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The extent of hydrophobic exposure upon bis-ANS binding to the functional apical domain fragment of GroEL, or minichaperone (residues 191-345), was investigated and compared with that of the GroEL tetradecamer. Although a total of seven molecules of bis-ANS bind cooperatively to this minichaperone, most of the hydrophobic sites were induced following initial binding of one to two molecules of probe. From the equilibrium and kinetics studies at low bis-ANS concentrations, it is evident that the native apical domain is converted to an intermediate conformation with increased hydrophobic surfaces. This intermediate binds additional bis-ANS molecules. Tyrosine fluorescence detected denaturation demonstrated that bis-ANS can destabilize the apical domain. The results from (i) bis-ANS titrations, (ii) urea denaturation studies in the presence and absence of bis-ANS, and (iii) intrinsic tyrosine fluorescence studies of the apical domain are consistent with a model in which bis-ANS binds tightly to the intermediate state, relatively weakly to the native state, and little to the denatured state. The results suggest that the conformational changes seen in apical domain fragments are not seen in the intact GroEL oligomer due to restrictions imposed by connections of the apical domain to the intermediate domain and suppression of movement due to quaternary structure.  相似文献   

Dipyridyl disulfide (DPS) is a highly reactive thiol oxidant that functions as electron acceptor in thiol-disulfide exchange reactions. DPS is very toxic to yeasts, impairing growth at low micromolar concentrations. The genes TRX2 (thioredoxin), SOD1 (superoxide dismutase), GSH1 (gamma-glutamyl-cysteine synthetase) and, particularly, GLR1 (glutathione reductase) are required for survival on DPS. DPS is uniquely thiol-specific, and we found that the cellular mechanisms for DPS detoxification differ substantially from that of the commonly used thiol oxidant diamide. In contrast to this oxidant, the full antioxidant pools of glutathione (GSH) and thioredoxin are required for resistance to DPS. We found that DPS-sensitive mutants display increases in the disulfide form of GSH (GSSG) during DPS exposure that roughly correlate with their more oxidizing GSH redox potential in the cytosol and their degree of DPS sensitivity. DPS seems to induce a specific disulfide stress, where an increase in the cytoplasmic/nuclear GSSG/GSH ratio results in putative DPS target(s) becoming sensitive to DPS.  相似文献   

The intracellular concentration of protein may be as high as 400 mg per ml; thus it seems inevitable that within the cell, numerous protein-protein contacts are constantly occurring. A basic biochemical principle states that the equilibrium of an association reaction can be shifted by ligand binding. This indicates that if within the cell many protein-protein interactions are indeed taking place, some fundamental characteristics of proteins would necessarily differ from those observed in traditional biochemical systems. Accordingly, we measured the effect of eight different proteins on the formation of homodimeric triosephosphate isomerase from Trypanosoma brucei (TbTIM) from guanidinium chloride unfolded monomers. The eight proteins at concentrations of micrograms per ml induced an important increase on active dimer formation. Studies on the mechanism of this phenomenon showed that the proteins stabilize the dimeric structure of TbTIM, and that this is the driving force that promotes the formation of active dimers. Similar data were obtained with TIM from three other species. The heat changes that occur when TbTIM is mixed with lysozyme were determined by isothermal titration calorimetry; the results provided direct evidence of the weak interaction between apparently unrelated proteins. The data, therefore, are strongly suggestive that the numerous protein-protein interactions that occur in the intracellular space are an additional control factor in the formation and stability of proteins.  相似文献   

