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1. 27~28 March,2001. Fourth International Conference on Tuberculosis :A Re-emerging Worldwide Health Problem. Cairo, Egypt.Contact: Professor Fatma S. Sobhi, E1-Allam City, Building No. 63, Giza, Egypt, Tel:202-363-3862; Fax: 202-748-5587; E-mail:tbunit99 @ hotmail. com.  相似文献   

收稿2003-03-10修定 2003-08-11资助 广东省高新技术成果孵化项目(97FF-11)。 *通讯作者(E-mail:duanj@scib.ac.cn,Tel: 020-37252978)。植物材料、外植体 培养条件 结 果 作者(单位)矮生沿阶草(Ophio-pogon japonicus cv.Nanus)茎尖 丛生芽诱导及增殖培养基:(1)MS 6-BA 5.0 mg.L-1(单位下同) NAA 0.5; (2)MS 6-BA2.0 NAA0.2; (3)MS 6-BA 1.0 NAA 0.1; (4)MS 6-BA0.5 NAA 0.05。生根培…  相似文献   

植物材料和外植体 培养条件 结 果 作者(单位)收稿 2003-07-14修定 2003-11-03资助 河南省科 技攻关项目(0124180503、971060404)。 * E-mail:liming- jun2002@263.net,Tel:0373-3328189怀菊花(Dendrant-hema morifolium)带腋芽的茎段 (1)无菌苗形成培养基:MS;(2)分化培养基:MS NAA0.5 mgL-1(单位下同) 6-BA 2.0;(3)增殖培养基:MS NAA0.5 KT 2.0;(4)生根培养基:MS PP3330.5。…  相似文献   

洋桔梗(Eustomasp.)日本品种“asukanosora”叶片愈伤组织诱导培养基:(1)MS 6-BA1.0mg.L-1(单位下同) NAA0.2,(2)MS 6-BA0.5 NAA0.2,(3)MS KT2.0 IBA0.5,(4)MS KT1.0 IBA0.5;分化培养基:(5)MS 6-BA1.0 NAA0.08,(6)MS 6-BA0.1,(7)MS KT1.0 IBA0.5;生根培养基:(8)1/2MS NAA0.2,(9)1/2MS IBA0.5。各种培养基均附加3%糖、0.8%琼脂粉,pH5.8~6.0。培养温度为(25±2)℃,光照16h.d-1,光照度2000lx。收稿2002-11-25修定 2003-07-15*通讯作者(E-mail:lwang2001@elong.com,Tel:028-84515754)。新长出的幼嫩叶片经水冲洗干净…  相似文献   

植物组织培养简报摘编   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物材料和外植体 培养条件 结 果 作者(单位)收稿 2003-10-23修定 2004-03-22 * E-mail: lzr1205 @163.com,Tel:0791-8442843罗兆荣* 胡晓文 喻晚之 洪香娇(南昌市蔬菜科学研究所, 南昌330001)青花菜(Brassicaoleracea)品种“上海2号”花枝  诱导和增殖培养基:(1)MS 6-BA 1.0mgL-1(单位下同) NAA 0.1;(2)MS 6-BA 1.0 NAA 0.2;(3)MS 6-BA 1.0 NAA 0.5;(4)MS 6-BA 0.5 NAA 0.1。生根…  相似文献   

1重点项目1)做好第19届国际动物学大会组织筹备工作及会务工作会议日期:8月22~27日;地点:北京国际会议中心;联系人:刘元珉、张永文;电话:010-62552368E-mail:icz2004@panda.ioz.ac.cnE-mail:czs@panda.ioz.ac.cn2)中国动物学会第15届会员代表大会(做好学会理事会换届改选报告的起草、换届的各项工作)日期:8月27~28日;地点:北京;联系人:张永文;电话:010-62552368E-mail:czs@panda.ioz.ac.cn3)第19届国际动物学大会科学委员会会议日期:待定;地点:北京;联系人:刘元珉;电话:010-62552368E-mail:icz2004@panda.ioz.ac.cnE-mail:czs@panda.ioz…  相似文献   

植物材料和外植体培养条件结果作者(单位)收稿2004-01-05修定2004-11-18*E-mail:qin-ying_zhang@sina.com,Tel:022-87402171梅花抗寒品种“花蝴蝶”(Prunus mume‘Hua Hudie’)不同时期的一年生枝条培养基(1) ̄(9)以W P M为基本培养基。丛生芽诱导培养基:(1)6-BA0.5mg·L-1(单位下同)+NAA0.01;(2)6-BA1+NAA0.1;(3)6-BA2+NAA0.2;(4)6-BA3+NAA0.3;增殖培养基:(5)6-BA0.5+NAA0.05;(6)6-BA0.5+NAA0.1;(7)6-BA0.5+NAA0.5;(8)6-BA1+NAA0.1;(9)6-BA0.5+NAA0.05。生根培养基:(10)1/2MS+IBA0.5;(11)1/2MS+IAA0.5;(12)1/2M…  相似文献   

