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The expression of hepatic calcium-binding protein regucalcin mRNA in fetal rats was investigated. The alteration in regucalcin mRNA levels was analyzed by Northern blotting using liver regucalcin cDNA (0.9 kb with complete open reading frame). Hepatic regucalcin mRNA levels were progressively increased with fetal development; the mRNA was clearly expressed at 15 and 21 days of pregnancy but only slightly at the 8 days. Meanwhile, -actin mRNA levels in the fetal liver were remarkable at 8 and 15 days of pregnancy. The fetal liver regucalcin mRNA levels at 15 days of pregnancy were significantly decreased by overnight-fasting of maternal rats. The oral administration of calcium chloride (50 mg Ca/100 g body weight) to maternal rats at 15 days of pregnancy caused a remarkable elevation (about 2 fold) of regucalcin mRNA levels in the fetal liver; this increase was seen 60 and 180 min after the calcium administration. After birth, regucalcin mRNA was increasingly expressed in the livers of newborn and weanling rats, while hepatic -actin mRNA expression was not appreciably altered with increasing ages. These findings demonstrate that the expression of hepatic regucalcin mRNA is increased with fetal development, and that the gene expression may be stimulated by the ingestion of dietary calcium.  相似文献   

The effect of phenobarbital on the expression of calcium-binding protein regucalcin mRNA in rat liver was investigated. The change of regucalcin mRNA levels was analyzed by Northern blotting using liver regucalcin cDNA (0.9 kb of open reading frame). Phenobarbital (4, 8 and 12 mg/ 100 g body weight) was intraperitoneally administered to rats 3 times with 24 h intervals, and the animals were sacrificed by bleeding at 24 h after the last administration. The hepatic regucalcin mRNA levels were markedly reduced by phenobarbital administration. This decrease was about 50% of control level with the 12 mg/100 g dose. Moreover, the hepatic regucalcin concentration was significantly decreased by the administration of phenobarbital (12 mg/100 g), although the serum regucalcin concentration was not altered appreciably. Meanwhile, serum transaminases (GOT and GPT) activities were not increased by the administration of phenobarbital (4 and 12 mg/100 g). The present study demonstrates that the expression of hepatic regucalcin mRNA is decreased by phenobarbital administration in rats, suggesting that regucalcin does not have a role in drug metabolism related to phenobarbital.  相似文献   

The involvement of a hypocalcemic hormone calcitonin (CT) in the expression of hepatic Ca2+-binding protein regucalcin mRNA was investigated. The change of regucalcin mRNA levels was analyzed by Northern blotting using liver regucalcin complementary DNA (0.9 kb). A single oral administration of calcium chloride (100 mg Ca/100 g body weight) to rats induced a remarkable increase in the serum calcium concentration and a corresponding elevation of the liver calcium content during 120 min after the administration. Thyroparathyroidectomy (TPTX) did not cause a significant increase in the liver calcium content after calcium administration. Hepatic regucalcin mRNA level was markedly elevated by calcium administration; the level was about 180% of controls at 60 min after the administration. This increase was completely abolished by TPTX. A single subcutaneous administration of CT (synthetic eel CT; 25–100 MRC mU/100 g) to TPTX rats received oral administration of calcium (100 mg/100 g) produced a remarkable increase in hepatic regucalcin mRNA levels; the level was about 280% of controls with the dose of 25 MRC mU CT/100 g. The present finding suggests that the expression of hepatic mRNA is stimulated by CT, and that the hormonal effect is mediated through Ca2+ in rat liver.  相似文献   

The change in calcium-binding protein regucalcin, mainly localized in liver, in the liver and serum of rats received a single oral administration of carbon tetrachloride (50%; 1.0 ml/100 g body weight) was investigated. The change of regucalcin mRNA levels in the liver was analyzed by Northern blotting using liver regucalcin cDNA (0.6 kb). At 10 and 24 h after the administration, liver regucalcin mRNA levels were reduced markedly. Moreover, regucalcin concentration in the liver and serum was estimated by enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay (ELISA) with rabbit-anti-regucalcin IgG. Administration of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) induced a significant decrease in liver regucalcin concentration and a corresponding elevation of serum regucalcin concentration at 24 h after the administration. An appreciable increase in serum regucalcin concentration was seen at 2 h after the administration. Meanwhile, serum transaminases (GOT and GPT) activities were significantly increased by CCl4 administration, indicating that liver injury is induced. The present study demonstrates that hepatic regucalcin is released into the serum of rats administered orally CCl4, suggesting that the estimation of serum regucalcin is a useful tool for diagnosis of liver injury.  相似文献   

