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An Escherichia coli expression vector, containing the alkaline phosphatase promoter and the stII heat-stable enterotoxin signal sequence, along with the cDNA of the kringle 1 (K1) region of human plasminogen (HPg), has been employed to express into the periplasmic space amino acid residues 82-163 (E163----D) of HPg. This region of the molecule contains the entire K1 domain (residues C84-C162) of HPg, as well as two non-kringle amino-terminal amino acids (S82-E83) that are present in their normal locations in HPg and a carboxyl-terminal amino acid, D163, that results from mutation of the E163, normally present at this location in the HPg amino acid sequence. After purification of r-K1 by chromatographic techniques, we have investigated its omega-amino acid binding properties by titration calorimetry, intrinsic fluorescence, and differential scanning microcalorimetry (DSC). The antifibrinolytic agent, epsilon-aminocaproic acid (EACA), possesses a single binding site for r-K1. The thermodynamic properties of this interaction, studied by calorimetric titrations of the heats of binding with this ligand, reveal a Kd of 12 +/- 2 microM at 25 degrees C and pH 7.4, a corresponding delta G of -6.7 +/- 0.1 kcal/mol, a delta H of -3.6 +/- 0.1 kcal/mol, and a delta S of 10.5 +/- 0.8 eu. The intrinsic fluorescence of r-K1 decreases by approximately 44% when its binding site is saturated with EACA, and titrations of this perturbation with EACA lead to calculation of a Kd of approximately 13 microM, a value in good agreement with that obtained from titration calorimetric analysis. EACA represents the strongest binding ligand of a variety of simple aliphatic omega-amino acids examined. A cyclic analogue of EACA, trans-4-(aminomethyl)cyclohexanecarboxylic acid, interacts with r-K1 with an approximate 12-fold tighter Kd (1.0 +/- 0.2 microM). Investigations by DSC, at pH 7.4, demonstrate that a significant stabilization of the r-K1 structure occurs when EACA binds to this domain. The temperature of maximum heat capacity change (Tm) in the thermal denaturation of r-K1 increases from approximately 340.8 to 359.1 K as a consequence of EACA binding. These studies demonstrate that a fully functional EACA-binding kringle from HPg can be expressed and secreted in E. coli, purified by techniques that do not require refolding, and investigated as an independent structural unit.  相似文献   

1H NMR studies of aliphatic ligand binding to human plasminogen kringle 4   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A M Petros  V Ramesh  M Llinás 《Biochemistry》1989,28(3):1368-1376
A detailed 1H NMR analysis of ligand binding to the human plasminogen kringle 4 domain has been carried out at 300 MHz. The ligands that were investigated are N alpha-acetyl-L-lysine, L-lysine methyl ester, N alpha-acetyl-L-lysine methyl ester, L-lysine hydroxamic acid, trans-(aminomethyl)cyclohexanecarboxylic acid (AMCHA), and 4-(aminomethyl)bicyclo[2.2.2]octane-1-carboxylic acid (AMBOC). Specific ligand-binding effects were detected via two-dimensional COSY experiments. The side chains that are the most perturbed by ligand presence are those from Trp62, Phe64, and Trp72. Ligand-kringle saturation transfer (Overhauser) experiments show that the aromatic rings from these three residues, especially Trp72, are in direct contact with the ligand. These results add support to a previously reported model of the kringle 4 lysine-binding site [Ramesh, V., Petros, A. M., Llinás, M., Tulinsky, A., & Park, C. H. (1987) J. Mol. Biol. 198, 481-498] by which these aromatic groups are assigned a key role in establishing hydrophobic interactions with the ligand molecule. Equilibrium association constants (Ka) and kinetic rate constants (kon, koff) were determined for the binding of the various linear and cyclic ligands to kringle 4. We find that those ligands whose carboxylate function is blocked bind significantly weaker (Ka approximately less than 2 mM-1) than the corresponding analogues where the anionic center is present (Ka approximately greater than 20 mM-1), which underscores the relevance of the polar group in stabilizing the interaction with the kringle 4 binding site.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The role of W74 in stabilization of the binding of omega-amino acids to the recombinant (r) kringle 2 domain (residues 180-261) of tissue-type plasminogen activator ([K2tPA]) has been assessed by examination of the binding (dissociation) constants (Kd) of epsilon-aminocaproic acid (EACA) and one of its structural analogues, 7-aminoheptanoic acid (7-AHpA), to variants of r-[K2tPA] generated by site-directed mutagenesis of the wild-type kringle domain. Two nonconservative mutations at W74 of r-[K2tPA] have been constructed, expressed, and purified, resulting in one variant molecule containing a W74L mutation (r-[K2tPA/W74L]) and another containing a W74S mutation (r-[K2tPA/W74S]). In both cases, binding of EACA and 7-AHpA was virtually eliminated in the mutated kringles. Two additional conservative mutations at W74 of r-[K2tPA] have been similarly generated, resulting in r-[K2tPA/W74F] and r-[K2tPA/W74Y]. For these mutants, binding of the same ligands to the variant recombinant kringle domain is retained, although it is significantly weaker in nature. The 1H-NMR spectra of each of the variant kringles demonstrates that all retain the general gross conformations of their wild-type counterpart but that some environmental changes of proton resonances occur at particular aromatic amino acid residues that may be involved in omega-amino acid binding. Differential scanning calorimetric analyses of each of the variant kringles suggest that none of the mutations led to substantial destabilization of their structures, again suggestive of gross conformational similarities in all r-[K2tPA] molecules constructed. We conclude that the aromatic character present at position 74 of wild-type r-[K2tPA] is of great importance to its ability to interact with omega-amino acid ligands, with tryptophan being the most effective amino acid at that position.  相似文献   