Toxin production of cyanobacteria is increased by exposure to zooplankton   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
1. Cyanobacterial toxin production in response to direct and indirect zooplankton feeding activity was examined using four strains of Microcystis aeruginosa, of which three were previously reported to be toxic to zooplankton and one non‐toxic. Direct (Microcystis cultured with zooplankton) and indirect effects (Microcystis cultured with filtered zooplankton culture media, ZCMF) were tested for the zooplankton species, Moina macrocopa, Daphnia magna or D. pulex. 2. With direct exposure to zooplankton, increased mass‐specific microcystin productions occurred in all Microcystis strains, with mean microcystin concentrations up to five times greater (61.5–177.3 μg g?1 dry cell) than the controls. 3. With indirect exposure, mass‐specific microcystin production increased over controls in three strains of M. aeruginosa. Mean maximum concentrations of microcystin during the experiment were 92.6–125.7 μg g?1 dry cell. 4. These results suggest that several strains of Microcystis aeruginosa increased toxin production in response to direct and indirect exposure to herbivorous zooplankton of several species, and support the hypothesis that this response is an induced defence mediated by the release of info‐chemicals from zooplankton.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the mechanism(s) of electric field-stimulated osteogenesis, we have developed an in vitro model in which embryonic chick tibiae have consistently demonstrated increased bone matrix formation in response to a low amplitude (estimated 10(-5) V/m in the serum-free culture medium), capacitively coupled, 10 Hz sinusoidal electric field. Initial applications of this model revealed that 72 h of continuous exposure to the electric field increased tibial collagen production by 29% compared to untreated controls, P less than 0.01. Additional studies further revealed: (a) that when electric field exposure was limited to 30 min/day during the 72 h in vitro incubation, embryonic bone matrix formation was increased by 83%, compared to non-treated controls (P less than 0.001), suggesting an inductive mechanism; (b) that the osteogenic response to electric field exposure in vitro was not unique to embryonic chick tibiae, since a similar response was also seen with newborn mouse calvaria (+133%, P less than 0.02); (c) that electric field-exposure-stimulated chick bone matrix formation was associated with increased bone cell proliferation; and (d) that this mitogenic response to in vitro electric field exposure could also be observed with embryonic chick calvarial cells in monolayer, serum-free cultures.  相似文献   

E N?nberg  J Putney 《FEBS letters》1986,195(1-2):319-322
alpha 1-Adrenergic activation of isolated brown adipocytes causes a rapid mobilization of intracellular Ca2+. The cells also respond with an increased turnover of inositol lipids. The present work demonstrates that alpha 1-adrenergic stimulation of brown adipocytes results in phospholipase C-mediated breakdown of phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate to form inositol trisphosphate. The rate of appearance of inositol trisphosphate is sufficiently rapid for it to mediate or contribute to Ca2+ mobilization in these cells.  相似文献   

Human neutrophils stimulated with a phorbol ester (phorbol 12-myristrate 13-acetate or phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate) responded with an increase in diacylglycerol, considered the natural activator of protein kinase C. The amounts of diacylglycerol formed were considerable, reaching 700-900% of basal after 20 min. In contrast, 4-alpha-phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate did not induce any detectable formation of diacylglycerol. Simultaneously, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate exposure caused increased breakdown of both phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate. These results suggest that once activated, protein kinase C can positively modulate its own activity by inducing additional formation of diacylglycerol from at least two different sources.  相似文献   

A kinetic analysis of the ATP-dependent dissociation of wild-type GroEL and mutants from immobilized GroES was carried out using surface plasmon resonance. Excellent fits of the data were obtained using a double-exponential equation with a linear drift. Both the fast and slow observed dissociation rate constants are found to have a sigmoidal dependence on the concentration of ATP. The values of the Hill coefficients corresponding to the fast and slow observed rate constants of dissociation of wild-type GroEL and the Arg197-->Ala mutant are in good agreement with the respective values of the Hill coefficients previously determined for these proteins from plots of initial rates of ATP hydrolysis as a function of ATP concentration, in the presence of GroES. Our results are consistent with a kinetic mechanism for dissociation of the GroEL-GroES complex according to which GroES release takes place after an ATP-induced conformational change in the trans ring that is preceded by ATP hydrolysis and a subsequent conformational change in the cis ring. It is shown that the rate of complex dissociation increases with increasing positive cooperativity in ATP binding by the GroEL ring distal to GroES in the GroEL-GroES complex.  相似文献   

