusual androdioecious mating system, in which males compete with self‐compatible hermaphrodites for offspring production. These microsatellites are likely to be useful for further evolutionary investigations of this rare mating system in these crustaceans.  相似文献   

通过扫描电镜重新研究了产自俄罗斯维特奴河流域下三叠统维特奴宽网叶肢介(Loxomegaglypta wetlugiana Novo-jilov, 1958)的正模标本。扫描电镜成像揭示了光学照相无法分辨的重要分类学新特征, 其中包括: 生长带饰有圆形、角状或椭圆形小筛坑状装饰(直径15–25 μm), 筛坑被不同形状的隆起包围。均匀分布的针孔(直径4–6 μm)不但出现在筛坑里, 而且布满了筛坑周围的隆起。这种装饰与该属建立时描述的多角状大网格装饰区别较大。在此基础上,本研究修订了宽网叶肢介属生长带的装饰特征。  相似文献   

Examinations of breeding system transitions have primarily concentrated on the transition from hermaphroditism to dioecy, likely because of the preponderance of this transition within flowering plants. Fewer studies have considered the reverse transition: dioecy to hermaphroditism. A fruitful approach to studying this latter transition can be sought by studying clades in which transitions between dioecy and hermaphroditism have occurred multiple times. Freshwater crustaceans in the family Limnadiidae comprise dioecious, hermaphroditic and androdioecious (males + hermaphrodites) species, and thus this family represents an excellent model system for the assessment of the evolutionary transitions between these related breeding systems. Herein we report a phylogenetic assessment of breeding system transitions within the family using a total evidence comparative approach. We find that dioecy is the ancestral breeding system for the Limnadiidae and that a minimum of two independent transitions from dioecy to hermaphroditism occurred within this family, leading to (1) a Holarctic, all‐hermaphrodite species, Limnadia lenticularis and (2) mixtures of hermaphrodites and males in the genus Eulimnadia. Both hermaphroditic derivatives are essentially females with only a small amount of energy allocated to male function. Within Eulimnadia, we find several all‐hermaphrodite populations/species that have been independently derived at least twice from androdioecious progenitors within this genus. We discuss two adaptive (based on the notion of ‘reproductive assurance’) and one nonadaptive explanations for the derivation of all‐hermaphroditism from androdioecy. We propose that L. lenticularis likely represents an all‐hermaphrodite species that was derived from an androdioecious ancestor, much like the all‐hermaphrodite populations derived from androdioecy currently observed within the Eulimnadia. Finally, we note that the proposed hypotheses for the dioecy to hermaphroditism transition are unable to explain the derivation of a fully functional, outcrossing hermaphroditic species from a dioecious progenitor.  相似文献   

李罡 《古生物学报》2023,62(3):390-397
通过扫描电镜重新研究产自江西省萍乡市安源镇三湾上三叠统安源群的近方形安源叶肢介(Anyuanestheria subquadrata Zhang and Chen in Zhang et al., 1976)的模式标本。电镜照相揭示了光学照相无法分辨的重要分类学新特征,其中包括壳瓣背部生长带上的多边形中–大网装饰,以及腹部生长带上的两种装饰类型:每条生长带上部为稀疏纤细的线脊装饰,每条生长带下部中–大网装饰装饰。网状装饰的特征是网壁纤细,网底平浅,印在外膜上表现为彼此濒临的多边形平台。基于以上观察,本文重新修订了安源叶肢介属壳面装饰特征。  相似文献   


The production of low numbers of offspring that exhibit a mixture of male and female traits (termed “intersexes”) is commonly reported for crustaceans. The production of intersexes has been ascribed to both genetic and non-genetic (e.g., parasitic infections and environmental pollutants) causes. Herein we report on two observed types of intersexes in the clam shrimp Eulimnadia texana: (1) a “morphological” intersex, possessing secondary male characteristics (e.g., claspers) and an eggproducing gonad, and (2) a “gonadal” intersex, possessing primarily male traits (e.g., male secondary sexual characters and male gamete production) but also producing low levels of abortive female gametes. We propose that these intersexes are likely the products of low frequencies of crossing over between the sex determining chromosomes that result in the array of observed mixed sexual phenotypes. Additionally, we suggest that the low-level production of intersexes, combined with the ephemeral nature of the habitats occupied by these shrimp, may explain the preponderance of androdioecy (mixtures of males and hermaphrodites) found in these clam shrimp, and possibly branchiopods more generally.  相似文献   

