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Home range size and shape, and within home range movement patterns were determined from 10 adult graysby Cephalopholis cruentata implanted with acoustic transmitters on two reefs within the Soufriere Marine Management Area, St Lucia. The mean home range area was 2120 m2(range 1200 to 4000 m2) and non‐circular in shape. All fish demonstrated a clear preference for a specific area in their home range where, on average, 72·9% of an individuals position were located. Time spent in this favoured area was correlated with reef complexity. Fish with greater activity and displacement possessed a larger home range. Activity and displacement were higher by night than by day, and consistent with this, fish spent less time in the preferred area of their home range by night than by day. Tagged individuals demonstrated a strong tendency to avoid sand habitat present at reserve boundaries.  相似文献   

Lemur catta Troop D at Berenty Reserve has been studied intermittently for 35 years. During 90 hours of continuous sampling in August 1998, I observed and mapped troop movement and scent marking. I compared these observations with data from June, 1975. The core of Troop D1's 1998 home range is the same as for Troop D in 1975. Sixty-two percent of Troop D1's time in 1998 was spent in the 1975 home range, and 52% of their scent marks were placed in that 1975 home range. The remainder of their time was spent in an extension of their home range, which is now an area of confrontation with an adjacent troop. They used the same sleeping trees in the 2 years, and all of the 1998 scent marks deposited in the 1975 home range were placed in the same locations marked in 1975. The similarities in their use of space in 1975 and 1998 were remarkable.  相似文献   

Reduced dispersal of large seeds into degraded areas is one of the major factors limiting rain forest regeneration, as many seed dispersers capable of transporting large seeds avoid these sites with a limited forest cover. However, the small size of tamarins allows them to use small trees, and hence to disperse seeds into young secondary forests. Seasonal variations in diet and home range use might modify their contribution to forest regeneration through an impact on the seed rain. For a 2-yr period, we followed a mixed-species group of tamarins in Peru to determine how their role as seed dispersers in a 9-yr-old secondary-growth forest varied across seasons. These tamarins dispersed small to large seeds of 166 tree species, 63 of which were into a degraded area. Tamarins’ efficiency in dispersing seeds from primary to secondary forest varied across seasons. During the late wet season, high dietary diversity and long forays in secondary forest allowed them to disperse large seeds involved in later stages of regeneration. This occurred precisely when tamarins spent a more equal amount of time eating a high diversity of fruit species in primary forest and pioneer species in secondary forest. We hypothesized that well-balanced fruit availability induced the movement of seed dispersers between these 2 habitats. The noteworthy number of large-seeded plant species dispersed by such small primates suggests that tamarins play an important, but previously neglected, role in the regeneration and maintenance of forest structure.  相似文献   

北京地区黑鹳越冬期的取食行为   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2004年12月至2005年3月在北京十渡地区的二渡和涞水县野三坡两地采用目标取样法对越冬期黑鹳(Ciconia nigra)的取食行为进行了观察。每星期观察一次,累计观察246 h。黑鹳觅食处水深5~40 cm左右,以鱼类和螺类为食,其中鱼类占90%以上;平均每小时进食20次左右,黑鹳在两个研究地点取食的食物没有差别(P=0.439>0.05)。黑鹳取食长度小于4 cm的鱼类最多,占取食总次数的65.0%。成体和亚成体对不同大小鱼类的取食比例无差异(小于4 cm的鱼类,P=0.513>0.05;5~8 cm,P=0.979>0.05;≥9 cm,P=0.657>0.05)。在成体与亚成体对不同体型鱼类的搜寻时间中,成体搜寻较小食物的时间短于亚成体(P=0.008<0.05)。对食物的处理时间随着鱼类大小递增而延长,亚成体在处理较小食物上花费的时间相对较长(小于4 cm的鱼P=0.002<0.05;5~8cm的鱼P=0.001<0.05),表明亚成体的取食经验不足。保护越冬期黑鹳的最佳对策是减少对其取食活动和取食地的人为干扰。  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted to assess shelter use and behaviour of juvenile Spotted Wolffish, Anarhichas minor, using time-lapse video. Information about the behaviour of Spotted Wolffish and its habitat utilization is sparse due to the great depth at which this species lives. Four experiments were conducted using one or two fish per tank, with and without a shelter. The positions and movements of fish in the tanks and interactions between fish were monitored over 24-h periods. In experiments in which no shelter was available, Spotted Wolffish spent very little time exploring the water column. They did not show fidelity to a particular area on the bottom of the tank and exhibited few signs of aggressiveness to each other. When a shelter was made available, fish spent most of their time in the shelter or close to the shelter. The presence of a single shelter did not enhance aggressive behaviours in fish kept in pairs. When day and night observations were compared, no clear diel pattern emerged. The Canadian recovery plan for Spotted Wolffish calls for research aimed at describing their use of demersal habitats. The present study suggests that shelter availability might be an important feature of the habitat requirements of juvenile Spotted Wolffish.  相似文献   

