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Agonistic behaviour between male orb-web spiders Metellina mengei competing for access to female webs was examined in field experiments to test the major predictions of game theory. Winners of fights were significantly larger than losers, particularly with respect to the length of the first pair of legs, which are sexually dimorphic in this species and used extensively in agonistic encounters. The size of the winning male had no influence on contest intensity or duration, and neither did relative size. However, fight intensity and duration were both positively correlated with the size of the losing male. Resident males won significantly more contests than intruders. Winning intruders were significantly larger than winning residents and it was these winning intruders that tended to produce the longer fights. Female weight and hence reproductive value had a marked influence on fight intensity and duration of fights won by the intruder but not those won by the resident. This indicates that only the resident obtains information about the female. These data are discussed with reference to the discrepancy with theory and a failure of some contestants to obtain information on resource value and relative contestant size necessary to optimize fight strategy.  相似文献   

Male bowl and doily spiders (Frontinella pyramitela: Linyphiidae) engage in dangerous fights over access to females. Relatively smaller individuals are more at risk of fatal injury than their larger opponents. Males assess relative fighting ability during contests: smaller individuals tend to give up quickly. Fights occur between a male with information about the value of the contested female (number of fertilizable eggs) and an intruding male with less information. In this paper, a sequential assessment game (a game theory model of fighting behavior) is adapted to male combat in the bowl and doily spider to attempt a quantitative test. The model makes predictions about fight duration, probability of winning, and the occurrence of fatalities as a function of resource value and size asymmetry. Comparison with empirical data from staged contests yields a generally good quantitative agreement with the predictions. A few deviations are also noted.  相似文献   

Males of the autumn spider, Metellina segmentata (***Araneac: Metidae), compete for access to mates by guarding the orb webs of mature females. We investigated the influences of relative male righting ability and resource value on fighting behaviour by staging interactions in the field on webs occupied by females. In these contests, the larger male nearly always defeated its opponent when it was at least 10% greater in size. For smaller size asymmetries between opponents, the male previously resident on the female's web usually won the contest. Contest duration decreased exponentially with increasing size asymmetry between opponents, as predicted if each male assessed its relative size and adjusted its fighting strategy according to its likelihood of winning. Contest duration was also greater when the prior resident was the lighter opponent, or when size and residency asymmetries favoured different opponents as winners. Prior residents fought longer over larger, more fecund females, indicating an adjustment of fighting effort according to assessments of resource value. In contrast, intruders did not increase their fighting effort over larger females, suggesting an inability to assess female size quickly and accurately. Assessment appears to reduce the costs of settling conflicts, but imperfect information can result in inaccurate assessments and unexpected outcomes. Assessment strategies are used by other types of spiders to resolve contests, but this appears to be the first evidence for such strategies among orb-web-building spiders.  相似文献   

Can social behaviour be probabilistic? Classical results in evolutionary game theory seem to suggest that recognizable asymmetries between individuals in the likelihood of winning fights (i.e. in resource holding power, RHP) rule out the stable probabilistic behaviour associated with mixed strategies. Here, using a variant of the hawk-dove game, I show that these mixed strategies can be common in asymmetric contests, because opponents of similar RHP benefit by ignoring discernable differences to form RHP equivalence categories. This process of categorizing (i.e. opting not to distinguish an opponent's discernably different RHP from one's own) can be adaptive when assessment is imprecise or expensive and mistakes can lead to dangerous combat. For large RHP differences between opponents, discriminating by acting on the discernable RHP difference is evolutionarily stable. For moderate RHP differences, typically neither categorizing nor discriminating is stable, but categorizing predominates if social interactions are frequent. More frequent interactions imply that the social status ultimately achieved is more important in accumulating fitness; this reduces the probability that a loser in combat will accept the submissive role without additional fighting, where this probability of ‘surrender’ expresses another mixed strategy. These patterns appear to fit the establishment of social relationships in some species for which combat is dangerous, and the analysis represents a step towards understanding the emergence of dominance hierarchies.  相似文献   

