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The rhombic lip, a dorsal stripe of the neuroepithelium lining the edge of the fourth ventricle, is the site of origin of precerebellar neurons (PCN), which migrate tangentially towards the floor plate. After reaching the floor plate, they project their axons to the cerebellum. Although previous studies have shown that the guidance molecules Netrin/DCC and Slit/Robo have critical roles in PCN migration, the molecular mechanisms underlying this process remain poorly understood. Here, we report that draxin, a repulsive axon guidance protein, is involved in PCN development. We found that draxin is expressed in the rhombic lip and migratory stream of some PCN in the developing hindbrain of mice. In addition, draxin inhibited neurite outgrowth and nuclei migration from rhombic lip explants. These results suggest that draxin functions as a repulsive guidance cue for PCN migration. However, we observed no significant differences in PCN distribution between draxin−/− and wild type embryos. Thus, draxin and other axon guidance cues may have redundant roles in PCN migration.  相似文献   

In the preceding paper, we reported that embryonic rat sympathetic neurons formed axons, but not dendrites, when they were maintained in the absence of serum and nonneuronal cells. To assess the effects of serum-derived factors on cellular morphology, cultures were initially maintained in serum-free medium while nonneuronal cells were eliminated. Subsequently some cultures were chronically exposed either to fetal calf serum (10%) or to a high-molecular-weight ammonium sulfate fraction of serum (P40 material, 500 micrograms/ml). Phase-contrast microscopy revealed that serum and P40 material did not alter neuronal survival, but did cause flattening of the somata and fasciculation of processes. When neurons exposed to serum or P40 material were injected with Lucifer Yellow, it was found that the majority (greater than or equal to 90%) had local, tapered processes that could be identified as dendrites by light microscopic criteria. These local processes also exhibited other dendritic characteristics in that (1) they reacted with monoclonal antibodies to nonphosphorylated forms of the M and H neurofilament subunits and to microtubule-associated protein 2; and (2) they had substantial amounts of RNA as determined by [3H]uridine autoradiography. Quantitative measurements of the effects of serum and P40 material on dendritic morphology revealed that (1) an 8-day exposure caused most neurons (greater than 80%) to form dendrites; (2) neurons typically had more than one dendrite (mean of 4.1 +/- 0.2 dendrites/cell after a 28-day exposure); and (3) the dendrites were relatively short with the maximum extent of the dendritic arbor being 110 +/- 13 micron after 4 weeks. Serum and P40 material did not routinely cause the formation of supernumerary axons, did not alter radial axonal outgrowth from ganglion explants, and did not significantly increase [3H]leucine incorporation. Thus, serum contains a factor (or factors) which selectively stimulates the extension of dendrites, but not axons. If such a factor were operative in situ, it could play an important role in determining the morphology of sympathetic neurons. In examining the mechanism of serum-induced dendritic growth, we found that even high concentrations (5 micrograms/ml) of nerve growth factor failed to promote dendritic growth in the absence of serum; thus, nerve growth factor by itself is not a sufficient condition for the extension of dendrites.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The behavior of embryonic murine lung cells on a basement membrane extract (Matrigel) was investigated. Single cell suspensions generated by trypsinization of lungs removed from day 12 embryos were plated on Matrigel and cultured for up to one week. The basement membrane extract was used as a gel, and as a wet or dried film. In all of these instances, organotypic arrangement of the embryonic lung cells was observed. This process consisted of cell aggregation, sorting, polarization and formation of a tridimensional organization resembling embryonic lung. The maximal degree of organotypic development was obtained by using a thick gel; minimal reorganization was observed using a dried film. A rabbit polyclonal serum to laminin inhibited organotypic pattern formation while normal rabbit serum did not. Culture of lung cells on laminin gels promoted epithelial cyst formation but poor mesenchymal organization. By studying the behavior of epithelial and/or mesenchymal enriched cell populations on Matrigel, it was concluded that organotypic pattern formation on Matrigel required the presence of both cell populations. Cultivation of dissociated lung cells on a gel consisting of a mixture of collagens type I and III (Vitrogen-100) produced only cell aggregation. Cultivation of lung cells on a thin film of Vitrogen-100 or on uncoated tissue culture plastic produced monolayers of mesenchymal cells alone. Cultivation of lung cells in suspension also failed to induce organotypic arrangement even at maximal cell densities. The present study strongly supports a role for the basement membrane in the organotypic rearrangement of embryonic lung cells and subsequent in vitro cyst formation and budding of the reestablished epithelium. This, in turn, reinforces the concept of the basement membrane as a major regulator of organogenesis.  相似文献   

