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The nurse shark is an extremely abundant shallow water species in Florida and the Caribbean, yet its biology is poorly known. Moreover, there is a great deal of misinformation about it in the literature. The maximum size and weight attained by the nurse shark have often been exaggerated. None of the specimens measured in this study exceeded 265cm TL and 114.5kg, and none of the specimens actually measured by other researchers exceeded 280cm. Females reach maturity at a length of 223–231cm, or at 86% of their maximum size. Males reach maturity between 214 and 214.6cm in length or at about 83% of their maximum size. Mating primarily occurs from mid-June to early July. The embryos are enclosed in sturdy egg capsules for the first 12–14 weeks of gestation. In a gravid female, the embryos are at different stages of development during the first four months of gestation. Embryos are lecithotrophic and there is no evidence of any supplemental mode of embryonic nourishment. Embryos measure 28–30.5cm at birth. The gestation period is estimated at about five to six months. Brood sizes are large, ranging from 21 to 50 young, with a median of 34 young. The reproductive cycle of the nurse shark consists of a five to six-month gestation period and a two-year ovarian cycle. Thus, the reproductive cycle is biennial and a female produces a brood every two years. The nurse shark is an opportunistic predator that consumes a wide range of small fishes, primarily grunts (Haemulidae).  相似文献   

In the southern Gulf of Mexico, the bonnethead shark, Sphyrna tiburo, is one of the most frequently captured species in landings of small-scale fisheries. Based on the analysis of two fishery-dependent sampling periods (1993–1994 and 2007–2014), this study aimed to determine reproductive parameters and identify temporal differences between the two time periods. In the first sampling period, 776 males and 352 females with a size range of 28.0–120.0 cm total stretched length (LT) were analysed, and in the second sampling period, 387 males and 432 females with a size range of 28.0–122.0 cm LT were analysed. The size at 50% maturity in the second sampling period was significantly different between sexes, 82.6 cm LT for females and 73.8 cm LT for males (no estimation was possible for the first sampling period). The size at 50% maternity was not different between sampling periods, 97.3 cm LT for the first sampling period and 99.0 cm LT for the second sampling period. Litter size varied from 3 to 19 embryos and the average was not statistically different in both periods, 10.1 (S.D. = 3.8) for the first sampling period and 11.3 (S.D. = 3.5) for the second sampling period. The female reproductive cycle is asynchronous, and it seems to be annual, with a gestation period of 5–6 months, and a consecutive ovarian cycle and gestation period. Temporal (between sampling periods) and latitudinal (southern Gulf versus northern regions) variations occur in the synchronicity of the reproductive cycle, temporal variation in the relationship between maternal length and litter size, and latitudinal variation in average size of mature sharks.  相似文献   

Female brown smoothhound sharks Mustelus henlei were found to reproduce annually. A mature female carried both developing oocytes in the ovary and developing embryos in the uteri concurrently for c. 1 year. A great variability in the size of embryos was recorded each month, and the maximum embryo sizes were found from late January to mid‐March. The largest oocytes in mature females were observed in mid‐March. Gestation lasted c. 10 months. A linear relationship between maternal total length (LT) and the number of pups per litter (litter size one to 21) was estimated. Birth LT was reached in c. 280 mm. Females and males matured at 570–660 and 550–560 mm LT, respectively. Difference in the litter size among Californian coast (one to 10) and northern Gulf of California (one to 21) populations existed for this smoothhound shark.  相似文献   

