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Authorship of biomedical articles serves to acknowledge and credit individuals who contributed substantially to the development, writing, and editing of articles. In addition, authorship indicates who is responsible for ideas and experiments, and can be used to hold people accountable if something is disproven or shown false. Types of authorship can be divided into four primary categories: ghost authorship, guest authorship, gift authorship, and legitimate authorship. Of these four categories, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (along with other journals, the World Association of Medical Editors, the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, the Council of Science Editors, and the Committee on Publication Ethics) affirms that only authors who meet the criteria of "legitimate authorship" as authors should be listed on an article. This article discusses what constitutes legitimate article authorship and sets forth the Journal's policy on authorship.  相似文献   

I developed an inquiry-based laboratory model that uses a central theme throughout the semester to develop in undergraduate biology majors the skills required for conducting science while introducing them to modern and classical physiological techniques. The physiology laboratory uses a goal-oriented approach, with students working cooperatively in small groups to answer basic biological questions. The student teams work to develop skills associated with experimental design, data analysis, written and oral communication, science literacy, and critical thinking. The laboratory curriculum is a research-based model that offers the advantage of students asking open-ended questions by use of a variety of techniques. For the students and instructor alike, this presents an exciting and challenging approach for learning physiology and basic biological principles. Another advantage of this laboratory model is that it is flexible and adaptable; the central theme can be any that the instructor chooses, and the goals and techniques developed are based on student and instructor needs and interests. Students who have completed this model at Loyola College in Maryland have become equipped with the skills essential for any area of the biological sciences and, most importantly, showed elevated excitement and commitment to learning.  相似文献   

Modern immunology has been notably free of public disputes over credit for major discoveries in this discipline. But the early recognition of the lymphatic system witnessed two examples of heated priority feuds. The first in the 17th-century concerned the greater anatomical organization of the system, while the second in the 18th-century concerned its function. This essay reviews the earlier of the two disputes, in which a Swedish medical student (Ole Rudbeck) charged a respected Danish Professor (T. Bartholin) with plagiarism and antedating his observations. Thus ethical issues in immunology predate modern times. How this discipline reached this point in its history is another focus of this essay and also an excuse to review briefly the anatomy of the lymphatic system. The influence of nationalistic pride on priority disputes is also discussed.  相似文献   

Instructed control defined as differential compliance with verbal instructions to increase and decrease a response was assessed when a change in sudomotor activation or heart rate was specified as the behavioral goal. Instructed control of heart rate was evident prior to explicit feedback training for this response, but instructed control of sudomotor activation defined as finger sweating and measured as skin conductance was not. Feedback training subsequently established instructed control of sudomotor responding, but such training did not lead to a significant improvement in control of heart rate. Explicit strategy suggestions emphasizing emotional responding and intended or actual movement appeared to interfere with the performance of instructed control under both target conditions. Instructed changes in heart rate were attended by correlated changes in somatomotor and respiratory function. Somatomotor and respiratory responses were also observed when subjects were instructed to change sudomotor activation, but these correlated activities were of small magnitude and were not augmented by feedback training as was target responding. Several accounts of the basis for differences that were evident between the target conditions with respect to feedback effects and response patterns are discussed.These experiments constituted a doctoral dissertation submitted to McMaster University by J. M. Lacroix. The research was supported by grants from the National Research Council of Canada (A0132) and the Ontario Mental Health Foundation (345) to L. E. Roberts, who was thesis supervisor. Supplementary data analyses were supported by a grant from Glendon College to J. M. Lacroix. We wish to thank A. H. Black for his comments on this work.  相似文献   

In the background of those physicians who have problems in medical practice serious enough to attract attention by the licensing body, there are factors that apparently can help predict such behavior. As a candidate for medical school the applicant more likely to have future problems has the following profile: (1) older than the average applicant with a lower grade point average; (2) more likely to have used tobacco; (3) did not receive a baccalaureate degree; (4) no military service; (5) turned in a sloppy handwritten application form, and (6) received a less than ideal character reference by the college from which applying. Furthermore, after admission to medical school the person more prone to future problems tends to be a poorer student than his peers and to receive a poorer rating in his first postgraduate year. The Loma Linda University graduate who has had such problems is also more likely to have settled in Southern California and to be in general practice.  相似文献   