It is known that following peripheral nerve transections, sheath cells proliferate and migrate to form a bridge between nerve stumps, which may facilitate axonal regeneration. In the present investigations, cellular migration and axonal outgrowth from nerves of adult mice were studied in vitro using collagen gels. During the first 3 days in culture, profuse migration of fibroblasts and macrophages occurred from the ends of sciatic nerve segments, which had been lesioned in situ a few days prior to explanation, but not from segments of normal nerves. The mechanism of cellular activation in the lesioned nerves was not determined, but migration was blocked by suramin, which inhibits the actions of several growth factors. The migrating cells, which form the bridge tissue, may promote axonal regeneration in two ways. Firstly, axonal outgrowth from isolated intercostal nerves was significantly increased in co-cultures with bridges from lesioned sciatic nerves. This stimulatory effect was inhibited by antibodies to 2.5S nerve growth factor. Secondly, the segments of bridge tissue contracted when removed from animals. It is possible that fibroblasts within the bridge exert traction that would tend to pull the lesioned stumps of peripheral nerve together, as in the healing of skin wounds. The traction may also influence deposition of extracellular matrix materials, such as collagen fibrils, which could orient the growth of the regenerating axons toward the distal nerve stump. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Sympathetic thoracic chain ganglia of 3-day-old rats were cultured in collagen gel medium for 24 hours together with explants from heart atrium, liver, kidney, cornea, iris, lung, adrenal cortex, adrenal medulla, skeletal muscle, or vas deferens. The extent of nerve fibre growth was estimated by counting the number of fibres crossing each arc of a sector drawn in the ocular. The various tissues stimulated nerve fibre growth to distinctly different extents. The increase in the nerve fibre outgrowth induced by atrium and iris was statistically highly significant. Kidney, liver, vas deferens, lung, and adrenal cortex had, in that order, a decreasingly stimulatory influence on sympathetic chain ganglia. Yet they all caused a significant increase in nerve fibre growth. Skeletal muscle, cornea and adrenal medulla had no stimulatory effect. Since the significant effects of the tissue explants were abolished by antiserum to nerve growth factor (NGF), it is concluded that the observed effects were due to NGF produced by the explants. The only exception was vas deferens, the stimulatory action of which proved to be partially NGF-independent.  相似文献   

In vitro and in situ experiments were conducted to evaluate the hypothesis that the nonclassical opioid peptide nociceptin acting on sympathetic preganglionic neurons (SPNs) inhibits spinal sympathetic outflow. First, whole cell patch recordings were made from antidromically identified SPNs from immature (12-16 day old) rat spinal cord slices. Nociceptin (0.1, 0.3, and 1 microM) concentration dependently suppressed the excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) evoked by focal stimulation and hyperpolarized a population of SPNs; these effects were naloxone insensitive. L-Glutamate-induced depolarizations were not significantly changed by nociceptin. Results from this series of experiments indicate that nociceptin inhibits the activity of SPNs by either a presynaptic or postsynaptic site of action, whereby the peptide reduces, respectively, the amplitude of EPSPs or the excitability of SPNs. Second, intrathecal injection of nociceptin (3, 10, and 30 nmol) to urethan-anesthetized rats dose dependently reduced the mean arterial pressure and heart rate; these effects were not prevented by prior intravenous administration of naloxone (1 mg/kg). Physiological saline given intrathecally was without appreciable effects. These results, together with earlier observations of the detection of nociceptin-immunoreactive nerve fibers and nociceptin receptor immunoreactivity in the rat intermediolateral cell column, raise the possibility that the opioid peptide, which may be released endogenously, reduces spinal sympathetic outflow by depressing the activity of SPNs.  相似文献   