The world population will continue to face biological threats, whether they are naturally occurring or intentional events. The speed with which diseases can emerge and spread presents serious challenges, because the impact on public health, the economy, and development can be huge. The U.S. government recognizes that global public health can also have an impact on national security. This global perspective manifests itself in U.S. policy documents that clearly articulate the importance of biosurveillance in providing early warning, detection, and situational awareness of infectious disease threats in order to mount a rapid response and save lives. In this commentary, we suggest that early recognition of infectious disease threats, whether naturally occurring or man-made, requires a globally distributed array of interoperable hardware and software fielded in sufficient numbers to create a network of linked collection nodes. We argue that achievement of this end state will require a degree of cooperation that does not exist at this time-either across the U.S. federal government or among our global partners. Successful fielding of a family of interoperable technologies will require interagency research, development, and purchase ("acquisition") of biosurveillance systems through cooperative ventures that likely will involve our strategic allies and public-private partnerships. To this end, we propose leveraging an existing federal interagency group to integrate the acquisition of technologies to enable global biosurveillance.  相似文献   

Prenatal testosterone exposure impacts postnatal reproductive and endocrine function, leading to alterations in sex steroid levels. Because gonadal steroids are key regulators of cardiovascular function, it is possible that alteration in sex steroid hormones may contribute to development of hypertension in prenatally testosterone-exposed adults. The objectives of this study were to evaluate whether prenatal testosterone exposure leads to development of hypertension in adult males and females and to assess the influence of gonadal hormones on arterial pressure in these animals. Offspring of pregnant rats treated with testosterone propionate or its vehicle (controls) were examined. Subsets of male and female offspring were gonadectomized at 7 wk of age, and some offspring from age 7 to 24 wk received hormone replacement, while others did not. Testosterone exposure during prenatal life significantly increased arterial pressure in both male and female adult offspring; however, the effect was greater in males. Prenatal androgen-exposed males and females had more circulating testosterone during adult life, with no change in estradiol levels. Gonadectomy prevented hyperandrogenism and also reversed hypertension in these rats. Testosterone replacement in orchiectomized males restored hypertension, while estradiol replacement in ovariectomized females was without effect. Steroidal changes were associated with defective expression of gonadal steroidogenic genes, with Star, Sf1, and Hsd17b1 upregulation in testes. In ovaries, Star and Cyp11a1 genes were upregulated, while Cyp19 was downregulated. This study showed that prenatal testosterone exposure led to development of gonad-dependent hypertension during adult life. Defective steroidogenesis may contribute in part to the observed steroidal changes.  相似文献   

Epigenetic alterations related to prenatal neurotoxic metals exposure may be key in understanding the origins of cognitive and neurobehavioral problems in children. Placental glucocorticoid receptor (NR3C1) methylation has been linked to neurobehavioral risk in early life, but has not been examined in response to neurotoxic metals exposure despite parallel lines of research showing metals exposure and NR3C1 methylation each contribute to a similar set of neurobehavioral phenotypes. Thus, we conducted a study of prenatal neurotoxic metals exposure and placental NR3C1 methylation in a cohort of healthy term singleton pregnancies from Rhode Island, USA (n = 222). Concentrations of arsenic (As; median 0.02 ug/g), cadmium (Cd; median 0.03 μg/g), lead (Pb; median 0.40 μg/g), manganese (Mn; median 0.56 μg/g), mercury (Hg; median 0.02 μg/g), and zinc (Zn; 145.18 μg/g) measured in infant toenails were categorized as tertiles. Multivariable linear regression models tested the independent associations for each metal with NR3C1 methylation, as well as the cumulative risk of exposure to multiple metals simultaneously. Compared to the lowest exposure tertiles, higher levels of As, Cd, Pb, Mn, and Hg were each associated with increased placental NR3C1 methylation (all P<0.02). Coefficients for these associations corresponded with a 0.71–1.41 percent increase in NR3C1 methylation per tertile increase in metals concentrations. For Zn, the lowest exposure tertile compared with the highest tertile was associated with 1.26 percent increase in NR3C1 methylation (P=0.01). Higher cumulative metal risk scores were marginally associated with greater NR3C1 methylation. Taken together, these results indicate that prenatal exposure to neurotoxic metals may affect the offspring's NR3C1 activity, which may help explain cognitive and neurodevelopmental risk later in life.  相似文献   