Radio-collared coyotes (Canis latrans) were relocated every 15 min during continuous 24-h sampling periods. The data were used to estimate patterns of home-range use by coyotes. Utilization of the the home range was found to vary spatially and behaviourally. Spatial use was determined by relative amounts of time coyotes spent and amounts of distance they travelled within each are of their home ranges. Behavioural use was based on identification of three types of movement patterns that werew postulated to represent three general kinds of behaviour: (1) resting behaviour, (2) hunting or investigative behavour, and (3) ranging or traveling behaviour. Spatial and behavioural uses of the home range area were found to be interrelated; core areas in which animals spent most of their time were also used primarily for resting or hunting. In areas in which animals spent little time, coyotes exhibited primarily ranging behaviour. Use patterns were postulated to be the result of coyotes' selection of areas due to unique vegetal, faunal, or physiogfaphic characteristics. Temporal variatrions in home-range use were found and were postulated to result from seasonal and diel changes in coyote behaviour due to the annual reproductive cycle, the seasonal and diel cycle of temperature, possible cycles in prey behaviour.  相似文献   

Extrapair paternity is common among many songbird species yet few studies have quantified male extraterritorial foray (ETF) effort and examined potential trade-offs. One potentially important constraint for males is the need to provide parental care. Current models of male extrapair mating tactics propose that males reduce extraterritorial foray effort later in the breeding season because they face a trade-off between feeding nestlings versus pursuing extrapair matings. However, detailed field studies examining the trade-off between paternal care and male extraterritorial forays are lacking. We used radiotelemetry to quantify male extraterritorial foray effort in hooded warblers, Wilsonia citrina, to test the widely held predictions that: (1) males make significantly fewer and shorter forays during the nestling stage relative to other stages (i.e. fertile and incubating stages); and (2) male extraterritorial foray effort is negatively correlated with parental effort. Males made 0.87+/-0.09 forays/h and spent on average 12.2% of their time foraying off territory. Results were equivocal; some data suggested male foray effort decreased in relation to parental care, while other data suggested otherwise. Pairwise tests controlling for (1) extrapair mating opportunity among males and (2) male, territory and social mate quality revealed a possible trade-off between the mean duration and percentage of time in extraterritorial foray versus providing parental care. Conversely, results also revealed (1) no difference in foray rate, foray duration or percentage of time spent off territory over the various stages of the breeding season, (2) no relationship between male foray effort and male feeding rate, and (3) no difference in foray rate in pairwise comparisons, controlling for variability in extrapair mating opportunity and male quality. Overall, the trade-off between providing male parental care and pursuing alternative mating tactics may not be as strong for male hooded warblers as once hypothesized because males dedicated relatively little time to seeking extrapair copulations off territory. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

An investigation of the reproductive state and gonad development of Gerreidae in Natal showed that the fry of Gerres rappi, G. acinaces and G. filamentosus entered estuaries at 10 mm (s.l.). They stayed in the estuary until attainment of maturity, which was between 70 and 110 mm according to species. Gonad activity was initiated in estuaries but all females left before their eggs were ripe. Testes ripened while the fish were still in the estuary but no ripe running individuals were found. Since few large and no spent individuals occurred in the estuaries sampled, it appears that most fish do not return from the sea. Sequence of oocyte maturation and testes development were determined histologically. The estuarine area may be of importance to the fry as a safe nursery ground and to maturing individuals as an environment in which gonad maturity is reached for the first time.  相似文献   