To determine whether glia from different regions of the central nervous system (CNS) initiate or maintain primary dendritic growth, embryonic day 18 mouse cortical neurons were co-cultured with rat (postnatal day 4) astroglial cells derived from retina, spinal cord, mesencephalon, striatum, olfactory bulb, retina, and cortex. Axon and dendrite outgrowth from isolated neurons was quantified using morphological and immunohistochemical techniques at 18 h and 1, 3, and 5 days in vitro. Neurons initially extend the same number of neurites, regardless of the source of glial monolayer; however, glial cells differ in their ability to maintain primary dendrites. Homotypic cortical astrocytes maintain the greatest number of primary dendrites. Glia derived from the olfactory bulb and retina maintained intermediate numbers of dendrites, whereas only a small number of primary dendrites were maintained by glia derived from striatum, spinal cord, or mesencephalon. Longer axons were initially observed from neurons grown on glia that did not maintain dendrite number. Axonal length, however, was similar on the various monolayers after 5 days in vitro. Neurons that were grown in media conditioned by either mesencephalic or cortical glia for the first 24 h followed by culture media from glia of the alternate source for 4 days in vitro confirmed that glia maintained, rather than initiated, the outgrowth of the primary dendritic arbor. These results indicate that glial cells derived from various CNS regions differ in their ability to maintain the primary dendritic arbor from mouse cortical neurons in vitro. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Lai CC  Lin HH  Chen CW  Chen SH  Chiu TH 《Life sciences》2002,71(9):1035-1045
Lead exposure elicited an increase in blood pressure and was considered to be a cardiovascular risk factor. The involvements of sympathetic nervous system and circulating catecholamines have been implicated in lead-induced hypertension. This study examined the effects of PbCl(2) on sympathetic preganglionic neurons (SPNs) in vitro and in vivo. In vitro electrophysiological study showed that superfusion of a low concentration (5 microM) of PbCl(2), which had no effects on membrane potential and spontaneous discharge rate, enhanced excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in some of the SPNs examined but inhibited inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) in other SPNs tested. A higher concentration (50 microM) of PbCl(2) inhibited both EPSPs and IPSPs in all SPNs examined. In vivo study showed that intrathecal injection of PbCl(2) (10 and 100 nmol) via an implanted cannula to the T7-T9 segments of urethane-anesthetized rats increased both the heart rate and mean arterial pressure. The pressor and tachycardic responses of intrathecal PbCl(2) (100 nmol) were attenuated by pretreatment with intravenous administration of hexamethonium (10 mg/kg) or intrathecal AP-5 (DL-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid, 100 nmol), but were not significantly antagonized by prior intrathecal administration of CNQX (6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione, 100 nmol). Taken together, these results demonstrated that lead may exert a stimulatory effect on SPNs, which may result from the enhancement of EPSPs and inhibition of IPSPs by low concentrations of lead.  相似文献   

