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We examined the relationships between food resources, territory density and some breeding parameters (individual reproductive success and parental age) of a Capricorn Silvereye population during two years' detailed study on Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef. The territorial behaviour of the Silvereyes included dawn song. aggression and distinctive vocalizations. During both years, about 85% of pairs occupied territories although the population sizes differed. The dispersion pattern of territories was not regular and was correlated with the density of figs and human food scraps. Nestlings were fed more figs as they grew, and the parents foraged in fig trees outside their territories. However, only about 60%, of territorial pairs fledged young. Pairs which fledged most young were older, fed more insects to their nestlings, and nested in areas containing more fruiting fig trees per territory. We conclude that food resources were in short supply, and that access to fig trees provided breeding birds with a quick energy source while they searched for insect protein for the young. The data are consistent with the predictions of the ‘sufficient resource‘ hypothesis of the adaptive significance of territoriality but not with its assumption that the principal benefit is the food within the territory.  相似文献   

The availability of food resources can affect the size and shape of territories, as well as the behaviors used to defend territories, in a variety of animal taxa. However, individuals within a population may respond differently to variation in food availability if the benefits of territoriality vary among those individuals. For example, benefits to territoriality may differ for animals of differing sizes, because larger individuals may require greater territory size to acquire required resources, or territorial behavior may differ between the sexes if males and females defend different resources in their territories. In this study, we tested whether arthropod abundance and biomass were associated with natural variation in territory size and defense in insectivorous green anole lizards, Anolis carolinensis. Our results showed that both male and female lizards had smaller territories in a habitat with greater prey biomass than lizards in habitats with less available prey, but the rates of aggressive behaviors used to defend territories did not differ among these habitats. Further, we did not find a relationship between body size and territory size, and the sexes did not differ in their relationships between food availability and territory size or behavioral defense. Together, these results suggest that differences in food availability influenced male and female territorial strategies similarly, and that territory size may be more strongly associated with variation in food resources than social display behavior. Thus, anole investment in the behavioral defense of a territory may not vary with territory quality.  相似文献   

Mating tactics in species with facultative polygyny seem to be very flexible and to depend on local environmental conditions. We analysed the habitat and population contexts of territorial behaviour, associated with polygyny, in a population of Sedge Warblers Acrocephalus schoenobaenus inhabiting natural wetlands. Nearly one-third of all breeding males (46 individuals) resumed song after completing their mating with the first female, in order to attract another one. Resuming males were usually the earliest arrivals. There was a continuity in the territorial behaviour between resuming song on first territory and polyterritorial behaviour. Fifty-nine percent of resuming males set up second territories, clearly separated from the first. The second territory was usually located close to the primary female activity area. The quality of the first and second territories were correlated, with second territories being significantly inferior. However, their quality was not significantly different from the territories of non-breeding males. The quality of the second territories was also negatively related to the distance from the first territories. Polyterritorialism was influenced by population numbers: the higher the number of territorial males, the lower the number of second territories settled and the lower their average quality. Although the polygyny frequency in the studied population was very low, polyterritorial males were significantly more likely to be polygynous. We concluded that polygyny frequency can be significantly influenced by population numbers, which might be one of the main factors responsible for the variability in the mating system in this species.  相似文献   

1. We contrast the value of four different models to predict variation in territory size as follows: resource density (the ideal free distribution), population density, group size and intruder pressure (relative resource-holding potential). In the framework of the resource dispersion hypothesis, we test the effect of resource abundance and spatial variation in resource distribution on the age/sex composition of social groups. 2. We explore these drivers of territory size and group size/composition in Ethiopian wolves Canis simensis in the Bale Mountains, Ethiopia, using fine-scale distribution maps of their major prey species based on satellite-derived vegetation maps. 3. The number of adult males is correlated with territory size, while prey density, wolf population density and intruder pressure are not associated with territory size. On average, each additional adult male increases territory size by 1.18 km(2). 4. Prey abundance increases with territory size (average biomass accumulation of 6.5 kg km(-2)), and larger territories provide greater per capita access to prime foraging habitat and prey. 5. The age/sex composition of wolf packs is more closely related to territory quality than territory size. Subordinate adult females are more likely to be present in territories with greater proportions of prime giant molerat Tachyoryctes macrocephalus habitat (i.e. >80% of Web Valley territories and >20% in Sanetti/Morebawa), and more yearlings (aged 12-23 months) occur in territories with greater overall prey biomass. 6. Wolf packs with restricted access to good foraging habitat tend to defend more exclusive territories, having a lower degree of overlap with neighbouring packs. 7. The greater per capita access to prey in large groups suggests a strong evolutionary advantage of collaborative territorial defence in this species, although the relative costs of territorial expansion vs. exclusion depend upon the spatial distribution of resources. We propose a model whereby territory size is determined by the number of adult males, with the presence of subordinate females and yearlings dependent on the quality of habitat, and the abundance and distribution of prey, incorporated within territory boundaries.  相似文献   