With the aid of radio‐telemetry, bushbuck home range was investigated to determine total home range size, home range utilization and home range overlap for the summer season. Estimates of total home range size for males using minimum convex polygons (MCPs) and fixed kernels (FKs) were 33.9 and 32.1 ha, respectively. Estimates of total home range size for females using MCPs and FKs were 12.0 and 13.5 ha, respectively. A significant difference between total home range sizes for male and female was found but there was no significant difference for age (adult and subadult). Female bushbuck home range size was compared to that expected from the published allometric relationship for the scaling of home range area on body mass, where the study animals appeared to have home ranges of half of that predicted. Bushbuck typically utilized one core area within their home ranges in which 50% of their time was spent in approximately 17.0% and 11.7% of their total home range for males and females, respectively. A substantial overlap in total home range and core areas between animals was found.  相似文献   

The activity rhythm and use of space in the food-searching behaviour of ling (Molva molva L.) were studied by means of a stationary positioning system. The system consisted of a fixed array of three hydrophones, which monitored the position of each individual being tracked once every three minutes. Five ling were tagged in situ by allowing them to ingest a transmitter wrapped in bait and were tracked continuously for 6 to 11 days. Ling showed a crepuscular activity rhythm with higher levels of swimming activity at dawn and dusk. The fish occupied a home range throughout the study, and during inactive periods (about 65% of the time) they remained within a small core area. Most of the time spent outside the core area was during the period of high activity at dawn. Food-search behaviour was studied by setting mackerel-baited fishing gear in the experimental area. When baits were present, ling moved more slowly and within a more limited area, indicating area-restricted searching in the presence of a food odour. Ling responded to and located baits in both their active and inactive periods during the day, but were not observed to react at night. Comparing these findings with those from similar tracking experiments on cod (Gadus morhua L.) suggested that ling are less active at night and show a more restricted use of space by occupying a core area. This may reflect different feeding strategies between these gadoid species with ling taking a higher proportion of mobile prey and being more dependent on visual stimuli.  相似文献   

Synopsis The herbivorous surgeonfish Acanthurus lineatus aggressively maintained feeding territories in the surf zone of the outer reef flat in American Samoa. Intertidal territories were re-established each morning, as well as after displacement by low tides or rough surf. Day-to-day site fidelity of recognizable individuals was high: 99.9% return rate per day for adults (15–20 cm), 99.6% for juveniles (8–13 cm), and 97.2% for recruits (2.5–5 cm). Fish fed on turf algae primarily in the afternoon (80% of available time), and spent 10% of their time on active territorial defense and 2–13% of their time on forays from their territory. On average, a fish defended its territory 1900 times daily and took 17 000 bites (= 7400 bites m–2 d–1), but rough surf reduced feeding by 60% and defense by 75%. High territorial defense requirements significantly reduced feeding rates. Although the distribution and behavior of this species in Samoa was in large part similar to that reported for it elsewhere (Australia, Indian Ocean), there were notable differences: in Samoa A. lineatus densities within colonies were greater (0.4 fish m–2), territory size was smaller (2.3 m2), and defense rate against intruders was greater (2.5 attacks min–1). These differences in Samoa may be related to their smaller body size, greater abundance or increased food supply caused by hurricane damage to reefs which has enhanced the algal turfs that A. lineatus feeds upon.  相似文献   

I studied the effect of disturbance chemical cues on fish that make trade-offs between foraging in an open area and remaining in a safe refuge. I used convict cichlids Archocentrus nigrofasciatus that were either visually exposed to a predator (n = 8) or exposed to water conditioned by chemical cues from disturbed conspecifics (n = 8). Fish visually exposed to a predator decreased their ingestion rate and spent more time in the refuge than in the foraging area, while fish receiving water from frightened conspecifics did not alter their ingestion rate or time spent in the refuge and foraging site, but increased their spatial occupation (i.e., motion). These results suggest that convict cichlids recognized the predator by visual cues. Moreover, disturbance cues are a form of threatening public information that may increase fish spatial occupation due to increased exploring behaviour; but is not sufficiently alarming to alter feeding or increase refuge use.  相似文献   