Study of Function and Protein Complex of dok-5 in Signal TransductionFang HUA, Kun-Peng PENG, Xiao-Zhong PENG, Jian-Gang YUAN, and Bo-Qin QIANG( National Laboratory of Medical Molecular Biology, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Medical Science & Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100005, China; Chinese National Human Genome Center, Beijing 100176, China, Tel, 86-10-65296411; E-mail, pengxiaozhong@pumc.edu.cn )Proteins encoded by most members of dok gene family (downstream of kinase) interact with RasGAP, which is key to signal pathway downstream of Ras. New full-length cDNA were isolated from human fetal brain cDNA library, which has structural characteristics of dok  相似文献   

Jointly orgagnized by:IALE- China; IALE-Australia Cold and Arid Regions Environmental & Engineering Research Institute, CASProgramme Committee Richard Hobhs, Perth, Australia; Xiao Duning, Shenyang, China;Nobukazu Nakagoshi, Hiroshima, Japan; Sun- Kee Hong, Seoul,Korea; Parida Kuneepong, Bangkok, Thailand; Elena Klimina,Khabarovsk, Russia; Kalpana Bhakuni, India; Zhan Zhiyong, Hong Kong, China; Chun-Yen Chang, Taibei, China Organizing Committee Xiao Duning, Institute of Applied Ecology, CAS, China(Chair person)Richard Hobbs, Murdoch University, Australia (Chair person)Cheng Guodong, Cold and Arid Regions Environmental & Engineering Research Institute, CAS, China Fu Bojie, Research Center for Eeo- environmental Sciences, CAS,China Cui Haiting, Beijing University, China Yang Yiguang, Yunnan University, China Wang Gang, The State Key Laboratory of Arid Agriculture, Lanzhou University, China.Objectives and Topics The aim of the conference is to help participants to approach real landscape change and human activity impact in Asia - Pacific region, including restoration and reconstruction of landscape ecosystem both locally and regionally. A. Theoretical aspects and quantitative approaches: Landscape pattern and processes; Landscape modeling; GIS and Remote Sensing. B. Landscape change and driving forces: Monitoring of landscape changes; Human activity and land use;Culture and landscape. C. Landscape management and reconstruction: Ecological restoration of natural areas;Landscape planning in rural areas; Ecological risk and security assessment for catchments; Ecological engineering in agricultural landscapes. D. Environment protection and ecological development in Western China: Management of oasis landscape;Desert landscape and desertification control;Biodiversity conservation; Landscape Resonrces and tourism. E. Urban landscape ecology.Preliminary conference program - September 22, arrival in Lanzhou, Registration. - September 23, plenary sessions- September 24, in-conference excursion (Lanzhou city and suburbs)- September 25, parallel sessionsWorking language: English Post conference excursions September 26 - 29-No. 1 Silk Road and Arid Region Landscape: Desert, Oasis, and Ancient Culture Heritage (Dunhuang).- No.2 Qinghai- Xizang(Tibetsn) Plateau Landscape: High-Cool Meadow, Salt Lake and Qinghai Lake, Cool Desert - No.3 World Natural Heritege: Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan Province (Forest and Waterfall)Call for papers:Participants intending to present a paper or a poster during the conference are requested to send an abstract (no longer than 500 words) as email or TXT format attachment to the conference secretary (Landscape2001@sina.com). Or, you can send the hard copy to: Dr. CAO Yu, Institute of Applied Ecology, CAS, P. O. Box 417, 110016,Shenyang, China. Please include the participant's full address (postal,phone, fax, email) in the abstract. The deadline for abstract submission is June 30th, 2001. Abstracts will be published as conference proceedings, which will be available at the conference. Selected papers will be published after the conference.Reglstration:Please notify the conference secretary about your interest for participation. Further conference announcement and registration forms will be sent to you later soon. Registration fee for the conference: US$ 300, including all meals during the conference, and coffee break refreshments. Room rent will be on your own. Registration fee for the excursions: US$ 500, including transportation and accommodations.Contact address:Academic information (Abstract etc.): Dr. LI Xiuzhen; Dr. CAO Yu (Institute of Applied Ecology CAS, Shenyang, 110016, China)Tel: 86 - 24 - 23916291, Fax: 86 - 24 - 23843313.General information: Pro. Wang Genxu; Dr. Jiao Yuanmei (Cold and Arid Regions Environmental & Engineering Research Institute, CAS,Lanzhou, 730000, China) Tel: 86 - 931 - 8275120, 8275122,Fax: 86 - 931 - 8273894.Email: Landscape2001@sina. con  相似文献   