We used naturally occurring spatial and temporal changes in prey abundance to investigate whether the foraging behavior of a social, territorial carnivore, the spotted hyena ( Crocuta crocuta ), conformed to predictions derived from the ideal free distribution. We demonstrate that hyenas in the Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania, redistributed themselves from less profitable to more profitable areas, even when this required them to undertake foraging trips to areas beyond their clan territory boundary, or required normally philopatric females to emigrate. As expected for a system with rank related access to food resources in the territory, females of low social status foraged more often outside their territory and were more likely to emigrate than dominant females. Probably because Crater hyenas regularly foraged outside their territories, there was no correlation between clan size and prey density within territories, suggesting that clan sizes may have exceeded the carrying capacity of territories. A substantial decline of the hyena population in the Crater from 385 adults in the mid 1960s to 117 in 1996 was most likely due to a substantial decline of their main prey. The decline in the hyena population was associated with a decline in the size of clans but not in the number of clans. The number of clans probably remained constant due to emigration by females from large clans into vacant areas or clans with no adult females, and because hyenas regularly fed in areas containing concentrations of prey beyond their territory boundary. Between 1996 and 2003 annual recruitment rates of Crater hyenas consistently exceeded annual mortality rates, resulting in an almost doubling of the adult population. This increase was most likely due to an increase in prey abundance, a relatively low level of predation on hyenas by lions ( Panthera leo ), and an absence of high levels of disease related mortality.  相似文献   

A single population of a common pond dragonfly, Libellula luctuosa, was studied at a site where the density of males increased dramatically during the breeding season. Early in the summer one active male was found on each territory on the pond. Satellite males were only occasionally found on the territories. Later in the season the number of males per territory increased so that two or more males simultaneously defended on many of the territories, and several satellite males occupied each of the territories. The number and rate of female visitations per day did not change over the summer. These factors resulted in a change in the operational sex ratio with variations in male density. Male behavior was also altered with increasing population density. As male density increased, males were less likely to be seen perching on their territories and more likely to be seen performing aggressive acts such as chasing nearby territorial males and chasing intruders. At high male density, the duration of territorial behaviors was shorter than at low male density. Thus, the percent of a time budget spent in any one activity did not change despite the change in number of males present. Male activity in L. luctuosa is not strictly determined by the opportunity for aggression. Costs of aggression associated with territoriality are minimized by maintaining flexible territorial behaviors.  相似文献   

Synopsis Characteristics of nest sites and reproductive behaviour of territorial male demoiselles Chromis dispilus were examined at sites of low, medium and high population density in northeastern New Zealand, by use of SCUBA diving and a remote underwater video system. Nest territories were closer together at high density (relative to areas of low population density) and this was accompanied by an increase in the frequency of spawning sequences and territorial defence against conspecifics. Territorial males were more aggressive during periods of display and spawning than during egg guarding. Fish from areas of low density spent more time on courtship display (signal jumps) and territorial defence against fish of other species, than demoiselles from areas of high population density. Territories and nest sizes tended to be largest in areas of medium population density. As in other damselfishes, population density is a major determinant of the frequency and intensity of reproductive behaviours.  相似文献   

Some individuals in species with extended periods of territorial occupancy may change territory locations within a single bout of territorial activity. Length of occupancy of mating territories among males in a local population of white-faced dragonflies (Leucorrhinia intacta) varied from more than 6 h to 15 min or less. Males with short tenures often established territories in several locations on the pond during a day. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain shifting territorial sites rather than remaining in a single site during one bout of territoriality. We attempted to test the hypothesis that males shift to leave low-quality sites. Site quality may be affected by costs of defense in relation to intruder rate and the mating benefits of holding the territory. To test whether variation in these possible effects of benefits and costs of territoriality influenced tenure, we manipulated local quality of oviposition substrate and perch density. The quality of oviposition substrate, but not perch density, influenced both potential benefits and costs of territoriality. Female density was higher in areas with good substrate, but so were rates of males intruding into the territories, rates of chasing by territorial males, and local density of territorial males. More matings occurred in areas with good substrate, but among males with tenures of 15 min or more, mating success per male and tenure lengths did not differ statistically among treatments. Defense costs were low for all treatments and perhaps were not an important influence on tenure duration. Territorial males in this population probably adjusted local density to expected mating success by initial choice of site rather than by varying tenure length. Variation in tenure length at a site resulted, in part, from stochastic external factors, such as predation attempts.  相似文献   

