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The Danube River runs through Serbia with flow 588 km long. Different hydrological, geological and ecological conditions occuring along the Danube in Serbia enables its division into four sections: The upper region, Đerdap I accumulation, Đerdap II accumulation, and the lower region. Each section is characterized by unique plant species diversity, frequency of occurrence and distribution pattern. The species diversity ranged from low in the upper reach, to high or very high in the impoundments and decreased in the lower reach. This paper provides a basis for a detailed study on the influence of large power plant impoundments over the aquatic vegetation of rivers.  相似文献   

During July 2004, various limnological characteristics of 24 floodplain lakes and reservoirs have been explored along the Middle Daugava for the first time in order to reveal possible impact of the long-term mean annual flooding frequency on their phytoplankton, zooplankton, macrozoobenthos and macrophyta communities. Obtained data series were analysed by Spearman’s rank correlation method, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method and Renkonen’s similarity test. UPMGA method was used for single linkage clustering of the lakes based on the abundance of phyto- and zooplankton taxa. Low similarity between the obtained cluster trees and hydrological grouping was stated indicating minor impact of the flooding hydrology on summer plankton communities of these lakes. Significant correlation between the flooding frequency and several physicochemical and biological parameters was found. Six main factors, which explain observed variations, were extracted by PCA. Significant negative impact of hydrological connectivity on zooplankton species diversity as well as positive impact on Oligochaeta density was stated, whereas other biotic parameters were affected by local factors, such as lake morphology, internal loading of nutrients from sediments, throphic interactions as well as local source of dissolved organic matter.  相似文献   

Huchen Hucho hucho from the Drina River (Serbia) revealed recently the decrease in breakpoint values for both standard length (Sl) and weight (w) in relation to the values recorded in 1999 from 110 cm to 98.4 cm and from 16.5 kg to 10.5 kg, respectively. That might indicate to the change in certain population parameters that could have an influence to the growth in the adult period of life.  相似文献   

All six sturgeon species naturally occurring in the Danube River from the Black Sea (BS) to the upstream reaches in Germany today are under severe pressure and classified as either vulnerable, critically endangered or already extinct in the Danube River Basin (DRB). This sharp decline of populations is the result of two major drivers: habitat alteration and unsustainable harvest. The Danube River Basin can be divided in three functionally separated sections by its hydromorphology and character: The Lower Danube (LD) and BS, now also separated ecologically from the Middle Danube (MD) by two hydropower stations at the Iron Gate gorge, 800 km from the sea, currently restricting the remaining anadromous sturgeon species (A. gueldenstaedtii, A. stellatus, Huso huso) to the LD and BS also restraining migrations of potamodromous species. The Upper Danube (UD) is nowadays disconnected from the approx. 850 km long MD by Gab?ikovo Dam. The UD itself, as well as many tributaries along the Danube, are fragmented by numerous barriers, leaving no more than a total of 300 km free flowing river out of 700 km. Overharvest led to disappearance of most sturgeon species in the UD already in the Middle Ages, with populations in the MD following in the subsequent centuries. Today the potamodromous sterlet (A. ruthenus) still exists in small decreasing populations in the UD and MD basins, where its occurrence is supported by stocking. Most probably the potamodromous ship sturgeon (A. nudiventris) is extirpated in the whole basin. The Danube basin comprises 19 countries, being the most international river basin in the world, rendering coordinated conservation efforts a challenge. Strategic guidelines for the conservation of the Danube sturgeons are available in form of several action plans, but implementation remains insufficient as of yet. This paper attempts an analysis of the potential for sturgeon restoration in the UD and MD basin and highlights the need for concerted approaches when it comes to ex situ actions and reintroductions.  相似文献   

Whereas earlier Amur sleeper (Perccottus glenii) findings in the Danube River were only single specimens, data reported in this study represent the first record on establishment of a local population. An overview of the spread of the Amur sleeper in the Danube River basin is also presented.  相似文献   

