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Growth of yeast strains, either deleted for the vacuolar ABC transporter Ycf1 or deleted for the plasma membrane ABC transporter Yor1p or overexpressing Yor1p, were compared for their sensitivity to cadmium. On solid medium cell death (or growth inhibition) was observed at cadmium concentrations higher than 100 microM when yeasts were grown at 30 degrees C for 24 h. However, for all tested strains cell death (or growth inhibition) was already observed at 40 microM cadmium when incubated at 23 degrees C for 60 h. Thus cadmium is more toxic to yeast at 23 degrees C than at 30 degrees C. At 23 degrees C, the Deltayor1 strain grew more slowly than the wild-type strain and the double Deltayor1, Deltaycf1 deleted strain was much more sensitive to cadmium than each single Deltayor1 or Deltaycf1 deletant. Overexpression of Yor1p in a Deltaycf1 strain restores full growth. Cadmium uptake measurements show that Deltaycf1 yeast strains expressing or overexpressing Yor1p store less cadmium than the corresponding Deltaycf1, Deltayor1 strain. The strains expressing Yor1p display an energy-dependent efflux of cadmium estimated for the yeast overexpressing Yor1p to be about 0.02 nmol 109Cd/mg protein/min. Yeast cells loaded with radiolabeled glutathione and then with radioactive cadmium displayed a twice-higher efflux of glutathione than that of cadmium suggesting that Yor1p transports both compounds as a bis-glutathionato-cadmium complex. All together, these results suggest that in addition to being accumulated in the yeast vacuole by Ycf1p, cadmium is also effluxed out of the cell by Yor1p.  相似文献   

The two-domain (βα) mammalian metallothionein binds seven divalent metals, however, the binding mechanism is not well characterized and recent reports require the presence of the partially metallated protein. In this paper, step-wise metallation of the metal-free, two-domain βα-rhMT and the isolated β-rhMT using Cd(II) is shown to proceed in a noncooperative manner by analysis of electrospray ionization mass spectrometric data. Under limiting amounts of Cd(II), all intermediate metallation states up to the fully metallated Cd3-β-rhMT and Cd7-βα-rhMT were observed. Addition of excess Cd(II), resulted in formation of the supermetallated (metallation in excess of normal levels) Cd4-β- and Cd8-βα-metallothionein species. These data establish that noncooperative cadmium metallation is a property of each isolated domain and the complete two-domain protein. Our data now also establish that supermetallation is a property that may provide information about the mechanism of metal transfer to other proteins.  相似文献   

Using fluorescence and UV-vis spectroscopies and mass spectrometry, we demonstrated that the presence of physiological levels of reduced glutathione enhances the binding of Zn(II) to XPAzf, a Cys4 zinc finger peptide derived from the XPA protein, by means of formation of a ternary complex of a general formula ZnXPAzf[GSH]. Similar complexes were also indicated by ESI-MS for isostructural Co(II)- and Cd(II)-substituted XPAzf. The observed enhancement of the Zn(II) binding to XPAzf by a factor of 50 over the physiological range of GSH concentrations of 1-20 mM corresponds to a dissociation constant of GSH from the ZnXPAzf[GSH] complex of 0.05 μM. This effect may account for an apparent discrepancy between relatively low Zn(II) binding constants measured in vitro for many zinc fingers, and the requirement of tight Zn(II) binding enforced by intracellular zinc buffering by the thionein/metallothionein couple.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the complex [H2B(pz)2]2Cd has been determined: orthorhombic, Pbca, A = 16.052(3), B = 13.935(3), C = 14.974(4) Å, V = 3349.4(13) Å3, Z = 8, R(F) = 3.61%. It is the first structurally characterized non-porphyrin CdN4 complex. It is monomeric in the solid state with a pseudotetrahedral geometry about the cadmium atom. The N---Cd---N angles are distorted by the approximate 93° bite angle of the ligand; the interligand N---Cd---N angles also are distorted, ranging from 106.9 to 131.7°. These distortions are the result of intermolecular packing forces and are facilitated by the spherical set of valence orbitals for Cd2+.  相似文献   

Reduction of Cd(II) on a dropping mercury electrode was used to study interaction of β-cyclodextrin with Cd(II) ions. It was found that Cd(II) forms Cdβ-CD(OH)22− hydroxy-complex with the anion of β-cyclodextrin in alkaline solutions (pH>11), the logarithm of stability constant being 10.4±0.1 (20 °C; I=1.0). The calculated value of the diffusion coefficient equal to 1.0×10−6 cm2/s shows a large size Cd(II) complex species formation in alkaline solutions containing β-CD.  相似文献   