Julien-Joseph Virey (1775-1846) held the position of pharmacist-in-chief at the Val-de-Grace, a military hospital. He was an innovative pharmacist, naturalist, anthropologist, and philosopher and a prolific author. His writings encompassed a wide range of topics, although many of his ideas were sometimes harshly questioned. Interest in Virey's work today stems from renewed appreciation of his doctoral thesis in medicine, which was completed in 1814 in Paris and was the first devoted to biological rhythms. Virey envisioned biological rhythms to be innate in origin and controlled by living clocks entrained by periodic environmental changes, such as the day-night alternation in light and darkness. He also reported that the effects of drugs vary according to their administration time. But, above all, he collected and published quantified time series that demonstrated human circadian and annual mortality rhythms. Statistical analysis of Virey's data using modern time series methods confirms his deduction that human mortality exhibits rhythmicity. Comparison of his findings with those derived from analyses of more recent human mortality time series shows the characteristics of these rhythms have changed little since 1807 despite differences in environmental conditions. Virey deserves credit for establishing the field of chronobiology based on his insights and writings.  相似文献   

Armand de Ricqlès has had a long, successful career. From his start as an Assistant in the University of Paris in 1961, he defended his doctoral thesis in 1963, became Maître-Assistant (Assistant Professor) in 1970 (tenured 1971), defended his “doctorat d’état” (habilitation thesis) in 1973, was nominated Professor in the University Paris 7, was promoted to first class (Full Professor) in 1987, and was finally nominated to the prestigious chair “Biologie Historique et Évolutionnisme” (Historical and Evolutionary Biology) of the Collège de France in 1996. He lectured on a wide range of topics, especially in comparative and evolutionary biology, and assumed important administrative responsibilities, including responsibility of various master's programs, leadership of the team “Formations squelettiques” (1973–2002; till Professor Jacques Castanet took over leadership of the team), involvement in various committees, and in organizing scientific meetings. He served on several editorial committees and was co-editor of the “Annales des Sciences Naturelles”, as well as co-editor-in-chief of the “Comptes Rendus Palevol”. His scientific research always emphasized bone histology, especially paleohistology, but he also made contributions to systematic paleontology, phylogenetics, history of paleontology, and biological nomenclature, in decreasing order of importance. He has so far published over 100 scientific papers and 120 semi-popular papers.  相似文献   

The Bernard Distinguished Lecturers are individuals who have a history of experience and expertise in teaching that impacts multiple levels of health science education. Dr. Joel Michael more than meets these criteria. Joel earned a BS in biology from CalTech and a PhD in physiology from MIT following which he vigorously pursued his fascination with the mammalian central nervous system under continuous National Institutes of Health funding for a 15-yr period. At the same time, he became increasingly involved in teaching physiology, with the computer being his bridge between laboratory science and classroom teaching. Soon after incorporating computers into his laboratory, he began developing computer-based learning resources for his students. Observing students using these resources to solve problems led to an interest in the learning process itself. This in turn led to a research and development program, funded by the Office of Naval Research (ONR), that applied artificial intelligence to develop smart computer tutors. The impact of problem solving on student learning became the defining theme of National Science Foundation (NSF)-supported research in health science education that gradually moved all of Dr. Michael's academic efforts from neurophysiology to physiology education by the early 1980's. More recently, Joel has been instrumental in developing and maintaining the Physiology Education Research Consortium, a group of physiology teachers from around the nation who collaborate on diverse projects designed to enhance learning of the life sciences. In addition to research in education and learning science, Dr. Michael has devoted much of his time to helping physiology teachers adopt modern approaches to helping students learn. He has organized and presented faculty development workshops at many national and international venues. The topics for these workshops have included computer-based education, active learning, problem-based learning, and the use of general models in teaching physiology.  相似文献   

