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Bacteria monitoring is essential for many industrial manufacturing processes, particularly those involving in food, biopharmaceuticals, and semiconductor production. Firefly luciferase ATP luminescence assay is a rapid and simple bacteria detection method. However, the detection limit of this assay for Escherichia coli is approximately 104 colony-forming units (CFU), which is insufficient for many applications. This study aims to improve the assay sensitivity by simultaneous conversion of PPi and AMP, two products of the luciferase reaction, back to ATP to form two chain-reaction loops. Because each consumed ATP continuously produces two new ATP molecules, this approach can achieve exponential amplification of ATP. Two consecutive enzyme reactions were employed to regenerate AMP into ATP: adenylate kinase converting AMP into ADP using UTP as the energy source, and acetate kinase catalyzing acetyl phosphate and ADP into ATP. The PPi-recycling loop was completed using ATP sulfurylase and adenosine 5′ phosphosulfate. The modification maintains good quantification linearity in the ATP luminescence assay and greatly increases its bacteria detection sensitivity. This improved method can detect bacteria concentrations of fewer than 10 CFU. This exponential ATP amplification assay will benefit bacteria monitoring in public health and manufacturing processes that require high-quality water.  相似文献   

The higher plant ADP-glucose (ADPG) pyrophosphorylase (AGPase), composed of two small subunits and two large subunits (LSs), produces ADPG, the sole substrate for starch biosynthesis from α-D-glucose 1-phosphate and ATP. This enzyme controls a key step in starch synthesis as its catalytic activity is activated by 3-phosphoglycerate (3-PGA) and inhibited by orthophosphate (Pi). Previously, two mutations in the LS of potato AGPase (PLS), PLS-E38K and PLS-G101N, were found to increase sensitivity to 3-PGA activation and tolerance to Pi inhibition. In the present study, the double mutated enzyme (PLS-E38K/G101N) was evaluated. In a complementation assay of ADPG synthesis in an Escherichia coli mutant defective in the synthesis of ADPG, expression of PLS-E38K/G101N mediated higher glycogen production than wild-type potato AGPase (PLS-WT) and the single mutant enzymes, PLS-E38K and PLS-G101N, individually. Purified PLS-E38K/G101N showed higher sensitivity to 3-PGA activation and tolerance to Pi inhibition than PLS-E38K or PLS-G101N. Moreover, the enzyme activities of PLS-E38K, PLS-G101N, and PLS-E38K/G101N were more readily stimulated by other major phosphate-ester metabolites, such as fructose 6-phosphate, fructose 2,6-bisphosphate, and ribose 5-phosphate, than was that of PLS-WT. Hence, although the specific enzyme activities of the LS mutants toward 3-PGA were impaired to some extent by the mutations, our results suggest that their enhanced allosteric regulatory properties and the broadened effector selectivity gained by the same mutations not only offset the lowered enzyme catalytic turnover rates but also increase the net performance of potato AGPase in vivo in view of increased glycogen production in bacterial cells.  相似文献   

An experimental study was carried out in rats with the purpose of demonstrating the capacity of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) to stimulate regeneration of the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Wistar and Brown Norway (BN) rats were used. Direct sciatic nerve anastomoses were performed after section or allograft interposition. Treatment groups then received 4 weeks of PEMFs. Control groups received no stimulation. The evaluation of the results was carried out by quantitative morphometric analysis, demonstrating a statistically significant increase in regeneration indices (P < 0.05) in the stimulated groups (9000 +/- 5000 and 4000 +/- 6000) compared to the non-stimulated groups (2000 +/- 4000 and 700 +/- 200). An increase of NAD specific isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) activity was found along with an increase in the activity of acetyl cholinesterase at the motor plate. The present study might lead to the search for new alternatives in the stimulation of axonal regenerative processes in the PNS and other possible clinical applications.  相似文献   