Structural aspects of the binding of the linear ligands N alpha-acetyl-L-lysine (AcLys) and epsilon-aminocaproic acid (epsilon ACA) and of the cyclic analogs trans-(aminomethyl)-cyclohexanecarboxylic acid (AMCHA) and p-benzylaminesulfonic acid (BASA) to the intact plasminogen kringle 4 domain have been investigated by 1H-NMR spectroscopy at 300 and 600 MHz. Ligand binding results in consistent shifts of the His-II (His31), Trp-I (Trp25?), Trp-II (Trp62?), Trp-III (Trp72), Tyr-II (Tyr50), and Phe64 ring signals. BASA tends to induce larger shifts than elicited by the aliphatic ligands, most noticeably on Trp-II and on Trp72, suggesting that the ligand aromatic ring interacts with the two indole groups. Trp-II and, to lesser extent, Trp-I interact with an acidic side chain group, in a manner that is blocked by BASA. BASA binding also perturbs Tyr-II (Tyr50), Tyr-III (Tyr41), and Tyr-IV (Tyr74) over a wide pH range and lowers the pKa* of His31 from approximately 4.8 to approximately 4.6. His-III (His33) responds to BASA and AMCHA but is relatively insensitive to the linear ligands. His33 carries a sterically shielded side chain which, in conjunction with Leu46, Trp-I, Tyr50, and Tyr74, participates in structuring the kringle hydrophobic core, contiguous to the binding site. Pronounced shifts are observed for aliphatic resonances stemming from the kringle-bound molecules of AMCHA, AcLys, and epsilon ACA. It is proposed that the lysine-binding site is mostly supported by the loop that extends from Cys51 through Cys71 and that aromatic residues, which include Trp-II, Trp72, and Phe64, play a major role in interacting with the nonpolar segment of the ligand molecule. The binding site also encompasses Tyr50, Tyr74, His31, and His33 although it is not clear the extent to which these residues interact directly with the ligand.  相似文献   