The endoderm-inducing effect of the mesoderm-derived supportive cell line M15 on embryonic stem (ES) cells is partly mediated through the extracellular matrix, of which laminin α5 is a crucial component. Mouse ES or induced pluripotent stem cells cultured on a synthesized basement membrane (sBM) substratum, using an HEK293 cell line (rLN10-293 cell) stably expressing laminin-511, could differentiate into definitive endoderm and subsequently into pancreatic lineages. In this study, we investigated the differentiation on sBM of mouse and human ES cells into hepatic lineages. The results indicated that the BM components played an important role in supporting the regional-specific differentiation of ES cells into hepatic endoderm. We show here that knockdown of integrin β1 (Itgb1) in ES cells reduced their differentiation into hepatic lineages and that this is mediated through Akt signaling activation. Moreover, under optimal conditions, human ES cells differentiated to express mature hepatocyte markers and secreted high levels of albumin. This novel procedure for inducing hepatic differentiation will be useful for elucidating the molecular mechanisms controlling lineage-specific fates during gut regionalization. It could also represent an attractive approach to providing a surrogate cell source, not only for regenerative medicine, but also for pharmaceutical and toxicologic studies.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of the teratogenic effects of L-asparaginase on 10.5- and 11.5-day rat embryos after 24 and 48 hours of exposure in vitro, respectively, were performed. Several medium concentrations of L-asparaginase (0.05, 0.25, and 1.5 IU/ml) were tested in both embryo series. Resulting embryos were submitted to morphological studies in a search for a specific route of pathogenesis. Morphological alterations of the visceral yolk sac were also studied to investigate its contribution to L-asparaginase teratogenicity in rats. Main embryonic malformations (open truncal neural tube, open encephalic vesicles, anophthalmia, lack of inversion, abnormal frontolateral protrusions, great vascular dilations at the cephalic level) and developmental retardation were already generated after the first 24 hours of culture (embryos of 10.5 days) and presented a dose-response relationship. Vascular dilations and neurulation disturbances seemed to be related to an early mesenchyme deficiency. Reduced number of mesenchymal cells was more evident in embryos of 10.5 days than those of 11.5 days, suggesting the existence of a later compensatory mechanism of cellular proliferation in the older embryo. Visceral yolk-sac endodermal cells at both embryonic stages were greatly deformed and enlarged by an increase of the high electron-dense vacuolar system. Therefore, both a blockage of the processes of lysosomal digestion and derived trophic deficiencies probably existed. A double teratogenic mechanism for L-asparaginase is postulated: a direct action mainly in younger embryos (before invagination of the embryo into the yolk sac) and a yolk sac-mediated one.  相似文献   

Schwann cells, the myelin-forming cells of the peripheral nervous system, are surrounded by a basement membrane. Whether cultured rat Schwann cells synthesize the basement membrane-specific components, laminin and collagen type IV, and whether these components influence the adhesion, morphology, and growth of these cells have been investigated. Both laminin and collagen type IV were detected in the cytoplasm of Schwann cells by immunofluorescence. After ascorbate treatment, laminin and collagen type IV were both found in an extracellular fibrillar matrix bound to the Schwann cell surface. Laminin was further localized on the Schwann cell surface by electron microscopy using gold immunolabeling. Anti-laminin IgG-labeled gold particles were scattered over the cell surface, and linear rows of particles and small aggregates were found along the cell edges and at points of contact with other cells. When added to the culture medium, laminin acted as a potent adhesion factor, stimulating Schwann cell adhesion as much as eightfold above control levels on type IV collagen. In the presence of laminin, the cells became stellate and by 24 hr had extended long, thin processes. Laminin also stimulated cell growth in a dose-dependent manner and anti-laminin IgG completely inhibited cell attachment and growth in the absence of exogenous laminin. Thus, cultured Schwann cells synthesize laminin and collagen type IV, two major components of basement membrane, and laminin may trigger Schwann cell differentiation in vivo during early stages of axon-Schwann cell interaction before myelination.  相似文献   

Dispersed neurons from embryonic chicken sympathetic ganglia were innervated in vitro by explants of spinal cord containing the autonomic preganglionic nucleus or somatic motor nucleus. The maturation of postsynaptic acetylcholine (ACh) sensitivity and synaptic activity was evaluated from ACh and synaptically evoked currents in voltage-clamped neurons at several stages of innervation. All innervated cells are more sensitive to ACh than uninnervated neurons regardless of the source of cholinergic input. Similarly, medium conditioned by either dorsal or ventral explants mimics innervation by enhancing neuronal ACh sensitivity. This increase is due to changes in the rate of appearance of ACh receptors on the cell surface. There are also several changes in the nature of synaptic transmission with development in vitro, including an increased frequency of synaptic events and the appearance of larger amplitude synaptic currents. In addition, the mean amplitude of the unit synaptic current mode increases, as predicted from the observed changes in postsynaptic sensitivity. Although spontaneous synaptic current amplitude histograms with multimodal distributions are seen at all stages of development, histograms from early synapses are typically unimodal. Changes in the synaptic currents and ACh sensitivity between 1 and 4 days of innervation were paralleled by an increase in the number of synaptic events that evoked suprathreshold activity in the postsynaptic neurons. The early pre- and postsynaptic differentiation described here for interneuronal synapses formed in vitro may be responsible for increased efficacy of synaptic transmission during development in vivo.  相似文献   