构建高效的腺嘌呤核苷三磷酸(adenosinetriphosphate,ATP)再生体系可显著提高生物催化磷酸基团转移反应的效率。多聚磷酸激酶(poly phosphate kinase, PPK)能利用来源广、廉价且稳定的多聚磷酸(polyphosphate, Poly P)盐作为磷酸基供体,能够实现单磷酸腺苷(adenosine monophosphate,AMP)、二磷酸腺苷(adenosinediphosphate,ADP)、ATP、PolyP之间磷酸基的高效定向转移,已成为构建ATP再生体系的首选。本文介绍了不同类型PPK的结构特征、相关催化机制以及不同来源的PPK在酶活、催化效率、稳定性和底物偏好性的特征差异;归纳和列举了针对野生PPK酶学性质不足进行分子改造的实例,并对PPK在ATP再生体系构建的研究进展进行了总结。  相似文献   

尹丽  徐存拴 《生物信息学》2017,15(3):156-163
自噬对肝再生有积极的作用,但具体作用机制仍有待阐明。为了解自噬在大鼠肝再生的变化和机理,通过蛋白质组学(i TRAQ方法)检测了大鼠肝再生中调控自噬的信号通路相关蛋白和自噬过程相关蛋白的变化。结果表明,调控自噬的PI3K/Akt,m TOR,AMPK均被激活,泛素-蛋白酶体相关蛋白发生显著表达变化,溶酶体相关膜蛋白和水解酶发生显著变化。IPA分析发现,自噬在肝再生的启动阶段和进展阶段上调。根据研究结果,提出线粒体和溶酶体共存假说,并初步探讨并图示其存在的可能性和机理。  相似文献   

王颖  叶波平  华子春 《生命科学》2013,(12):1153-1160
补体系统是机体免疫防御机制的重要组成部分,参与免疫识别和防御。近年来,系统研究发现补体除免疫调节外,还具有参与生殖发育、成骨、组织和器官再生等重要生理机能的作用。多项研究报道了补体活化和各种肝损伤/再生的关系,对此进行综述,以期促进对补体多样性功能的了解。  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria produce a wide array of substances with activity in many biological systems. The aim of the present research was to compare the effect of differently treated extracellular products (EP) from Tolypothrix tenuis (Cyanobacteria) on rice plantlet regeneration as well as on the pigments, protein, total free porphyrin contents, and 5-aminolevulinate dehydratase (ALA-D) activity in rice callus during differentiation. Rice embryo calli were regenerated in Murashige & Skoog medium supplemented with EP with protein (EPp) or without protein (EPnp) or autoclaved (EPa), as well as with benzyladenine (BA) and benzyladenine + naphthaleneacetic acid (BA + NAA). At day 75, calli percentage regeneration were: EPnp (84%), EPp (58%), BA + NAA (45%), BA (44%), EPa (40%). The same trend was found for chlorophyll a, b, total and carotenoid contents. Protein content in BA, BA + NAA and EPnp treatments was 35% higher than in EPp and EPa. Total free porphyrin was similar in all treatments. ALA-D activity in BA, EPp and EPa treatments was 28% higher than in BA + NAA and EPnp. The extracellular bioactive substance(s) from T. tenuis would contain a mixture of thermolabile plant growth regulators that replaced and improved the effects of synthetic plant growth regulators on rice callus organogenesis. Calli were rhizogenic in all the regeneration media tested. The pigment content of the calli was related to percentage regeneration but not to the total free porphyrin and ALA-D activity.  相似文献   