Abstract. The ultrastructure of the male gonad of Eulimnadia texana (Branchiopoda, Spinicaudata) has been observed for the first time to investigate the sexuality of a well-studied case of androdioecy in the animal kingdom. The male gonad is a double structure located in the hemocoel throughout the entire body length on each side of the midgut. Male gametes originate from the wall and mature centripetally toward the lumen; the proliferative activity is very high and continuous and therefore the mature gonad is full of numerous germ cells. Inside the lumen several degenerative stages are found mixed with sperm cells and spermatids, the latter two being not easily distinguishable because of the slight differences between them. The evolutionary meaning of the degenerative process in E. texana male gametes is difficult to explain, and we propose some hypotheses about its possible role or cause in the studied population: (a) to help build spermatophores, (b) to act as a trophic component for viable sperm, (c) as a manifestation of inbreeding depression, and/or (d) to regulate the number of sperm cells.  相似文献   

The larval and post-larval development of Cyclestheria hislopi is examined by SEM. There are at least nine stages (excluding the adult) – six larval and three post-larval stages. The first four stages are passed within the egg-membrane. The larval and the post-larval phase are separated by a profound change in morphology that takes place between stages VI and VII. The larva shifts from a dorso-ventrally flattened 'larval' appearance up to stage VI to a laterally flattened, more 'adult' appearance from stage VII. New morphological data have been revealed by this study, including (1) a large and globular larval dorsal organ; (2) the carapace starts its development from the segments of the first and second maxillae; (3) the anterior ramus of the second antenna in adult Cyclestheria hislopi is the endopod, and the posterior ramus the exopod. Direct development of the brood in Cyclestheria hislopi – unique among conchostracans – is compared with that of the Cladocera. If Cyclestheria is the sister group to the Cladocera, as favoured in this work, the classical neoteny theory of the Cladocera must be reconsidered, as there is no particular similarity between any adults of the Cladocera and any of the larval stages of Cyclestheria . It is suggested that Cyclestheria displays the type of development present in a cladoceran ancestor. A comparison between Cyclestheria and the Upper Cambrian 'Orsten' fossil Rehbachiella kinnekullensis reveals a remarkable similarity in the endite morphology of the trunk limbs.  相似文献   

Crustaceans in the order Spinicaudata display a broad range of reproductive strategies, ranging from pure hermaphroditism to pure dioecy (separate males and females), and intermediate combinations. One particularly interesting genus of these “clam shrimps” is Eulimnadia. Based on offspring sex ratios, it has been suggested that all members of the genus are androdioecious: populations consist of mixtures of males and hermaphrodites. However, only two of the ~40 species in this genus have been examined histologically to confirm the presence of ovotestes in the purported hermaphrodites of this group. Here, we report both sex ratio and histological evidence showing that populations of five additional Eulimnadia species from India and Thailand are indeed mixes of males and hermaphrodites (four species) or hermaphrodite only (one species). Sex ratios of adults and offspring from isolated hermaphrodites are in accordance with those previously reported for 15 Eulimnadia species, and histological assays of four of the five species show the presence of both testicular and ovarian tissue in these hermaphrodites. As has been previously reported, the testicular tissue in members of these Eulimnadia spp. is located in a small section at the distal end of the gonad. In addition, the sperm produced in these hermaphrodites forms distinct plaques of compacted chromatin. Overall, these data are consistent with a single origin of hermaphroditism in Eulimnadia, and support the notion that all members of the genus are either androdioecious or all‐hermaphroditic.  相似文献   

The fertilized egg (or cyst) of branchiopods is a highly resistant stage in the life cycle of these aquatic crustaceans. Previous examinations of these cysts have determined that early embryonic development arrests at a late blastula stage, resulting in a small, crescent-shaped body within the egg shell of these shrimp. Herein, we examine the early development of these embryos by sectioning eggs in the ovotestis, brood chamber, and several time periods after exit from the brood chamber in the clam shrimp Eulimnadia texana Packard. The early sections find no evidence of internal fertilization in the ovotestis. Eggs in the ovotestis showed no signs of cell division, whereas eggs sectioned from the brood chamber were found to be undergoing early embryonic development. A number of empty egg shells and the lack of unfertilized eggs in the brood chamber suggested that egg yolks quickly degrade after egg extrusion from the ovotestis. Cysts that were allowed to develop for 24, 48, 72, and 96 h, 1 week and 1.5 years were sectioned, and embryonic development did not change after the 48 h time period. Thus, embryos appear to arrest development somewhere between 24 and 48 h after exiting the brood chamber.  相似文献   

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