Copper is both an essential element as a catalytic cofactor and a toxic element because of its redox properties. Once in the cell, Cu(I) binds to glutathione (GSH) and various thiol-rich proteins that sequester and/or exchange copper with other intracellular components. Among them, the Cu(I) chaperone Atx1 is known to deliver Cu(I) to Ccc2, the Golgi Cu–ATPase, in yeast. However, the mechanism for Cu(I) incorporation into Atx1 has not yet been unraveled. We investigated here a possible role of GSH in Cu(I) binding to Atx1. Yeast Atx1 was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to study its ability to bind Cu(I). We found that with an excess of GSH [at least two GSH/Cu(I)], Atx1 formed a Cu(I)-bridged dimer of high affinity for Cu(I), containing two Cu(I) and two GSH, whereas no dimer was observed in the absence of GSH. The stability constants (log β) of the Cu(I) complexes measured at pH 6 were 15–16 and 49–50 for CuAtx1 and Cu2I(GS)2(Atx1)2, respectively. Hence, these results suggest that in vivo the high GSH concentration favors Atx1 dimerization and that Cu2I(GS)2(Atx1)2 is the major conformation of Atx1 in the cytosol.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the effects of Cd and Zn exposure of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) on (a) hepatic glutathione (GSH) levels; and (b) hepatic and branchial metallothionein (MT) mRNA expression. Juvenile rainbow trout were exposed to waterborne Cd (nominal concentrations: 1.5 or 10 microg Cd l(-1)), Zn (150 or 1000 microg Zn l(-1)) or Cd/Zn mixtures (1.5 microg Cd l(-1) with 200 microg Zn l(-1) or 10 microg Cd l(-1) with 1000 microg Zn l(-1)). After 14 and 28 days of treatment, hepatic concentrations of total glutathione, oxidized glutathione (GSSG) and cysteine were determined by means of fluorometric high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Branchial and hepatic expression of MT mRNA was measured by means of semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Exposure of trout to Zn did not result in significantly elevated tissue levels of Zn, whereas Cd accumulation factors changed significantly with time and concentration. Despite of the absence of Zn accumulation, hepatic GSH but not MT mRNA levels were significantly altered in Zn-exposed fish. Cd, on the contrary, affected mainly the MT response but not GSH. Also tissue specific differences in the regulation of the two thiol pools were expressed. The thiol response after exposure to metal mixtures could not be explained by simple addition of the effects of the individual metals. The results indicate that cellular thiol pools show different reaction patterns with respect to specific metals and metal mixtures. Under conditions of long-term, low dose metal exposure, the function of GSH appears to go beyond that of a transitory, first line defense.  相似文献   

GPx1 is one of the most important enzymes involved in oxidative balance so that, we studied the phenotype and genotype relationship of GPx1 activity and rs 1800668 (C/T) site and also evaluated the changes of GPx1 kinetic parameters in the rs 1800668 homozygotes. One hundred fifty eight subjects were recruited after clinical exams. The rs 1800668 (C/T) genotype distribution was identified using RFLP-PCR method. The hemolysate GPx1 activity was spectrophotometrically measured in a reaction coupled with glutathione reductase (GR). The GPx1 enzyme was purified using gel filtration chromatography with Sephacryl S-300 column and, Km(app) was studied in the rs 1800668 TT and CC homozygotes. The results showed that the GPx1 activity is significantly associated to the rs 1800668 (C/T) genotype distribution (P<0.05) so that, the GPx1 activity was high among the CC homozygotes (P<0.03). In addition, Km(app) for TBHP substrate in the TT homozygote (8.48 μM) was higher than the CC homozygote (5.74 μM). We concluded that the C allele within rs 1800668 position is related to the GPx1 activity and may be a potential factor involved in development of inflammatory events.  相似文献   