(本格式执行日期2007年10月01日)投稿论文格式必须严格按照我刊投稿格式(2007年10月01日修订版)撰写(详情见本刊网站:www.shengwuyixue.comwww.biomed.net.cn写作模版栏)。◆投稿方式:①在线投稿通过本刊网址递交稿件:www.biomed.net.cnwww.shengwuyixue.com。②通过本刊编辑部邮箱(或本刊各地区通联部邮箱)投稿:E-mail:liudhui_21@126.com,biomagnetism@163.com,liudhui21@gmail.com,biomed_54@126.com  相似文献   

 The role of Fas and Fas ligand (Fas-L) in the apoptotic cell death process in cisplatin (CP)-treated human proximal tubular epithelial cells (PTECs) was examined. The human PTECs were treated with various concentrations (20–80 μM) of CP for 24 h, and the incidence of apoptosis in CP-treated cells was assessed by trypan blue staining, propidium iodide staining, in situ end labeling, and electron microscopy. The expression of Fas and Fas-L was detected by immunofluorescence microscopy. The results showed that: (1) CP-treatment resulted in a decreased number of live human PTECs and an increased number of dead cells, (2) CP-treated human PTECs showed an increased rate of apoptosis with its typical morphological features, and (3) expression of both Fas and Fas-L was upregulated in CP-treated human PTECs. These results indicate that CP treatment induces apoptosis in human PTECs and the activation of the Fas/Fas-L system may play an active role in the induction of the apoptotic cell death process. Accepted: 13 January 1999  相似文献   

1.投稿要求(1)请通过E-mail投稿,请注明“投稿”二字。收到编辑部回执后请尽快通过邮局汇稿件审理费50元至编辑部。(2)投稿时请附言说明:论文在该研究领域中的重要性、创新性和拟投的栏目;建议的审稿人(2~3人)(附单位、通讯地址、邮编、E-mail地址)及需回避的审稿人(最多3人);  相似文献   

 A synoptic climatological approach is used to investigate linkages between air mass types (weather situations), the daily mean particulate matter with a size of 10 μm or less (PM10) concentrations and all respiratory hospital admissions for the Birmingham area, UK. Study results show distinct differential responses of respiratory admission rates to the six winter air mass types identified. Two of the three air masses associated with above average admission rates (continental anticyclonic gloom and continental anticyclonic fine and cold) also favour high PM10 levels. This association is suggestive of a possible linkage between weather, air quality and health. The remaining admissions-sensitive air mass type (cool moist maritime) does not favour high PM10 levels. This is considered to be indicative of a direct weather-health relationship. A sensitising mechanism is proposed to account for the linkages between air mass type, PM10 concentrations and respiratory response. Received: 4 August 1997 / Received after revision: 8 January 1999 / Accepted: 20 January 1999  相似文献   