Using ELISAs for B-50/GAP43 and neurofilament (NF), we tested ACTH(1–24), -MSH, ACTH(4–10), and an ACTH(4–9) analogue (ORG2766) for their ability to induce sprouting and neuritogenesis from spinal and sensory neurons. Dissociated fetal rat spinal cord neurons or neonatal rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells were cultured with peptide and assayed after 24, 48, or 96 h. In spinal neurons, -MSH and ACTH(1–24) induced the expression of B-50 dose dependently. After 24 h -MSH had a stimulatory effect (from 10 nM onwards), with a maximum at 100 μM (36% increase). After 96 h the maximal effect of 100 μM -MSH on B-50/GAP43 was lower (19%). ACTH(1–24) (100 μM) stimulated B-50/GAP43 by 19%. Neurofilament levels (96 h) were elevated maximally by 64% at 100 μM -MSH. In DRG neurons a bell-shaped dose-response curve was found for -MSH, the maximal effect being observed after 48 h at 100 nM: 54% for B-50/GAP43 and 22% for NF. In both culture systems neither ACTH(4–10) nor ORG2766 was effective. We conclude that -MSH stimulates the expression of B-50/GAP43 (sprouting) and the formation of NF (neurite elongation) and may therefore be considered a neurotrophic factor.  相似文献   

Previous studies from this and other laboratories demonstrated that many embryonic sensory ganglion cells in the rat transiently express the catecholamine synthesizing enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), a trait not expressed by most mature sensory neurons. We, therefore, sought to determine whether transient expression was uniquely associated with catecholaminergic traits, or, alternatively, whether embryonic ganglion cells transiently expressed peptidergic properties as well. Of the four peptides examined {somatostatin [somatotropin release inhibiting factor] (SRIF), galanin (Gal), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), and substance P (SP)}, only SRIF was found to be transiently expressed during early stages of sensory gangliogenesis. Surprisingly, SRIF immunoreactivity was observed in virtually all cranial and spinal sensory ganglion cells on embryonic day (E) 12.5. In addition to perikaryal labeling, intense SRIF immunoreactivity was also observed in the central and peripheral processes of E12.5 sensory neurons, suggesting the peptide may be released from nerve endings. The time course of SRIF appearance in cranial ganglion cells paralleled that previously described for TH, and double labeling studies revealed extensive co-localization of these two phenotypes. By E16.5, however, the number of neurons expressing SRIF had diminished markedly, indicating that SRIF is only transiently expressed by most sensory neurons during early stages of ganglion development. An unexpected finding was that transient expression of SRIF is also a prominent feature of sympathetic ganglion cells; however, the temporal pattern of staining in the sympathetic and sensory ganglia differed substantially. Whereas virtually no SRIF staining was observed in E12.5 sympathetics, the vast majority of cells in the E16.5 superior cervical ganglion (SCG) were labeled. This contrasted sharply with the adult SCG, in which only low levels of SRIF expression were found. These findings demonstrate that SRIF peptide is transiently expressed at high levels in peripheral sensory and sympathetic neurons during embryogenesis. The time course and widespread distribution of SRIF expression indicates that the peptide may play a role in early stages of ganglion cell growth and development. Moreover, these data, in conjunction with previous studies demonstrating SRIF immunoreactivity in developing central neurons, suggest that transient expression of this peptide is a common property of diverse neuronal cell types. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Previous studies from this and other laboratories demonstrated that many embryonic sensory ganglion cells in the rat transiently express the catecholamine synthesizing enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), a trait not expressed by most mature sensory neurons. We, therefore, sought to determine whether transient expression was uniquely associated with catecholaminergic traits, or, alternatively, whether embryonic ganglion cells transiently expressed peptidergic properties as well. Of the four peptides examined (somatostatin [somatotropin release inhibiting factor] (SRIF), galanin (Gal), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), and substance P (SP)), only SRIF was found to be transiently expressed during early stages of sensory gangliogenesis. Surprisingly, SRIF immunoreactivity was observed in virtually all cranial and spinal sensory ganglion cells on embryonic day (E) 12.5. In addition to perikaryal labeling, intense SRIF immunoreactivity was also observed in the central and peripheral processes of E12.5 sensory neurons, suggesting the peptide may be released from nerve endings. The time course of SRIF appearance in cranial ganglion cells paralleled that previously described for TH, and double-labeling studies revealed extensive co-localization of these two phenotypes. By E16.5, however, the number of neurons expressing SRIF had diminished markedly, indicating that SRIF is only transiently expressed by most sensory neurons during early stages of ganglion development. An unexpected finding was that transient expression of SRIF is also a prominent feature of sympathetic ganglion cells; however, the temporal pattern of staining in the sympathetic and sensory ganglia differed substantially. Whereas virtually no SRIF staining was observed in E12.5 sympathetics, the vast majority of cells in the E16.5 superior cervical ganglion (SCG) were labeled. This contrasted sharply with the adult SCG, in which only low levels of SRIF expression were found. These findings demonstrate that SRIF peptide is transiently expressed at high levels in peripheral sensory and sympathetic neurons during embryogenesis. The time course and widespread distribution of SRIF expression indicates that the peptide may play a role in early stages of ganglion cell growth and development. Moreover, these data, in conjunction with previous studies demonstrating SRIF immunoreactivity in developing central neurons, suggest that transient expression of this peptide is a common property of diverse neuronal cell types.  相似文献   

