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Genetic variability at 11 microsatellite markers was analyzed in five naturalized/local Brazilian horse breeds or genetic groups. Blood samples were collected from 328 animals of the breeds Campeira (Santa Catarina State), Lavradeira (Roraima State), Pantaneira (Pantanal Mato-Grossense), Mangalarga Marchador (Minas Gerais State), as well as the genetic group Baixadeiro (Maranh?o State), and the exotic breeds English Thoroughbred and Arab. We found significant genetic variability within evaluated microsatellite loci, with observed heterozygosis varying between 0.426 and 0.768 and polymorphism information content values of 0.751 to 0.914. All breeds showed high inbreeding coefficients and were not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The smallest genetic distance was seen between the Pantaneira and Arab breeds. The principal component analyzes and Bayesian approach demonstrated that the exotic breeds have had a significant influence on the genetic formation of the local breeds, with introgression of English Throroughbred in Pantaneira and Lavradeira, as well as genetic proximity between the Arab, Pantaneira and Mangalarga Marchador populations. This study shows the need to conserve traits acquired by naturalized horse breeds over centuries of natural selection in Brazil due to the genetic uniqueness of each group, suggesting a reduced gene flow between them. These results reinforce the need to include these herds in animal genetic resource conservation programs to maximize the genetic variability and conserve useful allele combinations.  相似文献   

The genetic relationships of five Indian horse breeds, namely Marwari, Spiti, Bhutia, Manipuri and Zanskari were studied using microsatellite markers. The DNA samples of 189 horses of these breeds were amplified by polymerase chain reaction using 25 microsatellite loci. The total number of alleles varied from five to 10 with a mean heterozygosity of 0.58 ± 0.05. Spiti and Zansakari were the most closely related breeds, whereas, Marwari and Manipuri were most distant apart with Nei's DA genetic distance of 0.071 and 0.186, respectively. In a Nei's DA genetic distances based neighbour joining dendrogram of these breeds and a Thoroughbred horse outgroup, the four pony breeds of Spiti, Bhutia, Manipuri and Zanskari clustered together and then with the Marwari breed. All the Indian breeds clustered independently from Thoroughbreds. The genetic relationships of Indian horse breeds to each other correspond to their geographical/environmental distribution.  相似文献   

The genetic variability for a sample of 227 animals from three populations of Pantaneiro horses was estimated using data from 10 microsatellite loci. The number of alleles and the proportion of heterozygosity indicated high variability. A total of 91 alleles were found, with a significantly high mean number of alleles. The mean polymorphic information content was 0.7 and the paternity exclusion probability was 99.3%. The inbreeding coefficient (F(IS)) was low for the three populations: Ipiranga (F(IS) = 0.147), Nova Esperan?a (F(IS) = 0.094) and Promiss?o (F(IS) = 0.108). Genetic differentiation among all three populations was low (F(ST) = 0.008 to 0.064). Three methods were used to test for a recent bottleneck effect. The graphical method and the Wilcoxon test using the stepwise mutation model showed no bottleneck pattern for any of the populations. The test by two-phase mutation model showed genetic signatures of bottleneck for Ipiranga and Promiss?o. When we consider standard deviation value for Nova Esperan?a, the M-statistic detected a bottleneck pattern, but this result could be explained by a sample size effect. Therefore, there is no immediate cause for concern regarding loss of variation within the breed.  相似文献   