To reach fertilization competence, sperm undergo an incompletely understood series of morphological and molecular maturational processes, termed capacitation, involving, among other processes, protein tyrosine phosphorylation and increased intracellular calcium. Hyperactivated motility and an ability to undergo the acrosome reaction serve as physiological end points to assess successful capacitation. We report here that acidic (pI 4.0) 86-kDa isoforms of a novel, polymorphic, testis-specific protein, designated calcium-binding tyrosine phosphorylation-regulated protein (CABYR), were tyrosine phosphorylated during in vitro capacitation and bound (45)Ca on 2D gels. Acidic 86-kDa calcium-binding forms of CABYR increased during in vitro capacitation, and calcium binding to these acidic forms was abolished by dephosphorylation with alkaline phosphatase. Six variants of CABYR containing two coding regions (CR-A and CR-B) were cloned from human testis cDNA libraries, including five variants with alternative splice deletions. A motif homologous to the RII dimerization domain of PK-A was present in the N-terminus of CR-A in four CABYR variants. A single putative EF handlike motif was noted in CR-A at aas 197-209, while seven potential tyrosine phosphorylation-like sites were noted in CR-A and four in CR-B. Pro-X-X-Pro (PXXP) modules were identified in the N- and C-termini of CR-A and CR-B. CABYR localizes to the principal piece of the human sperm flagellum in association with the fibrous sheath and is the first demonstration of a sperm protein that gains calcium-binding capacity when phosphorylated during capacitation.  相似文献   

The alteration in calcium-binding protein regucalcin in the liver and serum of rats with streptozotocin (STZ)-diabetic state or ethanol ingestion was investigated. STZ (6.0 mg/100 g body weight) was subcutaneously administered in rats, and 1 or 3 weeks later they were sacrificed by bleeding. Liver regucalcin mRNA levels were not clearly altered by the diabetic state, as evidenced by Northern blotting using regucalcin cDNA (0.9 kb of open reading frame). Based on enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay (ELISA) with rabbit-anti-regucalcin IgG, hepatic regucalcin concentration was decreased about 50% of control levels by STZ treatment. However, serum regucalcin concentration was not significantly altered by STZ treatment. Meanwhile, when rats ingested ethanol (10 and 30%) in the drinking water for 2 weeks, liver regucalcin mRNA levels were clearly increased, although hepatic regucalcin concentration was significantly decreased. Serum regucalcin concentration was not appreciably altered. Serum transaminases (GOT and GPT) activities were significantly increased at 1 or 3 weeks after STZ administration in rats, while their activities were not altered by ethanol ingestion. The present study demonstrates that hepatic regucalcin concentration is decreased independent of mRNA expression in the STZ-diabetes and during ethanol ingestion in rats.  相似文献   

Glutaredoxins (GRXs) are small, ubiquitous oxidoreductases that have been intensively studied in E. COLI, yeast and humans. They are involved in a large variety of cellular processes and exert a crucial function in the response to oxidative stress. GRXs can reduce disulfides by way of conserved cysteines, located in conserved active site motifs. As in E. COLI, yeast, and humans, GRXs with active sites of the CPYC and CGFS type are also found in lower and higher plants, however, little has been known about their function. Surprisingly, 21 GRXs from ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA contain a novel, plant-specific CC type motif. Lately, information on the function of CC type GRXs and redox regulation, in general, is accumulating. This review focuses on recent findings indicating that GRXs, glutathione and redox regulation, in general, seem to be involved in different processes of development, so far, namely in the formation of the flower. Recent advances in EST and genome sequencing projects allowed searching for the presence of the three different types of the GRX subclasses in other evolutionary informative plant species. A comparison of the GRX subclass composition from PHYSCOMITRELLA, PINUS, ORYZA, POPULUS, and ARABIDOPSIS is presented. This analysis revealed that only two CC type GRXs exist in the bryophyte PHYSCOMITRELLA and that the CC type GRXs group expanded during the evolution of land plants. The existence of a large CC type subclass in angiosperms supports the assumption that their capability to modify target protein activity posttranslationally has been integrated into crucial plant specific processes involved in higher plant development.  相似文献   