Robert Yerkes is a pivotal figure in American psychology and primatology in the first half of the twentieth century. As is well known, Yerkes first studied ape intelligence in 1915, on a visit to the private California laboratory of the psychiatrist Gilbert Hamilton, a former student. Less widely appreciated is how far the work done at the Hamilton lab, in its aims and ambitions as well as its techniques, served as a template for much of Yerkes's research thereafter. This paper uses the Hamilton-Yerkes relationship to re-examine Yerkes's career and, more generally, that of American psychology in the early twentieth century. Three points especially are emphasized: first, the role of Freudian psychoanalysis as a spur to Hamilton's experimental studies of ape intelligence; second, the importance of Hamilton's laboratory, with its semi-wild population of monkeys and ape, as a model for Yerkes's efforts to create a laboratory of his own; and third, the influence on Yerkes of Hamilton's optimism about experimental psychological studies of nonhuman primates as a source of lessons beneficial to a troubled human world.  相似文献   

Collaboration can improve conservation initiatives through increases in article impact and by building scientific understating required for conservation practice. We investigated temporal trends in collaboration in the tropical ecology and conservation literature by examining patterns of authorship for 2271 articles published from 2000 to 2016 in Biotropica and the Journal of Tropical Ecology. Consistent with trends in other studies and scientific disciplines, we found that the number of authors per article increased from 2.6 in 2000 to 4.2 in 2015 using a generalized linear model (glm). We modeled changes in multinational collaboration in articles using a glm and found that the mean number of author‐affiliated countries increased from 1.3 (±0.6 SD) to 1.7 (±0.8 SD) over time and that increases were best explained by the number of authors per article. The proportion of authors based in tropical countries increased, but the probability of tropical–extratropical collaboration did not and was best explained solely by the number of authors per article. Overall, our analyses suggest that only certain types of collaboration are increasing and that these increases coincide with a general increase in the number of authors per article. Such changes in author numbers and collaboration could be the result of increased data sharing, changes in the scope of research questions, changes in authorship criteria, or scientific migration. We encourage tropical conservation scientists continue to build collaborative ties, particularly with researchers based in underrepresented tropical countries, to ensure that tropical ecology and conservation remains inclusive and effective.  相似文献   

The paper reviews the life of Paul Ehrlich and his biomedical accomplishments in immunology, cancer research, and chemotherapy. Ehrlich achieved renown as an organic chemist, histologist, hematologist, immunologist, and pharmacologist. He disliked the formality of school but managed to excel in Latin and mathematics. His role model was an older cousin, Carl Welgert, who became a lifelong friend. Ehrlich studied medicine at Breslau, Strasbourg, Freiburg, and Leipzig, coming under the influence of Wilhelm Waldeyer, Julius Cohnheim, Rudolf Heidenhein, and Ferdinand Cohn. As a medical student, Ehrlich was captivated by structural organic chemistry and dyes. When he was 23, his first paper was published on selective staining. His doctoral thesis, “Contribution to the Theory and Practice of Histological Staining” contained most of the germinal ideas that would guide his future career. Most of his early work was centered in Berlin at Charité Hospital, where he did pioneering studies on blood and intravital staining, and at Robert Koch's Institute for Infectious Diseases, where he undertook important investigations in Immunology. Ehrlich became an authority on antitoxin standardization and developed the “side-chain theory” of antibody formation for which he was later awarded the Nobel Prize. He became director of an Institute for Experimental Therapy in Frankfurt where he continued research in immunology and carried out routine serum testing. He developed new lines of investigation in cancer research and originated the field of chemotherapy. Using principles developed in his early work with dyes, he successfully treated certain experimental trypanosomal infections with azo dyes. His crowning accomplishment was discovering that the compound Salvarsan could control human syphilis. Ehrlich's legacy in immunology and chemotherapy is discussed and an intimate portrait is drawn of Ehrlich the person.  相似文献   