A study of the mating behaviour of males of the beewolf Philanthus zebratus revealed that in one population males display variability in mating tactics and that this variability is related to male body size. There was a tendency for large males to patrol the airspace above the nesting area while smaller males were territorial adjacent to it. The mean sizes of the two groups of males were significantly different, although the size ranges of the two groups overlapped. Only 2.5% of the males were observed to undertake both mating tactics, at different times. Observations are presented on daily and seasonal activity patterns and on the relative location of nests, territories, and patrolling males. A second population, with lower nest density, was observed for several days, revealing only territorial males. It is suggested that the presence of patrolling males is related to the higher nest density of the one population. The fact that patrolling males tend to be relatively large is possibly related to flight energetics or simply to the ability of large males to seize females, which are usually larger than males, in mid-air.  相似文献   

Increases in population density often are associated with achange in mating system structure in numerous taxa. Typically,male interactions are minimal in extremely low density populations.As density increases, males exhibit territoriality but if densitybecomes too high, the energetic cost of defending a territorywill eventually outweigh the reproductive benefits associatedwith territoriality. Consequently, males in high density populationsmay abandon territoriality and adopt dominance polygyny, lekking behavior, or scramble competition. We investigated the relationshipbetween population density and mating system structure in threepopulations of the chuckwalla, Sauromalus obesus (= ater),near Phoenix, Arizona. Densities in the Phoenix Mountains (2.7chuckwallas/ha) were lower than any population previously studied.In the Santan Mountains (10.9 chuckwallas/ha), densities weresimilar to populations studied in the Mojave Desert, and inthe South Mountains (65 chuckwallas/ha), densities were the highest yet recorded. Male mating behavior was examined by determininghome range overlap and by making direct behavioral observations.Male home range size decreased with increasing population density.There was little overlap in home ranges among males in allthree populations, whereas home ranges of males and femalesconsistently overlapped, indicating that males were strictly territorial. This conclusion was supported by behavioral observationsof interactions among individuals in a natural setting. Thenumber of females wihin male territories was correlated withfood resources (plants) in all three populations. Female homerange size appeard to be related to food resources whereasmale home ranges appeared to be related to female distribution,population density, and geology. The retention of territoriality in spite of high population densities raises new questions aboutthe relationship between density and resource defense.  相似文献   

It has long been recognized that territorial defence in male butterflies must be some sort of mating strategy and that the territories are used as mating stations. However, so far, no systematic study has established the adaptive significance of territorial behaviour. This study is an attempt to fill this gap. By comparing the distribution of territories with the distribution of locations where wild and released virgin females mated this study shows that, in the small heath butterfly (Coenonympha pamphilus), males in territories have higher mating success than males outside territories. This supported the hypotheses that the function of territorial behaviour is to secure more matings and that the territories are mating stations. Wing length measurements suggest the same. Large males residing in territories tended to mate more often than small males, which were usually found outside territories. Since resident males were larger than non-resident males, this size difference was used to see how territorial occupancy influenced longevity. Mark-recapture of measured males revealed no significant correlation between wing length and the further life expectancy of males, strongly suggesting that the mating success of males in territories is also higher when measured over their whole lifetime.  相似文献   

Size of habitat, availability of oviposition substrate, and population density were manipulated to determine their effects on the structure and dynamics of the pupfish breeding system. The fish established a territorial breeding system in large tanks, irrespective of population density or oviposition substrate. A dominance hierarchy, in which one male controlled most of the oviposition substrate and spawned with most females, was established in small tanks at low densities. Both population density and oviposition substrate affected the number of males defending territories. Male spawning success was inversely related to availability of oviposition substrate, but was not affected either by density or tank size. Location of a territory and its size also influenced spawning success. Males with bigger territories had higher spawning success. A “carryover” effect of neighbors was observed; males with reproductively active neighbors spawned more often than those with less successful neighbors. Interference with spawning was affected both by tank size and density. Agonistic behavior of breeding males was not affected by any manipulation, but it was positively associated with male spawning success at high but not at low densities. In all treatments the mortality of breeding males was approximately 8 times as high as that of females, suggesting that, under these experimental conditions, the cost of reproducing is substantially higher for males. Comparisons between breeding pupfish in these experiments and in natural environments provide a basis for understanding the selective pressures that have favored the maintenance of these extremely plastic breeding systems.  相似文献   