The purposes of the experiments reported is to provide an unambiguous demonstration that embryonic skeletal muscle contains factors that act directly on embryonic spinal motor neurons both to support their survival and to stimulate the outgrowth of neurites. Cells of lumbar and brachial ventral spinal cords from 6-day-old chick embryos were separated by centrifugation in a two-step metrizamide gradient, and a motor neuron enriched fraction was obtained. Motor neurons were identified by retrogradely labeling with rhodamine isothiocyanate, and were enriched fourfold in the motor neuron fraction relative to unfractionated cells. In culture, the isolated motor neurons died within 3-4 days unless they were supplemented with embryonic chick skeletal muscle extract. Two functionally distinct entities separable by ammonium sulfate precipitation were responsible for the effects of muscle extracts on motor neurons. The 0-25% ammonium sulfate precipitate contained molecules that alone had no effect on neuronal survival but when bound to polyornithine-coated culture substrata, stimulated neurite outgrowth and potentiated the survival activity present in muscle. Most of this activity was due to a laminin-like molecule being immunoprecipitated with antisera against laminin, and immunoblotting demonstrated the presence of both the A and B chains of laminin. A long-term survival activity resided in the 25-70% ammonium sulfate fraction, and its apparent total and specific activities were strongly dependent on the culture substrate. In contrast to the motor neurons, the cells from the other metrizamide fraction (including neuronal cells) could be kept in culture for a prolonged time without addition of exogenous factor(s).  相似文献   

K S O'Shea  L H Liu  V M Dixit 《Neuron》1991,7(2):231-237
The ability of thrombospondin (TSP), an extracellular matrix glycoprotein, and two proteolytic fragments to support adhesion and neurite outgrowth from embryonic dorsal root ganglia, spinal cord neurons, and PC12 cells was examined. Anti-TSP antibodies or a synthetic peptide (GRGDS) containing an RGD cell-binding region was also added to cells plated on TSP. TSP and its 140 kd fragment were more efficient than laminin controls in supporting adhesion. Neurites formed on laminin, on varying concentrations of TSP, and particularly the 140 kd fragment. The amino-terminal heparin-binding domain supported little adhesion and outgrowth. Both adhesion and process outgrowth on TSP were inhibited by addition of anti-TSP antibodies, but not GRGDS.  相似文献   