Authorship credit for multi-authored scientific publications is routinely allocated either by issuing full publication credit repeatedly to all coauthors, or by dividing one credit equally among all coauthors. The ensuing inflationary and equalizing biases distort derived bibliometric measures of merit by systematically benefiting secondary authors at the expense of primary authors. Here I show how harmonic counting, which allocates credit according to authorship rank and the number of coauthors, provides simultaneous source-level correction for both biases as well as accommodating further decoding of byline information. I also demonstrate large and erratic effects of counting bias on the original h-index, and show how the harmonic version of the h-index provides unbiased bibliometric ranking of scientific merit while retaining the original''s essential simplicity, transparency and intended fairness. Harmonic decoding of byline information resolves the conundrum of authorship credit allocation by providing a simple recipe for source-level correction of inflationary and equalizing bias. Harmonic counting could also offer unrivalled accuracy in automated assessments of scientific productivity, impact and achievement.  相似文献   

郑集是我国老一辈著名的生物化学家、营养家家 ,是我国生物化学、营养学的先导者之一 ,衰老生物化学的主要奠基者 .郑集 1 90 0年生于四川省南溪县农村 ,家境贫寒 .他的童年和青年时期都是在贫病交加的情况下度过的 .他没有读过正规中学 ,他克服难以想象的困难考入南京东南大学 (后改为中央大学 ) ,1 92 8年毕业 .后来 ,他有幸出国深造 ,1 934年获美国印第安那大学博士学位 .当即回国 ,开始他的教学和蛋白质化学、营养学的研究工作 .1 937~ 1 946年学校因抗战西迁四川 ,尽管条件极度困难 ,他在工作之余还著书立说 ,创办杂志和筹建学会 .抗战胜利后 ,回到南京重建实验室 ,奋力工作 .1 949年解放以后 ,郑集先后在南京大学 (原名中央大学 )、军医大学和调整后的南京大学工作至今 .1 957年在南京大学建立生物化学专业 ,培养了许多专业人才 .70年代初开辟衰老生化机制的研究 ,提出代谢失调学说 .已经发表的论文和著作达 30 0篇 /本 ,获得国内外荣誉证书和奖状等 50多件 .郑集工作勤奋 ,孜孜不倦 ,几乎将节假日都用来工作 .他性格顽强 ,不怕困难 ,勇于做开创性的工作 .他讲课内容丰富 ,善于启发 ,被学生誉为艺术享受 .他对学生和青年教师全面关心 ,要求严格 ,许多学生畏而敬之 .他生活俭朴 ,品德高尚 ,他将仅  相似文献   

Inge-Vechtomov SG 《Genetika》2007,43(10):1287-1298
Mikhail E. Lobashev (1907-1971), Head of the Department of Genetics and Breeding with the Leningrad (now, St. Petersburg) State University from 1957 to 1971, had traveled a long way from a homeless to an Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation. Lobashev was among the discoverers of chemical mutagenesis in Drosophila; he pioneered in connecting the mutation process and the repair of genetic material and developed the concept of signal inheritance. Through the entire Great Patriotic War, he served with the field forces, and defended his doctoral dissertation on the physiological hypothesis of mutation process in 1946 on the return to the University. In 1948, Mikhail Efimovich was discharged from the University, where he was the Dean of the Biological Faculty, as a Morganist. On his return to the University in 1957, Lobashev devoted all his energies to the restoration of genetic education in this country, wrote the first domestic genetic textbook in the post-Lysenko period, organized the research at the Department of Genetics and Breeding, and created the scientific school, whose representatives are still successfully working in the field of genetics.  相似文献   