Understanding the ecological factors that regulate elasmobranch abundance in nearshore waters is essential to effectively manage coastal ecosystems and promote conservation. However, little is known about elasmobranch populations in the western South Atlantic Ocean. An 8-year, standardized longline and drumline survey conducted in nearshore waters off Recife, northeastern Brazil, allowed us to describe the shark assemblage and to monitor abundance dynamics using zero-inflated generalized additive models. This region is mostly used by several carcharhinids and one ginglymostomid, but sphyrnids are also present. Blacknose sharks, Carcharhinus acronotus, were mostly mature individuals and declined in abundance throughout the survey, contrasting with nurse sharks, Ginglymostoma cirratum, which proliferated possibly due to this species being prohibited from all harvest since 2004 in this region. Tiger sharks, Galeocerdo cuvier, were mostly juveniles smaller than 200 cm and seem to use nearshore waters off Recife between January and September. No long-term trend in tiger shark abundance was discernible. Spatial distribution was similar in true coastal species (i.e. blacknose and nurse sharks) whereas tiger sharks were most abundant at the middle continental shelf. The sea surface temperature, tidal amplitude, wind direction, water turbidity, and pluviosity were all selected to predict shark abundance off Recife. Interspecific variability in abundance dynamics across spatiotemporal and environmental gradients suggest that the ecological processes regulating shark abundance are generally independent between species, which could add complexity to multi-species fisheries management frameworks. Yet, further research is warranted to ascertain trends at population levels in the South Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

This study has determined the age and size compositions, growth rate and reproductive biology of Lepidogalaxias salamandroides using data for fish of known sex and age and the monthly trends exhibited by various gonadal variables, including the sizes and stages of the oocytes. The results resolve conflicting conclusions drawn by other workers concerning certain aspects of the biology of this freshwater species and expands our knowledge of this teleost. Our results are based on data derived from samples collected from small, ephemeral acidic pools in south-western Australia in 22 consecutive months. Although ca. 78% of the fish caught belonged to the 0+ age class, substantial numbers of the 1+ and 2+ age classes and some 3+ and 4+ fish were caught. Spawning occurs between late May and late August, with peak activity in late July and early August. During the first year of life, growth is initially rapid, but then ceases in the weeks immediately prior to and during the period when the habitat becomes dry and fish aestivate, before recommencing in autumn as the pools again become filled with water. The growth coefficient (K) in the von Bertalanffy growth equation was lower for females (0.63) than males (1.28), reflecting the greater growth undergone by females after the first year of life. Maturity was attained by ca. 28% of the females and ca. 26% of the males that reached the end of their first year of life and by all fish that reached the end of subsequent years of life. The L50s for females and males at first maturity were 43.2 and 38.6mm TL, respectively. The mean fecundity was only 82.4, reflecting a combination of a small body size and a relatively large egg (diameter=1.8mm). Lepidogalaxias salamandroides is a multiple spawner, which increases the chances of some eggs and newly-hatched embryos encountering a period of favourable environmental conditions during the spawning period, which is characterised by bouts of heavy rainfall. The ratio of females to males was essentially parity in the 0+ and 1+ age classes and in all age classes collectively. When testes commence maturing for the first time, the anal fin of males starts to become modified to form a structure that facilitates the transfer of sperm to the female, and it remains modified throughout the rest of life.  相似文献   

Trends in size distributions and age at maturity of spawning kokanee Oncorhynchus nerka during a 5 year period of declining growth conditions at Bucks Lake, California, U.S.A. were consistent with the hypothesis that reductions in growth rates in successive cohorts induce a shift to an older age at maturity. This forestalls decreases in size at maturity during a transitional period characterized by an increasing proportion of individuals that delay maturation. During the course of the study, kokanee first began declining in size at maturity, and then shifted from a 3 year to a 4 year egg to adult cycle. Individuals that spawned during their fourth year (age 3 years) were significantly larger, on average, than members of their cohort that spawned during their third year (age 2 years). This difference was greatest when age 2 year adults were smallest. The shift to an older age at maturity prevented a steady decline in size at maturity, even though age‐specific size was steadily declining over time. Size at maturity, however, began to decline again once the transition to a 4 year cycle was complete. In addition, there was a general trend of decreasing length‐specific mass. The data indicate that there is a range of growth trajectories over which delayed maturity can prevent a temporal pattern of decreasing size at maturity as growth rates decline.  相似文献   