The formation of Cd(II) and Co(II) complexes with N-methylethylenediamine (men) has been studied at 298 K in dimethylsulfoxide (dmso) in an ionic medium set to 0.1 mol dm−3 with Et4NClO4 in anaerobic conditions by means of potentiometric, UV-Vis, calorimetric and FT-IR technique. Mononuclear MLj (M=Cd, Co; j=1-3) complexes are formed in exothermic reactions, whereas the entropy changes oppose the complexes formation. The results are discussed in terms of different basicities and steric requirements and the whole of the thermodynamic data reported till now for the two ions with a number of diamines are summarized to visualize the selectivity of the ligands. The dioxygen uptake of Co(men)2 species has also been studied by means of UV-Vis and EPR techniques. The kinetic parameters and stability constants obtained for the formation of the superoxo and μ-peroxo species are discussed in terms of solvent effect and steric hindrance due to methyl group.Cyclic voltammetry was used to confirm the stability constant for the Co(dmen)2 (dmen=N,N-dimethylethylenediamine) superoxo adduct formation but was not successful to investigate this Co(men)2-O2 system.  相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》2004,357(5):1457-1464
We have carried out the synthesis of the cadmium coordination compounds [Cd(NO3)2(PyTT)(H2O)] (1) and [CdCl2{(μ-Cl)2CdCl(μ-Cl)(μ-PyTT)Cd}2]n (2), together with their structural determination by means of X-ray diffraction. The compounds were also characterized through elemental analysis and infrared spectroscopy. The first complex presents a distorted pentagonal bipyramidal geometry with the axial positions occupied by one oxygen atom from a water molecule and a second one from a nitrate ion which acts as a monodentate ligand, whereas the equatorial plane contains three nitrogen atoms from the organic moiety and two oxygen atoms coming from the other nitrate group, which is bidentate. The structure of the second complex consists of parallel sheets linked by van der Waals forces, each one made up of structural units [CdCl2{(μ-Cl)2CdCl(μ-Cl)(μ-PyTT)Cd}2], which possesses two PyTT ligands, 10 bridging chloro ligands and 5 cadmium(II) centres belonging to three environment types: octahedral CdN2Cl4, octahedral CdCl6, on which a centre of symmetry is located, and tetrahedral CdNCl3, present in a 2:1:2 ratio.  相似文献   

Glutathione transferase omega 1-1 (GSTO1-1) catalyzes the biotransformation of arsenic and is implicated as a factor influencing the age-at-onset of Alzheimer’s disease and the posttranslational activation of interleukin 1β (IL-1β). Investigation of the biological role of GSTO1-1 variants has been hampered by the lack of a specific assay for GSTO1-1 activity in tissue samples that contain other GSTs and other enzymes with similar catalytic specificities. Previous studies (P. G. Board and M. W. Anders, Chem. Res. Toxicol. 20 (2007) 149-154) have shown that GSTO1-1 catalyzes the reduction of S-(phenacyl)glutathiones to acetophenones. A new substrate, S-(4-nitrophenacyl)glutathione (4NPG), has been prepared and found to have a high turnover with GSTO1-1 but negligible activity with GSTO2-2 and other members of the glutathione transferase superfamily. A spectrophotometric assay with 4NPG as a substrate has been used to determine GSTO1-1 activity in several human breast cancer cell lines and in mouse liver and brain tissues.  相似文献   

A grande gsh1 disruptant mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was generated by crossing a petite disruptant to a wild-type grande strain. This strain was relatively stable, but generated petites at an elevated frequency, illustrating the ancillary role of glutathione (GSH) in the maintenance of the genetic integrity of the mitochondrial genome. The availability of the grande gsh1 deletant enabled an evaluation of the role of GSH in the cellular response to hydrogen peroxide independent of the effects of a petite mutation. The mutant strain was more sensitive to hydrogen peroxide than the wild-type strain but was still capable of producing an adaptive stress response to this compound. GSH was found to be essential for growth and sporulation of the yeast, but the intracellular level needed to support growth was at least two orders of magnitude less than that normally present in wild-type cells. This surprising result indicates that there is an essential role for GSH but only very low amounts are needed for growth. This result was also found in anaerobic conditions, thus this essential function does not involve protection from oxidative stress. Suppressors of the gsh1 deletion mutation were isolated by ethylmethanesulfonate mutagenesis. These were the result of a single recessive mutation (sgr1, suppressor for glutathione requirement) that relieved the requirement for GSH for growth on minimal medium but did not affect the sensitivity to H(2)O(2) stress. Interestingly, the gsh1 sgr1 mutant generated petites at a lower rate than the gsh1 mutant. Thus, it is suggested that the essential role of GSH is involved in the maintenance of the mitochondrial genome.  相似文献   