Chaperonin-assisted protein folding proceeds through cycles of ATP binding and hydrolysis by GroEL, which undergoes a large structural change by the ATP binding or hydrolysis. One of the main concerns of GroEL is the mechanism of the productive and cooperative structural change of GroEL induced by the nucleotide. We studied the cooperative nature of GroEL by nucleotide titration using isothermal titration calorimetry and fluorescence spectroscopy. Our results indicated that the binding of ADP and ATP analogs to a single ring mutant (SR1), as well as that to GroEL, was non-cooperative. Only ATP induces an apparently cooperative conformational change in both proteins. Furthermore, the fluorescence changes of pyrene-labeled GroEL indicated that GroEL has two kinds of nucleotide binding sites. The fluorescence titration result fits well with a model in which two kinds of binding sites are both non-cooperative and independent of each other. These results suggest that the binding and hydrolysis of ATP may be necessary for the cooperative transition of GroEL.  相似文献   

Osteopetrosis caused by defective acid secretion by the osteoclast, is characterized by defective bone resorption, increased osteoclast numbers, while bone formation is normal or increased. In contrast the bones are of poor quality, despite this uncoupling of formation from resorption.To shed light on the effect of uncoupling in adult mice with respect to bone strength, we transplanted irradiated three-month old normal mice with hematopoietic stem cells from control or oc/oc mice, which have defective acid secretion, and followed them for 12 to 28 weeks.Engraftment levels were assessed by flow cytometry of peripheral blood. Serum samples were collected every six weeks for measurement of bone turnover markers. At termination bones were collected for μCT and mechanical testing. An engraftment level of 98% was obtained. From week 6 until termination bone resorption was significantly reduced, while the osteoclast number was increased when comparing oc/oc to controls. Bone formation was elevated at week 6, normalized at week 12, and reduced onwards. μCT and mechanical analyses of femurs and vertebrae showed increased bone volume and bone strength of cortical and trabecular bone.In conclusion, these data show that attenuation of acid secretion in adult mice leads to uncoupling and improves bone strength.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the embryotoxicity of diclofenac. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos at 12 hpf were treated with different dosages of diclofenac (0-2,000 ppm) for different time courses (12-72 hr). Results showed no evident differences in survival rates or morphological changes between the mock-treated control (0 ppm) zebrafish embryos and those with 1-ppm diclofenac-exposure (12-24, 12-36 hpf). In contrast, after higher doses (5 and 10 ppm) of exposure, embryos displayed some defective phenotypes, including malformed somite boundary, a twisted body axis, and shorter body length. In addition, diclofenac-treated embryos exhibited significantly reduced frequencies of spontaneous in-chorion contractions in comparison with mock-control littermates (mock-control: 13.20 ± 2.24 vs. 5-10 ppm diclofenac: 6.66 ± 1.35-3.03 ± 1.84). Subtle changes were easily observed by staining with specific monoclonal antibodies F59 and phalloidin to detect morphological changes in muscle fibers and formation of F-actin, respectively. Our data show that diclofenac treatment disturbs actin organization and muscle fiber alignment, thus causing malformed somite phenotypes.  相似文献   

Cardiolipin (CL), a unique mitochondrial phospholipid synthesized by CL synthase (CLS), plays important, yet not fully understood, roles in mitochondria-dependent apoptosis. We manipulated CL levels in HeLa cells by knocking down CLS using RNA interference and selected a clone of CL-deficient cells with ~ 45% of its normal content. ESI–MS analysis showed that the CL molecular species were the same in CL-deficient and CL-sufficient cells. CL deficiency did not change mitochondrial functions (membrane potential, reactive oxygen species generation, cellular ATP levels) but conferred resistance to apoptosis induced by actinomycin D (ActD), rotenone, or γ-irradiation. During ActD-induced apoptosis, decreased CL peroxidation along with suppressed cytochrome (cyt) c release was observed in CL-deficient cells, whereas Bax translocation to mitochondria remained similar to that in CL-sufficient HeLa cells. The amounts of loosely bound cyt c (releasable under high ionic strength conditions) were the same in CL-deficient and CL-sufficient cells. Given that CL peroxidation during apoptosis is catalyzed by CL/cyt c complexes and CL oxidation products are essential for cyt c release from mitochondria, our results suggest that CL deficiency prevents adequate assembly of productive CL/cyt c complexes and CL peroxidation, resulting in increased resistance to apoptosis.  相似文献   

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