Gobies are generally small fishes which play important roles in estuarine ecosystems, yet little attention has been paid to their life-history traits in the western Pacific region. In the present study, the reproductive traits of the dwarf gobies Pandaka trimaculata and Pandaka lidwilli were explored by examining their populations in a subtropical estuary on Okinawa-jima Island, Japan, over 15 months. The Okinawan populations of both species shared similar reproductive traits. Pandaka trimaculata and P. lidwilli exhibited early female maturation at minimum sizes of 8.8 and 9.4 mm standard length (SL), respectively, which indicate that populations of the Pandaka species in the subtropical region represent some of the smallest fishes in the world. Nonetheless, they also had high relative body sizes at maturity relative to the attained asymptotic SLs, ranging from 75.8% to 80.4%, which suggests that their populations are vulnerable to negative impacts. Both the species also had prolonged spawning periods, extending from February to November (P. trimaculata) and from January to October (P. lidwilli), indicating that these local populations have a high potential for maintenance and resilience. Their spawning periods, sizes at maturity and fecundities varied among seasons and latitudes, possibly because of low water temperatures affecting the relative allocation of energy to growth and reproduction. Such plasticity of life-history traits in these small fishes indicates that they would be suitable models for understanding the evolution of life-history strategies and monitoring the responses of organisms to climate change.  相似文献   

We examined the reproductive biology and estimated life history parameters for female shortspine thornyhead, Sebastolobus alascanus, and longspine thornyhead, S. altivelis, from histological samples prepared from specimens collected from both Alaska and the West Coast of the United States. Both species spawn pelagic gelatinous egg masses, although timing differs between taxa and locations. Shortspines spawn between April and July in Alaska and between December and May along the West Coast. Longspines spawn between January and April along the West Coast. Length at 50% maturity differed between species and areas, with shortspines at 21.48cm in Alaska and 18.19cm on the West Coast, and longspines at 17.83cm on the West Coast. We used the gonadosomatic index to estimate instantaneous rates of natural mortality (M). Values of M differed little between species and areas despite substantial differences in temperature and dissolved oxygen concentrations. Estimates for shortspines from both Alaska and the West Coast ranged between 0.013 and 0.017, while longspines from the West Coast showed an M value of 0.015. Such low estimates of M suggest Sebastolobus are extremely long-lived.  相似文献   

Aspects of the reproductive biology of Bagrus docmak in the Victoria Nile were investigated between November 2005 and October 2006. Macroscopic and histological analysis of the gonads confirmed it as an asynchronous batch spawner which spawns throughout the year with bimodal spawning peaks coinciding with rainfall seasons. The first spawning peak occurred from March to May, the second from September to November. The sex ratio did not significantly deviate from 1:1. Length at sexual maturity was 33.6 cm and 31.6 cm fork length (FL) for females and males, respectively. Batch fecundity ranged from 1 000 eggs in 34 cm FL fish to 43 000 eggs in 79 cm FL fish, and correlated linearly with FL (r = 0.72) and body weight (r = 0.79). Mean relative batch fecundity was 6 eggs g?1 (SE 2). These results could guide research into the possibility of artificially inducing the fish to spawn, and its subsequent culture.  相似文献   

Limnodrilus claparedeanus with its high productivity is the most numerous tubificid species in the Tsimlyansk Reservoir. As a result of frequent reproduction, young worms are abundant in the population. Individuals mature in a short time and are able to lay cocoons nine weeks after hatching. The number of embryos in the cocoons varies from one to twenty-six, thirteen being most frequent. The young worms mature rapidly and early reproduction results in an increase in the population in autumn.  相似文献   