The Rotifera of thirteen freshwater habitats in the upper floodplain of the River Niger were studied. Thirteen new species are described, viz. Lepadella berzinsi n. sp., L. discoidea n. sp., Squatinella lunata n. sp., Dipleuchlanis ornata n. sp., Euchlanis semicarinata n. sp., Itura deridderae n. sp., L. dumonti n. sp., L. nigeriensis n. sp., L. nwadiaroi n. sp., L. simonneae n. sp., L. stichoclysta n. sp., L. sylviae n. sp. and Trichocerca kostei n. sp., L. climacois Harring & Myers is reestablished as a valid species. The synonymy of Hemimonostyla Bartos and Monostyla Ehrenberg with Lecane Nitzsch is commented upon. The names Lecane myersi nom. nov. and L. robertsonae nom. nov. are proposed to replace L. ornata (Harring & Myers) non (Daday) and L. amazonica Koste & Robertson non (Murray) (new status), respectively. Lecane amazonica (Murray) and L. latissima Yamamoto replace L. murrayi Hauer non Korde and L. rotundata (Olofsson) non (Jakubski), respectively. The following new synonymies are proposed: Lepadella williamsi Koste & Shiel with L. vandenbrandei Gillard; Lecane longidactyla (Edmondson) comb. nov. (ex. Proales) with L. clara (Bryce); Lecane longidactyla Arora non (Edmondson) with L. curvicornis (Murray); L. truncata Yamamoto non (Leissling) nec (Turner) with L. brachydactyla (Stenroos); L. amazoniana Koste & Robertson with L. eutarsa Harring & Myers.  相似文献   

Alpha, beta and gamma are three components of species diversity. Knowing these attributes in floodplain lake phytoplankton communities is vital when selecting conservation areas. Species diversity is commonly used with other taxonomic groups, but rarely with phytoplankton. We compared the number of phytoplankton species (alpha diversity) from 21 Middle Araguaia River floodplain lakes in the 2000 and 2001 rainy and dry seasons. From these samples we estimated complete survey species richness (gamma diversity), quantified differences in species composition between lakes (beta diversity) and assessed the influence of abiotic variables on beta diversity. We recorded a total of 577 taxa. The Sjack1 estimator indicated that 62.31% of taxa were sampled in the 2000 rainy and 67.65% dry seasons, and 68.36% in the 2001 rainy and 73.5% dry seasons. In almost all seasons, alpha diversity negatively correlated with latitude. Beta diversity (β-1) was higher in high water periods, especially in 2000. This may have been caused by isolated heavy rainfall, which would have increased environmental heterogeneity and raised beta diversity. DCA showed differences in phytoplankton composition between rainy and dry seasons in 2000 and 2001, reflecting the influence of flood pulses on phytoplankton composition. The Mantel test indicated spatial distribution patterns where geographically more distant lakes had less-similar phytoplankton communities. Handling editor: J. Padisak  相似文献   

A sample of 198 asp (Aspius aspius) was collected over a 28.5 km long section of the Danube River, upstream and downstream from the mouth of the Sava River, in order to provide information on population structure, diet, growth, and condition of this species. Total body lengths of sampled fish were 90–405 mm, and body weights 5–567 g. The sample was predominantly sub‐adult fish aged 0+ to 4+ years. Sexually immature asp prevailed over the sexually mature asp. The sex ratio (1.4 : 1) was biased toward males. Male asps in the Danube become sexually mature only in their fifth year of life, and the females even later, as no sexually mature females were caught. The diet spectrum consists exclusively of fishes; of seven determined prey species, most important are bleak Alburnus alburnus, roach Rutilus rutilus, and goldfish Carassius auratus. Highest value of the seasonal vacuity index is in November (Iv = 94.1), and the smallest in July (Iv = 35.6). Trophic niche breadth is largest in May (H = 1.40), and smallest in November (H = 0.00). The largest average number of prey items is found in age class 4+ (2.33), the smallest in age class 0+ (1.00). Von Bertalanffy growth parameters are L = 526.46, K = 0.28, and t0 = 0.22. The length–weight relationship is described as log W = ?5.16 + 3.03 log L. Fulton’s condition factor increases with fish length, from 0.70 to 0.83. Regarding seasonal fluctuations, this factor begins to increase in late spring, with the trend continuing until autumn, and then decreasing from autumn to spring.  相似文献   

Central European floodplain meadows are characterised by flooding mainly in winter/spring and dry conditions over the summer. They harbour many rare and endangered plant species. We studied the vegetation of floodplain meadows along the regional climatic gradient of the Middle Elbe River. This gradient exhibits rather continental conditions in the south-east and oceanic conditions in the north-west. We aimed at detecting the influence of climate on the vegetation of floodplain meadows along this gradient.  相似文献   