Two new one-dimensional coordination polymers have been synthesised by the reaction of cadmium(II) halides with the chelating bidentate ligand, 2-aminomethylpyridine (2-ampy). X-ray single crystal structure analysis shows an octahedral environment around the cadmium atom in the complex, [CdCl2(NC5H4CH2NH2)]n (1) forming a doubly chloro-bridged polymeric chain, and a rare five-coordinated square-pyramidal geometry in the bromide complex, [CdBr2(NC5H4CH2NH2)]n (2), which forms an unusual singly bromo-bridged 1D polymer. Both the complexes have been characterised by elemental analysis, spectroscopic studies and thermal analysis.  相似文献   

The role of relativistic effects (RE) in the structures of Cd(II) complexes with crown ethers, and the reason the ‘soft’ Cd(II) strongly prefers to bind to SCN through N, are considered. The synthesis and structures of [Cd(18-crown-6)(thiourea)2] (ClO4)2.18-crown-6 (1) and [Cd(Cy2-18-crown-6)(NCS)2] (2) are reported. (18-crown-6 = 1,4,7,10,13,16-hexaoxacyclooctadecane; Cy2-18-crown-6 = cis-anti-cis-2,5,8,15,18,21-hexaoxatricylo[,14)]hexacosane). In 1 Cd is coordinated in the plane of the crown which has close to D3d symmetry, with long Cd-O bonds averaging 2.688 Å. The two thiourea molecules form relatively short Cd-S bonds that average 2.468 Å, with an S-Cd-S angle of 164.30°. This structure conforms with the idea that Cd(II) can adopt a near-linear structure involving two covalently-bound donor atoms (the S-donors) with short Cd-S bonds, which resembles gas-phase structures for species such as CdCl2. The structure of 2 is similar, with the two SCN ligands N-bonded to Cd, with short Cd-N bonds of 2.106 Å, and N-Cd-N angle of 180°. The crown in 2 forms long Cd-O bonds that average 2.698 Å. Molecular mechanics calculations suggest that a main reason Cd(II) prefers to bind to SCN through N is that when bound through S, the small Cd-S-C angle, which is typically close to 100°, brings the ligand into close contact with other ligands present, and causes steric destabilization. In contrast, the Cd-N-C angles for SCN coordinated through N are much larger, being 171.4° in 2, which keeps the SCN groups well clear of the crown ether. DFT (density functional theory) calculations are used to generate the structures of [Cd(18-crown-6)(H2O)2]2+ (3) and [Cd(18-crown-6)Cl2] (4). In 3, the Cd(II) is bound to only three O-donors of the macrocycle, with Cd-O bonds averaging 2.465 Å. The coordinated waters form an O-Cd-O angle of 139.47°, with Cd-O bonds of 2.295 Å. In contrast, for 4, the Cd is placed centrally in the cavity of the D3d symmetry crown, with long Cd-O bonds averaging 2.906 Å. The Cl groups form a Cl-Cd-Cl angle of 180°, with short Cd-Cl bonds of 2.412 Å. With ionically bound groups on the axial sites of[Cd(18-crown-6)X2] complexes, such as with X = H2O in 3, the Cd(II) does not adopt linear geometry involving the two X groups, with long Cd-O bonds to the O-donors of the macrocycle. With covalently-bound X = Cl in 4, short Cd-Cl bonds and a linear [Cl-Cd-Cl] unit results, with long Cd-O bonds to the crown ether.  相似文献   



Some studies suggested that Glutathione S-transferases M1/T1(GSTM1/T1) null polymorphisms may be associated with the risk of vitiligo.


The purpose of this study is to further evaluate the association between GSTM1/T1 null polymorphisms and the susceptibility to vitiligo.


We carried out a retrieval of studies in the databases. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) were used to assess the strength of this association. We analyzed the data using Stata 11.0.


Six case–control studies including 1358 cases and 1673 controls were included in this meta-analysis. Our overall results showed the GSTM1 or GSTT1 null polymorphism was associated with vitiligo (GSTM1:OR = 1.59, 95% CI: 1.21–2.08, P = 0.001; GSTT1: OR = 1.30, 95% CI: 1.12–1.51, P = 0.001). In the subgroup analysis, the GSTM1 null polymorphism might be a genetic risk factor to vitiligo in East Asian (OR = 1.71, 95% CI: 1.12–2.63, P = 0.014) but not in the Mediterranean, however individuals with the GSTT1 null polymorphism in the Mediterranean (OR = 1.76, 95% CI: 1.15–2.71, P = 0.010) but not in East Asian have a greater predisposition to vitiligo. In addition there was also a significant trend toward an association with the combination of the GSTM1 null and GSTT1 null in either East Asians or Mediterraneans.