Synteny-mapping horse microsatellite markers using a heterohybridoma panel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A panel of horse-mouse heterohybridoma cells was tested for genetic markers using biochemical and polymerase chain reaction-(PCR-) based tests. Biochemical markers included phospho-glucomutase ( PGM ), glucose phosphate isomerase ( GPI ) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase ( PGD ). Markers detected using PCR-based tests included microsatellite markers HTG2–15, HMS 1–3, 5–8, VHL20, ECA2 and genes for equine major histocompatibility gene ELA-DRA , tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFA) and transferrin. The results were analysed for correlation and concordance. Based on the results, five synteny groups were identified, specifically between ELA-DRA, TNFA, HMS5 and HTG5 ; between HTG3 and HTG13 ; between HTG4, HTG8 and HMS3 ; between HTG6 and HMS1 ; and between HTG7, HTG9 and HMS6. Evidence was also found for synteny between HTG12, HMS7 and ECA2 , however, confirmation requires further testing. Cytogenetic evaluation of the cell lines making up the panel indicated that large metacentric chromosomes were preferentially lost or tended to break at the centromere. Consequently, the results from this analysis can be used to identify synteny, but not to exclude synteny.  相似文献   

应用微卫星标记分析23个中国地方马种的遗传多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了调查中国马种的群体遗传分化与遗传结构状况, 本研究应用FAO和ISAG推荐的25对微卫星引物, 结合荧光标记PCR分析技术, 对中国23个马群体和1个英纯血马群体进行了分子遗传学研究。结果表明: 中国地方马群体的遗传多样性比较丰富, 23个中国马群体的等位基因数、多态信息含量和遗传杂合度等都高于英国纯血马。根据群体遗传距离构建的系统进化树, 能够清晰地将英纯血马从中国马中独立出来, 同时可将中国马群体分成不同的支, 基本上与其地理分布格局相符。我们用MVSP软件进行群体遗传分化分析可见, 前三个主成分的三维散点图可以明显地把英纯血马从所有群体中独立出来, 并把中国的马群体分成几个相对独立的支。进一步分析第一、二主成分的二维散点图, 可将中国的马群体分化成南方支系、藏马支系、新疆和青海支系、内蒙古支系及东北支系等5个部分。根据Structure软件分析, 推测中国马群体含有5个潜在的支系, 基本上代表了我国现在主要家马来源的基础遗传支系。这些信息可以为我国现有马种类型的划分与马种资源遗传多样性的保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Genetic diversity in and relationships among 26 Creole cattle breeds from 10 American countries were assessed using 19 microsatellites. Heterozygosities, F-statistics estimates, genetic distances, multivariate analyses and assignment tests were performed. The levels of within-breed diversity detected in Creole cattle were considerable and higher than those previously reported for European breeds, but similar to those found in other Latin American breeds. Differences among breeds accounted for 8.4% of the total genetic variability. Most breeds clustered separately when the number of pre-defined populations was 21 (the most probable K value), with the exception of some closely related breeds that shared the same cluster and others that were admixed. Despite the high genetic diversity detected, significant inbreeding was also observed within some breeds, and heterozygote excess was detected in others. These results indicate that Creoles represent important reservoirs of cattle genetic diversity and that appropriate conservation measures should be implemented for these native breeds in order to minimize inbreeding and uncontrolled crossbreeding.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity at 13 equine microsatellite loci was compared in five endangered Spanish donkey breeds: Andaluza, Catalana, Mallorquina, Encartaciones and Zamorano-Leonesa. All of the equine microsatellites used in this study were amplified and were polymorphic in the domestic donkey breeds with the exception of HMS1, which was monomorphic, and ASB2, which failed to amplify. Allele number, frequency distributions and mean heterozygosities were very similar among the Spanish donkey breeds. The unbiased expected heterozygosity (HE) over all the populations varied between 0.637 and 0.684 in this study. The low GST value showed that only 3.6% of the diversity was between breeds (P < 0.01). Significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were shown for a number of locus-population combinations, except HMS5 that showed agreement in all analysed populations. The cumulative exclusion probability (PE) was 0.999 in each breed, suggesting that the loci would be suitable for donkey parentage testing. The constructed dendrogram from the DA distance matrix showed little differentiation between Spanish breeds, but great differentiation between them and the Moroccan ass and also with the horse, used as an outgroup. These results confirm the potential use of equine microsatellite loci as a tool for genetic studies in domestic donkey populations, which could also be useful for conservation plans.  相似文献   