Synopsis Ecological fish production in one parapotamal arm of the Middle Danube inland delta in Slovakia, based on 10 samplings during 5 consecutive years, ranged from 349 to 3272 (bar|x = 1066) kg ha–1 in total production (PT) and from 39 to 662 (bar|x = 204) kg ha–1 in available production (PA). Young-of-the-year fish made up an estimated 49–62% (bar|x = 54) of the PT. According to the food production/food consumption budget calculated by three different methods, less than half of the PT is of autochthonous origin, while most is from other sources. Floodplain fish production includes two components: fish originating within the floodplain and fish that are temporary immigrants. The latter component varies considerably in response to the hydrological regime. To assess the PT in riverine ecosystems, different seasons and years are needed to give realistic values.This paper is dedicated to my friend and sometime co-worker, Eugene K. Balon, at the occasion of his 65th birthday and transition to University Professor Emeritus. He was one of the first ichthyologists to undertake quantitative studies in large rivers in the late 1950's, when most fish biologists thought that fishes inhabit only the sea, lakes, reservoirs and small streams.  相似文献   

The author found quite a close negative relationship between commercial catches of predatory fishes and of German carp (Carassius auratus) in the lower Danube. He supposes that the main reason for the population explosion and subsequent expansion of German carp in the Danube River basin seems to be a shift in the balance of the fish community due to a reduction in the density of predatory species.  相似文献   

European grapevine populations quickly disappeared from most of their range, massively killed by the spread of North American grapevine pests and diseases. Nowadays taxonomic pollution represents a new threat. A large Vitis complex involves escaped cultivars, rootstocks, and wild grapevines. The study aimed to provide insight into the Vitis complex in the Danube region through field and genetic analyses. Among the five other major rivers in Europe which still host wild grapevine populations, the Danube floodplain is the only one benefiting from an extensive protected forest area (93 km²) and an relatively active dynamic flood pulse. The Donau‐Auen National Park also regroups the largest wild grapevine population in Europe. Ninety‐two percent of the individuals collected in the park were true wild grapevines, and 8% were hybrids and introgressed individuals of rootstocks, wild grapevines, and cultivars. These three groups are interfertile acting either as pollen donor or receiver. Hybrids were established within and outside the dykes, mostly in anthropized forest edges. The best‐developed individuals imply rootstock genes. They establish in the most erosive parts of the floodplain. 42% of the true wild grapevines lived at the edges of forest/meadow, 33.3% at the edges forest/channels, and 23.9% in forest gaps. DBH (Diameter Breast Height) varied significantly with the occurrence of flooding. Clones were found in both true wild and hybrids/introgressed grapevines. The process of cloning seemed to be prevented in places where flooding dynamics is reduced. The current global distribution of true wild grapevines shows a strong tendency toward clustering, in sites where forestry practices were the most extensive. However, the reduced flooding activity is a danger for long‐term sustainability of the natural wild grapevine population.  相似文献   

The populations of tench from two gravel pit lakes of contrasting habitat type were studied. The population density of tench from St Peter's Lake, which has abundant aquatic vegetation was 176 individuals ha−1 (102.2 kg ha−1) compared to 0.3 individuals ha−1 (0.5 kg ha−1) in the Main Lake which has very little aquatic vegetation. The results of ageing tench by scales, opercular bones and otoliths were compared; all three structures gave similar results up to 9 years of age, but thereafter there were difficulties in ageing using scales and care was needed in counting annuli. The oldest tench caught was 15 years old. Growth of male and female tench was similar and fitted the von Bertalanffy model; for female tench L = 573 mm, K =0.122 and for male tench L = 586 mm, K =0.114. Recruitment was variable and strong year classes occurred in years with warm summers.  相似文献   

Two morphs of the sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus, were clearly recorded in two samplings from the middle course of the Danube River in Serbia. The pooled samples comprised 47.9% pointed‐snout morphs and 52.1% blunt‐snout morphs. The most obvious differences were snout shape and length, mainly the differences in the snout area in front of the barbels. In addition to this snout difference, the two morphs also differed with regard to head lengths and the pre‐ocular, pre‐dorsal and post‐dorsal areas. The determination of morphs is not exclusively related to either location or body size as sources of this mode of variability, although it seems that it is easier to detect these in larger size sterlet.  相似文献   