In the background of the recombinant K2 module of human plasminogen (K2(Pg)), a triple mutant, K2(Pg)[C4G/E56D/L72Y], was generated and expressed in Pichia pastoris cells in yields exceeding 100 mg/liter. The binding affinities of a series of lysine analogs, viz. 4-aminobutyric acid, 5-aminopentanoic acid, epsilon-aminocaproic acid, 7-aminoheptanoic acid, and t-4-aminomethylcyclohexane-1-carboxylic acid, to this mutant were measured and showed up to a 15-fold tighter interaction, as compared with wild-type K2(Pg) (K2(Pg)[C4G]). The variant, K2(Pg)[C4G/E56D], afforded up to a 4-fold increase in the binding affinity to these same ligands, whereas the K2(Pg)[C4G/L72Y] mutant decreased the same affinities up to 5-fold, as compared with K2(Pg)[C4G]. The thermal stability of K2(Pg)[C4G/E56D/L72Y] was increased by approximately 13 degrees C, as compared with K2(Pg)[C4G]. The functional consequence of up-regulating the lysine binding property of K2(Pg) was explored, as reflected by its ability to interact with an internal sequence of a plasminogen-binding protein (PAM) on the surface of group A streptococci. A 30-mer peptide of PAM, containing its K2(Pg)-specific binding region, was synthesized, and its binding to each mutant of K2(Pg) was assessed. Only a slight enhancement in peptide binding was observed for K2(Pg)[C4G/E56D], compared with K2(Pg)[C4G] (K(d) = 460 nM). A 5-fold decrease in binding affinity was observed for K2(Pg)[C4G/L72Y] (K(d) = 2200 nM). However, a 12-fold enhancement in binding to this peptide was observed for K2(Pg)[C4G/E56D/L72Y] (K(d) = 37 nM). Results of these PAM peptide binding studies parallel results of omega-amino acid binding to these K2(Pg) mutants, indicating that the high affinity PAM binding by plasminogen, mediated exclusively through K2(Pg), occurs through its lysine-binding site. This conclusion is supported by the 100-fold decrease in PAM peptide binding to K2(Pg)[C4G/E56D/L72Y] in the presence of 50 mM 6-aminohexanoic acid. Finally, a thermodynamic analysis of PAM peptide binding to each of these mutants reveals that the positions Asp(56) and Tyr(72) in the K2(Pg)[C4G/E56D/L72Y] mutant are synergistically coupled in terms of their contribution to the enhancement of PAM peptide binding.  相似文献   

The interaction of the isolated human plasminogen kringle 4 with the four -amino acid ligands -aminocaproic acid (ACA), N-acetyl-l-lysine (AcLys), trans-aminomethyl(cyclohexane)carboxylic acid (AMCHA) and p-benzylaminesulfonic acid (BASA) has been further characterized by 1H-NMR spectroscopy at 300 and 600 MHz. Pronounced high-field shifts, reaching 3 ppm, are observed for AMCHA resonances upon binding to kringle 4, which underscores the relevance of ligand lipophilic interactions with aromatic side chains at the binding site. Ligand titration curves for the nine His and Trp singlets found in the kringle 4 aromatic spectrum reveal a striking uniformity in the kringle response to the various ligands. The average binding curves exhibit a clear Langmuir absorption isotherm saturation profile and the data were analyzed under the assumption of one (high affinity) binding site per kringle. Equilibrium association constants (K a ) and first order dissociation rate constants (k off) were derived from linearized expressions of the Langmuir isotherm and of the spectral line-shapes, respectively. The results for the four ligands, at 295 K, pH* 7.2, indicate that: (a) AMCHA exhibits the strongest binding (K a =159 mM -1) and ACA the weakest (K a =21 mM –1) with AcLys and BASA falling in between; (b) ACA dissociates readily (k off = 5.3 × 103 s–1) and AMCHA associates the fastest (k off = 2.0 × 108 M –1 s–1) while the kinetics for BASA exchange is relatively slow (k off = 0.8 × 103 s–1, k on = 0.6 × 108 M –1s–1); (c) the ligand-binding kinetics is close to diffussion-controlled.Abbreviations ACA -aminocaproic acid - AcLys N-acetyl-l-lysine - AMCHA t-aminomethyl(cyclohexane)carboxylic acid - BASA p-benzylaminesulfonic acid - K4 kringle 4 - NOE nuclear Overhauser effect - ppm parts-per-million - pH* glass electrode pH reading uncorrected for deuterium isotope effects - K a ligand-kringle 4 equilibrium association constant - k off ligand-kringle 4 dissociation rate constant - k on ligand-kringle 4 association rate constant  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody, 10-F-1, previously shown [V. A. Ploplis, H. S. Cummings, and F. J. Castellino (1982) Biochemistry 21, 5891-5897] to interact with a particular epsilon-aminocaproic acid (EACA)3 binding site on the kringle 4 (K4) region of human Glu1-plasminogen (Glu1-Pg), has been employed to assess the contribution of this particular EACA site toward the enhancement, by EACA and its analogs, of the urokinase (UK)-catalyzed activation of Glu1-Pg. As is the case with EACA-like compounds, the presence of antibody 10-F-1 accelerates the activation of Glu1-Pg by UK, but does not enhance the similar activation of Lys77-plasminogen. In the presence of concentrations of antibody 10-F-1 which saturate its binding site on Glu1-Pg, the Km of Glu1-Pg activation by UK is raised from 1.4 +/- 0.2 microM, a value obtained in the absence of antibody, to 17.0 +/- 2.0 microM. On the other hand, the kcat for this activation, 0.038 +/- 0.005 s-1, is elevated to 2.45 +/- 0.2 s-1 at saturating concentrations of antibody 10-F-1. The kcat/Km for activation under these conditions is 0.027 s-1 microM-1 in the absence of antibody, and 0.144 s-1 microM-1 in the presence of saturating levels of antibody 10-F-1. This demonstrates that the interaction of this antibody with its epitope results in a fivefold stimulation of the activation rate of Glu1-Pg by UK. The availability of antibody 10-F-1 allows for a specific means of probing the function of one of the four to five thermodynamically equivalent weak EACA sites on human plasminogen. From this particular study, it is concluded that the weak binding site for EACA on the K4 domain of Glu1-Pg is either in-part or in-whole responsible for the enhancing effect of EACA on human Glu1-Pg activation by UK.  相似文献   

