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Using a previously developed primer system, nifH gene fragments 450 nucleotides long were amplified, cloned, and sequenced for representatives of nitrogen-fixing methanotrophic bacteria of the genera Methylococcus, Methylocystis, and Methylosinus. Fragments of nifH genes were also detected and sequenced in representatives of the genera Methylomonas and Methylobacter, which were not considered diazotrophs until recently. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the remoteness of nifH gene sequences of methanotroph types I and II. At the same time, a close relationship was found between nifH of type I methanotrophs and representatives of -proteobacteria and between nifH genes of type II methanotrophs and representatives of -proteobacteria. The results obtained in this study are in good accordance with the data of phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA sequence comparison with the only exception being Methylococcus capsulatus strains, whose nifH genes proved to be closely related to nifH genes of Methylocystis and Methylosinus representatives. Our findings extend the database of primary sequences of nifH genes and allow the contribution of methanotrophs to the process of nitrogen fixation to be estimated.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of the nifH gene nucleotide sequences from GenBank, a system of primers was developed that makes it possible to obtain 370- and 470-bp PCR fragments of the nifH gene of nitrogen-fixing bacteria and archaea. The effectiveness of the proposed system for revealing the presence of nifH genes was demonstrated by PCR on the DNA isolated from nitrogen-fixing prokaryotes for which the primary structure of these genes is known and which belong to different taxonomic groups. nifH sequences of nitrogen-fixing prokaryotes of the genera Xanthobacter, Beijerinckia, and Methanosarcina, for which the capacity for nitrogen fixation was demonstrated earlier, but no data existed on the nucleotide composition of these genes, were determined and deposited in GenBank.  相似文献   

The role of nitrogen fixation in the nitrogen cycle of the North Atlantic basin was re-evaluated because recent estimates had indicated a far higher rate than previous reports. Examination of the available data on nitrogen fixation rates and abundance ofTrichodesmium, the major nitrogen fixing organism, leads to the conclusion that rates might be as high as 1.09 × 1012 mol N yr–1. Several geochemical arguments are reviewed that each require a large nitrogen source that is consistent with nitrogen fixation, but the current data, although limited, do not support a sufficiently high rate. However, recent measurements of the fixation rates per colony are higher than the historical average, suggesting that improved methodology may require a re-evaluation through further measurements. The paucity of temporally resolved data on both rates and abundance for the major areal extent of the tropical Atlantic, where aeolian inputs of iron may foster high fixation rates, represents another major gap.  相似文献   

J Straka  MS Engel 《ZooKeys》2012,(218):77-109
The apid cuckoo bees of the Cape Verde Islands (Republic of Cape Verde) are reviewed and five species recognized, representing two genera. The ammobatine genus Chiasmognathus Engel (Nomadinae: Ammobatini), a specialized lineage of cleptoparasites of nomioidine bees is recorded for the first time. Chiasmognathus batelkaisp. n. is distinguished from mainland African and Asian species. The genus Thyreus Panzer (Apinae: Melectini) is represented by four species - Thyreus denoliisp. n., Thyreus batelkaisp. n., Thyreus schwarzisp. n., and Thyreus aistleitnerisp. n. Previous records of Thyreus scutellaris (Fabricius) from the islands were based on misidentifications.  相似文献   