The pumpkinseed, Lepomis gibbosus, a centrarchid fish native to eastern North America, was introduced into Europe at the end of the 19th century. Lepomis gibbosus now represents one of the most successful of introduced fish species, having spread widely throughout many European countries. In this study, we collected monogenean parasites of L. gibbosus from four sites in the Danube River Basin. We recorded four monogenean species: Gyrodactylus sp., probably acquired in the area of introduction, and Onchocleidus similis, O. dispar and Actinocleidus recurvatus, species introduced together with their host. Onchocleidus similis dominated the parasite community at all sampling sites. Actinocleidus recurvatus has only been reported from southern Europe to date and, therefore, this is the first report of A. recurvatus from Central Europe and the Danube River Basin. We observed high morphological variability in both anchor pairs of A. recurvatus. Only in O. similis was there a positive correlation observed between haptor metric traits and fish host length. Differences in metric traits between native and introduced O. similis populations may reflect a difference in fish host size, the introduced fish host achieving a smaller size than fish from native populations. A detailed analysis of microhabitat distribution indicated a preference for the second gill arch for both dominant species O. similis and A. recurvatus, with dissimilar site segregation.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring stable isotope and trace elemental markers in otoliths have emerged as powerful tools for determining natal origins and environmental history of fishes in a variety of marine and freshwater environments. However, few studies have examined the applicability of this technique in large river-floodplain ecosystems. This study evaluated otolith microchemistry and stable isotopic composition as tools for determining environmental history of fishes in the Middle Mississippi River, its tributaries, and floodplain lakes in Illinois and Missouri, USA. Fishes were collected from 14 sites and water samples obtained from 16 sites during summer and fall 2006 and spring 2007. Otolith and water samples were analyzed for stable oxygen isotopic composition (δ18O) and concentrations of a suite of trace elements; otoliths were also analyzed for carbon isotopic composition (δ13C). Tributaries, floodplain lakes, and the Mississippi and Lower Missouri Rivers possessed distinct isotopic and elemental signatures that were reflected in fish otoliths. Fish from tributaries on the Missouri and Illinois sides of the middle Mississippi River could also be distinguished from one another by their elemental and isotopic fingerprints. Linear discriminant function analysis of otolith chemical signatures indicated that fish could be classified back to their environment of capture (Mississippi River, floodplain lake, tributary on the Illinois or Missouri side of the Mississippi River, or lower Missouri River) with 71–100% accuracy. This study demonstrates the potential applicability of otolith microchemistry and stable isotope analyses to determine natal origins and describe environmental history of fishes in the Middle Mississippi River, its tributaries, and floodplain lakes. The ability to reconstruct environmental history of individual fish using naturally occurring isotopic markers in otoliths may also facilitate efforts to quantify nutrient and energy subsidies to the Mississippi River provided by fishes that emigrate from floodplain lakes or tributaries.  相似文献   

Matern  S.  Klefoth  T.  Wolter  C.  Arlinghaus  R. 《Hydrobiologia》2021,848(10):2449-2471
Hydrobiologia - The type and extent of habitats along the shoreline specify the distribution of fish in the littoral zone of lakes, but effects are likely species and size-specific and might be...  相似文献   

Mature bream (>30 cm LF) dominated the fish communities in floodplain lakes along the lower River Rhine in The Netherlands, in terms of biomass, in all lakes at all times. In some lakes bream made up 99% of the total fish biomass. While immature, medium–sized bream (10-30 cm) and white bream and roach were abundant in the main channel of the river, these species were almost absent from the floodplain lakes. Inundation of the floodplains did not lead to spatial homogenization of species and length distributions. Small bream (<10 cm) left the floodplains to become resident in the main channel until maturity. Once mature (c. 30 cm), they returned to the lakes during the next inundation and stayed there. Mature bream that moved into the lakes were significantly smaller and had a lower condition than the resident bream. Turbid clay-pits were probably important sources of bream for the lower Rhine and the recruitment of the 0+ year group of bream to the riverine population was influenced by their discharge pattern.  相似文献   

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