The genetic variations among spawning groups of herrings from different spawning grounds of the northwestern part of the Sea of Okhotsk was assessed using ten microsatellite loci. All loci were polymorphic with the expected heterozygosity estimates varying at different loci in the range of 0.7–95.0% (with a mean of 68.5%). The degree of genetic differentiation displayed by the herrings from the Sea of Okhotsk was not statistically significant (θ = 0.74%). The level of pairwise genetic differentiation F ST varied in the range of 0.002–0.014, nor was it statistically significant in all comparison pairs between the herring samples.  相似文献   

Validation of microsatellite markers for routine horse parentage testing   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
A parallel testing of 4803 routine Quarter Horse parentage cases, using 15 loci of blood group and protein polymorphisms (blood typing) and 11 loci of dinucleotide repeat microsatellites (DNA typing), validated DNA markers for horse pedigree verification. For the 26 loci, taken together, the theoretical effectiveness of detecting incorrect parentage was 99·999%, making it extremely unlikely that false parentage would fail to be recognized. The tests identified incorrect parentage assignment for 95 offspring (2% of cases). Despite fewer loci, DNA typing was as effective as blood typing and, in parentage exclusion cases, provided more systems to substantiate the genetic incompatibility. Five offspring presented potential genetic incompatibilities with their parents in only a single microsatellite system, but the parentage exclusions could not be confirmed with discordant results at additional loci. Two of these five incompatibilities could be explained as consequences of a null allele and three as fragment size increases or decreases (putative mutations). Provided that an exclusion assignment was based on at least two systems of genetic incompatibility, such rare genetic events did not lead to false exclusions. Notwithstanding the near 100% effectiveness estimations for either typing panel alone to identify incorrect parentage, this validation test showed an actual effectiveness of 97·3% for blood typing and 98·2% for DNA typing. The DNA-based test, however, may feasibly achieve higher efficacy than reported here by adding selected systems to the parentage test panel.  相似文献   

In this study, we assessed the genetic diversity of three Egyptian local chicken strains (Fayoumi, Dandarawi and Sinai) and six synthetic breeds derived from Fayoumi and Sinai by intercrossing with Barren Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island Red or White Cornish. Diversity measures were based on interrogation of 29 microsatellites. We identified three main clusters of chicken populations encompassing selected Fayoumi lines and Doki-4 (cluster-1), native Dandarawi (cluster-2) and Sinai, and all six synthetic breeds (cluster-3). Dandarawi and Fayoumi lines exhibited lower intra-population genetic diversity and allelic privacy than Sinai and synthetic breeds. The global inbreeding (F(IT) ) was 0.11, among-population differentiation (F(ST) ) was 0.07, and within-population differentiation (F(IS) ) was 0.04. The between-population marker-estimated kinship was lower than within-population estimates. The cluster analysis classified the Fayoumi lines, Dandarawi and Gimmizah as clearly separated populations. The other strains were configured in mosaic admixed groups.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the genetic relationship and admixture among neighbouring populations is crucial for conservation efforts. The aim of this study was to analyse the genetic diversity of five Italian sheep breeds (Appenninica, Garfagnina Bianca, Massese, Pomarancina and Zerasca) using a panel of 24 microsatellite markers. Blood samples from 226 individuals belonging to the aforementioned populations were obtained and genotyped. All the investigated breeds showed a significant heterozygote deficiency caused by the high level of inbreeding indicated also by the high level of FIS (0.146). Genetic differentiation between breeds was moderate (FST = 0.05) but significant and the individuals could be assigned to their breeds with an high success rate even if the inter-individual distances showed that few animals clustered separately from the other individuals of the same breed, especially for Pomarancina breed. The genetic distances reflect the historical knowledge of these breeds and some patterns of ancestral and recent gene flow between neighbour populations arise. The clustering analysis detects the presence of six clusters. Massese and Zerasca breeds were grouped together as well as Appenninica and Pomarancina with the latter forming two distinct clusters equally represented. The formation of this last breed is occurred with the absorption of individuals of the Appenninica breed and the gene flow probably continued in these recent years allowing the presence of a population substructure for Pomarancina breed. Such substructure supports the high level of heterozygote deficiency found for this breed despite the relatively high population size. The five populations analysed presented some genetic similarities but a clear uniqueness of the populations has been showed for almost all of them. Special attention to monitor genetic variability and to organize mating plans should be given especially for the three endangered breeds.  相似文献   