Marine cyanobacteria of the genus Acaryochloris are the only known organisms that use chlorophyll d as a photosynthetic pigment. However, based on chemical sediment analyses, chlorophyll d has been recognized to be widespread in oceanic and lacustrine environments. Therefore it is highly relevant to understand the genetic basis for different physiologies and possible niche adaptation in this genus. Here we show that unlike all other known isolates of Acaryochloris, the strain HICR111A, isolated from waters around Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, possesses a unique genomic region containing all the genes for the structural and enzymatically active proteins of nitrogen fixation and cofactor biosynthesis. Their phylogenetic analysis suggests a close relation to nitrogen fixation genes from certain other marine cyanobacteria. We show that nitrogen fixation in Acaryochloris sp. HICR111A is regulated in a light–dark-dependent fashion. We conclude that nitrogen fixation, one of the most complex physiological traits known in bacteria, might be transferred among oceanic microbes by horizontal gene transfer more often than anticipated so far. Our data show that the two powerful processes of oxygenic photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation co-occur in one and the same cell also in this branch of marine microbes and characterize Acaryochloris as a physiologically versatile inhabitant of an ecological niche, which is primarily driven by the absorption of far-red light.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation, the biological reduction of dinitrogen gas (N2) to ammonium (NH4+), is quantitatively the most important external source of new nitrogen (N) to the open ocean. Classically, the ecological niche of oceanic N2 fixers (diazotrophs) is ascribed to tropical oligotrophic surface waters, often depleted in fixed N, with a diazotrophic community dominated by cyanobacteria. Although this applies for large areas of the ocean, biogeochemical models and phylogenetic studies suggest that the oceanic diazotrophic niche may be much broader than previously considered, resulting in major implications for the global N-budget. Here, we report on the composition, distribution and abundance of nifH, the functional gene marker for N2 fixation. Our results show the presence of eight clades of diazotrophs in the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) off Peru. Although proteobacterial clades dominated overall, two clusters affiliated to spirochaeta and archaea were identified. N2 fixation was detected within OMZ waters and was stimulated by the addition of organic carbon sources supporting the view that non-phototrophic diazotrophs were actively fixing dinitrogen. The observed co-occurrence of key functional genes for N2 fixation, nitrification, anammox and denitrification suggests that a close spatial coupling of N-input and N-loss processes exists in the OMZ off Peru. The wide distribution of diazotrophs throughout the water column adds to the emerging view that the habitat of marine diazotrophs can be extended to low oxygen/high nitrate areas. Furthermore, our statistical analysis suggests that NO2 and PO43− are the major factors affecting diazotrophic distribution throughout the OMZ. In view of the predicted increase in ocean deoxygenation resulting from global warming, our findings indicate that the importance of OMZs as niches for N2 fixation may increase in the future.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) is an essential nutrient in the sea and its distribution is controlled by microorganisms. Within the N cycle, nitrite (NO2) has a central role because its intermediate redox state allows both oxidation and reduction, and so it may be used by several coupled and/or competing microbial processes. In the upper water column and oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) of the eastern tropical North Pacific Ocean (ETNP), we investigated aerobic NO2 oxidation, and its relationship to ammonia (NH3) oxidation, using rate measurements, quantification of NO2-oxidizing bacteria via quantitative PCR (QPCR), and pyrosequencing. 15NO2 oxidation rates typically exhibited two subsurface maxima at six stations sampled: one located below the euphotic zone and beneath NH3 oxidation rate maxima, and another within the OMZ. 15NO2 oxidation rates were highest where dissolved oxygen concentrations were <5 μM, where NO2 accumulated, and when nitrate (NO3) reductase genes were expressed; they are likely sustained by NO3 reduction at these depths. QPCR and pyrosequencing data were strongly correlated (r2=0.79), and indicated that Nitrospina bacteria numbered up to 9.25% of bacterial communities. Different Nitrospina groups were distributed across different depth ranges, suggesting significant ecological diversity within Nitrospina as a whole. Across the data set, 15NO2 oxidation rates were decoupled from 15NH4+ oxidation rates, but correlated with Nitrospina (r2=0.246, P<0.05) and NO2 concentrations (r2=0.276, P<0.05). Our findings suggest that Nitrospina have a quantitatively important role in NO2 oxidation and N cycling in the ETNP, and provide new insight into their ecology and interactions with other N-cycling processes in this biogeochemically important region of the ocean.  相似文献   

The effects of a North Carolina population of Meloidogyne incognita on N₂ fixation on root-knot-susceptible ''Lee 68'' and moderately resistant ''Forrest'' soybean were evaluated 50, 75, I00, and 135 days after inoculation with nematodes. Nematodes stimulated N₂ fixation in Lee 68 by 50 days and in Forrest by 75 days. At all other intervals, N₂ fixation was either depressed or unaffected by nematodes. Additional observations indicate that the susceptibility of Lee 68 is associated with greater rates of penetration by larvae and more favorable responses of host tissues to nematodes than occur in Forrest. With time, however, the histological reactions of both hosts became less favorable for nematode development. Resistant or hypersensitive responses became common in Forrest by 75 days but not in Lee 68 until 90 days after inoculation. This population of M. incognita may stimulate N₂ fixation at a specific time interval and depress it at others; therefore, disease of susceptible soybeans caused by this nematode is probably not primarily due to a net loss of fixed nitrogen but to pathogenicity similar to that which occurs on nonlegume hosts.  相似文献   