At high population densities, the amphibious and herbivorous mudskipperBoleophthalmus boddarti construct mud walls around their territories as a means of reducing aggression between neighbours. Because of the walls, territories contain pools of water and exposed mud slopes. Whilst the density of benthic diatom prey was highly variable, the highest was found on the exposed mud slopes and the lowest on the boundary walls. Fish grazed mainly on the mud slopes. There were no significant differences in diatom density between territorial and non-territorial areas or between grazed and non-grazed areas within territories. The variation of the diatom density, however, was reduced within territories. The mud walls are considered to play a secondary, indirect role in maintaining populations of diatoms within territories.  相似文献   

1. The habitat heterogeneity (HHH) and individual adjustment (IAH) hypotheses are commonly proposed to explain a decrease in reproduction rate with increasing population density. Higher numbers of low-quality territories with low reproductive success as density increases lead to a decrease in reproduction under the HHH, while more competition at high density decreases reproduction across all territories under the IAH. 2. We analyse the influence of density and habitat heterogeneity on reproductive success in eight populations of long-lived territorial birds of prey belonging to four species. Sufficient reliability in distinguishing between population-wide, site-specific and individual quality effects on reproduction was granted through the minimal duration of 20 years of all data sets and the ability to control for individual quality in five of them. 3. Density increased in five populations but reproduction did not decrease in these. Territory occupancy as a surrogate of territory quality correlated positively with reproductive success but only significantly so in large data sets with more than 100 territories. 4. Reproductive success was always best explained by measures of territory quality in multivariate models. Direct or delayed (t-1) population density entered very few of the best models. Mixed models controlling for individual quality showed an increasing reproductive performance in older individuals and in those laying earlier, but measures of territory quality were also always retained in the best models. 5. We find strong support for the habitat heterogeneity hypothesis but weak support for the individual adjustment hypothesis. Both individual and site characteristics are crucial for reproductive performance in long-lived birds. Proportional occupancy of territories enables recognition of high-quality territories as preferential conservation targets.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Nonbreeding shorebirds often alternate social structure between anonymous flocks and territorial behavior in response to different environmental factors. To evaluate specific drivers for one species, we studied the spacing behavior of wintering Western Sandpipers (Calidris mauri) at Bahía Santa María, northwestern Mexico, using behavioral observations. The density, population structure, and territorial behavior of Western Sandpipers differed among three habitat types. Cattail marshes supported 110 birds per ha, 49% males, and no territorial birds. Mangrove flats supported 288 birds per ha, 58% males, and 5% territorial birds. Brackish flats supported 365 birds per ha, 76% males, and 7% territorial birds. Territories consisted of rectangular strips (5–9 m long, N= 77). Territory length was not related to either bird density or number of territorial birds by plot, but was positively related to nearest bird distance. Aggression rate was inversely related to territory length, suggesting that territory length is set by the costs of defense. Foraging rate was independent of territory length, and prey densities in territories did not differ from those in areas used by nonterritorial birds. Males were more likely to be territorial and had a higher aggression rate than females, suggesting that males, which forage more on surface prey, were more affected by foraging interference. Our results suggest that the territorial behavior of Western Sandpipers in our study was an opportunistic strategy to reduce foraging interference. The variation in spacing behavior we documented provides evidence that interference competition affects the social structure of Western Sandpipers during the nonbreeding season.  相似文献   

Scent marking is ubiquitous among the dwarf antelope and gazelles of Africa, but its function has been the subject of debate. This study examined preorbital gland scent marking in the oribi, Ourebia ourebi, a territorial African antelope. Several hypotheses for the function of scent marking by territorial antelope were tested with observational data. Of these, the hypotheses that scent marking is driven by intrasexual competition between neighbouring males, and that marks serve as an honest advertisement of a male's ability to defend his territory from rivals, were supported best. Thirty-three territorial male oribi on 23 territories marked most at borders shared with other territorial males, and territorial males marked more often at borders shared with multimale groups than at borders shared with a single male. This suggests that males perceived neighbouring male groups as a greater threat to territory ownership than neighbouring males that defended their territories without the aid of adult subordinates. Marking rate was unrelated to territory size or the number of females on adjacent territories, but males with many male neighbours marked at higher rates than those with fewer male neighbours. These results suggest that the presence of male neighbours has a greater effect on the scent marking behaviour of territorial antelope than has been considered previously. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