The properties of the cationic locus within the recombinant (r) kringle 2 domain (residues 180-261) of tissue-type plasminogen activator ([K2tPA]) that are responsible for stabilization of its interaction with the carboxylate moiety of omega-amino acid ligands have been assessed by determination of the binding constants of several such ligands to a variety of r-[K2tPA] mutants obtained by oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis. We have generated, expressed in Escherichia coli, and purified alanyl mutants of individual histidyl,lysyl, and arginyl residues of r-[K2tPA] and determined the dissociation constants of several omega-amino acids, viz., 6-aminohexanoic acid (6-AHxA), 7-aminoheptanoic acid (7-AHpA), L-lysine (L-Lys), and trans-(aminomethyl)cyclohexane-1-carboxylic acid (AMCHA), to each of the r-[K2tPA] variants. We find that K33 plays the most significant role as a cationic partner of the complementary carboxylate group of these ligands. When K33 is altered to a variety of other amino acids, the K33R mutant best stabilizes binding of all of these ligands. However, the r-K33L and r-K33F variants selectively interact with 7-AHpA almost as strongly (ca. 2-fold reduction in binding strength) as wild-type r-[K2tPA]. Increased polarity (K33Q) or a negative charge (K33E) at this sequence position significantly destabilizes binding of omega-amino acids to the muteins. We also found that the r-K33E mutant and, to a lesser extent, the r-K33Q variant selectively interact with a new ligand, 1,6-diaminohexane. These observations show that the omega-amino acid binding site of wtr-[K2tPA] could be redesigned to provide a new binding specificity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein(a), apo(a), contains 37 repeats structurally homologous to kringle 4 structures of the fibrinolysis zymogen plasminogen. The aim of the study was to explore the functional analogy between apolipoprotein(a) and plasminogen in the binding to the kringle-4-binding plasma protein, tetranectin. With a modified crossed immunoelectrophoresis technique, reversible binding between lipoprotein(a) and tetranectin could be demonstrated with an apparent Kd of 0.013 muMol/l. Lys- and Glu-plasminogen showed an apparent Kd of 0.5 muMol/l. Binding of lipoprotein(a) to fibrin and to fibrin-bound tetranectin was found to be negligible. The absence of fibrin binding of lipoprotein(a) excludes a potential mechanism of coexistence of fibrin and lipid deposits in arterial diseases and does not provide for a link between lipoprotein and the clotting system. Plasminogen and lipoprotein(a) show functional analogy in their binding to tetranectin, but tetranectin primarily targets at lipoprotein(a).  相似文献   