Interactions between male stag beetles usually involve aggressive behavior using their long mandibles as weapons to compete with rival males over females. Considerable variation exists within populations in male body size, and may affect their behavior and the outcome of male-male contests. We investigated the aggressive interactions between male Aegus chelifer chelifer, a small tropical stag beetle species. Morphological traits in relation to aggressiveness and the outcome of fights were examined in laboratory-reared beetles. The fight-engagement ratios of major and minor morph males were not significantly different and analyses revealed that the size of body parts had more effect on the fighting success than the weapon part (mandibles). The probability of winning a contest was higher in males with a larger head width (HW), and so HW was considered as the resource holding potential (RHP). No effects of the trait size on the initiation of fights or aggressive intensity was found. Relationships between the fight duration and RHP were not significantly consistent with any assessment strategies, but were close to the mutual assessment model.  相似文献   

A correlative study using similar-sized males of the croaking gourami Trichopsis vittata was carried out to investigate whether sound characteristics influenced winning and if relative fighting ability was assessed by acoustic signals. Pair-wise contests between males were decided using lateral displays (LD) and vocalization in 26 cases, whereas 66 fights escalated to the frontal display (FD) phase. Physical fighting (mouth wrestling) and injuries were rarely observed in this species. Winners were generally larger than their opponents, and this effect was more pronounced in non-escalated than in escalated contests. Sounds of fight winners had a higher sound pressure level and also a lower dominant frequency. Neither number of acoustic signals nor duration of lateral and frontal displays were predictors of contest outcome. Acoustic measures were highly correlated to body weight. These results indicate that traits correlated with RHP (such as sound pressure level and dominant frequency) were predictors of the outcome, while traits not correlated with size (such as number and duration of displays) did not influence winning. In accordance with the main prediction of assessment models, the contest duration (cost) increased with the decrease in asymmetry of body length as well as sound pressure level. No such relationships were found for weight and dominant frequencies in LD- and FD-contests. The present study indicates that morphological and sound characteristics influence winning in fish. Moreover, the results suggest that croaking gouramis settle conflicts without damaging combats by assessing asymmetries in different components of RHP such as body weight and length, which may reliably be signalled by acoustic and visual assessment signals.  相似文献   

The means by which pygmy sunfish compete for food are influenced by the density of the population and the dispersion of the prey as well as by the sex and dominance status of the individual. At all densities when the prey were predictably located in a central clump, males established territories. When prey were dispersed randomly in both the high and low density population, males abandoned territorial behaviour and, like females, swam freely about the aquaria. Only in the intermediate density populations did the males maintain territories and continue to defend resources. Development of a simple cost-benefit model shows that male territorial behaviour is governed to a large extent by economic considerations. Despite these overall patterns, differences in competitive strategies were observed within populations. Dominant individuals tended to possess territories nearest the central patch of prey, and use the most intense and physiologically exhausting displays. Only under the most stressful conditions did they acquire significantly more food than subordinates, and even then these benefits were not translated into increased growth, largely because dominant fish engaged in disproportionately more energy-consuming contests.  相似文献   

Experience in aggressive contests often affects behaviour during, and the outcome of, later contests. This review discusses evidence for, variations in, and consequences of such effects. Generally, prior winning experiences increase, and prior losing experiences decrease, the probability of winning in later contests, reflecting modifications of expected fighting ability. We examine differences in the methodologies used to study experience effects, and the relative importance and persistence of winning and losing experiences within and across taxa. We review the voluminous, but somewhat disconnected, literature on the neuroendocrine mechanisms that mediate experience effects. Most studies focus on only one of a number of possible mechanisms without providing a comprehensive view of how these mechanisms are integrated into overt behaviour. More carefully controlled work on the mechanisms underlying experience effects is needed before firm conclusions can be drawn.Behavioural changes during contests that relate to prior experience fall into two general categories. Losing experiences decrease willingness to engage in a contest while winning experiences increase willingness to escalate a contest. As expected from the sequential assessment model of contest behaviour, experiences become less important to outcomes of contests that escalate to physical fighting.A limited number of studies indicate that integration of multiple experiences can influence current contest behaviour. Details of multiple experience integration for any species are virtually unknown. We propose a simple additive model for this integration of multiple experiences into an individual's expected fighting ability. The model accounts for different magnitudes of experience effects and the possible decline in experience effects over time.Predicting contest outcomes based on prior experiences requires an algorithm that translates experience differences into contest outcomes. We propose two general types of model, one based solely on individual differences in integrated multiple experiences and the other based on the probability contests reach the escalated phase. The difference models include four algorithms reflecting possible decision rules that convert the perceived fighting abilities of two rivals into their probabilities of winning. The second type of algorithm focuses on how experience influences the probability that a subsequent contest will escalate and the fact that escalated contests may not be influenced by prior experience. Neither type of algorithm has been systematically investigated.Finally, we review models for the formation of dominance hierarchies that assume that prior experience influences contest outcome. Numerous models have reached varied conclusions depending on which factors examined in this review are included. We know relatively little about the importance of and variation in experience effects in nature and how they influence the dynamics of aggressive interactions in social groups and random assemblages of individuals. Researchers should be very active in this area in the next decade. The role of experience must be integrated with other influences on contest outcome, such as prior residency, to arrive at a more complete picture of variations in contest outcomes. We expect that this integrated view will be important in understanding other types of interactions between individuals, such as mating and predator-prey interactions, that also are affected significantly by prior experiences.  相似文献   

