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Campomanesia cavalcantina Soares-Silva & Proen?a and Psidium ratterianum Proen?a & Soares-Silva (Myrtaceae), two new species from the Brazilian highlands are described and illustrated. Campomanesia cavalcantina is similar to Campomanesia eugenioides (Cambess.) D. Legrand var. eugenioides, but differs from this species in being an hemixyle, by the narrow to broadly elliptic-falcate leaves 1.7 – 4.6 times as long as wide with 8 – 15 lateral veins, by the less densely glandular leaves and flowers, and by the lanceolate, c. 7 mm long bracteoles which are persistent to young fruit stage. Psidium ratterianum appears to be most closely allied to P. australe Cambess. Both species share the hemixyle habit, similar leaf shape, leaf ratio and floral morphology. P. ratterianum differs from that species by its narrow, ascendant, strongly bullate leaves, bracteoles which are persistent in the fruit, expanded, funnel-shaped stigma and smaller, elliptic fruits. Anatomically, Psidium ratterianum differs from other species of Psidium, and from other new-world Myrtaceae (Tribe Myrteae), in that the leaves are amphistomatic, a character known to occur in the Australian genus Leptospermum.  相似文献   

Saussurea haizishanensis B. Q. Xiu, G. Hao & N. H. Xia sp. nov., a new species from Sichuan, China, belonging to Saussurea subg. Eriocoryne (DC.) Hook. f. sect. Cincta Lipsch., is described and illustrated. It is similar to S. delavayi, but differs in its narrowly elliptic, lanceolate or broadly lanceolate leaves, outer phyllaries that are broadly triangular with irregularly dentate margin, and densely yellowish stipitate glandular stem, leaf blades, and adaxial phyllaries. It is also similar to S. schlagintweitii, but differs in possessing numerous capitula and having adaxially glabrous petiole bases. Color plates, line drawings, a distribution map of S. haizishanensis, photographs of phyllaries and leaf blades, and SEM microphotographs of the adaxial surface of style arms, the leaf blades, the abaxial surface of phyllaries of S. haizishanensis and S. delavayi are provided.  相似文献   

首次报道了中国一新归化种——南假马鞭Stachytarpheta australis Moldenke,该种与《中国植物志》收录的假马鞭Stachytarpheta jamaicensis(Linn.)Vahl有明显的区别。南假马鞭叶膜质或纸质,叶柄长0.3~1 cm;穗状花序纤细,长15~45 cm,直径约3 mm,被短柔毛,序轴柔韧,凹穴几乎和序轴等宽,苞片狭披针形,长约5 mm,花萼被毛,花冠浅蓝色或几乎白色。假马鞭叶稍肉质,叶柄长0.3~3.5 cm;穗序花序较粗硬,长15~50 cm,直径达7 mm,光滑无毛,序轴硬,凹穴明显比序轴窄,苞片披针形或长椭圆状披针形,长5~8 mm,花萼无毛,花冠常紫红色、蓝色或紫色。  相似文献   

The new species Picrorhiza tungnathii Pusalkar is described and illustrated from the western Himalaya, India. It is distinguished from the allied P. kurrooa Royle ex Benth. by being 10–25 cm tall, having a moderately dense, (10–)15–25‐flowered spike, a zygomorphic, 2‐lipped, glandular‐ciliate corolla that is equaling or slightly exceeding the calyx and partly visible or sub‐exserted between the calyx lobes, a conspicuously long (longer than the corolla lobes), curved corolla tube (1/2–4/5 the length of the calyx), unequal corolla lobes that are ovate‐lanceolate to lanceolate, acute to sub‐acuminate and moderately ciliate, a mid‐lobe of the upper lip that is obliquely erect, galeate with retuse or emarginate apex, lateral corolla lobes that are slightly smaller than the mid‐lobe of the upper lip, a lower corolla lip that is slightly shorter than the lateral lobes, obliquely erect or spreading, didynamous, long‐exserted (2–3 times the corolla) stamens, pollen of the Paederota‐type and a style that is 2–3 times as long as the corolla.  相似文献   