The bearded goby Sufflogobius bibarbatus is an abundant endemic small fish species on the continental shelf of the northern Benguela. The goby habitat is characterised by generally low bottom oxygen concentrations that vary spatially and seasonally. In the present study of population structure, 13 samples of S. bibarbatus from inner and outer shelf areas between 19°S and 32°S were screened using ten microsatellite loci. The genetic data were analysed in relation to isolation by distance and depth. Furthermore, for the first time, this study examined genetic data in relation to bottom oxygen concentration at the sampling locations. The data show low but significant genetic heterogeneity (G-test; FST = 0.007, p < .05). There was weak but significant genetic differentiation along a latitudinal gradient across all sampling sites from 19.50°S to 32.37°S (Mantel test; r = .464, p = .001), but this disappeared when the southernmost sample was removed. On the other hand, a positive correlation of bottom oxygen concentration with pairwise FST (r = .336; p = .017) was observed among the sampling sites from the Northern Benguela shelf area. Overall, the data are complex but suggest that isolation by distance and bottom oxygen concentration may play a role in the genetic structuring of S. bibarbatus. The findings are discussed in relation to the species’ life history features and oceanographic characteristics of the Benguela upwelling ecosystem.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the genetic diversity and geographic scale of genotype distribution within the model legume species Medicago truncatula widely distributed in pasture and marginal agricultural lands in Greece and other Mediterranean countries. Thirty one Medicago truncatula and Medicago littorialis accessions were chosen on the basis of their geographical distributions and studied using 9 polymorphic simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers. The number of alleles per locus varied between 3 and 7. A total of 42 alleles were detected with a mean value of 4.66 alleles per locus. Geographic origin was not related with genotypic similarity among accessions. However, there were instances of close genetic relatedness between accessions from neighboring locations in a geographic compartment. In conclusion, the presented data revealed extensive M. truncatula genotype dispersal in Greece pointing to the significance of preserving local genetic resources in their natural environment.  相似文献   

Sanfratellano is a native Sicilian horse breed, mainly reared in the north east of the Island, developed in the 19th century from local dams and sires with a restricted introgression of Oriental, African and, more recently, Maremmano stallions. In this study, the genetic relationships and admixture among Sanfratellano, the other two Sicilian autochthonous breeds and Maremmano breed were assessed using a set of microsatellites. The main goals were to infer the impact of Maremmano breed in the current Sanfratellano horse and to provide genetic information useful to improve the selection strategies of the Sanfratellano horse. The whole sample included 384 horses (238 Sanfratellano, 50 Sicilian Oriental Purebred, 30 Sicilian Indigenous and 66 Maremmano), chosen avoiding closely related animals. A total of 111 alleles from 11 microsatellite loci were detected, from four at HTG7 to 15 at ASB2 locus. The mean number of alleles was the lowest in Oriental Purebred (6.7), the highest in Sanfratellano (8.3). All the breeds showed a high level of gene diversity (He) ranging from 0.71 ± 0.04 in Sicilian Oriental Purebred to 0.81 ± 0.02 in Sicilian Indigenous. The genetic differentiation index was low; only about 6% of the diversity was found among breeds. Nei's standards (DS) and Reynolds' (DR) genetic distances reproduced the same population ranking. Individual genetic distances and admixture analysis revealed that: (a) nowadays Maremmano breed does not significantly influence the current Sanfratellano breed; (b) within Sanfratellano breed, it is possible to distinguish two well-defined groups with different proportions of Indigenous blood.  相似文献   