Maturation is a developmental trait that plays a key role in shaping organisms’ life‐history. However, progress in understanding how maturation phenotypes evolve has been held back by confusion over how best to model maturation decisions and a lack of studies comparing genotypic variation in maturation. Here, we fitted probabilistic maturation reaction norms (PMRNs) to data collected from five clones of Daphnia magna and five of Daphnia pulex collected from within and between different populations. We directly compared the utility of modeling approaches that assume maturation to be a process with an instantaneous rate with those that do not by fitting maturation rate and logistic regression models, and emphasize similarities and differences between them. Our results demonstrate that in Daphnia, PMRNs using a logistic regression approach were simpler to use and provided a better fit to the data. The decision to mature was plastic across a range of growth trajectories and dependent upon both body size and age. However, the age effect was stronger in D. magna than D. pulex and varied considerably between clones. Our results support the idea that maturation thresholds can evolve but also suggest that the notion of a threshold based on a single fixed state is an oversimplification that underestimates the adaptability of these important traits.  相似文献   

Geographic variations in reproductive parameters of Mustelus manazo from five localities, four in Japan (Aomori, Tokyo Bay, Maizuru, and Shimonoseki) and one in Taiwan, were investigated from November 1994 to June 1996. Differences in age and length at sexual maturity from Aomori to Taiwan were approximately 3 years and 300mm in TL, respectively, for both sexes. The sharks appeared to mature at a later age and to a larger size in the most northern population, Aomori, and to be faster and smaller in the southern population, Taiwan. Mating, ovulation and fertilization periods were generally during May and August in the four localities of Tokyo Bay, Maizuru, Shimonoseki, and Taiwan. In Aomori, males showed no clear monthly variation in gonad index, and females in Aomori had a protracted reproductive period. Females became pregnant every year in all localities, except Aomori. The Aomori population apparently has a different reproductive cycle. The Tokyo Bay population is distinctive regarding growth and sex ratios of embryos. In all localities, the number of embryos per litter increased relative to total length of mother. There was no geographic variation in reproductive parameters between Maizuru and Shimonoseki. The coast between these last two sampling areas is a continuous steep slope with similar environmental conditions, and mixing of the two populations may occur.  相似文献   

Synopsis The golden hammerhead is a poorly known species of shark that inhabits the northeastern coast of South America from Venezuela to Uruguay. It is found in coastal waters at depths of 9–40 m over muddy bottoms. It is a small species which attains a maximum size of 122 cm and 9 kg. The most distinctive characteristic of this species is its striking bright orange or yellow color. Juveniles less than 80 cm TL are bright yellow or orange; adults are pale yellow. The color is apparently due to pigments present in their diets; juveniles feed primarily on shrimp, while adults feed on fish and catfish eggs. Two pigments have been isolated and their characterization is presently being ascertained. Males mature at about 80 cm TL; females mature at about 98 cm TL. Ovulation and mating occur in August. Gestation appears to last about ten months. Parturition occurs in shallow waters from late May to June. Broods consist of five to twelve young, which measure about 30 cm at birth. The ovarian cycle runs concurrently with the gestation cycle, so it is likely that females are fertilized shortly after parturition, and that the species reproduces yearly.  相似文献   

The reproduction of the smooth-head catfish (Clarias liocephalus), a heavily exploited wetland fish in Uganda, in a data-deficient fishery, was studied from January to December 2011. Analyses were based on a sample of 854 fish specimens obtained from a chain of wetlands that fringe the Rwizi River, a tributary of the Nile River. Samples were collected monthly from four sites. Fecundity, gonadosomatic index, size at sexual maturity, condition factor and growth patterns were used to describe the reproduction of the species. Mean female fecundity was 2 484.03 ± 1 289.90 (range 266–3 474). Females attained sexual maturity at a smaller size (12.0 cm TL) than males (13.79 cm TL), but were in better condition than males. Gonadosomatic index peaked in the wettest months of the study period, with highest proportion of mature ova occurring during July to November. Although C. liocephalus seems less fecund than other known clariids and is therefore prone to adverse effects from overexploitation, knowledge of its spawning periodicity and its size at sexual maturity could be useful in the management of the fishery in wetlands where it is still abundant.  相似文献   