对中国云南百合科一新种———粗穗球子草Peliosanthes pachystachya W.H.Chen&Y.M.Shui进行了描述和绘图。该新种的匍匐茎具长约18cm的节间,与匍匐球子草P.sinica Wang&Tang接近,但因叶具9-13条叶脉,花梗长9-10mm,无小苞片,花被片卵状三角形而明显不同。该新种因花被片卵状三角形,苞片披针形,也近似于长苞球子草P.ophiopogonoides Wang&Tang,但匍匐茎长,叶具9-13条叶脉,花梗长9-10mm,花葶和花序均较短而不同。  相似文献   

Two new species of Melastomataceae are described and illustrated: Henriettea sierrae from the mountains of eastern Cuba, and Henriettea multigemma from the Sierra de Bahoruco in the Dominican Republic, Hispaniola. Both species belong to the complex of squamous Henriettea species endemic to the Greater Antilles. Henriettea sierrae is distinguished by its ciliate leaves, foliose bracteoles at the base of the flowers, and lanceolate petals with lateral teeth in their apical third. Henriettea multigemma is distinguished by its fascicles of numerous flowers that are borne of suberose protuberances formed by multiple flower buds in the leafless nodes of the stems, and by the presence of leaves with apical domatia.  相似文献   

中国广西石灰岩地区苦苣苔科一新种——覃塘报春苣苔   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了中国广西石灰岩地区一新种——覃塘报春苣苔(Primulina qintangensis Z.B. Xin, W.C. Chou & F. Wen),本种与光叶报春苣苔 [P. leiophylla (W.T. Wang) Y.Z. Wang ] 近似,但叶轮生,叶片两侧近对称,侧脉3对;花序数5~8,一回分枝,每序1~3朵花;花序梗成熟后近无毛或疏被微柔毛;苞片明显较小,约8 mm × 2 mm;雌蕊白色;花盘鲜黄色,可以区别。该种目前只发现有一个种群,成熟个体约3 000株,通过IUCN评估标准,该种暂时被评为易危(VU C1)。  相似文献   

报道了中国春蓼属一新归化植物:香辣蓼[Persicaria odorata(Lour.) Soják],并对其形态学特征进行了详细描述,提供了形态照片,同时分析了其用途。该种原产于中南半岛,被作为香料植物在云南、广西、广东及江西等地的傣族或客家人聚居区广泛栽培,现在云南西双版纳傣族自治州及德宏傣族景颇族自治州发现大量归化居群。香辣蓼与特产于中国江西的武功山春蓼(P.wugongshanensis B.Li)最为近似,二者叶片均具有强烈的气味,叶片及花被片具腺点,二型花柱,花序基部间断,花梗长于苞片,区别在于本种为多年生草本植物,具发达的根状茎,叶片披针形至狭披针形,果实表面光滑有光泽。  相似文献   

A newly recovered twig with attached leaves and flowers from the Eocene Green River Formation of Utah provides the basis for recognizing a new, extinct genus of Salicaceae sensu lato (s.l.). Pseudosalix handleyi gen. et sp. nov. has alternate lanceolate leaves with pinnate, semicraspedodromous venation and a serrate margin with glandular teeth. The inflorescence is terminal on the twig and is unisexual, composed of flowers organized in a paniculoid cyme, with lateral paraclades of pedicellate flowers. The attached pistillate flowers have four prominent sepals that are valvate in bud, spreading but basally fused at anthesis; the single pistil of each flower is ovoid with three or four longitudinal sutures, indicating development to a capsular fruit. Three or four recurved styles radiate from the apex of the pistil, each with a distal globose stigma. The infructescence, verified by attachment to twigs with the same kind of leaves, bore capsular fruits of three and four valves. Associated but unattached, staminate flowers also have four well-developed, basally connate sepals. They are pedicellate and bear several stamens, each with a short filament and globose anther. The available morphological characters place the fossil species within the Salicaceae s.l. as an immediate sister to the clade containing Populus and Salix. Although the likely outgroup genera (including Itoa, Poliothyrsis, Carrierea, and Idesia) to tribe Saliceae all occur in Asia today and not North America, the occurrence of both Pseudosalix and Populus in the Eocene of Utah raises the possibility of a North American origin for the Saliceae.  相似文献   