China is one of the principal origins of ponies in the world. We made a comprehensive analysis of genetic diversity and population structure of Chinese ponies based on 174 animals of five indigenous Chinese pony breeds from five provinces using 13 microsatellite markers. One hundred and forty-four alleles were detected; the mean number of effective alleles among the pony breeds ranged from 5.38 (Guizhou) to 6.78 (Sichuan); the expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.82 (Guizhou) to 0.85 (Debao, Sichuan). Although abundant genetic variation was found, the genetic differentiation was low between the ponies, with 6% total genetic variance among the different breeds. All the pairwise F(ST) values were significant; they varied from 0.0424 for the Sichuan-Yunnan pair to 0.0833 for the Guizhou-Sichuan pair. All five pony breeds deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, except the Yunnan pony. Phylogenetic trees of the five pony breeds based on genetic distances were constructed using a neighbor-joining method. The Sichuan and Yunnan ponies were grouped into the same branch, with a high bootstrap support value (97%). Guizhou and Ningqiang ponies were clustered into the same branch with a bootstrap value of 56%, whereas the Debao pony was placed in a separate group, with a bootstrap value of 56%. This grouping pattern was supported by genetic structure analysis.  相似文献   

Marmots are large ground squirrels, and 14 species have been reported in the world, including four species of marmots (Himalayan marmot, Tarbagan marmot, gray marmot and long-tailed marmot) living in China. Although these biological resources are abundant in China, information regarding their genetic features is lacking, hampering further study regarding them. The aims of this research were to evaluate genetic variations of four species of Chinese wild marmots, and analyzed kinship of these marmot populations. In the current study, we collected samples of four species of Chinese wild marmot and analyzed the effective allele number, gene diversity, the Shannon index, and polymorphism information to evaluate genetic variations using 13 microsatellite loci. Based on Nei’s genetic distance using the unweighted pair group method, we constructed a dendrogram to analyze the population kinship. We determined that all four Chinese marmot species had high genetic polymorphisms and departure from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The Chinese marmots to be divided into two large groups: Himalayan marmot was independent group. Tarbagan marmot, gray marmot and long-tailed marmot were others; Tarbagan marmot and gray marmot showed a close kinship with each other, but long-tailed marmot did not have a close relationship with the other species. The high polymorphisms and the kinship of Chinese marmot populations were correlated with geographical terrain of their habitat. Himalayan marmot was characterized as living in unique alpine meadows in Qinghai-Tibet plateau and was affected by terrain; however, Tarbagan marmot, gray marmot and long-tailed marmot were characterized as living in grassland or alpine grassland and were not affected by terrain. Genetic features of Chinese wild marmots were investigated in this study. This may give using information regarding protection of Chinese wild marmot resource and further application of biomedical research.  相似文献   

Genotype data from 20 microsatellites typed in 253 animals is used here to assess the genetic structure of seven European pedigree cattle breeds. Estimation of genetic subdivision using classical drift-based measures shows that the average proportion of genetic variation among breeds varies between 10 and 11% of the total, depending on the estimator used. We demonstrate that a simple allele-sharing genetic distance parameter can be used to construct a dendrogram of relationships among animals. This phylogenetic tree displays a remarkable degree of breed clustering and reflects an extensive underlying kinship structure, particularly for the Swiss Simmental breed and four breeds originating from the British Isles. Condensation of allele frequencies and individual genotypic compositions using principal component analysis is also used to investigate genetic structure among breeds and individual animals. In addition, the underlying genetic demarcation of European cattle breeds is emphasized in simulations of breed assignment using allele frequency distributions from samples of microsatellite loci. Correct breed designation can be inferred with accuracies approaching 100% using data from a panel of 10 microsatellite loci.  相似文献   

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