Hsu Y  Wolf LL 《Animal behaviour》1999,57(4):903-910
An important question in state-dependent behaviour is how multiple influences on state are integrated to determine current behaviour. Aggressive behaviour is known to be affected by a prior contest experience. Nevertheless, whether and how multiple prior fighting experiences are integrated into a fighting decision remain unexplored. In this study, individuals of Rivulus marmoratus (Cyprinodontidae), a hermaphroditic fish, were given different combinations of two prior fighting experiences to investigate: (1) the effect of penultimate experiences on the probability of winning a subsequent contest; (2) the relative effect of a recent win and loss; and (3) whether the effect of a winning experience was as short lived as observed in other species. Penultimate and recent fighting experiences were given to the test fish approximately 48 and 24 h prior to the dyadic contests, respectively. From the results of the five types of contests staged, we conclude that: (1) penultimate fighting experiences had a significant effect on the probability of winning a subsequent contest; (2) a more recent experience had a more pronounced effect than an earlier experience, which suggested that the effect of a fighting experience would decay and/or the effect of a recent experience would interfere with the effect of an earlier experience; (3) no asymmetric effect between a winning experience and a losing experience was detected; and (4) the effect of both a winning and a losing experience lasted for at least 48 h in R. marmoratus which was the maximum time tested in these experiments. The possible reasons for the differences in results among studies of experience effects on contest outcomes are discussed. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Current theory predicts that contest outcome, as well as decisions on whether to initiate a contest, escalate during a contest or retreat are decided by asymmetries in resource holding potential (RHP) and/or expected payoffs between contestants. In this investigation, dyadic contests were staged between male swordtail fish (Xiphophorus cortezi) where individuals were paired based on cumulative fight records and were ranked at the end of the trials in order to approximate RHP. Size was the only asymmetry that I did not attempt to control for and as a result, I was able to determine the relationships between size, contest initiation, escalation and outcome. Individuals changed their contest initiation strategy based on their size relative to that of their opponents, and contrary to predictions, the smaller of the two males in each contest was more likely to initiate the conflict than was the larger male. However, the larger of the two males was more likely to win and standard length proved to be a moderate predictor of an individual's final rank. Regardless of size, initiators fared poorly, winning only 31% of the contests. In instances where the smaller males won the contests, they were no more likely to initiate the encounter than was the larger male. However, when small males did win, fights lasted longer, suggesting that in some cases smaller males may be able to outlast their opponents.  相似文献   

In territorial species, rivals investment in fights over territories may increase when the availability of suitable areas for defense is low. This should occur because low territory availability may increase the costs to maintain and acquire territories. Although such process occurs in small spatial scales (local scale), territory availability in larger scales (regional scale) may also affect fighting investment, as losers should incur additional dispersing costs to find new territories. In this study, we used males of the hilltopping butterfly Strymon mulucha to evaluate the hypothesis that males should invest more in territorial fights when the costs to find new territories are higher (both at local and at regional scale). We timed male–male contests for territories located in 12 hilltops and measured male density per territory in each hilltop (local scale). We also quantified the distance between hilltops containing suitable areas for territories (regional scale). Male–male contests lasted 21 s on average, and copulations did not occur during the observations. The duration of contests was unrelated to the male density per territory or to the distance among hilltops, indicating that the investment in fights was unaffected by the availability of territorial sites, independent of the spatial scale. As male–male contests in S. mulucha are longer than the mean contest duration in other butterfly species and mating is extremely rare, we suggest that the value of each territory may be high enough to favor males that always invest as much as possible in contests.  相似文献   