Kinnison MT  Quinn TP  Unwin MJ 《Heredity》2011,106(3):448-459
Size at age and age at maturity are important life history traits, affecting individual fitness and population demography. In salmon and other organisms, size and growth rate are commonly considered cues for maturation and thus age at maturity may or may not evolve independently of these features. Recent concerns surrounding the potential phenotypic and demographic responses of populations facing anthropogenic disturbances, such as climate change and harvest, place a premium on understanding the evolutionary genetic basis for evolution in size at age and age at maturity. In this study, we present the findings from a set of common-garden rearing experiments that empirically assess the heritable basis of phenotypic divergence in size at age and age at maturity in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) populations introduced to New Zealand. We found consistent evidence of heritable differences among populations in both size at age and age at maturity, often corresponding to patterns observed in the wild. Populations diverged in size and growth profiles, even when accounting for eventual age at maturation. By contrast, most, but not all, cases of divergence in age at maturity were driven by the differences in size or growth rate rather than differences in the threshold relationship linking growth rate and probability of maturation. These findings help us understand how life histories may evolve through trait interactions in populations exposed to natural and anthropogenic disturbances, and how we might best detect such evolution.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Centropomus parallelus was described from 589 individuals captured in estuarine and coastal waters in Southern Brazil. Length-frequency distribution showed the dominance of males in smaller length-classes (132–290 mm LT), whereas females were dominant in larger length-classes (>290 mm LT). Total length at maturity (L50) was 180 mm LT and corresponded to 29% of the maximum length recorded. Histological sections revealed one hermaphrodite (205 mm LT) and few immature females. Life history traits provided herein can contribute to sustainable fisheries management practices.  相似文献   

It has been widely assumed that the stepwise increase in the exoskeleton size of larval insects approximately follows a geometric progression from instar to instar, known as Dyar's Rule. However, it is not clear whether the per-instar increase in body size follows this rule. In insects, Dyar's Rule has been identified either by regressing the log-scaled size on the instar number (log-linear regression analysis) or by comparing the postmolt/premolt size ratio between instars (growth rate analysis). A previous study on the body mass of caterpillars showed the methodological pitfall that Dyar's Rule was statistically supported by log-linear regression analysis, but not at all by growth rates analysis. I considered this concern here by examining the per-stage growth rates of head and body sizes for larvae of the beetle Trypoxylus dichotomus using both methods and compared the resulting growth rates for body size within and between taxonomic orders. Dyar's Rule was statistically supported by the log-linear regression analysis but not by growth rate analysis for both the head and body sizes in T. dichotomus. The body size growth rate in T. dichotomus decreased as the instar progressed. This developmental pattern was also found in reported data for the other six scarabs, but not in data for Lepidoptera or Hymenoptera. These findings confirm that the per-stage growth rate of body size does not follow Dyar's Rule in a wide range of insects, and suggest that developmental change in the body size growth rate varies among insect groups.  相似文献   

Reproductive parameters of 168 franciscana dolphins, Pontoporia blainvillei (73 females and 95 males) incidentally caught (n = 163) or stranded (n = 5) between 2005 and 2016 in southeastern Brazil are presented. Ovarian macroscopic analysis revealed 55 immature (75.3%) and 18 mature (24.7%) females. Annual pregnancy rate was estimated to be 0.36, with a calving interval of 2.8 years. Testicular histology revealed 66 immature (69.5%) and 29 mature (30.5%) males. Males with combined testis weight above 4 g were mature, and 1-year-old mature males and a 2-year-old pregnant female are reported for the first time for the species. Reproductive seasonality does not seem to occur in the study area. Mean age and length at sexual maturation were estimated to be at 2.7 years and 128.5 cm for females, and 2.7 years and 114.0 cm for males. These estimates are lower than most of the estimates for this species. These results add novel and valuable information on the reproductive patterns of this endangered species, threatened by high levels of mortality in gill net fisheries. The information presented here represents an important effort to obtain more reliable parameter estimates for the studied area, needed for a better assessment of its current conservation status.  相似文献   

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