We investigated long-term site fidelity of gray-cheeked mangabey (Lophocebus albigena) groups in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Concurrently, we monitored shifts in home range by individual females and subadult and adult males. We documented home range stability by calculating the area of overlap in successive years, and by recording the drift of each group’s monthly centroid from its initial location. Home ranges remained stable for 3 of our 4 groups (overlap over 10 yr >60%). Core areas were more labile, but group centroids drifted an average of only 530 m over the entire decade. Deviations from site fidelity were associated with dispersal or group fission. During natal dispersal, subadult males expanded their home ranges over many months, settling ≤4 home ranges away. Adult males, in contrast, typically dispersed within a few days to an adjacent group in an area of home range overlap. Adult males made solitary forays, but nearly always into areas used by their current group or by a group to which they had previously belonged. After secondary dispersal, they expanded their ranging in the company of their new group, apparently without prior solitary exploration of the new area. Some females also participated in home range shifts. Females shifted home ranges only within social groups, in association with temporary or permanent group splits. Our observations raise the possibility that male mangabeys use a finder-joiner mechanism when moving into new home ranges during secondary dispersal. Similarly, females might learn new resource locations from male immigrants before or during group fission.  相似文献   

Background colouration influences body colour segregation in mollies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When given a choice of swimming against a black background near an empty black end compartment or swimming against a white background near an empty white compartment, black morph mollies Poecilia latipinna spent significantly more time against the black background. The presence of a shoal (either white or black mollies) in the black compartment increased the preference of the test fish for the black background. However, black molly test fish spent significantly less time against a black background if a black shoal was present in the white compartment than in assays in which a white shoal was in the white compartment. In assays where test fish were given the choice between two black shoals, test fish spent significantly more time near the black shoal on the black background. Similarly, when given the choice between two white shoals, test fish spent significantly more time against the black background. The results suggest that the presence of cryptic backgrounds alter shoalmate choices in fish that assort according to body colouration.  相似文献   

We radio-tracked 15 black-backed jackals (Canis mesomelas) from 8 adjacent family groups on Benfontein Game Farm (i.e., Benfontein) in South Africa to investigate their movement patterns and social organization. Jackal family groups consisted of mated pairs (alphas), 0–3 nonbreeding adults (betas), and pups, depending on the season. Mean (±SE) home-range size of alphas (9.4 ± 1.2 km2, n = 6) did not differ (P = 0.766) from betas (9.8 ± 0.7 km2, n = 8). Most beta jackals (8 of 10) remained philopatric on Benfontein, apparently because of the high density of springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis), their preferred prey. Three of 5 alphas and all 8 betas went on extraterritorial forays (i.e., forays). Generally, betas spent more of their active time on forays (2–20% of time) than alphas (0–3%; P = 0.048), and betas went farther on forays (2–8 km) than alphas (2–3 km; P = 0.003). The number of forays differed (P < 0.001) among seasons; most forays occurred during summer (64%) when jackals visited neighboring livestock farms, apparently to predate on domestic sheep. Overall, our results indicate forays by jackals are affected by social status, seasonal availability of preferred prey, and the reproductive cycle of jackals. To reduce jackal predation on livestock farms near reserves, we recommend that preventative measures (e.g., use of herders, jackal control activities) be increased during summer when jackals are most likely to travel outside reserves. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Lion tamarins (Callitrichidae: Leontopithecus) are small frugi-faunivores that defend large home ranges. We describe results from the first long-term investigation of wild golden-headed lion tamarins (L. chrysomelas; GHLTs). We present data about activity budgets, daily activity cycles, diet, daily path length, home range size, home range overlap, and territorial encounters for three groups of GHLTs that were studied for 1.5-2.5 years in Una Biological Reserve, Bahia State, Brazil, an area characterized by aseasonal rainfall. We compare our results to those from other studies of lion tamarins to identify factors that may influence foraging and ranging patterns in this genus. Ripe fruit, nectar, insects, and small vertebrates were the primary components of the GHLT diet, and gums were rarely eaten. Fruit comprised the majority of plant feeding bouts, and the GHLTs ate at least 79 different species of plants from 32 families. The most common foraging sites for animal prey were epiphytic bromeliads. The GHLTs defended large home ranges averaging 123 ha, but showed strong affinities for core areas, spending 50% of their time in approximately 11% of their home range. Encounters with neighboring groups averaged two encounters every 9 days, and they were always aggressive. Data about time budgets and daily activity cycles reveal that the GHLTs spent most of their time foraging for resources or traveling between foraging sites distributed throughout their home ranges. The GHLTs spent much less time consuming exudates compared to lion tamarins in more seasonal environments. Additionally, the GHLTs had much larger home ranges than golden lion tamarins (L. rosalia), and did not engage in territorial encounters as frequently as L. rosalia. GHLT ranging patterns appear to be strongly influenced by resource acquisition and, to a lesser extent, by resource defense.  相似文献   