Two new species of Begonia (Begoniaceae), B. baik and B. padawanensis, from Sarawak are described and illustrated. Begonia baik, a member of sect. Petermannia, resembles B. conipila, but is distinguishable by having glabrous ovary (vs sparsely hispid) and margins of bracts dentate and glandular hairy (vs entire). Begonia padawanensis (sect. Reichenheimia) is similar to B. andersonii, differing in the leaves being obtriangular‐spatulate (vs orbicular) and having 5 pistillate flower tepals (vs 4). Both new species were discovered in a sandstone area in Padawan, Sarawak.  相似文献   

Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) is a notoriously difficult genus to study for reasons that include small, remote and endemic areas of occurrence, and difficulty in obtaining well‐dried herbarium specimens and separating and reconstructing floral parts from available dried specimens. Impatiens has also been notoriously difficult when it comes to phylogenetic resolution at the infrageneric level, but a new system with two subgenera (Impatiens and Clavicarpa) was recently proposed by Yu et al. and it has made it easier to classify newly discovered species. Impatiens maculifera, a new species of Balsaminaceae from Malipo County, Yunnan, China described here, is similar to I. parvisepala S.X. Yu & Y.T. Hou in having racemose inflorescences, four lateral sepals, clavate capsules and ellipsoid seeds, but differs in having leaves narrowly oval or with elliptic–lanceolate blades (versus obovate or obovate–lanceolate), obvious petioles (versus leaves subsessile), racemose inflorescence with 8–12 flowers (versus 6–8 flowers), flowers greenish yellow (versus yellow), lateral united petals and lower sepal with dense red spots (versus red spots absent), and dorsal petal with apparent stalk at base (versus unapparent stalk). Morphological characters and molecular phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences from both nuclear ribosomal and plastid genes show that the new species differs distinctively from I. parvisepala. Furthermore, I. maculifera is distinguished from other Impatiens species based on morphological, micromorphological and palynological evidence, and molecular data.  相似文献   

Two species of Leandra that occur in low montane and montane rain forests in the state of Espírito Santo, Eastern Brazil, are described and illustrated here. Leandra magnipetala can be recognized by the pedicellate flowers, costate hypanthia, and large, broadly lanceolate petals. Leandra triantha can be recognized by the apical, short-peduncled triads, diads or solitary flowers and by the granulose-glandulose, strigose and glandulose-strigose bracts, bracteoles, and hypanthia.  相似文献   

Argostemma bachmaense, a new species from central Vietnam, is described and illustrated here. The new species is most similar to A. laoticum and A. vietnamicum but can be distinguished from the latter two by having a well-developed internode with leaf pairs separately arranged along stem, isophyllous or slightly anisophyllous leaves, an oblanceolate to spatulate lamina with attenuate base and lateral veins with 4–5 pairs prominent on abaxially, a terminal, solitary flower, an absent bract, narrowly ovate or broadly lanceolate, 8.5–10.5 × 2.8–4.2 mm petals, 6.5–7.5 mm long stamen with yellow anther, a 8.5–9.5 mm long, exerted style and a globose stigma. Information on ecology, phenology and preliminary conservation assessment of the proposed new species are provided. In addition, we also provide an identification key to the nine Argostemma species found in Vietnam.  相似文献   

Lu  Baoren  Tseng  C.K. 《Hydrobiologia》2004,512(1-3):193-199
In this paper, four new species of malacocarpic Sargassum are described: S. fuliginosoidesTseng et Lu sp. nov. is characterized by its discoid holdfast, the presence of the bulbs on the basal parts of the primary branches and very thick, lanceolate leaves. S. gemmiphorum Tseng et Lu sp. nov. is characterized by its conical holdfast, usually branched axis and very long, narrow, thin, denticulate leaves. S. shandongense Tseng, Zhang et Lu sp. nov. is characterized by its discoid holdfast, flattened primary branches, its leaves mostly entire or wavy at the margins and its racemose to paniculate receptacles. S. qingdaoense Tseng et Lu sp. nov. is characterized by the presence of the glandular dots on the ultimate branches and elongated lanceolate, acute, mostly wavy leaves.  相似文献   