Fighting is a powerful social experience that can affect male reproductive behavior, including ejaculatory strategies. Whereas winners may monopolize females, losers may instead perceive high sperm competition and limited future mating opportunities, and accordingly enhance ejaculate quality to maximize their reproductive success. In male field crickets Gryllus bimaculatus that fight aggressively for control of breeding territories, winners are known to possess sperm of lower quality (viability) compared to losers, but it remains unclear whether this is due to short‐term fighting consequences. To test if the fighting experience per se (winning or losing) affects male adjustment of sperm viability, we subjected males to winning and losing experiences by staging fights against size‐matched rivals of known fighting ability. These rivals were males that previously won or lost a fight and, due to “winner‐loser effects” kept winning or losing subsequent contests. We sampled sperm prior and after the fight and twice in control males with no fighting experience and found no differences in sperm viability across measures. We conclude that males do not tailor their ejaculate quality following a single fight, or based on its outcome. Intrinsic differences in other attributes between winners and loser phenotypes may explain differences in sperm quality previously described in this system.  相似文献   

This study describes the sequence of behaviour during aggressive encounters between male ‘tizón’ lizards (G. galloti galloti) and assesses the effect of morphological and behavioural traits on the outcome and intensity of staged aggressive encounters between males. Aggressive encounters ranged from only throat extension to escalated fights with biting and rolling over. Winners were heavier, had longer heads, and performed tongue-flicking, throat extension and biting at a higher rate than losers. The rate of aggressive behaviour increased with decreasing difference in snout-to-vent length, head length and head width of the contestants. The results are in agreement with some predictions of the sequential assessment game model in that probability of victory increased with the difference in fighting ability and that the rate of aggressive behaviour was higher in contests between animals of similar size.  相似文献   

Summary A laboratory experiment with the broad-headed skink (Eumeces laticeps) involving staged agonistic encounters demonstrates that larger males have an advantage over smaller ones in agonistic bouts. Field data on head wounds produced by intraspecific fighting during the breeding season show a much higher frequency of new wounds among males over 100 mm in snout-vent-length than in smaller males. The significant difference in new-wound frequency strongly suggests avoidance of fights by the small males, which is corroborated by laboratory and field observations. Access by males to reproductively active females depends on the ability to defeat other males in aggressive contests virtually always involving head biting if the males are of nearly equal size. Because the probability of winning agonistic encounters increases with size, young males avoid fights with older males. Aggressive contests with larger males and reproductive attempts other than courtship in the absence of larger males are deferred.Aggressive behavior in E. laticeps may be employed in direct defense of females, but might also be expressed in defense of specific sites and/or territories. In the laboratory, males in their home cages were significantly more likely to win encounters with males of similar size than were males fighting in the home cages of opponents. This suggests that encounter site could be important in determining encounter outcome and that field study of possible site defense or territoriality is needed.  相似文献   

Here we report on territorial behavior in the desert ant Cataglyphis niger. We show that, similar to the bourgeois strategy, contests are settled quickly through nonescalating fights, with the owner of the territory usually being placed in the winning role. The chemical cue that advertises ownership is shown to come from pheromones secreted by the cloacal gland. Differences in size did not influence the outcome of the experimental contests, but resource value did. The observed results fit in well with the biology of Cataglyphis, where, due to the harsh semidesert environment, fighting costs (C) are expected to be high relative to the value of the contested resources (V). A situation where V < C is exactly that in which bourgeois behavior is expected to be seen.  相似文献   

Contests between males fighting over limited resources often determine the reproductive success of the contestants. It is possible that the outcomes of such contests are affected by traits that also contribute to the likelihood of males achieving paternity when sperm from multiple males compete to fertilize the ova of a single female; however, this relationship has been poorly characterized. In dung and carrion roller beetles, contests among males for the possession of a food ball – a vital resource for nesting – are frequent in nature. However, females that roll and nest with a male often store the sperm of previous mates, forcing males to engage in sperm competition. We analyzed the relationship between wins and losses in contests between food ball owner males and subsequent paternity success in the carrion roller beetle Canthon cyanellus using both naïve (virgin) and experienced (previously mated) males. Owner males that initiated contests were more likely to win, and contest durations were longer between experienced owner males than between naïve owners. The paternity of the winner owner males nesting with a female that had previously mated with another male was higher than for loser owner males, and the paternity of experienced owners also tended to be higher than for virgin owners. Our results indicate that winning and being an experienced male are associated with greater success at fighting and sperm competition than losing and being a naïve male.  相似文献   