A persistent legend in the United States has maintained that John Henry Schaffner first observed the chromosomal mechanism of reduction division in plants but received no credit for this discovery. Subsidiary elements of the legend have held that Schaffner made his pioneering observations as a graduate student and as a result of conflict over them had to give up his studies without obtaining a doctoral degree. Although Schaffner himself and some of his close associates have claimed priority, historical and technical cytological discussions generally make no mention of him. This investigation includes an examination of original research literature relevant to the controversy over reduction which marked the years from about 1890 to about 1910. Although Schaffner did not discover all the details of meiotic chromosome behavior as later understood, in 1897 he was apparently the first to report for plants a qualitative reduction in the first division. He consistently repeated this report in three subsequent works. These results were strongly at variance with the views of leading botanical authorities. Analysis of the citation of Schaffner's publications by his contemporaries reveals a low recognition of him, especially by Eduard Strasburger and associates. Consideration of cultural and social factors operating in botany at the time sheds light on this situation. The proposal is advanced that it was largely through the influence of the Strasburger “school” that Schaffner initially failed to receive the credit that he merited, and that as a consequence this failure has been perpetuated in subsequent accounts. Subsidiary elements of the legend have bases in fact, although causal relations cannot be ascribed with certainty.  相似文献   

Professor O. S. Tsyperovich (15.12.1910-20.12.1976), Doctor of biology, was born in the city of Odessa, graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of Shevchenko Kyiv State University as a specialist in organic chemistry (1930-1935). In 1935-1941 he worked at the Institute of Biochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukr.SSR (Kyiv) as a junior research worker, and then as a senior research worker at the Department of Enzymology. In 1941 O. S. Tsyperovich defended the thesis for the Candidate's degree dedicated to the investigation of synthetic effect of proteolytic enzymes, and he was awarded the title of the senior research worker. In 1941-1945 O. S. Tsyperovich struggled in the ranks of the Soviet Army, was awarded the Red Star Order, medals For Defense of Caucasus, For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. In 1946-1976 O. S. Tsyperovich worked at the Institute of Biochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. When investigating the mechanism of proteins denaturation he discovered the phenomenon of their "denaturational stabilization". New technological schemes of production of pepsin preparations were elaborated on the basis of the method of autholysis proposed by him. In 1954 O. S. Tsyperovich defended the thesis for the Doctor's Degree and was awarded the order The Badge of Honor. Beginning from 1963 he headed the laboratory, and from 1966 -- the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry of Enzymes, in 1969 the title of professor was conferred on him. In the 60-70's O. S. Tsyperovich investigated hydrolytic enzymes of microorganisms with the purpose of their use in industry. Thus, the method of production of the preparation "pronasa" from Streptomyces griseus was developed, aminopeptidases, dipeptidases, a-amylase, cellulases, were investigated. Investigations in the field of preparative enzymology resulted in the development of technological scheme for creation of the following drugs for the purposes of medicine: medical pepsin, preparation gastric juice, crystalline trypsin, highly purified chemotrypsin, highly purified trypsin, highly purified amylase which were introduced into industry. New methods of silver regeneration from photographic and cinema films with the use of proteinase of S. griseus were developed, as well as the enzyme-antibiotic preparation protezym for hydrolysis of fodder proteins which gave positive results in breeding calves and in feeding adult animals. O. S. Tsyperovich has proposed two simple structures of automatic collector of fractions for the column chromatography, published 178 scientific works including 3 monographs, 10 author's certificates; 12 candidates of science were brought up under his supervision.  相似文献   

Mitchell's formulation of the chemiosmotic theory of oxidative phosphorylation in 1961 lacked any experimental support for its three central postulates. The path by which Mitchell reached this theory is explored. A major factor was the role of Mitchell's philosophical system conceived in his student days at Cambridge. This system appears to have become a tacit influence on his work in the sense that Polanyi understood all knowledge to be generated by an interaction between tacit and explicit knowing. Early in his life Mitchell had evolved a simple philosophy based on fluctoids, fluctids and statids which was developed in a thesis submitted for the z at the University of Cambridge, England. This aspect of his work was rejected by the examiners and became a tacit element in his intellectual development. It is argued from his various publications that this philosophy can be traced as an underlying theme behind much of Mitchell's theoretical writing in the 50's leading, through his notion of vectorial metabolism, to the formulation and amplification of the chemiosmotic theory in the sixties. This philosophy formed the basis for Mitchell of his understanding of biological systems and gave him his unique approach to cell biology. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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