Bacteriophage can be an effective means of regulating bacterial populations when conditions allow phage invasion of bacterial colonies. Phage can either infect and lyse a host cell, or insert their DNA into the host cell genome; the latter process is called lysogeny. The clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR) system, linked with CRISPR-associated (Cas) genes, is a regulatory system present in a variety of bacteria which confers immunity against bacteriophage. Studies of the group behaviour of bacteria with CRISPR/Cas systems have provided evidence that CRISPR in lysogenized bacteria can cause an inability to form biofilm. This allows CRISPR-immune bacteria in biofilms to effectively resist phage therapy. Our recent work has described a potential therapeutic technique to eradicate CRISPR-immune bacteria from a biofilm by a continuous influx of lysogens carrying an identical phage sequence. However, this model predicted that the CRISPR-immune population could persist for long times before eradication. Our current focus is on the use of diverse lysogens against CRISPR-capable bacterial populations. The goal of this work is to find a suitable strategy which can eradicate bacteria with a CRISPR system through the influx of finite amounts of distinct lysogens over fixed intervals.  相似文献   

Expanding the scope of stereoselectivity is of current interest in enzyme catalysis. In this study, using error-prone polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a thermostable adenosine diphosphate (ADP)-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) from Thermus caldophilus GK-24 has been altered to improve its catalytic activity toward enatiomeric substrates including [glucose-1-phosphate (G-1-P) + uridine triphosphate (UTP)] and [N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate (GlcNAc) + UTP] to produce uridine diphosphate (UDP)-glucose and UDP-N-acetylglucosamine, respectively. To elucidate the amino acids responsible for catalytic activity, screening for UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (UGPase) and UDP-N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase (UNGPase) activities was carried out. Among 656 colonies, two colonies showed UGPase activities and three colonies for UNGPase activities. DNA sequence analyses and enzyme assays showed that two mutant clones (H145G) specifically have an UGPase activity, indicating that the changed glycine residue from histidine has the base specificity for UTP. Also, three double mutants (H145G/A325V) showed a UNGPase, and A325 was associated with sugar binding, conferring the specificity for the sugar substrates and V325 of the mutant appears to be indirectly involved in the binding of the N-acetylamine group of N-acetylglucosmine-1-phosphate. The authors Hosung Sohn and Yong-Sam Kim equally contributed to the study.  相似文献   

崔志成  付亮  赵琦  周丹丹 《微生物学报》2021,61(8):2219-2235
铁还原菌是一种典型的异化金属还原菌,广泛分布于海洋沉积物、陆地深地层等自然环境,该类细菌可以将铁氧化物中的Fe(Ⅲ)还原为Fe(Ⅱ),在铁、碳的生物地球化学铁循环中发挥重要作用。铁还原菌的末端电子不局限于Fe(Ⅲ),还可以是其他高价金属、有机污染物,可用于土壤、地下水的污染修复和毒性削减。在微生物电化学系统中,铁还原菌氧化有机物产生的电子直接传递给电极,可以产生电能。基于这种独特的胞外电子传递方式,衍生出了微生物燃料电池、微生物电解池、微生物脱盐电池、微生物燃料电池耦合芬顿反应以及光催化微生物燃料电池,常用于微生物发电、生物传感器、生物制氢、定向发酵、海水淡化、生物脱盐和污染物分解矿化。本文从异化铁还原菌的代谢机制、微生态作用、环境修复、水资源再生与能源转化四个方面,综述了铁还原菌的作用原理及国内外研究现状,分析论述了目前亟需解决的关键问题和未来的研究方向,以期为铁还原菌的基础理论研究和应用技术研发提供参考。  相似文献   

Methylation reactions are involved in the biosynthesis of various natural molecules, in which S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) acts as the principal biological methyl donor. The limited availability of SAM often affects the biosynthesis of methylated metabolites in cells, especially when heterologous SAM-mediated methyltransferases are employed. To solve this problem, a methyl supply system driven by betaine was developed in this study to enhance SAM availability in cells. A reconstructed methionine cycle was designed in E. coli using betaine as the methyl source by introducing betaine-homocysteine methyltransferase. Ferulic acid served as a model product was used to test the efficiency of methyl supply system. ATP is a co-factor for SAM biosynthesis and a pathway for ATP regeneration from adenosine was introduced to maintain the stability of the adenylate pool. After testing two different S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine (SAH) hydrolysis pathways, the optimized SAHase pathway was adopted for converting SAH back to homocysteine (Hcy). Thus, a methyl supply system was developed which increased SAM availability and therefore improved the titer and productivity of ferulic acid by 12.6-fold and 15.9-fold, respectively. The system was also applied successfully for other methyltransferase-catalyzed reactions. This work provides an efficient methyl supply system for enhanced production of methylated chemicals using betaine as the methyl source.  相似文献   