正Starting from this issue(January,2016),SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences(SCLS)and The Chinese Biological Investigators Society(CBIS)will embark on a partnership with the goal of making SCLS a highly impactful journal in advancing research in life sciences.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal variability of the spring phytoplankton bloom (SPB) in the central Yellow Sea is studied, using SeaWiFS surface chlorophyll remote-sensing data, AVHRR sea surface temperatures (SST), QuikSCAT sea surface wind speed (SSW) from 1998 to 2009 and the cruise survey data in 2007 and 2009. The influences of the hydrological conditions on the SPB are significant. (1) The rising SST and low SSW in spring play an important role in the development of the SPB. The SPB in the central Yellow Sea occurs primarily in April (from April 3 to April 24) and at this period the mean SST is generally greater than 10 °C, and 24 h averaged SSW is less than 5.4 m/s. The 99% of the SPB occurs when the SST is 9–14 °C and SSW is 0–7.9 m/s. (2) Specifically, the development of the SPB is from April 4 to April 7 and from April 4 to April 22 in 2007 and 2009 respectively. The longer duration of the SPB in 2009 than that in 2007 is related to the high SST in 2009, which is approximately 2 °C greater than that in 2007, and the weak SSW in 2009, which is much lower than that in 2007, which further indicate that these two factors are critical to the duration of the SPB. (3) The horizontal distribution of surface chlorophyll a in 2007 is found to be greater and located more northward than that in 2009. Comparing the spatial coverage of the SPB, the path of the Yellow Sea warm current, which is warmer and salty, and the location of maximum SST reveals that the spatial coverage of the SPB locates in the warmer temperature (>9 °C) and higher salinity (>33) waters in March and this warm and salty water was much more evident in 2007 than that in 2009 because a stronger warm current of the Yellow Sea in winter. (4) The vertical depths of the maximum chlorophyll layer (MCL) appear at three levels: surface, 10 m and 30 m in 2007, whereas the MCL occurs only at a sub-surface level in 2009 which is related to vertical stability of the water column, i.e., the water is vertically mixed in 2007 while vertically stratified in 2009.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal variability of the spring phytoplankton bloom (SPB) in the central Yellow Sea is studied, using SeaWiFS surface chlorophyll remote-sensing data, AVHRR sea surface temperatures (SST), QuikSCAT sea surface wind speed (SSW) from 1998 to 2009 and the cruise survey data in 2007 and 2009. The influences of the hydrological conditions on the SPB are significant. (1) The rising SST and low SSW in spring play an important role in the development of the SPB. The SPB in the central Yellow Sea occurs primarily in April (from April 3 to April 24) and at this period the mean SST is generally greater than 10 °C, and 24 h averaged SSW is less than 5.4 m/s. The 99% of the SPB occurs when the SST is 9–14 °C and SSW is 0–7.9 m/s. (2) Specifically, the development of the SPB is from April 4 to April 7 and from April 4 to April 22 in 2007 and 2009 respectively. The longer duration of the SPB in 2009 than that in 2007 is related to the high SST in 2009, which is approximately 2 °C greater than that in 2007, and the weak SSW in 2009, which is much lower than that in 2007, which further indicate that these two factors are critical to the duration of the SPB. (3) The horizontal distribution of surface chlorophyll a in 2007 is found to be greater and located more northward than that in 2009. Comparing the spatial coverage of the SPB, the path of the Yellow Sea warm current, which is warmer and salty, and the location of maximum SST reveals that the spatial coverage of the SPB locates in the warmer temperature (>9 °C) and higher salinity (>33) waters in March and this warm and salty water was much more evident in 2007 than that in 2009 because a stronger warm current of the Yellow Sea in winter. (4) The vertical depths of the maximum chlorophyll layer (MCL) appear at three levels: surface, 10 m and 30 m in 2007, whereas the MCL occurs only at a sub-surface level in 2009 which is related to vertical stability of the water column, i.e., the water is vertically mixed in 2007 while vertically stratified in 2009.  相似文献   

<正>为方便读者检阅、收藏两刊,编辑部将少量库存期刊装订成合订本,如有需要,可直接汇款至编辑部(北京市朝阳区潘家园南里5号,邮编100021。电话:010-67779337,传真:010-67763674,E-mail:b67761337@126.com)。如需挂号请另加3元。  相似文献   

<正>为方便读者检阅、收藏两刊,编辑部将少量库存期刊装订成合订本,如有需要,可直接汇款至编辑部(北京市朝阳区潘家园南里5号,邮编100021。电话:010-67779337,传真:010-67763674,E-mail:b67761337@126.com)。如需挂号请另加3元。  相似文献   

1957-2007年云南省森林火险变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Climate warming has already made great impact on forest fires. Based on the daily me-teorological data (temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, and wind speed), and by using the Canadian Fire Weather Index calculation formula, the daily forest fire weather indices (FWIs) of Yunnan Province in 1957-2007 were calculated, and through the statistical analysis of FWIs, the forest fire trends in this province over the past 50 years were studied. In the past 50 years, the forest fire season in Yunnan Province was from previous year November to current year June, lasting 8 months. Fire data (fire numbers, burned area, and burned forest area) had sig-nificant relationships with fire weather indices. The average daily duff moisture code (DMC) in whole fire season and the seasonal severity rating (SSR) were the good indices to evaluate the fire danger conditions among different fire seasons. The forest fire danger in Yunnan Province in 1957-2007 showed two change trends. One showed a clear cyclical change and a weak upward trend, i. e. , the fire danger conditions in 1991-2007 was slightly severer than that in 1961-1990 ; and the another was that the fluctuation of forest fire danger conditions among different fire seasons decreased in 1991-2007, and the number of abnormal severe fire seasons was less than that in 1961-1990.  相似文献   

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