Nine adult leafy seadragons Phycodurus eques were tracked using ultrasonic telemetry for between 2-10 days around West Island, Australia. All fish except one moved within well-defined home ranges of up to 5 ha (using minimum convex polygon method). Short bursts of movement (at average velocities of 2-17 m h−1) punctuated long periods (up to 68 h) without movement. The exceptional fish moved almost in a straight line away from its tagging location near the end of the tracking period, at a maximum velocity of 146 m h−1. There was no constant diel pattern in movements; some fish moved more at night, others during the day. The time leafy seadragons spent over particular habitats compared to the area of those habitats available at the study site was greater for Posidonia seagrass, about as expected for kelp-covered reefs and bare sand patches, and less than expected for Amphibolis seagrass and boulders covered with brown algae. In searching for tagging effects, a comparison of movement immediately after tagging showed no difference with subsequent movements for most fish. The lack of tagging effect may be because the transmitter can be attached to the bony appendages away from the body of the fish. There was no sign of damage to fish upon removal of transmitters after tracking.  相似文献   

This study sought to estimate the relative contribution of exposure to 50 Hz magnetic fields experienced at home, at work/school, or elsewhere to the total exposure over 24 hr. Personal exposure meters were carried by 97 adults and children in the Stockholm area. About half of the subjects lived close (<50 m) to a transmission line and half far (>100 m) away. Spot measurements and calculations for the residential exposure were also made. For subjects living<50 m from the line, the exposure at home contributed about 80% of the total magnetic field exposure, measured in mT-hours. Adults living far away experienced only 38% of the total exposure at home, but children still received 55%. Subjects with low time-weighted average (TWA) exposure both at home and at work spent 84% of their time in fields <0.1 microT, and those with high TWA at both locations spent 69% of their time in fields > or = 0.2 microT. This contrast was diluted if only exposure at one location was considered. For spot measurements and calculations of the residential exposure, both sensitivity and specificity was good. However, the intermediate field exposure category (0.1-0.19 microT) showed poor correlation to the 24 hr personal measurements.  相似文献   

Pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs) were attached to 31 ocean sunfish, Mola mola. in the Northwest Atlantic between 2005 and 2008, in order to examine their vertical movement and behavior. Tags remained attached from 7 to 242 days, with a mean attachment period of 107.2 ± 80.6 (SD) days. Fish spent greater than 30% of their time in the top 10 m of the water column, and over 80% of time in the top 200 m. The maximum depth recorded by any fish was 844 m. Temperatures experienced by tagged fish ranged from 6 to 30 °C. Vertical behavior of M. mola changed over short-term and seasonal scales. Ocean sunfish in northeastern US waters in the summer months inhabited shallower depths and spent more time at the surface than those that moved south in the winter and spring. This shift from shallow to deeper depths was especially apparent when fish entered the Gulf Stream, where they spent little time at the surface and dove to depths of 400-800 m. A diel pattern was observed in vertical behavior. Tagged fish spent more time at depth during the day and inhabited shallower waters at night. There was no observed relationship between the amount of time per day that fish spent in cold water (< 10 °C) and the amount of time fish spent near the surface (0-6 m), indicating a lack of evidence for M. mola basking at the surface as a mechanism for behavioral thermoregulation.  相似文献   

Twenty Hoplias aimara were tagged intraperitoneally with radio-transmitters in the Sinnamary River, French Guyana. In November 1993, 13 tagged fish were released in an area which would be flooded by the Petit-Saut reservoir impoundment in mid-1994. Seven other tagged fish were released in January 1994, 20 km upstream of the upper limit of the reservoir. Hoplias aimara showed site fidelity: 75% of fish returned to their capture site before the test area was inundated. The remaining fish stayed close to the release area. Monitoring during three 24-h cycles before reservoir filling showed that H. aimara has a limited home range, which is less marked in unconstrained reaches during the wet season (April to August) than in constrained reaches during the dry season (September to November). In natural conditions, H. aimara has a wider home range in unconstrained river reaches than in constrained river reaches. After closure of the dam, in September and October 1994 (dry season, low water) more than half of the total H. aimara tagged in the flooded zone migrated upstream following the rise of water.  相似文献   

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