Purification of alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor (alpha 2PI) from human plasma by affinity chromatography on plasminogen-Sepharose resulted in copurification of a contaminating protein with Mr 17,000 as judged by sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This contaminating protein could not be removed from the purified alpha 2-PI preparation by several types of gel chromatography applied. The use of the kringle 1-3 part of plasminogen, K(1 + 2 + 3), bound to Sepharose for affinity chromatography, instead of plasminogen-Sepharose, resulted in an alpha 2PI preparation without this contaminant. The contaminating protein was found to interact specifically with the kringle 4 part of plasminogen (K4) and not with K(1 + 2 + 3) or miniplasminogen. The K4-binding protein was purified by ammonium sulphate precipitation, affinity chromatography on K4-Sepharose, ion-exchange chromatography and gel filtration on AcA 34. The relative molecular mass of the protein (Mr 68 000) was estimated by gel filtration. This suggests a tetrameric protein composed of four subunits (Mr 17,000), that are dissociated by 1% sodium dodecyl sulphate. Dissociation into subunits was also demonstrated by gel filtration in the presence of 6 M guanidine hydrochloride. A specific antibody was raised in rabbits against the purified protein and this antibody was shown not to react with any known fibrinolytic components. The pI of the K4-binding protein was found to be 5.8. The first three N-terminal amino acids were determined to be Glu-Pro-Pro. The concentration of the protein in plasma was estimated to be 0.20 +/- 0.03 microM (15 +/- 2 mg/l). The electrophoretic mobility of the K4-binding protein was shown by crossed immunoelectrophoresis to be influenced by the presence of Ca2+, EDTA and heparin. The protein was found to enhance plasminogen activation catalyzed by tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) in the presence of poly(D-lysine). The protein appeared to be a novel plasma protein tentatively called 'tetranectin'.  相似文献   

Chemical modification of human degraded form of plasminogen with NH2-terminal lysine (Lys-plasminogen) and the elastase fragments kringle 1 + 2 + 3 and kringle 4 with the tryptophan reagent [14C]dimethyl(2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl)sulfonium bromide results in the incorporation of label and the parallel loss of lysine binding ability. In the case of kringle 4, only one-half of the lysine binding sites could be inactivated, but the modified and unmodified forms could be separated by affinity chromatography. The modified form contained 1 mol of 2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl groups/mol of kringle 4 and did not bind to lysine-Sepharose. Lysine analogs such as 6-aminohexanoic acid protected kringle 4 against modification. Peptide-mapping studies on this form showed that essentially all of the label was in two chymotryptic peptides containing a tryptophan corresponding to Trp426 in the plasminogen sequence. Competition experiments with anti-kringle 4 antibodies having an affinity for the lysine binding site showed that the binding of 2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl-kringle 4 to antibodies was about 10 times weaker than for unmodified kringle 4. These results indicate that the integrity of specific tryptophan residue is critical to the binding of lysine and related amino acids to kringle 4of human plasminogen.  相似文献   

We have generated site-specific mutants of the kringle 2 domain of tissue-type plasminogen activator [( K2tPA]) in order to identify directly the cationic center of the protein that is responsible for its interaction with the carboxyl group of important omega-amino acid effector molecules, such as epsilon-amino caproic acid (EACA). Molecular modeling of [K2tPA], docked with EACA, based on crystal structures of the kringle 2 region of prothrombin and the kringle 4 domain of human plasminogen, clearly shows that Lys33 is the only positively charged amino acid in [K2tPA] that is sufficiently proximal to the carboxyl group of the ligand to stabilize this interaction. In order to examine directly the importance of this particular amino acid residue in this interaction, we have constructed, expressed, and purified three recombinant (r) mutants of [K2tPA], viz., Lys33Thr, Lys33Leu, and Lys33Arg, and found that only the last variant retained significant ability to interact with EACA and several of its structural analogues at neutral pH. In addition, another mutated r-[K2tPA], i.e., Lys33His, interacts very weakly with omega-amino acids at neutral pH and much more strongly at lower pH values where His33 would be expected to undergo protonation. This demonstrates that any positively charged amino acid at position 33 satisfies the requirement for mediation of significant bindings to this class of molecules. Since, in other kringles, positively charged residues at amino acid sequence positions homologous to Lys68, Arg70, and Arg71 of [K2tPA] have been found to participate in kringle interactions with EACA-like compounds, we have also examined the binding of EACA, and some of its analogues, to three additional r-[K2tPA] variants, i.e., Lys68Ala, Arg70Ala, and Arg71Ala. In each case, binding of these omega-amino acids to the variant kringles was observed, with only the Lys68Ala variant showing a slightly diminished capacity for this interaction. These investigations provide clear and direct evidence that Lys33 is the principal cationic site in wild-type r-[K2tPA] that directly interacts with the carboxyl group of omega-amino acid effector molecules.  相似文献   