Two new species of Microlicia (Melastomataceae) endemic to campos rupestres in Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais, Brazil, are described, illustrated and compared with their putative relatives. Microlicia rugosa sp. nov. is similar to M. minutiflora and M. martiana by having fastigiate branches, ascending, lanceolate or oblanceolate leaves with obtuse apex, attenuate base and entire margin, flower with short pedicels (1?2 mm long), magenta petals, and dimorphic stamens. Microlicia rugosa is further characterized by wrinkled surface of hypanthium and sepals, and both leaf surfaces with distinct depressions, which sometimes contain short‐stalked glandular trichomes. Microlicia viscida sp. nov. is similar to M. martiana, M. furnensis and M. rugosa mainly by having fastigiate branches, terete stems without leaves at the base and the bark gradually peeling to reveal the underlying brownish wood and leaves with similar size and shape. Microlicia viscida is characterized by a conspicuous secretion covering branches, leaves, hypanthium and sepals, giving a smooth and bright appearance. The leaf anatomy of both new species is briefly described. Microlicia rugosa and M. viscida are assessed as ‘Endangered’ and ‘Critically Endangered’ respectively, due to its limited extent of occurrence and area of occupancy, according to the IUCN categories and criteria.  相似文献   

Leaf epidermal micromorphology and mesophyll structure during the development of Populus euphratica heteromorphic leaves, including linear, lanceolate, ovate, dentate ovate, dentate rhombic, dentate broad-ovate and dentate fan-shaped leaves, were studied by using electron and light microscopy. During development of heteromorphic leaves, epidermal appendages (wax crystals and trichomes) and special cells (mucilage cells and crystal idioblasts) increased in all leaf types while chloroplast ultrastructure and stomatal characters show maximum photosynthetic activity in dentate ovate and rhombic leaves. Also, functional analysis by subordinate function values shows that the maximum adaptability to adverse stress was exhibited in the broad type of mature leaves. The 12 heteromorphic leaf types are classified into three major groups by hierarchical cluster analysis: young, developing and mature leaves. Mature leaves can effectively obtain the highest stress resistance by combining the protection of xerophytic anatomy from drought stress, regulation of water uptake in micro-environment by mucilage and crystal idioblasts, and assistant defense of transpiration reduction through leaf epidermal appendages, which improves photosynthetic activity under arid desert conditions. Our data confirms that the main leaf function is differentiated during the developing process of heteromorphic leaves.  相似文献   

报道了广西石灰岩地区苦苣苔科唇柱苣苔属(Chirita Buch.-Ham.ex D.Don)1新种--假烟叶唇柱苣苔(C.pseudoheterotricha T.J.Zhou.B.Pan & W.B.Xu).该种在叶型上与烟叶唇柱苣苔(C. heterotricha Merr.)较相近,但不同在于根状茎节间长2~8 mm,叶片和叶柄两面密被腺毛,侧脉3~4条,整个花序被开展的腺毛,花萼裂片披针形,花冠裂片长圆形,花丝在中部扭曲,密被紫色腺毛.  相似文献   

周杰  陈俊愉 《植物研究》2010,30(6):649-650
报道了中国菊属(Chrysanthemum)一新变种——阔叶毛华菊(Chrysanthemum vestitum(Hem sl.)Stapf.var.latifolium J.Zhou et J.Y.Chen)。本变种与模式变种的区别在于直立生长,并且较多分枝,叶较狭,卵状披针形或匙形,长4~6 cm,宽2~3 cm。花序直径较原种为小,约3.5~4.5 cm。主要分布于湖北宜昌、河南伏牛山山脉。抗旱性较原变种强。而主要原产于安徽西部大别山麓之模式变种则铺散生长,较少分枝,叶圆形、卵圆形,长4~7cm,宽3~5 cm。花序直径较大,约4.5~5.0 cm。  相似文献   

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