The cool-water copepod Calanus finmarchicus is a key species in North Atlantic marine ecosystems since it represents an important food resource for the developmental stages of several fish of major economic value. Over the last 40 years, however, data from the Continuous Plankton Recorder survey have highlighted a 70 per cent reduction in C. finmarchicus biomass, coupled with a gradual northward shift in the species's distribution, which have both been linked with climate change. To determine the potential for C. finmarchicus to track changes in habitat availability and maintain stable effective population sizes, we have assessed levels of gene flow and dispersal in current populations, as well as using a coalescent approach together with palaeodistribution modelling to elucidate the historical population demography of the species over previous changes in Earth's climate. Our findings indicate high levels of dispersal and a constant effective population size over the period 359,000-566,000 BP and suggest that C. finmarchicus possesses the capacity to track changes in available habitat, a feature that may be of crucial importance to the species's ability to cope with the current period of global climate change.  相似文献   

Phenotypic sex in salmonids is determined primarily by a genetic male heterogametic system; yet, sex reversal can be accomplished via hormonal treatment. In Tasmanian Atlantic salmon aquaculture, to overcome problems associated with early sexual maturation in males, sex-reversed females are crossed with normal females to produce all female stock. However, phenotypic distinction of sex-reversed females (neo-males) from true males is problematic. We set out to identify genetic markers that could make this distinction. Microsatellite markers from chromosome 2 (Ssa02), to which the sex-determining locus (SEX) has been mapped in two Scottish Atlantic salmon families, did not predict sex in a pilot study of seven families. A TaqMan 64 SNP genome-wide scan suggested SEX was on Ssa06 in these families, and this was confirmed by microsatellite markers. A survey of 58 families in total representing 38 male lineages in the SALTAS breeding program found that 34 of the families had SEX on Ssa02, in 22 of the families SEX was on Ssa06, and two of the families had a third SEX locus, on Ssa03. A PCR test using primers designed from the recently published sdY gene is consistent with Tasmanian Atlantic salmon having a single sex-determining gene that may be located on at least three linkage groups.  相似文献   

Herpetogramma sphingealissp. n., a new species of Crambidae (Lepidoptera), is described from Québec, Canada. The species is included in the genus Herpetogramma Led., 1863, a genus in the subfamily Spilomelinae. Adults and genitalia of this species are described and illustrated, as well as those of Herpetogramma aeglealis (Walker, 1859) and Herpetogramma thestealis (Walker, 1859), and adults of the semi-melanic form of Herpetogramma aeglealis are illustrated.  相似文献   

A novel stephanoberycid genus and species, Abyssoberyx levisquamosus Merrett & Moore is reported from bottom‐trawl abyssal captures in 4490–4640 m depth. It has cycloid scales, differing from Stephanoberyx , Acanthochaenus and Hispidoberyx with spinoid scales; has 1–2 dorsal fin spines, differing from Acanthochaenus and Malacosarcus with 0, Gibberichthys with 5–6 and Hispidoberyx with 3–5 spines; has 5–7 + 14–15 gill rakers, differing from Stephanoberyx with 12–15 + 25–27 and Acanthochaenus and Malacosarcus with 8 + 17–20 gill rakers. Selected aspects of the osteology of A. levisquamosus are described, to confirm that it shares several features in common with other stephanoberycid genera and allied stephanoberycoids. Aspects of its biology and ecology are discussed.  相似文献   

Rhagomys rufescens (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae) is an endemic species of the Atlantic forest from Southern and Southeastern Brazil. Some authors consider Rhagomys as part of the tribe Thomasomyini; but its phylogenetic relationships remain unclear. Chromosomal studies on eight specimens of Rhagomys rufescens revealed a diploid number of 2n = 36 and a number of autosome arms FN = 50. GTG, CBG and Ag-NOR banding and CMA(3) /DAPI staining were performed on metaphase chromosomes. Eight biarmed and nine acrocentric pairs were found in the karyotype of this species. The X and Y chromosomes were both acrocentric. Most of the autosomes and the sex chromosomes showed positive C-bands in the pericentromeric region. The X chromosome showed an additional heterochromatic block in the proximal region of the long arm. Nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) were located in the pericentromeric region of three biarmed autosomes (pairs 4, 6 and 8) and in the telomeric region of the short arm of three acrocentrics (pairs 10, 12 and 17). CMA (3) /DAPI staining produced fluorescent signals in many autosomes, especially in pairs 4, 6, and 8. This study presents cytogenetic data of Rhagomys rufescens for the first time.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Laubieriopsis Petersen, 2000 is described based on 28 specimens collected in the north-east part of the North Sea. It is characterized by fixed number of chaetigers (22), paired genital papillae, bidentate neurochaeta of chaetigers 1-4, the absence of acicular chaetae on chaetigers 5-21 and, on the last chaetiger, one acicular and three capillary chaetae enlarged and directed backward. The present study brings the number of known species of Laubieriopsis to five and the number of Northeast Atlantic species of this genus to two.  相似文献   

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