Basement membrane biosynthesis in vitro was studied in a rapidly growing embryonic tissue, the rat parietal yolk sac. This tissue consists of a thick, nonvascular basement membrane (Reichert's membrane) separating two cellular layers (parietal endoderm and trophoblast). Morphologically, Reichert's membrane appeared similar to other basement membranes. Previous analysis of the amino acid and carbohydrate composition of acellular Reichert's membrane showed it to be typical of basement membranes isolated from other tissues and species. Analysis of [14-C]proline incorporation and hydroxy [14-C]proline synthesis during the third quarter ogestation in vitro showed that basement membrane collagen synthesis in the parietal yolk sac was maximal around the 14th day of gestation. At this time, basement membrane collagen represented nearly 10% of the newly synthesized protein. The collagen synthesized in this system was characteristic of basement membrane collagen in that about 11% of the total hydroxy [14-C]proline was present as the 3-isomer. In addition, after incubation in the presence of [14-C]lysine, 83 to 94% of the hydroxy[14-C]lysine was glycosylated, with the predominant form being glucosylgalactosylhydroxy[14-C]lysine. When the parietal endoderm and trophoblast were incubated separately with [14-C]proline, it was determined that the former was solely responsible for the synthesis of basement membrane collagen since essentially all of the 4-hydroxy[14-C]proline was associated with this cell type. Autoradiographic experiments with [3-H]glucosamine also served to localize the synthesis of noncollagen basement membrane glycoprotein components to the parietal endoderm. As with the results reported for basement membrane collagen secretion in embryonic chick lens cells, there appeared to be approximately a 60-min delay between the incorporation of [14-C]proline into protein and the secretion of collagen as measured by the appearance of 4-hydroxy[14-C]proline in the culture medium. Experiments utilizing [3H]glucosamine to monitor glycoprotein synthesis did not show a delay between the incorporation of [3H]glucosamine and the secretion of nondialyzable 3-H into the medium. The results obtained using the parietal yolk sac system to study basement membrane biosynthesis were compared to those previously obtained using the kidney glomerular and embryonic chick lens systems. It was concluded that the parietal yolk sac system is superior for a number of reasons: (a) the extracellular matrix appeared to contain only basement membrane components; there was no contamination by acid mucopolysaccharides or other types of collagen; (b) only a single cell type appeared to be responsible for the synthesis of basement membrane components; and (c) a relatively large percentage of the newly synthesized protein was basement membrane collagen.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the protective effect of Apocynum venetum leaf extract (AVLE) on an in vitro model of ischemia-reperfusion induced by oxygen and glucose deprivation (OGD) and further explored the possible mechanisms underlying protection. Cell injury was assessed by morphological examination using phase-contrast microscopy and quantified by measuring the amount of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) leakage; cell viability was measured by XTT reduction. Neuronal apoptosis was determined by flow cytometry, and electron microscopy was used to study morphological changes of neurons. Caspase-3,?-8, and?-9 activation and Bcl-2/Bax protein expression were determined by Western blot analysis. We report that treatment with AVLE (5 and 50?μg/mL) effectively reduced neuronal cell death and relieved cell injury induced by OGD. Moreover, AVLE decreased the percentage of apoptotic neurons, relieved neuronal morphological damage, suppressed overexpression of active caspase-3 and?-8 and Bax, and inhibited the reduction of Bcl-2 expression. These findings indicate that AVLE protects against OGD-induced injury by inhibiting apoptosis in rat cortical neurons by down-regulating caspase-3 activation and modulating the Bcl-2/Bax ratio.  相似文献   

The water-soluble fraction of kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala DC.) had immunoglobulin (Ig) production stimulating activity in human hybridoma HB4C5 cells and human peripheral blood lymphocytes. The biochemical and physical properties of the main active substance in kale were found to be a heat-stable protein with a molecular weight higher than 50 kDa. The Ig production-stimulating factors were assumed to act on the translational and/or secreting processes of Igs. This Ig production-stimulating effect was also observed in lymphocytes from the mesenteric lymph node and Peyer's patches of mice that had been administered with the kale extract for 14 d. The partially purified kale extract was analyzed by LC-ESI-MS/MS, the result indicating ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rubisco) as an active substance. Rubisco from spinach indeed exhibited Ig production-stimulating activity in HB4C5 cells. These findings provide another beneficial aspect of kale as a health-promoting foodstuff.  相似文献   

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