An amphioxus full-length cDNA, AmphiCalbin, encoding a novel EF-hand calcium-binding protein (EFCaBP), was isolated from the gut cDNA library of amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri. It consists of 1321 bp with a 636 bp open reading frame encoding a protein of 211 amino acids with a molecular mass of approximately 24.5 kDa. The phylogenetic analysis offers two interesting inferences. First, AmphiCalbin clusters with a group of unnamed EFCaBPs that are differentiated from other identified EFCaBPs. Second, AmphiCalbin falls at the base of the vertebrate unnamed EFCaBPs clade, probably representing their prototype. This is also corroborated by the fact that AmphiCalbin has an exon-intron organization identical to that of vertebrate unnamed EFCaBP genes. Both tissue-section in situ hybridization and whole-mount in situ hybridization prove a tissue-specific expression pattern of AmphiCalbin, with high levels of expression in the digestive system and gonads. It is proposed that AmphiCalbin might play a role in the digestive system and gonads. These observations lay the foundation for further understanding of the function of the unnamed EFCaBPs.  相似文献   

Heterostyly in Primula is characterized by the development of long-styled pin and short-styled thrum flowers, with anthers midway down the corolla tube in pin flowers, and at its mouth in thrum flowers. Other differences include pollen size and stigmatic papillae length. Several linked genes at the S locus control these differences.In this study we have analyzed pin and thrum flowers through the temporal development of heteromorphy.These studies indicate that the S locus linked genes that orchestrate heteromorphic flower development act in coordination, but with different temporal and spatial dynamics. Style length is differentiated by longer style cells in pin than thrum. However, our studies on cell shape and size within the corolla tube show that a different mechanism mediates the dissimilar elevation of anthers between pin and thrum types. These studies have also revealed that upper corolla tube cells in thrum flowers are wider than those in pin flowers. This results in a larger corolla tube mouth in thrum flowers and represents a new and previously undocumented heteromorphic variation between pin and thrum flowers.  相似文献   

The alteration of regucalcin concentrations in the liver and serum of rats administered orally calcium is investigated. Rats received a single oral administration of calcium chloride solution (25, 50 and 75 mg Ca/100 g body weight). The administration of calcium (50 mg/100 g) produced a significant increase in liver regucalcin concentration between 30 and 180 min after the administration, while serum regucalcin concentration was not altered appreciably. The effect of calcium administration increasing liver regucalcin concentration was also seen with the dose of 25 mg/100 g. When liver cytosol prepared from normal rats was incubated for 6 h in the presence of 10 M Ca2+, the cytosolic regucalcin concentration at 3 and 6 h of incubation was decreased about 20% (p<0.05) as compared with the value at zero time point, indicating that the presence of Ca2+ does not inhibit the decomposition of liver cytosolic regucalcin. Moreover, serum regucalcin concentration was not significantly altered by the incubation for 6 h at 37°C, indicating a stability of regucalcin in rat serum. This suggests that the calcium administration-induced in liver regucalcin concentration is not based on the inhibition of regucalcin release from liver to serum. The present study demonstrates that regucalcin in the liver is clearly increased by calcium administration, presumably due to stimulating the protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Expression of calcium-binding protein regucalcin mRNA in hepatoma cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Whether the gene expression of hepatic Ca2+-binding protein regucalcin is altered in hepatomas was investigated. The change in regucalcin mRNA levels was analyzed by Northern blotting using liver regucalcin complementary DNA (0.9 kb). Rat hepatoma was induced by continuous feeding of basal diet containing 0.06% 3-methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene (3-Me-DAB). After 35 weeks feeding, rats were sacrificed, and the non-tumorous and tumorous tissues of the livers were removed. In individual rats, the regucalcin mRNA levels in the tumorous tissues were generally decreased in comparison with that of the non-tumorous tissues of the chemical-fed rats, although the chemical administration might decrease the mRNA expression in normal rat liver, suggesting that the chemical administration causes a suppresive effect on the mRNA expression. When the genomic DNA extracted from the liver tumorous tissues was digested with restriction enzymes (EcoRI, BamHI and HindIII) and analyzed by Southern blotting, no rear-ranged band was found in the regucalcin gene from the hepatoma. Interestingly, in the transplantable Morris hepatoma cells, the regucalcin mRNA was markedly expressed, while the albumin mRNA was expressed only slightly. The present study demonstrates that regucalcin mRNA is clearly expressed in the transformed cells (Morris hepatoma cells).  相似文献   