The binding of L-Lys, D-Lys and epsilon-aminocaproic acid (epsilon ACA) to the kringle 4 domain of human plasminogen has been investigated via one and two-dimensional 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 300 and 600 MHz. Ligand-kringle association constants (Ka) were determined assuming single site binding. At 295 K, pH 7.2, D-Lys binds to kringle 4 much more weakly (Ka = 1.2 mM-1) than does L-Lys (Ka = 24.4 mM-1). L-Lys binding to kringle 4 causes the appearance of ring current-shifted high-field resonances within the -1 approximately less than delta approximately less than 0 parts per million range. The ligand origin of these signals has been confirmed by examining the spectra of kringle 4 titrated with deuterated L-Lys. A systematic analysis of ligand-induced shifts on the aromatic resonances of kringle 4 has been carried out on the basis of 300 MHz two-dimensional chemical shift correlated (COSY) and double quantum correlated spectroscopies. Significant differences in the effect of L-Lys and D-Lys binding to kringle 4 have been observed in the aromatic COSY spectrum. In particular, the His31 H4 and Trp72 H2 singlets and the Phe64 multiplets appear to be the most sensitive to the particular enantiomers, indicating that these residues are in proximity to the ligand C alpha center. In contrast, the rest of the indole spectrum of Trp72 and the aromatic resonances of Trp62 and Tyr74, which are affected by ligand presence, are insensitive to the optical nature of the ligand isomer. These results, together with two-dimensional proton Overhauser studies and ligand-kringle saturation transfer experiments reported previously, enabled us to generate a model of the kringle 4 ligand-binding site from the crystallographic co-ordinates of the prothrombin kringle 1. The latter, although lacking recognizable lysine-binding capability, is otherwise structurally homologous to the plasminogen kringles.  相似文献   

The ligand binding of kringle 1 + 2 + 3 and kringle 1 from human plasminogen has been investigated by fluorescence spectroscopy. Analysis of fluorescence titration of kringle 1 + 2 + 3 with 6-aminohexanoic acid shows that this fragment, besides the high-affinity lysine-binding site with Kd = 2.9 microM, contains two additional lysine-binding sites which differ in binding strength (Kd = 28 microM and Kd = 220 microM). This strongly suggests the existence of a lysine-binding site in each of the first three kringles. 6-Aminohexanoic acid, pentylamine, pentanoic acid and arginine were used for investigation of the ligand specificity of isolated kringle 1 prepared by pepsin hydrolysis of kringle 1 + 2 + 3. It has been established that kringle 1 has high affinity to 6-aminohexanoicacid, pentylamine and arginine (Kd values are 3.2 microM, 4.8 microM and 4.3 microM, respectively). At the same time pentanoic acid did not bind with kringle 1. These facts indicate, firstly, a broad ligand specificity of kringle 1 and, secondly, the paramount importance of the positively charged group of the ligand for its interaction with lysine-binding site of this kringle.  相似文献   

The preceding paper [Dam, T. K., Roy, R., Pagé, D., and Brewer, C. F. (2002) Biochemistry 41, 1351-1358] demonstrated that Hill plots of isothermal titration microcalorimetry (ITC) data for the binding of di-, tri-, and tetravalent carbohydrate analogues possessing terminal 3,6-di-O-(alpha-D-mannopyranosyl)-alpha-D-mannopyranoside residues to the lectin concanavalin A (ConA) show increasing negative cooperativity upon binding of the analogues to the lectin. The present study demonstrates "reverse" ITC experiments in which the lectin is titrated into solutions of di- and trivalent analogues. The results provide direct determinations of the thermodynamics of binding of ConA to the individual epitopes of the two multivalent analogues. The n values (number of binding sites per carbohydrate molecule) derived from reverse ITC demonstrate two functional binding epitopes on both the di- and trivalent analogues, confirming previous "normal" ITC results with the two carbohydrates [Dam, T. K., Roy, R., Das, S. K., Oscarson, S., and Brewer, C. F. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 14223-14230]. The reverse ITC measurements show an 18-fold greater microscopic affinity constant of ConA for the first epitope of the divalent analogue versus its second epitope and a 53-fold greater microscopic affinity constant of ConA binding to the first epitope of the trivalent analogue versus its second epitope. The data also demonstrate that the microscopic enthalpies of binding of the two epitopes on the di- and trivalent analogues are essentially the same and that differences in the microscopic K(a) values of the epitopes are due to their different microscopic entropies of binding values. These findings are consistent with the increasing negative Hill coefficients of these analogues binding to ConA in the previous paper.  相似文献   