Li W  Li Z  Yang J  Ye Q 《Journal of biotechnology》2011,154(4):261-268
Glutathione (GSH) is one of the most ubiquitous non-protein thiols that is involved in numerous cellular activities. The gene coding for a novel bifunctional enzyme catalyzing the reaction for glutathione synthesis, gshF, was cloned from Streptococcus thermophilus SIIM B218 and expressed in Escherichia coli JM109. In the presence of the precursor amino acids and ATP, the induced cells of E. coli JM109 (pTrc99A-gshF) could accumulate 10.3 mM GSH in 5 h. The S. thermophilus GshF was insensitive to feedback inhibition caused by GSH even at 20 mM. At elevated concentrations of the precursor amino acids and ATP, E. coli JM109 (pTrc99A-gshF) produced 36 mM GSH with a molar yield of 0.9 mol/mol based on added cysteine and of 0.45 mol/mol based on added ATP. When ATP was replaced with glucose, E. coli JM109 (pTrc99A-gshF) produced 7 mM in 3 h. Saccharomyces cerevisiae was used to generate ATP for GSH production. In the presence of glucose and the pmr1 mutant of S. cerevisiae BY4742, JM109 (pTrc99A-gshF) produced 33.9 mM GSH in 12 h with a yield of 0.85 mol/mol based on added l-cysteine. It is shown that the S. thermophilus GshF can be successfully used for GSH production.  相似文献   

Retinoids are low molecular weight, lipophilic derivatives of vitamin A which have profound effects upon the development of various embryonic systems. Here I review the effects on developing and regenerating limbs, regenerating amphibian tails and the developing central nervous system (CNS). In the regenerating amphibian limb, retinoids can proximalize, posteriorize and ventralize the axes of the blastema. In the chick limb bud retinoids can only posteriorize the tissue. In the regenerating amphibian tail retinoids can homeotically transform tail tissue into hindlimb tissue. In the developing and regenerating limb retinoic acid has been detected endogenously, confirming that this molecule plays a role in the generation of pattern and we have shown that limbs cannot develop in the absence of retinoic acid. In the developing CNS retinoic acid specifically affects the hindbrain where it causes a transformation of anterior rhombomeres into more posterior ones. Again, endogenous retinoic acid has been detected in the CNS and in the absence of retinoids the posterior hindbrain has been found to be affected. The effects of retinoids on the CNS are most likely to be mediated via theHox genes acting in the mesoderm after gastrulation. It has also been proposed that the establishment of the head-to-tail axis in the mesoderm is established by retinoic acid. These data show that retinoids play an important role in both the development and regeneration of various systems in the embryo and post-embryonically  相似文献   

Ethyleneglycol (aminoethylether) tetra-acetic acid (EGTA) was shown to be a potent competitive inhibitor of electron transfer between methanol dehydrogenase (MDH) and its electron acceptor cytochrome cL. Addition of Ca2+ ions relieved the inhibition by removal of the inhibitory EGTA. Removal of EGTA by gel filtration completely relieved the inhibition. EGTA did not remove the tightly bound Ca2+ present in the MDH. Indo-1, a fluorescent analogue of EGTA, bound tightly to MDH in a 1:1 ratio but not to cytochrome cL; binding was prevented by EGTA. It was concluded that EGTA inhibits methanol oxidation by binding to lysyl or arginyl residues on MDH thus preventing docking with cytochrome cL.  相似文献   