1. Current game theory models and recent experimental evidence suggests that the strategy an animal adopts in agonistic encounters is determined by individual state. Therefore manipulation of an individual's state should elicit different behavioural responses. In this paper, mechanisms are examined that underlie state-dependent strategies using Shore Crabs, Carcinus maenas , and how, by altering the environment, behaviour and physiology are affected.
2. Fights were staged between pairs of male crabs under normoxic and severely hypoxic (<15 torr) conditions to determine if the metabolic costs of fighting and resource acquisition are affected by water P O2. After fighting, blood and tissue samples from each crab were taken and analysed for metabolites associated with anaerobiosis ( L -lactate, glucose and glycogen).
3. The spectrum of behavioural acts performed during contests was unaffected by hypoxic conditions. However, fight duration was significantly shorter in the hypoxic treatment.
4. The phenomenon of being of a larger relative size and winning had a greater influence in the contests staged under hypoxia with 93% of the victors being of a larger size compared to 78% in normoxic conditions. Fight duration and intensity had no relationship with relative size in either treatments.
5. The accumulation of L -lactate was significantly greater in the blood and tissues of crabs after fighting under hypoxia than in normoxic conditions. In addition, there was greater glycolytic activity in the tissues of these crabs, shown by elevated concentrations of glucose in the blood and increased breakdown of glycogen.
6. This study demonstrates that the internal state of the crabs altered the length of time they were willing to engage in fighting and that fighting was energetically more expensive under hypoxic conditions.  相似文献   

Aggression is ubiquitous in the animal kingdom, whenever the interests of individuals conflict. In contests between animals, the larger opponent is often victorious. However, counter intuitively, an individual that has little chance of winning (generally smaller individuals) sometimes initiates contests. A number of hypotheses have been put forward to explain this behaviour, including the "desperado effect" according to which, the likely losers initiate aggression due to lack of alternative options. An alternative explanation suggested recently is that likely losers attack due to an error in perception: they mistakenly perceive their chances of winning as being greater than they are. We show that explaining the apparently maladaptive aggression initiated by the likely loser can be explained on purely economic grounds, without requiring either the desperado effect or perception errors. Using a game-theoretical model, we show that if smaller individuals can accurately assess their chance of winning, if this chance is less than, but close to, a half, and if resources are scarce (or the contested resource is of relatively low value), they are predicted to be as aggressive as their larger opponents. In addition, when resources are abundant, and small individuals have some chance of winning, they may be more aggressive than their larger opponents, as it may benefit larger individuals to avoid the costs of fighting and seek alternative uncontested resources.  相似文献   

Animals use rules to adjust their level of investment in a contest. We evaluate male strategies during contests over females in the golden orb-web spider Nephila clavipes. We tested whether male behaviour changes with female value, and found that contests were similar in intensity and outcome whether the female was a juvenile or adult, virgin or non-virgin, or whether one male had invested sperm in the female. We found evidence that males use a self-assessment strategy when deciding to withdraw from a contest. Loser body size and contestant size difference were correlated with a higher frequency of contest escalation, and fights involving two large males were more likely to escalate than a fight in which one male was small. A multiple regression showed that loser body size had a stronger effect on contest escalation than contestant body size difference. More importantly, the size of the winning male had no effect on contest escalation, a key prediction of a self-assessment strategy. In N. clavipes, body size is the primary factor that determines the outcome of male contests, and males do not appear to assess their opponent or the quality of the resource when deciding to withdraw from the fight.  相似文献   

The 'winner effect' has been studied in a variety of species, but only rarely in mammals. We compared effects of winning three, two, one, or zero resident-intruder encounters on the likelihood of winning a subsequent aggressive encounter in the California mouse (Peromyscus californicus). During the training phase, we ensured that resident males won all encounters by staging contests with mildly sedated, smaller intruders. During the test phase, the resident male encountered an unfamiliar, more evenly matched intruder that had experience winning an encounter and was larger than the resident. Testosterone (T) plasma levels significantly increased after the final test when they had experienced two prior winning encounters, and the probability of winning a future encounter increased significantly after three prior wins independent of intrinsic fighting ability. We hypothesize a 'winner-challenge' effect in which increased T levels serve to reinforce the winner effect in male California mice.  相似文献   

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