The structure of a small region of human plasminogen (F4), consisting of amino acid residues Val354-Ala439 and containing its kringle 4 (K4) domain (residues Cys357-Cys434), has been predicted from Chou-Fasman calculations and hydropathy profiles, and compared to circular dichroism (CD) measurements on the isolated fragment. Calculations, by the Chou-Fasman method, of the probabilities of various types of secondary structures that exist in this region reveal that no helical structures are present. Of the total of 86 amino acid residues present in this K4-containing peptide region, 37% can adopt conformations of beta-pleated sheets, 48% of the amino acids can exist in beta-turns, and 15% of the residues can be present as coils. The structure of F4 in dilute aqueous solution has been experimentally evaluated by CD measurements. At pH = 7.4, in dilute salt solutions, a total of 64% beta-structures, 30% beta-turns, and 6% coiled structures is estimated to be present in this peptide region. Consideration of the marginal stability of many of the conformational regions of F4, as predicted by Chou-Fasman calculations, suggests that secondary structural flexibility is present in this fragment, which could result in ready adoption of new conformations. The hydropathy profile of F4 has been determined and suggests that this polypeptide is highly hydrophilic, especially in the regions of residues His387-Tyr396 and Cys406-Lys413. Thus, it appears as though a large portion of the surface of F4 can be exposed to solvent in its native conformation.  相似文献   

The interaction of the surfactant octyl glucoside (OG) with dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC), dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), distearoylphosphatidylcholine (DSPC), and soy bean phosphatidylcholine (soy bean PC) was studied using high-sensitivity titration calorimetry. We determined the partition coefficient of OG between water and lipid bilayers and the transfer enthalpy of the surfactant by addition of lipid vesicles to OG monomers or vice versa. Comparison with the micellization enthalpy of the surfactant gives information on differences in the hydrophobic environment of OG in a liquid-crystalline bilayer or a micelle. The average partition coefficient P in mole fraction units for xe≈0.12–0.2 decreases slightly from 4152 at 27°C to 3479 at 70°C for DMPC and from 4260 to 3879 for soy bean PC, respectively. The transfer enthalpy ΔHT of OG into lipid vesicles is positive at 27°C and negative at 70°C. Its temperature dependence is larger for the incorporation of OG into DMPC than into soy bean PC vesicles. It is concluded that OG in DMPC vesicles is better shielded from water than in soy bean PC vesicles or in micelles. Titration calorimetry was also used to determine the phase boundaries of the coexistence region of mixed vesicles and mixed micelles in the systems OG/DMPC, OG/DPPC, OG/DSPC, and OG/soy bean PC vesicles at 70°C in the liquid-crystalline phase. DMPC and soy bean PC solubilization was also studied at 27°C to investigate the effect of temperature. The effective surfactant to lipid ratios at saturation, Resat, for all PCs studied are in the range between 1.33–1.72 and the ratios at complete solubilization, Resol, are between 1.79–3.06. At 70°C, the Resat values decrease with increasing chain length of the saturated PC. The ratios depend also slightly on temperature and the degree of unsaturation of the fatty acyl chains. For the OG/soy bean PC system, the coexistence range for mixed vesicles and mixed micelles is larger than for the corresponding PCs with saturated chains.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli multidrug resistance protein E (EmrE) is an integral membrane protein spanning the inner membrane of Escherichia coli that is responsible for this organism's resistance to a variety of lipophilic cations such as quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) and interchelating dyes. EmrE is a 12-kDa protein of four transmembrane helices considered to be functional as a multimer. It is an efflux transporter that can bind and transport cytoplasmic QACs into the periplasm using the energy of the proton gradient across the inner membrane. Isothermal titration calorimetry provides information about the stoichiometry and thermodynamic properties of protein-ligand interactions, and can be used to monitor the binding of QACs to EmrE in different membrane mimetic environments. In this study the ligand binding to EmrE solubilized in dodecyl maltoside, sodium dodecyl sulfate and reconstituted into small unilamellar vesicles is examined by isothermal titration calorimetry. The binding stoichiometry of EmrE to drug was found to be 1:1, demonstrating that oligomerization of EmrE is not necessary for binding to drug. The binding of EmrE to drug was observed with the dissociation constant (K(D)) in the micromolar range for each of the drugs in any of the membrane mimetic environments. Thermodynamic properties demonstrated this interaction to be enthalpy-driven with similar enthalpies of 8-12 kcal/mol for each of the drugs in any of the membrane mimetics.  相似文献   

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