In Waitangi State Forest, 51 North Island Brown Kiwi Apteryx australis mantelli were tagged with radio transmitters and observed for an average of 2.3 months. All females and the majority of males were paired and maintained territories of 6.7 and 5.5 ha, respectively. Territories overlapped widely between partners but only narrowly with those of paired neighbours. Unpaired males had territories of 12.8 ha and extensively overlapped those of paired males. Territories were maintained by long distance calls and rare aggressive encounters. Males were more territorial than females. Within pairs, males called 1.5 times more often than females and initiated most pair calls. 60% of female calls were responses to their mates. Observers could often induce aggressive behaviour (calling, fast approach) in male kiwi (by playback, for example) but hardly ever in females. Kiwi territoriality cannot be explained by the distribution and availability of food and shelter sites, but seems to serve mainly a reproductive function.  相似文献   

Structure and distribution of animal territories are driven by a variety of environmental and demographic factors. A peninsular population of common loons (Gavia immer) nests on lakes in northwestern Montana, but does not occupy all apparently suitable breeding territories, suggesting unexplained limitations on population growth. To evaluate territorial dynamics of breeding loons in Montana, we created and tested occupancy models that evaluated the hypothesized effects of disturbance, habitat, and intraspecific relationships on territory occupancy by common loons in Montana from 2003 to 2007. Model-averaged results indicated that the abundance of feeding lakes within 10 km (i.e., forage quality) and the number of territorial pairs within 10 km (i.e., density of loons) were equally supported and related to probabilities of occupancy. We found substantial support that the population was in a state of equilibrium, with the numbers of occupied territories stable in time, but not space. We also found that density of territorial pairs was related to the likelihood that an existing territory would be abandoned, but did not influence the establishment of new territories, suggesting the presence of territorial pairs could be a stronger indicator of territory quality to loons than physical lake characteristics. Our index of human disturbance was not well-supported compared to other factors. Our results suggest management for stable or growing loon populations could be achieved using long-term monitoring and protection of occupied territorial lakes and nearby feeding lakes, because these factors most influenced the probability of occupancy of surrounding lakes. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Winter is a challenging time for temperate insectivorous songbirds, due to colder temperatures, reduced prey activity and shorter diurnal foraging times. For species that are non-migratory, territorial and monogamous, winter conditions may result in within-pair competition. However, little is known about how monogamous pairs coexist on their winter territories. We investigated temporal patterns in male?female interactions of the New Zealand robin (Petroica australis to better understand mechanisms of coexistence during winter. Previous work has shown that male robins are physically dominant over females and maintain priority access to food year-round. We quantified female behaviour throughout the 2008 non-breeding season to better understand how females coexist with physically dominant males on winter territories. Results showed that pairs rarely forage in close proximity in autumn and winter, suggesting females avoid males at this time of year. Males and females begin to spend more time foraging together as winter turns to spring. During this winter?spring transitional period, females steal large amounts of food hoarded by males. These results indicate that male and female New Zealand robins use different behavioural mechanisms to coexist on their winter territories. While males are dominant physically, females show a seasonally variable strategy where they avoid males in autumn and winter, and then steal male-made caches from early spring until the onset of inter-pair cooperation and the breeding season.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(4):1180-1189
Male fruitflies from stocks from two localities were artificially selected for defence of a food area against intruding males. Both stocks showed a rapid replicable response to selection over a few generations, indicating considerable genetic variation for territorial success in the base populations. Crosses between lines indicate directional dominance for increased territorial success and no maternal or paternal effects. Selected males escalated relatively more frequently against territory residents than control males, and won relatively more escalated encounters. There was no correlated response in body weight. In the presence of territories, selected males had a higher mating success with inseminated females than control males, but did not differ in mating speed. Indirect selection for territorial success was carried out by allowing flies to mate in the presence of different types of resources. After 21–26 generations, males from lines held in cages with discrete resources where territories could be established had greater territorial success than males from lines held in cages with one large resource. This genetic divergence in response to resource type is consistent with the heritable variation in territorial success and mating success of territorial males.  相似文献   

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