The planarian central nervous system (CNS) can be used as a model for studying neural regeneration in higher organisms. Despite its simple structure, recent studies have shown that the planarian CNS can be divided into several molecular and functional domains defined by the expression of different neural genes. Remarkably, a whole animal, including the molecularly complex CNS, can regenerate from a small piece of the planarian body. In this study, a collection of neural markers has been used to characterize at the molecular level how the planarian CNS is rebuilt. Planarian CNS is composed of an anterior brain and a pair of ventral nerve cords that are distinct and overlapping structures in the head region. During regeneration, 12 neural markers have been classified as early, mid-regeneration and late expression genes depending on when they are upregulated in the regenerative blastema. Interestingly, the results from this study show that the comparison of the expression patterns of different neural genes supports the view that at day one of regeneration, the new brain appears within the blastema, whereas the pre-existing ventral nerve cords remain in the old tissues. Three stages in planarian CNS regeneration are suggested.  相似文献   

After removal of both the lateral eyes of external gill stage tadpoles of the toadBufo melanostictus, the pineal organ gets transformed into a median eye. This type of transformation occurrs in tadpoles of both control and vitamin A treated groups. However, vitamin A increases the likelihood of homeotic regeneration (57% in the control group and 71% in the vitamin A treated group). Histological studies showed that the newly transformed median eye developed from the pineal organ. The pineal eye so developed possessed all components of a normal eye such as a retina, sensory cells and lens.  相似文献   

An enzymatic assay for l-methionine was developed by coupling adenosylmethionine synthetase (AdoMetS) to a pyrophosphate (PPi) detection system, which was constructed using pyruvate, phosphate dikinase. To expand the use of this assay, the PPi detection system was embodied as three different forms, which allowed PPi to be measured by UV, visible, and fluorescent light detectors. The assay system was robust and could tolerate the addition of inorganic phosphate and ATP to the assay mixtures. l-Methionine could be accurately determined by coupling the PPi detection system and AdoMetS. This AdoMetS coupling assay was highly selective to l-methionine and exhibited no significant activity to other proteinaceous amino acids, ammonia, or urea, unlike conventional enzymatic assays for l-methionine. Spike and recovery tests showed that the AdoMetS assay could accurately and reproducibly determine increases in l-methionine in human plasma samples without any pretreatment to remove proteins and potentially interfering low-molecular-weight molecules. The high selectivity and robustness of the AdoMetS assay provide rapid and high-throughput analysis of l-methionine in various kinds of analytes.  相似文献   

黄欣  李益民  杜聪  袁文杰 《生物工程学报》2022,38(12):4669-4680
聚磷酸激酶(polyphosphate kinase,PPK)在体外催化合成ATP的反应中有着重要作用。为寻找能利用短链聚磷酸盐(polyphosphate,polyP)为底物高效合成ATP的聚磷酸激酶,本文以来源于泗阳鞘氨醇杆菌(Sphingobacterium siyangensis)的聚磷酸激酶(PPK2)为研究目标,利用pET-29a构建重组质粒,在大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)BL21(DE3)中表达,并将其作为ATP再生系统的关键酶与l-氨基酸连接酶(YwfE)联用生产丙谷二肽(Ala-Gln)。ppk2长度为810bp,编码270个氨基酸;SDS-PAGE结果表明PPK2为可溶性表达,分子量为29.7kDa。对PPK2的最适反应条件进行了优化,结果发现其在22–42℃、pH7–10的范围内均可以保持较好活性,且在37℃、pH为7、镁离子(Mg2+)浓度为30mmol/L、底物ADP与六偏磷酸钠浓度分别为5mmol/L和10mmol/L时酶活最大,在0.5h时ATP产率可以达到理论值的60%以上。作为模式反应体系,当PPK2与YwfE联用生产Ala-Gln时,达到与直接添加ATP相同的效果。此聚磷酸激酶作为ATP再生系统具有较好的适用性,适用的温度和pH范围广,且能以廉价易得的短链polyP为底物高效合成ATP,为依赖ATP的催化反应体系的能量再生提供了新酶的来源。  相似文献   

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