Summary. We are presenting the pattern of distribution of several carbohydrate epitopes, which constitute an important component of cell walls, within the anthers and pistils of a monocot grass species, perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). The results of immunocytochemical studies revealed that the flower organs are rich in (1→3, 1→4)-β-D-glucans and possess surprisingly high amounts of methylesterified pectic domains that bind JIM7 antibody and pectin side chains rich in (1→4)-β-D-galactose residues which react with LM5 antibody. The presence of arabinogalactan protein epitopes binding JIM13 is restricted to microspores and ovule integuments. The results are discussed in terms of possible functions of cell wall polysaccharides and arabinogalactan proteins in the differentiation of flower organs. Correspondence and reprints: Institute of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization, Powstańców Wielkopolskich 10, 85-090 Bydgoszcz, Poland.  相似文献   

The existence and expression of gene encoding the Ca2+-binding protein regucalcin in various species and tissues were investigated with Southern and Northern hybridization analyses using regucalcin cDNA (0.9 kb of open reading frame). Genomic Southern hybridization analysis demonstrated that regucalcin gene was widely conserved among higher animals including human, monkey, rat, mouse, dog, bovine, rabbit and chicken. The gene was not found in yeast. The Northern blot analysis of poly (A)+RNAs extracted from the liver of various species showed that regucalcin mRNA was predominantly expressed in rat and mouse, although the expression was also seen in human, bovine and chicken. Furthermore, the enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay (ELISA) with rabbit-anti-regucalcin IgG indicated that hepatic regucalcin concentration was most pronounced in rat as compared with that of guinea pig, mouse and chicken. These observations show that the gene expression of regucalcin and its protein synthesis is unique in the liver of rats, suggesting the existence of a specific mechanism in demonstrating regucalcin synthesis from gene.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial effects on flower and pollen development   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Linke B  Börner T 《Mitochondrion》2005,5(6):389-402

Annexin A4 (Anx4) is a cytosolic calcium-binding protein with four repeat domains, each containing one calcium-binding site (CBS). The protein interacts with the phospholipid membrane through the CBS-coordinated calcium ion, although the role of each CBS in the calcium-dependent association is unclear. To determine the role of each CBS, 15 CBS-abolished variants were produced in various combinations by substitution of a calcium-liganding residue on each CBS by Ala. Various mutant combinations produced different influences on calcium-dependent membrane-binding behavior and on the sodium-dependent dissociation of membrane-bound Anx4. Our data suggest the interaction of Anx4 with the lipid membrane consists of strong and weak interactions. CBSs I and IV mediate formation of strong interactions, while CBSs II and III are important for weak interactions. We also suggest Anx4 binds the lipid membrane through CBSs I and IV in the cytoplasmic fluids.  相似文献   

The tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) cDNA clone TomA5B was isolated by differential screening of a cDNA library prepared from anthers at late meiosis to tetrad formation. The 5B gene is present in a single copy in the tomato genome. Expression is developmentally regulated and tissue specific. RNA accumulation was detected from premeiosis through tetrad release in the tapetal cell layer of the anther with low levels of RNA detected in petals and early stages of pistil development. The protein deduced from the DNA sequence analysis is predicted to have a molecular mass of 11.1 kDa and a secretory signal sequence, suggesting it is a secreted protein. The deduced 5B protein has a pattern of cysteine residues that is similar to other proteins that have stamen-specific expression and to a superfamily of seed proteins. The 5B protein is unique in that there is no amino acid sequence similarity to other proteins beyond the similar cysteine motif.  相似文献   

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