The GSTM1/T1 null polymorphisms may be associated with vitiligo. More studies are needed to confirm this conclusion.  相似文献   

Glutathione S-transferase pi has been shown to reactivate 1-cysteine peroxiredoxin (1-Cys Prx) by formation of a complex [L.A. Ralat, Y. Manevich, A.B. Fisher, R.F. Colman, Biochemistry 45 (2006) 360-372]. A model of the complex was proposed based on the crystal structures of the two enzymes. We have now characterized the complex of GST pi/1-Cys Prx by determining the Mw of the complex, by measuring the catalytic activity of the GST pi monomer, and by identifying the interaction sites between GST pi and 1-Cys Prx. The Mw of the purified GST pi/1-Cys Prx complex is 50,200 at pH 8.0 in the presence of 2.5 mM glutathione, as measured by light scattering, providing direct evidence that the active complex is a heterodimer composed of equimolar amounts of the two proteins. In the presence of 4 M KBr, GST pi is dissociated to monomer and retains catalytic activity, but the Km value for GSH is increased substantially. To identify the peptides of GST pi that interact with 1-Cys Prx, GST pi was digested with V8 protease and the peptides were purified. The binding by 1-Cys Prx of each of four pure GST pi peptides (residues 41-85, 115-124, 131-163, and 164-197) was investigated by protein fluorescence titration. An apparent stoichiometry of 1 mol/subunit 1-Cys Prx was measured for each peptide and the formation of the heterodimer is decreased when these peptides are included in the incubation mixture. These results support our proposed model of the heterodimer.  相似文献   

Three new supramolecular complexes based on a 2-(pyrazin-2-yl)-1H-benzimidazole (Hpbi) and a series of Cd(II) salts have been solvothermally synthesized and structurally characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. Reaction of CdCl2·2.5H2O with Hpbi afforded a one-dimensional chain [Cd(Hpbi)Cl2] (1), which exhibits a three-dimensional (3-D) supramolecular architecture through intermolecular X-H···Cl (X = N and C) hydrogen bonds and π-π stacking interactions. When using CdBr2·4H2O instead of CdCl2·2.5H2O under similar reaction conditions, a bisnuclear complex [Cd(Hpbi)2Br2] (2) is obtained, which obviously exhibits intermolecular X-H···Br (X = N and C) hydrogen bonds and π-π stacking interactions. When CdI2 take place of CdCl2·2.5H2O, a mononuclear complex, [Cd(Hpbi)2I2] (3), is isolated, which shows a 3D supramolecule framework formed by intermolecule hydrogen bonds and π-π packing interactions. Interestingly, the Hpbi ligand exhibits the same coordination modes in complexes 1-3. It is noteworthy that the radius of anions plays an important role in affecting the structures and luminescent intensity of the final products. The TGA for 1-3 have been investigated and discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Genetic polymorphisms in glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) genes might influence the detoxification activities of the enzymes predisposing individuals to cancer risk. Owing to the presence of these genetic variants, inter-individual and ethnic differences in GSTs detoxification capacity have been observed in various populations. Therefore, the present study was performed to determine the prevalence GSTM1 0/0, GSTT1 0/0, GSTP1 Ile(105)Val, and GSTA1 A/B polymorphisms in 154 healthy individuals from South Tunisia, and to compare them with those observed in North and Centre Tunisian populations and other ethnic groups. GSTM1 and GSTT1 polymorphisms were analyzed by a Multiplex-PCR approach, whereas GSTP1 and GSTA1 polymorphisms were examined by PCR-RFLP. The frequencies of GSTM10/0 and GSTT1 0/0 genotypes were 53.9% and 27.9%, respectively. The genotype distribution of GSTP1 was 47.4% (Ile/Ile), 40.9% (Ile/Val), and 11.7% (Val/Val). For GSTA1, the genotype distribution was 24.7% (A/A), 53.9% (A/B), and 21.4% (B/B). The combined genotypes distribution of GSTM1, GSTT1, GSTP1 and GSTA1 polymorphisms showed that thirty one of the 36 possible genotypes were present in our population; eight of them have a frequency greater than 5%. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of GSTs polymorphisms in South Tunisian population. Our findings demonstrate the impact of ethnicity and reveal a characteristic pattern for Tunisian population. The molecular studies in these enzymes provide basis for further epidemiological investigations in the population where these functional polymorphisms alter therapeutic response and act as susceptibility markers for various clinical conditions.  相似文献   

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